BattleMaster Community

BattleMaster => Locals => Dwilight => Topic started by: EstionTarcyn on April 25, 2016, 01:32:29 PM

Title: Monster Problems
Post by: EstionTarcyn on April 25, 2016, 01:32:29 PM
It has long been on my mind, and I felt perhaps it was the time to raise this on the forums to see if I was the only one considering it an issue, since the update.

As some of you may or may not know, I RP the character of King Estion of the Dragon Isles (D'Hara) and it had all gone by rather easily and we were allowed to do politics, diplomacy, schemes and wars until the recent monster changes which has left our realm in tatters. There is simply too many monsters that we can do anything about it in my realm, and this is despite having rather many nobles for continent standards, and relatively few regions to defend. All the same we find us unable to defend them all for a variety of reasons that I will cover later. The main issue with all of this is that it does not allow us to play the game fully as we have to rush from region to region to do ''maintenance'' work more than anything else, against an enemy that has unlimited numbers, and that will keep coming. I decided to ask OOCly in my realm if it was just me who felt this way, and several have uttered that they are feeling the exact same way as I do. It is a shame as I have really enjoyed the game, but I find myself often logging on more out of duty than of wish to play, as there simply is little to do, but log in, check the military orders, and then start walking.

The Issues as I see them:
- The inability of players to play the game, or do anything but fighting monsters.
- Players losing interest in the game because of this.
- Hordes are too numerous and common.
- Region's fortifications are not possible to rebuild because the swarms keep coming, and you cannot rebuild within two turns of an attack.
- Monsters crossing on ferries. Seems a bit strange that mindless evil can just take the ferry man across the water, and even more so that there is seemingly no defensive bonus trying to defend that way. IRL islands are often considered natural fortresses, but unless you use ships, it seems as if there is no difference. On an RP continent, it seems strange that these beasts can use ferries and boats, as well as our islands and shores not being more defendable.
- There is no end game to it, they will keep coming, and slowly whittle away at our fortifications.
- It is an evil spiral, as the lack of opportunity leads players to lose interest, effectively punishing those who fight monsters, by not only having them focus on their fighting, but also losing people who wish to actually play the game.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: DeVerci on April 25, 2016, 01:41:34 PM
Quote from: EstionTarcyn on April 25, 2016, 01:32:29 PM
- Region's fortifications are not possible to rebuild because the swarms keep coming, and you cannot rebuild within two turns of an attack.
- Monsters crossing on ferries. Seems a bit strange that mindless evil can just take the ferry man across the water, and even more so that there is seemingly no defensive bonus trying to defend that way. IRL islands are often considered natural fortresses, but unless you use ships, it seems as if there is no difference. On an RP continent, it seems strange that these beasts can use ferries and boats, as well as our islands and shores not being more defendable.
These are two of the most annoying parts about the monsters. With the ferry routes working as they do, having a death-stack of 50k CS of monsters sail up out of nowhere and attack is quite a worrying idea.

Another issue is the fact that a lot of these monster hordes just won't die, instead they're in a limbo of getting destroyed but having a few remaining so they rally and lock the region into combat, then another horde strolls through and repeats the process. In Westgard it is very rare that a region is completely cleared, despite winning. Alas, that is the world of PVE
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Vita` on April 25, 2016, 05:32:45 PM
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. These are the type of discussions that used to be had more frequently on the d-list or earlier days of forum and which contributed to the community-nature of BattleMaster. Something I've recently wondered has been lost.

QuoteThe main issue with all of this is that it does not allow us to play the game fully as we have to rush from region to region to do ''maintenance'' work more than anything else, against an enemy that has unlimited numbers, and that will keep coming. I decided to ask OOCly in my realm if it was just me who felt this way, and several have uttered that they are feeling the exact same way as I do. It is a shame as I have really enjoyed the game, but I find myself often logging on more out of duty than of wish to play, as there simply is little to do, but log in, check the military orders, and then start walking.
I'm sorry. This is not the experience you should have.

QuoteThere is simply too many monsters that we can do anything about it in my realm, and this is despite having rather many nobles for continent standards, and relatively few regions to defend.
The density-rate for the spawn rates is based on island density, not realm density. We wanted island density, not realm density, because once the frontier stabilizes we wanted to avoid realms being isolated away from each other and unable to interact.

Quote- The inability of players to play the game, or do anything but fighting monsters.
Unfortunately for D'Hara, it is on Dwilight's frontier. That reads much more unsympathetic that I intend, but I'm simply trying to explain why that is so.

Quote- Players losing interest in the game because of this.
Our concern are the players lost from realms too silent, afraid, dead, or obsessed with peace to do anything. Thus, the focus on increasing player density last November/December, with island sinkings and density-based spawning for BT and DWI, in order to increase engagement between more tightly-packed players that provide a more welcoming and interesting experience for new players in not just one realm, but throughout the whole island. There has been a years-long unaddressed player loss that has given many years of the impression that everyone should become a lord, but players have kept the same land area despite losing the nobility to manage it.

But we did not want to repeat the western swarm overwhelming Asylon/Barca/West like it did, where they had no chance or time to react to events. That was a huge mistake and player loss. One of those moments in BM history I go 'ugh'. But it's done and can't be changed, we learn. And this is us trying to learning, by not repeating it. So the spawn rate was meant to be a gradual pressure, and why some portal events have cleared out rogues for humans lately. Hence why it is now just over four months since the density-spawn went live and minimal lands lost. Which I personally think might be a touch too slow.

Quote- Hordes are too numerous and common.
As above, minimal lands have been lost, without a huge increase in Dwilight players, so the spawn rate is still spitting out new monsters to assert pressure on humanity.

Quote- Region's fortifications are not possible to rebuild because the swarms keep coming, and you cannot rebuild within two turns of an attack.
You need to stop the swarms before they reach the fortification. This is the same code human realms had when expanding into Dwilight's frontier in the first place. And an element of the gradual pressure upon humanity that would be lost if humans could repair whenever, requiring much much larger hordes to overcome full fortifications instead of gradually wearing down the frontier bit by bit.

Quote- Monsters crossing on ferries. Seems a bit strange that mindless evil can just take the ferry man across the water, and even more so that there is seemingly no defensive bonus trying to defend that way. IRL islands are often considered natural fortresses, but unless you use ships, it seems as if there is no difference. On an RP continent, it seems strange that these beasts can use ferries and boats, as well as our islands and shores not being more defendable.
Again, monsters have always crossed ferries for as long as I can remember. And preventing such would make it impossible for monsters to move east except through the northern bridges by Westgard/Arnor. As far as defendable, they are highly-fortified, even if hit by constant monster attacks. If it had not been for those island fortifications from north to south, I imagine the monsters would be further east now than they are.

Quote- There is no end game to it, they will keep coming, and slowly whittle away at our fortifications.
Since the spawn rate was announced to be density-based last December, it should lower as either land is lost in BM or additional players found. The spawn rate does not care where the humans live on Dwilight, only that humanity lives a bit less spread out than it is. It should adjust naturally to the human-occupied regions and nobles/players on Dwilight. Effectively, the early Dwilight frontier has returned and will adjust its strength based on humanity.

Quote- It is an evil spiral, as the lack of opportunity leads players to lose interest, effectively punishing those who fight monsters, by not only having them focus on their fighting, but also losing people who wish to actually play the game.
Again, this is concerning. But it is also concerning that there are so many players spread out through so many realms with so many regions that many realms will become places obsessed with avoiding war, failing to engage their players, and boring their nobility away into inactivity. And there aren't enough people at any given time to challenge that status quo in each realm, thus driving people from the game. Is there a middle solution?

Quotehaving a death-stack of 50k CS of monsters sail up out of nowhere and attack is quite a worrying idea.
Fortifications and archers up the ying-yang! Stacks of that size have been defeated on walls in the recent past.

QuoteAnother issue is the fact that a lot of these monster hordes just won't die, instead they're in a limbo of getting destroyed but having a few remaining so they rally and lock the region into combat, then another horde strolls through and repeats the process. In Westgard it is very rare that a region is completely cleared, despite winning. Alas, that is the world of PVE
I'm not sure on the monster-hunting mechanics, but that would be my most first attempt. Is monster-hunting not very effective? BM is a 15-year-old game, and with the player loss, there are areas that might need (and have been) adjusted to rebalance it for Today.

I fear this was perhaps more explanatory than solution-oriented, but I am open to solutions. We need to improve our player density (either players gained or land lost) to improve engagement to improve newbie retention. But players should not feel such a slog playing becomes a 'duty'. The middle ground is out there somewhere.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on April 25, 2016, 06:09:07 PM
Some further things I think are worth noting:

To address this specifically, I do feel that the realms on the ferry routes between the halves of Dwilight have been getting hammered a bit too heavily in recent weeks. I will investigate what it would take to allow monsters to use actual sea zones, which should spread out the pain much more if I can make it work in a sensible manner.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: EstionTarcyn on April 25, 2016, 06:31:18 PM
Thank you for the replies, and whether everything is working as intended or not, I felt it was time to offer you this piece so that you at least were aware that these mechanics slowly have been driving away some players. We discussed it in the realm, and then agreed that we had to take it up so that at least you were aware that there was a situation. Only that way can we hope to keep the player base alive over a long period of time.

The idea that we were meant to stop monsters before they came to our land is simply just impossible as we tried to seize Paisly, which proved impossible due to the constant hordes. At that Port Raviel were being hammered by Golden Farrow. Meaning for us to stop the attacks of Port Raviel and rebuild (That was lost yesterday) we would have to conquer most of the immediate coast line, this not taking into account what might come from the East.

You mentioned that the loss of land was minimal which I would have to dispute in that 4, out of D'Hara's 9(Ugh, I hate our name.. xD) has been lost and continues to be in limbo. Simply put, we are going to have to decide whether it is worth staying where we are as players, because it is just one long series of monster fights.

However, I am fully aware that the game should not focus on making it easier for some than others, and I understand the reasoning behind the monster invasions, however, it is very self fulfilling prophesy that in fear that things will get boring without them, you are making many players indifferent to playing on the continent. More or less the entirety of D'Hara were in agreement that they were losing interest in this, because there was little we could do.

The thing is, that there is no point in fighting monsters at all, there is no end game, there is nothing to work towards. It is just unrelenting punishment and it is killing D'Hara slowly, the Refugee realm from what I have seen, and I can only imagine many more in the future.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Vita` on April 25, 2016, 07:10:12 PM
QuoteThank you for the replies, and whether everything is working as intended or not, I felt it was time to offer you this piece so that you at least were aware that these mechanics slowly have been driving away some players. We discussed it in the realm, and then agreed that we had to take it up so that at least you were aware that there was a situation. Only that way can we hope to keep the player base alive over a long period of time.
Thank you. Please encourage more to join in.

Quoteand I understand the reasoning behind the monster invasions, however, it is very self fulfilling prophesy that in fear that things will get boring without them, you are making many players indifferent to playing on the continent.
I wish it were just a theoretical prophecy we could forsake, but its something we have seen happen time and again in many continents. And is still happening within some realms. The goal is that with more people in a tighter area, more interaction once again engages players, with more competition for advancement and political skill required with more people. But it would be counter-productive to bore the players in the I remain open to suggestions that achieve both interests.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: EstionTarcyn on April 25, 2016, 07:51:49 PM
I have told my realm about this post, and I hope that some will chime in. Hopefully some others around the community sees it and says their piece.

I don't presume to think I know the answer, however, I will be willing to spar some theoretic ideas. Could one be to simply sink the Western Isle of Dwilight?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Blue Star on April 26, 2016, 03:30:44 AM
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GoldPanda on April 26, 2016, 07:56:57 AM
The realms with the highest player densities on Dwilight are Westgard, Madina, and D'Hara, which are exactly the realms which are getting swarmed with Monsters because "player density is too low". The human realms are giving ground very slowly precisely because they are the realms who can least afford to give up ground.

This is not the right strategy to increase player density. In fact this may be the exact opposite of the right strategy. D'Haran nobles are not going to join other realms if they lose their estates. They are either going to emigrate or just quit the game. If you want to encourage the players to bunch up, have the Monsters attack the realms with low player density. They actually have ground to give.

And I know that the GMs did not intend it as such, but putting the refugee realm on western Dwilight just seems spiteful in hindsight. "We are sinking your island. What's that? You want to keep playing? You can go play meat-shields for some strangers on this other island."
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Nosferatus on April 26, 2016, 07:57:16 AM
The addition of portal stones is quite interesting though.
Maybe their spawn rate could be similar to the rogues spawn rate in Dwilight, based on Player density on the continent.
Realms could destroy them selves with the effects of the portal stones or destroy realms using them.
This way the players get to do the mopping up.
In addition to their initial effects, portals could serve as beacons, drawing many rogues towards it.
This could be used to save your realm as well as destroy it or or other realms.

Another idea could be to involve the Zuma into this, play them based on player density, or perhaps even the amount of inter realm conflicts.
If there isn't enough war the Zuma come to destroy some realms.
These realms get a chance in saving them selves by defending and using portal stones, or worshipping the Zuma and go to war with their neighbours.

Rogues spawn rate could also go in waves, still based on player density.
It would give realms a moment to restore them selves and attack other realms before the rogues come back.
The waves have to be more intense then what we have now and the breaks should be long enough for realms to go to war and restore them selves a bit.

Another alternative is to adjust food production on player density.
It would be quicker and perhaps less tedious, realms would lose cities and become smaller in no time.

Just some ideas.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Nosferatus on April 26, 2016, 08:01:25 AM
Quote from: GoldPanda on April 26, 2016, 07:56:57 AM
And I know that the GMs did not intend it as such, but putting the refugee realm on western Dwilight just seems spiteful in hindsight. "We are sinking your island. What's that? You want to keep playing? You can go play meat-shields for some strangers on this other island."

I agree with your post, and especially this part.
Creating Westgard doesn't work.
It just prevents those realms from getting hit that need to get hit.
I can imagine that playing there must be teribly boring, no way will they be able to enter a real human conflict at any time.
Offcourse we get to choose if we want to join this realm or not, but these players should actually just join the existing realms, perhaps throw those realms upside down and start some new conflicts.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Ketchum on April 26, 2016, 10:04:14 AM
My first impression upon seeing Dwilight island is this is People fight against Environment. (PvE as some players may call it)

To watch the lands grow and ebb is part of the process. Of course those players who open dark portals causing more problems to humans, if many realms do not like those players, they can simply ban them or put bounty on their heads for their troublemaking activities.

Frontier realms should have some frontier feeling to it. Maybe frontier realms can seek other realms help; for you guard the front against monsters and undead attack on their behalf. In this way, both frontier realms and non-frontier realms can benefit from alliance, just saying one of the many ways which can benefit us all. It is up to our characters to solve the problems. If you think rogue problem is bad and your realm need help, ask other realms. Call it mutual benefits ;)
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: EstionTarcyn on April 26, 2016, 10:56:49 AM
Quote from: Ketchum on April 26, 2016, 10:04:14 AM
My first impression upon seeing Dwilight island is this is People fight against Environment. (PvE as some players may call it)

To watch the lands grow and ebb is part of the process. Of course those players who open dark portals causing more problems to humans, if many realms do not like those players, they can simply ban them or put bounty on their heads for their troublemaking activities.

Frontier realms should have some frontier feeling to it. Maybe frontier realms can seek other realms help; for you guard the front against monsters and undead attack on their behalf. In this way, both frontier realms and non-frontier realms can benefit from alliance, just saying one of the many ways which can benefit us all. It is up to our characters to solve the problems. If you think rogue problem is bad and your realm need help, ask other realms. Call it mutual benefits ;)

The question, or issue rather, is not whether it is meant to have a frontier feel to it, I do think there is a point in that, but the issue is that I think it is driving away players by not giving them a chance to otherwise play the game. If a mechanic is driving away a player base, then surely it should be reconsidered. I know that I have felt less inclined to play due to the ferocity and unrelenting nature of it all, and it seems from talks in OOC that a few other players have felt the same, which I am sure was not the intention.

As for the help you speak of, the issue is that most realms are pressured, and the amount of nobles in the realms are not that grand, with that add the distance some of them would have to travel, they would come, fight a few battles, have to retreat, and it would have made no real difference due to the continuous swarms.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Nosferatus on April 26, 2016, 11:20:21 AM
Quote from: EstionTarcyn on April 26, 2016, 10:56:49 AM
As for the help you speak of, the issue is that most realms are pressured, and the amount of nobles in the realms are not that grand, with that add the distance some of them would have to travel, they would come, fight a few battles, have to retreat, and it would have made no real difference due to the continuous swarms.

I agree.
In Madina's case, all its nobles can do is actually try to set up a colony realm to draw the rogues to the colony instead of Madina its self.
Technically i think this is doomed to fail as the colony would lack the resources to keep up such a fight.
She cant expand any further on her own either and the only alternative is allowing the rogues to take more lands in order to reduce refit times, or change the capital.

Beeing located in quite an isolated position initially, going off to fight other conflicts with together realms means leaving home long enough for the rogues to over run it.
The same counts for d'hara i presume.

Allying frontier realms and helping them makes sense for those bordering them directly, but i doubt that these realms will be able to keep up player morale enough to send a consistent force to assist. I believe they wont see the point in doing so as long as their buffer appears to be able to at-least prevent its own destruction.

If we choose to keep this a rogue invasion, then atleast let it come in waves so its easier to prepare, save gold and asisst frontier realms, especialy if they know when the next wave is coming.

Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on April 26, 2016, 01:55:21 PM
Quote from: GoldPanda on April 26, 2016, 07:56:57 AM
This is not the right strategy to increase player density. In fact this may be the exact opposite of the right strategy. D'Haran nobles are not going to join other realms if they lose their estates. They are either going to emigrate or just quit the game. If you want to encourage the players to bunch up, have the Monsters attack the realms with low player density. They actually have ground to give.

The trouble is, as things stand, the monsters are in the west, and the realms you just named are standing directly in almost every past from west to east.

That is why I propose to allow the monsters to use sea zones.

And I know that the GMs did not intend it as such, but putting the refugee realm on western Dwilight just seems spiteful in hindsight. "We are sinking your island. What's that? You want to keep playing? You can go play meat-shields for some strangers on this other island."

This is the one thing that has been said that I disagree with absolutely.


Because we made three refugee realms on the EC, and called out the one on Dwilight specifically as being a very hard frontier realm. And still people flocked to it at much higher rates than the others.

This may not be true of any other realm on Dwilight, but not a single player in Westgard gets to complain that the monsters are too hard, when we explicitly stated that it would be a very hard fight just to survive there.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: DeVerci on April 26, 2016, 06:34:28 PM
Quote from: Anaris on April 26, 2016, 01:55:21 PM
This may not be true of any other realm on Dwilight, but not a single player in Westgard gets to complain that the monsters are too hard, when we explicitly stated that it would be a very hard fight just to survive there.
The monsters aren't the hard part, its the +12 hour travel times between regions in the spring while monsters cross in one turn. But we manage.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on April 26, 2016, 06:35:14 PM
Quote from: DeVerci on April 26, 2016, 06:34:28 PM
The monsters aren't the hard part, its the +12 hour travel times between regions in the spring while monsters cross in one turn. But we manage.

Ah...that is also a bug, actually.

I will see if I can pin it down today. That one's irritated me before.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: DeVerci on April 26, 2016, 06:40:24 PM
Quote from: Anaris on April 26, 2016, 06:35:14 PM
Ah...that is also a bug, actually.

I will see if I can pin it down today. That one's irritated me before.
Is it our travel times or their travel times that is the bug? I thought regular travel was effected by the region production levels, thus the "very bad, bad" road signs.
QuoteAquitain (Westgard)
extremely bad road, 136 miles, ca. 16 hours
Gelene Outskirts (Westgard)
bad road, 172 miles, ca. 13 hours
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on April 26, 2016, 06:42:00 PM
Quote from: DeVerci on April 26, 2016, 06:40:24 PM
Is it our travel times or their travel times that is the bug? I thought regular travel was effected by the region production levels, thus the "very bad, bad" road signs.

That's correct. It's their travel times that are the bug.

I observed in the not-too-distant past monsters embarking on a ferry route that should have taken them about 3 days to cross arrive the following turn.

Something in the turn scripts is definitely not paying proper attention.

Update: I found it. It was a stupid reversed comparison sign (basically, "if MonsterGroup's time left to travel is > 0" rather than "if MonsterGroup's time left to travel is ≤ 0" put them at their destination and finish the travel).

All monster travel subsequent to this should now operate based on (essentially) the same rules as player travel. This includes appearing in the region showing "approaching from Keplerville" once they're less than a turn's travel away, which should make it much less shocking to be on the receiving end of a group coming across a sea route.

Now, to look into sea-zone travel...
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Blue Star on April 27, 2016, 02:50:04 AM
Quote from: GoldPanda on April 26, 2016, 07:56:57 AM
This is not the right strategy to increase player density. In fact this may be the exact opposite of the right strategy. D'Haran nobles are not going to join other realms if they lose their estates. They are either going to emigrate or just quit the game. If you want to encourage the players to bunch up, have the Monsters attack the realms with low player density. They actually have ground to give.

I personally have to say I agree with Mr. Panda.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Ketchum on April 27, 2016, 07:49:38 AM
Quote from: EstionTarcyn on April 26, 2016, 10:56:49 AM
The question, or issue rather, is not whether it is meant to have a frontier feel to it, I do think there is a point in that, but the issue is that I think it is driving away players by not giving them a chance to otherwise play the game. If a mechanic is driving away a player base, then surely it should be reconsidered. I know that I have felt less inclined to play due to the ferocity and unrelenting nature of it all, and it seems from talks in OOC that a few other players have felt the same, which I am sure was not the intention.

As for the help you speak of, the issue is that most realms are pressured, and the amount of nobles in the realms are not that grand, with that add the distance some of them would have to travel, they would come, fight a few battles, have to retreat, and it would have made no real difference due to the continuous swarms.
Thank you for your explanation. You are right. This is likely to drive away players. And we trying to keep players :(
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GoldPanda on April 27, 2016, 08:46:33 AM
Quote from: Anaris on April 26, 2016, 01:55:21 PM
The trouble is, as things stand, the monsters are in the west, and the realms you just named are standing directly in almost every past from west to east.

Have Undead hordes rise up from the sea and attack Dwilight's east coast.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Nosferatus on April 27, 2016, 09:22:33 AM
Now we can finally RP sea monsters.

I think this will definitely take the edge off for the frontier realms.

Will the monsters also face penalties upon landing against a stationary enemy?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Noone you know on April 27, 2016, 12:50:45 PM
As the Ruler of Westgard, I think I should probably weight in on this. :-)

1) I don't know what the exact cause was, but at one time we reached the point of 94,000cs monsters. They took back all of our regions except the capitol. They then cross into Astrum, or they would have finished us off - with no regions, we had no troops we could recruit, and were basically finished.

I have the feeling a GM stepped in and saved us. In either case, perhaps a some sort of cap on the spawning to keep things within reason? At the moment we are kind of breathing & living the "easy life" - we have a couple regions under threat, but are solid. I can understand it being more challenging than this, but not to the extreme it went.

2) Thank you for looking into the rogue travel bug. Unit testing works - give it a try.

3) I have been saying for years - REMOVE THE EXTRA "REALISM" TRAVEL TIMES. It ruins the island. Everyone spends all their time traveling. It was an interesting idea, but being a game should trump being realistic, and a game where all you do is travel is boring.

4)  A goal. I have been roleplaying about "The Order" -  an imaginary group of black magic wizards or whatever driving the hordes against us. Someone mentioned bringing in the Zuma more.

I know the GMs are already running the Invasion on BT and so are a bit stretched, but perhaps there needs to be a "reason" to keep pushing. Otherwise it just slips back into "get a region for everyone" mentality, and we really don't have so many players for that. The "desperate fight against the hordes" will only have so much steam before it becomes mechanical to everyone.

I'm really not sure what the end game to push for is, but I think if something could be thought of, it would really spice up the island.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Vita` on April 28, 2016, 04:51:32 AM
I don't presume to think I know the answer, however, I will be willing to spar some theoretic ideas. Could one be to simply sink the Western Isle of Dwilight?
I do not think so.

QuoteThe realms with the highest player densities on Dwilight are Westgard, Madina, and D'Hara, which are exactly the realms which are getting swarmed with Monsters because "player density is too low". The human realms are giving ground very slowly precisely because they are the realms who can least afford to give up ground.
That's like saying the security company is not working because there are no burglers around since hiring the security company. It's not a useful comparison because you are comparing the current densities and using that as reason why the policy implemented before the current densities is not working as if they always had those high densities and did not in fact have lower densities. Madina was one of the worst, lowest densities before these changes. D'Hara has always been slightly higher than other realms on Dwilight ebcaues of less regions/more gold city-island phenomena. Westgard didn't even exist. You didn't mention Astrum, but its density was probably only a touch better than Madina. Between island sinking folks interested in playing on the frontier emigrations, and monsters chipping away on regions, of course they now have higher density. They are where the action is! And as I wrote above, the density is measured in island-wide terms, not realm terms. Because otherwise you would have realms isolated from each other and unable to interact. Rather, what is desired is for humanity's edge to slowly crumble, not to isolate realms away from each other surrounded by long marches through rogue monster territory.

QuoteThis is not the right strategy to increase player density. In fact this may be the exact opposite of the right strategy. D'Haran nobles are not going to join other realms if they lose their estates. They are either going to emigrate or just quit the game. If you want to encourage the players to bunch up, have the Monsters attack the realms with low player density. They actually have ground to give.
And this is what is frustrating that players prefer to keep their IC titles and estates than try to improve the game so new players don't have so many boring realms to choose from. Again, attacking by realm density will result in realms being isolated from each other. What you're basically asking is that realms with lower density are killed so that frontier realms can survive long enough to become isolated away from humanity and besieged by monsters on both sides.

QuoteAnd I know that the GMs did not intend it as such, but putting the refugee realm on western Dwilight just seems spiteful in hindsight. "We are sinking your island. What's that? You want to keep playing? You can go play meat-shields for some strangers on this other island."
No. There was not a single realm. There was a specifically advertised frontier realm and three EC realms to provide blank slate realms, in addition to whatever shenanigans could be had in a pre-existing realm with a large group of folks. They were destination choices.

QuoteThe addition of portal stones is quite interesting though.
Maybe their spawn rate could be similar to the rogues spawn rate in Dwilight, based on Player density on the continent.
Realms could destroy them selves with the effects of the portal stones or destroy realms using them.
This way the players get to do the mopping up.
In addition to their initial effects, portals could serve as beacons, drawing many rogues towards it.
This could be used to save your realm as well as destroy it or or other realms.
Portal stones were not added, they've always been aware. I increased the overall advy game item generation to improve the sage/wizard experience from a time when having the item you needed was rare for an older, experienced advy. This inadvertently increased portal stone generation. Also, GMs had a bit of free time to write roleplays for the portal events. I think we intend to leave it as a Summon Unexpected Event. Some of the portals on Dwilight cleared monsters for frontier realms.

QuoteAnother idea could be to involve the Zuma into this, play them based on player density, or perhaps even the amount of inter realm conflicts.
If there isn't enough war the Zuma come to destroy some realms.
These realms get a chance in saving them selves by defending and using portal stones, or worshipping the Zuma and go to war with their neighbours.
This might be doable in some form. But I do not think the Zuma have ever destroyed a realm.

QuoteRogues spawn rate could also go in waves, still based on player density.
Testing island spawn rate does change based upon season.

QuoteAnother alternative is to adjust food production on player density.
Food production is reduced for lordless regions now.

QuoteMy first impression upon seeing Dwilight island is this is People fight against Environment. (PvE as some players may call it)
Indeed. Dwilight is Frontier. Beluaterra are Invasions. Colonies are Slow. War is War. EC is Normal.

QuoteHave Undead hordes rise up from the sea and attack Dwilight's east coast.
This might be doable in some form.

QuoteWill the monsters also face penalties upon landing against a stationary enemy?
I would imagine the landing penalties are the same regardless of who is landing upon teh shore.

QuoteIn either case, perhaps a some sort of cap on the spawning to keep things within reason?
Rather, travel destination changes so they do not form one 94k CS stack, but multiple smaller stacks throughout multiple regions wandering in diverse directions. Some improvements have already been made since the 94k CS stack.

Quote4)  A goal.
I have some ideas to confer with Anaris about.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Blue Star on April 28, 2016, 06:21:11 AM
Alright let's cut the crap Dev Team and Players...

Give us back 2 characters per contient. This all whittles down to this, if you are going to literally have these spawn rates so high and want to keep this going give us back 2 Nobles per contient and let us play like we used to. The change was from what I've gathered had little effect on characters it made us more docile than we already were especially since you did it once you sunk two islands that honestly were pretty damn active though brutal on some people's mentality. If you can honestly show some implication of growth or activity due to going to 1 Noble per contient I dare say show it.

Give us back out two nobles per contient. Finally open up Dwi maybe even to two Nobles. Do something geez this game has really just been  unwelcoming the last few months if not 2 years since I returned. I mean I appreciate the add ons, but they don't mask that we lose more, than we get. Give our player community a fighting chance again.

I mean most of us oldies know Tom seems to have more or less abandoned us here unless we play might and fealty, but the changes taking place I don't think he ever envisioned the game going in such a way. Many of us log in not even to play, but to stay some what active in light of a positive change. I doubt anyone logs in anymore for more than 5-10 minutes per turn.. there just isn't a need to anymore.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Noone you know on April 28, 2016, 07:29:35 AM
That's a pretty twisted view of things.

Atamara was an absolute !@#$hole for years.  Even the dev team would come here and make rude comments about it; why they never stepped in with an invasion or something instead is beyond me. FEI was pretty much the same.

All of the other islands are more fun than they've possibly ever been.

Dwilight is simply too big.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on April 28, 2016, 09:46:52 AM
Me being an idiot. Nothing worth looking at.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on April 28, 2016, 04:40:20 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on April 28, 2016, 09:46:52 AM
Tom, at this point you're being dense, so I hope you'll forgive me if I say YOU MISSED THE ENTIRE POINT OF WHAT HE WAS SAYING.

The past density doesn't matter, because the past density had zero effect on the current monster code, which targets low noble density areas more. This code went in while the realms in question were at their current density. So your rant here is meaningless. Especially the part regarding Westgard.

Besides that, the reason that these realms in question are constantly under attack isn't some policy failure, but the fact that said realms are holding all the crossing points to the east because currently monsters can't use sea zones.

a) That's not Tom. If you're going to loudly yell at someone for being dense and missing stuff, it behooves you to at least take the bare modicum of time required to make sure you know who the hell you're actually talking to.

b) I don't see how anything you said refutes the general thrust of his point, even if he may have made it somewhat clumsily.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on April 29, 2016, 03:19:42 PM
Split off the Atamara tangent to its own thread (,7078.0.html) on the appropriate board.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Elegant on May 01, 2016, 08:36:09 AM
I want some advice from all of you. I play in D'Hara in Dwilight. Here is my daily routine:

1. Login to the game and select playing my character, Jason Elegant.

2. See whether he is wounded or ready (Thanks for the NON -STOP heavy rain of monsters, undead, Daimons and cyborgs, witches, chimera, hydra, medusa etc. SINCE I remain WOUNDED all the time, I can't see what hit me, so I wrote all possible names that came to my mind.)

