Author Topic: The Prophet Severina  (Read 2710 times)


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Re: The Prophet Severina
« Topic Start: November 20, 2022, 04:43:04 PM »
Roleplay from Severina Erickson Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp
Message sent to everyone in Sabadell (2 recipients) - 30 days, 22 minutes ago
On a hill beside a crossroads Severina spreads a blanket and kneels, meditating upon the Blood Stars. Hours pass and she does not move. Peasants pass by, indifferent at first, but eventually stopping in wonder at the perfectly still figure. Some wonder if she is in fact a very well-painted statue.

Report from Severina Erickson Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp
Message sent to everyone in Sanguis Astroism (30 recipients) - 30 days, 13 minutes ago

The Austere is bright, but the Maddening waxes. In two days time it shall be bright as well. Who among you have pressing decisions to make? Do you puzzle and strain over them? Now is not the time to decide. For now wait, not in innaction, but in preparation for aciton, not in indecision but in preparation for decision.

When the Maddening brightens, your instincts may present to you a solution. If not, do not become anxious for the Austere will still be bright. Wait further, the Maddening shall ascend and the next night will reach its zenith as the Austere wanes. Your emotions will become stronger. For many your heart will guide you to the correct path on this day. If you have not chosen your path come the 4th day of Summer that is the perfect moment, for Maddening and Auspicious will both be bright, heart and mind will lead you to the correct course.

I shall spend the next two days at least in meditation, and from there, only the stars can say.

In service to the Divine Blood Stars,

Severina Erickson
Dame of Darfix
Priestess of Sanguis Astroism
Light of Sanguis Astroism

Roleplay from Meginhard Brennaborg Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp-combat
(Personal message to Severina Erickson) - 24 days, 15 hours, 27 minutes ago
The small hall is packed. Meginhard has organized a feast for his soldiers and also his servants. The rugged border folk and bloody trophees on the wall surround an odd appearance in the middle of the room. Many of them in awe of such an important figure to their faith – others curious about their lord’s eagerness to return home.

Meginhard raises his hand and the hall becomes silent. “My lady, please speak!”

Meginhard Brennaborg
Senator of Sabadell

Roleplay from Severina Erickson Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp
(Personal message to Meginhard Brennaborg) - 24 days, 14 hours, 45 minutes ago
Silence falls over the halls as Severina rises gracefully. She is clad as usual in soft grey gown and a tiara consisting of a single band of silver which supports three rubies centered upon her forehead.

"Senator Meginhard, greetings. My sincere thanks for your hospitality. I am honored by the opportunity to preach of the Bloodstars before you and your loyal soldiers."

She gestured to the western wall of the banquet hall, one dominated by great windows. As fortune would have it, the Blood Stars were once again visible. After the miracle in Darfix the clouds had returned, but only intermittently. Accurate as the prophetess' calendar was, the faithful still treasured every glimpse they could see of the stars after they had been shrouded for so long. The Austere was waning, the Auspicious waxing, and the Maddening Bright and superior.

"Behold, the divine Blood Stars. First observed by the earliest colonists of Dwilight, they granted visions to the first prophet Mathurin revealing their power and influence upon us. See their crimson glow? They are called the blood-stars and their light flows within our very veins. The Maddening influences our emotions, the Auspicious our logic and rational thought, and the Austere, the Austere is a balance between them, a source of meditative serenity. When man is ignorant of the Blood Stars their emotions, logic, and serenity tend towards imbalance. Through meditation upon these divine lights we achieve balance.

The Church of Sanguis Astroism was once great. Our teachings enlightened kings and generals and birthed the mightiest empires ever seen in the history of Dwilight. Then the dark times came. Mathurin perished, and in his absence came strife and discord. With no spiritual head the church languished, more often than not it was used as a political tool rather than a fraternal order of worship. I was conceived by the light of the Blood Stars, created for a purpose. I believe that purpose is to restore the glory of our faith and bring forth a new enlightened age.

I have said much. I now welcome any questions you may have"


Severina Erickson
Dame of Darfix
Priestess of Sanguis Astroism

Roleplay from Meginhard Brennaborg Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp-combat
Message sent to everyone in Sabadell (2 recipients) - 24 days, 12 hours, 6 minutes ago
The hall falls silent. All eyes anxiously directed at the senator. Then the silence is broken: the door opens and a soldier nervously looks at the spectacle – the spectacle gazing back. He looks at Meginhard: “A message from the Lord Commander.” “Come forth.” replies the senator.

