Author Topic: WAR  (Read 142214 times)


  • Honourable King
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« Reply #405: November 10, 2011, 05:50:52 AM »
I rather predict a rather long and drawn-out war, where Riombarans will continue their self-righteous crusade against the peaceful "imperialists" and where Enweili will continue the years-long chore of having to fight the same damn enemy that doesn't seem to care about anything else than pretexting the same ridiculous hypocritical ideological claims again and again.

, and the others had plenty of other things on their mind than starting a war with Rio again. And there isn't much to be excited about when Rio's reason for war was basically "because we are ready now" and inter-realm interactions are almost nill.

Okay comments like this have always annoyed me. In this case Riombara and Enweil have a LONG history of wars and bad blood. In other words a grudge that for many characters border on out right hatred. That is all the damn pretext anyone needs for a war, how many times in History have people waited and waited until their forces or circumstance provide the opportunity to finally get "revenge" against a foe, potentially one that they have had  a ceasefire or even peace with for generations.

It should be clear that even without Delvin the ruling elite of Riombara want to see Enweil either destroyed or humbled. The original reasons for the first wars may even be irrelevant at this point, grudges, anger even the need to prove to themselves and others that they really can "win" against their old foe drive them on. I see nothing wrong with such character driven actions, hell I applaud this kind of almost predictable grudge mongering. It is relationships like this that other realms can play off to their own advantage. Want to grab some regions off Enwiel, well Riombara is always up for a bit of a war, I'm sure we can convince them to restart hostilities if we agree to place pressure on a different border etc.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.