3. If the char is ready, I follow the orders to recruit, refit and engage those nightmares again.


5. Repeat from step 1, daily (every turn).

I am loosing interest. Please guide me and help me re-gain my interest. I shall be much grateful.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on May 01, 2016, 09:23:03 AM
Quote from: Elegant on May 01, 2016, 08:36:09 AM
I want some advice from all of you. I play in D'Hara in Dwilight. Here is my daily routine:

1. Login to the game and select playing my character, Jason Elegant.

2. See whether he is wounded or ready (Thanks for the NON -STOP heavy rain of monsters, undead, Daimons and cyborgs, witches, chimera, hydra, medusa etc. SINCE I remain WOUNDED all the time, I can't see what hit me, so I wrote all possible names that came to my mind.)

3. If the char is ready, I follow the orders to recruit, refit and engage those nightmares again.


5. Repeat from step 1, daily (every turn).

I am loosing interest. Please guide me and help me re-gain my interest. I shall be much grateful.

Don't play in a realm that is on a bottleneck for the monsters trying to get to the east? Don't choose an island realm that is completely linked by ferry routes? It's your choice what realm you play in. If you truly need to get your character some rest that badly from the fighting, go to a sea zone, you can't get into battles there.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Noone you know on May 01, 2016, 10:36:54 AM
It's a roleplay game. You described the framework generated for you to hang your roleplay on.

If all you know how to do is click buttons, you are going to get bored very quickly.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Sacha on May 01, 2016, 11:35:15 AM
You have nonstop combat, and you're complaining?

Some people just cannot be pleased I guess.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Noone you know on May 01, 2016, 01:08:59 PM
Quote from: Sacha on May 01, 2016, 11:35:15 AM
You have nonstop combat, and you're complaining?

Some people just cannot be pleased I guess.

He's a former Ruler and Judge of CE. Need I say more?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on May 01, 2016, 02:36:19 PM
Here's some more advice, Elegant:

When playing in a realm that has constant combat, play a fresh, young character, not someone who's already 67.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Elegant on May 01, 2016, 04:53:17 PM
Good advice. I have already started a new char in a combative realm on other server. I just wanted to be sure that I am on right track.

For Dwilight server, I have concluded the following from the advice you guys gave me:

1. Don't play in D'Hara
2. If you play in D'Hara, the character should be young
3. If either 1 or 2 is not done, you are doomed due to your own choice of playing in D'Hara with a 67 year old char.

Have I understood correct?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on May 01, 2016, 05:14:49 PM
Well, there are other options (for instance, you could play in D'Hara with an old character, but choose not to participate in combat, and instead do something like courtier or diplomat work), but broadly, yeah, that's the size of it.

Only for now, though. I'm already working on making it possible for monsters to cross the sea on sea zones, rather than ferry routes, which should dramatically reduce the pressure on D'Hara, Astrum, and Fissoa.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Elegant on May 01, 2016, 05:47:29 PM
Thanks for your efforts to reduce monsters. I am grateful for the efforts of the game admins and devs. The are doing this for a free game which benefits free players like me. I have learnt a lot of real life lessons from this game and you guys made it possible.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: EstionTarcyn on May 02, 2016, 06:24:06 AM
I must say that there was a tendency for this post to gradually derail a little bit as the tone became more hostile player and admin/dev between, and now some player to player which is not the intention for this thread to begin with. It was to raise awareness amongst the devs how many nobles in one realm felt, apparently alongside what many others felt in different realms.

I would like to point out that the choice should not necessarily be that it is the players' own fault if they are not enjoying a game due to mechanics, and regardless it should always be considered when there is complaints, that being said, some point out that Dwilight is in fact the RP continent, as such the logic should not be "Well, it's your fault for being in D'Hara, that's how mechanics work." Elegant came there with refugees from Atamara, and as such RP wise it would make very little sense to just pick up and go somewhere else.

Because the realm is in constant combat against NPCs then we are not allowed to do non-combat roles largely, only those getting food so we can sustain ourselves do not follow the routines across the board, the essence of what happens leaves little room for RP. We did have RP when we marched to take Paisly, but after a while, fighting the monsters left people uninterested in the RP with it, and again when people are saying constant combat, it is not combat with a purpose either, we are not fighting a war against another realm for this or that cause, we are simply fighting because the monsters are coming at us in waves. If you have not tried the constant fighting against NPCs I don't really think you understand how little it leaves you to do otherwise.

The game is an RPG largely, and we cannot really do RP, nor can we actually engage with other realms as we have nothing to offer them in terms of war or anything else because we are constantly doing this, that's the whole point of the thread and what Elegant said.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Noone you know on May 02, 2016, 07:22:47 AM
I am the Ruler of Westgard; I most certainly have "tried this fighting against NPCs"

That fighting is run by the computer for you - you don't have to do anything at all, except move or get ready. It IS a little monotonous after a while; however, if there's "nothing else to do", it is the fault of the players for not making anything else to do.

The only other GM things to do ANYWHERE are join a tournament (there have been several), play a priest or courtier (your inalienable rights let you go do that) ...not so much else. Everything else is RP, and you are always free to do that, unless you are wounded or in prison.

So hire more mean or get a younger character if you're wounded too much, and start RPing. Or at least tell us what you can't do, that you used to be able to on Atamara.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on May 02, 2016, 07:29:35 AM
Quote from: EstionTarcyn on May 02, 2016, 06:24:06 AM
I must say that there was a tendency for this post to gradually derail a little bit as the tone became more hostile player and admin/dev between, and now some player to player which is not the intention for this thread to begin with. It was to raise awareness amongst the devs how many nobles in one realm felt, apparently alongside what many others felt in different realms.

I would like to point out that the choice should not necessarily be that it is the players' own fault if they are not enjoying a game due to mechanics, and regardless it should always be considered when there is complaints, that being said, some point out that Dwilight is in fact the RP continent, as such the logic should not be "Well, it's your fault for being in D'Hara, that's how mechanics work." Elegant came there with refugees from Atamara, and as such RP wise it would make very little sense to just pick up and go somewhere else.

Because the realm is in constant combat against NPCs then we are not allowed to do non-combat roles largely, only those getting food so we can sustain ourselves do not follow the routines across the board, the essence of what happens leaves little room for RP. We did have RP when we marched to take Paisly, but after a while, fighting the monsters left people uninterested in the RP with it, and again when people are saying constant combat, it is not combat with a purpose either, we are not fighting a war against another realm for this or that cause, we are simply fighting because the monsters are coming at us in waves. If you have not tried the constant fighting against NPCs I don't really think you understand how little it leaves you to do otherwise.

The game is an RPG largely, and we cannot really do RP, nor can we actually engage with other realms as we have nothing to offer them in terms of war or anything else because we are constantly doing this, that's the whole point of the thread and what Elegant said.

Amusingly enough, you're actually wrong about what this game is. It is largely a strategy game that is welded together via player RP. If this game were just about RP, then we wouldn't even need to bother with an interface and coded mechanics, but rather just a map. What you're talking about is basically Spellmaster, an earlier game by Tom that this game is a strategy spin-off of. War Islands (the game) is the opposite extreme, being strategy completely divorced from RP.

Dwilight, by the way, has always been a constant fight against Monsters and undead, despite what you may believe. Technically Dwilight was never any more RP focused than other continents, but instead focused on making said RP more serious and period appropriate. However, Dwilight's atmosphere influenced the other continents, so it is no longer any more an "RP" continent than East Island.

And by the way, RP-wise, as a refugee, he would head to the most secure realms, aka the North or Swordfell. Or do you not follow the refugee crisis, where refugees skip Turkey, Greece, Macedon, Hungary, and Austria because Germany is more wealthy?

Keep it up though, I can come up with rebuttals all day. Not least of which is the notice every player gets that not all realms are the same, and if they aren't having fun there, should feel free to go elsewhere.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: EstionTarcyn on May 02, 2016, 02:04:47 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on May 02, 2016, 07:29:35 AM
Amusingly enough, you're actually wrong about what this game is. It is largely a strategy game that is welded together via player RP. If this game were just about RP, then we wouldn't even need to bother with an interface and coded mechanics, but rather just a map. What you're talking about is basically Spellmaster, an earlier game by Tom that this game is a strategy spin-off of. War Islands (the game) is the opposite extreme, being strategy completely divorced from RP.

Dwilight, by the way, has always been a constant fight against Monsters and undead, despite what you may believe. Technically Dwilight was never any more RP focused than other continents, but instead focused on making said RP more serious and period appropriate. However, Dwilight's atmosphere influenced the other continents, so it is no longer any more an "RP" continent than East Island.

And by the way, RP-wise, as a refugee, he would head to the most secure realms, aka the North or Swordfell. Or do you not follow the refugee crisis, where refugees skip Turkey, Greece, Macedon, Hungary, and Austria because Germany is more wealthy?

Keep it up though, I can come up with rebuttals all day. Not least of which is the notice every player gets that not all realms are the same, and if they aren't having fun there, should feel free to go elsewhere.

I'm sorry in advance, but I really must ask, what has made you so prone to unrelenting condescension and generally just being bit of a (insert random expletive here). I have seen it a few times over in some realms where you have kicked off OOC because things didn't go your way, or you didn't agree with something, and you become rather nasty to play with or discuss things with.

As I have said, this whole post was there to point out the way that current mechanics work has slowly dwindled the interest of those playing in D'Hara, and possibly other realms. In a game that is already struggling with having players entirely that seems to be an issue. That however seems to be worked on and possibly solved by the devs and admins who I am sure, as I have said before, has the best interest of the game at heart.

Firstly, I would like to remind you that noble fugitives were different than fugitives we have today. They flee to a place where their stature and position could be retained quite well, and not in a realm where there was little hope of advancing their own position. At to that, that RP wise most of said nobles had family members in D'Hara which led to them wanting to go there after both IC and OOC discussion in Atamara. (One of the things I actually remember you kicking off about when it was discussed in CE on Atamara, before you emigrated after your little outbursts) In fact I do think you need to fact check a bit more, as Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt combined have taken in more than 4,8 million Syrian refugees to some estimates whereas Europe has less than these combined. Now let us get back to the game, shall we?

@Noone you Know

Thank you for a bit more civilized and adult post. While I agree there isn't a lot to prevent RP, there is little to encourage it. With the onslaught people are simply losing interest, and as such people lose interest in the RP as well, while you can argue that is the players' fault, and I do agree to some extent, it simply is also just up to the fact if the setting offers you only one thing to do in game as well as RP, then the RP will stop alongside it.

Now you mention the inalienable rights, which is true, and I don't think anyone is stopping anyone from playing as so, however, the issue is that, if you were to play a priest or a courtier you would really be losing your foothold in the realm as it would just slowly lose ground. People can play these parts, but there is very little to do with them currently. So it comes down to if you want to play that way, they would more or less have to leave D'Hara for it.

Again, I would also state that realms are, should and have been different, but simply denouncing it as that is false, as the gravity of the situation has risen so much due to the latest updates that we have not been able to defend our regions, there has always been fighting against monsters in D'Hara, but it was not previously that there would be a horde in our regions per day. Port Raviel has for example fallen due to not being able to rebuild the walls for months at a time. In fact the guy who was lord there eventually just said "f**k it" and gave up.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Gabanus family on May 02, 2016, 02:53:26 PM
Quote from: EstionTarcyn on May 02, 2016, 02:04:47 PM
Now you mention the inalienable rights, which is true, and I don't think anyone is stopping anyone from playing as so, however, the issue is that, if you were to play a priest or a courtier you would really be losing your foothold in the realm as it would just slowly lose ground. People can play these parts, but there is very little to do with them currently. So it comes down to if you want to play that way, they would more or less have to leave D'Hara for it.

Who cares if you lose your 'foothold'. My character in Luria Nova has been cast aside pretty much by the current Emperor, after he was captured trying to assasinate Arkady (which IC he of course denies). Another was appointed Margrave of Aveston in stead and after taking up an estate in Giask (emperor's region hehe) I got kicked out. So what? I'm actually having fun with the char, but don't think for a second he's done any fighting for the last months and hasn't had an estate either. This might be a rather extreme case, but it was to show that even a 'falling' in esteem doesn't have to be a problem. A priest can play the 'poor man' thing perfectly as well for instance. There are enough powerfull people in all the faiths to even make 'position' work once you work yourself up in a faith, trust me. And the monster invasions create perfect RP material for priests.

Again, I would also state that realms are, should and have been different, but simply denouncing it as that is false, as the gravity of the situation has risen so much due to the latest updates that we have not been able to defend our regions, there has always been fighting against monsters in D'Hara, but it was not previously that there would be a horde in our regions per day. Port Raviel has for example fallen due to not being able to rebuild the walls for months at a time. In fact the guy who was lord there eventually just said "f**k it" and gave up.

Actually it is possible to repair the walls under constant siege...make sure the monsters never reach the walls. It'll cost a bit more mobile forces and casulties, but you can prevent them. Then you can repair them. Also this problem should become less so now anyway.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on May 02, 2016, 02:56:49 PM
Quote from: Gabanus family on May 02, 2016, 02:53:26 PM
Actually it is possible to repair the walls under constant siege...make sure the monsters never reach the walls. It'll cost a bit more mobile forces and casulties, but you can prevent them. Then you can repair them. Also this problem should become less so now anyway.

Actually, as cool as it be if the game were that smart, it's not. It can't tell when the last time the fortifications were damaged was, just whether there's been a battle at all within the last couple of days (or maybe turns; I don't recall off the top of my head).

Sorry. :-\
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Gabanus family on May 02, 2016, 06:02:23 PM
Quote from: Anaris on May 02, 2016, 02:56:49 PM
Actually, as cool as it be if the game were that smart, it's not. It can't tell when the last time the fortifications were damaged was, just whether there's been a battle at all within the last couple of days (or maybe turns; I don't recall off the top of my head).

Sorry. :-\

Really? I thought it worked, huh. That'll teach me to write things by memmory, prob based on 8-12 years ago xD
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Noone you know on May 03, 2016, 07:45:23 AM
The real point I wanted to ask was, What could he do on Atamara he is no loner able to do on Dwilight?

The players we had trouble mostly sat around doing nothing. So - sit around and do nothing if you want.

What is having lots of monsters to fight doing to suddenly ruin the game for you?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: EstionTarcyn on May 03, 2016, 09:27:59 AM
Quote from: Noone you know on May 03, 2016, 07:45:23 AM
The real point I wanted to ask was, What could he do on Atamara he is no loner able to do on Dwilight?

The players we had trouble mostly sat around doing nothing. So - sit around and do nothing if you want.

What is having lots of monsters to fight doing to suddenly ruin the game for you?

The increased amount of them, the unrelenting hordes of them that is attacking to the point that just to have a realm we must constantly fight them, meanwhile there is little progress in defeating them. That's the point. People are limited by what they have to do, rather what they want to do. After a while, such maintenance play will drive away inspiration and creativity of players, who in turn will not RP. We started out fighting the monsters, and RPed alongside it, but it died out as it continued. There is little room for political power struggles as everyone is just busy fighting the wars. There is little room for international politics as we cannot actually have any interaction with other realms except for 1-2 people who gather food for us, so we can't go for alliances really, or go for a war.

We are just pinned against the monsters who have been unrelenting and more or less non-stop for a good while, and whatever people think of that situation. When the monster fighting was increased (or made smarter) it very much f****d over D'Hara, because we have had hordes in our lands ever since. One thing is we fight them from the West, but occasionally they will come from the East as well, from the regions that cannot be held by the mainland realms. I thought it was a bit difficult to enjoy, and I raised it in our realm, in our realm there was a great deal who agreed. It is not about what you are able to do, as on paper you would be able to do, but by having people do maintenance on a realm constantly just leaves without any interest in doing anything in the game. Previously in the realm we discussed a lot of things and such, now due to the constant battering most people are just "Meh"
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: BarticaBoat on May 03, 2016, 02:45:23 PM
While I am firmly in the "suck it up" camp, I think it's noteworthy that originally D'Hara had the Zuma eating most of the rogues before they came to the islands as a consequence of geography. The way the monsters are coming through now I am pretty sure the Zuma are inactive. I was sort of eaten alive for saying that perhaps Port Raviel is not a very defensible location and that the islands are not rich enough to maintain. What I was getting at was turning around and migrating East but meh.

No complaining from anyone in Westgard though, I know a realm which occupied those same lands with far less gold and nobles  8)
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Noone you know on May 03, 2016, 02:54:30 PM
I'm guessing the folks in D'hara didn't really enjoy the Lord of the Rings series very much?

Or are they all just ex-Atamarans who can't handle having something to do *every* turn  ::)
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: BarticaBoat on May 03, 2016, 03:10:44 PM
That was one of my gripes about sinking islands, gameplay differed greatly. Dwilight and constant PvE is almost like a different game to old time Atamarans who never tried it.

Now mind you I've been playing a lot of crusader kings 2 so I'm kind of warped right now, but maybe we could add a feature to Dwilight that gives border realms a chance: nomad migrations. Add a button to the ruler command panel based on if a realm is flagged by a dev as nomad potential (not too big, geography, enough exposure to the west). Clicking the button flags the realm, a dev copy pastes the old migrating realm code that decreases morale hits for long distances, troop cost, adds attack bonuses, but also lowers the region stat soft cap 30%, etc etc to make it balanced. They can recruit from any region and are given a time frame that they have nomad status. After the successful/unsuccessful migration the code reverts to normal. The button is immediately usable but a dev has to look at it and say yes or no so prevention against abuse is already there.

Or we can all just... Suck it up and play 8)
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Nosferatus on May 03, 2016, 04:32:27 PM
Quote from: BarticaBoat on May 03, 2016, 03:10:44 PM
Add a button to the ruler command panel based on if a realm is flagged by a dev as nomad potential (not too big, geography, enough exposure to the west). Clicking the button flags the realm, a dev copy pastes the old migrating realm code that decreases morale hits for long distances, troop cost, adds attack bonuses, but also lowers the region stat soft cap 30%, etc etc to make it balanced. They can recruit from any region and are given a time frame that they have nomad status. After the successful/unsuccessful migration the code reverts to normal. The button is immediately usable but a dev has to look at it and say yes or no so prevention against abuse is already there.

Sounds really cool.
I really liked to see Eponlyn fight its way north back in the ice age event.
Its a good alternative for frontier realms who are not holding out.

On other news, Zuma colation is active again it seems.
I haven't seen zuma battle reports in a while since two days back or so.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Elegant on May 03, 2016, 07:21:41 PM
Quote from: Noone you know on May 03, 2016, 07:45:23 AM
The real point I wanted to ask was, What could he do on Atamara he is no loner able to do on Dwilight?

Lol. Several times, I used to auto-pause due to inactivity after the fall of Northern Alliance. I don't want to do that in Dwilight :D

Why are YOU so excited to inquire about this? (have you asked this twice or thrice maybe? Has my auto-pausing in Atamara offended you in any way?) We are trying to communicate something to game admins and devs. Are you one of them?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on May 03, 2016, 08:05:10 PM
Quote from: Elegant on May 03, 2016, 07:21:41 PM
Lol. Several times, I used to auto-pause due to inactivity after the fall of Northern Alliance. I don't want to do that in Dwilight :D

Why are YOU so excited to inquire about this? (have you asked this twice or thrice maybe? Has my auto-pausing in Atamara offended you in any way?) We are trying to communicate something to game admins and devs. Are you one of them?

He used to be, so there's that.

Also, those of us who have been playing for years on Dwilight don't want it changed by someone who arrived from another continent and suddenly finds things challenging. Yes, I agree that not being able to hunt the monsters and thus get a short break to repair walls is an issue. However, the overall scale of the monster attacks is something that has been a part of Dwilight off and on throughout its existence. So yes, suck it up.

And to answer Noone's question, he can no longer use an IC clique to control the entire continent, nor can he just auto-pause, come back, and be automatically put back into power by his puppets.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Vita` on May 03, 2016, 08:39:25 PM
Regardless of legitimate concerns we have, we can at least remain civil to our fellow players.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Sacha on May 03, 2016, 11:03:17 PM
In D'Hara's specific case, their constant fighting against rogue hordes should come as no surprise to anyone. After all, some time ago the entire western half of Dwilight was overrun by rogues and its inhabitants displaced. D'Hara now sits at the new border between civilization and the wild, and everything that wants to go east has to go through either them or Madina. Basically, you are the Night's Watch of Dwilight, doomed to fight an inglorious struggle, while the other realms use you as a meat wall while generally not really caring an further.

And as a Lurian, I say you deserve it, too!
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Blue Star on May 04, 2016, 02:41:41 AM

Do not bother with posting here friend, this banter is not worth a response, it goes from discussion to simply belittling of other players.... honestly has to make you question why, but why waste the time
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Noone you know on May 04, 2016, 04:06:54 AM
Quote from: Elegant on May 03, 2016, 07:21:41 PM
Lol. Several times, I used to auto-pause due to inactivity after the fall of Northern Alliance. I don't want to do that in Dwilight :D

Why are YOU so excited to inquire about this? (have you asked this twice or thrice maybe? Has my auto-pausing in Atamara offended you in any way?) We are trying to communicate something to game admins and devs. Are you one of them?

I'm part of an open conversation, asking you a question:

What is it you can't do on Dwilight that you used to be able to do on Atamara? Or are you complaining about the lack of options in general?

The game is pretty much the way it was when it was first written over 12 years ago, so if it is the second - why are you still playing? If it is the first, tell us specifically what you want to see & maybe it can be added.

As far as "trying to communicate something" - it's not getting through. I'm asking you to clarify what you mean.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Elegant on May 04, 2016, 04:16:52 AM
Quote from: Blue Star on May 04, 2016, 02:41:41 AM

Do not bother with posting here friend, this banter is not worth a response, it goes from discussion to simply belittling of other players.... honestly has to make you question why, but why waste the time

Quite true my friend. The message has reached the people for whom this thread was opened in the first place. I will stop feeding off-topic trolls now :D
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Noone you know on May 04, 2016, 04:38:27 AM
People are limited by what they have to do, rather what they want to do. After a while, such maintenance play will drive away inspiration and creativity of players, who in turn will not RP. We started out fighting the monsters, and RPed alongside it, but it died out as it continued. There is little room for political power struggles as everyone is just busy fighting the wars. There is little room for international politics as we cannot actually have any interaction with other realms except for 1-2 people who gather food for us, so we can't go for alliances really, or go for a war.

Why can't you do those things? The fights are all computer generated. The things you are talking about are all RP.

The fights don't take any of your real-life time. Your character has to sit *somewhere* - why not sit where monsters are?

How are you "busy fighting wars"? The computer is fighting the wars. You just read about it.

Int'l politics? Go be a diplomat or trader. No one forces you to be a front-line knight.

People here keep saying we're just trolling you, but all any of can see are people complaining that they can't do something that quite obviously they CAN do, and it starts to sound more and more like you miss the old ruling clique & game within a game that killed Atamara, and nothing more than that.

Sorry, but that's gone and good riddance.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: EstionTarcyn on May 04, 2016, 09:06:17 AM
Quote from: Noone you know on May 04, 2016, 04:38:27 AM
Why can't you do those things? The fights are all computer generated. The things you are talking about are all RP.

The fights don't take any of your real-life time. Your character has to sit *somewhere* - why not sit where monsters are?

How are you "busy fighting wars"? The computer is fighting the wars. You just read about it.

Int'l politics? Go be a diplomat or trader. No one forces you to be a front-line knight.

People here keep saying we're just trolling you, but all any of can see are people complaining that they can't do something that quite obviously they CAN do, and it starts to sound more and more like you miss the old ruling clique & game within a game that killed Atamara, and nothing more than that.

Sorry, but that's gone and good riddance.

Well, if you aren't aware then most people do roleplay their settings and situation. If your situation was a tournament, then there would be banter between the knights, if it is war with the monsters, then it would likely be the campaign that would be RPed, the soldiers in their lines and all the like, however, we did that, for a good couple of weeks, and the situation is unchanged, but people grew bored eventually. We have to fight, so people stop RPing, in fact, people stop logging in more or less. Your logic is why use the feedback of the world, it is just text on a website, but that is the setting that we have. To ignore all of that would mean that we might as well not play the game.

"Int'l politics? Go be a diplomat or trader. No one forces you to be a front-line knight."

The whole point that I have tried to get across, and apparently failed is that the game mechanics does not allow this for those in D'Hara, because we have to keep fighting the monsters. The only people who more or less ever leave the Isles are those who trade for food, else everyone else has to fight to retain the realm. Then again, your argument will be "Well tough it out, that's D'Hara." and we will start all over saying the same things again and again.

For your last idea that I miss the ruling clique of Atamara I think you step a bit off the mark. Firstly I was in Atamara for probably less than a month before the sinking, couldn't care less about who ruled it. I had just popped down a character there to get fighting experience. I then took him to Beluaterra I believe where I was in two different realms, one filled of people I knew from Dwilight, and the other one the most volatile and hostile I have ever seen. (Ever though that was fun in it's own way, as it was IC) In fact I do not know if any of the Atamarans who joined D'Hara seem to care, they just want not to be fully focused on fighting unending hordes.

If you want numbers to back up my ideas and theories, well your own realm in Westgard had some 40 nobles at the start, now they are at 32, a strong 20% of your people decided it wasn't worth it. 33% of D'Harans are gone. So whether you think it is stupid that people are leaving, it is a fact that they do, and I have offered one the things here that I believe is doing it. Of course, people might not care, but I think it is quite important to try and save what can be saved, and discuss it for the better.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on May 04, 2016, 09:46:44 AM
Perhaps you should entertain the option of abandoning the Isles?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: EstionTarcyn on May 04, 2016, 09:52:41 AM
Quote from: GundamMerc on May 04, 2016, 09:46:44 AM
Perhaps you should entertain the option of abandoning the Isles?

I have considered quitting the game to be honest, doubt I would move because the frontier between the monsters and men would just be moved and someone else would have to deal with it. Granted it might be more spread out with more coastline and less concentrated on the same region day in and day out.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Gabanus family on May 04, 2016, 10:29:38 AM
Quote from: EstionTarcyn on May 04, 2016, 09:52:41 AM
I have considered quitting the game to be honest, doubt I would move because the frontier between the monsters and men would just be moved and someone else would have to deal with it. Granted it might be more spread out with more coastline and less concentrated on the same region day in and day out.

I wonder, but have you happen to have read my post as well? You are not forced to fight the monsters, this remains a choice. Will the ruling clique ban you if you do not take up direct arms and fight? I doubt it, they can't afford it and the banter which will come after it. Even in D' hara you have opportunities for priests and courtiers. Nobody can force you to play a certain career and even in D' hara there is enough space for a zealous priests who tries to make sense of the monster invasions. The priest could even be a frontier lord who replaced the militia without getting wounded in battle to also support the war still and do his preaching. A courtier is usefull everywhere, if only so you can raise taxes in the capital and have a courtier repair the damage daily.

My char's a semi outcast in Luria Nova and I'm having the most fun. Although he's moving to Luria Borreal now to show his religious zealousness, but not because Luria Nova isn't fun. Like I said, chances everywhere.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Noone you know on May 04, 2016, 10:51:49 AM
Quote from: EstionTarcyn on May 04, 2016, 09:52:41 AM
I have considered quitting the game to be honest, doubt I would move because the frontier between the monsters and men would just be moved and someone else would have to deal with it. Granted it might be more spread out with more coastline and less concentrated on the same region day in and day out.

You are the ruler of D'Hara, but I've hardly heard a word from you on the Rulers' channel , and when you do speak, you say very little.

Any player who wants to can take up a different role in the realm, and go travel.

Any player who wants to can simply switch to a different realm.

Any player who wants to can RP about ANYTHING that they want to; it doesn't HAVE TO BE about the monsters.

So I'll ask again - What is it you want to do that you can't? Because I've still haven't seen anything specific that should be blocked.

Yes, monster fighting can be a bit repetitious, and now that it's summer coming, etc, RP will be down - but nothing is blocking you from doing anything.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Noone you know on May 04, 2016, 11:14:03 AM
So, there is currently only one silly war that no one cares about and I thought was over.

So: Either send out an appeal to the other Realms, or hold a tournament where you can greet the nobles who come, and recruit young knights to come fight in ferocious battles and earn fame and regions! Give them something they can't get sitting at home doing nothing much. Ask the rulers to allow them to join up in special armies so they can gain fame as marshals. Offer to let them push into the West and loot the tens of thousands of gold we know are there. Offer your eventual support for creating friendly realms. Rally the East to push back the beasts! Crusade!

Being a Ruler is more than just collecting fame points. Be a leader.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: EstionTarcyn on May 04, 2016, 11:23:18 AM
Quote from: Noone you know on May 04, 2016, 10:51:49 AM
You are the ruler of D'Hara, but I've hardly heard a word from you on the Rulers' channel , and when you do speak, you say very little.

Any player who wants to can take up a different role in the realm, and go travel.

Any player who wants to can simply switch to a different realm.

Any player who wants to can RP about ANYTHING that they want to; it doesn't HAVE TO BE about the monsters.

So I'll ask again - What is it you want to do that you can't? Because I've still haven't seen anything specific that should be blocked.

Yes, monster fighting can be a bit repetitious, and now that it's summer coming, etc, RP will be down - but nothing is blocking you from doing anything.

In the Ruler channel I have spoken relatively regularly in the past, the last month or more I have simply lost interest in the game due to these monster issues, and as such I have stopped really bothering. When a realm asked for aid, we could not provide it, so no bother piping out. I have actively in the past mediated between realms who were going to war, Westgard-Astrum for example. I have had plenty of contact with other rulers as well in the past.

And, yes. Once more I will say that I agree that what you can do on paper is not changed, this is true, you can hear it again, this is absolutely true, but all the same people are losing interest over having to do maintenance work against the hordes. People lose interest and stop playing and become gradually more inactive. I have proven this to you, whether you will it or not. The fact we fight these monsters is what makes people bored.

So let me run through it like this. You can have any role you wish, but it just so happens if we have to few warriors (which is almost the case) people would simply lose the realm they are trading for, or trying to maintain through diplomacy. Nothing is stopping anyone at all, except we are not able to hold onto the land they would do these things for.

They can simply switch to a different realm, and by all means I am not stopping anyone, but some people do not wish to leave the realm where they have already build their character's life in. They simply don't want to start over completely fresh with a middle aged character.

And they can, in the same way I can just RP I have a gun after all, nothing in the mechanics and text would stop me. But you must agree with me it would be rather strange that while fighting the monsters, they sit and have a tea party. RP is very much based off of the world that they live in, so the regions locale and situation is taken into account.

The issue is not what can or can't be done. Mechanically nothing changes with the hordes, but mentally people get tired of having to fight monsters day in and day out without being able to do much else unless willing to lose the region.

Now I'm sorry, but I am not going to bother explain it again if you have no interest in trying to understand it. I am not saying what is right or what is wrong, I am simply saying that the game suffers from fewer and fewer people playing it, and I offered one of the reasons why this might be. I am not saying the game is bugged or glitched out, I am saying the way it is working right now, while intended as such,could be bringing a few people to lose interest.

As for the second part, I think you are stepping into an area you don't really know about to be honest. I agree it is way more than collecting points in any regards, in fact that counts for any title in the game. I have done my part for D'Hara, but you wouldn't know being new to the political scene of Dwilight. You don't know what I have done in the past, and it is a bit rich of you to come and say "Well, just do it."

