Author Topic: WAR  (Read 142514 times)


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« Reply #300: September 26, 2011, 08:14:36 AM »
Report from Guillaume Chénier
Message sent to the Rulers of Beluaterra (8 recipients)
Letter from Jethro Snow (2 days, 5 hours ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of Beluaterra (7 recipients)
How amazing that you know we are about to torture someone in our dungeons even though it is not allowed. Last week we had a discussion in the ruling council about torture and torture of any prisoner was again voted against. So our policy is not to torture and last week that policy was voted to continue. The question becomes, who is giving you false information?

Sir Jethro Snow
High Chancellor of Riombara

You dare lie to my face? You claimed that your policy was not to torture, telling that my reports that our nobles would be tortured was "false information".

And what is the first thing I receive come sunset? You have begun torturing our nobles!

Letter from a foreign dungeon (just in)
Noble Miroslav, currently in prison in Riombara, has sent a letter:

Te dogs. Buring rods. Hve trouble seeing. The will svffer for thjs.

Tortured (35 minutes ago)
While you are sitting in your cell in Riombara, one night the cell doors open and Cyrilos Vellos, Great Chamberlain of Riombara, Duke of Fwuvoghor enters together with his torturer. Dragging you off, they make your nightmares come true.
As you regain consciousness the next morning, you feel your body in the worst possible way. You remember little of the night and are grateful for that.
Roleplaying notice: Torture is one of the worst things that can happen to a human being. Cyrilos should be very high on your black list for this. But we will leave it to you whether or not to roleplay that.

We had laws regulating what kind of looting was allowed, our plan was always to target your economy, not your people. However, Riombara has proven themselves to be dogs once again. Once again, Riombaran dungeons are the initiators of violence, having scrapped a working prisoner agreement with Enweil in the last age when first convenient, and now initiating the vilest tortures upon the nobles of Fheuv'n. You always pass yourself off as a sheep, but behind this masquarade is a bloodthirsty fox. In the last age, you declared war on Enweil, and then passed yourselves off as the poor victims needing help from the evil imperialists. You broke a prisoner agreement, executing a royal, and then whined to the world that your infiltrators were being punished (of which you were warned, but decided not to tell your own infiltrators as you sent them to the butcher). In the invasion, you were the ones who refused an alliance against the monsters before saying how Enweil were bad people for not having come to your help. In this age, you again were the ones to declare war on Enweil, without provocation, and in full knowledge that Enweil was still not going to accept any form of prisoner agreement from a dishonorable realm such as yours.

We have had enough of having you foxes in the coop. The looting restrictions will be lifted. Your people will suffer from your crimes against the Fheuv'n nobles. Your towns will be razed, and those we don't bring back as slaves will all burn in them.

Your tongues are forked, and nothing but poison comes out of your mouths. You claim that you voted against torture, and that this was false information, but you reserve yourself the right to change your mind upon a whim.

Every Riombaran that falls in our dungeons is to be tortured three times for every Fheuv'n noble tortured.

Perhaps Beluaterra will once again be known as a continent where honor reigns, once you vile creates are burnt at the stakes.

Guillaume Chénier
Hetman of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na, Senator of Iato, Ambassador of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na

I'm sad that one can only declare hatred on a single realm. I regret declaring it on Sint, now, totally would have wanted to declare it on Riombara isntead! At least we can reach Rio...  >:(
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