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Locked Out of 3rd Noble

Started by Morningstar, August 09, 2011, 03:11:11 PM

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A few days ago I had a 3rd noble slot unlock, so I've been playing with: "Your character limits are: 6 characters total, 3 active at the same time, 3 of those can be nobles" for a few days.

Woke up today to see the following: "Your character limits are: 6 characters total, 3 active at the same time, 2 of those can be nobles
You have more active nobles than your limit. You will need to pause a noble or donate before you can proceed."

Family fame hasn't changed and haven't donated during this time.  Can anybody explain what gives?


Yep, I just went from 4 to 3. Betting it's a problem stemming from maintenance? If so, that sucks, as all of my characters have something semi-important to do this turn.
Agiri (Carelia) Tinwe (Greater Aenilia) Ayrl (Fissoa) Wyllham (IVF)


I submitted a bug report (but I'm still afraid I'm going to have to pause a character just so that I can play this turn).

I was thinking that the issue was related to donation code, but maybe not.

Is anyone else having this problem?
Agiri (Carelia) Tinwe (Greater Aenilia) Ayrl (Fissoa) Wyllham (IVF)


Yeah the maintenance was what I suspected as well.


Coincidentally, there was a major code update sent live today which may have broken a few things (while fixing a lot more and making the game much, much better for the coders to work with).  Whether this is intended behaviour or not, I don't know.  I would guess not, but I will find out.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Quote from: Bedwyr on August 09, 2011, 05:27:13 PM
Coincidentally, there was a major code update sent live today which may have broken a few things (while fixing a lot more and making the game much, much better for the coders to work with).  Whether this is intended behaviour or not, I don't know.  I would guess not, but I will find out.

Agiri (Carelia) Tinwe (Greater Aenilia) Ayrl (Fissoa) Wyllham (IVF)


Alrighty, so, this is one of those things that may be a bug and may be intended.  More information on the specific situations where it is changed is needed, so!  If you could all post (to this thread) your family page links, and what the change in character limits was, that would be very helpful.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Quote from: Bedwyr on August 09, 2011, 05:43:36 PM
Alrighty, so, this is one of those things that may be a bug and may be intended.  More information on the specific situations where it is changed is needed, so!  If you could all post (to this thread) your family page links, and what the change in character limits was, that would be very helpful.

To be clear: there's definitely a bug going on somewhere for this to happen.  The absolute number of character slots you have at this moment in time, however, may be correct or may be bugged.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


I have 6 total available and can have 4 active. Until this morning, 4 of those could be nobles.
Agiri (Carelia) Tinwe (Greater Aenilia) Ayrl (Fissoa) Wyllham (IVF)


Wait a minute--are all of you people who recently lost 2 fame points? (Or had fame recalculated, whatever)?


Quote from: egamma on August 09, 2011, 07:26:15 PM
Wait a minute--are all of you people who recently lost 2 fame points? (Or had fame recalculated, whatever)?

I was. I'm not sure if Morningstar was or not. The original poster who made a thread about fame was Danelawyer.
Agiri (Carelia) Tinwe (Greater Aenilia) Ayrl (Fissoa) Wyllham (IVF)


I see this was restored. Is there anything that can be done for those of us this affected who had to pause a character? We're locked out from unpausing for a few days.


I'm still locked at 3 active nobles instead of 4. Also, last night my adventurer (that I unpaused since I couldn't play a noble) was autopaused. I unpaused him again this morning and got "Auto-Inactive   (10 hours, 53 minutes ago)
You have been automatically set to paused due to lengthy inactivity."
Agiri (Carelia) Tinwe (Greater Aenilia) Ayrl (Fissoa) Wyllham (IVF)


After you unpaused him, did you actually play the character? If you don't play the character, they will immediately autopause again.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.