Though the ideas are fine, issues are multiple with them, there is not estates to house all of the young knights, and we very much do want to support realms in the West, however, except for Mayhem there seems to be little interest in going West, however, the Atamarans in D'Hara is looking to gain a realm at some point in the West. Not to mention, the whole point of the monsters are to create density on the Eastern Isle. I would venture the guess that success against the monsters initially would only lead to even more monsters to create the density to make up for the lack of players, instead of trying to cure the loss of players.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Noone you know on May 04, 2016, 11:28:39 AM
Idea 2: Astroism is dying to reclaim their hold on the island; the other religions would love to push them out.

Invite priest to come preach to your realm, and see who is most behind a Holy Crusade. Play some religious politics.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Noone you know on May 04, 2016, 11:30:17 AM
People lose interest when the Ruler takes the position for the fame points and doesn't bother to work to keep things creative and fun.

You may be right. You may want to pause your character for a few months and see if you have lost interest in the game.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: EstionTarcyn on May 04, 2016, 12:32:15 PM
Quote from: Noone you know on May 04, 2016, 11:30:17 AM
People lose interest when the Ruler takes the position for the fame points and doesn't bother to work to keep things creative and fun.

You may be right. You may want to pause your character for a few months and see if you have lost interest in the game.

So across the board every single ruler in the game is in it for fame points? I mean, since all realms are losing nobles as time goes on

If you insinuated I am at fault for D'Hara and the general game's lack of players then I am sure that I am to blame for the lack of interest generally across the game. The 20% regression in noble numbers in Westgard I am sure is my fault as well. Before the sinking of Atamara D'Hara was actually one of the realms who grew the most, nobles coming in. Before that I had seen it going from when I joined at 33 to 15 nobles, then it grew back to low twenties, and to skimming 30 with the Atamarans and now back at 23. I could list a number of things I did alongside some friends to show that I have tried to make it exciting to be in D'Hara, but there is little point as we are back at nothing now.

The simple fact of the matter is becoming less and less populated, and from the looks of the post that was intended to try and help out it seems a good deal are more content with letting it stay as is.

Edit: I have now informed my realm I will be stepping down when I have the hours to hand off all items and coin.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Noone you know on May 04, 2016, 12:49:38 PM
Stop it already.

Dwilight has been this type of island since it started. It's whole existence began with every single new realm fighting the way you are fighting now. After a while the East stabilize, but the West has always fought tooth and nail.  It has always been this way, and no one has ever complained about it.

If you and a few realmmates don't like it, then Dwilight isn't for you. Or perhaps you want to switch to an East island realm, where it is more like other islands.

Try putting 10% of the effort you put here into the in-game RPs & maybe things will turn around for you.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Gabanus family on May 04, 2016, 12:51:33 PM
I think you're a bit harsh on him here. Being a ruler is not simple and few really manage to do it well over a longer period of time. Perhaps it is better for him to step down if he feels like 'quitting"  but you have to give him the respect also he deserves.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: EstionTarcyn on May 04, 2016, 01:04:00 PM
I'm sorry, but who in all hell do you think you are, talking to someone else like you have? What makes you think you can speak to anyone, let alone someone you do not even know like that over a game. I have done plenty for the realm, and the game during my time, and have played for a couple of years now. In time I had never actually properly met people on this game who were directly toxic, but since it is just a game I can say that I am now happier than ever that I am leaving. A civil debate cannot be had it seems, and as such there is little point to stay.

While the concept may be lost on you, then things does change after all, and seemingly people, not only myself, have after a while said we think it is a bit ridiculous the amount, specifically after some changes made by the admins. Now you say the game has always had this and it is true, but not in the extent we have been facing right now, regardless, even if you argue it has always been like that, and the game slowly has been dying, yet you remain unwilling to change it.

It is this exact sort of "It's always been, so let it remain so forever" that actually made me ruler of a realm, because very little happened and a group of people were fed up, so we did what we could to get into power and reform the realm to try and better it, now we are facing an issue that we wanted to raise so that the admins were aware that people feel this way.

People are leaving the game, has been for a while - This could help people not leaving the game - You refuse because YOU like it like that.

Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on May 04, 2016, 01:51:53 PM
Actually, for some time, the West was completely colonized, save for the Zuma lands.

And back in the early frontier days of Dwilight, hell yeah, people complained about it.

But we mostly ignored them, because it was quite clear people were having fun with it.

I mean, since all realms are losing nobles as time goes on.

That's no longer true.

The decline stopped around the time we sunk Atamara and the FEI. We've been holding fairly steady since then.

If Tom can get the activation email issue sorted out, we might even start gaining again.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Gabanus family on May 04, 2016, 02:23:46 PM
Quote from: EstionTarcyn on May 04, 2016, 01:04:00 PM
I'm sorry, but who in all hell do you think you are, talking to someone else like you have? What makes you think you can speak to anyone, let alone someone you do not even know like that over a game. I have done plenty for the realm, and the game during my time, and have played for a couple of years now. In time I had never actually properly met people on this game who were directly toxic, but since it is just a game I can say that I am now happier than ever that I am leaving. A civil debate cannot be had it seems, and as such there is little point to stay.

While the concept may be lost on you, then things does change after all, and seemingly people, not only myself, have after a while said we think it is a bit ridiculous the amount, specifically after some changes made by the admins. Now you say the game has always had this and it is true, but not in the extent we have been facing right now, regardless, even if you argue it has always been like that, and the game slowly has been dying, yet you remain unwilling to change it.

It is this exact sort of "It's always been, so let it remain so forever" that actually made me ruler of a realm, because very little happened and a group of people were fed up, so we did what we could to get into power and reform the realm to try and better it, now we are facing an issue that we wanted to raise so that the admins were aware that people feel this way.

People are leaving the game, has been for a while - This could help people not leaving the game - You refuse because YOU like it like that.

I would urge you not to quite. As I said, there are many options left and there is no reason to get fed up because of a single voice on this forum. I can understand your reasoning very well, but would advise you scale down on your chars and stay with 1 or 2 and play those a bit different.

I've done pretty much the same, leaving me with only 2 infils and 1 Duke (who stepped down as ruler), mostly because I no longer had the time to play them all properly. Do something else and find back that part which brought you fun in the game again. Religion has several angles, theocracy in Luria Borreal which is suffering, the old SA church who's been suffering from ESA for a long while, or even a whole different faith (there are one or 2 I think). You could become a diplomat and set up a guild continent wide to combat the monster invasion, or whatever.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: jaune on May 04, 2016, 02:48:43 PM
I think big point here is, that it starts to feel on D'hara that there is no hope ever never do anything else than fight those monsters. No matter how you put it, at the end, it becomes boring.

I bet some people at Madina is feeling a bit same, never ending hordes just keep coming. Been considering to move to another realm. And i suggest those who doesnt like that do so too. Some people seem to enjoy that hard fight and i did too, but it starts to get "old". You cant interact with them, you basicly cant beat them.

Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: EstionTarcyn on May 04, 2016, 02:51:30 PM
That may just be me who suspects a slow decline then, from what I have seen number wise on Dwilight I think there has been a small decline, but I cannot say for certain. Not drastic whatsoever.

And thanks Gabanus, but I have made my peace with leaving the game. Maybe at some point I will come back, but I just don't really see much of a point right now. I am already only playing 1 noble and 1 advy, and I will retire both I think. I have handed off 9000 gold, and two items to people I have played with. I might not have fun with the game anymore, but giving away the stuff and resigning from my positions may give some fun to others.

Though to be honest, there is a certain allure in creating a whole new faith. However, for now, I will take my leave of the game, and it is not based on the people on here who I do not necessarily agree with. It is just based on I am not having fun with the game anymore. I wish the best for the game for certain, and all the nice people I have met through the game, players and admin alike.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on May 04, 2016, 04:16:33 PM
Quote from: jaune on May 04, 2016, 02:48:43 PM
I think big point here is, that it starts to feel on D'hara that there is no hope ever never do anything else than fight those monsters. No matter how you put it, at the end, it becomes boring.

I bet some people at Madina is feeling a bit same, never ending hordes just keep coming. Been considering to move to another realm. And i suggest those who doesnt like that do so too. Some people seem to enjoy that hard fight and i did too, but it starts to get "old". You cant interact with them, you basicly cant beat them.


Actually from what I've seen Madina is enjoying the fight plenty.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Gabanus family on May 04, 2016, 04:53:57 PM
Quote from: EstionTarcyn on May 04, 2016, 02:51:30 PM
That may just be me who suspects a slow decline then, from what I have seen number wise on Dwilight I think there has been a small decline, but I cannot say for certain. Not drastic whatsoever.

And thanks Gabanus, but I have made my peace with leaving the game. Maybe at some point I will come back, but I just don't really see much of a point right now. I am already only playing 1 noble and 1 advy, and I will retire both I think. I have handed off 9000 gold, and two items to people I have played with. I might not have fun with the game anymore, but giving away the stuff and resigning from my positions may give some fun to others.

Though to be honest, there is a certain allure in creating a whole new faith. However, for now, I will take my leave of the game, and it is not based on the people on here who I do not necessarily agree with. It is just based on I am not having fun with the game anymore. I wish the best for the game for certain, and all the nice people I have met through the game, players and admin alike.

Unfortunate to hear. I've been there before myself as well and quite. Actually in hindsight think I should have then just focused on playing a different game within BM alltogether (which I'm doing these days with my infil) which brings me a different kind of fun than BM used to bring me otherwise. Figured I would atleast share that thought with you, before you make the ultimate decision ;-)
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Nosferatus on May 04, 2016, 11:05:43 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on May 04, 2016, 04:16:33 PM
Actually from what I've seen Madina is enjoying the fight plenty.

Madina has only been gaining nobles, the place is quite lively actually, even relatively to its size, it has great realm wide interaction about various issues, not just the rogues.
Measuring how people think or feel about the many rogues is near impossible, and all we hav been doing thus far is make assumptions and relay on the statements of some individual players(how many we dont know).
Another question is, how much should we actually let decisions be made based on player opinions?
I believe the game devs are more then capable of making the right decisions and i trust them more in knowing whats best then the opinion of most players.
But either way why not hold a poll amongst all players in Dwilight? even if we don't let this be decisive in what will happen to Dwilight, it could be usefull information.

Also, perhaps i am the only one here, but this topic is turning into a D'hara centred discusion between basically two persons.
I think its pointless to go in depth and focus so much on the experience of a few players in one realm.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Blue Star on May 05, 2016, 04:17:09 AM
Quote from: Anaris on May 04, 2016, 01:51:53 PM
That's no longer true.

The decline stopped around the time we sunk Atamara and the FEI. We've been holding fairly steady since then.

If Tom can get the activation email issue sorted out, we might even start gaining again.

::) Bit Delusional  ::)

We know our fate
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on May 05, 2016, 04:29:18 AM
Quote from: Blue Star on May 05, 2016, 04:17:09 AM
::) Bit Delusional  ::)

We know our fate

Considering Anaris has hold of the stats and you don't... I'm going to trust him more. Sorry that you couldn't be right in your pessimism.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Blue Star on May 05, 2016, 05:52:02 AM
Quote from: GundamMerc on May 05, 2016, 04:29:18 AM
Considering Anaris has hold of the stats and you don't... I'm going to trust him more. Sorry that you couldn't be right in your pessimism.

Statistics are in the system and recorded in other threads. Game has been on the decline... we've closed 2 continents I think that speaks for itself, but if not Gundam please stick your head into your profile, click a character of yours, then go to Information click that, find statistics on that page and then go to player statistics. If you cannot understand a graph that, ill help you, we lose roughly 8-10 players a month also 2 years ago this time we had close to double what we currently have. 8 years ago we had 3-4x, 12 years ago we had 5-6x times as much at least.

If you don't believe me ask someone else to verify that else maybe you should cease the condescending attitude you. Then again I doubt you'll make the effort sense this is a faceless world we linger in.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: jaune on May 05, 2016, 07:29:12 AM
Quote from: Nosferatus on May 04, 2016, 11:05:43 PM
Madina has only been gaining nobles, the place is quite lively actually, even relatively to its size, it has great realm wide interaction about various issues, not just the rogues.
Also, perhaps i am the only one here, but this topic is turning into a D'hara centred discusion between basically two persons.
I think its pointless to go in depth and focus so much on the experience of a few players in one realm.

yeah, Madina is lively and frustration is not showing, but i, personally start to feel that its a bit boring to fight those monsters, i rather kick another players :P

And i just wanted to bring on this discussion another realm which is constantly fighting monsters, but have not fallen to despair, but i think there is a danger that it will.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on May 05, 2016, 08:15:08 AM
Madina actually seems to be enjoying it, it's you guys going in expecting to be disappointed and finding only the things you expect.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Medron Pryde on May 05, 2016, 09:53:46 AM
One of the things that amazed me about Dwilight is JUST HOW OFTEN my character got wounded.

And as he was an older character forced to emigrate when Atamara was sunk a scratch would put him in a coma for a week.  And he got attacked EVERY TURN it seemed like.

He was next to the capital and his unit got smashed and him wounded.  When he finally woke up from the coma and started walking, he started getting attacked by rogues every turn.  And scratched or wounded.  And sent into a coma.  Wake up.  Start walking.  Get attacked.  Sent to coma.  Rinse, repeat, ad nauseum.  It took me weeks to get to the capital.  From the region next door to it.

I've never seen anything like that before.  I just deleted the character in the end because the game made him unplayable here on Dwilight.  Started over with a new one, and I'm waiting for him to grow up enough honor and prestige to be able to lead a decent unit into battle.

The ONE good thing about all the monster attacks is at least honor and prestige go up fast.  But fighting monsters sure isn't as interesting as fighting humans.  At least with humans you know you've got minds on the other side that you are trying to outwit.

Beluaterra is running into that issue now, with all the interesting human wars put on hold until the devs get done with whatever monster game they're playing and let us get back to backstabbing each other like proper nobles.  ;)
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Noone you know on May 05, 2016, 10:24:20 AM
Your character was 94 years old. It was the first time he had to fight so frequently.

What would you expect to happen to a 94 year old man who had to ride around in full armor and fight for his life twice a day?


Westgard seems fine, although we're a little quiet since Spring Break onward. Movement is still fine in all the armies. A couple folks wondered off to other realms - they never spoke in-realm, and didn't explain why they left. A couple folks were newbies who autopaused. One major character went back to "real life"

Astrum is the other realm on the frontier - I think they are holding steady, but I haven't communicated with them much in a while to know for sure.


My concern, as I posted in another thread, is if you make the monsters TOO easy, we just spread out all over the West until everyone has their own region again and there's no realm density at all. That will kill things far more than too much fighting.


At the end of the day, it is as fun as the players chose to make it. Don't know what happened to the "Old D'Hara" - they used to be one of the top RP realms in the game, but it looks like they got pushed out by the AT colonists. My knowledge of their recent history isn't that good.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on May 05, 2016, 02:01:27 PM
Quote from: Blue Star on May 05, 2016, 05:52:02 AM
Statistics are in the system and recorded in other threads. Game has been on the decline... we've closed 2 continents I think that speaks for itself, but if not Gundam please stick your head into your profile, click a character of yours, then go to Information click that, find statistics on that page and then go to player statistics. If you cannot understand a graph that, ill help you, we lose roughly 8-10 players a month also 2 years ago this time we had close to double what we currently have. 8 years ago we had 3-4x, 12 years ago we had 5-6x times as much at least.

I'm sorry, but you're way off base.

First of all, yes, we closed two continents. If you had actually read my previous post, you would have seen that it was saying that after those two continents were closed, the decline leveled off. Thus, every single thing you said here is irrelevant to that.

Second of all, you have to go back at least 3-4 years before you get to double the numbers we have now. And we've never had more than 4 times what we have now, so your "12 years ago" is just total BS.

2008 was the peak, when we had around 2000 players. Before then it was steadily rising. At that time it plateaued, then started a long slow decline.

But let me repeat the most salient point for you: The decline has stopped, or at least slowed down so much as to be imperceptible now.

Whatever anecdotal evidence you have, whatever feeling you have that the game is doomed and there's nothing left but to wait for its inevitable end, it's not borne out by the actual statistics. So look to the log in your own eye before you go calling other people condescending, please.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Medron Pryde on May 05, 2016, 08:32:21 PM
My character had fought monsters and Daimons on Beluaterra.

And then he was involved in the long campaigns of the ramping up of the wars in Atamara.

He had been fighting most of his life against this and that.

What happened in Dwilight was just so different from everywhere else he had played as to make him unplayable.

He was perfectly playable and active everywhere else I had played him.  The moment he went to Dwilight though, the wounding and bandit slapping until I couldn't hardly move more than an hour or two before being sent into a coma began.  That is unplayable and I am unhappy that the mechanics of the game forced me to retire the character.  He was a hero.  In charge of cavalry.  Something should have been able to kill him at least once in all the years I sent him against bad things...

Instead I had to retire him because bandits kept on sending him into a coma.  That is simply not a fun way to see a good character go down.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Blue Star on May 06, 2016, 04:07:28 AM
Quote from: Anaris on May 05, 2016, 02:01:27 PM
I'm sorry, but you're way off base.

First of all, yes, we closed two continents. If you had actually read my previous post, you would have seen that it was saying that after those two continents were closed, the decline leveled off. Thus, every single thing you said here is irrelevant to that.

Second of all, you have to go back at least 3-4 years before you get to double the numbers we have now. And we've never had more than 4 times what we have now, so your "12 years ago" is just total BS.

2008 was the peak, when we had around 2000 players. Before then it was steadily rising. At that time it plateaued, then started a long slow decline.

But let me repeat the most salient point for you: The decline has stopped, or at least slowed down so much as to be imperceptible now.

Whatever anecdotal evidence you have, whatever feeling you have that the game is doomed and there's nothing left but to wait for its inevitable end, it's not borne out by the actual statistics. So look to the log in your own eye before you go calling other people condescending, please.

Off base, are you counting players registered or are you counting daily/weekly activity? If you counting registered yeah I'd agree, but if you are looking at the actual statistic that matters it's daily/weekly activity. Those are the true player statistic. We could have a 1000 registered users, but if only 300 log in a week... that not saying once.

BS that we had at on point 1200-1500 active players in a week? Come now it's been awhile, but it was once real.

Do you state that this threads statistics are not real?
Quote from: vonGenf on April 01, 2015, 04:27:23 PM

DateRegistered PlayersWeekly ActivityDaily Activity
2014 Jan. 26th (peak count)880577304
2014 March 1st (Beginning of freezing)825539288
April 10th797541293
2014 May 1st799533305
2014 June 16th (WI created)784491277
2014 July 3rd757460248
2014 August 13th736445250
2014 October 21st683402224
2015 March 30th566370184
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Vita` on May 06, 2016, 05:59:46 AM
From the 9th of each month, or approximately the 9th. Daily numbers sometimes 'estimated average' between 8th, 9th, and 10th as these can vary widely -/+ 30. Rounded to nearest 10th. Server downtime excepted.

November 2011: (registered count is inaccurate here from 600 unremoved inactive accounts, but I'd estimate ~9050 users), 790 weekly, 440 daily

Feb 2012: 960 registered, 760 weekly, 420 daily
May 2012: 1100 registered, 790 weekly, 410 daily
Aug 2012: 1150 registered, 780 weekly, 410 daily
Nov 2012: 1080 registered, 740 weekly, 370 daily

Feb 2013: 1050 registered, 770 weekly, 340 daily
May 2013: 1050 registered, 710 weekly, 370 daily
Aug 2013: 1050 registered, 630 weekly, 340 daily
Nov 2013: 950 registered, 590 weekly, 300 daily

Feb 2014: 840 registered, 550 weekly, 310 daily
May 2014: 800 registered, 540 weekly, 270 daily
Aug 2014: 730 registered, 450 weekly, 220 daily
Nov 2014: 670 registered, 410 weekly, 210 daily

Feb 2015: 600 registered, 390 weekly, 190 daily
May 2015: 590 registered, 390 weekly, 180 daily
Aug 2015: 520 registered, 330 weekly, 170 daily
Nov 2015: 490 registered, 320 weekly, 160 daily

Feb 2016: 460 registered, 300 weekly, 170 daily
May 2016: 440 registered, 280 weekly, 170 daily

The long downtrend (except registered accounts which I attribute to email server issues first and marketing second) stopped around the time of the November and December announcements and code changes.

We were starting to hit into 130s, 140s, 150s in daily usage around September/October/November, peaking around 170s, with an exceptional 190 on October 24, 2015. Weekly was hitting lows of 300s, 310s, averaging 320, from a high of 340/330s in August (last 330 september 2, last 320 october 30).

December we maintained 300s, 310s, hitting 288 for new year's eve and day. December's daily ranged between 150-180. January recovered to 300 and maintained 300s. January's daily between 160-180. February maintained high 290s, low 300s. February's daily between 160-180. March hit 310 (first time since dec 4th@311 or early january@308) and maintained high 290s to low 310s. March's daily between 160-180. April maintained 290s weekly, 150-180 daily.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on May 06, 2016, 06:03:53 AM
Blue Star...

You... you realize that's from 2015. Last year. BEFORE the sinking of the continents and one noble per continent rule took effect. Meaning it's outdated data at best.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: jaune on August 16, 2016, 06:42:04 AM
Soo, how are people doing at Dwi?

I'm starting to be real bored... so bored that pausing is starting to feel very good solution.

It's not that there is nothing to do, but lack of interaction. Everybody is busy to fight with monsters, there is no real progress on that front either. You gain region, then you lose one. You have that handfull of active nobles... which sorry to say is decreasing all the time. There is monsters and undead group which is about double our realm's CS. So we wait them to TO region and to move another region and then we TO region back. We cant challenge that group, either than it happens to send unit or 2 out from the main group. I would much rather fight war with another realm, interact with the enemy... but for now, its login, scout where and what bugs are doing, logout...

I'm not sure what would be right route to go with DWI, but atleast for me, this is utterly boring. I might just move to another realm towards north, please tell me that whole continent isnt like this?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 16, 2016, 06:56:51 AM
Quote from: jaune on August 16, 2016, 06:42:04 AM
Soo, how are people doing at Dwi?

I'm starting to be real bored... so bored that pausing is starting to feel very good solution.

It's not that there is nothing to do, but lack of interaction. Everybody is busy to fight with monsters, there is no real progress on that front either. You gain region, then you lose one. You have that handfull of active nobles... which sorry to say is decreasing all the time. There is monsters and undead group which is about double our realm's CS. So we wait them to TO region and to move another region and then we TO region back. We cant challenge that group, either than it happens to send unit or 2 out from the main group. I would much rather fight war with another realm, interact with the enemy... but for now, its login, scout where and what bugs are doing, logout...

I'm not sure what would be right route to go with DWI, but atleast for me, this is utterly boring. I might just move to another realm towards north, please tell me that whole continent isnt like this?

Well... Jaune. You are in Fissoa... That is one of the most boring places at the moment. Why not just join one of the northern regions? If you want to fight actual realms, you can do so by joining either Westfold or Swordfell.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Ketchum on August 16, 2016, 07:19:28 AM
Quote from: jaune on August 16, 2016, 06:42:04 AM
Soo, how are people doing at Dwi?

I'm starting to be real bored... so bored that pausing is starting to feel very good solution.

It's not that there is nothing to do, but lack of interaction. Everybody is busy to fight with monsters, there is no real progress on that front either. You gain region, then you lose one. You have that handfull of active nobles... which sorry to say is decreasing all the time. There is monsters and undead group which is about double our realm's CS. So we wait them to TO region and to move another region and then we TO region back. We cant challenge that group, either than it happens to send unit or 2 out from the main group. I would much rather fight war with another realm, interact with the enemy... but for now, its login, scout where and what bugs are doing, logout...

I'm not sure what would be right route to go with DWI, but atleast for me, this is utterly boring. I might just move to another realm towards north, please tell me that whole continent isnt like this?
Not doing well. Morek just lost its capital, we down to 2 regions now. The few regions it has, are under constant monsters attack. My character was wounded by monsters in Nimh. It is becoming harder to motivate what few nobles Morek has. Under my character who is General, we helped Arnor to defend its lands against monsters. But we cannot go too far away leaving our own lands untended. Frequent attacks on Nimh and many lands nearby to the point I almost want call it a day for my character in Dwilight. Some of our nobles want fight against Avernus who took our last capital city and duchy, but with our so few nobles numbers, we are feeling hopeless to even fight against human realm and monsters.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 16, 2016, 07:48:31 AM
Maybe it is time to abandon Morek and join the only theocracy that matters!
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Ketchum on August 16, 2016, 08:28:26 AM
Quote from: Zakky on August 16, 2016, 07:48:31 AM
Maybe it is time to abandon Morek and join the only theocracy that matters!
I know which theocracy you speaking of... Hmmmm.
I guess I know why Morek capital city become rogue, I recruited them as militia.
I thought the men should be happy to defend their small size lands >:(

Putting the problems Morek facing aside, what is the current monsters spawn rate in the east? It looks like it begins to get worse.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Ketchum on August 16, 2016, 10:49:12 AM
Okay, I am frustrated. I just know we cannot relocate capital to our one townsland. So with monsters keep pounding at our small army men, I do not even think positively we can retake back our capital. So there is that, Morek likely be history soon.

Dwilight, monsters spawn rate. How come on east lands monsters spawn rate so high, suppose to be west... and how come control drop so much in east lands when we recruit militia, are we supposedly to let Morek die? Morek is a small realm nowadays, 3 regions, recruit militia not suppose to drop the morale so much! >:(
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Wimpie on August 16, 2016, 11:41:06 AM
I am a bit surprised by all of this. Mostly because I am not very involved on DWI with my character (that's my own fault).

But I am in Westfold and we're actively fighting Swordfell. To be honest, communication and RP could be much better (and maybe I should start up something..). But we don't really have problems with Undead or Monsters, or at least not that often.

So I'd say if you want to change realms, those two are good options. I am unsure what others are doing.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Gabanus family on August 16, 2016, 12:01:09 PM
Quote from: Ketchum on August 16, 2016, 10:49:12 AM
Okay, I am frustrated. I just know we cannot relocate capital to our one townsland. So with monsters keep pounding at our small army men, I do not even think positively we can retake back our capital. So there is that, Morek likely be history soon.

Dwilight, monsters spawn rate. How come on east lands monsters spawn rate so high, suppose to be west... and how come control drop so much in east lands when we recruit militia, are we supposedly to let Morek die? Morek is a small realm nowadays, 3 regions, recruit militia not suppose to drop the morale so much! >:(

Join the fold, Luria Borreal was not to be saved either and I fear the same holds true for Morek. I actually did take up Zakky's offer of joining Astrum (although I got it IC) and just joined. Let's see how that realm is. Boring dead, or fun to play and otherwise I'll just relocate again :p
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 16, 2016, 12:21:27 PM
Astrum is a theocracy too! Join Astrum fools! You get to work UNDER ME!
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Ketchum on August 16, 2016, 02:42:07 PM
Lol, I see the Astrum join offer from Zakky to my character too ::)

I hope Katrina did hold court recently and it is not because of that reason, she is the Duke of capital and Judge to boot :'(
I try to think of reasons why capital can go rogue. Never have this thing happens to any of my characters before.
Dwilight is teaching me a few things I never seen before.
Monsters? Your enemy number One!
Human realm? Close number Two.

Let me try one last throw of dice. There is but a few alternatives left. As General, well the power that come with it shall not be wasted!
Maybe my character will be last known Morek General. Maybe my character will be known as savior saving Morek in its last moment.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Gabanus family on August 16, 2016, 03:06:55 PM
Or neither of the above as people will forget who was the last General of Morek who nobody really cares about much anymore after its split :p

But it would be good to see if you can manage it, but 6 nobles is a very small amount especially in Dwilight with the monsters.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: DeVerci on August 16, 2016, 03:14:32 PM
Yea, small realms can't really compete with the monster/undead avalanches that tend to form up, which is unfortunate since any colonization efforts are doomed to fail given the ferocity of the rogues.

I think one of the biggest issues is that you can't effectively kill the monsters. Depending on the initial size of the group, they'll get down to 10 monsters and then retreat, and then they'll rally and be beaten down to 5 monsters but still remain. Meanwhile you have another 15k CS worth of fresh monsters coming in from the neighboring rogue region which just spits them out like weeds. Sometimes this can be solved by hunting them, but other times they'll instantly rally so you can't touch them.

As for the amount of monsters in the East, you're actually getting a lot of them that are migrating from the West. We've seen the monsters on Western Dwi using the northern rogue regions just to get to Yggdramir, and then they continue going East ignoring us. I am pretty sure I sent out a letter at one point to the General list about the issue, not sure if anyone actually paid attention to it.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Sacha on August 16, 2016, 04:33:48 PM
Well you're the ones who insisted on giving power to a Mayhem... you reap what you sow ;)

Luria could've told you what a spectacularly bad idea that was :P
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Vita` on August 16, 2016, 04:46:23 PM
Quote from: DeVerci on August 16, 2016, 03:14:32 PM
I am pretty sure I sent out a letter at one point to the General list about the issue, not sure if anyone actually paid attention to it.
People seem to not pay attention to BT Invasion messages either. Or Announcements on things like spawn rates. From when the spawn rates were changed to no longer be west/east based:
Quote2) Monster spawn and behavior on testing islands (Dwilight and Beluaterra) will change. Monster/undead travel will no longer be random. They will prefer to attack regions based on several regional characteristics, such as whether or not the region has a lord, occupied and/or vacant estates, fortifications, or militia.  When character-per-region density drops below a preset threshold, monster/undead spawn rates will increase, and they will begin to actively seek out and take over regions. Once character-per-region density goes above the threshold, the monsters/undead will return to their normal spawn rates and behavior. For Dwilight, the majority of monsters will no longer be confined to the west.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Sacha on August 16, 2016, 05:52:01 PM
The rates are pretty ridiculous though, and with realms already struggling the hordes just pile up out of nowhere. Just now in Luria we had another 15k sitting in one region at one point.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Gabanus family on August 16, 2016, 07:15:01 PM
Quote from: Sacha on August 16, 2016, 05:52:01 PM
The rates are pretty ridiculous though, and with realms already struggling the hordes just pile up out of nowhere. Just now in Luria we had another 15k sitting in one region at one point.

From what I understand is that the spawn rate depends on the nobles per region statistics. Which means that if more realms fall and have fewer regions, the lower the spawn rate will be (if nobles remain the same). So the spawn rates are so high basically because some realms have been too good in holding (re-TOing) their regions.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Feylonis on August 16, 2016, 10:05:45 PM
Quote from: Wimpie on August 16, 2016, 11:41:06 AM
I am a bit surprised by all of this. Mostly because I am not very involved on DWI with my character (that's my own fault).

But I am in Westfold and we're actively fighting Swordfell. To be honest, communication and RP could be much better (and maybe I should start up something..). But we don't really have problems with Undead or Monsters, or at least not that often.

So I'd say if you want to change realms, those two are good options. I am unsure what others are doing.

That's because Westfold is safely in the middle of four semi-stable realms: HD, Morek, Astrum, and Swordfell. Those with borders facing rogue regions are constantly facing a deluge of monsters (Arnor, Swordfell, LN in the east, plus all the realms facing west).
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Gabanus family on August 16, 2016, 11:19:01 PM
Quote from: Feylonis on August 16, 2016, 10:05:45 PM
That's because Westfold is safely in the middle of four semi-stable realms: HD, Morek, Astrum, and Swordfell. Those with borders facing rogue regions are constantly facing a deluge of monsters (Arnor, Swordfell, LN in the east, plus all the realms facing west).

