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Dave's Galaxy

Started by Silverfire, July 20, 2011, 09:25:52 PM

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Quote from: Daycryn on July 27, 2011, 06:49:22 AM
Hey guys. So I started playing Daves Galaxy at right around the same time I started [my newest] BM (found it through this forum, actually. And oh hey, we have a forum now!)

My name there is kazhaar and I really have no idea where in the galaxy I am. There's a big empire, ThatNiggaOmar, 2 grid squares to my east... and (going by the scoreboard) some heavy hitter named uranus also nearby. I sense my empire will not last long without friends.  :)

Welcome to Dave's Galaxy and welcome to the forum! I can't seem to find you, but I think you should also be close to Adriddae (he's brown-orange, south of drugmrgarrison).

Quote from: Tom on July 27, 2011, 07:14:13 PM
well, I got my first colony up and running.

Wow, I didn't realise how far away you are from your nearest planets >.< Have you got many more Arcs out?

I should have 3 more colonies in 2 turns, with one of them being 0.01 "distance" away after tomorrow's turn :(

How are we all coming with attacking fleets? Anyone soon to be taking over someone's planets?


Quote from: egamma on July 27, 2011, 07:45:47 PM
I've started as well--"egamma" is my name. I'm close to jackdaniels (he's the nearest big guy), vich, dapil, and princesswalnut.

Welcome to the fold! Can't say I've noticed many of those guys (I only remember seeing jackdaniels), I'll take a look around for you :)


Found you! If I was being sneaky, I'd build as many subspacers as you can and send them all to bgalbs. Might be worth the risk if it means you can get someone's home planet straight away :) Also mikefletcher3 is a good target, I remember seeing him a while back and noticing his other 2 accounts. At planet level 51, seems he hasn't logged in for a while, so I'd guess there's no fleet there :)

If you go 3 rings in and 1 segment counter clockwise, you'll find me (Klingzog) and Kai. 2 rings in and 1 segment counter clockwise and you'll find Vellos

Also, I just noticed something utterly awesome - carlwolcott isn't playing any more. When I started playing he had his home planet, 3 immediately around it and other 1 colony. My home planet is level 57, but 2 of his immediate colonies are level 4, meaning they haven't levelled up for at least the last 3 turns, which I think means he hasn't logged in for at least 5 turns. I'm going to divert my 3 attacking fleets to his home planet and see if his home planet hits level 60 next turn. If it does I'll send my guys back at PeterKaan, otherwise I'm cashing in on a free little empire :)


Quote from: egamma on July 27, 2011, 07:45:47 PM
I've started as well--"egamma" is my name. I'm close to jackdaniels (he's the nearest big guy), vich, dapil, and princesswalnut.

I has a neighbor!  Yay!  I'm out directly two rings from you, purple in the bottom right corner.  Sending a merchantman your way and have open trading if you want to do the same.  Just don't take my steel!  I keep running out.  :(


Quote from: Nathan on July 27, 2011, 08:11:57 PM
Welcome to Dave's Galaxy and welcome to the forum! I can't seem to find you, but I think you should also be close to Adriddae (he's brown-orange, south of drugmrgarrison).

Hiya and thank you! It's good to be here. I am now yellow colored.
I did find Ariddae and he is to my east about 4 sector grids. I have my own quiet little sector to myself, so I think I'll try colonizing these empty planets quickly before I'm noticed by someone large and mean.
Lokenth, Warrior of Arcaea, former Adventurer
Adamir, Lord of Luria Nova


Quote from: lorduck on July 27, 2011, 10:08:43 PM
I has a neighbor!  Yay!  I'm out directly two rings from you, purple in the bottom right corner.  Sending a merchantman your way and have open trading if you want to do the same.  Just don't take my steel!  I keep running out.  :(

what's your name? I have trading enabled, and I'm sending out about 5 merchants to 5 different planets. they're uninhabited, but the guide says that they'll go find someone to trade with on their own.


building up military already? i'm still buck naked...


Quote from: fodder on July 27, 2011, 11:59:39 PM
building up military already? i'm still buck naked...

Well we personally don't need a military right now, unless one of our two big neighbors (not including Dave) decides to declare war on us. If that happens we're likely screwed anyway.


Updated list of players since we've been getting more players.

BM Forum Name - Dave's Galaxy Name
Squishymaster - Squishymaster
Huntsmaster - Agiri
De-Legro - Masdus
Silverfire - KingDante
egamma - egamma
Adriddae - Vistuvis
Daycryn - Kazhaar
Lorduck - Lorduck
Nathan - Klingzog
fodder - fodder
Sacha - Amaury
Vellos - Vellos
Tom - Balanuir
Kai - Kai


So, update on darklatiz' assault:

He was indeed just probing to see if I was active. I declared war on him, but he got the memo and retreated. Rather, he rerouted. He is now flying his two fleets toward KipJaw. I am flying some fleets to Kip.

I also just completed long range sensors. Yeehaw. Colonies are coming a bit slowly, but such is life.

However, combat doesn't work exactly how I thought. My fleets that I sent to attack him completely missed, and he "overshot" my planet and accidentally killed a subspacer I had out alone on my flank headed on a piracy mission.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Don't let him take kip/jaw's planets, its hard to get rid of if he gets one.


... guess i'll find out if the ships slow to a crawl when changing direction when i send a couple of arcs out on the extra long trip to s/sw (wonder if should send as a single fleet to 1 system or separate into 2 system...)... i've drawn up the route already - some part of it probably uncomfortably close to someone's space when they get there


Quote from: Kai on July 28, 2011, 07:23:40 AM
Don't let him take kip/jaw's planets, its hard to get rid of if he gets one.

Agreed, get rid of him, those are our planets! :P

Oooo, just noticed that a "location" has been added to planets. I'm at (1664.2,1677.4). Maybe we could add locations to the list of players so we can quickly find each other? (0.0, 0.0) is top left of the universe.


Quote from: fodder on July 28, 2011, 08:36:53 AM
... guess i'll find out if the ships slow to a crawl when changing direction when i send a couple of arcs out on the extra long trip to s/sw (wonder if should send as a single fleet to 1 system or separate into 2 system...)... i've drawn up the route already - some part of it probably uncomfortably close to someone's space when they get there

They don't seem to, though they do decelerate as they approach their destination.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


they don't change speed when changing direction at way points? cool.

my starting system is: 1920.9, 1834.9 

surely they have to be systems rather than planets? otherwise.. where the hell are the stars on the map?! or are the stars and systems with no habitable planets just abstracted away?


team vision bug fixed


Gah, suddenly I can see all of Kai's fleets. Yay bug fixes :P

I may have a slight problem. PeterKaan has a fleet going passed my planet and within the view of his fleet is my fleet heading to his planet. But my fleet is all Subspacers, so he may or may not be able to see them. Anyone know a way I can find out? Without asking him, obviously :P

I can also have an alliance with Vellos now, which is nice. Hopefully I can ally with Tom soon too.

EDIT: Does anyone know what each of the dispositions do? Piracy is the only obvious one I can see (they attack any unit that comes within range), but what about Screen, Patrol, Scout, Trade, Attack and Planetary Defence? How do each of them differ in rules of engagement? E.g. Will my fleet set to Scout ignore attacking fleets, but Patrol will attack them?