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funniest moments in battlemaster

Started by Gustav Kuriga, July 26, 2011, 03:46:41 PM

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Quote from: Sacha on July 29, 2011, 04:35:33 AM
Anyone remember Toren's non-stop rebellions back on SEI? Those were pretty funny too... IIRC we had a little betting pool in Taselak, trying to predict who would be the next rebel leader and when he would have a go.

Oh yea...!

Toren, the laughing stock of the SEI.
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Part of this conversation has made me want to make a realm where the Ruler is called the "Dungeonmaster", Judge "Cleric", General "Barbarian" and the Banker the "Thief". Could fit a Mage in somewhere. All realm decisions will be made using a d20.
Returning player, player of the Haerthorne family, marketing team member, and prospective fixer-upper-er of the wiki.


Quote from: Haerthorne on July 29, 2011, 09:36:19 AM
Part of this conversation has made me want to make a realm where the Ruler is called the "Dungeonmaster", Judge "Cleric", General "Barbarian" and the Banker the "Thief". Could fit a Mage in somewhere. All realm decisions will be made using a d20.

That would be something to do on Atamara, Beluterra, or the Colonies--colonies primarily because the one-turn a day makes things like that a little easier.


Leaving aside the D&D references, you could totally make a theocracy devoted to the God of Gambling and have everything managed by a roll of the dice in a manner similar to trial by combat...
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


For those who have played Fallout:  New Vegas, there's actually a paradigm which would be easy enough to straight up steal.


One although not in battlemaster was last week. I driving my sister to the a local mall up North in the province. When all of a sudden I was stuck in a trafic jam on some small never used (this is a shortcut) road.
When she asked why we were standing still I remarked "Must be some peasant blocking the road....." Guess thats one for the 'I play to much battlemaster - wikilist'

My entire time in Outer Tilog was great, superior fun and best strange RP's ever.


Most of the funniest moments for me have been explaining away bugs or other strange goings-on with RP.  For example in Belegmon in 2008, where after a huge battle, a single evading troop-leader prevented the victors from looting the battlefield, and I ended up playing Crip's whole troop as being petrified of "The Pointy Swords" that meant they cowered from that single troop and couldn't loot anything for fear of being ambushed by the pointy swords.

I also rather enjoyed a time in Minas Ithil, where there was a player who had two characters: one named "Baron" and one named "Count" (yes, those were the first names).  Conveniently, I'd always roleplayed my character Dor as having troops as thick as they come, so I could entertain myself with roleplaying them as completely confused by whether there was a Baron Baron or a Count Count, or not.  And then, to my delight, Count because Baron of Elost not long after his brother Baron had been Baron.  So we actually had a Baron Baron and a Baron Count in the realm... the confusion that caused Dor's troops' overworked braincells ended up with the phrase:

Juthri: Count's Baron now so that doesn't count. It was Baron Baron but now it's Baron Count, not Count Baron. Baron Count is no-longer-Baron Baron's brother Count. So that [pointing at the flask] is going to remain barren; you can count on that.


Quote from: psymann on August 02, 2011, 02:31:40 AM
Most of the funniest moments for me have been explaining away bugs or other strange goings-on with RP.  For example in Belegmon in 2008, where after a huge battle, a single evading troop-leader prevented the victors from looting the battlefield, and I ended up playing Crip's whole troop as being petrified of "The Pointy Swords" that meant they cowered from that single troop and couldn't loot anything for fear of being ambushed by the pointy swords.

I also rather enjoyed a time in Minas Ithil, where there was a player who had two characters: one named "Baron" and one named "Count" (yes, those were the first names).  Conveniently, I'd always roleplayed my character Dor as having troops as thick as they come, so I could entertain myself with roleplaying them as completely confused by whether there was a Baron Baron or a Count Count, or not.  And then, to my delight, Count because Baron of Elost not long after his brother Baron had been Baron.  So we actually had a Baron Baron and a Baron Count in the realm... the confusion that caused Dor's troops' overworked braincells ended up with the phrase:

Juthri: Count's Baron now so that doesn't count. It was Baron Baron but now it's Baron Count, not Count Baron. Baron Count is no-longer-Baron Baron's brother Count. So that [pointing at the flask] is going to remain barren; you can count on that.

You sir, are a wordsmith.


I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but Sacha blowing himself up with demo charges deserves an honorable mention at least.

Gustav Kuriga

I think that honor goes to me from the time I was in Morek. Severely injured myself, leaving me helpless for a whole week...


Ah, I almost forgot... in the run-up to the last civil war in PeL, the dissident judge launched an impeachment referendum against the Queen. She then kicked out the rebel duchy, but got impeached by the loyalists instead due to a quirk in the code that would have caused her to lose the throne no matter which side got the most votes.


