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Food consumption

Started by dustole, September 27, 2019, 08:57:34 PM

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Is food consumption broken?  Is half or quarter rations penalties broken?  I'm trying to crunch numbers and I'm not understanding how some of the realms on Dwilight are even functional.  Some realms have more cities than rurals.  (Astrum and Dhara) and some realms are close.(Arnor 4 rurals 3 cities. Avernus 2 cities 3 rurals)  Westgard produces less food or nearly equal to Astrum and has 50k more peasants to feed.   

Realms with more cities than rurals shouldn't be viable.  Is there some way to check the coding and see if food consumption or lowered ration penalties are working correctly?  If they are working correctly then perhaps food needs to be readdressed.   Makes it easier for some of the skeletal realms to hang on when food is not a factor for some reason.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


It's not impossible.

Can you give me a couple of regions that you know have been on lowered rations for at least a few days? I can check and see what debuffs they've got because of it.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


I'm not sure which regions are at half rations etc...  I'm assuming they are using half and quarter rations in Avernus, Arnor, Astrum and Westgard simply because.of their populations and food production.   The numbers of rural regions/City and bushels/populations makes me wonder what is going on. 

Is my assumption correct that the longer you are on reduced rations the worse the penalties are supposed to get?
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


It looks like it's still 1 bushel feeds about 500 people by doing the math on Flowrestown.  It doesn't appear that militia eat food.   Dividing the population by 500 is 130.2 and comes out to peasants eating 129 bushels after production.  I don't know what the city produces for food every day so I'm missing that number.  I seem to recall that militia eat 10x the food that peasants do.  Am I misrembering? 
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


Avernus- 181k peasants.  362 bushels per day needed for.full rations.  2500/wk (Not including militia) and produces ~2000 food per week.

Astrum- 152k peasants.  Need 304 bushels per day 2100/wk. They produce on average 1500 bushels and they have/had a crap ton of militia.

So they almost have to have their cities on half rations.  Do lowered rations penalties get worse over time? Or do they have a cap?
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


The vast majority of realms on Dwilight struggle for food, with several being on the brink of starvation every winter. If something is broken, I dread to think what the situation would be like if supplies/penalties were worse.


Westgard and Astrum can also choose to stop their war and start trading with realms that have some sort of a surpluss, like TG :D
TG and Westgard would both get the room to grow in terms of food producing regions and voila, problem solved!
Formerly playing the Nosferatus and Bhrantan Family.
Currently playing the Polytus Family in: Gotland, Madina, Astrum, Outer Tilog


Nebel has been on half rations for some time now.


Quote from: Nosferatus on September 28, 2019, 08:43:40 AM
realms that have some sort of a surpluss, like TG :D

Tol Goldora could always sell their surplus to them anyway. There's a poetic beauty in getting gold for their war effort from selling food to their enemies  ;D

Tol Goldora's food production raises further questions, though. Is there something broken or imbalanced in the monster/undead spawn code on Dwilight that allows TG to produce so much? The only reason Westgard struggles for food is because NPCs numbering in the tens of thousands of total CS constantly attack its regions. In comparison, TG which is just a short distance south, appears to suffer little to no attention from the NPCs nor the NPC disruption to its food supplies.

Viewed objectively, there are few explanations for this just based on realm. Westgard and Tol Goldora have roughly the same number of regions, roughly the same density, and probably roughly the same estate distribution. Yet Westgard is hammered by NPCs and Tol Goldora isn't. That suggests something odd is going on with the code that's possibly specific to the far north of the western land mass (too many NPCs) or possibly specific to the more central area of the western land mass (too few NPCs).


I've been saying this for awhile but 50% isn't punishing enough. You can run 50% on pretty much everywhere. Setting your distribution to 50% should halt pop birth (and reduce pop over time since there is hardly any birth) and reduce production over time (reducing max over time so even if you invest, you can't go over the new maximum set by reduction of food distribution)

There is no reason not to. What completely ruins this game is family investment. It needs to be completely changed so it doesn't do what it does right now. I think family investment, instead of directly boosting production, should repair damaged buildings or boosting morale and loyalty or allow you to hold festivals during family investment - maybe make festivals be more special by allowing people to repair equipment for free (both time and gold), use entertainment for free etc.


Quote from: Foxglove on September 28, 2019, 01:35:00 PM

Tol Goldora's food production raises further questions, though. Is there something broken or imbalanced in the monster/undead spawn code on Dwilight that allows TG to produce so much?

This is my opinion of what is happening based on my understanding of how undead and monsters choose their targets.  They go after the places with the lowest noble density.  All the rogues in the north try to get to Arnor, but have to go through Westgard to get there.  This seems to coincide with Avernus losing a significant portion of their western territories.   All the rogues in the south try to get to Madina, but have to go through Zuma lands to get there.  That is probably why we see so many rogue battles with Zuma on the turn reports.

IMO it shouldn't be possible to keep regions permanently on half rations.  Astrum has 3 cities and 1 rural region. That alone should be a red flag. None of their allies have a food surplus to sell them so how are they surviving? 

Perhaps it should be 3/4 , 1/2 and 1/4 rations.   Move the 1/2 penalties up to what 3/4 would be, and move 1/4 up to half and make new penalties for 1/4 rations.   I just see very little consequence for running half rations and it's letting skeletal realms like Madina and Astrum linger on for far longer than should be possible.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)