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Community => Other Games => Topic started by: D'Espana on March 18, 2013, 07:28:11 PM

Title: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on March 18, 2013, 07:28:11 PM

The Underdark. A continent under a continent, unbeknown by the majority of the upper world and feared by the few that have heard the legends about it. Legends about dreadful creatures, which come out at night and ravage villages and towns, leaving no survivors behind them. Legends about mythological beings, long disappeared from the surface of the world, which custody huge treasures from forgotten times. Legends about heroic (or mad) adventurers that found an entrance and ventured in this misterious place, only to never be seen or heard of again.

What lies in this cursed land, where the only sound you want to hear is the echo of the water dropping from the stalactites? What rests in this place that the light of the sun has never nor will ever touch? Does it even hold any life at all? Is it possible for something to grow or prosper in this most hostile environment?

The answer is - yes. Miles under the continent, this gargantuan cavernous system spreads for leagues, always silent, always immutable yet changing. Collapses are not uncommon, and the air itself can be an added trouble, since it can grow stale and even poisonous, when not outright flammable or explosive due to trapped gases. Though the weather is always reasonably mild, water is extremely cold, posing hypothermia risk to those who remain in it for too long... and do not suffer other "accidents" while taking a bath. Here and there, solitary beings can be found, as well as herds of creatures unseen by most mortals. However, you would do well in avoiding contact with anything or anyone, as in the Underdark, pretty much everything can kill you or wants to eat your flesh. Even the rare plants (or so they seem) are venomous to the extreme, making from this land a barren place where life is scarce and expert in the art of hiding and ambushing.

Even rarer, little nooks of civilization can be found, composed by one of the few intelligent races that have made from the Underdark their home. The corrupted Duergars, or gray dwarves, compete with the deep gnomes, also known as Svirfneblin, for the rich veins of ore available to the miners. The Illithids or mind flayers inhabit caverns with their own kin, protecting the Super Brain that binds them together and only worried of enslaving other races, which will serve either as slaves or the next meal of their masters, which find in brains their source of food. Amongst the less civilized creatures, Goblins, Kobolds or Quaggoth live in tribal societies, trying to profit from any chance they have to survive meanwhile they try to avoid being detected by the superior races. On the other extreme, extremely intelligent entities, such as Aboleths, Cloakers or even Dragons live on their own, very often looking after their possessions with ultimate zeal and determination.

And then, there are the Drows. This elven sub-race was expelled from the surface by their elven cousins an eternity ago, and have adapted extremely well to their life in the Underdark. Dark skin, extremely pale hair and red or pale eyes make up their appearance, with compact and slender bodies granting them stealth, agility and speed as their defining physical characteristics. They use infravision as their main resource to see, though they can change to standard light spectrum at will. They have both exceptional magic abilities and great resistance to it, and can become fearsome warriors or mages because of that. They can live several centuries, some reaching as much as a thousand years old, though very few die of old age, being by far the violent death by other species or their own the first and foremost cause.

Psychologically speaking, drows are completely and absolutely corrupted. They are evil, treacherous, arrogant, narcissistic, sadistic and above all: cruel. This attitude is enforced on the newborns by the adult females, as in this matriarchal society they are the uncontested leaders of their people, relegating males to powerless position unless they exceed at some sort of combat or they become the chosen puppet of the first female of their House (and being all of them only ceremonial positions). It is also heavily indoctrinated the cult of Lolth, the spider goddess and most worshipped drow deity.

When (if) a Drow becomes finally an adult, he is a merciless machine of death and destruction, complementing his tough training with his innate abilities, which range from creating globes of magical darkness and faerie fires to levitating, depending on their social position and that of their House, which means pretty much the same in this alien world. However, their society does not see favorably open hostilities and infighting, and instead rewards the less obvious techniques such as "my dagger has ended in your back, I still wonder how" or "it was not me, but that terrible creature we were fighting a minute ago. Poor guy, I'm sorry". Even the different Houses exterminate each other as the primary way of advancing in the global rigid hierarchy, sometimes being successful and achieving their goal, sometimes failing and thus being eradicated to preserve the "morale" of the society. Drow Justice at his maximum exponent.

Torture and slavery are commonplace, especially for members of other races which happen to be captured in one of the many raids Drows perform to obtain goods, luxuries or "preemptively striking an enemy that may attack them afterwards". Their own race is regarded as superior to all the rest, something that when added to all the rest makes them one of the most hated and feared species of the Underdark, perhaps even in the whole world. These raids take them from time to time to visit the surface and slaughter brutally some Wood Elves, their most detested enemies, as vengeance for exiling them now so much time ago.

The Drows live and thrive under these conditions, mastering the regions they own with ruthless and brutal efficiency. But still, not everyone is keen on following this order. Bregan D'aerthe, a secret organization composed exclusively by rogue males disenchanted by the general situation, has become the first source of information and paid works of all kind, being essentially so important for the intrigues of the high society that their unusual and otherwise heretical presence has been tolerated, at least for the time being. Also, a number of Drows that have retained and hidden their decency and moral values from the eyes of the rest have started the absolutely forbidden cult of Eilistraee, also known as "The Dark Maiden" and goddess of all the Drows that abhor from the practices of their kin and want to break free from the evil that lies in the soul of their own race.

So many factions confronted for the ultimate consecution of their goals... So much distrust and hatred... Will you be able to navigate the sea of intrigue and conspiracies, or will you sink and drown in this chaotic Drow world? You are invited to discover the answer...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on March 18, 2013, 07:28:31 PM
The Rules

Werewolf is a game of paranoia, deception and betrayal. Hidden amongst the unknowing Followers of Lolth are the Members of Bregan D'aerthe, a mercenary guild that has been hired to assassinate everyone in the raiding party. The Followers of Lolth outnumber the Members of Bregan D'aerthe, but they don't know who to trust. The Members of Bregan D'aerthe want to kill enough Followers of Lolth so that they can reach parity and overthrow the Followers of Lolth openly, the Followers of Lolth want to destroy the Members of Bregan D'aerthe by uncovering their identity.

If that wasn't a dire enough situation for the Followers of Lolth, there are also Devotees of Eilistraee looking to eliminate the Followers of Lolth, so as to purge the land of their evil. Fortunately the Followers of Lolth have the aid of the Drow Sorcerers, who have developed their magic abilities and may help them in finding their enemies; and the assistance of the Drow Paladins, whose close range combat skills and powerful armor and weapons make them capable of protecting their partners. Apart from them all, there is also the Drow Archmage, an extremely powerful wizard that has sensed in advance the incoming slaughter and has decided to get involved in it, trying to get rid of everyone else so as to maintain hidden his identity. These characters must hide their identity just as much as the Members of Bregan D'aerthe must, as they are the greatest threat to the rogue elements and will surely be killed if revealed.

It may seem like a simple Follower of Lolth is powerless in this clash of confronted interests, but he is not. Every day the Followers of Lolth get to choose one person to lynch in their efforts to kill the Members of Bregan D'aerthe and Devotees of Eilistraee. The Followers of Lolth must vote to choose the person they think most likely to be a Member of Bregan D'aerthe or Devotee of Eilistraee. With their vote, the Followers of Lolth can reveal much about the motives of others. But they must be cunning, or more than a little lucky, if they are to survive.