Meginhard reads the message, frowns and rises. “I do not know much about stars, but I know this: two days ago our king was forced to declare war on the treacherous Lurians and today …” he raises the letter above his head, “… today our Lord Commander has entrusted us to enter the battlefield by ourselves.” He pauses as he allows the words to sink in. “Tomorrow we shall leave early for Aquitain and at sunset the stars shall witness our victory!”

Then he turns to his visitor. “Lady Severina, I can see the influence of your Maddening Star, I know your hunger to fulfil your purpose. Tell us how to meditate, tell us how the Stars relate to the Virtues we have learned, tell us of this ‘enlightened age’ you speak of. And what does it mean to be conceived by the light of the Blood Stars?”

Roleplay from Severina Erickson Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp
Message sent to everyone in Sabadell (2 recipients) - 24 days, 10 hours, 56 minutes ago
The news of the sudden outbreak of war does not seem to trouble the Prophetess save a hint of greater intensity in her eyes.

"So the domain of the maddening is upon us. The stars have indeed guided me to this moment. For days I waited until the signs were right to make entreaties to you Senator, and now they bring us together at the dawn of war.

There are many ways to meditate and often we must discover for ourselves what is ideal for us. But the beginning is to reflect upon the Blood Stars. Let me answer your second question and through it demonstrate meditation and attunement to the divine three.

There are some who doubt what I am about to tell you, for it is a somewhat paradoxical story, but hear it in its fullness and you shall know it must be true. Over twenty years ago an Astroist priest, bitter and disillusioned with the state of the world went on pilgrimage to Darfix. There he met an order of monks dedicated to bringing about the second prophet. Their vessel was the maiden Illyria. Day after day the priest observed their rituals. Each evening as the blood stars burned bright they ventured with Illyria into the waters of Boreal's Harbour, where the great Astroist king Boreal Arrakis breathed his last. As the monks held up sheets to guard her modesty, she would bath in the light of the Blood Stars. This ritual continued for months until at last she conceived. Every monk of the order, and the priest likewise attest that never was there an opportunity that her chastity might have been broken. The only explanation was parthenogenesis. As you may have guessed, Illyria was my mother. The priest's name was Turin Erickson, who I came call uncle, into whom's house I have been adopted, and in his day he was one of the most powerful and respected elders of the church. It was Turin who brought Illyria to civilization. She gave birth to me on the paving stones of the first temple of Caiyun, and Turin related the circumstances of my birth and my destiny to lead the faith to the entire congregation,"

She paused, looking soldiers and servants in the eyes, none could long withstand her gaze.

"I sense doubt, and I do not begrudge it, it is a fantastic thing to claim, but fantastic things happen in this world, though rarely. Some will propose my father was one of the monks, but if I had been, Turin would have known and he would never have brought my mother forth from Darfix. Some will say Turin is my father. First, he was over 100 years old at the time I was conceived, and it's doubtful he could sire offspring if he'd tried. Second, few nobles ever enjoyed as much power and esteem within the church as Turin. If he were a deceitful man he could easily have simply declared himself second prophet and the church would have accepted it, but he was not deceitful and he knew in his heart that he was not prophet. So you see, my tale stranger than legends though it may be is truth."

She turned to the windows again. The entire assembly does the same as if entranced.

"Look to the stars, feel the light of the waxing Auspicious, it resonates within your blood as it courses through your brain. Your sense of reason sees the logical proofs within my tale, but the star-signs as they are, this is not enough. Look now towards the maddening, feel the blood as it courses through your heart, the seat of passion and emotion. Your anxiety and your uncertainty fades away, yet the heart races, ready to rejoice at the good news, ready to rage at your foes on the battlefield. Now at last there is the Austere waning but still mediating between the two, soon it will be dark and the time for action will be upon us. And thus you have taken your first step on the endless journey towards the divine."

Roleplay from Meginhard Brennaborg Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp-combat
Message sent to everyone in Sabadell (2 recipients) - 24 days, 2 hours, 16 minutes ago
Meginhard had a pensitive look an was silent the rest of the evening. When Severina wakes up the following morning, a servant escorts her to the now quiet halls. There she is welcomed by Liutgard, stepmother of Meginhard. Liutgard hands her a letter.

Lady Severina,

You speak of wondrous things, but I can only judge what I see. And what I did see, is majesty.

On account of their birth some become farmers and if their perform their duties well, they prosper and many due to them can have life.

On account of my birth, I became a bailiff and because I did my duties well, I became a senator and many due to me can survive.

On account of our birth, you became a prophetess and if you perform your duties well, you can bring this enlightenment you speak of and many due to you can thrive.

I have sent heralds to every corner of Sabadell to command my people to receive you as they would receive me.

Whatever light is within you, let it shine.

Yours humbly,