You mean that realm that just lost its last city?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Feylonis on August 16, 2016, 11:25:49 PM
Semi-stable! I thought Morek was doing pretty well until the Mayhem fiasco.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Lorgan on August 17, 2016, 12:17:51 AM
We just managed to kill like 30 odd k CS in Luria. 20k from the South, 10k from the North and then probably a few other random ones. I took on the 10k with my 1.6k (initially) CS SF and killed them by myself in 6 consecutive battles.  8)
Then we just killed the rest with 4-5 nobles. They didn't move all together and split up so it was relatively easy pickings. They also suicided on a townsland for a bit.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: DeVerci on August 17, 2016, 01:03:03 AM
Quote from: Lorgan on August 17, 2016, 12:17:51 AM
Then we just killed the rest with 4-5 nobles. They didn't move all together and split up so it was relatively easy pickings. They also suicided on a townsland for a bit.
This is one of the best situations you can hope for, since they'll just run into fortifications with established militia over and over again if they can. The only issue is that in the West we don't have the opportunity to do that with regions like Eidulb and Eidulb Outskirts.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 17, 2016, 02:04:48 AM
Quote from: Lorgan on August 17, 2016, 12:17:51 AM
We just managed to kill like 30 odd k CS in Luria. 20k from the South, 10k from the North and then probably a few other random ones. I took on the 10k with my 1.6k (initially) CS SF and killed them by myself in 6 consecutive battles.  8)
Then we just killed the rest with 4-5 nobles. They didn't move all together and split up so it was relatively easy pickings. They also suicided on a townsland for a bit.

My SF :( I need one in Astrum!
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Lorgan on August 17, 2016, 11:53:32 AM
Oh I should have added: rogues suck. They're an impediment to conflict and a distraction to human interaction. If we'd get rid of them all together, that's be just fine.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Ketchum on August 17, 2016, 12:16:45 PM
More like rogue militia is worse than rogue monsters or undead force.

One Morek noble arrived at that Morek former capital and watched his unit being defeated by 4-5K CS rogue militia who were formerly Morek militia. What is going on? >:( >:(
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Vita` on August 17, 2016, 03:54:39 PM
Quote from: Lorgan on August 17, 2016, 11:53:32 AM
Oh I should have added: rogues suck. They're an impediment to conflict and a distraction to human interaction. If we'd get rid of them all together, that's be just fine.
So humans can go back to still not fighting each other? It seems people forget that the reasons the rogues came was because realms would sit in peace for months, boring their players away, because 'they do not have enough nobles to wage war and ITS TOO RISKY'. So rogues push humans closer together so they annoy each other and have conflicts.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Lorgan on August 17, 2016, 05:16:18 PM
Yes. Bore them into declaring war.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Vita` on August 17, 2016, 06:30:47 PM
It didn't work before, why would it work now?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Lorgan on August 17, 2016, 07:02:28 PM
How about a too much peace mechanic with 10-15k CS of rogues popping up if you're not at war. No morale penalties or anything too extreme... Just send a message: Get your !@#$ together and defeat this. But watch it ruin your regions first. So.. maybe declare war?

It'd be better than a mechanic that requires nobles to stay at home even when at war.

Also, no more cursewords? :P
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Vita` on August 17, 2016, 09:12:01 PM
No. Because previous TMP resulted in realms never being able to go to war again, and just changing from morale drops to rogue TOs wont be any different if they're based directly on being at war or not. Rogue spawns drop as human density improves, leaving realms available for war once again.

But people really need to move on from the idea that a map should be fully occupied.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 17, 2016, 09:20:26 PM
Quote from: Vita on August 17, 2016, 09:12:01 PM
No. Because previous TMP resulted in realms never being able to go to war again, and just changing from morale drops to rogue TOs wont be any different if they're based directly on being at war or not. Rogue spawns drop as human density improves, leaving realms available for war once again.

But people really need to move on from the idea that a map should be fully occupied.

Definitely. When fully occupied, Dwilight just turned into another EC or Atamara. Might as well keep the frontier feeling going.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Gabanus family on August 17, 2016, 10:19:29 PM
Only problem becomes if say Madina is succesfull in warding off the monsters and Fissoa is not, they'll be entirely cut off from the other realms.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: BarticaBoat on August 17, 2016, 11:45:06 PM
Quote from: Vita on August 17, 2016, 09:12:01 PM
But people really need to move on from the idea that a map should be fully occupied.
This x a million. Like how in ec I want Xavax to purge Minas nova and leave the lands rogue.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 18, 2016, 03:25:01 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on August 17, 2016, 10:19:29 PM
Only problem becomes if say Madina is succesfull in warding off the monsters and Fissoa is not, they'll be entirely cut off from the other realms.

That is something Madina will have to deal with. From the looks of it, monsters will eventually overwhelm Fissoa.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Ketchum on August 18, 2016, 09:16:05 AM
Quote from: DeVerci on August 16, 2016, 03:14:32 PM
Yea, small realms can't really compete with the monster/undead avalanches that tend to form up, which is unfortunate since any colonization efforts are doomed to fail given the ferocity of the rogues.

I think one of the biggest issues is that you can't effectively kill the monsters. Depending on the initial size of the group, they'll get down to 10 monsters and then retreat, and then they'll rally and be beaten down to 5 monsters but still remain. Meanwhile you have another 15k CS worth of fresh monsters coming in from the neighboring rogue region which just spits them out like weeds. Sometimes this can be solved by hunting them, but other times they'll instantly rally so you can't touch them.

As for the amount of monsters in the East, you're actually getting a lot of them that are migrating from the West. We've seen the monsters on Western Dwi using the northern rogue regions just to get to Yggdramir, and then they continue going East ignoring us. I am pretty sure I sent out a letter at one point to the General list about the issue, not sure if anyone actually paid attention to it.
Saw your message as my character is a General, but my character realm Morek is really too small to fight against anything rogue. We already lost many battles against rogue monsters in Nimh, my character seriously wounded out cold too. Trying to send army to help Arnor fight against rogue monsters, end up our own capital become rogue. Now I wondering our rogue militia who formerly is Morek militia, did we forget pay them or something? ???
Even Morek got receive help request from other realm to help fight against monster, my character dare not promise anything anymore, since we unable to fight monsters, lest human realm. That's why I say Monster is number one enemy and human realm is a close second. There is no doubt about that :D

Quote from: Lorgan on August 17, 2016, 05:16:18 PM
Yes. Bore them into declaring war.
Quote from: Vita on August 17, 2016, 06:30:47 PM
It didn't work before, why would it work now?
Religions are the key here. Trigger that in game :P

From what I see, the only way for war is through religions, a crusade of some sort. Maybe have those who open Portal to Roleplay about Religions stuff, enhancing their religion image or something.

And monsters, still will only have the few human realms allied together to fight monsters. Monsters do not really help here ;)

Quote from: Zakky on August 17, 2016, 09:20:26 PM
Definitely. When fully occupied, Dwilight just turned into another EC or Atamara. Might as well keep the frontier feeling going.
Not fully occupied either Dwilight. Hear rogue just overtake the west lands from Avernus before they even secured it well. Probably that is another one of many reasons that drive rogue force to attack us further inland.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Victor C on August 18, 2016, 09:29:59 AM
I think the rouges are actually a good thing. The purpose is to horde us together...

If a realm gets isolated, unfortunately... That's just greed keeping you there. You can walk to the other human realms and join the fun anytime. If not, you do have the choice to die there alone and join later after everything has been established... Though, it'llbe hard to influence anything then.

Internal conflicts are especially interesting. Those will increase more and more as players start compiling together. Religion cannot thrive with many small realms spread out effectively. For diplomacy becomes an issue. Meanwhile if the religions are concentrated within a few realms, I feel there's still hope to see more chance of a religious war.

It sucks that your realm is getting destroyed, but delaying it will only keep everyone in the state they're currently in. This will not inspire LESS rouges, but instead I'd personally add MORE rouges to ensure that the plan continues.

The map is so big, we really don't need all that space. Journeys to the lost land can always be a good roleplaying event realms do. It'll be like a Dystopian story.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Bronnen on August 18, 2016, 02:37:23 PM
Someone is trying to recruit followers to his religion so that there is religious war on the continent, force the SA and ESA to fight or die.

But apparently people are more content with just sitting in the SA and ESA and doing nothing, or joining no religions because the religions do nothing.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Feylonis on August 18, 2016, 08:27:49 PM
The thing that no one talks about is that relentless rogue attacks also force realms to focus on those, rather than engaging war against other (player) realms. Swordfell lost/is losing a number of its regions due to focusing on the Westfold war. D'Hara hasn't engaged in an actual war (other than the token 'invasion' against LB).

Thinking "rogues force everyone to clump togther" is a novel idea, but guess what -- when you keep encouraging people to just move to a more inland realm, then the outer realms fall, and the rogue border simply pushes forward.

Yes, it's ideal for there to be smaller, more mobile realms that are constantly warring against each other. But forcing this through large rogue groups hinders the latter part of the ideal -- smaller, mobile realms are forced to deal with these large rogue groups rather than warring each other.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 18, 2016, 08:32:34 PM
That is laughable I think. When the whole Dwilight was occupied, it just turned into another Atamara. Boredom never ended.

The whole point of rogues pushing people in is to destroy outer realms so we get more inner realms. Inner realms probably should attack outer realms to speed up the process.

One thing I do not like about this monster invasion is how it is attacking all the realms. It should focus on crushing outer realms so we don't get just huge rogue territories in the center of human realms when the invasion finally stops.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: byrdcr9 on August 18, 2016, 10:31:55 PM
I have to agree with Feylonis. I find it odd that the Devs consider utilizing aggressive NPCs a viable solution to forcing realms to go to war.

The Devs do seem to understand that humans are risk-averse and that detracts from the fun of the game. They also seem to understand that character density is the solution to the problem. However, I feel that they are missing the mark by trying to use NPCs to create that density. Human population density is controlled by passive, geographic factors; not aggressive waves of invaders. Historically, when you get external population pressure, the people in the area either die or move somewhere else (i.e. German invasions of Ancient Europe, Hunnic invasions after that, Mongols after that, Indo-Aryans before any of them). Whereas when you limit land as a resource, people will begin to fight over it (i.e. Ancient Mesopotamia and the Levant, Egypt, Scandinavia sort-of, Scotland, etc...). Though land doesn't have to be the only resource in this case.

The problem I see with Dwilight is that the cities are spaced too far apart for anything to be done about it. Dwilight is massive, and there are few reasonable ways to limit people's ability to expand only at the expense of human realms. As I look at the map, only 3 out of 11 realms are trapped in by human realms and, guess what, the only human-human war is between one of those realms and Swordfell. All the other realms don't need to go to war to expand their power base, they just need to kick out a few resident monsters and their problem is solved.

I think the best solution in this case would be to adjust the statistics of the regions so that no single city can support itself with only its surrounding regions. Make it so that an exorbitant amount of food is required to sustain a realm. Then, make it very easy to maintain a region once it is taken. Ergo, no realm will be able to sustain its cities without taking land from every available source, including human realms.

Just some thoughts.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Feylonis on August 18, 2016, 11:06:28 PM
Quote from: Zakky on August 18, 2016, 08:32:34 PM
That is laughable I think. When the whole Dwilight was occupied, it just turned into another Atamara. Boredom never ended.

The whole point of rogues pushing people in is to destroy outer realms so we get more inner realms. Inner realms probably should attack outer realms to speed up the process.

One thing I do not like about this monster invasion is how it is attacking all the realms. It should focus on crushing outer realms so we don't get just huge rogue territories in the center of human realms when the invasion finally stops.

And when all the 'outer realms' are destroyed, the 'inner realms' will become the new border lands. We've kept pushing back the border -- first, all realms on the western half went rogue. Now we're talking about pushing it further east? What's the point of setting up Westgard, then, if we just want to concentrate all the players on the easternmost edge of Dwilight?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Sacha on August 18, 2016, 11:07:20 PM
Those are some pretty good points.

I feel like control of non-fortified regions ought to me more fluid. Right now takeovers are just a bunch of either meaningless violence where even the whitest of knights suddenly turn into violent hooligans, or endless freedom celebrations that set regions awash in ale for a week. And if the invaders aren't taking over, they're usually just burning things to the ground, slaughtering hundreds of peasants in the process. War is simply too devastating to be on the losing side, so most realms won't risk it unless victory is all but assured. Other realms just simply can't afford to take much land from their neighbors. Realms should be able to benefit from occupying land without actually taking it over or looting it to cinders.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Feylonis on August 18, 2016, 11:17:53 PM
The problems of Dwilight are the problems of most other BM continents: geographically, too large or too long. EC's basically a strip of diagonal land. Perdan and Sirion, on opposite ends of that stick, have showcased their inherent advantage (I mean, they've been around every since way way way way back). Or take Atamara and (somewhat modified) Beluaterra. Realm capitals can take literal days to reach a border/battle area, especially if your neighbors are your friends and your enemies are all the way in Irombro while you're in Firbalt or something.

War Island I think is a very good example of a nicely laid out geography. Compact, each capital somewhat equidistant from each other. Refit and recruit times are fairly short. The way Dwilight was shrunk, it left just the western eastern half that ended up combining the too-linear and too-large problems of EC and Atamara/Beluaterra.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: jaune on August 18, 2016, 11:46:20 PM
What annoys me most... There is only 1 "normal" continent with "normal" speed and normal diplomacy and interaction with other players.

And now that you can have only 1 char per continent, we are kind of forced to play these freaky continents too :P

I want Atamara back :P
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 19, 2016, 12:05:47 AM
Quote from: jaune on August 18, 2016, 11:46:20 PM
I want Atamara back :P

Bring players and you can have it back!
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on August 19, 2016, 12:08:31 AM
Quote from: Sacha on August 18, 2016, 11:07:20 PM
Those are some pretty good points.

I feel like control of non-fortified regions ought to me more fluid. Right now takeovers are just a bunch of either meaningless violence where even the whitest of knights suddenly turn into violent hooligans, or endless freedom celebrations that set regions awash in ale for a week. And if the invaders aren't taking over, they're usually just burning things to the ground, slaughtering hundreds of peasants in the process. War is simply too devastating to be on the losing side, so most realms won't risk it unless victory is all but assured. Other realms just simply can't afford to take much land from their neighbors. Realms should be able to benefit from occupying land without actually taking it over or looting it to cinders.

I've actually had some interesting ideas recently in this general vein: broadly, increasing the speed and dynamism of wars, making sieges both more important and more siege-like (interdicting traffic, maybe sapping walls or something, etc).

Nothing that's likely to happen in the immediate future, but definitely some interesting things to think about.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: DeVerci on August 23, 2016, 02:15:28 PM
Monsters went from being passive and merely touring through our regions to going on an all out blitz and taking over regions they've ignored for weeks.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Sonya on August 23, 2016, 05:22:31 PM
I understand the idea of the monster/undeads to be an incentive to avoid realms to become bigger, specially those on the rogue borders, causing them to stretch and the other realm lands to survive.

But for a realm like Westgard, who initially was a refuge for those people from other continents is useless, It will soon be the second time where we lose all region to monster, and is not like we have been sitting roleplaying how the flower garden are pretty or tourneys, we haven't got time to settle in properly.

We have no bles who haven't got stated since the first day, i got my stated two weeks ago, but before that i spend 6 months living of the capital city's charity. how do you expect a realm of new players to survive? (yes even if we are long time players we are new to Dwilight and we were thrown in a city surrounded by monsters)

I feel jealous of Xavax, they are having a blast right now, and if it wasn't for those constant wave of monsters we would have settled long time ago, is really like a sand castle, the wave destroy it every time you have almost finished and is getting really annoying.

If Westgard had the mere chance of settle in properly half of Dwilight would be Burning by now.

Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Konrad on August 23, 2016, 06:25:27 PM
Don't worry Westgard, you just gotta get your density up!
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 23, 2016, 07:54:52 PM
If I remember correctly, they don't really start a TO unless many of them gather in one place.

From the looks of it, they seem to be pouring out now that they finished Zuma off.

Zuma has been attracting and killing monsters but now they are gone, human realms will have to deal with them directly.

The problem with Dwilight is, eastern realms are expanding inward which puts more pressure on outer realms like Westgard and Madina.

If monsters become too unbearable, you may want to talk to Anaris. I remember him saying he doesn't want Westgard to get wiped out.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Sacha on August 23, 2016, 11:40:24 PM
Quote from: Zakky on August 23, 2016, 07:54:52 PM
If I remember correctly, they don't really start a TO unless many of them gather in one place.

True, but most of the time it happens so fast you have almost no time to counter them. It's like suddenly all hordes in the area converge on one region in the span of 2-3 turns.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Schancke on August 24, 2016, 11:45:45 AM
Quote from: Temeraire on August 23, 2016, 06:25:27 PM
Don't worry Westgard, you just gotta get your density up!

Indeed that should pose no problem, we'll be at 6 nobles pr. region in a few days  ;D
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zappy99 on August 28, 2016, 12:24:04 AM
Alright I'm getting seriously tired of all these monsters. Luria player here. We have been planning for quite a while to split our realm, once we had recovered a bit, to add a little more dynamism and maybe attract some new players. Several months ago, I announced the realm split and told people to prepare for it happening a few weeks later.

Then a monster horde arrived and took a few regions. We eventually beat them back and retook the regions. Then another horde arrived and the same thing happened. Then another. And another.

By all rights, we should have completely recovered and been ready for the split by now. A few months ago, I had been looking forward to engaging in more inter-realm politicking and RP'ing the restoration of the Lurian Empire. It would have breathed new life into a realm that is slowly dying after the massive population loss and the loss of our territories. Now I can look forward to several months of taking regions and fighting endless hordes of monsters. It's absolutely ridiculous - especially considering we are a realm in the middle of the island and with one of the largest adventurer pops - and it's seriously sapping my enjoyment of the game. There is no activity in our realm anymore, only orders and monster reports, we can't do anything else.

These monsters are a !@#$ing farce, pardon my French. The first time we tried to increase the density, we lost the western island and there was a large exodus of players. Now we have half an island. Of course, you say, I could just move to another realm if it's too bad, but this shouldn't even have happened in the first place! We have had so many plans in Luria to make the game more fun for ourselves, but they're all impossible because of the monsters. I am not playing this game to play whack-a-mole with 10k hordes, I am playing it to RP and play against PLAYERS, and I'm just not getting that any more.

I have played this game for years and enjoyed it immensely, but if this doesn't get better I don't know if I'll be continuing.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 28, 2016, 12:40:07 AM
You have EC if you want to fight people.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Victor C on August 28, 2016, 12:47:36 AM
Quote from: Zappy99 on August 28, 2016, 12:24:04 AM
Alright I'm getting seriously tired of all these monsters. Luria player here. We have been planning for quite a while to split our realm, once we had recovered a bit, to add a little more dynamism and maybe attract some new players. Several months ago, I announced the realm split and told people to prepare for it happening a few weeks later.

Then a monster horde arrived and took a few regions. We eventually beat them back and retook the regions. Then another horde arrived and the same thing happened. Then another. And another.

By all rights, we should have completely recovered and been ready for the split by now. A few months ago, I had been looking forward to engaging in more inter-realm politicking and RP'ing the restoration of the Lurian Empire. It would have breathed new life into a realm that is slowly dying after the massive population loss and the loss of our territories. Now I can look forward to several months of taking regions and fighting endless hordes of monsters. It's absolutely ridiculous - especially considering we are a realm in the middle of the island and with one of the largest adventurer pops - and it's seriously sapping my enjoyment of the game. There is no activity in our realm anymore, only orders and monster reports, we can't do anything else.

These monsters are a !@#$ing farce, pardon my French. The first time we tried to increase the density, we lost the western island and there was a large exodus of players. Now we have half an island. Of course, you say, I could just move to another realm if it's too bad, but this shouldn't even have happened in the first place! We have had so many plans in Luria to make the game more fun for ourselves, but they're all impossible because of the monsters. I am not playing this game to play whack-a-mole with 10k hordes, I am playing it to RP and play against PLAYERS, and I'm just not getting that any more.

I have played this game for years and enjoyed it immensely, but if this doesn't get better I don't know if I'll be continuing.

The Rouge's purpose is to kill realms, you'll have to deal with it and survive unfortunately. People keep growing isolated, and no wars were going to begin, you're saying rouges are preventing PvP? Unfortunately, players are preventing PvP.

There is more political opportunity available now than there has been in several years. Take advantage of this or don't complain that nothing is happening... I started a giant conflict in my realm EASILY. Take the initiative if you want something to happen.

You're about to split? Have you not payed attention...? The rouges are concentrating density. The Daimons are gone, now the rouges are REALLY going to be doing their job.

You know the purpose of the rouges, attempting to go against its purpose and then complaining because you can't do it safely is like if I got angry at a bee for stinging me while I put my head in its hive.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 28, 2016, 01:03:13 AM
Yes. Monsters are trying to push people closer. I can see some problems with this though like Fissoa and Madina case. Fissoa will probably die at some point and Madina will be completely alone. Madina will probably fall eventually but that will take a long time.

Why are all realms being attacked? So people don't complain about how the dev team is trying to favor certain realms. I actually hope they would choose few realms and wipe them out though to force people to be in a certain area. I know it sucks but if you have ever played on BT, you'd know what Riombara felt like. Being isolated sucks a lot. You will never be able to interact with people since there is a limit on how far you can travel with your unit.

So Madina's case, they will probably never be able to interact with other realms and fight monsters until they lose.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Vita` on August 28, 2016, 01:16:41 AM
One thing I noticed. You only play in one realm and one world. Why not try elsewhere for a fuller experience? This is one reason for having multiple characters, so your game enjoyment isn't all in one realm/world basket and its success/failure. As mentioned, there are wars on the East Island. There were wars awhile ago on the Colonies, but I have not heard news from the Colonies lately. On Beluaterra, Nothoi/Dominorum vs Nothoi has an ongoing war in the midst of a daimon Invasion. War Island...eventually. :( -.-

I would suggest to just go ahead with the split and continue killing rogues as you engage in inter-realm politicking. You may be the middle of the island, but that is irrelevant to rogues having mostly surrounded you. Seeing orders and clicking mechanic buttons in response doesn't take away from the 12 hours in-between turns that can be used to roleplay and describe what your character(s) are going through fighting against the monster frontier.

I agree that The Freeze was a mistake, and I wish we had done the suggested overall ramping of monsters, rather than targeting an area. And sinking Atamara then, instead of all The Freeze business. But I cannot change the past, only learn from it. This recent more gradual monster increase has been one lesson learned from the too-quick swarm across the West in The Freeze event. The spawn rate is based on the overall density of the island, not specific realms, which means all rogue borderlands feel pressure when island density is lower. As mentioned by another poster, taking regions back from rogue will lower the density, if equivalent regions are not lost elsewhere on the map or new characters created/immigrated onto the island.

The rogue's purpose is not specifically to kill realms, just to spawn and conquer regions in accordance with island-wide noble density of held regions. The daimons are not gone, but the fact their last region was taken means the daimons are no longer distracting the monsters as much.

Once you make room for your head by removing the frames, you could probably stick your head safely into a hive without getting stung. Though most of the bees will have been removed, by removing the frames. And you'll look rather idiotic. Bees are rather peaceful creatures, you know.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on August 28, 2016, 01:30:11 AM
Vita, I'm starting to agree with the others in here that the monsters are failing to serve their purpose. Even when Dwilight was fully colonized, it had a completely different atmosphere from other worlds because of the sheer scale of it. Morek and Astrum were massive powers with vast areas of influence, but even they couldn't control things for even half the continent. You still had Barca, Madina, Luria, and D'Hara who were involved in their own politics. I'd say that Dwilight was stronger not during the frontier age, when it was a struggle just to survive, but during the period of time when it was fully colonized. Didn't like Sanguis Astroism? Go on over to Asylon, Madina, or Barca! I truly think that Dwilight will become much more healthy if the monsters are wiped out and kept at normal levels.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zappy99 on August 28, 2016, 02:48:30 AM
Vita, I see your point with only playing one character, and I realize that my problems are partly due to my own playstyle, but I'm already having trouble making enough time for one character, let alone several. Besides, Dwilight is the only SMA island in the game. I'll try and make the best out of it, but it's still goddamn frustrating being locked in a downward spiral by PVE monsters.

Edit: Perhaps a solution would be to at least reduce the horde sizes a little and having them start fewer takeovers. The way it is now, our full army can barely beat a single horde, and there's barely any chance of us stopping them before they take a region. Furthermore, there's little time to take regions before the next one arrives, because it often takes days to clear a horde (perhaps have them disperse after being defeated once, like undead). That would do a lot to make it seem like less of an insurmountable wall, and give us a chance to actually push the rogue lands back instead of constantly retreating into a smaller and smaller corner of the map.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: DeVerci on August 28, 2016, 02:50:00 AM
Quote from: Zakky on August 28, 2016, 01:03:13 AM
Yes. Monsters are trying to push people closer. I can see some problems with this though like Fissoa and Madina case. Fissoa will probably die at some point and Madina will be completely alone. Madina will probably fall eventually but that will take a long time.

So Madina's case, they will probably never be able to interact with other realms and fight monsters until they lose.
Why was Westgard created then? We are pretty much Madina/Fissoa of the north-west.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 28, 2016, 03:26:27 AM
Quote from: DeVerci on August 28, 2016, 02:50:00 AM
Why was Westgard created then? We are pretty much Madina/Fissoa of the north-west.

To give Atamarans a realm of their own. Being able to keep it is another matter. You guys can't probably TO northern regions and slowly relocate north of Arnor.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Feylonis on August 28, 2016, 07:33:38 AM
I don't know, maybe the people who thing the rogue issue is okay maybe play in middle realms who don't actually have to deal with it? Here's the problem:

We start with realms Z-A-B-C-D. Z is the rogue lands, produces 5 rogue armies. Realms A-B-C-D can produce 2 armies each because of income constraints and player densities. Rogues attack realm A, but B-C-D can play PvP with one another because The Threat is not close to them.

Realm A falls. Realm A players move to Realm B, increasing Realm B's capability to raise 3 armies because of higher player density. Income constraints remain the same. However, Rogue Z now has former Realm A's lands to raise armies in. They can now get 7 armies. Realm B begins to deal with Rogue Z, and can no longer play with Realms C-D.

Realm B falls. Players move to Realm C, bumping their armies up to 5 because they now have former A and B players. However, Rogue Z can now raise 9 armies because it has its own original Z, and former A and B lands, to spawn in. Realm C has to deal with a more powerful Rogue Z.

All the while, Realm D is shouting at all the other people "But this is good, you can still war with us! Kekekeke."

This is the crux of the problem. Rogues were meant to improve the player density of Dwilight and encourage more realms to interact with one another. In practice, though, it's a poor solution. Realms become focused on dealing with the rogues rather than with each other.

And for those saying "Go to EC for PvP", I say to you: go to Beluaterra for PvE. See? It's an annoying argument to make.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 28, 2016, 07:57:39 AM
That will happen until you reach the 'optimal' level. We will probably reach that level once Madina plus Arnor die. If those realms don't die, then monsters will continue to hit them harder and harder until they break. Don't forget other realms that border monsters like Luria and Westgard. The same thing will happen to these realms until they die. Once enough realms die, people will be force to migrate. The only problem with this method is people quitting. If people rage quit en mass, the density will not rise thus forcing monsters to fight and kill more realms. You can only lose with this scenario. The best solution at this point is to abandon outer realms quickly and move inland.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Feylonis on August 28, 2016, 08:15:31 AM
Maybe it wasn't clear. Abandoning "outer realms" will just make the "inner realms" the new "outer realms".

Z-A-B-C-D. Abandoning A and B won't result in Z---C-D. It will result in Z-Z-Z-C-D. It is a failing solution.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 28, 2016, 08:51:56 AM
Quote from: Feylonis on August 28, 2016, 08:15:31 AM
Maybe it wasn't clear. Abandoning "outer realms" will just make the "inner realms" the new "outer realms".

Z-A-B-C-D. Abandoning A and B won't result in Z---C-D. It will result in Z-Z-Z-C-D. It is a failing solution.

Maybe I wasn't clear as well. Abandoning outer realms will make monsters stop. To reach that optimal density, some realms go to go. To make the continent less like Riombara on BT, you need to move to realms that are closer to the center. Once enough realms die, monsters will stop.

3 is the magic number. 94 regions occupied but only 180 characters. 30 or so regions need to be lost. Guess which two realms will make that happen. Losing two biggest realms on Dwilight will make that happen.

Once Fissoa falls, Madina will fall faster. Plus with the coming archer nerf Anaris mentioned, it will make things more difficult for realms to hide behind walls and stop monsters as easily as now. If I were you, I'd start talking to inner realms. There are some inner realms with a spare city. Maybe you can start again.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zappy99 on August 28, 2016, 10:53:30 AM
Quote from: Zakky on August 28, 2016, 08:51:56 AM
Maybe I wasn't clear as well. Abandoning outer realms will make monsters stop. To reach that optimal density, some realms go to go. To make the continent less like Riombara on BT, you need to move to realms that are closer to the center. Once enough realms die, monsters will stop.

3 is the magic number. 94 regions occupied but only 180 characters. 30 or so regions need to be lost. Guess which two realms will make that happen. Losing two biggest realms on Dwilight will make that happen.

Once Fissoa falls, Madina will fall faster. Plus with the coming archer nerf Anaris mentioned, it will make things more difficult for realms to hide behind walls and stop monsters as easily as now. If I were you, I'd start talking to inner realms. There are some inner realms with a spare city. Maybe you can start again.
That may sound like a good idea, but we're already haemorrhaging players in Dwilight. When Madina and Arnor fall, our population will be even lower, which means even more regions to let go of. We're certainly not gonna increase our population in a way that will actually allow us to expand any time soon, which means we'll be stuck playing in this little tiny corner of Dwilight. Also, if you wanted to increase our density, why in the world did you have Westgard settle in the western island? Also, an archer nerf? Seriously? I have no words.

Here's a solution: Lower the density requirements a little. A density of 2 or 2,5 is enough to have dynamic realm conflict, while still allowing us to actually have decently sized realms.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 28, 2016, 11:10:12 AM
I think it is currently around 3. To be honest, 2~2.5 sounds logical for now.

As for archer nerf, archers are currently too popular due to it being too strong. You can crush infantry before they even get near your archers. They obviosuly won't be nerfed to the oblivion. If you've faced archers on War Island or EC, you will know Rear Infantry Middle Archer is way too popular. People don't understand how to deal with it and it isn't easy to deal with it either.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: JDodger on August 28, 2016, 06:37:13 PM
i really dont understand the logic behind the density argument. if you abandon realms/regions, assuming players stay and go elsewhere, your density in a given realm goes up but overall player density doesn't change. plus you then end up with more rogue regions which spawn way more monsters. add the fact that when a realm goes under you usually lose some players on that continent at least temporarily, making density even less.

imo this monster thing is snowballing into an impossible situation. all you have to do is look at fissoa to see how bad it is. i think they are down to two regions now. so you now have massive rogue areas between luria and swordfell and luria and fissoa just churning out monster hordes.

i don't get the logic on this. devs are punishing players for low density when the players can literally do nothing about it except keep playing, which is becoming harder and harder in certain realms.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 28, 2016, 07:01:56 PM
Nobody said it was the best idea.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Sacha on August 28, 2016, 09:04:17 PM
Well we are saying it was a bad idea. It hasn't achieved its goal, quite the contrary. Realm interaction has dropped even further than it already was. Luria would have been warring by now, if we didn't have bi-weekly monster invasions of 10-15k CS to deal with. So the way I see it the devs give us two options, fighting to retain those lands and increasing monster spawns there, or leaving the regions to go rogue, increasing monster spawns there. Either way we just end up with more monsters.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 29, 2016, 01:01:31 AM
Or you can join other realms. Or you can try negotiating with realms with multiple cities to move more inland. If you can't hold your current regions, might as well abandon it and look for a new place.

