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Started by Chenier, August 06, 2011, 06:31:47 PM

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QuoteLetter from Guillaume Chénier
Message sent to the Rulers of Beluaterra (8 recipients)
Rulers of Beluaterra,

I can bear it no longer. The Imperial Host of Fheuv'n will stand for it no further.

Again and again, time after time, the criminals of Sint have attempted to destroy the lands we all have come to cherish. In the names of their sick and twisted god, they have brought forth their daimonic practices to bring destruction to these lands, seeking to eradicate all forms of life pathetically thinking their own lives would be spared.

The first time around, many suffered but most survived. Their plot to summon the cruel God of Destruction was foiled, and Hemaglobe was denied the chance to walk on this plane to wipe us all off the map as these criminals wanted. With their plan foiled, they prepared for the next occasion, and defended the daimonic nests with threats of arms when even their "friends", that they obviously left to die when the next invasion came, wanted to do something about it.

Whereas some realms sided with the daimons in order to fight another inhuman faction, they joined for religious reasons, acknowledging and worshiping the Goddess of the daimons without a doubt or any hesitation. They joined them because that's what they were waiting for all along, as the only times you ever see Sint "against" the daimons is when these have already lost, to fool the naive.

Shame on the Northern realms. The excuses for your wars are miserable, and so you side with such criminals that sought your destruction, and will seek it again, for but a few regions, some patches of lands that could likely have been negotiated. While I have great respect for Thalmarkin, for the courage and dedication it showed in its fight against the undead, this is but the undoing of your hard-earned reputation.

Hemaism is the path of your undoing. Their caste system, in which daimons are the avatars and physical representations of the gods, "is designed to ensure that the powerful Hemaglobe can carry out the role of the Great Destroyer." He is the "cleaning flame of the volcano" that will "destroy the unworthy" with his "dragons of Jobo" that will "bring swift destruction to his enemies". They have already "cleansed" half the continent. Do you really want to let them continue on with their business, and finish the continent off come the next invasion? Traitors are untouchable during invasions, so we musn't wait.

Men of all civilizations and creeds, it is time to waken and come back to your senses. Short-sighted expansionist agendas will be your undoing. Those that have sinned must be punished. All Hemaists must be brought to repent, and all their temples must be razed. It is our only path to salvation.

It is not too late. Join us, end this despicable heresy.

From the shadows of the blight,
We are the cleansing light.
Guillaume Chénier
Hetman and Mirovoy Kaznatchey of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na, Senator of Iato, Ambassador of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na

Die! Sint die! 8)
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Quote from: Geronus on August 23, 2011, 04:18:44 AM
You're obsessed!  8)

I have a purpose, that's not the same.  8)

QuoteLetter from Guillaume Chénier   (10 hours, 30 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of Beluaterra (8 recipients)
King Micheal,

Do you not realize that the realms of your part said exactly the same thing after the third invasion?

One would think your kingdom would have greater memory, for they have caused a lot more harm to your realm in the past two years than they have done good. Have you already forgotten how they have almost destroyed you?

They have not changed, not in the slightest. They have acted the same way after the fourth invasion as they have after the third. Hypocritical claims of repent, of change.

Yet they are still a theocracy, ruled by a faith that calls for the destruction of us all by the hands of the daimons.

They have proven to be strategic and convenient allies of Old Grehk, choosing to fight a war that would not threaten them instead of risking themselves, to take out the realm that is a greater threat to their mischievous ambitions. There is nothing honorable or loyal in their deeds. All they have done is agreed to your plans for an attack on Fronen so as to keep themselves safe while pleasing their daimonic God of Destruction.

Or did you mean when they allowed the Light to help them? Given the ability to go back in time, they no doubt would have done this much later. They accepted them thinking they would be invincible, and how ever they moaned when the undead came to them to show this not to be the case.

They are turncoats extraordinaire. In the last age, they were close friends with Heen, who had defended their reputation again and again, against such claims as I make today. That they had repented, that things had changed and that they regretted their actions. Guess who were the first to perish to the daimons in the fourth invasion? Oh how much empathy did Sint display when their closest ally and most loyal defender perished to the dragons of their god!

