Author Topic: WAR  (Read 142366 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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  • Skyndarbau, Yusklin, Yarvik, Werend and Kayne
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« Reply #105: August 11, 2011, 11:41:35 PM »
It is very easy to accuse realms, councils, and rulers of acts or inclinations when you aren't privy to the discussions.  Thalmarkin is hardly some devil or shade of its former self.  We had a bunch of known clanners.  They were dealt with and expelled IC.  Some of them don't like that.  Tough !@#$.  That doesn't make us tyrants, it makes us good players who have the decency to abide by the social contract.

Before the war, we were the smallest realm on the continent.  Now, we're the second-smallest.  And while the contributions of OG and Sint can't be overlooked, Vore and Jedinchel are entirely our victories and the result of an entire realm working together as a team.  It's a novel concept, I know.

There were no sudden decisions to go to war with Fronen, and no drastic shifts in public opinion in the realm.  If Gondolin or Lorgan want to say something more on that, they can.

Clanners? Are you referring to the Lastfell group?

I have a character in Thalmarkin currently, and am very happy with it. I don't feel like a puppet at all, being Marshal of the Legion of the Wolf. I guess that could mean I really am a puppet, but I don't think so. Call me naive, but I'd say Thalmarkin really is an example of team play, and the King is an example to me (I'm hoping for a ruler position in the near future), as well as many other players. I can say I'm not new to BM, but I can still learn from several fellow Thalmarkians!