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Dave's Galaxy

Started by Silverfire, July 20, 2011, 09:25:52 PM

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Okay, as an off-shoot to the discussions began in "Browser-Based Gaming" I've created an individual Dave's Galaxy thread.

Dave's Galaxy is an interesting little space game that requires very very little time each day to play. (Far less than BM in my experience so far.)

At any rate, some of us from BM have all joined seemingly and I say we can either see about working together in some way (although due to initially beginning far from each other, it seems incredibly difficult) or at least keep in some communication. If you joined, go ahead and let us know here and put down your tag for that game. Any ideas and comments perfectly welcome.

BM Forum Name    Dave's Galaxy Name     Capital Planet Location ID
Adriddae                       Vistuvis                        1667.4 , 1912.8
Cadfan                           cadfan                         1931.8, 1839.9
Daycryn                         Kazhaar                      1724.1 , 1870.0
De-Legro                      Masdus                        1724.7 , 1654.7
egamma                       egamma                      1661.9 , 1768.6
fodder                            fodder                        1920.9 , 1834.9
Gustav Kuriga           GundamMerc                   1833.8, 1873.1
Huntsmaster                   Agiri                          1823.2 ,  1868.5
Kai                                   Kai                            1660.3 , 1685.2
Lorduck                         Lorduck                       1693.3 , 1798.8
Morningstar               Morningstar                    1734.8, 1865.5
Nathan                          Klingzog                      1664.2 , 1677.4
psymann                       psymann                     1689.6, 1820.1
Sacha                            Amaury                       1535.2 , 1979.8
Silverfire                     KingDante                     1910.5 , 1811.0
Slapsticks                   Slapsticks                       1765.5, 1817.1
Squishymaster        Squishymaster                 1912.4 , 1801.4
Tom                              Balanuir                      1706.1  , 1678.1
Vellos                             Vellos                        1664.8 , 1709.3

(I'll edit top post every once in a while to include new names if ppl like that idea)

So, one thing I was thinking about is that if we find some sort of central area in between all of us, we could perhaps each send a colony ship there and build up some sort of alliance headquarters where we could build up a second base of operations to each fall back on if our main spots get attacked or whatever? With the way resources work it would essentially be like a 2nd spot in the game, but we could work together there.



I'm vistuvis in the game.

What about finding a group of new player single planets together and sending conquering fleets to take them? It would save us the trouble of colonizing and waiting for the colonies to grow.  Building enough ships to take the planets would be a problem. I'd also rather take out players who seem inactive...


If you can find a location like that, it seems like a decent idea to me I guess. Only problem is that all the people around me are way built up already. I'm still sending off colony ships in every direction, and have yet to even have my first colony ship arrive at a planet.


I figured I'd give this a go, see how the "many ways to play" thing works out. I've got 10 planets extremely close to me and seeing my nearest neighbour has only 3 planets next to him, I think I was a little lucky. I'm guessing this will make my home planet a bit easier to defend, but probably not a big advantage in the long run?

I'm not quite sure how to find you guys, I tried to find Dave (and therefore Dante) but I failed miserably and just got myself lost. I did, however, notice I was the only person with a bright pink empire so I'm probably easy to spot :)

My name on there is Klingzog.


Since Silverfire has stopped playing, I'll keep the player list updated:


BM Forum Name                    Dave's Galaxy Name                    Capital Planet Location                   
AdriddaeVistuvis1667.4, 1912.8
AdriddaeLargan1682.3, 1639.7
BardicNerdBardic Nerd1565.9, 1746.0
Cadfancadfan1931.8, 1839.9
DaycrynKazhaar1724.1, 1870.0
De-LegroMasdus1724.7, 1654.7
D'EsteFulco1751.0, 1716.9
egammaegamma1661.9, 1768.6
FleugsFleugs1810.3, 1735.2
fodderfodder1920.9, 1834.9
Gustav KurigaGundamMerc1833.8, 1873.1
Gustav KurigaKomurov1790.2, 2067.5
HuntsmasterAgiri1823.2,  1868.5
KaiKai1660.3, 1685.2
LilwolfLilwolf1709.6, 1564.4
LorduckLorduck1693.3, 1798.8
Morningstar Morningstar 1734.8, 1865.5
NathanKlingzog1664.2, 1677.4
psymannpsymann1689.6, 1820.1
RamielLucas Avis1780.2,2039.2
SachaAmaury1535.2, 1979.8
Sargon_TianKagurati1863.3, 2155.2
ShizzleShizzle1671.1 , 1776.0
SilverfireKingDante1910.5, 1811.0
SlapsticksSlapsticks1765.5, 1817.1
SlapsticksNorrel1691.1, 1679.0
Solarinordr2040.1, 1806.6
SquishymasterSquishymaster1912.4, 1801.4
TomBalanuir1706.1, 1678.1
VellosVellos1664.8, 1709.3


