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Class Restrictions

Started by cjnodell, August 04, 2011, 09:15:33 PM

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I posted this in a related thread but I later thought it would be better as it's own thread. I would really like to know why class requirements are the way they are...

One thing has always frustrated me. When you create a new character you are a warrior and you remain a warrior for some time. Even if you do not want to be. While I am sure that there are good reasons, I personally do not understand why the base classes have been put off limits to new characters. I do not understand why I can not have access to the base classes and sub-classes (warrior, courtier, trader, priest, diplomat) immediately. Sure you should have to join a religion to become a priest, but that is the extent of it in my opinion. Now the specialized sub-classes I get. I see nothing wrong with having to develop your character in order to gain access to the Hero, Cavalier, Infiltrator, Mentor and Ambassador classes. It makes sense in my eyes.

I think that opening up these classes to new characters will provide more possibilities to new players. It gives them more to do until the opportunity to gain a new position (region lord, council member, marshal) presents itself. Sometimes it just gets in the way of a good character concept. I recently created a character in the Far East specifically who is intended to be a devout religious man who has dedicated his life to his god. I could envision him trading goods, performing courtier work or even wielding diplomacy but waging war does not fit him. None the less he has been running around for the last few weeks doing just that. Simply because he has to and for no other reason.

Like I said, there may be good reasons for things being the way they are. Unfortunately I do not see them.


The reasoning I have been given (this was when I was still in my mentored days) was that it makes it difficult to relegate newbies to a maintenance army, as they can't even switch to police without a certain amount of H/P gain.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"

Stue (DC)

isn't the basic storyline of bm that all nobles are actually warriors, and they develop other specialties through time and after their reputation rises?

i think it is described on many wiki pages.

if your char wants to be priest, he will be in slow game for ages and i do not fully understand why are you impatient in terms of few weeks.

all of us would want more actions sometimes, when we have enough vacant time, but in other periods, it it were not game designed to be slow paced we would have to give up. ::)


Quote from: Bedwyr on August 04, 2011, 09:18:01 PM
The reasoning I have been given (this was when I was still in my mentored days) was that it makes it difficult to relegate newbies to a maintenance army, as they can't even switch to police without a certain amount of H/P gain.

Just because the classes would be available does not mean that a character can be ordered into them. A player could still choose to play the warrior or whatnot. Besides, if the idea is to protect new players why not make this a restriction on the player account and on on every character that gets created?


Quote from: Stue (DC) on August 04, 2011, 09:26:14 PM
isn't the basic storyline of bm that all nobles are actually warriors, and they develop other specialties through time and after their reputation rises?

i think it is described on many wiki pages.

if your char wants to be priest, he will be in slow game for ages and i do not fully understand why are you impatient in terms of few weeks.

all of us would want more actions sometimes, when we have enough vacant time, but in other periods, it it were not game designed to be slow paced we would have to give up. ::)

I will have to look over the wiki again. I know that it states in many places that new characters start out as warriors which is exactly the point. WHY do new characters always have to start off as warriors? Or, at the least, why prevent characters from changing class as severely as they do.

It is not that I am looking for more action. What I was trying to point out was that it is impossible to simply be a priest or trader. Not without being a warrior first and I feel that kind of limits characters. Besides, I do not see how trading supplies or preaching to peasants would require so much more honor or prestige that being a warrior would.


I have always disagreed with these restrictions.

When someone starts out, the only things he has the honor to do (and which would allow him to gain more honor) is fighting. If the realm is at peace, then he has absolutely no way of gaining h/p, as the maintenance tasks that could grant it are out of reach.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

Draco Tanos

I certainly agree that the primary classes should be opened.  At least after an account has been in existence for awhile.  Say after a month or two, the warrior startup restrictions are lifted?  For the Priest class, when the character chooses a realm, have them have to choose a temple/religion from inside said realm?


I do not even mind being plopped into the game as a warrior as long as I have the option to immediately change to a class more suitable to the character. For example, if my goal was to become a priest I would immediately switch to courtier, find the appropriate temple, join the ranks then switch to priest when enough time has passed to make the change.

I am still interested in hearing why the system is as it is or reasons why such a opening up certain classes/sub-classes would be a bad idea.


bit of a pain to have to wait to change class after flipping realm...

especially when you've travelled a long way during which you can't change class either


I understand that there should be a mechanic in place that keeps people from switching classes at a whim, but I am not sure if realm change restrictions make much sense either...


Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


the bit i hate most is i can't flip to courtier because character is too new to the realm, but you can be a courtier and join from another realm and can do buro stuff right away.

Courtier - you are not (yet) well-informed about the realm's bureaucracy for this class. <-- that's too new to realm as opposed to h/p, no?


can we just get rid of these restrictions, they are actually ridiculous.
My language: (Apologies for any confusion this results in.)
Awesome = Ossim
Tom = Tarm

Jens Namtrah

Quote from: Chénier on August 04, 2011, 11:33:24 PM
I have always disagreed with these restrictions.

When someone starts out, the only things he has the honor to do (and which would allow him to gain more honor) is fighting. If the realm is at peace, then he has absolutely no way of gaining h/p, as the maintenance tasks that could grant it are out of reach.


I always assumed the reason for the restrictions was so that new players would learn the basic game before switching. However, I think these should be re-examined.

I have a character who has been in a realm with a very active war for 76 days (and is the General) and still can't switch to a few of the classes available because he is actually behaving himself and following orders, and so rarely getting into any battles.


Quote from: Jens Namtrah on August 09, 2011, 11:54:18 AM

I always assumed the reason for the restrictions was so that new players would learn the basic game before switching. However, I think these should be re-examined.

I have a character who has been in a realm with a very active war for 76 days (and is the General) and still can't switch to a few of the classes available because he is actually behaving himself and following orders, and so rarely getting into any battles.

So your character is General, and /follows/ the orders? And never gets to fighting anyhow? And on top of that you're at war?? Lol :D

Though I agree that they need to be reviewed. Perhaps the class restrictions should be tied to the Player, not to the Character.