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Do those that control this once wonderful game treat the game as.(read for more)

Started by Rodney Ogren, August 12, 2020, 06:37:40 AM

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Rodney Ogren

Since I returned to Battlemaster. I have been watching and learning the ways the game is currently run.   I am Aghast at what I have Seen and heard from others.....

I have to ask if your are treating all of Battlemaster your personal kingdoms Where you try to contrrol how people are allowed to enjoy the game.  

You act not as titans of Battlemaster, But like self appointed Tyrants wanting everyone to be and play like your narrow ideas of how/what players want.

It seems that The day Tom Turned the game over to you is/was the saddest day in Battlemaster history.

dose anyone else see it this way?

Rulers being told how to rule their Realm.  Generals to wage war no matter what. And more I am sure.

I see the heavy handedness as a violation of our Inalienable Rights.  But that is just my opinion.  What is yours on the matter? (I am talking players not titans)


I, personally, am grateful to Tim and Ethan for voluntarily taking on the responsibility to keep Battlemaster running. If they hadn't after Tom left, we would not have had any form of Battlemaster at all to come back to. They both put in hours and hours of unpaid volunteer work keeping the game up and making changes for no personal gain at all. Hell, I havent seen either actually play the game since my return.

Yes, there have been some rule changes. But I genuinely believe  they were made with the best intentions to improve the experience for all players, but particularly new and returning ones. There are players that have been around for years, not unlike your wife, who have so much time in a realm, and so much influence, that its difficult for newer or returning players to engage a realm and make an impact. We have seen a pattern where a group of players try to change the status quo so to speak and the veterans jump them and put them down to go right back into the same stagnation they were in before.

There may be some long time players who do not like the changes. Rarely does any change ever go into effect that everyone is on board with. But at the end of the day, it is their game and how they choose it run it is their choice. We need to respect that if even we do not like or agree to the changes they make. For example, I personally dislike the change of 15 nobles required for a secession. But I understand WHY they implemented the change even if I dont like it personally, and I have to respect that this is the rule now and plan accordingly.

I am sorry that you, and Kat, have fallen into the camp that dislike the changes. I sincerely hope you both try to embrace them because it would be sad to see you go. However, I must vehemently disagree with your interpretation of Tim and Ethan's actions.


Since you asked for player opinions, here goes mine.

I recently mentioned somewhere on Discord my discontent over what has been going on on the East Continent, after Perleone got told not to intervene in Caligus vs Shadowdale.
(It might be worth saying I only unpaused my character a few months(?) back so I don't grasp the full what's-going-on yet)

However, I was saying this not because it wasn't justified. With the new rules and all, it just might have been justified to tell us off. I was discontent that they have to resort to these things to keep the game fun for everyone.

On BT I was on the other end of the spectrum, being a member of Thalmarkin and being ganged up on by almost the entire continent. They intervened as well.
So from my point of view, they are doing things consistently and not just to screw over one party or the other they don't like.

On top of that, and trust me on this, they do not like to do this. They are not getting up in the morning hoping they can intervene some more and get some more people complaining about them.
From what I know, they would much rather like to be the silent worker bees in the background which they have been doing for so many years.
I've been on that end as well, in the Dev team to help where I can. It is hours, days,.. that they put in every week and month, to keep this game running.
What they get in return? A bunch of people whining about not being able to win Battlemaster.

Rules are there for everyone. Abide by them as much as you know how to. Occasionally someone will break the rules. But in that case I hope it to be by accident and not the backroom scheming like we often find it to be done now.

This game can be a lot less toxic if the players themselves just act like it's a game, and not a contest to get the most points or wins.
And yes, I've been on the losing side as well. I've been on the 'whining' side as well. I'll have to adapt as well.

Just my 2 cents.
Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)

Medron Pryde

I do not agree with everything the Titans et all. do.

I also do not disagree with everything they do.

Sometimes I fully hate it.  Other times I think it is justified.

And if you look far enough back in my history, you will even see an Honest To Tom lightning bolt in there.  In my defense, I will note that others were doing the same thing we were doing.  We just copied them, because it was an effective tactic.  *sighs*

The biggest thing I've learned in the decade + that I've played this game is that I don't try to win.  I've held every government position, and lead one of the largest religions in the game, but if other people want to lead, I love to let them.  I give suggestions and my thoughts on matters, and they do what they want.

And I have actively worked as a player against the best interests of my characters to increase competition in the game.  So other people have their own things to do and have fun with.