Standard Big Rules

All roles will be handed out after the last person signs up, with all players receiving a PM containing their role. The game will then proceed to a night deadline.

The game is divided into two periods - night and day. For practical reasons these two periods are run concurrently, from one update till the next. Each update is 24 hours apart.

Each day, all players vote to lynch one of the players - the person they think is most likely to be a Member of Bregan D'aerthe or Devotee of Eilistraee. Every two nights, the Members of Bregan D'aerthe and Devotees of Eilistraee decide who to kill, hunting in alternate nights. In each 24 hour period, the Followers of Lolth will lynch, and the baddies will hunt. The Followers of Lolth can try to not lynch anyone by creating a glorious tie, and the baddies can also decide not to hunt anyone at all at night.

The Members of Bregan D'aerthe win if they manage to reach parity with the Followers of Lolth and root out completely the Devotees of Eilistraee. The Devotees of Eilistraee win if they manage to reach parity with the Followers of Lolth and root out completely the Members of Bregan D'aerthe.The Followers of Lolth win if they manage to destroy the Members of Bregan D'aerthe and the Devotees of Eilistraee. The Drow Archmage wins if he fools everyone else and guides them to their deaths, as he needs to reach a final 1v1 to emerge victorious.

Standard Werewolf Rules

Wounding System

So as to make the game more lasting and entertaining, wounds have been introduced. Any successful hunt on any healthy character will wound him, not instantly kill him. A second hunt while wounded will be lethal. However, Drow Sorcerers of any faction may heal a wounded character, making him to recover his peak health in a turn. There are two drawbacks to this: no other action can be performed in the same turn (scan and heal are incompatible orders) and the healed character may learn the identity of the Drow Sorcerer (50% chance), though the faction cannot be discovered in this fashion. The only way to instantly kill a healthy character is through a lynch.


The deadline of this game is 12 am (00:00) BM Time (6 hours after BM Sunset) (forum time will be used).
Votes and orders made at 23:59:59 will count, while those made at 00:00:00 WILL NOT.

The Factions and Roles


Do I have to roleplay? No. It's fun and helpful to do it, but it's not required. Some players don't really roleplay at all, and instead simply post votes and accusations, and that's okay too.

What do I post?/I don't understand! You can post anything you like, but preferably in an IC POINT OF VIEW. Typically Followers of Lolth will post accusations. "I think he did it, just because!" or "I think she did it, because last turn she voted against the guy who turned out to be a Member of Bregan D'aerthe". Accusations work better when you can back them up with some reason. Trash talking is allowed and encouraged.

I'm a Member of Bregan D'aerthe /Devotee of Eilistraee. What do I do? You pretend to be a Follower of Lolth and do and say WHATEVER IT TAKES to survive and kill all your opponents.

I'm a Pseudo-Seer. What do I do? You try to scan everyone in order to learn their faction and help your own one. Discover who's who in this game of paranoia and deception!

I'm a Bodyguard. What do I do? Protect the Followers of Lolth from the rogue elements. Be careful, though: your ability makes you an interesting target for them, and you can only protect yourself once.

I'm the Drow Archmage. What do I do? Watch everyone's efforts from your comfortable position of superior knowledge, and try to guide them all to their doom. Aid one side temporarily, trick the other when it suits you best or better yet, fool everyone around for your particular amusement and deadly intentions. Be wary of being killed by mistake, it would sure be a pity to not survive to continue your researches!

I'm still confused/I don't know who to vote for. Either watch other players in action and see how they're doing it, or jump right in yourself. This game is both deadly serious and quite comical, where people will accuse others for the slightest and most vague of clues, or just in retaliation for voting against them! The first round of voting is difficult, as the only way to try to tell who's a werewolf and who's not is to listen to what people are saying. In later rounds you can try to identify patterns, or look for groups that vote together, or people who changed their votes to keep the baddies from being lynched.

Are votes private or do they go in the main thread? Very definitely public!

Do the Members of Bregan D'aerthe/Devotees of Eilistraee vote with the Followers of Lolth? Absolutely. You want to do everything you can to keep the naive Followers of Lolth from suspecting that you're a baddie. If the Followers of Lolth think you're not one of them, they'll vote to lynch you! So your job is not only to kill the Followers of Lolth, but also to convince them that you're actually one of them as well!

Aw man, I'm just a Follower of Lolth. We can't all be the Members of Bregan D'aerthe/Devotees of Eilistraee. Have fun being a Follower of Lolth. Root out the rogue elements! Try not to be confused for them and be lynched by your own fellows!

How does a substitute work? If a player cannot continue to play, another player may jump into that role. Subs may be players who were previously killed in the current game (though there are caveats, a Bad Guy is often not a good sub because he knows things) or a late signup. In either case, when someone subs in, they assume the identity of that slot. Thus if someone who was playing and was a Drow Sorcerer - Follower of Lolth, if he gets subbed, the player who comes in is a Drow Sorcerer - Follower of Lolth, and pretends that he's been there the whole time.

How long does a game last? Depends on setup and what happens in the game. Could be as short as 2-3 days, or as long as 10 days!


  • Vierna D'Espana (NPC) - Vierna D'Espana (NPC) the leading Drow High Priestess has died in her forced transformation to a spider.
  • Sonya
  • Stabbity
  • Ketchum
  • Lefanis
  • Fury
  • Dishman
  • Cren
  • Disturbedyang
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on March 18, 2013, 07:28:52 PM

Night 0

Vierna D'Espana (NPC) the leading Drow High Priestess has died in her forced transformation to a spider.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Sonya on March 18, 2013, 08:34:37 PM
Reserved for future i am in!.

And I am!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on March 18, 2013, 10:10:27 PM
I want to be a mindflayer.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Ketchum on March 19, 2013, 12:57:27 AM
I want to rule this underdark world. I am In of course! ;)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Lefanis on March 19, 2013, 04:28:44 AM
Hey, this looks like Ozrat!  :P
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on March 19, 2013, 05:02:14 AM
Forgotten realms? ;D
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on March 19, 2013, 05:46:06 PM
Quote from: Stabbity on March 18, 2013, 10:10:27 PM
I want to be a mindflayer.

That's interesting, I hadn't thought about making a game with them. Perhaps next time... but for the time being, you'll have to accept being a drow ;)

Quote from: Ketchum on March 19, 2013, 12:57:27 AM
I want to rule this underdark world. I am In of course! ;)

Have you thought about a sex change? You'll need it for ruling down there... There are feminazis, feminazis everywhere :P

Quote from: Lefanis on March 19, 2013, 04:28:44 AM
Hey, this looks like Ozrat!  :P

Wait to see its inhabitants. You'll find that they are the perfect Sorrainians. Those damned treacherous neighbours will cost us something big, I tell you >:(

Quote from: Fury on March 19, 2013, 05:02:14 AM
Forgotten realms? ;D

And drows! WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED?! 8)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on March 20, 2013, 06:00:43 PM
QuoteAnd drows! WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED?! 8)

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on March 20, 2013, 07:38:03 PM
Quote from: Stabbity on March 20, 2013, 06:00:43 PM

But... but... DROWS! :(
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Ketchum on March 21, 2013, 01:20:49 AM
Quote from: D'Espana on March 19, 2013, 05:46:06 PM
Have you thought about a sex change? You'll need it for ruling down there... There are feminazis, feminazis everywhere :P
As long as I have the best cookies from Evil Empire ::)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Dishman on March 21, 2013, 01:29:25 AM
Would it matter that I'm not familiar with the settings? I'll throw myself in anyhow. I've been in several games in a row, though, so let someone else have my spot if a newbie pops up and there aren't enough spots.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on March 21, 2013, 03:06:01 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on March 21, 2013, 01:20:49 AM
As long as I have the best cookies from Evil Empire ::)

Then get you some sharp scissors. And analgesics. LOTS of analgesics.

