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Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

Started by Deprived_silhouette, September 14, 2020, 07:57:56 AM

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One of the upcoming games is Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and personally I really wait for it eagerly since it is said to be like Witcher 3 but with Vikings. The setting and the story seem promising, not to mention gameplay. What are your thoughts on it? Do you wait for it? Are your expectations positive or negative?


I haven't really paid attention to the game. I've really been out of the loop when it comes to new games for the past ~8 years.  :P

That said there is a YouTube channel I watch occasionally that is ran by a guy who did some advisory for this new game. Jackson Crawford is the channel/guy's name. His videos are very informative and would recommend.

This said, I would recommend looking into joining the discord if you want more responses to this question. Unfortunately the forum isn't as active as it once was. Now the forum is really only used for the occasional long form discussion about BattleMaster.