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Rogue Prison GM

Started by Rea Family, November 01, 2019, 06:49:28 AM

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Rea Family

Title:Rogue Prison GM

Summary:Put a GM in place as a "Judge" of Rogue Prison

Details:Currently, rogue prison is a nearly complete time-out from the game. You can read your message feed, or pay the ransom. If you are an infil or hero, you have a button to escape. Adding a 'GM' to rogue prison would give the player some interaction while they are stuck there. A few messages a day could really help with the gameplay.

Benefits:This would add interaction for the people stuck in rogue prison for days on end, so they at least have something to do rather then sit out for a week.

Possible Downsides/Exploits: GMs are human, so people could convince them to let them go early I suppose?


I am not sure if you should see the rogues as a single faction, but rather as various groups of bandits, monsters and undead.
Off course a GM could perhaps play as if he represents all those different kind of groups, but i don't know if that is feasible.
Its hard to be consistent for the GM's rp especially if he doesnt know where you got caught and how.
I wonder if rogues can read or write in the first place, since bandits are peasants and the monsters and undead are, well, monsters and undead...

They do offer you the ransom to pay if iam not mistaken which is questionable already, must be quite the intelligent monsters/undead to figure out what numbers are and what number a prisoner is worth.

If you could imagine all those problems away i still see a problem of people complaining about the GM, freeing certain characters while letting others rot.
Unless the exhange of letters is just flavour or rp.
Formerly playing the Nosferatus and Bhrantan Family.
Currently playing the Polytus Family in: Gotland, Madina, Astrum, Outer Tilog


Who is even going to volunteer to spend their days interacting with people getting imprisoned in the rogue prison?

Even people rarely interact with their prisoners. I don't really see the point of this.


Sounds like an opportunity for Vita to go full Chuunibyou. I support this outcome.
Like my programming? Become my patron!


It's a prison. 
If you don't like staring at the walls, stop getting caught???

"I'm sorry you are not enjoying your stay in our prison, Is there something that I could do to make your stay more memorable???"

You find yourself practically drawn and quartered.  You loose 3/4 of each of your trained skills and should recover from your physical damage in a few weeks.  But on the bright side, the hospital food (that you are fed through a straw for the next couple of weeks) is MUCH better than that stuff back in the cells. 

Rea Family

Quote from: Zakky on November 02, 2019, 12:47:09 PM
Even people rarely interact with their prisoners. I don't really see the point of this.

Why are they Judge then, jeez. Giving people hell is half the damn fun of being Judge.

As for the reason, I'm going to quote someone else here. "Any game mechanic that stops you from playing the game is bad, and needs to be reworked."

Quote from: PolarRaven on November 11, 2019, 08:26:44 AM
It's a prison. 
If you don't like staring at the walls, stop getting caught???

"I'm sorry you are not enjoying your stay in our prison, Is there something that I could do to make your stay more memorable???"

You find yourself practically drawn and quartered.  You loose 3/4 of each of your trained skills and should recover from your physical damage in a few weeks.  But on the bright side, the hospital food (that you are fed through a straw for the next couple of weeks) is MUCH better than that stuff back in the cells. 

You and I both know people don't get caught on purpose, prison sucks. At least getting half murdered give you something to RP with. "Oh, check out my scar, Skullcrusher the Bandit gave that to me, and one day, I'll take his head for it." "You lose 5% skill because your dominant hand was crushed," Again, no big deal, and you get lots of story hooks to play with.

As it stands, Rogue prison is devoid of any interaction, and interaction is what BM is about. Having someone write letters to the poor newbie that just walked into a horde of zombies, or the infil with bad rolls, or the moron chasing a heretic into an ambush is an easy way to give them something to do for the next few days. It doesn't even have to be high energy. Hell, in OT I'd just send each visitor a welcome letter. Many didn't reply, but those that did were great (again, not sure why you wouldn't interact with your prisoners, that's the point of the judge).