I joined and am known as Squishymaster, much like everywhere else on the internet.  I have learned that when building ships you should build them as a unit as they auto form a fleet but you can't change their fleet status so they are stuck together forever.  Not cool.


Quote from: squishymaster on July 21, 2011, 02:16:20 AM
I have learned that when building ships you should build them as a unit as they auto form a fleet but you can't change their fleet status so they are stuck together forever.  Not cool.

I did that with my colony ships. If you scrap the fleet, you can rebuild them as separate fleets. Not sure how that would work after the turn were they're built though.

To find me, look for Hierulf's empire (you can't miss it, it's 4 big blobs of yellow with other little yellow bits around it, apparently he's the number one player). Look for Beta Octansmeda (the furthest west planet of his I can see), go south-west until you see a pink circle. That's me.


Nathan, head straight south until you reach the empire of drugsmrgarrison(he is light blue). He is beside other medium size empires of jeffert and harlow(dark pink and green respectively). You can't miss it, the empires in between are all 1 planet empires until you reach them.   My planets are just south of their empires.


Doesn't that destroy the ships?  I spent all my money buying those so I don't really want to scrap them.


Quote from: Nathan on July 21, 2011, 02:21:38 AM
I did that with my colony ships. If you scrap the fleet, you can rebuild them as separate fleets. Not sure how that would work after the turn were they're built though.

To find me, look for Hierulf's empire (you can't miss it, it's 4 big blobs of yellow with other little yellow bits around it, apparently he's the number one player). Look for Beta Octansmeda (the furthest west planet of his I can see), go south-west until you see a pink circle. That's me.

Scrapping Fleets and reconstituting is the only way to make a new larger fleet right now. Dave is working on proper fleet control to fix this. I am also near Hierulf, who just happens to be the largest player with over 1000 planets :) Oh I'm at war with Hierulf, so far I've destroyed one of his colony ships. He seems to have a ton of fleets, but so far they all look to be colony ships.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: squishymaster on July 21, 2011, 03:11:40 AM
Doesn't that destroy the ships?  I spent all my money buying those so I don't really want to scrap them.

Scrapping them is supposed to return 100% of their cost to the planet.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Okay I found you Nathan, I'm Masdus to the north east of you, right next to our friend Hierulf. I actually have a war fleet heading down to some of the single planets around you, but they are going to take 1-2 weeks to arrive at their current speed. Not sure what the top speed is, I know the acceleration is fixed per turn though, so in theory my fleets get faster and faster on long trips.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Squishymaster, you're just north of my planet actually. I'm glad I just noticed. I was sending a single pirate ship to see if you had anything juicy to pick up before I just realized it was you. (re-routing)


haha, awesome.  Does anyone know if there is a wiki for this game or other game info site?


I've found De-Legro and Adriddae and got routes set up to you guys so I can find you later. Trying to build my route to Adriddae was annoyingly difficult: left click to place waypoints, left click to scroll didn't make it easy.

If Silverfire or Squishymaster have found De-Legro or Adriddae, could we get routes to you guys from there? It would be nice to know where everyone is.

As for the base of operations, I think it should be as far away from Hierulf as possible. If De-Legro has annoyed him, I think he needs to run away rather quickly :P How long would it take us to send colony ships to the centre of the universe? That would certainly make a nice fall-back base in the long run, if we ever get wiped out, at least we'd still have one planet so far away from anyone else that they likely can't find/get to it easily.


I found an easy way to set waypoints across far distances. Start at wherever you want far away, then open up your planets tab and center on one of your planets. Then finish! Makes a straight route.

I'll probably be sending ships northward towards the single planet empires to my north to colonize or maybe take some planets.