I am not a big fan of this gradual push from monsters. If I were a dev, I would have straight up drawn a line. Everything under the line would have been given 2 months to get the hell out. Then I'd bulldoze the area.

Good that I am not in charge.

So what do you think is the good way to deal with the current situation? Realms to need to lose regions. That won't change. There are too many regions held by players. What would you suggest to reduce it and make realms move closer to each other?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on August 29, 2016, 01:18:07 AM
Quote from: Zakky on August 29, 2016, 01:01:31 AM
Or you can join other realms. Or you can try negotiating with realms with multiple cities to move more inland. If you can't hold your current regions, might as well abandon it and look for a new place.

I am not a big fan of this gradual push from monsters. If I were a dev, I would have straight up drawn a line. Everything under the line would have been given 2 months to get the hell out. Then I'd bulldoze the area.

Good that I am not in charge.

So what do you think is the good way to deal with the current situation? Realms to need to lose regions. That won't change. There are too many regions held by players. What would you suggest to reduce it and make realms move closer to each other?

Zakky, you realize that you just said you'd do the whole thing that ruined Dwilight in the first place. You seem to be blind to the issues here and quick to pass the blame onto the players. We can't just keep shrinking the land area forever you know, eventually we'd get to the point where the game mechanics no longer work as designed and interaction ceases. If you pack in the realms too closely, then it becomes a one-way political track where we get a situation like Far East where all the countries are either on one side or the other, diplomacy becomes overly simplistic and predictable, and Battlemaster ceases to be anything but a game where a continent needs resets after a certain amount of time because a realm has "won" the continent.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 29, 2016, 01:23:10 AM
If refreshing an island will make things better, I don't mind having resets.

People seem to want the old way of letting people conquer everything. 10 people running a 30 region realm is not going to happen again.

Well if Dwilight continues to shrink then maybe it is a good time to close it and be done with it. I know at least one person will be very happy about it. Tom.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on August 29, 2016, 01:49:00 AM
Quote from: Zakky on August 29, 2016, 01:23:10 AM
If refreshing an island will make things better, I don't mind having resets.

People seem to want the old way of letting people conquer everything. 10 people running a 30 region realm is not going to happen again.

Well if Dwilight continues to shrink then maybe it is a good time to close it and be done with it. I know at least one person will be very happy about it. Tom.

Tom is a human being. While I respect him for bringing this game to us and all he's done, I've long completely disagreed with his notion that Dwilight was a "mistake".
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Feylonis on August 29, 2016, 03:29:11 AM
Quote from: Zakky on August 29, 2016, 01:23:10 AM
If refreshing an island will make things better, I don't mind having resets.

People seem to want the old way of letting people conquer everything. 10 people running a 30 region realm is not going to happen again.

Well if Dwilight continues to shrink then maybe it is a good time to close it and be done with it. I know at least one person will be very happy about it. Tom.

I'm not sure if you're blind or unable to understand the argument. People already aren't conquering everything. More than half of the continent is not under the control of any realm. A border had been drawn -- everything west is rogue, everything east is playable. That obviously has not work, and the border was relaxed. What you are advocating has already been tried, and it has not worked.

Dwilight has, for the longest time, been the reason why I continue to play Battlemaster. It is the reason I chose to come back. Close it, and the game will hemorrhage even more players.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Victor C on August 29, 2016, 04:39:05 AM
Of course.... Offering realistic solutions is always a better option. Though, again, I don't see many. You offer no solution and you question when someone tries to resolve it?

No one was taking risks, no one was interacting. It was one giant peaceful island. Any new player was basically greeted by "oh hi! We're doing nothing, just sit there and play with a stick!"

You're leaving the Devs with these options:

Do nothing and watch the game die from infinite peace
Try something and deal with complaints

You're supposed to be feeling pressure and this time is supposed to be difficult. Difficulty is what dwilight is supposed to be about, remember? Uncharted land with Daimons and stuff. Wasn't that fun?

What if down the road that happens again? When the player.base grows more, something similar happens? What if something better happens?

There is so much more opportunity that will be available and you're all not even giving it a chance to progress. If things remain the same, the situation is going to get worse. That is the fact you cannot refuse. It has been proven numerous times.

All the devs can do is try to help the game with what they know, trying to prevent the same things from happening again.

I see a lot of closed minds rejecting change, that never ends well... Not in real life, not in game either. Change allows for both improvement and failure, if you fear failure too much, you'll be stuck and nothing will progress.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on August 29, 2016, 04:48:27 AM
Quote from: victor c on August 29, 2016, 04:39:05 AM
Of course.... Offering realistic solutions is always a better option. Though, again, I don't see many. You offer no solution and you question when someone tries to resolve it?

No one was taking risks, no one was interacting. It was one giant peaceful island. Any new player was basically greeted by "oh hi! We're doing nothing, just sit there and play with a stick!"

You're leaving the Devs with these options:

Do nothing and watch the game die from infinite peace
Try something and deal with complaints

You're supposed to be feeling pressure and this time is supposed to be difficult. Difficulty is what dwilight is supposed to be about, remember? Uncharted land with Daimons and stuff. Wasn't that fun?

What if down the road that happens again? When the player.base grows more, something similar happens? What if something better happens?

There is so much more opportunity that will be available and you're all not even giving it a chance to progress. If things remain the same, the situation is going to get worse. That is the fact you cannot refuse. It has been proven numerous times.

All the devs can do is try to help the game with what they know, trying to prevent the same things from happening again.

I see a lot of closed minds rejecting change, that never ends well... Not in real life, not in game either. Change allows for both improvement and failure, if you fear failure too much, you'll be stuck and nothing will progress.

This isn't about change. This is about Dwilight becoming non-viable as a gaming community as a result of realm after realm being destroyed or having to completely focus on fighting monsters. Reducing the area available for players on Dwilight isn't a solution, because it goes against the very strength of Dwilight, which was its size. Dwilight is able to have isolated conflicts that are unlike the other continents because it is massive.

In addition, by artificially destroying realms using monsters to increase density (which it often fails to do through frustrated players quitting rather than moving), we are slowly coming to the point where we remove a core tenet of the game, that if you don't like a realm you can go elsewhere.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Feylonis on August 29, 2016, 04:55:28 AM
It already has progressed. Nearly half (the western half) of the realms in Dwilight were wiped out. Some people moved east; a lot quit the game entirely. More than a year was given for this solution to 'work'. It has not. Players have been voicing their discontent with the mechanic; they have been silenced, and quit. Something indeed has to change; the rogue mechanics forcibly pressuring outer realms is not working.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 29, 2016, 05:22:30 AM
Quote from: Feylonis on August 29, 2016, 04:55:28 AM
It already has progressed. Nearly half (the western half) of the realms in Dwilight were wiped out. Some people moved east; a lot quit the game entirely. More than a year was given for this solution to 'work'. It has not. Players have been voicing their discontent with the mechanic; they have been silenced, and quit. Something indeed has to change; the rogue mechanics forcibly pressuring outer realms is not working.

Again. Suggest something more productive. I can complain about many things too. But I don't contribute much so I stay quiet. If you want to change things so badly, why not pick up php and html? There are crash courses you can take. And they are FREE. once you know how to do them, you can start fixing bugs. What does that even mean? You are freeing up more dev time for Vita` and Anaris for them to actually start implementing changes instead of fixing bugs.

Don't forget they are spending their LEISURE TIME to do this. They ain't getting a penny out of doing any of this. Maybe it is about time some of your complainers to start helping out with things that need to be done to get this game going?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Sacha on August 29, 2016, 07:22:31 AM
Turning down the spawn rates would be a start. Turning down the need to micromanage your realm to find that perfect balance between size and density would help too. Turning down micromanagement in general would help. The more you force realms to focus on their own problems, the less opportunity you give them to make problems for others.

IMHO, the game started going downhill when region maintenance became a numbers game. When I started playing, the main reason to choose a particular lord was the lord themselves. As a lord looking for knights to draw to his cause, my main concern was looking appealing to them; i.e. have a personality and ambitions that spoke to them. Now, knights are mainly just employees. I need them for tax efficiency, they need me to have an income. The game as a whole was more RP-driven 10 years ago because players didn't have to focus most of their playing time on managing their own realms.

You want suggestions? Get rid of estates as anything more than an RP flavor text, and bring back the old 'communist' tax systems. Simplify, man.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 29, 2016, 08:54:07 AM
I kind of agree with the whole estate thing. I don't give a damn who my lord is these days as long as I get paid 200 gold+.

Who cares about an awesome lord when I can get 200 gold anyway? Gold talks ^^

I think they tried to make lords and knights become closer through estates but I haven't really felt any attachment in a long while.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on August 29, 2016, 05:49:39 PM
I am working on some changes to how monsters on Dwilight work right now, based on conversation with Vita and Andrew on IRC.

The general thrust is this:

Monsters on Dwilight will be strongest within the greatest concentration of rogue regions. (Right now, obviously, this is the West.) Monsters coming from there will be stronger and smarter than monsters spawning elsewhere.

Please note that the "stronger and smarter" means, at least for now, that those monsters will be like the monsters you have been seeing, and monsters spawned outside that area are being nerfed.

Additionally, due to the way we will be representing "smarter" (since there was no differentiation in the past), all existing monsters, however strong they may be, will be considered "dumb" monsters by the game. They will continue with whatever goals they have right now, but then will exhibit classic monster behaviour: wander randomly, break stuff, eat peasants, occasionally start a TO.

Furthermore, the presence of civilization will itself have a taming effect on the monsters, a halo of sorts that will weaken monsters that spawn within the closest few regions to human realms.

A consequence of this (that we would be happy enough to have you "game", since it fits with any reasonable IC explanation for why the behaviour exists in the first place) is that if you can split up rogue areas, and cut them off from the main bulk of rogue regions in the West, you will make life at least somewhat easier for yourselves. So for instance, if Westgard is able to take and hold Ygg d'Razhuul, that will prevent smart monsters from spawning in any of the rogue regions between them and Arnor.

I'm nearly finished writing these changes now, and expect them to go live later todayâ€"most likely either just before or just after the sunset turn change.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on August 31, 2016, 01:06:46 AM
.....No comments on this?

Have you seen any noticeable change in the monster behaviour yet?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on August 31, 2016, 01:27:49 AM
Quote from: Anaris on August 31, 2016, 01:06:46 AM
.....No comments on this?

Have you seen any noticeable change in the monster behaviour yet?

Nothing noticeable yet. They are still crazy. :D
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Gabanus family on August 31, 2016, 10:01:27 AM
Quote from: Anaris on August 31, 2016, 01:06:46 AM
.....No comments on this?

Have you seen any noticeable change in the monster behaviour yet?

I like the idea and am curious to see how it works out.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Constantine on August 31, 2016, 02:58:21 PM
Not sure what comments were expected.
So this change makes life easy for old half-dormant realms in the east. Good for them?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on August 31, 2016, 03:51:40 PM
I was mostly just surprised that discussion stopped so entirely, after it was so lively.

And I'm not sure what you expected. Realms on the frontier of Dwilight are monster-fighting realms. There was a brief period when this was not true, but for the majority of its life, that has been the reality. If you don't like playing in a monster-fighting realm, go to one of the "half-dormant realms in the east" and stir !@#$ up.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Vita` on August 31, 2016, 03:56:03 PM
Quote from: Constantine on August 31, 2016, 02:58:21 PM
Not sure what comments were expected.
So this change makes life easy for old half-dormant realms in the east. Good for them?
Because sarcastic replies are very helpful and appreciated. Again, no matter what is done, some will complain, rather than offer constructive criticism.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Sacha on August 31, 2016, 05:42:09 PM
Well I'm cautiously optimistic. I guess the trick is finding the right balance. But it'll take at least a couple weeks of observation before we can really say if the changes (if any) are good or bad.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Ketchum on September 01, 2016, 03:23:17 AM
I not sure what update I should be providing here. We will be watching the change for the coming days I guess to know its true effects. Now off I go to munch on the next monster skull I can find :P
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: byrdcr9 on September 01, 2016, 02:57:35 PM
In Swordfell it looks as if the Monsters situation has calmed down significantly within the past few days. Although we're still getting monsters assaulting our outlying regions, they're not having the devastating effect that they used to have. They tend to be quickly beating by standing militia.

Bronnen may be able to corroborate my story.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Constantine on September 01, 2016, 05:09:27 PM
Quote from: Anaris on August 31, 2016, 03:51:40 PM
I was mostly just surprised that discussion stopped so entirely, after it was so lively.

And I'm not sure what you expected. Realms on the frontier of Dwilight are monster-fighting realms. There was a brief period when this was not true, but for the majority of its life, that has been the reality. If you don't like playing in a monster-fighting realm, go to one of the "half-dormant realms in the east" and stir !@#$ up.
Well, the bulk of the discussion, as I understand it, was frontier realms suggesting that monster spawns were perhaps a bit too extreme to handle.
Then you announce that inland realms will have it easier from now on. Once again, good for them, but our grievances were not addressed at all. It's an absolutely tangential and weird fix.
Which brings me to a conclusion that monsters are there not to improve noble density, but to screw specifically frontier realms which are in fact the most healthy ones noble density-wise.
I'm curious to learn your view on the situation.
Quote from: Vita on August 31, 2016, 03:56:03 PM
Because sarcastic replies are very helpful and appreciated. Again, no matter what is done, some will complain, rather than offer constructive criticism.
I think we are all grown up people here and can handle mild sarcasm.
For some reason, when it's me talking, it's complaint. But when it's you who smears your fellow players in dung, it's constructive criticism. Okay.

Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on September 01, 2016, 05:19:29 PM
The complaints in this thread that were concerning to me were the ones about formerly-well-insulated eastern realms being ripped apart by monsters spawning just off their borders, and the danger that a small cluster of rogue regions in an otherwise civilized area could become a quickly-expanding cancer that destroys realms without sufficient warning for them to shift priorities.

Border realms on Dwilight need to expect to be attacked by monsters, pretty much all the time. I've got some code in the works that could help to make it so that the threat is spread out a bit more (allow monsters to cross water, so when they pick a target that happens to be in an inner eastern realm, they will hit that realm on its western border, rather than just all piling through D'Hara, Madina, and Yggdramir), but broadly, there's no intention on the part of the devs to make things easy on the frontier realms.

That said, all realms should find the monsters somewhat less problematic with the new changes, as no full-strength monsters will now be spawning within or immediately adjacent to realms, and frontier realms should find their rear borders much quieter (unless the human realms of the east decide that they'd be better off without you).
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Feylonis on September 01, 2016, 11:20:33 PM
That's the problem, though -- the frontier realms will pretty much always be at the mercy of the inner realms, since the inner realms don't have rogues constantly sapping at their strength. Their grand solution? "Oh, just move to the inner realms, because Player Density amirite."

That solution completely ignores the fact that moving to all the inner realms will only push the rogue border eastwards. In the process, many if not all of the players will be frustrated: the frontier players for having to leave their realm behind and again starting anew, and the inner players for having their realms invaded. All of this will lead to a risk of higher player dropouts and completely work against the goal of a healthier game.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on September 01, 2016, 11:46:26 PM
Quote from: Feylonis on September 01, 2016, 11:20:33 PM
That's the problem, though -- the frontier realms will pretty much always be at the mercy of the inner realms, since the inner realms don't have rogues constantly sapping at their strength. Their grand solution? "Oh, just move to the inner realms, because Player Density amirite."

That solution completely ignores the fact that moving to all the inner realms will only push the rogue border eastwards. In the process, many if not all of the players will be frustrated: the frontier players for having to leave their realm behind and again starting anew, and the inner players for having their realms invaded. All of this will lead to a risk of higher player dropouts and completely work against the goal of a healthier game.

But if the total number of player-controlled regions shrinks, while the total number of nobles does not, the rogues will reduce their efforts to destroy humanity.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on September 01, 2016, 11:57:59 PM
Quote from: Anaris on September 01, 2016, 11:46:26 PM
But if the total number of player-controlled regions shrinks, while the total number of nobles does not, the rogues will reduce their efforts to destroy humanity.

What if... we get stuck in a vicious cycle? Like someone pointed out, if outer realms die, there is no guarantee those nobles will move inland. They may just not play on Dwilight. And if that repeats well... wouldn't that be a repeat of the big freeze?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on September 01, 2016, 11:58:34 PM
Quote from: Zakky on September 01, 2016, 11:57:59 PM
What if... we get stuck in a vicious cycle? Like someone pointed out, if outer realms die, there is no guarantee those nobles will move inland. They may just not play on Dwilight. And if that repeats well... wouldn't that be a repeat of the big freeze?

I'm aware of this, and am already working on methods to mitigate against this problem.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: DeVerci on September 03, 2016, 05:53:11 PM
The travel times are horrendous in the West. 19 hour marches between regions is forcing us to spend a day and a half just marching and delaying travel to try and get everyone to arrive on time.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Victor C on September 03, 2016, 06:05:44 PM
Quote from: DeVerci on September 03, 2016, 05:53:11 PM
The travel times are horrendous in the West. 19 hour marches between regions is forcing us to spend a day and a half just marching and delaying travel to try and get everyone to arrive on time.

Ah dwilight... Move one region out of your realm and your knights are already homesick  ;D

Yeah, the distance between regions is WAY bigger. Thus, high travel times. You can compare it to different islands if you'd like. This is also why wars require a tad more strategic finesse and why homeland advantage is actually a thing on dwilight. Gotta learn the fast routes or you're going to be moving slowly.

If it is the fast route, well, I hope your roads get repaired... If the roads are good... Oh my... Just go around  ;D... If you can't... Well... Have the slowet nobles move early? Make them  literal vanguards and they'll be at the very least half a day ahead?  If necessary, make them a full day ahead?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: DeVerci on September 03, 2016, 08:04:43 PM
Yea, strategy and finesse don't quite work when you have hordes spawning and moving to every single border region you have at the same time, and then appearing in another once you leave. Besides, some regions we have held for weeks and raised production to their highest, yet we are still stuck with cruddy roads.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Victor C on September 04, 2016, 01:00:20 AM
Quote from: DeVerci on September 03, 2016, 08:04:43 PM
Yea, strategy and finesse don't quite work when you have hordes spawning and moving to every single border region you have at the same time, and then appearing in another once you leave. Besides, some regions we have held for weeks and raised production to their highest, yet we are still stuck with cruddy roads.

Roads take a while to repair, the more war torn the land... The more terrible the road becomes. Think of it as a chaotic road with a bunch of bandits and wagons idley flipped... Plenty of holes too.. trees blocking ways.

The moving through of destroyed roads is also part of strategy. Certain roads that lead to your target region may take 5 turns to reach. However... Another region bording it may only require 2.

Those poor... Poor... Roads.  :'(
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: DeVerci on September 11, 2016, 11:26:04 PM
I think West Dwilight has even more monsters now.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on September 12, 2016, 02:33:30 AM
I saw smaller groups of monsters. 950 CS each instead of usualy 1.5k or 2k. Maybe they spawn in smaller numbers?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: DeVerci on September 12, 2016, 01:13:15 PM
Nope, we're still getting hit with 2k CS monster groups, and a lot more of them now. They're also now super aggressive in terms of messing regions up.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on September 12, 2016, 08:07:20 PM
Quote from: DeVerci on September 12, 2016, 01:13:15 PM
Nope, we're still getting hit with 2k CS monster groups, and a lot more of them now. They're also now super aggressive in terms of messing regions up.

Those must be the smart ones Anaris mentioned.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on September 12, 2016, 08:14:23 PM
No extra aggression has been added, nor has the number or strength of monsters being spawned been increased. The recent change in code was a straight-up nerf to the monsters, with most of the effect being on the ones in the East.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: DeVerci on September 12, 2016, 09:05:40 PM
So is there any reason that they started to go looting/takeover crazy?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: DeVerci on September 13, 2016, 08:06:56 PM
Well the monsters just matador'd us by cycling completely out of a region that they were sitting still in for the last few days. Olé!
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: DeVerci on September 15, 2016, 01:26:45 PM
Also the roads strike again, travel time jumped from 18 hours to 21 after hitting the march button. This happened for a few people. I was hoping to be able to try a 2 turn march, but it looks like we'll be doing a 3 turn one instead. Once again, it's not really the most entertaining thing to just be marching for an actual day and a half constantly.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Schancke on November 10, 2016, 07:46:57 PM
Quote from: Anaris on September 12, 2016, 08:14:23 PM
No extra aggression has been added, nor has the number or strength of monsters being spawned been increased. The recent change in code was a straight-up nerf to the monsters, with most of the effect being on the ones in the East.

It is quite interesting.
At the turning from summer to autumn, we have about 70 k CS of rogues in our lands.
I can't remember this amount seen in summers earlier, and I wonder how it will be come winter.

Although it's hard to compare our slaying rate, It's not like we've been sitting back and letting the monsters take over, and my char fights in at average one battle every second turn, with many characters at the same level.

The monster groups seems less intent to travel eastwards through Eidulb or Yggdramir than before.
All monsters leaving a region does not stop takeovers, as new monsters arrive from other regions at turn change.

Could recent code changes explain my observations?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on November 10, 2016, 08:24:27 PM
I am sorry to say your observation is wrong. Eidulb has been getting hit with monsters almost every day. It didn't get attacked like for one day over the past month. The size varies however. Mostly monsters attack in 8~9k CS. When there are more, they do hit the city with 20k CS occasionally.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Schancke on November 11, 2016, 09:59:18 AM
Quote from: Zakky on November 10, 2016, 08:24:27 PM
I am sorry to say your observation is wrong. Eidulb has been getting hit with monsters almost every day. It didn't get attacked like for one day over the past month. The size varies however. Mostly monsters attack in 8~9k CS. When there are more, they do hit the city with 20k CS occasionally.

I am relieved, too swamped in domestic monster battles to even notice the ones in Eidbuld. Ignorant of me..
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Gordy77 on November 11, 2016, 10:47:00 AM
Astrum has zero sympathy from me!
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GoldPanda on November 21, 2016, 07:16:23 PM
There are now 86k CS of Monsters and Undead in Port Raviel.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Nosferatus on November 21, 2016, 07:32:24 PM
Quote from: GoldPanda on November 21, 2016, 07:16:23 PM
There are now 86k CS of Monsters and Undead in Port Raviel.

Thats almost a record!

(not that these records are updated enough, still that is a very large group of rogues in one region.)
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Vita` on November 21, 2016, 07:38:26 PM
You should see that CS level decrease over next 1-4 turns.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on November 21, 2016, 07:56:49 PM
Quote from: Nosferatus on November 21, 2016, 07:32:24 PM
Thats almost a record!

(not that these records are updated enough, still that is a very large group of rogues in one region.)

The latest invasion of Beluaterra had hordes that were over 100k. It was quite the sight.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on November 21, 2016, 08:51:13 PM
Huge hordes all over! Excellent. :)
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Sharpspeare on November 22, 2016, 03:13:59 AM
Huge times
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on November 22, 2016, 03:31:29 AM
Time to run boys. Time to find a new home :o
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Sharpspeare on November 22, 2016, 04:15:20 AM
Quote from: Zakky on November 22, 2016, 03:31:29 AM
Time to run boys. Time to find a new home :o
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on November 22, 2016, 05:09:22 AM
Quote from: Sharpspeare on November 22, 2016, 04:15:20 AM

You stubborn fool!
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Sharpspeare on November 22, 2016, 05:18:07 AM
Quote from: Zakky on November 22, 2016, 05:09:22 AM
You stubborn fool!
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Beldragos on November 22, 2016, 06:24:22 AM
Well, Madina has been fighting and losing regions to these trolls for years.  We defeat a wave and then try to expand.  Get get a region or two and then more hordes arrive.  There is not enough time to build up a region so it will support anyone other than the Lord financially and then the hordes start rolling in.  Candiels has been fighting the hordes for weeks and finally had her outermost wall worn down.  I check every day and never get to option to repair because of needing two days (4 turns) without attacks to be able to send out workmen.  I can assure you we have not had any time at all.

It is very frustration to be fighting this long and see there is no interest in the game mods to assisting the frustrated players who cannot engage in the political aspect of the game because of unreasonable mobs in the west.  The attitudes from players who sit in the east and never experienced what it is like is equally frustrating.  Wee have had players move their characters away and even quit because of the situation. 

It has been said the Hordes have been taken care of but they are still here.  It has been said they have been nerfed but it only has been for those in the east who only offer snide comments.  Realms are falling from the monsters in a game that is supposed to be a political game between realms.  Where are the massive armies of trolls in the Medieval times, the reference to the SMA that is enforced on players and their characters.  You cannot claim the armies are Huns or some other human rogue agents because the bounties for the regions list "The Monster" and "The Undead" as categories to place funds.

I was here for the initial conquest of western Dwilight as a member of Caerwyn back in 2004 and the beasts were bad but nowhere as bad as it is now.  We knew we could eventually beat them back and once we were able to establish a foothold we attracted colonist and created Asylon.  It took a long time to do this because of the beasts but we were able to do so eventually.  Terran and Barca advanced in their area and even made a loose alliance with the Zuma for food and stuff.

When it happened, the Ice Age was utterly ridiculous, it felt absolutely artificial at the time and everything seems to be done to keep humans out of the west.  Practically overnight the entire west side of the continent was wiped out.  Candiels held the longest, nearly a year until it fell to a horde of over 98K CS.  At the time it felt like the Mods were behind that horde because other things seemed to happen in the region that only affected Candiels.  I won't go into those because supposedly they were addressed through the many bug reports even though nothing changed.

Now that the ice receded, we were told we could reclaim the lands lost before.  Madina set itself up to be a launching point for colonies in the west and attracted a number of characters from the sinking islands.    Several have left or simply quit because of the way the gameplay has been manipulated. 

It was stated Madina seems to like the hordes.

We do not.

We are sick of throwing our gold into armies and feeding them to the trolls.  We want to be able to expand and set up colonies like in the old days and the promises by the mods when the ice receded made it sound like we could do this but the artificially feeling limits by the mobs are ruining the feel of the game.

The many complaints fall on deaf ears because it has been made plainly clear the game masters will do nothing about the issues raised by the original poster.  He grew frustrated and quit the game, an example of how we all feel who have to deal with this issue each and every day.  I have contemplated leaving many times in the past and have nearly done so because this makes the game NOT FUN. 

Many people said we can move.  I do not see you moving to the so called frontier areas to see what it is like here. 

Many of us were here before the rules of the game were changed.  As it has been stated and seemingly ignored, the players are getting frustrated by endless hordes.  Tactics were tried and tossed aside because they do not work.  The hordes can TO a region in half a dozen turns, much faster than humans can and when we retake them, we have to start from scratch rebuilding them.  Once the lands seem to be getting productive again here comes another 20K swarm to destroy everything we have worked hard for.  Candiels is currently fighting about 15K swarm and losing walls. 

If something is not done about this aspect of the game it will continue to drive out players.  It is basic psychology. 

If you keep denying the reward of hard work then nobody will want to try.

This is why you are losing your player base.

Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on November 22, 2016, 07:09:38 AM
You are not suppose to fight it though. You are supposed to pack your things and move somewhere or crush other realms for your own survival. It was stated, monsters will continue to swarm realms until noble to region ratio becomes 2~3 to 1. If I remember correctly, it is around 3 meaning unless we go down to 65 regions, monsters will hit realms hard. At the moment players control 107 or so regions so players need to lose about 42 regions.

This is why you do not want to see other realms expand as their expansion will cause more pressure on other fronts.

If I were Madinans, I would head north and abandon the current lands. You won't last long now Port Raviel is gone. Monsters will pour into Madina City as well from Port Raviel and once you have to deal with another front, you won't last long. So start planning your next moves. You have more time than realms that were lost to the ice age.

When realms only had 90 regions, monsters weren't as bad as now but people kept expanding and now hordes are pissed. How unfortunate.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Nosferatus on November 22, 2016, 09:45:29 AM
Quote from: Zakky on November 22, 2016, 07:09:38 AM
You are not supposed to fight it though. You are supposed to pack your things and move somewhere or crush other realms for your own survival. It was stated, monsters will continue to swarm realms until noble to region ratio becomes 2~3 to 1. If I remember correctly, it is around 3 meaning unless we go down to 65 regions, monsters will hit realms hard. At the moment players control 107 or so regions so players need to lose about 42 regions.

This is why you do not want to see other realms expand as their expansion will cause more pressure on other fronts.

If I were Madinans, I would head north and abandon the current lands. You won't last long now Port Raviel is gone. Monsters will pour into Madina City as well from Port Raviel and once you have to deal with another front, you won't last long. So start planning your next moves. You have more time than realms that were lost to the ice age.

When realms only had 90 regions, monsters weren't as bad as now but people kept expanding and now hordes are pissed. How unfortunate.

The problem is that the rogues go through a limited amount of choke points meaning their attacks are concentrated on a few regions, preventing the rogues from going further.
Only if the choke points are breached (which are usually several after each other), these monsters can attack the eastern realms.

Another problem is that this process takes to long and cause a loss of nobles, which goes quicker then the loss of regions.

If somehow the monsters would hit everywhere almost equally, the process would speed up , regions would be lost quicker and the rogues would reside more quickly, so the players can go back playing against each other again, before they decide to leave.

If this can't be done by just the existing code of rogue activity, then perhaps its time for a proper human controlled rogue invasion like in Beluaterra.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on November 22, 2016, 11:07:11 AM
Monsters cannot hit equally. They are not smart enough. You can predict which region will get attacked by more monsters however by looking at how many regions are connected to your region. If your regoin is connected to more regions, you will see more monsters being funneled into your region.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Nosferatus on November 22, 2016, 11:47:33 AM
Quote from: Zakky on November 22, 2016, 11:07:11 AM
Monsters cannot hit equally. They are not smart enough. You can predict which region will get attacked by more monsters however by looking at how many regions are connected to your region. If your regoin is connected to more regions, you will see more monsters being funneled into your region.

Thats why i suggest admin controled rogue armies to speed things up and balance the blow.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Qureshima1 on November 22, 2016, 12:18:46 PM
I have a couple of points to make:

1. The whole point of the rogue is to make the West mipossible to conquer. The simple reason is, before that happenned nobles were spread too thin and there was no reason for conflict. It was really boring. Players need to understand that too much expansion room is no good.

2. The previous situation worked better, when the monsters were confined to the west. Then realms could focus inward and human wars and conflict were more likely. For example the massive war with Luria Nova against most of the island.

I suggest the best solution is to confine the rogue hordes to the west again, and make the west unlivable. That will force all knights to turn eastwards and interesting wars will start again.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: DeVerci on November 22, 2016, 01:52:13 PM
Quote from: Qureshima1 on November 22, 2016, 12:18:46 PM
1. The whole point of the rogue is to make the West mipossible to conquer. The simple reason is, before that happenned nobles were spread too thin and there was no reason for conflict. It was really boring. Players need to understand that too much expansion room is no good.

