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Messages - Andrew

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Announcements / Black Forest on Steam & Forum Changes
« on: September 12, 2016, 11:30:19 AM »
Hello Everyone!

First and foremost, Black Forest went live on Steam a couple days ago. If you've been holding out, Steam makes it easier than ever to download new builds, and the game is as free as it's always been.

In other news, I'd like to welcome Victor C, and Gabanus family to the forum moderation team. These two individuals have stepped up to keep an eye on the Locals boards, among others, which means I've more time to focus on more administration type things and less moderation type things.

Which brings me to my last point: The "Background" board has been moved to the Community category, all SM3 boards have their own quite place under "Tom's Other Games" now, and the BM Expansions boards are now under the BM category, and, most interestingly, a few new themes have been added. You can suggest more here.

If you've ideas on how we could make things better, as always, feel free to let us know! Thanks!

Black Forest / Re: General Bug Reporting
« on: September 12, 2016, 10:22:48 AM »
If I use the ID and access key from Jun 22nd, the most recent I appear to have, it tells me I either have the wrong ID or Key. If I attempt register with that email it tells me, "Server error. Please try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, please report it on the forum." It has been 18+ hours, so I believe I have fulfilled both the try again later and report on forum requirements.

If you want to check your logs, you should see an access attempt at approx 0920 GMT+1 (which is local to you Tom, IIRC) failing for user ID 26 and then a failing attempt to register with me email address. I also sent you the email with ID and key from the address I was trying to use Tom.

Black Forest / Re: General Bug Reporting
« on: September 11, 2016, 02:32:01 PM »
So... I decided I'd try playing a match again, but I can't use my old player ID of 26 with it's key to login and if I try to setup a new account with my email, I get "Server error." Email is the same as the one for my forum account, Tom, if need it to figure out what's going on.

Black Forest / Re: Introduction
« on: September 11, 2016, 02:25:19 PM »
I've no idea how complex this would be, but would it be possible to just integrate it with Steam's user system for those accessing via Steam?

BM General Discussion / Re: Concept: Player of the Month/Year Awards
« on: September 03, 2016, 08:14:48 PM »
How would you determine the top 5 candidates?

I'm all for that submission field though.

BM General Discussion / Re: Concept: Player of the Month/Year Awards
« on: September 03, 2016, 01:35:38 PM »
As I was thinking about it it sort of balances out because players vote for characters, say once per island, but players have multiple characters on different islands.

Then again, maybe not. Not sure on how this would work myself. Was just something to think about.

BM General Discussion / Concept: Player of the Month/Year Awards
« on: September 02, 2016, 09:47:52 PM »
So, I had an idea earlier that maybe we'd foster some friendly competition while also foster better gameplay by having players elect a player of the month. The idea is pretty simple: each month players get to vote for one player or another based on how they play their characters, be they fun to play with, crafter of elaborate roleplays, or just unique. Each month out of the year would be a different person, and then at the end of the year, there'd be a player of the year award. The only rule would be that you can't vote for yourself.

As for what you'd get, I'm thinking maybe a badge of some sort for your profile(s), maybe some sort of other small reward thing.


This Forum / Re: Moderators Wanted
« on: August 30, 2016, 06:27:05 PM »
Your application has been noted. Thank you for your willingness to help! Ideally, I'd prefer to have people moderate one or two individual boards, rather than entire groups of them. That all depends on how many people step forward though.

I will agree that as a group, the locals are popular, with Dwilight being the most popular, but general discussion and feature requests are busier as well. The forum itself keeps it's own stats here, if your curious:

Announcements / Moderators Wanted & Black Forest Green Lit
« on: August 29, 2016, 03:07:35 PM »
Double Announcement: First of all, Black Forest (previously known as "Shwarzwald") has been Green Lit! To all those who helped make that possible, I'm certain you've Tom's thanks, so give yourself a pat on the back or something!

Secondly, I'm looking for anyone who might be interested in helping to moderate the forums. Mostly this consists of reading posting in your area, putting out fires before they become wars, and cleaning up spam. If interested, inquire over at this topic:,

This Forum / Moderators Wanted
« on: August 29, 2016, 03:05:46 PM »
As you may have seen in the announcement, I'm looking for a number of interested parties that are willing to act as moderators on the various forums. If you're interested, by all means, let us know here, telling us why you want to help (yes, because you want to help can be an answer), and where you'd like to moderate.

That said, having moderator rights on here does not make you part of the Development Team(s) (for any of the games) or grant you any sort of in-game perks (yet? not my call), it just means rather than just reading the messages you can do a little bit to help keep this forum nice and pretty.

All applications will be subject to approval by the existing BM/M&F/Forums staffs. Furthermore, I've not broached this with Tom yet, but as he'll have title on Steam, I suspect he'll also be looking for moderators for that game's community pages in due time, if you're interested in helping out there as well.

Apply either by posting below, or PM'ing myself. Thank you!

Feature Requests / Re: Prompt until confirmation emails are fixed
« on: July 16, 2016, 10:53:05 PM »
I've previously made a suggestion to the devs that would actually implement the new prove-you're-not-a-robot recaptcha and move email confirmation to a "if you want more than one character" stage, which would mean people get into the game, probably even faster.

East Island / Re: Perdan and Vix, true heroes of EC
« on: July 12, 2016, 06:15:14 PM »
That's a different topic. This one is "Perdan and Vix, true heroes of EC"

A discussion involving Perdan qualifies as on topic.

Let's keep things civil please.

Black Forest / Re: Beta Client Feedback
« on: July 12, 2016, 05:48:35 PM »
Just wanted to say the new interface looks nice, like the game is out of Alpha and actually in Beta. Still waiting for faster scrolling, but it's a small thing.

Oh, uh, "Quite Game", as seen from the menu when loaded into a game, should read "Quit Game". Unless you're trying to do a thing and say this is quite a game, which depending on your locality means two (or more) entirely different things.

BM General Discussion / Re: Admin/Mod Moderation
« on: July 11, 2016, 05:24:42 PM »
Andrew casts Necromonthready & un-jack.

Figured I'd bring this back on track and say hello and stuff now that I've settled in to my role.

Hello, for those who don't know, I'm Andrew. I'm your new Forum Administrator, and will remain so after the merge (whenever that happens, hopefully soonâ„¢). Based on the discussions, I have assumed most responsibilities for the administration and moderation of this forum as a whole. Unless something crazy happens, the other admins (Tom, Vita, Anaris) will probably step away from moderating things to better focus on their other roles. Which is great, because if they don't have to break up fights, they'll be happy, and happier devs dev more. Or so I'm told.

What this means though, is if you have issues on here, bring it up to me. If it's with me, send a PM to Tom, Vita, or Anaris, and we'll work it out. I can most likely even forward non-forum issues, like those about the game or the wiki, to the right place.

Any questions?

Dwilight / Re: Are you kidding me Morek?
« on: July 11, 2016, 01:10:32 PM »
Ah, religion, I'm tempted to do one, but at the same time, I wish I had a second character to do it with. A monster/undead worshipping one in Westgard just seems so fitting.

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