Right now, I have nobles on three continents.  I'm a priest on two, a bureaucrat on a third, and a banker on all three.  Because the best way for me to contribute right now is to make the realms I'm in run as smoothly as possible so the other players can have fun.  And I must say, I rather enjoy the weekly or monthly reports about how well the food situation is going in each of them.  ;)

In the end, we all have to choose whether we are going to play this game or not.  I have chosen to play for over a decade.  I have not yet chosen to end that practice.  Your choice is yours, and yours alone.


I do not agree with Titan always but they are right and wrong in their own ways.

Even when I not playing to win, I have been on losing sides for many times, cue Fontan and Morek Empire and Oritolon did lost once too. I playing with friends here. Therefore I adapt. I changed my characters. I have hope one day to train an infiltrator to play stabbing game which I haven't done so far. Not easy to train an infiltrator these days. My characters changed a lot.

Take Brock, now former Nivemus Ruler on East Continent. He first joined Fontan realm as avdenturer. Almost die as adventurer because he broke nobles unique items, he was beaten, captured by own Fontan realm, somehow survived. He fought Sirion, Perdan and Westmoor. He had a brief tine facing his sister May from Sirion. That was when 2 nobles character time. He even promoted from knight to lord, then finally banker. Caligus held Fontan city, then Fontan fall. Brock moved on, joined Nivemus. After all, a realm rise and fall. Part of game back then.

Now in Nivemus. Before Brock become Ruler, natural progression. Knight, lord, duke, vice marshal, marshal, general and finally ruler.

From his vice marshal, marshal and general time. Nivemus fight Perdan and Obsidian Island and Westmoor.

Now ruler. Nivemus fight Perdan, First Oligarch, Shadowdale. Then North versus South. He withdrew from this war which began lopsided for Perdan much to Nivemus disadvantages as Nivemus lost nobles during the long peace afterwards and realm started to lose nobles. Nevermind, Brock had to soldier on. He changed his playing style did not want war with Perdan. As Ruler every people say ruler need create fun. No war no fun. Okay, no war. So we need to find war. War with Sirion? Some guys called Brock crazy. Who else was the weakest or similar strength realm we could fight on our own? If no ally want come help us to balance war. Nobody. Keep find war. Time pass. Brock had a brilliant idea. We could start a Crusade since Nivemus had state religion and we were having lords, nobles followers in Sirion and even Eponllyn. Oh well. Somebody started rebellion. We should see the signs. He let some regions starved. Still we trusted him, he become Banker, Duke and lord. We went to stop rebellion. Bam. Our plan went to ruin. State religion destroyed. Rebel ran away say dont chase. Out of fair game and want play this Battlemaster game with friends, we allowed the rebel escape. Then rebel said he would come back with an army. He did come back with Perdan army. Oh well. People cannot be trusted, and here Brock trusted them again and again. Then this new war with Shadowdale. Shadowdale say thing, cannot trust Nivemus could not be trusted to defend against Perdan. They challenged us, of course someone has to show them they are wrong, which they did, when they saw how well defended Kalmar and staring contest between Perdan and Nivemus later on. Perdan saw no way through fortified position, declared war on Eponllyn. Land based regions to link up to Nivemus. What Nivemus going to do about it? Is Nivemus going to watch Perdan takeover Eponllyn lands one by one until ot reach Nivemus lands link, only Nivemus army can fight Perdan? Oh well. Nivemus got blamed partly or mostly or whichever, so Tim talking. I have to listen Tim talking. He helped answered many of my questions, so I like this guy attitude. So I changed my playing style again. No more breaking unique item and anger character Brock is. From now on, he friend with Perdan Ruler. He gives out details, worked the details, informed Eponllyn Ruler and Perdan Ruler that we are trying to get our realm nobles to listen and follow. All while war raging around us. Eponllyn has to fight Shadowdale. What? How many sizes is Eponllyn comparer to Shadowdale and Perdan? So merger is the only way, then peace with Perdan, then Eponllyn absorbing Nivemus can fight Shadowdale if they still fine. Then Brock got push out, admins say they saw one Brock letter enough, all his other efforts not good enough. He can byebye. And so here we are. Stuck at square one. Again. Noble left Nivemus quit in protests of this Titans intervention. But nevermind me. Many people say Nivemus deserves this fate after Nivemus pull out of the everyone lopsided war. After what Brock done. Thank you, Brock deserves to rest from now on. Let see who want to take up this and clear all these mess.

Thank you for listening. No chance for me to defend myself before got kick out.
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)