2. The previous situation worked better, when the monsters were confined to the west. Then realms could focus inward and human wars and conflict were more likely. For example the massive war with Luria Nova against most of the island.
But that's wrong. There was a lot of conflict before the ice-age/rogue wave that hit Dwilight, as Barca and D'Hara and pals were already at war with Luria. And that massive war against Luria was the opposite of fun, you had one refugee realm that was forced to flee and lost 3/4's of its playerbase just crossing the channel trying to fight against Luria which was already established and dug in, and allies that couldn't actually make headway because Luria was just an absolute monster in terms of player count.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Feylonis on November 22, 2016, 03:18:39 PM

The top three realms with the most nobles are Astrum, Westgard, and D'Hara. Astrum has a density of around 1.8, while D'Hara has 2.4. Westgard takes the cake at 6.5. But sure, let's further infuriate and frustrate the most populated realms. 10/10, solid game plan.

If the goal is to move towards a 2:1 player to region ratio, these realms are far and beyond from being the problem.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on November 22, 2016, 07:06:02 PM
Quote from: Qureshima1 on November 22, 2016, 12:18:46 PM
I have a couple of points to make:

1. The whole point of the rogue is to make the West mipossible to conquer. The simple reason is, before that happenned nobles were spread too thin and there was no reason for conflict. It was really boring. Players need to understand that too much expansion room is no good.

2. The previous situation worked better, when the monsters were confined to the west. Then realms could focus inward and human wars and conflict were more likely. For example the massive war with Luria Nova against most of the island.

I suggest the best solution is to confine the rogue hordes to the west again, and make the west unlivable. That will force all knights to turn eastwards and interesting wars will start again.

Point one is something I disagree with a lot. The West was the only part of Dwilight that actually had any meaningful politics. Asylon and Astrum were constantly fighting each other with a couple realms whose alliances would often shift, Barca and a couple other realms had carved out a part of the Southern West and were involved in several wars themselves. Most of these realms weren't solidly within SA's grasp, pretty much the exception regarding that for most of the continent. And they were all the most densely populated realms noble wise by a wide margin, so when you speak about "being spread too thinly" is something I disagree with and I feel you have not fully analyzed the situation. I thought we had already agreed that the monster invasion was a massive mistake in the first place, but apparently some people just refuse to learn.

*I made it friendly readible for you, you're welcome. Cheers Gabanus*
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GoldPanda on November 22, 2016, 07:28:18 PM
Quote from: Vita on November 21, 2016, 07:38:26 PM
You should see that CS level decrease over next 1-4 turns.

Did you change some algorithm, or are you hinting that most of the Monster hordes have already poured out of western Dwilight?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Vita` on November 22, 2016, 07:36:33 PM
Neither. I manually instructed some monsters to go march away from Port Raviel to some different human areas in order to diffuse the high monster CS levels inside Port Raviel from the 88k CS concentration you reported.

To the other comments, I am listening. I have not yet found the correct words to productively respond.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: byrdcr9 on November 22, 2016, 09:06:12 PM
Seems to me like the fringe realms need to refocus themselves. If greater density is required, realms on the outside should either move or refocus their efforts and forget their westernmost regions.

Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on November 22, 2016, 09:10:22 PM
Quote from: Zakky on November 22, 2016, 07:09:38 AM
You are not suppose to fight it though. You are supposed to pack your things and move somewhere or crush other realms for your own survival. It was stated, monsters will continue to swarm realms until noble to region ratio becomes 2~3 to 1. If I remember correctly, it is around 3 meaning unless we go down to 65 regions, monsters will hit realms hard. At the moment players control 107 or so regions so players need to lose about 42 regions.

This is why you do not want to see other realms expand as their expansion will cause more pressure on other fronts.

If I were Madinans, I would head north and abandon the current lands. You won't last long now Port Raviel is gone. Monsters will pour into Madina City as well from Port Raviel and once you have to deal with another front, you won't last long. So start planning your next moves. You have more time than realms that were lost to the ice age.

When realms only had 90 regions, monsters weren't as bad as now but people kept expanding and now hordes are pissed. How unfortunate.

While I actually enjoy the monsters, and made it a point to go to a realm where I could fight them the most, I would like to point out that "cripple realms to make them attack others" is a strategy that has been attempted at lot in the past, in multiple forms, and it has *never* worked out.

There's something that feels kind of wrong with those choke points accumulating so many monsters, though. Since monsters don't de-spawn, or at least spawn way quicker than they spawn, it leads to ridiculous forces eventually concentrating to the point of no one being able to handle them.

Perhaps the code should limit how many monsters may aggregate to an area, severely reduce combat effectiveness of monsters when they are many, and/or cap the total population of rogues the continent can have?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on November 22, 2016, 09:45:08 PM
Quote from: Chenier on November 22, 2016, 09:10:22 PM
While I actually enjoy the monsters, and made it a point to go to a realm where I could fight them the most, I would like to point out that "cripple realms to make them attack others" is a strategy that has been attempted at lot in the past, in multiple forms, and it has *never* worked out.

There's something that feels kind of wrong with those choke points accumulating so many monsters, though. Since monsters don't de-spawn, or at least spawn way quicker than they spawn, it leads to ridiculous forces eventually concentrating to the point of no one being able to handle them.

Perhaps the code should limit how many monsters may aggregate to an area, severely reduce combat effectiveness of monsters when they are many, and/or cap the total population of rogues the continent can have?

That is not the point though. I am by no means a fan of it either. However, when people are confined to a small area where they are right next to each other and can't destroy each other (peasant militias will prevent realms from being destroyed) you will have more fun as you will be forced to fight your neighbours constantly. Sure you will take a break every now and then but you will learn to play in a new way where wars are not about destroying your enemies. Instead it will be about exchanging 1 region at most per war. At least that is the theory.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on November 22, 2016, 10:21:17 PM
Different players have different needs. I love fighting the monsters over and over, some find this dull. Some would love to have wars that don't seek annihilations, others would find wars over a mere region or two to be unmotivating, the stakes being too low. There are several wars where total annihilation of the enemy was amply justified, but people were angry at how hard it was to achieve. Just as there are many where realms died seemingly too easily.

And for the record, I really like the idea of making monster spawns dependent on density. The biggest problem I can see with it though are at the choke points.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Konrad on November 22, 2016, 11:59:24 PM
It's not the fault of the border realms that the player density on the island as a whole is so low. Thus, the fact that the current "solution" affects primarily these realms is, in my opinion, the main driver of player dissatisfaction. Zakky, it doesn't matter how many times you say it, forcing well populated realms to become refugees due to their historic location has not been a net-benefit to the player count in the past, and it certainly won't be if it comes to that now. This thread is 7 months old and the core issues are still there. How many more months or years of sitting in a chokepoint city will players have to go through before they can play Battlemaster again?

Again, it's NOT their fault that they like D'hara, or Madina, or wherever else. Forcing them to leave/move for an artificial reason (dev-set monster levels) is always going to be viewed poorly and drive frustration.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on November 23, 2016, 01:31:41 AM
To be fair, though, those realms were frontier realms when they were created or settled. I know there has been a large break since then... but still. I was in D'Hara for a huge chunk of its existence, since its founding, and it was a frontier realm for almost all of that time, until the west just got completely blocked out, I'd say. Even when the west was wholly colonized and the rogues were no more of a concern, there was still the Zuma to come and stomp us, or at the very least threaten us, every now and then.

Candiels was the site of numerous battles. It took a fairly long time for Madina to first colonize it, and then maintain it. And when the rogues were no longer a concern... Aurvandil. The time Candiels was part of Madina accounts for a minority of its history, I would reckon.

Astrum played a huge role in the initial colonization attempts, it's fought its share of rogues.

I would say that PvE is very much part of those realms' DNA. Though the problem with turnover is that probably very few of those players were even there for any of it. I know when I recreated my account, I looked at the nobles of D'Hara, and barely recognized the place. These realms were created specifically to be border realms, and their unique geography should make this fairly apparent, but unfortunately perhaps most of their nobles had nothing to do with any of that.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Sharpspeare on November 23, 2016, 01:39:58 AM
Quote from: Konrad on November 22, 2016, 11:59:24 PM
It's not the fault of the border realms that the player density on the island as a whole is so low. Thus, the fact that the current "solution" affects primarily these realms is, in my opinion, the main driver of player dissatisfaction. Zakky, it doesn't matter how many times you say it, forcing well populated realms to become refugees due to their historic location has not been a net-benefit to the player count in the past, and it certainly won't be if it comes to that now. This thread is 7 months old and the core issues are still there. How many more months or years of sitting in a chokepoint city will players have to go through before they can play Battlemaster again?

Again, it's NOT their fault that they like D'hara, or Madina, or wherever else. Forcing them to leave/move for an artificial reason (dev-set monster levels) is always going to be viewed poorly and drive frustration.

Very true. Being forced out of a realm for this sort of reason isn't fun. And it sort of feels like we are being punished for circumstances that are beyond our control.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Victor C on November 23, 2016, 02:23:54 AM
Propose a better solution then.

This is the only idea that is realistic at the moment.

The core issue still stands that the map is too big for everyone to freely expand. No matter what happens, people are going to be drastically effected to fix this.

If you resist the change by going against the whole point of the fix, then you should expect to be very unhappy, that's what Zakky is saying and unless people either realize this and stop or the people who are constantly trying to expand are killed or overtaken (basically prevented from expanding) this process is not going to end anytime soon. Either the players will commit suicide because they're too stubborn or they'll figure out how to make the game fun together (the way this game is supposed to work).

Once again, propose a better fix that is realistic with the people we have or figure out how to make the process smoother so we can move beyond this phase.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on November 23, 2016, 03:52:00 AM
I did make some proposals? I can add a few more...

1) limit the number of rogues that can be present on the continent at any given time
2) limit the combat effectiveness of very large hordes
3) make sure the rogues move in random direction. While this may essentially be undoing a recent patch, having all rogues converge to 3 choke points makes them steamroll anything standing there, and beyond.
4) make rogues tend towards equally spreading themselves over multiple regions instead of congregate.
5) make rogues more cowardly: if defeated in a region, the units should be more prone to moving away, instead of rallying
6) make rogues unable (again) to cross sea lanes?

I like that the rogues are there, that they are challenging, and that they scale with density, though. I wouldn't personally want to see that removed.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Konrad on November 23, 2016, 04:06:53 AM
I doubt that the player base will rise much, if ever, again. With that being the case, two islands is too much. Either close off West island or put so many stationary rogues in every region that players can't go there again. Just stop this endless funnel of undead that results in the EXACT same gameplay for these players every day. Unless you're happy with the majority of these nobles sitting in Candiels or Port Raviel or Eidulb for the next however many years until they give up, make the west a hard stop so we can refocus on eastern politics, which are still alive and interesting.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on November 23, 2016, 04:34:17 AM
Quote from: Konrad on November 22, 2016, 11:59:24 PM
It's not the fault of the border realms that the player density on the island as a whole is so low. Thus, the fact that the current "solution" affects primarily these realms is, in my opinion, the main driver of player dissatisfaction. Zakky, it doesn't matter how many times you say it, forcing well populated realms to become refugees due to their historic location has not been a net-benefit to the player count in the past, and it certainly won't be if it comes to that now. This thread is 7 months old and the core issues are still there. How many more months or years of sitting in a chokepoint city will players have to go through before they can play Battlemaster again?

Again, it's NOT their fault that they like D'hara, or Madina, or wherever else. Forcing them to leave/move for an artificial reason (dev-set monster levels) is always going to be viewed poorly and drive frustration.

Trust me. Nobody dislikes this idea of hammering realms with monsters until people break. I can guarantee this will only piss people off and make them leave at the end, making monsters advance even farther due to lack of people. Region to noble ratio of 3 to 1? That is NOT achievable. People will constantly leave before we reach that point. We tell players to encourage other players to do certain tasks yet devs are forcing people to a certain direction. That to me is rather unfair. But something must be done to reduce the number of regions as there are too many per player at the moment and Madina, Fissoa, D'Hara and Luria are too far in the south to ever escape the fate of fighting monsters. If it was in my power, I would have just force relocated all these realms and took cities from realms with multiple cities. Like relocate Madina, D'Hara to Springdale and Mimer or Luria to Nifelheim. The current monster method doesn't happen over time. It gradually builds up as people expand more and more. It was manageable when players had 90 regions. Now it is very difficult because people decided to expand. Look at Avernus. They started to occupy former rogue regions. When one side of the map starts to become player controlled, some regions must be taken away. Since most large monsters live in the western lands, realms that border the western regions are suffering. To avoid this, players need to create more rogue regions. I am sure somebody explained this multiple times but since people do not want to do anything like this, monsters will continue to destroy realms until it becomes manageable again.

How would you convince D'Hara, Madina, Fissoa and Luria to relocate to somewhere closer to where the majority of realms currently are? Once D'Hara falls, Madina, Fissoa, and Luria will be crushed under the waves of monsters relatively quickly. I hope people are planning ahead because 80k CS moving together is not something you can stop that easily.

I am sorry but nobody has any amazing idea to resolve the player density issue. Most people probably want to be left alone and play the game like 3 years ago when you could expand without any problem. But the game was never designed to be won by players. Realms were never meant to be able to expand that large. Devs are trying to solve problems to extend its lifespan while players want to be left alone and play the game until it dies.

Good news is we have plateaued now so at least we are maintaining the same number of players for awhile. Now we just need people to somehow get more players to increase the density and that will spare all of us from this monster blight
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on November 23, 2016, 09:36:32 AM
Quote from: Zakky on November 23, 2016, 04:34:17 AM
Trust me. Nobody dislikes this idea of hammering realms with monsters until people break. I can guarantee this will only piss people off and make them leave at the end, making monsters advance even farther due to lack of people. Region to noble ratio of 3 to 1? That is achievable. People will constantly leave before we reach that point. We tell players to encourage other players to do certain tasks yet devs are forcing people to a certain direction. That to me is rather unfair. But something must be done to reduce the number of regions as there are too many per player at the moment and Madina, Fissoa, D'Hara and Luria are too far in the south to ever escape the fate of fighting monsters. If it was in my power, I would have just force relocated all these realms and took cities from realms with multiple cities. Like relocate Madina, D'Hara to Springdale and Mimer or Luria to Nifelheim. The current monster method doesn't happen over time. It gradually builds up as people expand more and more. It was manageable when players had 90 regions. Now it is very difficult because people decided to expand. Look at Avernus. They started to occupy former rogue regions. When one side of the map starts to become player controlled, some regions must be taken away. Since most large monsters live in the western lands, realms that border the western regions are suffering. To avoid this, players need to create more rogue regions. I am sure somebody explained this multiple times but since people do not want to do anything like this, monsters will continue to destroy realms until it becomes manageable again.

How would you convince D'Hara, Madina, Fissoa and Luria to relocate to somewhere closer to where the majority of realms currently are? Once D'Hara falls, Madina, Fissoa, and Luria will be crushed under the waves of monsters relatively quickly. I hope people are planning ahead because 80k CS moving together is not something you can stop that easily.

I am sorry but nobody has any amazing idea to resolve the player density issue. Most people probably want to be left alone and play the game like 3 years ago when you could expand without any problem. But the game was never designed to be won by players. Realms were never meant to be able to expand that large. Devs are trying to solve problems to extend its lifespan while players want to be left alone and play the game until it dies.

Good news is we have plateaued now so at least we are maintaining the same number of players for awhile. Now we just need people to somehow get more players to increase the density and that will spare all of us from this monster blight

The issue is Dwilight's density problem was never an issue of too few players before the monster invasion, it was an issue of boring realms. So people tried to solve a problem that was never there, instead of making the problem realms more interesting. Also, your points about expansion regarding Dwilight are moot, because that has never been the issue. Even when SA triumvirate alliance was at its peak in power, they had little to no influence over the other half of the map. The sheer size of Dwilight is what made it an enjoyable map. Even when most of the map was colonized, things were still fun and fluid.

I swear, your posts are full of some of the most idiotic, backwards logic doublespeak I've ever seen come out of someone's mouth. You say things that fly straight in the face of proper game design, make absolutely no sense to implement from either a mechanical or psychological viewpoint, and are surprised when people point out the myriad of holes in this "logic" you use.

User has been warned for this post.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on November 23, 2016, 10:49:53 AM
Thanks for giving some constructive criticisms Gustav. You are as objective as ever and I always value your opinions. Good that I am not in charge of game balance.

I am sorry. Are boring realms devs fault? No. Realms being boring is 100% player's fault. Devs provide features but it is the responsibility of each and every player to either create fun with those features or enjoy fun provided by others.

Here are what some people believe at the moment
1) Less regions for players to increase the density
+with 3:1 noble per region ratio, realms should be more compact. With more nobles in each realm, people will communicate more.
-Getting to 3:1 ratio through monsters will make people leave out of frustration. This could be really bad since people will constantly leave and regions required to reach the ratio will also be reduced making more realms lose more regions starting the cycle again until only those who will not leave no matter what. At this point, I doubt it will be that fun.

Method of achieving this at the moment: Monsters to hammer people until they either fight to the end to lose their realms or go somewhere before they get completely overrun. Maybe not as many people will quit during the process. If you disagree with this method, how would you achieve the higher density? Let's not forget players can bring more players into end this monster invasion quickly as well.

2) More realms close to each other + peasant militias to prevent their destruction
+wars will mostly happen between your direct neighbours making things quite fast. You will travel 2 days at most to reach your neighbour then 2 days back to refit. Rinse and repeat constantly.
+no realm death = no rage quitters maybe
-short distance wars are tiring. Usually requires people to stay active for longer. Asking such high activity in the current state may not be the best. Fun wars could possibly attract people enough to stay active.
-eventually people will get sick of fighting their neighbours and will just ally with them. Then what? Fight your neighbour's neighbour?

Method: Maybe some realms will spare dying realms their cities so they could come north but that is highly doubtful. Most realms will try to integrate other nobles into their own realms with promises that will take a long time to come true.

Personally, I do not know what is the best way to make people move up north and make realms stay close to each other rather than have to spread across the whole map like they have now. Just making Madina and Fissoa move further north would help the situation a lot.

If I had an option - obviously my previous idea of forcing realms won't work -, I would have instead just reduced gold and food in the western border regions and moved those to east to make eastern regions a lot more attractive. Instead of fight and die or flee, it might be better to stay very very poor or migrate east in search of richer lands. Do it one region at a time every week maybe. People can still stay but regions won't produce enough gold and food to make people want to stay. Maybe this is just another horrible idea.

But one thing is for certain. Until we have enough players to fill the gap, realms need to stay more tightly. Yeah sure it won't make Dwilight feel as large as before but if monsters are gone and people are allowed to recolonize all the cities, people will just try to stay as far away from other realms as possible. That is not the solution with the current noble count of 195 or so. Areas must be limited but ice age or pushing people with monsters isn't the way to go. Maybe blocking the western lands with monsters is okay but pushing them into east doesn't feel like a good solution.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Ulfang on November 23, 2016, 01:40:16 PM
Well it does seem that the plan is to drive players away from Dwilight. When I took over in Madina there were hardly any players in the realm. 2 or three. It took time but we built up the population mainly due to the closure of other continents. Most of the players in the realm have worked hard to build something of the realm. They are invested in it. You can't just say sorry but you have to go find somewhere else to live and start over. I understand the cold eyed logic you are using but Madina, Fissoa, D'Hara, all the realms have a rich history which matters to players. I'm sure Barca was the same before the decision was made to wipe them off the map.

I have shared the forum post with players on Madina and the consensus is that if they are forced out of Madina they will either pause their character, deleted them or move to another realm. No one wants to start over with a new realm. I enjoy being on the frontier and fighting creatures that populate the west but not when your entire lives are made up of defending your holding constantly attacked by ever increasing hordes. When we first started expanding the hordes were easily manageable but what we are experiencing now reminds me of when the monsters first started to rise in great numbers in the west. When Madina is destroyed the players will disappear as well which is sad because this was the first continent I joined and I have some great memories here. The continent is no longer fun. Quite the opposite.

The decisions being made since the cataclysm in the west seem very mathematical. Unfortunately many players don't find the enjoyment for this game in mathematics but in roleplay and atmosphere.

Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on November 23, 2016, 02:12:30 PM
If monsters were unable to cross channels, once again, then Madina, D'Hara, and Astrum's survival would not longer be at stakes, just their expansion into Candiels, Paisly, and Eidulb.

There'd just be the issue of Avernus's land crossing. But unless the code intentionally tells the monsters "go east, guys!" (which it might, but shouldn't be hard to change), wouldn't be all that much of an issue. First off, there's Westgard in the way that tackles on 10k-30k hordes almost daily, seriously denting anything heading North-East, and secondly... would monsters reaching Avernus really be that much of an issue? Avernus lacks the history of Astrum, D'Hara, and Madina. As does Arnor. And that quasi-island is a perfect monster killing ground: one entry on both sides containing a large landmass to diffuse any force that breaks through with a ton of fortifiable locations. I don't expect much monsters to be able to make it past the meatgrinders of Westgard and Nifel's quasi-island combined, as long as the code doesn't intentionally seek to make this happen.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Nosferatus on November 23, 2016, 02:25:26 PM
Perhaps it doesn't make sense to move a realm at all.

My Character i'd consider a Madinan, grown up in the original Madina (not the half baked monarchy that calls itself Madina now, Ulfgang :P), will always take Madina with her where ever she goes.
Any place she goes to will be introduced with a little bit of seafaring, liberal pirate like Madina.
Which will motivate her to do certain things, or form certain opinions.
This will in turn influence her actions and which ever realm she is apart of.

The values, the people and the ideas of a realm can be moved, but moving the realm it self is perhaps not even theoretically possible.
Moving the country Russia into the USA for example could be done, but that still woudn't be the same Russia.
Even if the white house would be knocked down and replaced by an exact copy of the Kremlin, and all the Americans where moved as well, it still wouldn't be Russia.
Sure after generations or so of propaganda and or guns put against peoples heads, people could start calling the USA Russia, but that would be the same as forcing people to call cats dogs instead of cats.
Its definitely interesting to see what it WOULD be, but it wouldn't be Russia.

If we agree that realms can and should be destroyed then i agree with Zakky that it would proabably benefit gameplay to keep the realms close together, kill off the few which are furthest away from each other.
If we don't want to destroy realms but do want to reduce the size of them, we should hit all realms equally (with rogues) in order to remove about the same percentage of regions per realm.

Another point which i haven't really heard thill now is that perhaps changing or influencing anything in the game is doomed to fail or create negative effects and also create an expirience of injustice amongst players.
Perhaps it was wrong in the first place to change something.
If realms don't have enough nobles, let it be and let it either destroy its self by the hands of players, or not.
Eventually people could leave boring realms, or be destroyed by more crowded other realms.
Perhaps its best to leave everything up to the players and stop interfering with their game by adding or changing the rogues.
Remove the whole mechanism currently in place that increase rogues when noble region ratios are low.
The Adam Smith or the natural evolution way.
Looking back i think i would have personally preferred that.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on November 23, 2016, 02:47:37 PM
On a tangeant note... is Dwilight heading towards a new food crisis?

Realms are focused around city cores and as realms were shrunk to increase density, rural outliers were abandonned. The monsters enforcing density are not only eating through a ton of the realms' stocks, but also cutting down their production capacity, while barely lowering their consumption. I remember calculating back in the day that if Dwilight was at 100% population, it would starve itself, having too much population for its potention food output. I think the values might have changed since, and thankfully Darfix isn't colonized (it was a huge part of the problem), but looking at the food stats, the only realms in the "safe" food supply zone are tiny, almost all realms are at the unsafe or outright deficit level.

Devs might want to think about the food situation the monsters are bringing before an actual crisis breaks out, because I suspect Dwilight is burning its stockpiles fairly quickly.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Ulfang on November 23, 2016, 03:32:40 PM
Quote from: Chenier on November 23, 2016, 02:47:37 PM
On a tangeant note... is Dwilight heading towards a new food crisis?

Realms are focused around city cores and as realms were shrunk to increase density, rural outliers were abandonned. The monsters enforcing density are not only eating through a ton of the realms' stocks, but also cutting down their production capacity, while barely lowering their consumption. I remember calculating back in the day that if Dwilight was at 100% population, it would starve itself, having too much population for its potention food output. I think the values might have changed since, and thankfully Darfix isn't colonized (it was a huge part of the problem), but looking at the food stats, the only realms in the "safe" food supply zone are tiny, almost all realms are at the unsafe or outright deficit level.

Devs might want to think about the food situation the monsters are bringing before an actual crisis breaks out, because I suspect Dwilight is burning its stockpiles fairly quickly.

I think you're spot on there. I know D'Hara has be struggling for a while as have some other realms. Madina is surviving but every region is on reduced rations.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Nosferatus on November 23, 2016, 03:49:56 PM
Speeding up the process due to food shortage is probably good, the sooner we can get back fighting each other.
As long as it isnt too lethal.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Ulfang on November 23, 2016, 04:56:56 PM
Quote from: Nosferatus on November 23, 2016, 02:25:26 PM

Moving the country Russia into the USA for example could be done, but that still woudn't be the same Russia.

It couldn't actually. Russia's landmass is almost twice the size of the U.S.A  :P
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Foxglove on November 23, 2016, 04:58:30 PM
The interesting thing is that the three highest populated realms in Dwilight are those that border the West - Westgard; Astrum; and D'Hara. Below that, you have Westfold which is a bit further inland to the East. As has been said before, those realms are not really the problem. They're all clearly doing something right to maintain their player levels. In Westgard, we've managed to maintain the highest player density on Dwilight in spite of constantly being hammer by monsters and undead. Or perhaps partly because of it, since we probably attract people who enjoy the PvE gameplay.

The thing is that to obtain the 'desireable' player density over all of Dwilight is probably not achieveable if it involves losing 42 regions as Zakky mentioned the other day. Given the current flow of monsters from West to East that probably means losing 4.5 entire realms (some combination of Madina; D'Hara; Astrum; Westgard; or Avernus or Arnor or Fissoa) depending on how the monsters migrate.

We know that enforced player migrations due to realms being destroyed simply don't work. Please let's at least say we've learned that from the disasterous ice age experiment. Players will quit the island (and inevitably the game in a few cases), which will drive down the playerbase on the island, also driving down the player density. Then you need to lose more player controlled regions because your player density has gone down again. Rinse and repeat until you're left with just a small core of players who are left clinging to their devotion to the island. We saw exactly this happen on FEI following the ice age. We don't need to repeat old mistakes.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on November 23, 2016, 07:54:34 PM
Quote from: Foxglove on November 23, 2016, 04:58:30 PM
The interesting thing is that the three highest populated realms in Dwilight are those that border the West - Westgard; Astrum; and D'Hara. Below that, you have Westfold which is a bit further inland to the East. As has been said before, those realms are not really the problem. They're all clearly doing something right to maintain their player levels. In Westgard, we've managed to maintain the highest player density on Dwilight in spite of constantly being hammer by monsters and undead. Or perhaps partly because of it, since we probably attract people who enjoy the PvE gameplay.

The thing is that to obtain the 'desireable' player density over all of Dwilight is probably not achieveable if it involves losing 42 regions as Zakky mentioned the other day. Given the current flow of monsters from West to East that probably means losing 4.5 entire realms (some combination of Madina; D'Hara; Astrum; Westgard; or Avernus or Arnor or Fissoa) depending on how the monsters migrate.

We know that enforced player migrations due to realms being destroyed simply don't work. Please let's at least say we've learned that from the disasterous ice age experiment. Players will quit the island (and inevitably the game in a few cases), which will drive down the playerbase on the island, also driving down the player density. Then you need to lose more player controlled regions because your player density has gone down again. Rinse and repeat until you're left with just a small core of players who are left clinging to their devotion to the island. We saw exactly this happen on FEI following the ice age. We don't need to repeat old mistakes.

Exactly this. I just don't see why Zakky is stuck in this old mindset when it's been demonstrated to not work repeatedly.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on November 23, 2016, 09:00:57 PM
Quote from: Foxglove on November 23, 2016, 04:58:30 PM
The interesting thing is that the three highest populated realms in Dwilight are those that border the West - Westgard; Astrum; and D'Hara. Below that, you have Westfold which is a bit further inland to the East. As has been said before, those realms are not really the problem. They're all clearly doing something right to maintain their player levels. In Westgard, we've managed to maintain the highest player density on Dwilight in spite of constantly being hammer by monsters and undead. Or perhaps partly because of it, since we probably attract people who enjoy the PvE gameplay.

The thing is that to obtain the 'desireable' player density over all of Dwilight is probably not achieveable if it involves losing 42 regions as Zakky mentioned the other day. Given the current flow of monsters from West to East that probably means losing 4.5 entire realms (some combination of Madina; D'Hara; Astrum; Westgard; or Avernus or Arnor or Fissoa) depending on how the monsters migrate.

We know that enforced player migrations due to realms being destroyed simply don't work. Please let's at least say we've learned that from the disasterous ice age experiment. Players will quit the island (and inevitably the game in a few cases), which will drive down the playerbase on the island, also driving down the player density. Then you need to lose more player controlled regions because your player density has gone down again. Rinse and repeat until you're left with just a small core of players who are left clinging to their devotion to the island. We saw exactly this happen on FEI following the ice age. We don't need to repeat old mistakes.

And that is exactly why I do not agree with this idea of forcing players into a certain scenario. I do not know why after failing it on multiple times, some people think forcing people into a smaller area will work. It will only make people leave. Sure we have plateaued but doing this to destroy more realms will simply just make us probably lose another 50 players. Then what? Do we go down to 40 regions? I just feels like the whole idea relies on people's love for the game to be strong enough to stay with the game. All of this should have been done in one go back during the ice age. You can't just repeat the same thing over and over. But for now, the plan is to shove people into a smaller area and limiting growth. If you want to convince the dev team to drop this idea, then you will have to convince Anaris or Vita so come up with something brilliant to convince them because I can't.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on November 23, 2016, 09:44:13 PM
While I enjoy my time in Westgard, it should also be noted that it considerably dwindled over what it once was: it now has a lot less nobles than before, and the great density is partly a result of losing almost all regions it had. That  being said, it remains one of the most populous realms.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Gabanus family on November 23, 2016, 09:48:12 PM
Personally I a much more in doubt on this subject.

I was among those in Barca when the decision was made and after LN took back Shinnen Purlieus for the first time I decided in stead I was done with Dwilight for a while and moved Goriad to the Far-East and only much later moved him back to Dwilight when I heard some interesting stuff was happening and Far East was meh (no, this was before the sinking, would have been worse to have him relocate 2 cause of that !@#$ xD).

With this in mind I very well understand the position that many are expressing here. Starting over entirely is difficult enough (I know, had to do it often enough in my entire BM career) but doing so not because you lost a war but because you were forced to move through code will make it far worse.

With that said I also understand the devs though with their argument that the player density has decreased greatly and no longer allows for complete expansion over the entire island. This is their answer as solution, although I am starting to agree that forced migration hasn't worked well so far, which means we should try to avoid it.

At the same time there must come a solution, or not? I once proposed recently to allow longer travel again without the moral penalties to allow long range warfare to become a thing again. If that would be coupled to closing the West again (meaning Astrum loses Eidulb, Westgard moves to the north-east but are allowed to do so properly) I think we would create a situation that's atleast manageable. That is the solution that I could think of, but the question then becomes, how many would disagree with this again because of... whatever.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on November 23, 2016, 09:49:50 PM
Quote from: Chenier on November 23, 2016, 09:44:13 PM
While I enjoy my time in Westgard, it should also be noted that it considerably dwindled over what it once was: it now has a lot less nobles than before, and the great density is partly a result of losing almost all regions it had. That  being said, it remains one of the most populous realms.

