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Dave's Galaxy

Started by Silverfire, July 20, 2011, 09:25:52 PM

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Quote from: LilWolf on January 06, 2012, 01:17:05 PM
Heh. He didn't actually ask me for help. I asked if he needed any when I noticed there were battles going on between him and you. Guess I'm too nice an ally :P

Still, all you'd have needed to say was he started it in response to my initial message instead of just going "You know who this is, right?" and I probably wouldn't have gotten involved.

The more the merrier, it IS a war game after all.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: De-Legro on January 06, 2012, 12:49:02 PM
This is why I start Colonies with more then 1 arc.

I've been doing that for a very long time, usually somewhere from 2-5 depending on how many I want to build and how much resources I have available.


Quote from: Tom on January 06, 2012, 12:18:53 PM
Something new - at least for me:

I've started moving large arc fleets - some 50 or 100 arcs strong. Not to colonize new planets (I'm getting close to where I can not longer expand without hitting my neighbours or moving through them), but to redistribute population. I have loads of fairly fresh colonies with low population and a bunch of old planets with overpopulation. So today the thought struck me: Why not move a ton of arcs out towards them? That also gives the border planets more steel to build defensive fleets with, so I don't have to move those out from the inner planets.

No idea yet whether it's a smart or stupid idea. I'll do a couple and see what I think of it.

depends on how far and late it is compared to when the colony is founded. better off to send lots of arcs in the 1st place or have them arrive very early.

eg.. starting with 20k pop off 10 arc is more effective than starting with 2k and then adding 18k a lot later when the planet already has 20k pop, for example. (because the one starting with 2k would have 200k already.. or something a lot more than 38k...)

steel could be a good reason.. but arcs tend to be slow.... so might not be as effective. though... of course, you can view pop transfer as a bonus to the main purpose of steel movement.

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: De-Legro on January 06, 2012, 01:26:49 PM
The more the merrier, it IS a war game after all.

Actually... no, it isn't. It has war elements, true, and a very sophisticated combat system. But it is not a war game in and of itself.

Gustav Kuriga

Turn's running very late today.


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on January 06, 2012, 03:39:02 PM
Turn's running very late today.

Dave's sleeping in very late today.  ;)
Dave of Dave's Galaxy

Gustav Kuriga

Time to see what damage I have done today to DireKoala, who just won't give me that FOB to use against nineteen99. If he just gave me that, I'd be perfectly fine with having peace with him. But no, he must continue to struggle against my fleets. Little does he know of the power I will soon have at my hands once I get the bases I've captured from uranus  fully operational.


So, my homeworld on my other account (Haman) has suddenly stopped producing quatloos. It's only 73 society; been MC'd for a long time. I am quite perplexed with why, apparently, the residents of that world don't pay any income taxes.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


eh.... question... do i leave a fleet on planetary defense if i'm using it to capture a world? how come i can't select it when clicking on the planet? (it's on the target planet) - can select if i click empty space nearby and pick from "nearby fleets" list...

Gustav Kuriga

There go his cruiser fleets, now I just need to take care of his SB fleet.

Fleet: Fleet #91680, 7 super battleships (91680) Battle! -- Our Ships Lost:
       superbattleships -- 1
Fleet: Fleet #125682, 14 (125682) Battle! -- Their Ships Lost:
       superbattleships -- 4
Fleet: Fleet #91680, 6 super battleships (91680) Battle! -- Our Ships Lost:
       superbattleships -- 2
Fleet: Fleet #78915, 269 (78915) Battle! -- Our Ships Lost:
             destroyers -- 2
               frigates -- 1
Fleet: Fleet #110450, 13 super battleships (110450) Battle! -- Their Ships Lost:
       superbattleships -- 3
Fleet: Fleet #78915, 266 (78915) Battle! -- Our Ships Lost:
               frigates -- 2
Fleet: Fleet #102874, 210 (102874) Battle! -- Our Ships Lost:
               cruisers -- 10
       superbattleships -- 2
Fleet: Fleet #106058, 100 cruisers (106058) Battle! -- Their Ships Lost:
               cruisers -- 70
Fleet: Fleet #102874, 198 (102874) Battle! -- Our Ships Lost:
               cruisers -- 2
Fleet: Fleet #106060, 20 cruisers (106060) Battle! -- Their Ships Lost:
               cruisers -- 12
Fleet: Fleet #102874, 196 (102874) Battle! -- Our Ships Lost:
               cruisers -- 7
       superbattleships -- 2
Fleet: Fleet #106059, 100 cruisers (106059) Battle! -- Their Ships Lost:
               cruisers -- 70
Fleet: Fleet #116866, 387 (116866) Battle! -- Our Ships Lost:
             destroyers -- 1
Fleet: Fleet #21180, 2 merchantmen (21180) Battle! -- Their Ships Lost:
            merchantmen -- 2
Fleet: Fleet #27706, 2 merchantmen (27706) Battle! -- Their Ships Lost:
            merchantmen -- 2
Fleet: Fleet #19637, 1 merchantman (19637) Battle! -- Their Ships Lost:
            merchantmen -- 1


Quote from: fodder on January 06, 2012, 07:57:01 PM
eh.... question... do i leave a fleet on planetary defense if i'm using it to capture a world? how come i can't select it when clicking on the planet? (it's on the target planet) - can select if i click empty space nearby and pick from "nearby fleets" list...

Sometimes its glitchy and the ship isn't technically EXACTLY on the planet.

Set to attack, move it to the planet again.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: fodder on January 06, 2012, 07:57:01 PM
eh.... question... do i leave a fleet on planetary defense if i'm using it to capture a world? how come i can't select it when clicking on the planet? (it's on the target planet) - can select if i click empty space nearby and pick from "nearby fleets" list...

Fixed in dev, should go up on the server soon.
Dave of Dave's Galaxy


eh... that fleet attacked the planet this turn but had planetary def settings.. hence my question... do i need to set it to attack, or is it ok to leave it as planetary def?

what happened was, i set fleet on its way to the then neutral planet. declared war when it's close by, then change destination to the current one (because someone else grabbed that planet already) - simply by selecting new move target without touching the task bits..

Gustav Kuriga

You don't need to change the disposition if you're assaulting an enemy planet (I believe this to still be the case. I've honestly not noticed a difference between attack and planetery garrison settings.). I do because I have OCD about it, but not for game mechanics reasons.


Yeah, any of those will work, there'll be a big announcement if any of that changes.
Dave of Dave's Galaxy