Author Topic: WAR  (Read 142234 times)


  • Exalted Emperor
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« Reply #405: November 10, 2011, 05:12:59 AM »
Hence why you broke Enweil's leg.

No. These are hordes that would have plagued these regions and required attention, part of Enweil or not. And these regions have a much greater productivity this way, and the realm has much more attractivity than Enweil had.

Losing key cities and a fourth of the nobility is what broke Enweil's leg, not a handful of nobles ruling remote and unimportant lands while remaining an ally.

Ah, Cheniér, once again we see a 'the system is skewed against us' plus 'whatever our enemies achieved is meaningless' we? I admit that I am by now a bit tired of reading 'the looting bug prevented us from doing anything worthwhile' for the umpteenth time...(hint: we were hit by that as well....especially considering that no enemy has set foot in our regions for weeks...)

4-5 weeks ago Enweil had an advantage in military strength, both static and mobile, it had IVF at its side - and still potentially does, giving both realms a considerable advantage in mobile strength. In addition Enweil had a massive surplus in food while Riombara had a noticable deficit.

The fact that this enweilian superiority is now gone and Riombara does enjoy a considerable advantage over Enweil in mobile strength and the fact that Enweils food situation is deterioating fast while ours is now mostly secure is /not/ due to a few undead hordes (we have to face them as well, don't forget that) - it is due to very careful planing, to creating an impressively dedicated army - and to use both to claw towards the very hardfought for situation we have now. Out of roughly 10 battles we won all but 80-90% of all skirmishes. It is f*** /hard/ to achieve a continous advantage in mobile strength at a comparable economic base....

Tan d'Serrai

Tan, your realm doesn't have the refit cycles Fheuv'n has, and you have plenty of potential to do other things like takeovers. The looting bugs is something that annoyed me as a player of Fheuv'n specifically, and not as a member of the alliance. We walked a long way to be able to do nothing at all. It sucks. And it wasn't the first time that happened either, the time before we had waited in Nothoi lands a while before having to pack up and refit. Truly made us completely useless.

Don't compare your ills to Fheuv'n's, claiming that since they are similar they are identical. The situation is not the same at all. Fheuv'n is a small realm, fielding a small army that must travel great distances to go to war and therefore does not share a border with any enemy. Riombara is a large linear realm fighting on her borders and therefore always being close by to react and always having many possibilities. Are you having multiple hordes that are about close to 70% of your total mobile might while you are a week's travel away? Even if you take distance and relative strength aside, how many 4000 CS hordes has Riombara seen lately? How often do the undead spawn? We've had new hordes spawn immediately each time we defeated one, basically, plus these large hordes coming in and out of the blight. The "system" isn't "skewed" against "us". Circumstances will always favor one and disfavor others at different points in time, and sometimes this worked in "our" favour, and I'm not afraid to admit that. However, you must be either blind or arrogant, if not both, to deny that the invasion was skewed strongly in Rio's favor and that the recent circumstances haven't been skewed against Fheuv'n. !@#$ happens. But don't expect us to be enthused about a war that we should have won long ago, were it not for the invasion. And don't forget that Rio is the one that declared that war the last nine thousand times. Maybe Rio enjoys saying how bad mean imperialists peaceful Enweil is, but don't assume that those facing Riombaran aggression again have anything to be exited about. It was kinda lame last time, but at least we figured we could kill you once and for all, and FINALLY move on to other things. Now it's just lame.

The recent Riombaran victories have been significant, I did not deny this. However, only time can tell if they will have meaningful lasting impacts. The progress has been made during a long absence of Fheuv'n in the scene. If the hordes stop spawning now, and Fheuv'n goes back against Rio full force, will Rio be able to maintain her momentum? I'm not saying it won't, but I'm far from convinced that the fate of the war is sealed. Rio has made more significant progress than it has in the last 4 years at least I'd say, but that doesn't mean Enweil is already doomed. Rather, it just means it isn't getting it's ass singlehandedly owned anymore. If Fheuv'n can kill that large horde before it goes back into hiding in the blight, and undead spawns return to normal levels, I rather predict a rather long and drawn-out war, where Riombarans will continue their self-righteous crusade against the peaceful "imperialists" and where Enweili will continue the years-long chore of having to fight the same damn enemy that doesn't seem to care about anything else than pretexting the same ridiculous hypocritical ideological claims again and again.

Don't underestimate the impacts of losing so much of your noble base in such a short lapse of time... It's quite a demotivator. All these characters with established backgrounds, ambitions, achievements, all lost. Those who hated Rio the most died against the monsters, and the others had plenty of other things on their mind than starting a war with Rio again. And there isn't much to be excited about when Rio's reason for war was basically "because we are ready now" and inter-realm interactions are almost nill.
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