Well some people left when they realized, Westgard was never going to become a dominant force and will always fight monsters. Some thought they could establish a very strong realm to influence other eastern realms but that was not why the realm was created in the first place. People wanted some stuff like game of thrones and when they got it they wanted another BM realm.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Foxglove on November 23, 2016, 10:35:57 PM
I've never actually been convinced we've correctly identified the problems. Perhaps that's why the solutions fail. Also, each island will have different problems and any solutions need to be specifically tailored to each island rather than trying a catch-all fix like the ice age.

Looking at Dwilight, there does seem to be a pretty good level of interaction between many realms and there are already enough realms close to each other to provide wars. There seems to be a reasonable level of international diplomacy going on. It's hard to say what interaction is like inside each realm, but that's a player problem rather than a game/Dev problem since no-one can force people to write letters to up the levels of internal interaction within a realm.

So what problems are there specific to Dwilight that need solutions? Well, we have Madina and Fissoa isolated down in the south. Whether that's a problem depends on if the players down there are bored and frustrated by their location. There might well be enough to keep them busy with fighting monster hordes. There seems to be a bit of an assumption that the western hordes kill the PvP aspect of the game, but that relies on a very narrow interpretation of PvP as battles between realms. But there's also the political aspect with people trying for political power; also opportunities for internal religious strife if people create it; and stuff like that. It's entirely possible to have both external PvE situations running alongside internal PvP situations. Also, the Zuma could be used to increase levels of interest in the south of the map. They don't really seem to do very much.

Trying to restrict expansion over the entire map isn't necessarily a bad thing in itself. But destroying realms to do it is a bad thing. We know that has a negative impact on players and their feelings about the game. Nevertheless, if the idea is to use the monster hordes to push people into smaller areas, perhaps it needs to be pushing them towards the middle of the map rather than into one side or the other. If you had all of the realms arranged around the coastlines of the central body of water you then have the central islands as natural battlegrounds and you also maintain the seabourn warfare aspect. With all realms arranged in a loose circle around the central body of water, you pretty much have the chance for anyone to fight anyone else.

Quote from: Chenier on November 23, 2016, 09:44:13 PM
While I enjoy my time in Westgard, it should also be noted that it considerably dwindled over what it once was: it now has a lot less nobles than before, and the great density is partly a result of losing almost all regions it had. That  being said, it remains one of the most populous realms.

Westgard was always going to lose a proportion of the nobles who migrated there simply because not everyone would decide to continue playing on Dwilight.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on November 24, 2016, 12:04:49 AM
The most logical place to concentrate realms is in the North-East, and Luria Nova is the only realm without any significant proximity (and it also happens to be the one with the worst density, or close to it if not). But I also don't really think destroying realms for the sake of destroying realms is beneficial. I also think that obsessing over density can be dangerous. If you kill Luria Nova, for example, and all six players quit the game, you'll have increased Dwilight's average density. But did you really do it a favor by chasing away 6 players? While they might not all quit, the risk remains, and it goes to illustrate that a continental average is an indicator that isn't without flaws. Equally, if Fissoa, Swordfell, and Luria Nova take over a bunch of regions, the average density will decrease, and what will happen? More hordes will spawn and shrink Madina, D'Hara, Astrum, Westgard, and Avernus. And there's very little to prevent this cycle from just continuing forever, untill all frontier realms die. The very realms that also happen to be the most populous. Do you really want to risk killing all the most populous realms, because the least populous onces decide to overexpand?

Personally, I feel if the eastern rogue regions would spawn large hordes (as I am told they once did), the rest would be pretty much fine. Luria might die from the hordes, but for the reasons stated above, if one realm is to die to increase the continental average, that's probably the best one. Not sure why they lost all their nobles, but fair to say they aren't what they used to be. And even with the crap ton of nobles they once had, their geography severely limited their capacity to interact with neighbors.

PvE was a large part of Dwi for a long time, and I think it'd be reasonnable for many realms to experience a certain level of it. But I also think it'd be fair to offer some realms which are largely protected from it, or at least don't have their existence threatened by it. I think any "one-size-fits-all" measure that applies equally to everyone is bound to fail, because not all players seek the same thing from this game, and diversity is the spice of life, not having 4-7 cookie-cutter carbon copy realms. If the monsters were no longer able to travel any body of water by any means (sea routes or sea travel), then all those people who absolutely despise the idea of rogues destroying their realms could flock to Madina, D'Hara, and Astrum, according to how much of a safe core they desire, and how much potential to project power abroad. You'd then have a broad spectrum of realms to fit everyone's taste in monster exposure, risk from monsters, and potential to project onto neighboring lands.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Ulfang on November 24, 2016, 12:44:59 AM
Having read a lot of comments on this thread I do believe that some Dev's and probably some players don't understand how a lot of the player base view this game. Although on the face of it this is a wargame it isn't really. It's partly a wargame but it's also a role playing game. Many players love the rich RP and the history that's been created by player the role of a character. Saying well you just need to move the players of this realm here or there is abhorrent to some players. You're ripping the atmosphere from the game. The very reason some enjoy the game is for that background that it has taken years to create. Background not only for characters but for regions and cities, families etc.

So NO! Forcing a realm to fall. Forcing players out is a backward approach. I've invested too much into my character on Dwilight just to quit but I would move to another continent before being forced to leave my home. Not so for met realm mates. Many have already said they would just quit. I assume the same would happen in other realms such as D'Hara. It does seem that the plan for this continent will lead to its own destruction.

Madinan nobles will fight to the bitter end against the hordes but will not leave their homes for another realm or for the relocation of their realm. Madina isn't in the north or in the midlands. It is in the South and always will be.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on November 24, 2016, 01:16:12 AM
Maybe removing southern realms from the character creation selection will work. If you don't want people to end up in the south, just don't allow players to join them but leave the existing players to enjoy what they have.

Wish we had more players. That would solve everything but we don't and there isn't too many options left that meet the requirements.

The current method is pretty much a minor copy of the ice age which devs admitted it did not work.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on November 24, 2016, 02:46:53 AM
To be quite clear: the dev team has no intention to destroy any realms on Dwilight to increase density. We certainly have no particular belief that destroying southern realms will improve matters.

The monsters being dependent on player density is not in any way intended to indicate that we want realms to be destroyed. We don't have a solid plan for how to increase density in a healthy way, but we do believe that doing so is necessary.

If players chose to abandon outer realms to migrate to inner realms and increase the density there, we would be very happy about itâ€"but it would only work if they did choose to do it.

I do have, in development, a change that would stop monsters from hammering repeatedly on the chokepoints and instead spread their attacks out across the east: allow them to cross sea zones. However, it is still not quite working right.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on November 24, 2016, 03:22:31 AM
More volunteers will certainly help make necessary changes come faster to relieve everyone of this situation.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Gabanus family on November 24, 2016, 10:28:13 AM
Quote from: Anaris on November 24, 2016, 02:46:53 AM
To be quite clear: the dev team has no intention to destroy any realms on Dwilight to increase density. We certainly have no particular belief that destroying southern realms will improve matters.

The monsters being dependent on player density is not in any way intended to indicate that we want realms to be destroyed. We don't have a solid plan for how to increase density in a healthy way, but we do believe that doing so is necessary.

If players chose to abandon outer realms to migrate to inner realms and increase the density there, we would be very happy about itâ€"but it would only work if they did choose to do it.

I do have, in development, a change that would stop monsters from hammering repeatedly on the chokepoints and instead spread their attacks out across the east: allow them to cross sea zones. However, it is still not quite working right.

Anaris, right now I'm getting more and more the idea that forcing this decrease on anyone will do more damage than good and we'll lose more players. So far we've seen some action again on Dwilight and it looks promising. Perhaps the density is less of a concern for now, if we can make some other changes also? So far all the actions against density have always done more harm than good, so perhaps go with the 'evil' we know? After all, we've platead our user base apparently, so people are good with the current ways.

Why not block the West again (hard or soft) and make the monsters far less on the East.

Combine this with a higher difficult to TO rogue regions when density is too high (this will avoid expansion) but still allow TO's of other realm regions (or regions that recently went rogue (last month?) to go at normal speed. This would facilitate normal war between wars and allow realms to retake some regions also if they lose it, so as to not force unnatural shrinking and abuse during war fare.

In my opinion we should also remove the long distance penalties allowing for 2 types of warfare for those who wish and wish to take the risk. But this is a different matter and I understand it's sensitive among the devs, so please do see the earlier 2 recommendations separate from this one as they'll function without as well.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on November 24, 2016, 10:31:22 AM
USA is on holiday this week so no one is available. Things will have to wait.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Gabanus family on November 24, 2016, 11:21:53 AM
Quote from: Zakky on November 24, 2016, 10:31:22 AM
USA is on holiday this week so no one is available. Things will have to wait.

Alright but you seem to be here, so tell me. What do you think of the suggestions I gave above, would that solve something in your opinion?

People have been asking here for alternatives to the current plan, we might as well discuss the alternatives that are given no?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on November 24, 2016, 11:56:14 AM
I am not supposed to reveal anything but since you are asking what I think, here are MY THOUGHTS meaning they will do little to change anything.

1st, you can not freeze the western dwilight like they were before since that means destroying Westgard. That will anger players there. I think monsters should still attack anyone trying to stay on Western Dwilight. That is fine I feel.

I like the idea of making rogue region TOs very difficult. Maybe almost impossible as long as the density isn't there. This means if people lose their regions to monsters, it will be hard for them to recover. This might not work very well for Westgard so I am not so sure but I know you want Westgard dead so you probably don't mind it.

I also agree with removing long distance penalty but it got shot down. There is a way to work around this however. You can make an ally close to the realm you want to fight. This will encourage realms to ally more I feel but it does work.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Nosferatus on November 24, 2016, 11:57:53 AM
Quote from: Gabanus family on November 24, 2016, 10:28:13 AM
Combine this with a higher difficult to TO rogue regions when density is too high (this will avoid expansion) but still allow TO's of other realm regions (or regions that recently went rogue (last month?) to go at normal speed. This would facilitate normal war between wars and allow realms to retake some regions also if they lose it, so as to not force unnatural shrinking and abuse during war fare.

In my opinion we should also remove the long distance penalties allowing for 2 types of warfare for those who wish and wish to take the risk. But this is a different matter and I understand it's sensitive among the devs, so please do see the earlier 2 recommendations separate from this one as they'll function without as well.

I like these ideas, especially the first one.
If there is no lord available for the region thats about to be TO, it could even be made impossible.
The people aren't convinced they can be ruled if the TOing realm doesn't even have a noble available to become its lord.

Making a long march easier like during the ice age(emigration code) might also work, but i am not so sure if any realm will use it.
Some realms like Madina cant really expand anywhere and will most likley be hit the strongest even with seazone travel for rogues.
Its nobles could pack there stuff and march north east to take a new capital from one of the existing realms.

Another idea could be to temporarily make it easier for adventurers to become a noble, perhaps one recommendation is enough.
This will create a small spike of noble count, helping noble density along the way without damaging or destroying realms.
Sure, they might not always be that welcomed by the local nobility due to their questionable nature, but i am sure this could make a difference.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Gabanus family on November 24, 2016, 12:30:52 PM
Quote from: Zakky on November 24, 2016, 11:56:14 AM
I am not supposed to reveal anything but since you are asking what I think, here are MY THOUGHTS meaning they will do little to change anything.

1st, you can not freeze the western dwilight like they were before since that means destroying Westgard. That will anger players there. I think monsters should still attack anyone trying to stay on Western Dwilight. That is fine I feel.

I like the idea of making rogue region TOs very difficult. Maybe almost impossible as long as the density isn't there. This means if people lose their regions to monsters, it will be hard for them to recover. This might not work very well for Westgard so I am not so sure but I know you want Westgard dead so you probably don't mind it.

Actually I'm moving away from that statement more and more, although if we decide on one realm to fall I would personally favor Westgard that is true, simply because they don't have the history that the other realms have and they can continue their monster fighting mission elsewhere as well, keeping the same values. But at this point we can also do it without destroying them and just letting the current situation/density be for a large part.

Destroying realms through dev actions makes people leave, which is bad, period. No matter the intention I think.

Secondly, you'll find that my suggestion actually an exception for regions that were rogue for less than a month (also becase otherwise a realm can just drive a 'line of regions' rogue and make it an impossible barrier for the enemy). So in this case Westgard would still be able to retake their lands in my proposal.

Quote from: Zakky on November 24, 2016, 11:56:14 AM
I also agree with removing long distance penalty but it got shot down. There is a way to work around this however. You can make an ally close to the realm you want to fight. This will encourage realms to ally more I feel but it does work.

I would prefer realms to ally less rather than more, so it's a more dangerous workaround. In all honesty, the density is a tool, not a goal. It's a tool to create more fun and possibilities for war, but if it makes people leave it will not have the desired effect. So in stead implement other tools that allow people to do it. I don't think a lot of realms will do long distance wars cause it's very difficult to coordinate, but at least it offers possibilities and options. Along with the other suggestions it would have Dwilight fun and active enough to not have to destroy realms if you ask me.

Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on November 24, 2016, 04:14:56 PM
I do like the idea of making TOs of rogue regions much harder if the realm attempting the TO has low density.

We will not be blocking off the West. We will not be destroying Westgard.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Gabanus family on November 24, 2016, 05:25:09 PM
Quote from: Anaris on November 24, 2016, 04:14:56 PM
I do like the idea of making TOs of rogue regions much harder if the realm attempting the TO has low density.

We will not be blocking off the West. We will not be destroying Westgard.

My original suggestion was actually based on total density and not so much realm specific, but I suppose you can wel find a good mix/balance for that actually. Not a bad addition to it.

At the current rate of monsters you will in fact be destroying D'hara, Fissoa prob as well and maybe even Westgard and/or Astrum and who knows even LN unless you manually start saving these realms. That is the current effect at least of the coding as it is now. At this point the 'cure' is worse than the 'illness' and softer guidance measures would be better in place I think.

I do think it's very good you guys are at least listening and also considering other options, which means that even for those who are frustrated there is hope.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on November 24, 2016, 06:27:06 PM
Making takeovers harder for realms that have lower density sounds like a good idea to me. I don't like the idea of basing this off continental density, though... that'd result in a "first come first served" effect, with low-density realms in safer spots able to choke the denser realms from attaining a sustainable economy.

Takeovers of near-adjacent or non-adjacent regions is an idea as well. If you want wars that can increase density, though, it needs to be made easier to drive regions rogue, in my opinion. Wars of expansion are the main method of hurting an enemy as is, because taking regions is the only reliable way to deny them from the enemy. Being able to conduct a pseudo-TO to drive regions rogue would grant incentives to realms that want to project their influence but have zero interest in gaining more land (because the regions are too far, because density is already too low, because it'd be too hard to feed, because said regions are poor, etc.).

As for history, I'd doubt anyone could convince me that half of Dwi's current realms have much more of one than Westgard... Some certainly do, but Dwi saw a large number of newish realms spring up, plus Luria Nova and Morek that, despite having a history, seem almost dead already. Westgard's current position does have some perks. It's close to Astrum and Avernus, allowing for relations with those realms, and allowing for our actions to have an impact on others. It's also *not* in a chokepoint, sparing us for the most ridiculous hordes and giving us a lot of freedom into what lands we take, where we make a hold, where we want to block the monsters, etc. Displacing us to Nifel, for example, would take much of this away.

If you want to increase that interaction potential and are redrawing Dwilight anyways, one "simple" solution might be filling in the Channel of Gelene. Add 3-5 regions connecting Ammando, Mose's End, and Nidhogg's Mark. Bam, suddenly you have 4 realms able to interact with eachother in a much more meaningful way than ever. Plus another land passage to relieve the pressure at other chokepoints.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on November 24, 2016, 07:18:54 PM
Geography is a huge part of Dwilight's problems... since volunteers were asked to redraw its map, maybe it should be drawn differently. If we modified the geography, we could make a lot of realms much closer to each other without forcing much in the terms of migrations and realm destruction. Example:,6915.30/msg,155823.html (,6915.30/msg,155823.html)
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: pcw27 on November 28, 2016, 08:58:14 AM
Don't block off the West, that was a mistake to begin with. Part of what makes Dwilight exciting is it's unique shape. Blocking off the West turned it into a long vertical landmass, realms were pretty much restricted to fighting with their neighbors. The central sea is what makes Dwilight what it is but it doesn't matter if the Western continent is inaccessible.

We need to do something about the monsters attacking the ferry lanes to Port Raviel en mass, it's incredibly annoying, not to mention absurd. I think it would correct the problem if they just made it so they couldn't cross the Golden Farrow route. It makes sense since that's the longer one and would be harder to cross. That would put D'Hara on equal terms with Madina, and any realm that might form in the Valkyria area by having just a single bottlenecked route monsters and undead can take to attack their lands from the West.

As for density, the simplest fix is to make regions virtually impossible to hold without both a lord and at least one knight. That's how it was when Dwilight was created (maybe not impossible but we were pretty reluctant to have a region with only a lord). With a system like that you could turn the monster spawns way down. Instead of being worn down in a PVE experience realms would have to decide which regions to keep and which to leave rogue. Plus there could be plenty of conflicts over claims on rogue regions. Maybe we could ad "land claims" to the dynamic map which show whatever realm a rogue region most recently belonged to.

By the way, one of the big draws for Dwilight is the opportunity to conquer new lands and form new realms in the rogue lands. That was the case when it was first founded. It's a great sales pitch for new players.

Side note, why don't we just let everyone have one active noble character for each continent? Wont that almost double player density in every game world?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Feylonis on November 28, 2016, 01:52:16 PM
How about increasing the rate that Realm Loyalty falls depending on that realm's density? This is sort of a different approach to the above idea regarding harder TOs, but with the same goal in mind.

However, one thing I'm concerned with is that this might too heavily force players to clump in big, monolithic realms. Smaller realms will lose even more players in favour of bigger realms, and newer realms won't be created. From what we know of Atamara and the CE block, a healthy amount of the player population favours safety over risk, even if it means boredom over fun.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Beldragos on November 30, 2016, 06:43:25 AM
Either way, something needs to be done. 

Currently any number of realms could wage a war upon the gateway realms by simply expanding and let the game send waves after waves against them. 

This alone is indicative of a broken game.

Also, currently there are a number of players already playing two characters on the island, a Noble and an Adventurer.  This allows them to use both in their own ways against the monsters.  Allowing two Nobles will only shift the Adv characters to Noble characters but for the most part, the island population will remain the same.  Just to get an idea of how many are already using the double character method I mentioned, just check out the Character listing and arrange by family. 

Just allowing players to run two Nobles will not magically double the player base.  Things need to be done to attract players, not drive them away. 
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on November 30, 2016, 07:31:44 AM
Quote from: Beldragos on November 30, 2016, 06:43:25 AM
Either way, something needs to be done. 

Currently any number of realms could wage a war upon the gateway realms by simply expanding and let the game send waves after waves against them. 

This alone is indicative of a broken game.

Also, currently there are a number of players already playing two characters on the island, a Noble and an Adventurer.  This allows them to use both in their own ways against the monsters.  Allowing two Nobles will only shift the Adv characters to Noble characters but for the most part, the island population will remain the same.  Just to get an idea of how many are already using the double character method I mentioned, just check out the Character listing and arrange by family. 

Just allowing players to run two Nobles will not magically double the player base.  Things need to be done to attract players, not drive them away.

No, you can have as many nobles as is allowed by the game rules on a continent, and one adventurer. So you'd still have that one adventurer and two nobles in that scenario.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakilevo on November 30, 2016, 07:43:51 AM
No. Two nobles per realm is never coming back period. We had enough of hive minded characters.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: GundamMerc on November 30, 2016, 07:53:09 AM
Quote from: Zakky on November 30, 2016, 07:43:51 AM
No. Two nobles per realm is never coming back period. We had enough of hive minded characters.

I wasn't saying that. I was saying that if the game rules WERE to be changed back to two nobles a continent, you would still be allowed to have an adventurer there.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on November 30, 2016, 12:32:14 PM
Quote from: Zakky on November 30, 2016, 07:43:51 AM
No. Two nobles per realm is never coming back period. We had enough of hive minded characters.

Two nobles per continent need not allow two nobles per realm. Just saying, not sure what I think about it myself.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Sharpspeare on November 30, 2016, 04:35:44 PM
Quote from: Chenier on November 30, 2016, 12:32:14 PM
Two nobles per continent need not allow two nobles per realm. Just saying, not sure what I think about it myself.

Exactly, two nobles per continent could work. But making it so those two nobles can't be in the same realm. I know just how annoying two character in the same realm can be to play against (for lack of a better term). So I would never want that. But two characters on the same Continent can make for some interesting possibilities (brothers fighting each other, etc.) 
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on November 30, 2016, 04:42:06 PM
Multiple nobles in the same realm was never the primary reason we changed the restrictions to one noble per continent.

The real problem is having two nobles in prominent positions in two different realmsâ€"then making sure those two realms will never, ever go to war or oppose each other.

I'm quite sure you would both be capable of keeping two characters on opposite sides of a conflict separate, and enjoying doing so. I have done so myself.

But there are too many people in this game who either can't, or aren't interested in doing so. That's why Atamara sank.

That's why we can't have nice things.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on November 30, 2016, 05:07:37 PM
Quote from: Anaris on November 30, 2016, 04:42:06 PM
Multiple nobles in the same realm was never the primary reason we changed the restrictions to one noble per continent.

The real problem is having two nobles in prominent positions in two different realmsâ€"then making sure those two realms will never, ever go to war or oppose each other.

I'm quite sure you would both be capable of keeping two characters on opposite sides of a conflict separate, and enjoying doing so. I have done so myself.

But there are too many people in this game who either can't, or aren't interested in doing so. That's why Atamara sank.

That's why we can't have nice things.

Indeed. Or on the opposite, they join conflicting realms, and act as spies. Now that I think about it, I think that was a great problem, because it sapped all confidence the leadership would have in the general nobility. "Don't send important information to all nobles of the realm, 3-4 of them also have nobles in unfriendly realms". They needn't even be actual spies, just the suspicion is bad enough for everyone.

A sad thing, really. I enjoyed having nobles in different realms, sometimes allies, sometimes enemies. But a completely warranted restriction.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on March 20, 2017, 01:51:17 PM
Now let's all watch all of the hordes at the seas converge on Sabadell. Since that's apparently the "in" place to be for these guys, right now. XD
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Beldragos on March 20, 2017, 03:20:30 PM
QuoteNews Ticker
Posted: Yesterday at 02:39:03 AMSea Monster Bugfix
A bug was recently fixed that was preventing monsters at sea from reaching land.

Those on Beluaterra and Dwilight should start noticing monsters start to show up in coastal regions over the next few days.

Does that mean a realm like Madina will be flooded by the beasts in every region effectively making our defensive bottleneck as Candiels Fields/Candiels moot?  Does that mean the beasts will instead swim across the open seas to the eastern realms bypassing Madina completely, thus making a direct result against the expansion of Luria for which the bottleneck realms are paying the price dearly?

And since it was mentioned, isn't using the game mechanics of taking lands knowing the game code will send more rogues against certain realms a way of warring against those realms without actually declaring war against the rules? 

If it is then that needs to stop, it is abusing a game mechanic which is an OOC issue to cause an IC result.  It is a form of cheating.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on March 20, 2017, 03:49:40 PM
Quote from: Beldragos on March 20, 2017, 03:20:30 PM

Does that mean a realm like Madina will be flooded by the beasts in every region effectively making our defensive bottleneck as Candiels Fields/Candiels moot?  Does that mean the beasts will instead swim across the open seas to the eastern realms bypassing Madina completely, thus making a direct result against the expansion of Luria for which the bottleneck realms are paying the price dearly?

And since it was mentioned, isn't using the game mechanics of taking lands knowing the game code will send more rogues against certain realms a way of warring against those realms without actually declaring war against the rules? 

If it is then that needs to stop, it is abusing a game mechanic which is an OOC issue to cause an IC result.  It is a form of cheating.

The monsters are on top of those you were already seeing. They were already spawning, just not landing. So whatever tactical advantage Candiels and Candiel Fields was giving you, it'll still give it. You'll just also have more land to defend.

Also, Madina has little moral high grounds to complain. Madina, D'Hara, Luria, Fissoa, and all other low-density realms have continuously expanded despite knowing that 1) they already have very low density and 2) monster spawns are regulated by density. It's just that, so far, Westgard had gotten 100% of the blowback of your expansion.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on March 20, 2017, 04:33:30 PM
At present, it looks like all or almost all of the seabound monsters are those that just happened to wander into the sea. They will most likely wander back to approximately their point of origin (so most of them will land back in rogue lands).

The whole point of allowing monsters to go by sea, though, is so that it will be not just border realms like Madina that get hit with the monsters, but all the realms that border the inner sea.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on March 21, 2017, 01:07:11 AM
Quote from: Anaris on March 20, 2017, 04:33:30 PM
At present, it looks like all or almost all of the seabound monsters are those that just happened to wander into the sea. They will most likely wander back to approximately their point of origin (so most of them will land back in rogue lands).

The whole point of allowing monsters to go by sea, though, is so that it will be not just border realms like Madina that get hit with the monsters, but all the realms that border the inner sea.

So they went into the seas... but didn't sail into further sea regions, closer to the eastern realms?

I guess the party in Sabadell's gonna last a while, then.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on March 21, 2017, 01:07:53 AM
Quote from: Chenier on March 21, 2017, 01:07:11 AM
So they went into the seas... but didn't sail into further sea regions, closer to the eastern realms?

I guess the party in Sabadell's gonna last a while, then.

Right: these are monsters who are just wandering, not heading to anywhere specific.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Malus on March 26, 2017, 10:19:41 AM
Sabadell seemed to missed the boat on "not anywhere specific". Been great for boosting a new character, tho!  ;D

Do roaming monsters tend to 'bind up' in mountain areas with long travel times? I feel like I remember that but I didn't catch it on search.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on March 26, 2017, 08:00:59 PM
Yea... For monsters that supposedly roam without any specific destination, the lack of monsters attacking Valkyrja, Eidulb, Paisly, Candiels, and just about every other coastal region, compared to the 100 000s of CS we've fought in Sabadell, is rather perplexing.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on March 26, 2017, 09:50:54 PM
Well, I can guarantee you they're not deliberately targeting Sabadell. As I believe I've mentioned, I want Westgard to be viable, even if it is still difficult.

I suspect that right now, the problem is that Sabadell is the most exposed non-rogue regionâ€"it borders a lot of rogue regions, so each time a rogue group wanders near it, they notice it's there and immediately move to it. Eidulb, on the other hand, has a donut, so only monsters that have already wandered into that will target it.

I think the "always move to smash an adjacent non-rogue region" part of their code is going to need some tweaking.

I also think there still aren't enough groups getting long-distance targets, when that should be reducing the number of groups in the West that are wandering around and ending up bashing their heads on Westgard.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on March 26, 2017, 10:11:51 PM
Yea, I believe you. I don't think Sabadell specifically, or Westgard generally, it being specially targetted.

But I do think that this example displays an issue with monster behavior.

Also... the monsters that attacked Sabadell, at first, also greatly came from owned regions. They had occupied Gelene Outskirts for a while until they simply decided to screw it, and all aggregate to Sabadell instead. Though I'll give it to you, monsters moving from owned regions to other owned regions saved our butts many times. As did the rogues moving out of Sabadell and right back in constantly. There was over 100 000CS of rogues in the vicinity of Sabadell for a long time, most of it "in" Sabadell, but we kept facing much smaller hordes (typically around 20k, though some larger ones) as many of these rogues kept leaving.

I know you want Westgard to be viable, but I do wonder... with Dwilight's population as it is, do we even have enough nobles to cover more than just the eastern regions? It feels unlikely to me that the rogues spawning in the West can really curb eastern expansion, at least not without wiping off Westgard in the process. Felt like we had a decent situation when I first joined, and then Luria and Avernus both barely had anything, D'Hara and Madina didn't have the western holdings they do now, and there were many rogue regions in the East. Does make me wonder if we have enough nobles to even populate only half of the continent, without any western holdings whatsoever.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Vita` on March 26, 2017, 11:13:32 PM
Quote from: Anaris on March 26, 2017, 09:50:54 PM
Well, I can guarantee you they're not deliberately targeting Sabadell. As I believe I've mentioned, I want Westgard to be viable, even if it is still difficult.

I suspect that right now, the problem is that Sabadell is the most exposed non-rogue regionâ€"it borders a lot of rogue regions, so each time a rogue group wanders near it, they notice it's there and immediately move to it. Eidulb, on the other hand, has a donut, so only monsters that have already wandered into that will target it.

I think the "always move to smash an adjacent non-rogue region" part of their code is going to need some tweaking.

I also think there still aren't enough groups getting long-distance targets, when that should be reducing the number of groups in the West that are wandering around and ending up bashing their heads on Westgard.
I agree with this assessment, particularly that Sabadell is most exposed non-rogue region, 'always move to smash adjacent non-rogue region' code needing tweaked, and not enough groups getting long-distance targets.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on March 27, 2017, 01:12:29 AM
Would you guys consider tweaking the polygon for Gelene and its Outskirts, to transfer a bit of the coastal area to Gelene, giving us a direct access to the sea zone (Channel of Gelene) from the capital? When Gelene Outskirts got occupied by the rogues, we got totally screwed. Our army had no means of refitting without killing itself, and allies could not land anywhere near to support. The lack of a city to put a harbor in also makes these travels more expensive. And with an access to the seas, would you consider an additional sea route, linking Gelene to Aegir?

I think those are easy to implement modifications that could give us a hand in our efforts, as well as making it easier for some eastern realms to get involved. Gelene feels like a bad place to be based in, to me (especially compared to other potential locations like Eidulb, especially, and Paisly, to a lesser degree), but this small tweak would help.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on March 27, 2017, 04:41:38 AM
Frankly, I'm seriously considering eliminating donut regions entirely. They were an interesting experiment, but unfortunately I believe they have failed.

However, I won't be making any map changes in the short term.

I believe I can make sufficient changes to monster behaviour tomorrow to make a real difference, and I'd like to see how they play out, at least for a week or so, before making any other large changes.

I will, however, make one further note: There's a metric crapton of gold ready for the looting in the rurals north and west of the mountains, if the changes can buy you enough breathing room to send an expedition out there.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Wimpie on March 27, 2017, 10:38:42 AM
Quote from: Anaris on March 27, 2017, 04:41:38 AM
Frankly, I'm seriously considering eliminating donut regions entirely. They were an interesting experiment, but unfortunately I believe they have failed.


Yeah I totally agree with that.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on March 27, 2017, 08:06:58 PM
I've made some of the changes I outlined: monsters will now have a much lower chance of attacking high-density realms, and more groups will take it into their heads to go charging off across the sea to hit random human-held regions in large bands.

Please keep me updated as to how the movement of monsters changes.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on March 27, 2017, 09:57:15 PM
Quote from: Anaris on March 27, 2017, 08:06:58 PM
I've made some of the changes I outlined: monsters will now have a much lower chance of attacking high-density realms, and more groups will take it into their heads to go charging off across the sea to hit random human-held regions in large bands.

Please keep me updated as to how the movement of monsters changes.

Looks like there's a metric crapton of them in Paisland now. :P
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on March 27, 2017, 10:02:07 PM
Quote from: Chenier on March 27, 2017, 09:57:15 PM
Looks like there's a metric crapton of them in Paisland now. :P

Hm, yeah. Not as many as I had show up in a few different regions during my testing, though.

