Author Topic: WAR  (Read 142230 times)


  • Honourable King
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  • Stodgy Old Man in Training
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« Reply #405: November 10, 2011, 05:18:13 PM »
Don't listen to the peacemongering and wimpering weakness of the D'Serrai's.

This war is about eradicating the sub-human Enweilian race, wiping out every last man, woman, and child. It will end when monsters outnumber men on the Beluaterran plains, and the absolute destruction of every last vestige of Enweil is removed.

---End Cyrilos Rant---

The debate about supporting Fronen vs. war for its own right is one that is ongoing IC as well as OOC. Different Riombarans think differently about it.

Notably, Riombara today is not what it was a year ago. The Riombara of a year ago was still Delvin's Riombara; a very non-Medieval republic, operating under a redistributive tax system, with detailed constitutional law regularly practiced, with a sense of high moral ground. The Riombara of today is increasingly Medieval, with rising powers for individual lords, less redistribution, less constitutionalist, and increasingly bloodthirsty. The "younger" generation of Riombarans (though Riombara is quite an old and atrophied realm) are, if anything, mpre anti-Enweil than, say, Delvin or Herkan were and, in combination, more willing to exercise extreme violence to express that sentiment. Note Riombara's newfound acceptance of torture.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner