Author Topic: WAR  (Read 143024 times)

Stue (DC)

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« Reply #150: August 12, 2011, 02:57:23 PM »
Dude. If we wanted that everyone knew every little detail of the alliance we signed we would've talked about it on the forum. As that is not the case however, you know whatever your character knows and maybe a little more that gets spilled here and there. And if you are in an open realm, that's probably a lot, but still not what the leaders of foreign realms do not *want* to share.
If I was to tell you that the North has started an undead-worshipping cult and needs to destroy humans to feed the armies of the Many, and that we will all help the undead destroy BT next invasion, and if that was generally acknowledged as the truth and if that was in *fact* the secret pact behind this unholy alliance, would you read it here and not have it affect the way it plays your character? Can you guarantee that others won't?
If the answer is no, then it's a good thing that we're not sharing that information with you. Why should you be able to find out more here than you can IC anyway?

The way you described the events was very crude, and you might want to stop and think that there may be a reason about why those things happened. A perfectly good reason. Be it envy, feuds or even slightly hurt feelings, they are _all_ good. Alliances don't last forever.
In fact the game would be very, VERY boring if they were, especially on BT where every once in a while everyone is united against a common enemy (in theory). AT is the only continent where you really find ever-lasting alliances to my knowledge and that is the continent you're now comparing to BT.

again, i do not care for deep background (in which i do not put much trust, btw), but for pretty awkward events seen to anyone.
if you see something is really unnatural in ic way and than ten pages of forum explanations are needed to back it, that only proves it is awkward.

mentioning atamara, for me it is actually the brightest example of good warring currently. the fact that rulers follow some of their ic predeterminations gives somewhat balanced and unpredictable war, and there are no any signs of gang-bang dangers as rulers do not change their loyalties with speed of few clicks, which does not mean that changes will not happen in some future.

i last bt war there were only few realms who were undetermined about their loyalties, and continent was by far the most interesting one, with no complete certainty anywhere on the map.