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Dave's Galaxy

Started by Silverfire, July 20, 2011, 09:25:52 PM

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I'll look for the rest of you tonight when I get out of work.  I did end up scrapping my fleet since it was before the turn change and you do get everything back with the scenario I was in so then I set up a bunch of merchant fleets and sent them in different directions.  The game says they auto trade for you, but I had to choose an initial destination.  Do you always have to choose the destination or just the first stop and they'll go on their own from their?


So I wasn't able to find the rest of you but you know how there are red lines in the background of the maps in a circular grid pattern.  Silver and I are in the bottom right section probably 25 rings from the center.  If you do the demo Silver is to the top left of Dave and I'm just north of him.

Also, I built 1 arc, 3 bulkfreighters, and 11 merchantmen on my first turn, what did you build?


I built one Arc on my first turn. :P

Right now I'm mostly building colony ships and sending them out. Also a few scouts to send out to establish contact with you guys. I've only built two merchantmen since I'm unsure how they work and I'm testing them out.


My current system is to build as many arcs as possible every turn, which is still usually only 1, only my first planet can build them. I then build 2 bulk freighters at every planet, so all planets have a small trade force. Other then that I've built a small fleet of 1 battleship 5 cruisers 4 destroyers 3 frigates and 80 subspacers. The only small players near me are quite a ways away so I'm desperately sending out fleets to try and get to them before anyone else.

Looks like I'm about to get peace with the number 1 player which is nice since I've been losing colony ships to him.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


I built two Arcs on my first turn, sent them to separate planets so that I should have 3 planets next turn :) I also built 2 Merchantmen and 2 Bulkfreighters and sent them to my nearest trading neighbour.

Turn 2, I found out that the goods freighters take are not taken away from your current total on the turn you build them and cried at needing 5 steel to get a 3rd colony ship. So turn 2 I started building Long Range Sensors and Slingshot.

Turn 3 I shall have enough for 1 Colony ship and I'm hoping at some point my steel production will go over 9k so I can get 2 colony ships on one turn some time in the future.

I want to get these planets nearest to me colonised quickly and get them producing resources. Then I'll think about a defensive fleet - or possibly a pirating fleet.


I have decided to send a single colony ship along with a subspacer guard to the very center of the galaxy to colonize it. Based upon my distance (literally one of the furthest points away that I can see) It will probably take me around 2 months to reach the center of the galaxy. However, I believe that once I am there I can make an unstoppable empire as there are so many planets it is absurd how much an empire could expand.

(If others would like to join me in this pursuit, I request that your first colony planet be somewhere closer to the inner red line ring, instead of the very center, so you don't take my planet I'm sending to and so we all have space to expand if we want.)


This seems to be a game where you can be the 'best player' and 'win', but I'll give it a shot. Any pointers?


Quote from: Kai on July 22, 2011, 09:01:02 AM
This seems to be a game where you can be the 'best player' and 'win', but I'll give it a shot. Any pointers?

Build a colony ship every day, and grow as fast as you can early on. Beyond that, I haven't gotten that far...


I'm right next to Nathan (Klingzog).
Don't kill me k.

ingame I'm kai, a pleasant light green colour


Quote from: Kai on July 22, 2011, 09:50:26 AM
I'm right next to Nathan (Klingzog).
Don't kill me k.

ingame I'm kai, a pleasant light green colour

Good thing you told me, I'm preparing to try and take over planets around there.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


I'm thinking once the upcoming turn runs I'll build an arc and send it to the center of the galaxy via a route that doesn't bring it face to face with other races.  I don't know how long the journey would take, but anyone else wanna do the same?


Quote from: Kai on July 22, 2011, 09:50:26 AM
I'm right next to Nathan (Klingzog).

Wow, when I read "right next to" I thought "on the other side of an empire (like De-Legro)" not "within spitting distance" :P I'll send an alliance offer after the turn change, right now it doesn't say you're my neighbour.

Quote from: Silverfire on July 22, 2011, 08:05:04 AM
(If others would like to join me in this pursuit, I request that your first colony planet be somewhere closer to the inner red line ring, instead of the very center, so you don't take my planet I'm sending to and so we all have space to expand if we want.)

I was already planning on doing exactly that next turn. Our empire shall be the mightiest of mighty ones! :D

How do you guys know how long it takes for a fleet to reach a planet?


That looks much like a game I wanted to create, except that mine was in 3D.

I've made an account as Balanuir. Now where do I go to find you guys? I'll find out.


Quote from: Tom on July 22, 2011, 01:43:09 PM
That looks much like a game I wanted to create, except that mine was in 3D.

What stopped you making it?

Quote from: Tom on July 22, 2011, 01:43:09 PM
I've made an account as Balanuir. Now where do I go to find you guys? I'll find out.

Simplest way to find me is to go to the centre of the galaxy, then follow the red line going south-east. When you find civilisation, I should be near there (Klingzog, pink, 1 planet).

Other than that, you can look around for a large yellow empire (5 collections of planets). Near there is a small grey empire belonging to De-Legro (Masdus), I'm south-west.

South-west of me is Kai. The others are a little harder to find from where I am.


hm, can't find you. coordinates are missing in the game, but that's the same way I would've built it (in fact, I planned on having coordinates, but every empire having their own system centered on their home planet).

seems like a very low-speed game with 24h turns and pretty much nothing happening per turn. Even the sensors will take 5 days to build. My plan was to have it real-time, but at a similar speed where most things take a few days.

Time stopped me. I can't do 20 projects all at the same time, even though I'd love to.