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Dwilight - Ethelbert's Journey

Started by Abstract, July 30, 2019, 05:58:54 AM

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Quote from:  Ethelbert FooteEthelbert put pen to paper and continued his journey journal:

QuoteSpring, Year 49, Day 3 of the journey:

The long trek has only begun but all is going well, travel has been fast and without interruption. The sun rises over the rolling hills here in Zereth and the journey must continue, no time to waste. I will head in haste to Sabadell: the next step. May stop to preach in Sabadell. No inspiration here in Zereth and many rogues plague the area. Westgard's grip on the region slips, unsafe to preach.

Ethelbert quickly put his journal into his pack and started his day.


Quote from: Ethelbert FooteEthelbert put pen to paper and continued his journey journal:

QuoteSpring, Year 49, Day 4 of the journey:

I reached Sabadell, rogue forces infested the area. Westgard's control of another region was slipping. Did not stop to preach, too risky.

Spring, Year 49, Day 5 of the journey:

Reached a small village by the name of Frealis in the Northern Watch area of Eidulb Outskirts. Quiet little place along the coast, comprised mostly of fishermen. News of a Westgardian army reaching Sabadell has the villagers quite happy. It is like a great fog of dread has just left the area. Would have been nice to come across the Westgardian army on my way here and get the chance to speak with the nobles. Alas, fortune did not smile upon me today.

Spring, Year 49, Day 6 of the journey:

Spent the day preaching and converting the peasants of Eidulb Outskirts. I lost count after the first 150 conversions but the total must have been over 600. Still much more work to do in the area but the journey takes precedence. In the morning I will make a trip into the city to deliver the first true sermon. Tomorrow will be eventful.

Ethelbert set down the journal and softly blew out the candle's flame.


Quote from: Ethelbert Foote
Ethelbert put pen to paper and continued his journey journal:

QuoteSpring, Year 49, Day 7 of the journey:

Everything I thought I knew was wrong. I now know the truth. He showed me, not through guidance but through amalgamation. The voyage begins now.

Ethelbert put down his pen and went to sleep, tomorrow would be a busy day.


Quote from: Ethelbert Foote

Ethelbert put pen to paper and continued his journey journal:
Spring, Year 49, Day 8 of the journey:

As gates parted, sunlight peered around buildings and refreshing sea breeze washed over me.

Ethelbert continued to write out the events in great detail...


Quote from: Ethelbert Foote

"Come on," Dreu groaned, banging on the door.

Rapidly the door opened, revealing her scowling face.

"G'morning, Helice." Dreu stood up straight and smiled as he looked into her narrowed eyes "where is Wernerus?"

"Asleep," Helice's expression softened slightly.

"May I come in..." Dreu couldn't take his eyes off her.

Helice opened the door fully, giving Dreu entry into the small home. Back straight, chest out, he walked past her. Dreu looked at his partner's teen-aged son, Pandulf, who was engrossed in the only book the impoverished family owned. Wernerus traded some furs to a traveling merchant in order to acquire the book back when Helice was pregnant with their second child. Wernerus wanted his children to learn how to read, hopeful that they would be able to accomplish more than himself. That was before the drinking, before the stillbirth.

"Learnin anythin?" Dreu asked

Shaggy haired Pandulf looked up but said nothing.

"Wernerus!" Helice yelled, "get up!" She moved towards the stove, "tea?" she asked Dreu.

"No, thank you. We need to go before the buyers leave."

"Right," her smile faded, "Wernerus! You stupid drunk!"

Stumbling from the back room, the weary Wernerus appeared. "I heard ya woman, qui' da yellin'."

With a frown Helice poured herself a cup of tea, she avoided looking at her unkempt husband. Wernerus picked the cup up and quickly gulped it down, "I'll be back late, m'love."

Helice slammed the kettle down, "don't ya come home drunk again," she snapped.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on boy!" Wernerus headed out the door as Pandulf followed.

"Have a good day, Helice," Dreu grinned before following Wernerus.

Helice's disgruntled expression faded for but a moment before the group parted.


Bustling was the marketplace, just past noon, they were late.

"I hope we can still get a good spot," Dreu spoke loudly in an attempt to be heard over the commotion.

Wernerus did not reply but continued to pull the cart of furs, the product of his trade.

"What the hell is that?" Dreu inquired.

"I'll go see," Wernerus replied, "stay wit' da furs"

Wernerus and Pandolf walked to the back of the packed crowd, they couldn't get closer. Wernerus tapped the man in front of him on the shoulder, "wha' da hell goin' on?"

A rough looking face turned to him, "some mad man," he answered with a toothless grin.

"Maddenin' star mus' be bright." Wernerus said as the crowd seemed to be thinning.

Slowly the crowd parted, and the enigmatic figure appeared before the father and son.

"Ahh, who be thee!?" he asked.

Wernerus looked him up and down. Almost completely naked, the mad man's skin was dyed green, covered only by the partial deer-hide, and his head with leather hat and large antlers. Wernerus was speechless, he didn't know what to say.

"Weeellll?" the mad man asked again.


"Wernerus! What a name, and you?" he asked Pandulf.

"Oh," Wernerus looked to Pandulf, "that me boy, Pandulf, he caint talk."

"Ohhh," the mad man side stepped and leaned down to look Pandulf in the eyes. "I see, I see. You must come and ye shall be cured! Come, follow the Green Hind!" he jumped back up into a fully standing position.

"Da Wha?" the dismayed father asked.

"The Green Hind!" the mad man replied before turning back to Pandulf, "have you heard of the Green Hind?"

Shaking his head, the mute stared into the priest's dark eyes.

"I see, I see..." the mad man jumped back, sending the crowd shuffling away ever so slightly, "listen closely, ye lost souls! The Green Hind is the majestic escort through the Folds! He guides us all through the forest, through the jungle, to illumination, to salvation. Long ago, as beasts rose from the mists and ravaged the West, the Green Hind guided Priest Geg to illumination. With the light, the Great Priest led many Westerners through the hordes, parting the sea, and to their salvation in the East!"

Pandulf stood mouth closed, eyes wide.

The mad mad got close to the boy, "you haven't a story to tell, come find your story, your salvation, follow the Green Hind!"

Walking away, the mad man made his way out of the marketplace, a large portion of the crowd seemed to follow him.

Wernerus shook his head, he remembered the destruction of the west when he was a child. "What do I have to lose", he thought, "ahhh, hell with it..."

Wernerus and Pandulf approached Dreu who was still at the cart.

"Well?" Dreu inquired.

"We're leavin' for a while, he goin' ta heal Pandulf, make 'em speak." Wernerus replied halfheartedly.

"Have ya lost yer mind?"

"Take care of Helice for me." Wernerus mumbled as he put his hand on the beaming Pandulf's back and followed the crowd.

Dreu's look of dismay dissolved into a smile as the father and son left the city.


Quote from: Ethelbert FooteEthelbert put pen to paper and continued his journey journal:

QuoteSpring, Year 49, Day 9 of the journey:

We left the city and made it to the outskirts. Some fled, some joined. Tomorrow we move to [Region:Duil], more preparation is needed.

Ethelbert set down his pen and entered the Folds.


Ethelbert put pen to paper and continued his journey journal:

QuoteSpring, Year 49, Day 10 of the journey:

We made it to Duil, we counted the people on our way, roughly 600. This is only the beginning.

Ethelbert was exhausted from the travel and went to bed early. Tomorrow, he knew, would be eventful...