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Dave's Galaxy

Started by Silverfire, July 20, 2011, 09:25:52 PM

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yeah... that's my impression too..

not sure it's worth my time trading atm seeing as the nearest trader - kingdante is quite far away (days).. and i'm not really sure the prices are all the different from mine!

all prices atm...


I think trade ships can come back with resources, so it might be worth it if they come back with extra stuff for ships. Or if someone comes to your planet with resources to sell, could be worth it if they only buy something you have in abundance (i.e. Consumer Goods).


Quote from: squishymaster on July 24, 2011, 03:50:33 PM
Good god this game is slow.  Updated galaxy map to make it easier to see people by highlighting the whole sector they are in.

Kai, Klingzog and myself are 13-14 rings out from the center; your map seems to indicate ya'll are about 25-26 rings out? We're really quite far away. Same quadrant though.

In my "ring," the 14th ring from the center including the center, I am 7 blocks from the vertical.

I have updated the map for us:
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Hey everyone!  I'm normally a forum lurker, but this looked interesting so I signed up and want to join in the empire building action.  Username is Lorduck, purple color.  I found KingDante, Fodder and Squishy.  I'm almost due west (and a little north) of them near a yellow guy named jackdaniels who has a lot of planets. 

Or another way to think about it:  Make a straight line from KingDante through the northern most part of Ranger's colonies, go between Wintermute and unclebrak then past jackdaniels and the big pink star.

I've got 3 arcs so far going to nearby planets, a pirate fleet heading towards one of my neighbors and am building a slingshot in my home planet figuring a lot of stuff will originate from there.

Looks like I've got a head start towards the center of the galaxy!  It's a race!  It's a race!


Nice, well done.  Perhaps going for the center of the galaxy isn't a good idea, perhaps we should find a spot in the middle of us?


Quote from: lorduck on July 24, 2011, 11:39:19 PM
Hey everyone!  I'm normally a forum lurker, but this looked interesting so I signed up and want to join in the empire building action.

Welcome to the forums! Glad we could tempt you out of the woodwork! :D

Quote from: squishymaster on July 24, 2011, 11:45:42 PM
Perhaps going for the center centre of the galaxy isn't a good idea, perhaps we should find a spot in the middle of us?

In the short term, centre of the galaxy isn't the best thing. But once we get there we can build up a small empire fairly easily. We'll be alone, so that might be a little boring but we can ship resources and fleets back to our main empire fairly easily, or raid the outlying planets from the main group of empires.


Found you, Lorduck. You're about 4 rings out from the center, and one block "up" from me. Check out the map in this link:
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


I had my original position slightly off and thus kingdantes and fodders so I've updated the map with our true positions and have added everyone's names on the right.


Just looked over at the KingDante/Fodder/Squishymaster cluster... ya'll have some big powers around you. Take a peak at Kai, Klingzog, and myself. No major powers right around us yet.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Oh and a question:

How do you make the lines between systems that I see all over the map?
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Oh yea rub it in Vellos :)

I believe you click on the map where you want the route to start and on the menu that appears click Create Named Route then make your route and when you've got it set and you don't want to add anymore portions to it hit enter and name the route.  I think.


Quote from: Vellos on July 25, 2011, 12:49:53 AM
How do you make the lines between systems that I see all over the map?

Those are formed when you take over a planet, it means that you can ship resources there in 1 turn (see the help section on "Connections")

I've found Lorduck and created myself a little route over there - starting to get a little crowded now with all the routes around my planet.

Kai, do you want to work towards taking out carlwolcott? He's getting bigger each turn and I think we should work towards getting a fleet to take him down, making us the largest people in the immediate area. If you want to help, Vellos, that'd be nice but you're a little far away. Even though he's close enough to help, Tom's probably got a few other people to worry about since he's nestled in between a few large empires.

Tom also needs adding to the map, he's one layer out and one sector counter-clockwise from me.

EDIT: The map is also missing Adriddae and Sacha.


Map updated to show Masdus (light greenish blue, northernmost) and Vistuvis (orange, southernmost).

Looking at our locations, we could jointly be maneuvering towards filling up our internal space. It has some empires in it, but at least the western half, south and slightly east of myself, has no massive empires; biggest looks to be jackdaniels. Long term, filling up that area so we can be back to back might be wise. Plus, once we're big enough, we can be hitting empires between us from multiple angles.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Vellos, grab my most recent update and add the names on the right to your new map and add those folks you added to the list so we can know who each person is when we're looking in the zone.