Quote from: Dishman on March 21, 2013, 01:29:25 AM
Would it matter that I'm not familiar with the settings? I'll throw myself in anyhow. I've been in several games in a row, though, so let someone else have my spot if a newbie pops up and there aren't enough spots.

Of course it doesn't matter! You'll have them posted this weekend anyways, which is when I'm finally going to have some friggin' spare time after a friggin' long week. And don't worry for the spots, there are always less people than needed. Much like our dear BM ;)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on March 21, 2013, 04:13:32 AM
Quote from: D'Espana on March 20, 2013, 07:38:03 PM
But... but... DROWS! :(

Pale in comparison to C'thulu esque monster capable of slurping brains ;)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Cren on March 22, 2013, 05:14:26 AM
I am in.. And I want a furry character.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on March 26, 2013, 04:27:57 AM
Okay, ladies, this afternoon I will start crafting everything. I won't start the game until at least one of the others has finished, so no worries.

Quote from: Stabbity on March 21, 2013, 04:13:32 AM
Pale in comparison to C'thulu esque monster capable of slurping brains ;)

And the funniest thing is that slurping brains is their less creepy ability ;D

Quote from: Cren on March 22, 2013, 05:14:26 AM
I am in.. And I want a furry character.

Are you sure you want a furry drow? The only way is making you a hybrid bastard, and you will be laughed at for it. Not that it matters too much in this game, but I still warn you ;)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on March 26, 2013, 04:47:32 AM
My first action will be to vote for the furry drow to be lynched.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on March 26, 2013, 05:52:34 AM
Quote from: Stabbity on March 26, 2013, 04:47:32 AM
My first action will be to vote for the furry drow to be lynched.

I didn't expect less from you, Stabbity.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Disturbedyang on March 28, 2013, 12:54:16 PM
When is this starting?? :p
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on March 28, 2013, 05:52:47 PM
Quote from: Disturbedyang on March 28, 2013, 12:54:16 PM
When is this starting?? :p

Whenever we get some 11 players (14 would be absolutely perfect) and you give me the green light. Here in Spain we have the Holy Week ("Semana Santa"), which provides the students as myself with an awesome set of holidays. I have a lot of spare time right now, but if you guys can't, then I'll of course wait until you are able to play.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Ketchum on March 29, 2013, 08:30:27 AM
Quote from: Stabbity on March 26, 2013, 04:47:32 AM
My first action will be to vote for the furry drow to be lynched.
If we all are Evil, then you have to be the good guy, who want to kill Evil guys.


Hold on, we not started the game yet ;D
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on March 29, 2013, 08:34:25 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on March 29, 2013, 08:30:27 AM
If we all are Evil, then you have to be the good guy, who want to kill Evil guys.


Hold on, we not started the game yet ;D

Evil guys kill evil guys all the time. Its the only thing keeping us from world domination.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on March 29, 2013, 07:05:26 PM
Everything is set up and prepared for the run. 14 players would be awesome, but I'll start it with only 11 if you want. Those who have a "?" next to their name please confirm if you are playing or not, and you can submit me any pre-game questions you have. Oh, and if you prefer any particular faction/role you can send me a request, though I don't guarantee that I'll be able to grant it. Let's go!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Disturbedyang on March 29, 2013, 11:40:07 PM
I am in, of course. :)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Penchant on March 30, 2013, 01:44:34 AM
Hmmm, not sure if I will play this round as I hate the super-seer role.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on March 30, 2013, 02:58:57 AM
Quote from: Penchant on March 30, 2013, 01:44:34 AM
Hmmm, not sure if I will play this round as I hate the super-seer role.

Really? That's interesting, I have always liked the idea of having something like a mini-GM in the game, which can help balance the match if either side is not doing it too well. I guess it's also possible for the other way around to happen, though. I would ask DK what did he think about it, as he was the one with that role in the other game, but I haven't seen him around since then. Anyway, if it's a role more hated than liked, I can and will remove it. No sense in obliging players to suffer something they don't like in a game made exclusively for them.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Penchant on March 30, 2013, 03:45:29 AM
I hate it because its seem like the opposite of balancing. One side is winning, you just bandwagon with them unless things look bad for them  later on. And since its pretty much always in favor of the baddies, that would be who they join. I don't really see how they would act as a balancing force as they are supposed to try to win, and if you can be on any side since you just need to survive, that would mean  you just always bandwagon with the winning side. No incentive to attempt to balance the game out for the super-seer. Basically the super-seer is great for who ever gets it as its an easy win, but very unbalancing imo. Basically I would prefer if it was not neutral but actually supposed to be a good guy.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on March 30, 2013, 04:09:51 AM
But what if the good guys are actually the ones close to victory? I wanted to give him liberty to mess with everyone, and since he can be so annoying he is a prime target for both baddies and townies. However, I see your point, and am inclined to take him out of the picture or rework it if the majority feels as you do. It's always nice to have feedback, thanks for pointing it out, Penchant. I guess it is only balancing if played the way I would play him, which is literally fooling everyone. Victory would be less certain, but fun absolutely doubled or tripled.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Disturbedyang on March 30, 2013, 07:18:46 AM
I agree with Penchant in that sense. Last time, DK just bandwagon with the winning side. To make it work, i think you might need to include a clause or something. Make him work almost like an assassin maybe(The last man standing). Or maybe just give him to someone that will work like you would - messing people around. :p
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on March 30, 2013, 10:46:13 AM
In of course.

As for the super sages, unless they have their own objective to win, they will most likely end up joining the winning side. If there are 3 persons left, side A, side B, and Super Sage, he still has to join a side. Unless, make the Super Sage a third side on his own and if he reaches parity then he kills the last person making sure no one alive knows his identity which is how he's survived for so long. ;)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on March 30, 2013, 04:02:04 PM
Would you all agree then to making him an independent side whose goal is to stay alive until the end and kill everyone only by lynchings? It's hard, but could be compensated by his superior powers + one day invulnerability. I would be surprised as hell if he won, though. Still, this time there are already three CONFRONTED sides (two baddies and one townies), so take into account that unstability should increase
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on March 30, 2013, 04:49:46 PM
Ah I see.

Well, this is how I would do it. The Super Seer is the equalizer. He can only vote to lynch whichever side is winning (has more). This means he can only vote for whoever he has scanned in the past and has confirmed their faction.