As for me, it would have to be the Guy Revan incident on EI, (as already mentioned) 7K in bonds, gone completely. Hilarious... to everyone except him. I believe I heard that he RP'ed it as walking around Ibladesh City ripping up the bonds and throwing them at peasants or something.

Or I could reach wwwaaaay back to Minas Ithil's golden age and say Raziel's ICBMs. Those where the good ole days...

Vellos, I honestly thought that I would log back in and find that Paul had gotten bolted for that. If I remember correctly, I didn't log in for about... 24 hours because I didn't want to know how it turned out. a study on how people react to displays of power, I only had to give out... one fine? Maybe two? We're not talking about a small Avamarian population here, nearly 80% of that realm joined Oligarch - and they TALKED constantly! And yet, one threat from the "law" and they all followed. Displays of power, no matter how they are disguised, will be followed by 90% of the population - just because.

So Rulers, if you want to shake up your realm, do it. Literally, figuratively, whatever. Just do whatever you want and no one will really stand against you. After all, rebelling is hard work.


Quote from: Keithson on August 04, 2011, 03:19:17 AM
As for me, it would have to be the Guy Revan incident on EI, (as already mentioned) 7K in bonds, gone completely. Hilarious... to everyone except him. I believe I heard that he RP'ed it as walking around Ibladesh City ripping up the bonds and throwing them at peasants or something.

Or I could reach wwwaaaay back to Minas Ithil's golden age and say Raziel's ICBMs. Those where the good ole days...

Vellos, I honestly thought that I would log back in and find that Paul had gotten bolted for that. If I remember correctly, I didn't log in for about... 24 hours because I didn't want to know how it turned out. a study on how people react to displays of power, I only had to give out... one fine? Maybe two? We're not talking about a small Avamarian population here, nearly 80% of that realm joined Oligarch - and they TALKED constantly! And yet, one threat from the "law" and they all followed. Displays of power, no matter how they are disguised, will be followed by 90% of the population - just because.

So Rulers, if you want to shake up your realm, do it. Literally, figuratively, whatever. Just do whatever you want and no one will really stand against you. After all, rebelling is hard work.

As long as that 10% aren't dukes. Or don't have good ties with foreign powers. Improper use of force can also make one lose influence, if it makes people believe one is more bark than bite.
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Quote from: Chénier on August 04, 2011, 03:51:13 AM
As long as that 10% aren't dukes. Or don't have good ties with foreign powers. Improper use of force can also make one lose influence, if it makes people believe one is more bark than bite.

Who said anything about barking? Heck, that's half the problem - Rulers, (I use that word to describe anyone with power) who talk more then they do.

There is no such thing as improper use of force; there is only the failed use of force. If you want something, get it. If someone tries to stop you, then smack them. One thing I liked - and tried to encourage - was that every noble can be useful. Most of them won't be, but occasionally one will. If you can get one, you can get an army. Don't like a Duke? Find someone who might be better and give it to them. Support a new Judge - or a new Banker. If some random guy off the street and make him the Hero for the week. After all, if that random guy is the hero, then that Marshal from the other Duchy can't be.

Dukes are very powerful - why would you want a Duke to be anyone other then your most loyal and trustworthy friend? Honestly, I would see half of the realms in BattleMaster burn, (and you can throw my favorites in that half) just to see brand new positions of power open up. Reason? It gives a chance for failure and success. Be like water, my friend - flow to the weakest and either destroy them (and take their power) or help them (and gain their assistance).


Quote from: Keithson on August 04, 2011, 04:41:23 AM
Who said anything about barking? Heck, that's half the problem - Rulers, (I use that word to describe anyone with power) who talk more then they do.

There is no such thing as improper use of force; there is only the failed use of force. If you want something, get it. If someone tries to stop you, then smack them. One thing I liked - and tried to encourage - was that every noble can be useful. Most of them won't be, but occasionally one will. If you can get one, you can get an army. Don't like a Duke? Find someone who might be better and give it to them. Support a new Judge - or a new Banker. If some random guy off the street and make him the Hero for the week. After all, if that random guy is the hero, then that Marshal from the other Duchy can't be.

Dukes are very powerful - why would you want a Duke to be anyone other then your most loyal and trustworthy friend? Honestly, I would see half of the realms in BattleMaster burn, (and you can throw my favorites in that half) just to see brand new positions of power open up. Reason? It gives a chance for failure and success. Be like water, my friend - flow to the weakest and either destroy them (and take their power) or help them (and gain their assistance).

You seem to grossly overestimate the power a ruler has over anyone.

Can't fine anyone unless your judge wants to be oppressive. Most do not, some because they will be the target of the protests (not you), and most of them are elected too and need to remain popular.

Dukes smack rulers as they please, not the other way around.
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