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Topics - Mac Tir

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So have been organising some looting expeditions, and it seems that units with less than forty men cannot safely loot a region that has around 20k population in it. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this, or what any other bench marks for it are.

East Island / For Fallangard!
« on: July 11, 2014, 07:27:57 PM »
Iskra Rousseau is calling for an uprising against the current government! In a passionate speech he said:

Former King Edvard,

It is with a joyous heart that I now spark the wave of change that will sweep Fallangard clean of all that is old, slow and stuck 50 years in the past. You have shown time and again that you do not understand the current politics of the Island. You dragged us into a war that we did not want. A war that resulted in the deaths of thousands of our finest warriors and in the end, thousands of young boys, ignorant of war and eager to serve. Our realm has been locked in nearly constant warfare since our founding and has had no time to rebuild. We grow weaker by the day and are not prepared to meet a Caligan threat or support any allies we have in a decent, respectable manner.

While those of us in the Rebel Movement are pleased that you have finally exited us from the war, you do not have our trust that you will be able to lead us through any future conflict with assurance of victory. You are nearly a Century old and often lie wounded after each battle. We cannot afford to have our King repeatedly out of commission.

In conclusion, it is time for the young blood to take the reins of power and lead our mighty realm to new heights. We are the future and you are the past. Step aside and let those more capable than you lead the way.

Iskra Rousseau

High Marshal of Fallangard

Count of Abadan

Helpline / Command Staff Settings prioritization?
« on: July 07, 2014, 04:00:47 PM »

So I just had one of my chars appointed as VM of an army, and their leadership skill is high enough to use some of the more advanced settings. If I were to set one of the more advanced settings, would they still deploy in that setting if the Marshal were to take command in a battle?

Helpline / protocol for a dead hero?
« on: June 30, 2014, 07:33:37 PM »

So I am a relatively new player, only been on for about five months. My first character just died a heroic death, and as this is the first character death I've had to deal with that wasn't as the result of an account lock/deletion, I was wondering if there was any sort of protocol that is normally followed? I.e. waiting a certain amount of time before burying, what is/isn't acceptable for replacement character slot, etc.

I've already filled out a quick RP in the roleplaying board about it, not the greatest but better than nothing I guess.

Roleplaying / The Death of Loghain Mac Tir
« on: June 30, 2014, 07:26:54 PM »
Loghain hacked and slashed, his sword crimson with blood, his armour dented and battered. Throughout the battle he had been pierced by arrow and spear, and he was beginning to realize that he was not much longer for this world. He realized that for all their efforts, they would not drive the enemy back. His good friend Donovan had fallen earlier in the fray, and he had lost sight of him, presumably injured sufficiently that he had been forced to leave the battle.

 A surge of adrenaline went through Loghain as he watched the banner of Gabanus smash into his daughter's unit. A battle cry erupted from his lips as he saw the enemy capture Anora. Whatever the result of this battle, they would not have his daughter. He and his men hacked and slashed their way through the seemingly endless mass of enemy soldiers, but it was like fighting against a raging current. As he watched his daughter bound in chains and dragged from the battlefield, he felt a sharp sting, and everything faded to black.....

OOC: Not the greatest, but it's what I've come up with on the fly. Sucks though, character was getting fun to play, and I had had a really bad feeling about the battle right before turn change.

East Island / Sea travel on east island?
« on: June 29, 2014, 08:58:03 AM »

Just wondering if sea travel was an option on east island. I started playing just pre glacier, so I'm not entirely certain if it ever was working there or if the glacier mucked up the sea zones somehow.

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