Initially he will be voting to lynch the good side but later will be voting to lynch both sides and thin them out. If both sides are equal then he can vote either one.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Penchant on March 30, 2013, 07:54:37 PM
If the sage is his own side, he wants to balance the game otherwise if the other teams are too strong when one faction is eliminated, the faction still alive can kill him much easier. Basically, he will want to equalize so the other sides kill each other and he doesn't have much work to do when they are dead.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on March 31, 2013, 01:01:07 AM
I don't want to oblige him to vote any specific faction (it'd suck to HAVE TO vote someone only because rules say so), so I'll opt for making the Super-Seer his own faction. Fury has made a good point (he wants to keep the secret of his existence), and that helps me to make the final flavor layout. Do you prefer that he needs to have a final 1v1 to win, or do I grant him some more room and make him powerful enough to kill the last 2? I'd prefer the 1v1, a final round with a bad guy, a townie and him could be very nice ;D
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Penchant on March 31, 2013, 01:28:42 AM
1v1. Also, if it gets down to 1 baddie of both factions left, who wins?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on March 31, 2013, 01:33:56 AM
I think Fury handled that beautifully last game. If Sorcerer vs Ranger the latter wins, if same role the one with most kills wins, in case of draw the one who has killed the member of the other bad faction, and in case they are also in a tie there... heck, then I'd have to blame the equality and throw some dices :o
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Cren on March 31, 2013, 09:13:09 AM
Perhaps someone can enlighten me about this game? I wasn't around when D started the series. o_O
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Penchant on March 31, 2013, 09:21:18 AM
Quote from: Cren on March 31, 2013, 09:13:09 AM
Perhaps someone can enlighten me about this game? I wasn't around when D started the series. o_O
this is the beginning of the series.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Cren on March 31, 2013, 10:15:16 AM
Quote from: Penchant on March 31, 2013, 09:21:18 AM
this is the beginning of the series.

Super Seer? Where did he come from?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on March 31, 2013, 07:31:38 PM
Super Seer was from one of the Werewolf games - the Angels vs Demons?
Not too fond of dice rolls. There's always something to make it unequal.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on March 31, 2013, 09:49:05 PM
New series, though the game's similar to WW... XIII, was it? The Super-Seer thing was more an experiment than anything, even if one that did not balance the game like I wanted to, and I'm now trying to fine-tune it so it's funnier to have around/play with. The setting is pure D&D, concretely Forgotten Realms.

And I'm also not too fond of dices, but if role, kills and nº of other baddies killed is equal... then what to do? I think I could give different values for killing Rangers, Sorcerers and Paladins (1, 2 and 3 respectively?), though I don't think such a specific situation will be reached. Still, it's not bad to have something previously disposed, just in case.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Cren on April 01, 2013, 10:41:23 AM
Apart from the D&D stuff, I feel like Captain America.. What new things, roles, rules were added when I was in cryo? Are they going to be in this game?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on April 01, 2013, 07:49:19 PM
All rules are posted on first page (most important stuff in different colour), as well as roles + explanation. We made some experiments while you were absent, mostly depending on the different setups and most of them coming from Fury. Perhaps the most successful one thus far has been the wounding system, I guess. I'm a little bit skeptical about adding it here, though, it doesn't quite match the setting.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Ketchum on April 02, 2013, 03:25:32 AM
Maybe put some Blessed Trait and spread it around, instead of the wounding system from Fury, hey no hard feeling :P
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on April 17, 2013, 01:11:04 AM
Heya there! Finally back after the hell of the former two weeks. Father and grandmother at the hospital (now back home), work everywhere, car revision... but it's all over! I've seen that it has been kinda slow here, so are we still into this or do I call it off for a better time? Your choice, people!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on April 17, 2013, 01:16:38 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Dishman on April 17, 2013, 02:54:28 AM
Ready when you are.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Ketchum on April 17, 2013, 03:26:11 AM
Ready to roar, ready to roll.

Treat Roar song can be found here. (

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on April 17, 2013, 04:13:15 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Penchant on April 17, 2013, 04:37:35 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Lefanis on April 17, 2013, 04:49:01 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on April 18, 2013, 12:11:51 AM
Then forward we go. BUT, we still need at least 3 more players to make it half-decent. I will also remake the Super-Seer role, as what was previously discussed. He will be an independent side with the goal to kill everyone else (through lynchs only, no hunts). The value of the hunt kills will be different for Rangers (1), Sorcerers (2) and Paladins (3); but will only be used if there is a draw in enemies killed between the two hunting factions and they are the only survivors left for the final 1v1.

I will add it to the "official" rules of the first post in the next days. Unfortunately, I think it will take longer to gather the missing players. With a little bit of luck, perhaps we'll be able to start it by next week. Objections?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Disturbedyang on April 18, 2013, 02:03:07 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Cren on April 18, 2013, 07:54:47 AM
I can't wait to see how this turns out! :D
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on May 07, 2013, 08:20:57 PM
Whoah, I'm the dumbassest dumbass of the place. I had completely forgotten this! If you're still up for it, I'll kick it on Monday. We are few, so I'm considering adding wounds. I'm sorry, Fury, I always end up following your steps :-[
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on May 08, 2013, 04:51:20 AM
Tried and true methods.  8)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Cren on May 08, 2013, 04:57:36 PM
I AM ALIVE?!? *check his body parts* Good to go!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on May 08, 2013, 09:39:53 PM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on May 09, 2013, 02:01:56 AM
Ok, then we start on Monday. I want you all ready for some action, so get ready!

Oh, and I've had a really nice idea for next WW, if you still want to keep up with more. If you want to know more, search for Mirai Nikki 8)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Ketchum on May 09, 2013, 09:57:54 AM
Wounding system by Fury? I like that ::)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on May 12, 2013, 06:29:47 PM
First rule changes made, pending the wounding system. I'll take care of it once I return home.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on May 21, 2013, 05:33:16 AM

Preliminary Events

A new day begins in Menzoberranzan. Narbondel, the pillar that marks the passing of time in the drow city, has just received its daily spell, and its renewed heat shines remarkably in the infravision used by most drows in their daily lives. The first signs of widespread activity appear little by little, and drows and slaves alike start travelling the passages of the concurred city. But today is not a normal day. Today, and after ten years of reclusion, a drow raid will start its journey towards the Upper World, unleashing the rage of this fearsome race in their most hated enemies: the Wood Elves.

Very soon, the main street is crowded with drows of all social levels, gathered to witness a not so frequent and most joyous occasion: the departure of the chosen ones. During the past ten years, a particular group of rangers, sorcerers and paladins have been recognized as the most effective and dreadful patrol of Menzoberranzan, thus earning the unmatched honor of fulfilling directly the vengeance wishes of Lolth on the Wood Elves.

After a few minutes, the group finally appears. Leaded by a Drow High Priestess, the best fighters of their kind receive all sorts of blessings and congratulations from the witnessing public, making their way towards the gates of the city under a torrent of noise and twisted happiness quite difficult to watch in the usually silent Underdark.

But soon enough, the clamor declines and everything returns to its regular course. After crossing the gates, the silence becomes the reigning sound for the raid party, and the many dangers of the Underdark make them to raise their alert to a considerable paranoia level. Tuned for decades, their senses and experience take the reins of the warriors, and they follow the Drow High Priestess through the retorted maze that their underground kingdom is. Though all the other creatures know better than to attack a drow raiding party, and nothing disturbs the group for the first weeks of travel... until the Drow High Priestess barks the order to stop.

Fearing an imminent threat, they all take positions around her, preparing for the deadly attack of an enemy powerful enough to take a chance against a fully equipped drow group. An ambush from one of the other drow cities? A herd of one of the many hostile creatures populating the Underdark? Something worse, like an Aboleth or perhaps even a Dragon?

