Author Topic: WAR  (Read 142515 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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« Reply #300: September 24, 2011, 10:55:38 PM »
Seriously? Melhed joined the war because of TMP, it really had no reason to attack Fronen whatsoever to begin with, not to mention that doing so was extremely lame as they were joining in on a gang-bang in which they risked nothing at all.

Exactly my point. Lame beginning, lame ending. I saw this as Melhed's chance to redeem themselves, yet they've taken it as an opportunity to secure their title of "Lamest Realm of BM". Their decision to join against Fronen was a huge disappointment too. If they wanted to help Fronen, they should've grown a pair and joined them in the war, not declare war, fight a few skirmishes and then back out a few months later long before the war is over. Even just sending monetary aid would've been better. Even now, if they want to help Fronen, they should just attack the Northern Alliance.
Maybe Jyl actually is the price for switching sides, I hope so at least. Even though that wouldn't do their reputation a lot of good either.

The spiral to quick peace would have been allowing you to gangbang Fronen to death quickly, so that you may then gangbang Fheuv'n to death quickly, and then either be stuck in peace if Enweil did not defend Fheuv'n, or you make up some new stupid excuse to violate your treaty with Fronen to gangbang Enweil's flank to bring down down quickly. This is your long-term plan to enjoyable wars? Gangbang everyone to death with overwhelming number of realms on the attack?

I thought it was pretty obvious that we couldn't have any other wars with that 5 city mastodon sitting there with itchy fingers. Fronen's hegemony needed to be broken, and yes I wanted that to happen as fast as possible. There's tons of things I want to do before the invasion starts again and I've seen too many wars interrupted before anything real could've been achieved to not want to work fast. I personally don't care how big Fronen is by the end of this war as long as Old Grehk has taken everything that we promised we would help them conquer at the start of the war and as long as they can't just reconquer everything they've lost in the next war. I've got a bunch of ideas for future wars, none of them include IVF... But if you do happen to get gangbanged (which I think will be without Thalmarkin), you should've thought of that possibility before you played the holier than thou card only to back out of it later and join Enweil in their war.

So yes, basically Fronen prolonged their oh so despicable gangbang by signing this treaty, even if Fronen's chances have increased and is standing in the way of new, more fun wars. Not that I find this war particularly boring, it may be 1 vs 4 but Fronen isn't such a bad opponent, it was a given that pretty much everything north of the river was unholdable, the south is more challenging. It could've been over and Fronen could've kicked Melhed's ass and conquered their namesake city if they had accepted the North's treaty... but so be it.