What fate do you expect for your realm come the next invasion? Do you really expect Sint to be more caring after behaving in the exact same manner two invasions in a row? Considering you are the only realm left next to Sint now with all this blight, how long do you expect to survive the next invasion?

I urge you to think farther than just the coming months. Your realm will obviously be the first to fall when the daimons oh Hemaglobe return. I have no interest in fighting your armies. But the Hemaists must be destroyed.

Guillaume Chénier
Hetman and Mirovoy Kaznatchey of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na, Senator of Iato, Ambassador of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na
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Quote from: Chénier on August 23, 2011, 04:35:37 AM
I have a purpose, that's not the same.  8)

Hair splitter!

Not that I don't applaud this. Grudges (or even better, Crusades!) really make this game interesting.


Quote from: Geronus on August 23, 2011, 05:24:30 AM
Hair splitter!

Not that I don't applaud this. Grudges (or even better, Crusades!) really make this game interesting.

If my powers to affect the political landscape of BT are related to the lengths of my titles, I foresee great changes to come. :P

So let the crusade against Hemaism (among other things) begin!
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Quote from: Chénier on August 23, 2011, 05:29:36 AM
If my powers to affect the political landscape of BT are related to the lengths of my titles, I foresee great changes to come. :P

Fronen can only hope...


Well. Fronen showed Sint that they are not dead yet... We should really be showing that to OG and Thalmarkin..


Quote from: Geronus on August 23, 2011, 05:32:44 AM
Fronen can only hope...

Fronen is far from dead. From now on, it's pretty close from a stale mate, though slightly disfavoring Fronen. Melhed will tip the balance in whatever direction they join, if they join any.

Otherwise, with time, Enweil will crush Riombara before irreparable damage is dealt against Fronen. And then all those who sided with Sint will regret having done so as Fronen gets backed by Enweil's full armies.  ;)

Or they could all just turn on Sint now.  8)
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A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.
Sir Winston Churchill
[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus


Quote from: Iltaran on August 23, 2011, 07:15:41 AM
A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.
Sir Winston Churchill

Fanatism... we need more of it! Join the crusade! Kill the heathens! Crush Hemaism!  8)
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Draco Tanos

Your obsession with Sint, and even Rio, has reached the OOC disturbing level.  You realize that, right?


Quote from: Draco Tanos on August 23, 2011, 08:06:29 AM
Your obsession with Sint, and even Rio, has reached the OOC disturbing level.  You realize that, right?

No, the disturbing thing is this is AFTER he took a step back from the game and relaxed a bit.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.

Draco Tanos


Yes, that does make it quite a bit more disturbing.


some one in the Melhed senate just proposed to declare war on you guys (i am not bothering to prenounce this..) which received some good reactions.
Some felt deeply insulted by Cheniers letters.

I mean if you want to find allies, you don't start your letter with accusing them and insulting them of dishonor etc during the invasion and then saying, just because Sint is worse, Melheds wrongs are ok.

But thanks, you might just have helped us make a decision, our votes again came to a bloody tie between neutrality and War against Fronen...
Formerly playing the Nosferatus and Bhrantan Family.
Currently playing the Polytus Family in: Gotland, Madina, Astrum, Outer Tilog


Quote from: Nosferatus on August 23, 2011, 09:41:25 AM
some one in the Melhed senate just proposed to declare war on you guys (i am not bothering to prenounce this..) which received some good reactions.
Some felt deeply insulted by Cheniers letters.

I mean if you want to find allies, you don't start your letter with accusing them and insulting them of dishonor etc during the invasion and then saying, just because Sint is worse, Melheds wrongs are ok.

But thanks, you might just have helped us make a decision, our votes again came to a bloody tie between neutrality and War against Fronen...

Right now I have no respect for Melhed, simply because they haven't been involved in a human war for... I was told, 6 years, on IRC. Honestly, I think the last war was against Ar Agyr/The Valentic Order? Something like that?

If you go kick that worthless Ruski-realm in the nuts, you will gain respect for another 6 years.  ;D
Ardet nec consumitur.