The disdaining laugh of the Drow High Priestess soon makes them all to relax, watching as she motions towards the entrance of a nearby tunnel. Crossing the last few meters of it, soon an immense cavern opens in front of the surprised eyes of the drows, who are barely able to hear the words of the Drow High Priestess.

- Welcome to the second phase of our journey for the glory of our most holy Goddess. Welcome... to Araumycos.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on May 21, 2013, 05:37:36 AM
(OOC: Yeah I know, I'm a lousy bastard that has delayed this for weeks, but heh, life's life. The preliminary events will give you proof that I'm serious now and time to prepare and notice that this is running again. For those interested, info on Araumycos here - ( I look forward to continue the game with you guys!)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on May 26, 2013, 06:50:01 AM
By Lolth, I hope we run into a bunch of random adventurers so we can !@#$ their day up and steal all of their hard earned equipment.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on May 26, 2013, 09:03:33 PM
Night 0


The raiding group stares in awe at the titanic size of the cavern opened in front of their eyes. The ceiling is high enough to be invisible to their infravision, and soon enough an excited voice breaches the silence.

- I can see in the standard light spectrum! Come on, try it!

A rumor of several different conversations fills the air while some follow the advice and some others disregard it, though in the end they all are forced to admit that the natural spectacle is magnificent. Once again, the laughter of disdain from the Drow High Priestess makes all the eyes to converge in her.

- Of course you can see in the standard light spectrum. This is Araumycos, fool male! In this place lives the biggest entity of the Underdark: a fungus. It spreads for miles and miles, filling this cavern and many others passages and tunnels all over the place. And when there are no more corridors to occupy, it simply breaks through the rock. Isn't it magnificent? Many parts of it produce light naturally, that is why infravision is not needed here. Still, you would do well in not shifting your vision, as there are many creatures inhabiting this cave that can hide very well in this permanently changing environment.

She smiles teasingly to the group of males, running her hand over her remarkable curves and moving her priestly robes so that her chest and legs stand out even from the outstanding scenery that surrounds them. Her obsidian skin gleams from the sweat of the journey, and when she shakes her white hair and starts walking towards a pond many find it hard to take off their eyes from her sinuous movements. Then, she turns her head to look back, catching several while they lower their heads in shame and fear of a possible reprisal. Though in her red, lustful eyes it is clear that reprisal is not exactly what she has in her mind...

- We have gone far enough for today. I am tired, and I would find very welcome some rest and... a little massage.

She smirks, conscious of the devastating effect of her words in a group of healthy males deprived of all luxuries for several weeks. She then points to two of them, making them an inviting gesture.

- You two, come with me. You will escort me while I take a bath and later on will give me a massage in my tired legs. The rest of you, patrol the area and make sure everything is in order. Tomorrow we will continue our way. Shall we go?

The two males join her at once, following her to the pond while the rest take positions and scan the surroundings. Once the area is confirmed secure, some lay down to rest while others scatter around to watch. Some faraway screams and moans confirm them what is going on in the pond, but not one of them moves a muscle towards it. Female drows have the final words in all matters, no matter what, and even more so in the case of a High Priestess.

Still, that did not make any easy the task of withstanding them. They were all beautiful and perfectly toned and shaped, for sure, but their wicked minds were way more corrupted than the male ones. Right now, she was no doubt pleasing herself using the bodies of the two fortunate/unfortunate males and half torturing them, as pain and pleasure usually go together in the drow vocabulary.

After some hours, Vierna D'Espana and her two companions return to the improvised camp, where the two chosen ones fall to the floor in ecstasy and become asleep just right where they touched the ground. She goes also straight for her bedding, leaving just a remark to the awoken males before sliding her body inside.

- We are close. In less than two weeks, we will reach our target and fulfill the wishes of Lolth. Behave yourselves, and I will see that each of you receive your reward. Fail me, and I will see that you are tortured everyday for the rest of your lives. Lolth does not accept weakness, and the same goes for me. Rest now, for soon we will depart.

Little by little, the rest of the group obey her command and enter the meditation state in which the drows rest their minds and bodies from the daily events. Only a couple remain awake, looking over the sleepers to safeguard them. The thing is that the safety of their peers is not exactly their main concern. Once they are sure that everyone else is in trance, a shadow recites a litany, conjuring a magic darkness with narcotic effects to prevent anyone from waking up on a whim. Another shadow nods, and a metallic sparkle shines in its hand as it approaches the figure of Vierna D'Espana.

Several hours later, the group awakes and prepares their equipment for the march. Jokes, generally xenophobic and violent, accompany their breakfast, such as Stabbity's.

- By Lolth, I hope we run into a bunch of random adventurers so we can !@#$ their day up and steal all of their hard earned equipment.

A chorus of nods and chuckles receives his words, with the obvious teasing to the two that Vierna had taken with her yesterday for a bath. It is only when the name of the High Priestess is mentioned that they notice that she is not there.

- Hey now, I know that she's the leader and all that, but shouldn't she be here by now? She said we were leaving early.

- Yeah, it's quite strange. Perhaps she's taking another bath?

More laughter welcomes the cheap prank, though when after yet another two hours she is nowhere to be seen a real worry becomes the reigning feeling in the camp.

- For Lolth's sake, we can't go on or return without her. If we go back to Menzoberranzan and she's not with us they'll take that we've killed her... and I don't like even to think about what they'd do to us.

- You have it right. She's a High Priestess from the tenth House, a noblewoman in every sense of the word. They'd throw us in a dungeon and torture us for eternity. We should look for her.

- Are you dumb? What if she's really just having a bath and we appear out of the blue?

- Then she'll punish us, but she'll be by far more lenient to accept our apologies than the Council in Menzoberranzan if something has happened to her. It's our better chance.

- He's right. I say we do it.

- So do I.

- And me too!

The eight members of the raiding party approach the pond, totally aware that should Vierna be there alive they would receive the hell of a punishment. However, they were used to the priestly whips already, and the alternative was just assuming they'd lost her somewhere in the Underdark. Not a real option, so to speak.

Finally breaking through the last few meters of fungal growth, they reach their destination... and what they see makes them to shiver in anticipation for the terrible reprisal they would receive when they returned to the city to report it.

Vierna was hanging from a giant mushroom, her nude body pending over the pond by a white rope tied in her neck. However, that was not the most disturbing sight: her arms and legs had been longitudinally cut in half, thus resembling that she had four arms and four legs. With a gasp, they all simultaneously understood what it meant.

A Spider. The High Priestess of Lolth, pending from her white silk in total resemblance to a spider. A delicious irony that was also an outright heresy, something that no drow in his right mind would have ever thought about. Watching in horror the red pond stained with blood over where the nude Vierna hung, they agreed that someone must had brought her to the pond and tied her to the mushroom, cutting her limbs and then letting her go to die of both drowning and blood loss. They could simply not return to Menzoberranzan like that, but neither could they stay away forever. No one could live on his own in the Underdark for long.

After a long and heated discussion, they reached an agreement. They would try to uncover the bastard that had committed this most heinous crime and present his dead body to the Ruling Council of Matriarchs, in the hope that would lessen their punishment and turn the anger of the Council in gratefulness for avenging her death. It was, after all, their only chance of being spared.

