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Dave's Galaxy

Started by Silverfire, July 20, 2011, 09:25:52 PM

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somewhere in se.. i've changed it to yellowish..

bigger neighbours -

green - amazoneon, ranger, piffy

grey? - jeffer, killallhumans


Found you.

Just north of you are 2 orange planets, that's Silverfire.


ok. so the thing is to just colonise tons? does having 2 arc in 1 fleet help speed things up?


Quote from: fodder on July 23, 2011, 02:49:25 PM
ok. so the thing is to just colonise tons?

Yup. How you do that is up to you: take over other people's planets, or colonise your own. Raid for the resources, or trade for them.

Quote from: fodder on July 23, 2011, 02:49:25 PM
does having 2 arc in 1 fleet help speed things up?

I'm not sure. I think that just gives you more population/resources on the planet that you colonise, meaning it gets up and running quicker.

I went for two separate fleets of 1 Arc each, but in the long run it probably doesn't matter much.


My color is blueish gray, if that helps.


and the star colours mean something?


Quote from: fodder on July 23, 2011, 03:00:08 PM
and the star colours mean something?

As far as I'm aware, they're all the same.


I think it's just cosmetic. Having them all the same color would be kind of bland.

Also, is there a way you can check how far away your ships are from reaching their destination? None of my fleets seem to have moved at all this turn... Also, I don't see any change in my resources compared to last turn.


Quote from: Sacha on July 23, 2011, 03:31:53 PM
None of my fleets seem to have moved at all this turn... Also, I don't see any change in my resources compared to last turn.

Odd, mine hasn't changed either. Seems the turn is late today.

Quote from: Sacha on July 23, 2011, 03:31:53 PM
Also, is there a way you can check how far away your ships are from reaching their destination?

You get an email from which tells you the distance each fleet has to go and the speed they travelled at that turn.


Well, then I guess there's a problem with turns, cause I haven't had any emails either.


...there i was thinking i did something wrong what with nothing happening at turn change.... XD


Anyone noticed something odd about resource production? Last turn my home planet said 10k will be produced and that I had 8.9k on hand, but this turn I only had 17.9k to spend. So 1k has just gone missing. Rather annoying as I wanted that 2nd Arc :(

If I understand the turn email right, both of the arcs I sent out on turn 1 should arrive next turn :D

3 turns until I get a Slingshot and Long Range Sensors.

In 42 turns, my colony ship should arrive at the centre of the galaxy - but it'll be worth it! Maybe...


I got the following:

Planet Upgrade: Alpha Capetiae (2924414) Building -- Slingshot 20% done.
Fleet: Fleet #6457, 1 arc (6457) enroute -- distance = 34.43 speed = 0.00
Fleet: Fleet #6458, 1 arc (6458) enroute -- distance = 0.60 speed = 0.00
Fleet: Fleet #6463, 1 bulkfreighter (6463) enroute -- distance = 14.18 speed = 0.00

Does this mean my ships aren't moving this turn or something?


It means last turn their speed was 0.00 and they have X distance left to go.


turn was apparently late, my fleets moved now - much later than the 15:00 turn time.