Author Topic: The people here do not like being ruled by us.  (Read 13246 times)


  • Noble Lord
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  • Posts: 410
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To clarify a little further:

"The people here hate/do not like being ruled by us" is not a separate mechanic. It is a description of something that goes on in regions.

The devs are still working out what mechanics should be simply revealed to the players, and what should be left for the players to work out by observation.  Honestly, knowing how it works, this one could easily be understood by observation, if people gathered the data available to them, looked at it, and stopped proposing crazy theories.

For anyone interested in blowing apart the mystery, here's 30 consecutive days worth of reports from Alowca whilst it was in dire straits last month. 'The people here do not like being ruled by us' turned up 17 times:

Trials of Alowca#Raw Reports

Head up to Daily Reports on the same page to see how many times each separate daily factor occurred during the month.

You can ignore the guff I've written around most the stats. I don't have a clue really. It served it's purpose just fine as proof that Alowca is far too messed up for her deterioration to be the lord's fault alone and that's all I cared about really >.<