The eight drows recovered Vierna's corpse and took it to the camp, where they wrapped it with her bedding to hide the impious sight. Several spells were casted on it to avoid putrefaction or any creature to touch the package, and then sat down on the floor, eyeing each other in open distrust. Perhaps it was related to yesterday's scene, and the two drows that were with her had taken their revenge for something? Or was there something that they were unaware of, something more sinister that they had not yet discovered?

Lost in their thoughts, no one could see the brief smile shared between two male drows, nor the accomplice glance between another couple, let alone the amused face of a lone companion. They needed answers, and they needed them now.

Vierna D'Espana (NPC) the leading Drow High Priestess has died in her forced transformation to a spider.

You may now send your orders to the GM, as well as start voting to eradicate the rogue elements from within the raiding party. You can return to Menzoberranzan, but only if you carry the heads of the heretics with yourselves. The time is also against you, as it is likely that they will strike again and again until the whole group has been destroyed. What happens onwards, depends on your actions...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on May 26, 2013, 09:36:18 PM
Change in deadline: from now on, it ends at 12 am (00:00), BM time. I think it's a better idea because there's no way in hell I can do the update at BM Sunset Time. With this change, you have more time to send stuff (a real 24 hour period), though it may be a little confusing. Remember, all good until 23:59:59 of BM time. Thus, next update will happen in Tuesday 28th, at 00:00 (in BM time)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on May 27, 2013, 09:05:08 AM
By Lolth! Who was on guard last night? >:(
A dereliction of drow duty!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Ketchum on May 27, 2013, 09:53:05 AM
Off we go on the journey. Ew, there goes our High Priestess. Now who will guide us?  :(

By Lolth will, we will find and discover who done such thing to her.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on May 27, 2013, 12:49:23 PM
Don't look at me, I was in no condition to guard after the High Priestess was finished with me.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Sonya on May 28, 2013, 05:08:32 AM

Ohh wait i entirely forgot about all this, will spent a whole day re-reading everything.

...This game took two months to start....sighs
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on May 28, 2013, 05:55:42 AM
Ah, the sweet smell of not abiding by your own laws. Report (and answer to orders) will come when GM wakes up from a very long night, and next report will be delayed as well (RL issues) Hopefully from Wednesday onwards I'll be able to stick to the deadline. Once more, my apologies.

Quote from: Sonya on May 28, 2013, 05:08:32 AM

Ohh wait i entirely forgot about all this, will spent a whole day re-reading everything.

...This game took two months to start....sighs

You have every right to blame me for it :-[
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Cren on May 28, 2013, 02:44:14 PM
Oh hell no, the High Priestess is dead! I liked how she did things to me last night and now all thats history. Lets find out who did this to her and bring their heads to the council.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on May 28, 2013, 04:13:22 PM
Day/Night 1



The impious assassination of Vierna D'Espana was received with anger and horror from most of the members of the raiding group. Soon enough, Fury and Ketchum started trying to learn who was in charge of the last watch, though it seemed as if no one wanted to accept having played that responsibility and failure in the death of the High Priestess.

Stabbity and Cren, for their part, denied all implication they could have had, supporting it with the evidence that they were too exhausted after sharing some quality time with Vierna for hours to do anything at all. No doubt that would earn them the envy and resentment of their drow companions, who have not had the chance to relieve themselves for several weeks, but at least it was a solid excuse... or was it?

Aside from some discussions and future planning, as well as a lot of hypothesizing, the sunless day and moonless night of the Underdark went on lazily, almost too peacefully to be true. Turns continued to be made to watch over the camp, but a growing sense of paranoia was growing within the raiding group. Who was the assassin? And who would be the next to die?

Strangely enough, no more attacks were attempted or reported. Whoever the assassin was, patience seemed to be amongst his qualities. Or perhaps...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on May 28, 2013, 04:38:45 PM
Job accomplished. 8)
No point hiding it now.
Work with me, Drows.
(hint hint)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Ketchum on May 29, 2013, 02:50:02 AM
I am alive... Phew, that was close. So who is trying to kill me last night? Devotees of Eilistraee, we will find you and lynch you.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Dishman on May 29, 2013, 05:21:14 AM
Quote from: Fury on May 28, 2013, 04:38:45 PM
Job accomplished. 8)
No point hiding it now.
Work with me, Drows.
(hint hint)

Are you admitting the desecration of a High Priestess?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on May 29, 2013, 05:58:05 AM
Day/Night 2



The lazy feeling that could be sensed the day before seems to have taken over the camp, drowning all sign of activities not directly related to the basic maintenance tasks of the emplacement. Most of the members of the raiding group enter and exit the little piece of land that they have cleansed from fungal growth, some to interchange positions with those in charge to watch over the camp and some others to resupply the group's provisions with anything edible they could find.

Fury and Ketchum try to raise support and engagement amongst the group, being largely ignored by the rest, and Dishman questions Fury's words without so much as an answer from his raiding companions. What is the reason behind everyone's unwillingness to interact with each other, that remains unknown.

No attack happens this time as well. Other races might have relaxed, even doubting that the assassin was amongst them, but drows know better than that. An obsessive attention is put into every minor task, as the uneasiness rampages freely through the hearts of the raiding party.  In every mind, the idea that such a delay can only mean a most brutal next strike makes it hard to get to rest, even when tiredness grows strong. Araumycos is holding its breath...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on May 29, 2013, 06:46:45 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on May 29, 2013, 02:50:02 AM
I am alive... Phew, that was close. So who is trying to kill me last night? Devotees of Eilistraee, we will find you and lynch you.

How are you aware of the faction of your attacker? Unless you of course belong to the other.


Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Ketchum on May 29, 2013, 07:08:29 AM
Quote from: Stabbity on May 29, 2013, 06:46:45 AM
How are you aware of the faction of your attacker? Unless you of course belong to the other.

Because I receive a RolePlay from GM which I cannot post here without breaking the rule.
It was about a failed hunt on me. Any Sage can scan me to ascertain the truth.

For placeholder, since you so eager to lynch kill me, if you know you cannot kill me through hunt at night.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on May 29, 2013, 07:15:07 AM
If you ascertained the faction of you attempted assassin while he was attempting to kill you, then I will

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on May 29, 2013, 10:28:44 AM
Quote from: Dishman on May 29, 2013, 05:21:14 AM
Are you admitting the desecration of a High Priestess?

Of course not. Hmmm. This sounds like misdirection away from yourself right from the start. I was trained by the High Priestess herself in Drow psyche. Better start explaining yourself.  ;D
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Sonya on May 29, 2013, 02:42:24 PM
Good day guys, i am up to date and ready to play, my apologies for the delays.


ps: Day 1's Picture is a Spell Howler, i played Lineage 2 a lot years ago, and the picture looks like my character. That weapon is the "Ghoul's Staff"

Lineage 2 was the game i used to play when i discovered BM, used to come here while refilling magic power.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Dishman on May 29, 2013, 04:56:59 PM
Quote from: Fury on May 29, 2013, 10:28:44 AM
Of course not. Hmmm. This sounds like misdirection away from yourself right from the start. I was trained by the High Priestess herself in Drow psyche. Better start explaining yourself.  ;D

You implied you had 'accomplished' something. You are the one who needs to explain yourself, because the only thing I see 'accomplished' by anyone is the mutilation of a High Priestess.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on May 29, 2013, 05:35:28 PM
You know what Disturbedyang said about me when we were all standing in the dark. I'm not saying anything more direct than that. You'll just have to figure it out. Now, enough about me - what about yourself? And for the rest of you Drows keeping your mouths shut, don't think we're not keeping tabs on you! ;D
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on May 30, 2013, 05:44:27 AM
Day/Night 3


VOTE Stabbity – Ketchum (#79)

The first open accusations start flying in the 3rd day since the death of Vierna D'Espana. Stabbity and Ketchum engage in an aggressive testing of each other, though finally Stabbity drops the matter and Ketchum does not receive enough support to make any difference at all.

