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Topics - Bronnen

Pages: 1 [2]
Helpline / Can you be elected to more than one government position.
« on: August 21, 2016, 07:42:36 PM »
Currently the character is the ruler, but the general position just opened up.

A player said that you can't hold both unless you get elected to t hem on the same turn. I'm pretty sure that's false, but I'm asking to make sure.

Feature Requests / change elder priest abilities
« on: August 12, 2016, 01:05:40 AM »
I've had a few thought for abilities that elder priests specifically might get.

First one was an improved version of the drive out heretic one.  Punish heretic. Instead of just driving them out of the region, loyal religious peasants and militia would try to kill or imprison the heretic. This could also allow for religious prisons where enemies of the faith can be held.

Second, minor magical abilities much like the scrolls the sages make.

Third,  declare a religious state in cities and stronghold with a very high percentage of faithful. The realm in control would need very low morale or it could act like a rebellion where they try to take control of the palace.

I think these changes could be very easily balanced and might make people consider becoming a priest if they can actively affect things instead of just rp.

What do you think?

Feature Requests / Rework the Republic Government type
« on: August 01, 2016, 03:56:59 AM »
I know this was brought up awhile ago and I think people decided it was way too much work to do it properly, but what about simply allowing for a vote that would kick someone out of a position?

BM General Discussion / Help with creating a religion page
« on: July 22, 2016, 09:21:36 PM »
So, I've got a lot of ideas but no experience with the layouts and stuff. Is anyone willing/able to help me out with it? I can probably figure it out eventually but I'd love some help with it.

I'm really just wondering, because how would these people even have any access to this knowledge unless they have been told? It's not like there would be a guild of geneologists who span every continent and keep track of every single noble.

I've never used the family page for anything other than OOC knowledge, but I do know that some people use it for IC stuff.

What do you guys think?

Dwilight / Ut Trutino
« on: July 15, 2016, 06:41:35 PM »
New religion I founded in Swordfell. It's entire goal is to cleanse the diseased and corrupted from the continent in order to bring about a new era of peace.

Still working on everything but if people want to join and help me out with it, that would be fantastic!

Dwilight / Shaking up Dwilight.
« on: July 12, 2016, 03:40:34 AM »
So, I'm sure by the time people read this they'll know what's happened to the SA.

I hope someone in the ESA does it too. We can reset religion in Dwilight and have something new! Maybe a few new religions popping up and then we can have some actual religious wars!

Helpline / Having a region change realms.
« on: January 29, 2014, 06:44:21 PM »
How often exactly can that be done?

Is there a way to prevent abuse?

Say he changes to a realm and is banished from that realm, can the region then be immediately changed once more?

Feature Requests / Industry buildings for Knights and lords.
« on: May 26, 2012, 03:10:22 AM »
Summary: My idea is to allow lords and Knights, with their own gold, to create buildings that are not under the entire region command. Instead of the General "Invest in production" option that exists now.

Details: For example, a knight in a mountainous region could create an industry based on that, say a miner's guild, or a jeweller, or an armourer, without the consent of the lord and it would directly add to the economy of that region as well as give bonuses depending on what you've built.

EX: Say a knight builds an armour smith for 500 gold and creates one that focuses on the quality of the equipment rather than the quantity, it would give that knight extra income as the barracks in the regions purchase them, and it would also give whichever barracks buys that armour a higher armour rating.

Another example:

A lord builds an ale maker, it would help keep the population of that region higher, as well as give a slight income boost due to the peasants and knights buying ale and drinking it.

In that same thought, there could be specializations and trade with these buildings. Say you have an ale that has an incredible reputation for quality, two regions could agree on trade, and then the second region purchasing that ale would get the benefit of the industry.

There could be other buildings as well, like a mason's guild that would cut down on the cost of walls and buildings, or increase the defence of a region. There could be a paper-mill that would increase the loyalty/literacy of a region, schools, universities, all of these things that actual medieval towns had.

I know this might be incredibly difficult to put in, but I think Battlemaster has evolved to the point where things like this are needed.

Benefits: Increased motivation for roleplaying and trading. Increased motivation for investing into regions. Would give Casus Belli for other realms to steal specific regions. Would allow for realms with a large income but little else to invest their money into other things. Perhaps have some sort of Prestige or positive lord affects from buying art and luxuries from other realms. Would help expand the trading system that we have no.

Possible Exploits: None that I can think of right now.

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