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Infiltrator actions: Bad Taste?

Started by Silverfire, July 20, 2011, 10:15:45 PM

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So, I have two characters in one realm, a Duke who is pretty important to the realm, as Duke of the capitol, and a priest who pretty much does his own thing and doesn't dabble in any realm business for the most part.

It just so happens that both of my characters recently happened to be in the same region of the realm (capitol), and an infiltrator came along and assassinated not one but both of my characters back-to-back. Taking out my Duke character was understandable because he is important to the defense of the realm, and is actually a viable target for a political hit. However, I thought it was pretty rude, if not unsportsmanlike to take out my second character as well, the priest because this does absolutely nothing politically or militarily for the assassins realm, but instead just simply doesn't allow me to play any of my characters for a week or whatever.



That's what you get for playing 2 characters in the same realm. I don't see what's so unsporting about it. Dukes and priests are both very viable targets. Kudos to the assassin for being able to assassinate two people back to back in an enemy city.


Priests are used in many wars for religious take overs and all sort of other nasty stuff. They're just as viable a target as anyone.
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Priests don't have units, they are good targets :) There really is no rule that Infiltrators must only hit important people or anything. Your character doesn't get any protection just because you have a family member in the same region (And really, he might have just hit your Priest because he's an easy target or because Priests actually can have a lot of influence). Absolutely nothing wrong with it.


Quote from: Telrunya on July 20, 2011, 10:36:00 PM
Priests don't have units, they are good targets :)

Exactly. Maybe it's not very sporting to stab a priest, but it sure is a hell of a lot of fun. And good training.


Agiri (Carelia) Tinwe (Greater Aenilia) Ayrl (Fissoa) Wyllham (IVF)


Sucks to be you, but it's all good stuff.

Best thing would be not to stick both characters in the same region too often to avoid such surprises.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Possible that the infiltrator has a grudge against your family? Does the priest hold any offices, or is an elder of the religion? Anyway, I wouldn't necessarily see anything personal or "unsportsmanlike" about it. As others have said, priests are easy pickings, and good practice.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Honestly, if I were the infil, I would have hit both. Why?

Major dukes have influence. Other players might not separate IC/OOC. I can't tell you how often I've seen a character get wounded, then his cousin or brother or whatever begin giving orders as if he/she were that character. To knock out chain of command, it's often necessary to knock out the whole family of the chain of command. Which makes sense IC as well.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Vellos on July 21, 2011, 01:38:12 AM
Major dukes have influence. Other players might not separate IC/OOC. I can't tell you how often I've seen a character get wounded, then his cousin or brother or whatever begin giving orders as if he/she were that character. To knock out chain of command, it's often necessary to knock out the whole family of the chain of command. Which makes sense IC as well.

This might make IC sense if the two characters ever even remotely spoke to each other. The two are roleplayed quite separately and don't interact much if they can help it.

Jens Namtrah

Quote from: Silverfire on July 21, 2011, 01:48:30 AM
This might make IC sense if the two characters ever even remotely spoke to each other. The two are roleplayed quite separately and don't interact much if they can help it.

But the infiltrator isn't in your realm, so does he know that?

It unfortunately a very common occurrence, although I suspect the infil did it for reasons above, and may not have even realized at the time he was stabbing two from the same family.

Another explanation is that the infiltrator did it for the lols. You know...When you play a guy who slinks about the shadows assaulting people in their sleep, not all of them are sporting folk. In fact, it's perfectly reasonable that just as their are "professional" infiltrators who are very strict about their targets, there are also psychopaths who simply want to stab people.


Quote from: Artemesia on July 21, 2011, 01:59:33 AMthere are also psychopaths who simply want to stab people.

And for those, Call of Duty is that way --->
Agiri (Carelia) Tinwe (Greater Aenilia) Ayrl (Fissoa) Wyllham (IVF)


Yes, because nobody in the middle ages was ever a murdering psycho ::)


Yeah, this really sounds like someone having a cry because they got screwed by perfectly legitimate actions.

Trying to assassinate a council member of your own realm five minutes after joining? Bad taste. Giving yourself five positions of power in the same realm? Bad taste. Assassinating two potentially influential nobles in the same family? Perfectly fine.