The rest keep their heads low for the time being, with the brief chatter between Dishman and Fury as the only event worth mentioning over the day. Even after Fury's hint that their silence is not going to allow them to get away with anything they are hiding, no voice is heard whatsoever to claim either innocence or other's guilt.

Barely able to rest in fear for another attack, the hours pass slowly and tediously for the raiding group. Strangely enough, nothing happens today as well. Whatever is being planned by the assassin, it must be no doubt a master strike. That, or...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on May 30, 2013, 05:47:52 AM
Quote from: Sonya on May 29, 2013, 02:42:24 PM
ps: Day 1's Picture is a Spell Howler, i played Lineage 2 a lot years ago, and the picture looks like my character. That weapon is the "Ghoul's Staff"

Lineage 2 was the game i used to play when i discovered BM, used to come here while refilling magic power.

That's cool. I chose it because it was the best picture I could find, though definitely it is not perfect for what I had in mind. Still, way better than all the rest of the images I scrolled over.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on May 30, 2013, 09:39:56 AM
Well, it's clear the second bad drow group is inactive - or are they? Looks like I'm the only one on watch here. If I knew no one really pays attention I should have run off with the High Priestess. ;D
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Ketchum on May 30, 2013, 01:47:55 PM
Hello, anybody here? Are everyone under sleeping spell effect, seeing we all less talking here?  :o
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on May 30, 2013, 03:26:55 PM
As the last person to confirm the roll call.
Then we go down the list of inactives.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Dishman on May 30, 2013, 05:21:41 PM
Vote: Fury

He keeps whispering strange things into my ear. That, and his suspicious way of 'hinting'

Quote from: Fury on May 30, 2013, 09:39:56 AM
If I knew no one really pays attention I should have run off with the High Priestess. ;D

Rather than mutilate her and string her up?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on May 30, 2013, 07:24:45 PM
You do know I could just keep quiet and lie low in the shadows, right?
Guess I'll just do that from now on...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Dishman on May 30, 2013, 08:59:23 PM
Can't have that.

VOTE: Fury
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on May 30, 2013, 09:49:01 PM
Fury does creep me out.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on May 31, 2013, 04:20:08 AM
Bad news, people. Got a sudden ton of workload to do between today (yes, today) and Saturday (yay, exam time!), so the turn won't run today. I have taken all the orders and votes sent thus far, and I'll dismiss any new ones sent from now on until next update (which will happen hopefully at tomorrow's deadline, though we'll see)

To sum up: time has stopped, day 4 goes on, only that no new orders or votes will be counted. Please take it as a free day, and I'll be right back to keep going as soon as I can.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Sonya on May 31, 2013, 04:33:41 AM
Just to wake up the sleepers.

Vote Disturbedyang
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Sonya on May 31, 2013, 04:38:46 AM
Since i can't edit my previous message i just wanted to know why Fury is sending Orders to Everyone.

Fury do you have any sort of power that can help us?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Lefanis on May 31, 2013, 05:28:52 AM

Vote Ketchum.

His little icon misleads people all the time...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Ketchum on May 31, 2013, 07:01:02 AM
Quote from: Lefanis on May 31, 2013, 05:28:52 AM

Vote Ketchum.

His little icon misleads people all the time...
Lol, I thought Drows like a cute cat, apparently you dont like :P
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on May 31, 2013, 02:20:19 PM
Looks like I'm dead.
It was fun while it lasted.
Not. I'm out of here. :P
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Cren on June 02, 2013, 07:40:03 AM
How do you know that the second bad drow is inactive? How do you even know that there is a second bad drow? VOTE FURY
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on June 03, 2013, 04:09:59 AM
Day/Night 4


VOTE Cren – Fury (#89)
VOTE Fury – Dishman (#90), Stabbity (#93)

It is the time. After three days of apparent inactivity, Fury's words and early vote on Cren have alienated enough Dishman and Stabbity to make them decide to have Fury leave this world.

They start walking towards Fury, murder on their eyes, but before anyone can react Ketchum places himself between Fury and his would-be executors, looking at them with a hint of disdain. Dishman and Stabbity's steps become slower and more hesitant, and they stop definitely at Ketchum's amused question.

- Where do you think you are going?

Staring at him in obvious surprise, Dishman is the first to answer.

- Well, we're putting down this traitor and taking his body back to Menzoberranzan, as we all agreed to do.

- That's right! He's creepy, and a weirdo to say more. We're taking him down.

Ketchum's laughter makes them to step back, hands on their weapons as they retreat.

- Oh, no. For Lolth's sake, you're not. Nobody's touching Fury today. Or else...

He unsheathes two shortswords, glancing down at Dishman and Stabbity in a way that leaves very clear that he will enjoy until the last minute of it provided he is given an excuse. Looking around for support and finding none, both decide to avoid the confrontation, disengaging from it with a last long eye duel with Ketchum.

- You will regret this, I swear.

- Of course he will. And you, Fury, I'm not taking my eyes off you.

- I'll be delighted to oblige and feed your entrails to Lolth if any of you dare even to answer back to him. Now move along before I decide to cut you in half.

Resentment and humiliation burning in their eyes, Dishman and Stabbity storm away from the camp, where Ketchum simply puts his weapons under his cloak again and sits down where he previously was, humming a popular drow war song in front of the stunned rest of the raiding group. Little by little everything returns to normality again, and even Dishman and Stabbity come back as well, though they avoid getting too close to either Fury or Ketchum.

Some hours later, the first yawns start their own symphony, and those in turn to watch take their positions while the rest retire to rest. However, they have not even gotten to close their eyes when a scream breaks the silence, making everyone to jump out of their bedrolls and gather around the convulsing form of... who is it?

One of the convulsions lets everyone to have a good look at the tortured face of Lefanis, whose shaking is growing into an uncontrollable movement. All of them step back in horror when a small black scorpion walks away from the retorting form of Lefanis, though Disturbedyang starts pealing of laughter at its sight and quickly walks up to it and crushes it with his boot, smiling as he watches the scene and simply shrugging when all the eyes converge on him.

- Black scorpions aren't that deadly. Seriously, and you say you know the Underdark? He won't die, even if it'd be fun to watch. I mean, who goes to sleep without checking the bedroll first? He'll make it through the night, though if he doesn't get healed he may be screwed if the poison reacts to anything else he eats or drinks. But hey, not my problem. Mind if I knock him down so he lets us all rest for a bit?

