Author Topic: WAR  (Read 142684 times)


  • Exalted Emperor
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« Reply #390: November 09, 2011, 07:07:53 PM »
You mean you?

No, the invasion.

Thanks to it, Enweil lost Fwuvoghor to Riombara, Fengen, Enweilieos, and Fheuvenem were severely damaged, Ete City and many other regions were blighted, others turned rogue, more than a fourth of the nobles were killed, massive undead spawn prevented rebuilding of the realm's strength and economy before Rio attacked, etc.

Rio is stronger than it was before the last invasion began, Enweil is weaker than ever, and Fheuv'n has nothing to do with it.

And since so few realms remain, there is no change to come any time soon. It's not as if you can sway your neighbour that your enemy is really the one that deserves a beating. The camps are set, and there are too few actors for things to be able to change.

If the North hadn't attacked, at least we'd have a new realm around Dyomoque. And Riombara probably wouldn't have dared to attack, so perhaps it could have fought internally instead to see things change there.

But no. Rio attacks just because it can. The north's reasons were about as developped as that too. And because of that war, and because the aggressors don't really want peace, everyone is stuck maintaining the status quo, with some progress here and there but not much more than that.

What, the army just happened to be there randomly?

No, I don't suspect the army goes out of its way THAT much for no reason at all. However, I find it rather random that it would mobilize such force to defend Nothoi in such a way. Doesn't seem like the most efficient use of its resources to me. Nothoi is a useless ally to the North, may as well let us have a bit of fun and loot it instead of doing such total cock blocks.
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