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Adventurers and their Realm

Started by Corwyn, August 10, 2011, 07:22:51 PM

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Just thought of something: I'm suddenly very glad my adventurer belongs to a large realm.

I've learnt after a while that if you plan on keeping your adventurer it's best to never leave your realm's regions.  Or more precisely, never be in the same region as a noble from another realm.

The reason is that while new nobles from your own realm may beat you up at their whim (and it's happened to one of my adventurers) at least your realm's Judge knows that you're useful, and likely also knows why it's a bad idea to do so (namely because when attacked adventurers may lose items they were repairing for other nobles).  So you won't get executed, and it's not uncommon to get out of jail immediately (assuming you were just attacked on a noble's whim and not for mouthing off).

On the other hand, the Judge of a neighboring realm (whom your own realm might very well be at war with) also understands how useful adventurers are, and doesn't hesitate to execute them (in order to deprive the opposing realm of a useful tool). 

This isn't theoretical... I lost my first adventurer to the hangman's noose of a neighboring realm.  I didn't even leave my own realm, but I was arrested by a noble of the other realm that was invading.  Likewise, in another realm that I have a noble character in our Judge has executed foreign adventurers.  But they never killed "local" adventurers, always releasing them.

Don't get me wrong, I have known at least one adventurer that was a "foreigner", so I know people who don't mind moving beyond their starting realm.  But it adds to your risk for no significant gain.

As I said, this doesn't impact me: my current adventurer belongs to a large realm.  So I have lots of room to move around in, and I talk to several other "local" adventurers (though my current advy has never spoken with a "foreign" adventurer).  But in smaller realms they might feel like they can't move around as much, and they will also have less chance to speak with other adventurers, in order to "geolocate" sages.

Here's a suggestion: remove the nationality of an adventurer.  We're talking about adventurers after all, who can move at will wherever they want, and they have no reason to be beholden or show loyalty to their original realm.

Alternatively: allow an adventurer to change nationality, much like nobles can.
Ni'Tessine Family: Corwyn (Sirion), Terril (Arcachon), Torin (adventurer)


Quote from: Corwyn on August 10, 2011, 07:22:51 PM
Here's a suggestion: remove the nationality of an adventurer.  We're talking about adventurers after all, who can move at will wherever they want, and they have no reason to be beholden or show loyalty to their original realm.

Alternatively: allow an adventurer to change nationality, much like nobles can.

Adventurers are peasants, and belong to the land on which they were born.


Quote from: Corwyn on August 10, 2011, 07:22:51 PM
Alternatively: allow an adventurer to change nationality, much like nobles can.

They can.

Also, this is almost completely offtopic.  Please do not hijack threads with such offtopic rants.  You are more than welcome to post your own thread in the relevant forum.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Sorry, didn't mean to thread-jack (and it was no rant).  It was meant to be a suggestion to make it more feasible for adventurers in smaller realms to find sages and wizards, so I thought it was on topic.

Regardless, glad to hear that adventurers can in fact change nationalities!
Ni'Tessine Family: Corwyn (Sirion), Terril (Arcachon), Torin (adventurer)


Quote from: Corwyn on August 10, 2011, 09:22:41 PM
Regardless, glad to hear that adventurers can in fact change nationalities!

They can but they get autobanned from the old realm.
House of Kain: Silas (Swordfell), Epona (Nivemus)


Quote from: Kain on August 10, 2011, 10:15:41 PM
They can but they get autobanned from the old realm.

A good thing, in my eyes.

My advy is in a small realm on Dwilight. And I like it :)


Is it possible to capture adventurers in enemy lands? I believe so, I seem to recall having it done to me. Do you need to have your unit set as police?

I don't have any advies for Fheuv'n, so I'd like to "burrow" some when we start marching. :P
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


A small realm is not bad in itself. Worst problem is lack of certain terrains which makes gathering certain items hard, but a daring adventurer could move outside their realm...

What can be troublesome though is when you are an adventurer in a realm down on its luck that keeps losing regions to neighbours. Suddenly you have a lot of adventurers that should hunt in very few regions which leads to very few monsters/undead to hunt. My adventurer in Coria/Atamara suffered a bit from this but there doesn't seem to that many adventurers left there now.

My solution to this would be that when the region an adventurer comes from is conquered the adventurers nationality should switch to the conquering nation's. All the other commoners switch allegiance, why should the adventurer be any different?
EC: Ilias, Taelmoth (Sirion)
Beluaterra: Ivagil (Melhed), Thoron (Adventurer, Fronen)
Atamara: Haniel (Adventurer, Coria)


Quote from: Thunthorn on August 12, 2011, 12:18:29 AM
A small realm is not bad in itself. Worst problem is lack of certain terrains which makes gathering certain items hard, but a daring adventurer could move outside their realm...

What can be troublesome though is when you are an adventurer in a realm down on its luck that keeps losing regions to neighbours. Suddenly you have a lot of adventurers that should hunt in very few regions which leads to very few monsters/undead to hunt. My adventurer in Coria/Atamara suffered a bit from this but there doesn't seem to that many adventurers left there now.

My solution to this would be that when the region an adventurer comes from is conquered the adventurers nationality should switch to the conquering nation's. All the other commoners switch allegiance, why should the adventurer be any different?

Another option would be to make advies harder to spot. After all they are lowly peasants, why on earth would every regular scout report of a region include information on their location. If you had to actually search for advies before you arrest them it would make it somewhat easier for them to operate outside their borders.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.