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Searching for Sages and Wizards

Started by Indirik, August 09, 2011, 04:29:25 PM

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I like the new system and have great desire to track them. I just wish I could have found one by now. I have had several reports from others that they are seen but everytime I get to those locations they are gone.
Kye Family: Khari (Farronite Republic), Kalidor (Tara), Astridicus (Astrum)


I haven't found a sage since the system was implemented. Yesterday, my BT advy heard rumors of Bruno passing through Cjelegy. I immediately visited all the surrounding regions (Ajitmon, Athol Margos, Rines and Ajitmon). No Bruno.  ???
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


•You hear rumours that Jahoren passed through here recently. - Eidulb Outskirts

Thats the first rumors I have seen since the change. I have alrady checked three adjacent regions with no sight of the man. Still a few more. I suppose they will not show up in another region until the rumor message is gone. Thats a hunch on my part.
Kye Family: Khari (Farronite Republic), Kalidor (Tara), Astridicus (Astrum)


•Meet with Jahoren... - the one with the evil laugh Wizard. in Eidulb Outskirts (Dwilight)
Kye Family: Khari (Farronite Republic), Kalidor (Tara), Astridicus (Astrum)


If you can't find him in the nearby regions, he may still be somewhere inbetween, travelling, mediating, hiding, whatever. The message definitely means that he (or she) is very close.


Found Jahoren, he came into Eidulb Outskirts as the rumors said he had been in the area recently.

I have also now found a sage in Sabadell in Astrum: Meet with Emtorkin... - the brave Sage.
Kye Family: Khari (Farronite Republic), Kalidor (Tara), Astridicus (Astrum)


Where do these "rumours" appear? When you arrive in a region, or do you specifically need to do the "listen for rumours" action?


Quote from: Velax on September 29, 2011, 08:12:34 AM
Where do these "rumours" appear? When you arrive in a region, or do you specifically need to do the "listen for rumours" action?

Look under quests every time you enter a region.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


You have encountered a sage, a wise man, known as Ormem. People say he is wibbly. It is rumoured by many that he has magical powers. He and his kind are the only people capable of repairing and sometimes even improving unique items.

Over the past week, I have tracked him on Dwilight from Chesland to Paisly.


So I have been tracking a wizard on dwilight for near three months now and have not yet seen a pattern develop on his movement.  Just how long is that going to take? 3 months RL seems like a long time to not have discovered a route a of yet. Sages and wizards are still run that way correct, and not random like long ago?
Kye Family: Khari (Farronite Republic), Kalidor (Tara), Astridicus (Astrum)


Quote from: cenrae on March 21, 2013, 10:34:43 PM
So I have been tracking a wizard on dwilight for near three months now and have not yet seen a pattern develop on his movement.  Just how long is that going to take? 3 months RL seems like a long time to not have discovered a route a of yet. Sages and wizards are still run that way correct, and not random like long ago?

No one ever said they have a fixed route, much less a close one. However, they do have a route, i.e. they don't just disappear here and appear there, but travel around.


Quote from: Tom on March 21, 2013, 10:54:02 PM
No one ever said they have a fixed route, much less a close one. However, they do have a route, i.e. they don't just disappear here and appear there, but travel around.
Basically a general pattern/path but not an exact one?
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


I've noticed Bantr the careful sage seems to pop up in Seven Rivers  area (Beluterra) every few weeks.
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)


Hum...well that sort of blows. I guess I interpreted the routes as more fixed. I guess ill have to rethink how I record a sage or wizards travels.
Kye Family: Khari (Farronite Republic), Kalidor (Tara), Astridicus (Astrum)


For the record:

Sages and wizards do not have any predetermined path and definitely not a closed loop. They won't be in town ABC every 60 days or something of that kind.

What they do have is actual travel. They will never disappear in X and reappear in Y half a continent away. You can always count on them having moved to a neighbouring region. If it seems they skipped one then that is because they only stayed in the intermediate region for a very short time, but they always have a proper travel route.