Before anyone can answer Disturbedyang kicks his head, stopping right there the shrieks of the unfortunate Lefanis. When he gets back to reposing, everyone seems to decide that isn't a bad idea at all and promptly follow his lead, trying to overlook the occasional shaking sound that comes from Lefanis' place.

Lefanis has bedded down with a black scorpion and is now wounded.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on June 03, 2013, 04:39:49 AM
As I warned in advance, late orders and votes have not been taken into account. Now we resume the regular rhythm of gameplay. Gogogo day 5! :)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on June 03, 2013, 06:58:35 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Lefanis on June 04, 2013, 02:18:32 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Ketchum on June 04, 2013, 02:53:43 AM
Unpredictable doesn't it, "Drows" who wish to lynch kill their fellow Drows?

Hey Seer. Fast work your charm spell or we are doomed!

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Dishman on June 04, 2013, 04:13:48 AM
I suppose Ketchum is our clear, unless he simply protects a corrupted partner. Lefanis seems to have made a sudden was your nap?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on June 04, 2013, 08:34:48 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on June 04, 2013, 09:09:18 AM
Oh by Lolth, still holding a grudge?

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Ketchum on June 06, 2013, 08:08:10 AM
Hello, Sage. Send a mental nudge spell into sage head. Do your work!

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Sonya on June 06, 2013, 03:20:46 PM
We need the Sage's Help to wake up the GM....SAGE HELP US!


Quote from: Ketchum on June 06, 2013, 08:08:10 AM
Hello, Sage. Send a mental nudge spell into sage head. Do your work!

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on June 07, 2013, 03:12:09 PM
Crazy days they have been indeed. Update and all the rest will come tonight, as they should have been all these days. Apologies, I'm really doing my best here, it's not fair making you wait for so long.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on June 08, 2013, 03:07:11 AM
Day/Night 5



The last events meant a hard night for everyone, their worst suspicions confirmed in the sound of Lefanis' convulsions all over the sleeping time. Upon awakening, Lefanis seemed to be reasonably fine, though his slow movements and many grimaces were explicit enough to denotate that something was not working well inside his body. Still, there were many things to do, and everyone but Lefanis resumed their daily occupations.

The day went on normally, as everyone seemed too lost in their own thoughts to worry about the rest. When the time to sleep came again, most of them gained their bedrolls, keeping their favorite weapon at reach just in case. Later than sooner the eyelids started to fall, and the quiet sound of several calmed respirations filled the camp.

That was, of course, until a loud yell made everyone to jump from their bedrolls and ready their weapons. What they saw, however, made them to relax their grips and stare in astonishment at the scene. Fury, because Fury was it, was crawling towards the centre of the camp, thick blood covering his side and leaving a trail behind him as he tried to gather attention and some much needed assistance.

- Help! I've been attacked! Help!

Fury has been stabbed in the side and is now wounded.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on June 08, 2013, 03:09:49 AM
As usual, late orders and votes have not been taken into account. That your GM does not follow the deadline doesn't allow you to do the same 8)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on June 08, 2013, 11:17:28 AM
VOTE Stabbity

or just let the baddies win.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on June 08, 2013, 12:13:35 PM
By voting me you are helping the baddies win.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on June 08, 2013, 12:16:43 PM
If not you then who?
Dishman right?
Vote him and see if I follow.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on June 08, 2013, 01:12:09 PM
The deadline of this game is 6 hours after BM Sunset.
Day/Night 4 was posted 7 hours before the next deadline.
That's not even half a day much less a full day of whispering in the dark. :-\

Day/Night 5 was posted 5 hours after the deadline.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on June 08, 2013, 01:38:28 PM
Quote from: Fury on June 08, 2013, 12:16:43 PM
If not you then who?
Dishman right?
Vote him and see if I follow.

That's a pretty anti-town attitude. Must be grumpy from having your rival faction stab you.

VOTE FURY his whispering is suspicious and his attempts to lynch are not grounded in reality.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on June 08, 2013, 02:30:33 PM
Unless your Drow Sorcerer is sleeping on the job you'll know I'm no baddie.
Giving out WW terminologies don't work anymore. See last episode! ;D
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Lefanis on June 08, 2013, 03:39:53 PM
Vote Stabbity.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Dishman on June 08, 2013, 07:16:11 PM
Vote: Stabbity
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on June 08, 2013, 09:19:44 PM
I'll prove I'm not a baddy. Would a bad guy do this?

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Fury on June 09, 2013, 10:09:28 AM
Considering your vote won't change anything, yeaah.

Dishman, you better come up with some good reasons on who to vote for for the next round or you know what.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Sonya on June 09, 2013, 11:03:04 PM
I am still confused about the times Etc.... but o well...

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on June 24, 2013, 09:04:20 PM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Dishman on June 26, 2013, 01:55:46 AM
I figured there was a cave-in and we all died.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Ketchum on June 26, 2013, 02:26:05 AM
I think there is a Cave Troll and our magic, spells do not work for some reasons. Thus we all die :P
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on June 30, 2013, 09:24:39 PM
Hi there! It's your GM, the one who seems to not give a !@#$ about you all and all that (obviously not true :() Now I've finished exams, so I should (and note that I say should) be around more. Do you still have the spirit, or (very understandably) just want to blow my head against a wall?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Lefanis on July 01, 2013, 04:57:20 AM
Quote from: D'Espana on June 30, 2013, 09:24:39 PM
Hi there! It's your GM, the one who seems to not give a !@#$ about you all and all that (obviously not true :() Now I've finished exams, so I should (and note that I say should) be around more. Do you still have the spirit, or (very understandably) just want to blow my head against a wall?

We'll stick around for the Stabitty lynching   : ;D
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Ketchum on July 03, 2013, 04:30:44 AM
Quote from: Lefanis on July 01, 2013, 04:57:20 AM
We'll stick around for the Stabitty lynching   : ;D
No, my Stabbity... He will stab stab on behalf of me :(

I guess let get the game moving, shall we?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Sonya on July 03, 2013, 11:42:16 PM
I think we should see who is active on this game and start over. is not good like this is now, i think 3 ppl in the week look a this, i even check once 2 in weeks.

Better wait for the GM to have full time, can some one start another game, and see the participation we have?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Dishman on July 03, 2013, 11:56:58 PM
I say we restart the game, but we can take what we've gotten so far and keep the story rolling. Keep the people who are active (and want to continue) but add new people. We can redistribute roles if the GM is creative enough.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on July 04, 2013, 03:07:10 AM
Yea, we did have a number of days that went "hey nothing happened................... Now? Nope..."
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on July 05, 2013, 06:40:21 AM
Yeah, activity was quite lowish, compared to previous games. A great part of it was no doubt my fault, though. That should teach me not to accept responsabilities when I am not sure about fulfilling them.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: Stabbity on July 05, 2013, 09:28:42 AM
Quote from: D'Espana on July 05, 2013, 06:40:21 AM
Yeah, activity was quite lowish, compared to previous games. A great part of it was no doubt my fault, though. That should teach me not to accept responsabilities when I am not sure about fulfilling them.

This is why we're not getting you a puppy for Christmas.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf XVI: The Shadows of the Underdark
Post by: D'Espana on July 12, 2013, 04:29:59 AM
Quote from: Stabbity on July 05, 2013, 09:28:42 AM
This is why we're not getting you a puppy for Christmas.

That was cruel :(