Author Topic: WAR  (Read 142055 times)


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« Reply #255: September 16, 2011, 02:21:20 PM »
Report from Guillaume Chénier   (6 hours, 38 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of Beluaterra (8 recipients)
These last election results are unbearable. Riombara has already attacked Enweil for no reason whatsoever, taking advantage of the fact that Enweil was still weak due to rogue spawns that had not affected her in any considerable way, indeed allowing her to steal a city that was ruled by Enweil before the monsters took it.

By the very same monsters Riombara's new ruler served. That Riombara's new ruler helped feed by throwing at them thousands of their own defenseless serfs to help these abominations to kill Avalon, and to try to kill Enweil and Fronen and Bara'Khur. Serfs your people had sworn to protect.

This is just the blatant evidence that Meridian Republic was nothing more than an extension of Riombara. They made the monsters leave Riombara alone, they used to monsters to attack Riombara's historical enemies, and they then reintegrated your big family once the monsters left. Too many of your nobles committed atrocious crimes under the monsters. Too many of them are now lords in Riombara. And now, one of the Meridian criminals rules Riombara.

Your record of vile deeds is not as lengthy as Sint's, but your deeds in this invasion are far, far worse. You did not just sit back as invaders destroyed human realms. You supplied them, fought alongside them, sacrificed your own subjects to feed them.

Today, the Imperial Host of Fheuv'n declares war on Meridian Republic. No realm will stand in our way this time as happened when we marched North, and if we don't crush you now, your realm will eventually pay for all of its crimes.

Guillaume Chénier
Hetman of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na, Senator of Iato, Ambassador of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na

Die! Die! Die!  ;D
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