At one point, there were going to be 150k+ CS hitting Eidulbâ€"all from a single region.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on March 28, 2017, 12:20:07 AM
Quote from: Anaris on March 27, 2017, 10:02:07 PM
Hm, yeah. Not as many as I had show up in a few different regions during my testing, though.

At one point, there were going to be 150k+ CS hitting Eidulbâ€"all from a single region.

Really? Isn't Astrum one of the densest realms? It's one of the most populous, at least, though it's quite large.

Also, that's brutal. XD Is that to target Eidulb itself, or only to transit towards eastern targets?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on March 28, 2017, 12:36:00 AM
Quote from: Chenier on March 28, 2017, 12:20:07 AM
Really? Isn't Astrum one of the densest realms? It's one of the most populous, at least, though it's quite large.

It's not especially dense...though it may be more dense than the average on the continent, I forget.

Also, that's brutal. XD Is that to target Eidulb itself, or only to transit towards eastern targets?

That was to move to Eidulb, and then figure out what to do from there, IIRC.

But this was all just in local testing; that level of monolithic movement was one of the things I wanted to do away with, and I believe I've been successful.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on March 28, 2017, 01:14:26 AM
Alright, good to know.

For the looting potential, also good to know. Though many mountain regions are starving, and with their atrocious travel times, risky to loot (provisions won't last the trip in and out).
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Beldragos on March 28, 2017, 07:19:27 PM
Quote from: Chenier on March 20, 2017, 03:49:40 PM

Also, Madina has little moral high grounds to complain. Madina, D'Hara, Luria, Fissoa, and all other low-density realms have continuously expanded despite knowing that 1) they already have very low density and 2) monster spawns are regulated by density. It's just that, so far, Westgard had gotten 100% of the blowback of your expansion.

Are we playing the same game here? 

Madina has not gotten past Candiels Fields in over a year IRL.  We take the region and then get pushed back to have the hordes break against the walls of Candiels.  Then we retake the Fields to allow us to repair the walls and then it happens again.  If we do not take the Fields then the city walls would never get fixed and fall.  This is what we have been doing to survive for the last year or two since the code has been implemented.  We talk ICly about taking other lands but we only do that for IC reasons to continue fighting them but as players we know we cannot expand further

If you want realms continuously expanding look to Luria?

They hold 20 regions with 24 nobles after this happened earlier today:

QuoteTakeover   (1 hour, 5 minutes ago)
message to all nobles on Dwilight
Luria Nova has taken control of Dantooine. The region used to belong to (rogue).

It would be nice if that horde of 65K in Paisly would head their way.  Better yet, the reported horde in Paisland of 233K could send them a welcome committee.  Nothing but water between them and Luria and they can now swim ....

The hordes need to appear in the East instead of the West to answer for their expansions.  They should target expanding realms instead of the gateway realms if they are responding to said expansion. 
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on March 28, 2017, 08:20:13 PM
Anaris: Might I strongly encourage the devs to make a public announcement continent-wide to inform everyone of the monster behavior tweak, so that those expansionnist low-density realms might expect a little better what'S coming for them.

Would it also be possible to know what density is being targetted as far as the monster spawns go? Under which treshhold do the monsters massively spawn?

Beldragos: That was a list of realms, it did not include the specific number for each named realms. Yes, in Madina's case, it was, mostly, the annexation of Candiel Fields. That one is a recent addition. Of the realms that have expanded, Madina did the least so. But on the other hand, when's the last time Madina declared war on someone? Had you invaded Luria while they were weak, you wouldn't have those rogues on your back today. Madina might not have gone on the wildest expansionist streak, but its passivity is also part of the reason why density is so low overall. Madina could have been removed from the map RL years ago, and things wouldn't be any different today.

D'Hara on the other hand took, on top of the western regions, many regions in the east which had not historically been theirs. Luria and Fissoa have reclaimed historical territories, but it doesn't change much to the fact that they didn't really have the densities for them anyways.

Avernus and Luria are those that *took* the most regions, but Luria also gained a ton of nobles since they lost those regions.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Beldragos on March 29, 2017, 12:12:00 PM
As of this posting, Luria has 20 regions controlled by 23 nobles.

Madina and Astrum has 14 regions with 20 and 21 Nobles respectively.

Luria has a ton of adv but they are not Nobles and should not count toward the ratio. 
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Malus on March 29, 2017, 01:15:37 PM
A ton of advies means that they are clearing dens and such, which I would assume has it's own independent impact on keeping rogue hordes manageable. Dunno how strong that impact is, though.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Nosferatus on March 29, 2017, 02:14:19 PM
QuoteMadina could have been removed from the map RL years ago, and things wouldn't be any different today.

It actually did, Madina was completly destroyed by the multi realm Aurvendil.
Falkirk freestate was created as a colony by Aurvendil untill Fissioa defeated Falkrik, it was then that the current Madina was founded which copied its name and flags from the original realm.
It didnt contain any nobles from the original Madinan nor any of its ideas what so ever.
It quickly turned into a rogue fighting realm hence forth.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Beldragos on April 01, 2017, 03:38:22 AM
Actually my character joined Madina before the fall and before Falks joined the battle, it was a creation of the Vandils but you are otherwise correct.  I was the last Judge of Madina when she switched to Fissoa ruling.  There are a couple characters still around from before like mine but when Fissoa retook the land, it used the name and flags but adopted Fissoa values.  When Fissoa was broken by Luria, Madina was the result because we had to split the realm as part of the Fissoa-Luria treaty.

Madina has gone their own way since then, dedicating itself to allowing expansion westward because they were prohibited from eastern politics and the west was supposedly freshly opened until the mods seemed to change everything on us with these ridiculous hordes.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on April 01, 2017, 03:26:44 PM
Yea, well... when Luria was broken, Madina could have decided to get back at it for that shameful treaty. I get why Fissoa bowed down after being pummeled, but Madina had much better natural barriers.

My point is that the only time I remember Madina getting involved with other realms of its own accord was back when D'Hara seceded from Shadovar, and aspired to expand up to Paisly, which Madina considered its own domain. After their initial fights, which Madina lost 100%, Madina never again declared war on anyone. Falkirk, as far as I recall, were the aggressors and declared the war on Madina. And if they didn't... well, you don't get much credit for joining in against blatant multi abusers that late and that reluctantly. Had Madina ceased existing long ago, and never had been reformed in any way, the island completely removed from the game, it wouldn't have had any impacts on any other part of the continent. Because they just don't involve themselves and their positioning makes their PvE inconsequential, not to mention extremely linear and non-stimulating. Even Westgard, who is pretty much stuck to PvE, had some wars with humans, changing diplomacy, synchronized campaigns, an adventurer scandal, and various levels of communication and interaction with foreign realms. Madina, from what the ex-pats say, is just filled with people who don't care, which makes for a realm that contributes very little to the game. And it's far from being the most active realm I've ever seen.

Didn't mean to rant on and on about Madina, I got my own things keeping me busy. But while geography can explain some levels of isolation, I can't think of any other realm, not only in Dwilight but the whole game (disclaimer: I don't know every realm to have existed on all continents), who has such a history of utter passiveness.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on April 01, 2017, 06:42:22 PM
An update: There are still more monsters deliberately seeking out Sabadell than I'm happy with, particularly given that I thought I'd closed off one of the ways they were using to do so. Further tweaks will be incoming once I figure out a) how they're still doing that, and b) precisely how I want to change their behaviour.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on April 01, 2017, 07:17:26 PM
Do you have a database with a bunch of target lists? I guess... you kinda need to, else it wouldn't even be possible, right? Never really thought about this before. :P

Sabadell did attract some new monsters, but it only got to 20k so far, and they quickly split up over various regions. Some to Ammando, some to Aquitain, some who knows where. They came from Eidulb Outskirts, might have went back there. At least we got a break for a few days, we got to refit, our allies went to refit, we are retaking our core regions, sure feels like a lot of pressure is off us already.

Now, if being adjacent to a ton of rogue regions was what made it attractive, and we could only make the Shrine rich enough to field decent militia, it would make a nice monster killing funnel. :P

We were wondering, though, how do non-physical barriers influence monster pathing, if at all? If monsters want to attack Avernus and Westgard holds Ygg d'Razhuul, the only land path there, will that in any way influence their behavior as opposed to Yggdramir was adjacent to "the largest contiguous rogue region"? Same with Eidulb Outskirts and Astrum? We used to think that Ygg d'Razhuul was hopeless to hold, because all the monsters aiming east wanted to pass by there, but the monsters stopped going there as soon as we did, they never seemed to actually try to use the pass. Since then sea travel was also added for them, though.

If if the monsters take Eidulb away from Astrum, will they then just take the ferry to Libidizedd? Or can they not take sea routes anymore?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on April 01, 2017, 07:36:45 PM
Quote from: Chenier on April 01, 2017, 07:17:26 PM
Do you have a database with a bunch of target lists? I guess... you kinda need to, else it wouldn't even be possible, right? Never really thought about this before. :P

There's actually a combination of different things going on.

Smart monsters, those spawning in the big rogue area in the west, have a chance of getting an actual long-distance target that they will then charge off across land and sea to wreck. At present, I believe these are now correctly going preferentially for low-density realms, and within those preferentially for regions without lords and/or without knights. (These are the ones that have an entry in the database.)

If they don't have one of these targets, they'll look in their general vicinity for a non-rogue region and attack it.

This is why Sabadell, in particular, gets hit so damn hard: it borders a LOT of regions, which means monsters from almost all of those regions see it as the only bordering non-rogue region. (And, of course, monsters slightly further away see it as a possible nearby target.)

I'm trying out a change to the system where monsters essentially see regions of high-density realms as being rogue for the purposes of targetingâ€"that is to say, they might wander into them totally at random, but they'll never move in en masse deliberately. There was a small bug in that, that was causing some of the cases to fail to properly respect the high-density status, but I just located the source of it. It will be fixed for next turn change.

Sabadell did attract some new monsters, but it only got to 20k so far, and they quickly split up over various regions. Some to Ammando, some to Aquitain, some who knows where. They came from Eidulb Outskirts, might have went back there. At least we got a break for a few days, we got to refit, our allies went to refit, we are retaking our core regions, sure feels like a lot of pressure is off us already.

Now, if being adjacent to a ton of rogue regions was what made it attractive, and we could only make the Shrine rich enough to field decent militia, it would make a nice monster killing funnel. :P

Well, not if something happened there like happened to Paisly the other day. I don't think you could ever stack enough militia in any region to repel over 100k CS of monsters in one go ;D

We were wondering, though, how do non-physical barriers influence monster pathing, if at all? If monsters want to attack Avernus and Westgard holds Ygg d'Razhuul, the only land path there, will that in any way influence their behavior as opposed to Yggdramir was adjacent to "the largest contiguous rogue region"? Same with Eidulb Outskirts and Astrum? We used to think that Ygg d'Razhuul was hopeless to hold, because all the monsters aiming east wanted to pass by there, but the monsters stopped going there as soon as we did, they never seemed to actually try to use the pass. Since then sea travel was also added for them, though.

If if the monsters take Eidulb away from Astrum, will they then just take the ferry to Libidizedd? Or can they not take sea routes anymore?

They're not prevented from using ferries, but they might very well decide to just hop on a raft at this point, depending on where they want to go to.

As far as monster targeting...I'm not entirely sure what you're asking.

At present, monsters never target realms. They target specific regions, and if they take it into their head to hit a particular region, they really don't care what's between them and it. They will charge for it in as straight a line as they can manage, until they forget about it (which they will do, after a certain number of turns).

And yes, holding that pass will now be much easier, as monsters should be vastly less interested in using it.

...For what it's worth, if you could manage to get enough people together (probably a coalition of realms would be required, starting a new monster-buffer-realm), you could cut the entire northwest section off from the main rogue area, pacifying the monsters there (somewhat), by holding Duil, Chrysantalys, Wallershire, and the Corridor of Torment.

Of course, that would probably be nigh-impossible to take, and hell to hold, but hey, life goals, right? ;D
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on April 01, 2017, 08:11:40 PM
Quote from: Anaris on April 01, 2017, 07:36:45 PM
This is why Sabadell, in particular, gets hit so damn hard: it borders a LOT of regions, which means monsters from almost all of those regions see it as the only bordering non-rogue region. (And, of course, monsters slightly further away see it as a possible nearby target.)

So basically, the problem is gerrymandering? :P If Forguthrie touched Aquitain, cutting Sabadell off from Zereth, and that the limits of the Shrine intersected with it (Forguthrie) without being "adjacent", that's make Sabadell have a more normal amount of neighboring regions, while making all of the regions a bit more regular in shape. ;)

Quote from: Anaris on April 01, 2017, 07:36:45 PM
Well, not if something happened there like happened to Paisly the other day. I don't think you could ever stack enough militia in any region to repel over 100k CS of monsters in one go :P

Surely with the proper dev love we could ;)

Quote from: Anaris on April 01, 2017, 07:36:45 PM
...For what it's worth, if you could manage to get enough people together (probably a coalition of realms would be required, starting a new monster-buffer-realm), you could cut the entire northwest section off from the main rogue area, pacifying the monsters there (somewhat), by holding Duil, Chrysantalys, Wallershire, and the Corridor of Torment.

Of course, that would probably be nigh-impossible to take, and hell to hold, but hey, life goals, right? ;D

Did you think we were trying to draw a penis Scandinavia on the map when we expanded all the way to Crotona? ;D

Banker called taxes out of sync twice during that campaign, though. By the time we got to Crotona, we just had a ton of bonds. We should have kept going and taken K'dira, but at the time the call was made to not risk desertion.

Passing through the mountains was a mistake, though. Not only were the travel times needlessly long, but some of the intended targets were starving. Going along the northern rurals was deemed a prefferable alternative, if we get such a chance again.

Of course the southern pass is even better, though the regions you mention contain a few starving one, and moving into a starving mountain to take it over, far from home, is painful to say the least.

I actually don't think it would be as hard to accomplish as you seem to think, given how close we came to pulling it off on our first try. Were the taxes called at the specific times I asked them for, or had I decided to sacrifice the army for K'Dira, we'd have completed that East-West chain. Though holding it... I have no idea. Monster  behavior is constantly evolving, I honestly have no idea how they would behave to such a line. But it would be frigging epic. Distance from the capital was already a major issue, though. Unfortunately there's no good capital candidate that would allow us to block the Western subcontinent latitudinally.

Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Nosferatus on April 05, 2017, 07:23:34 PM
Does anyone know what causes rogues on Dwilight to fight each other now and then?
For example most recently in Darfix and Under Darfix.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on April 05, 2017, 08:57:49 PM
Quote from: Nosferatus on April 05, 2017, 07:23:34 PM
Does anyone know what causes rogues on Dwilight to fight each other now and then?
For example most recently in Darfix and Under Darfix.

Peasant militias. Avernus seems to like looting Darfix and area, which springs militias that then fight the rogues. Happened in Aquitain before we moved back in, too.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on April 11, 2017, 04:04:39 PM
All is calm on the western front... but for how long?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on June 01, 2017, 03:55:04 PM
Nearly 100k converging on Candiel Fields. Nice.  ;D
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: DeVerci on June 09, 2017, 12:28:42 AM
Oh boy, guess what just started landing in Morek!
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Vita` on June 09, 2017, 03:09:50 AM
Monster sailing on BT and DWI was finally fixed in the last week, so monsters are finally sailing through multiple sea zones and landing on the far side instead of sailing into a sea zone and then landing back in the region they embarked from. As was requested by the players, they will be targeting the least dense realms.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on June 09, 2017, 12:40:51 PM
Sweet. Now give all those regions to HD and look at the monsters swamp them ;)
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: DeVerci on June 09, 2017, 07:57:24 PM
And you get 30k CS! And you get 30k CS! But that's not all, for an all-time low price of 0 gold, you can get an EXTRA 30k CS of undead and monsters landing in your coastal regions over two turns.

That's right, doomstack hordes are this summer's hottest gift. Give them to your neighbors, your enemies, and even yourself!  8)
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on June 12, 2017, 01:40:56 AM
Misery is the West's greatest export! Opening sale!

I think all them low-density expansionist eastern realms are about to find a new appreciation for Westgard's work.

Give us gold and we'll kill them before they sail to your coasts! ;)
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Beldragos on June 12, 2017, 08:25:01 PM
The same in Madina.  The new coding allowed them to bypass Candiels and assault half a dozen regions we cannot defend.

Soon, the hordes will be at the door of Fissoa and many of the players in Madina will simply leave, that is the plan I have heard many mention both in this Thread and among ourselves in OOC chatter.

The coding is not allowing the monsters to cross the ocean, it merely allows them to bypass a region used as a chokepoint and tear apart realms. 

I hope the mods are pleased, less players in the near future for Dwilight.  Thanks
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Ketchum on June 13, 2017, 02:13:02 AM
Soon every region including rural region and not only city will have 10K CS militia each. But alas even that could not hold up a candle against the might of 30K CS rogue. I think that is partly due to previous code broken, but the rogue CS keep increasing at their gathering points before crossing the sea. When they landed as they do now, they cause widespread destruction unimagined. Previously they may shackled by code due to unable travel, but now they have been unshackled.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on June 13, 2017, 01:08:45 PM
Quote from: Beldragos on June 12, 2017, 08:25:01 PM
The same in Madina.  The new coding allowed them to bypass Candiels and assault half a dozen regions we cannot defend.

Soon, the hordes will be at the door of Fissoa and many of the players in Madina will simply leave, that is the plan I have heard many mention both in this Thread and among ourselves in OOC chatter.

The coding is not allowing the monsters to cross the ocean, it merely allows them to bypass a region used as a chokepoint and tear apart realms. 

I hope the mods are pleased, less players in the near future for Dwilight.  Thanks

There's no bypassing being done. It's sea travel. Anyone can do it. If D'Hara has a pair of balls, they could invade the very same regions the monsters are invading.

Quite frankly, the only contributions the players of Madina and Fissoa to the game are lowering overall density so as to make life harder for everyone else. Westgard's been dealing with these hordes for a very long time, and despite being the densest realm of the continent, we haven't been able to establish a viable economy because good for nothing realms like Madina and Fissoa just go on and hog as many regions as they can for no other purpose than hogging as many regions as they can. If you can't kill your share of monsters, than move to another realm. You've got 45k CS, put it to use.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Malus on June 13, 2017, 03:49:08 PM
They took the the east is threatened!

The great rogue invasion times good with my wandering prophet and coward marshal. I'm sure it'll balance out some over time, but may much IC screaming of doom commence.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: JDodger on June 16, 2017, 05:21:30 PM
Tell us how you really feel Chenier... I have a hard time having a problem with Madina and Fissoa when Astrum and Swordfell are around.

Dwilights been a terrible continent for a long time though.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: MTYL on June 16, 2017, 11:48:52 PM
Honestly - was the monsters saving Westfold from getting rekt a intended thing or a coincidence? Either way I kind of appreciate the hard-mode on.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Glaumring the Fox on June 17, 2017, 01:31:51 AM
Quote from: MTYL on June 16, 2017, 11:48:52 PM
Honestly - was the monsters saving Westfold from getting rekt a intended thing or a coincidence? Either way I kind of appreciate the hard-mode on.

I think its called the "Asylon strategy' everytime we the players do anything the monsters muck it up.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on June 17, 2017, 03:27:21 AM
Quote from: JDodger on June 16, 2017, 05:21:30 PM
Tell us how you really feel Chenier... I have a hard time having a problem with Madina and Fissoa when Astrum and Swordfell are around.

Dwilights been a terrible continent for a long time though.

Astrum and Swordfell... what's wrong with them? Seriously. They both interact with their neighbors in both friendly and hostile ways and are willing to take risks. Plus, they are both in dynamic regions, with lots of in-range neigbhors. Why should I dislike them? Also Astrum has a ton of nobles, so that entitles them to having a lot of regions. Swordfell may not have many accomplishments under their belts, but Astrum has too many to count. And even Swordfell's few make them appear like the record-breaking dynamism compared to Madina and Fissoa's track records. Fissoa and Madina may have geographies that largely hampers intervening in the outside world, but it's not like they've really made much effort in that regards in the last... real life decade...

This opinion isn't even anything personal. I just feel that such realms are a dead weight to BM and that by luring the unwary to join them, such as newcommers who don't know any better, it hurts the game overall.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Malus on June 17, 2017, 09:24:11 AM
Quote from: DeVerci on June 09, 2017, 07:57:24 PM
And you get 30k CS! And you get 30k CS! But that's not all, for an all-time low price of 0 gold, you can get an EXTRA 30k CS of undead and monsters landing in your coastal regions over two turns.

That's right, doomstack hordes are this summer's hottest gift. Give them to your neighbors, your enemies, and even yourself!  8)

Like a light Tuesday warmup for Westgard. Wait till they all find a region to collect, spawning some undead from their many digested peasants. Then you got a proper SHTF situation.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on June 17, 2017, 01:57:46 PM
Whack-a-mole, buddies.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Beldragos on June 20, 2017, 12:46:41 AM
The problem with your assessment is many of the players in Madina have been here a long time and the realm is not light on nobility.  As far as the list goes, we are slightly above the middle point and there are several with less nobles you seem to not pick on.  Currently we have 18 Nobles occupying 9 regions with 8 adv characters.  That is nearly 3/region character count, which places us in the top 5 on the continent as far as density count (rough estimate).

Tell us how we are doing this wrong, our density count is above average and we are fighting a distorted version of forum based Dark Souls instead of the DIPLOMATIC game Tom made.  You claim we are not holding our weight but what has kept our attention faced west for years IRL instead of being able to concentrate other places without losing everything to a series of bad game decisions and coding?

I get it, you are and always have been biased against Madina and Fissoa.  We can all see it in your comments.  Even in your failed attempts to make a new map for Dwilight, you constantly edited us or parts of us out of existence until a Mod told you to stop with the maps because they were not going to remap Dwilight. 

If you don't like us then simply don't say anything about us.  Pretend we don't exist and it will make you happy.  Don't reply to any posts with our names in and it will make us happy.    You will not have to put up with us for long, the current coding is destroying the south.  Once Madina and Fissoa are gone, you will have to worry about further density problems because several of the old players are disgusted with the way the game coding is done but do not want to give up on years of history we created and contributed to.  Many of us will simply retire our characters and go to other islands or quit the game altogether. 

There goes your planed density reassignment, less characters does not equal better game.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on June 20, 2017, 01:35:39 AM
I think I've elaborated enough on why Madina's (non) history displeases me, as well as its geography. You mention the maps, you should note that for the most part, they didn't remove Madina and Fissoa, they just crunched you closer to your neighbors by eliminating the vast deserts and seas that divide you, while also splitting the both of you farther away from each other because adjacent capitals is just a terrible thing.

If you want to fight monsters, then you should be delighted, because that's what you are getting. So what if you lose a few regions in the process? You'll end up reaching an equilibrium determined by your density and skill. If you want to argue that you were somehow incapable of doing anything in the East because of the monsters in the West... you'll have a long road ahead of you to convince me of that. You could have chosen not to hold Candiels, and not to push for the Fields, and Agl, and everything else you've tried to do over there, that would have been much easier, but that's a choice you made. In 2016, so not quite "IRL yearS", really. Before that, the West did not throw rogues at you.

The code will not destroy Madina unless you truly, amazingly, suck. Do you think you are the firsts to be whacked by monsters? These are rookie numbers. Madina was MADE in far worse conditions, and numberless realms, after that, were MADE in much, much, much worse conditions. Many grew to be superpowers. Think Astrum has a nice empty playing field starting out? D'Hara? What do you think Westgard has been up to all that time, since the West re-opened?

The whining is unfounded. Once density lowers, the number of hordes will decrease. Soon enough, once everybody gets their act together and finishes off the hordes they got, they should see a nice period of calm. Rogue spawns are governed by density and every realm (or about?) lost a bunch of regions. And not only will the waves thin out for a while, until everyone takes back all these regions, but those who are hardest hit will receive the least persistence, because these migrant monsters focus on lowest-density realms and no-lord regions. The code is set up in a way to do non-lethal damage. Any realm that dies to the monsters deserves it for being so terrible, because only one realm, Westgard, lacks any chokepoint or other geographical advantage against them.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Nosferatus on June 20, 2017, 08:15:37 AM
The code will not destroy Madina unless you truly, amazingly, suck. Do you think you are the firsts to be whacked by monsters? These are rookie numbers. Madina was MADE in far worse conditions, and numberless realms, after that, were MADE in much, much, much worse conditions. Many grew to be superpowers.

Thats definitely true.
When starting Madina, we faced lots of Monsters anywhere.
In its initial beginning, just expanding past the Gardens was nearly impossible with already a quite rich Madina city and over 30 nobles (50 to 60 at its peak).
The Rogues became less while most of the island was finally taken, but Madinas colonies (and their colonies) in the west faced similar number of rogues for far longer.
Madina had an emergency clause in it's constitution, which was often enforced in order to give the general enough authority to command the armies, just to survive against the rogues.
Thats the isle republic of Madina, not the Monarchy of Madina(current Madina).

However the conditions have been altered since then, with the introduction of monster sea travel, the dynamics have drastically changed.
It was eventually quite easy for Madina to keep the isle safe because the monsters came from the rogue areas.
When they stopped coming from the isle it's self they started coming from the mainland past Candiels, this concentrated the rogues.
Now they come from everywhere, as an island like Madina they can attack every single region from the sea now.
That means every region can be attacked without actually seeing them coming.
Your comparing two different kind of realms under two different kind of conditions.

I am quite interested how people manage to adopt to the sea traveling rogues and if we can manage to ambush their landings effectively.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on June 21, 2017, 02:28:14 AM
Sea travelling rogues are to islands what normal rogues are to non-islands. Island realms are no worse off than landlocked realms, but simply lost much of the advantage. If we look at the West; Westgard now, but Barca, Terran, Caerwyn, Niselur, and the score of other realms that have been there, they too faced numberless rogues that they could not see coming. Just because sea zones aren't scoutable doesn't make them much different from having vast land borders that just aren't scoutable in a significant manner either, if not only because of the unreasonnable manpower it would take to have nobles in place to scout all potential routes.

Does Westgard scout all of its borders all of the time? No... it's impossible, and even if it was, it's pointless. They come from all the place, all the time. You only really need to know details of how much they are and what they are doing while they are adjacent to your army.

The realms have less nobles, yes, that's true. But the rogue forces are also much smaller. 15k? Seems like that's the average force all over... that's not very threatening. Yea you may lose some regions during the whack-a-mole hunt, but as soon as enough realms lose enough regions, they'll stop spawning. Back in the days, it often got much, much higher, and they didn't start calming down just because realms started losing. They were tweaked many times to make the odds less impossible, but still, overall, people accomplished great things.

If nobles care enough about their realms, they should survive with much more than the colonists first really dreamed of. Regions may be lost, but since rogues now mostly spawn from the largest contiguous rogue region, having small rogue clumps here and there shouldn't be as bad as it was back in the days. Realms would be better off accepting diminished states. Perhaps putting some gold and troops into making their larger states more feasible.

For example, Avernus wanted to relocate. Helping them settle in Itau, Golden Farrow, Paisly, or Candiels could possibly help kill some of these monsters before they even get a chance to swim East, thus allowing you to regain some of your lost regions.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Ketchum on June 22, 2017, 02:17:34 AM
Quote from: Nosferatus on June 20, 2017, 08:15:37 AM
I am quite interested how people manage to adopt to the sea traveling rogues and if we can manage to ambush their landings effectively.
Let me share a bit of my experience as Ruler of Morek. Yes, we got shocked when rogue overwhelmed our militia at Aegir Deep(townsland level 2 wall) easily from the sea. Then we realize we could not face off that big CS rogue force. The only sensible thing to do, is to report on their movements and update allies, neighboring realms about the situation. I think information sharing are not being done much if any do share. If you checked Morek Empire nobles count, you will realize how few nobles Morek has presently. With our limited army and resources, the only way we will win is by working together. So we wait until the massive CS rogue force split up to many regions from Aegir Deep. I think almost everyone who fought rogue before know this. As to Chenier statement about landlocked realm, Morek is one such realm. When rogue split up, they have less CS, but we still suffered defeat when our refitted force attacked them at Aegir Deep. Then they slowly went away(rogue behavior?). Unfortunately the rogue force had too much time taking over many of our lands(except capital), eventually we lost Nimh, a rural region which turned rogue. We almost lost Mark, another rural region, at this point my character Gary was thinking he would be the last Grand Duke/Ruler of Morek. We fought back rogue smaller force at Mark for many turns now and we won, thanks to DeVerci General character. All we need to do are understanding rogue behavior and by working together. Sometimes it is hard to predict attacks, so the only way we can make it up, is to refit, recruit and counter attack when we have the chances. When I first arrived at Dwilight, I had the impression that this island is to cater for PvE (Player versus Environment). However over time, I not only seen PvE but it also does become PvP(Player versus Player) as in realms conflicts.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on June 22, 2017, 03:25:43 AM
Rogues do tend to establish some behaviors. Despite many tweaks to these, for example, we in Westgard know one thing: Monsters will rally in Sabadell. They just frigging love that region. I tell you, if we could just build walls there... nah, nevermind, we'd never get a chance to repair them. XD

But yea, they often move around too. We've  often seen them completely abandon takeovers without us needing to confront them head on. You win some, you lose some, just gotta try to make sure you keep a path back to your capital so that your army doesn't lose many times in a row and that you don't get cut off from your refit centers, as these are harder to recover from.

Realms will need to cooperate for optimal results. Militarily, yes, but also just communicating.

But it's inevitable that the East will look a lot more like swiss cheese than it used to.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Ketchum on June 22, 2017, 03:58:08 AM
I do have idea to fight the rogue. My character suggests station 10K CS in each of our regions and watch the movie unfold :P

Chenier, you are right about keeping the path back to our capital safe. However as rogue force overwhelmed Aegir Deep which is our path to our capital and my character was stuck defending Nimh(that time Nimh was not rogue yet) against rogue attack, my character had to do the inevitable: abandon most of my men as militia and travel by sea route back to capital. It was crazy as I recall it back now that rogue can use sea travel, so why not we use sea travel back to our capital for refit? ::)

Sometimes you have to do some things you never try or thought before. Never give up easily. Refit and recruit each time your unit men down in numbers. It looks like... when warring with another realm where you need to refit and recruit anew. Never be afraid to request for gold if you can recruit more men, many characters are pretty generous ;)
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakky on September 30, 2017, 01:40:05 AM
So anyone else other than Westgard fighting monsters yet?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on September 30, 2017, 02:08:21 AM
Many realms have been engaged by the rogues. Are any of those actually pushing back against the rogues, having mobilized their army as Westgard has? Doesn't really look like it.

First thing Westgard thing when Delvin said the bug was fixed was finish our refit and rush to Sabadell. Because if there's anything one can bet on, it's that monsters love Sabadell as much as Russians love B, they just can't help rushing it.

(*ping facebook meme masters)
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on September 30, 2017, 03:24:57 AM
What did the eastern realms do, anyways, when the monster bug was announced? Did anyone even react, outside Westgard?

I mean, we've been getting missives of confused nobles wondering what the hell is going on... "the monsters are coming, duh". Heck I sent multiple explicit reports to all generals, too.

Ditch your lousy governments, settle in Westgard, serve humanity.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Ketchum on September 30, 2017, 04:08:14 AM
We beaten back the small rogue forces at each of our lands that got access to sea when rogue tried to land. Unfortunately we see 16K CS attacking Aegir Deep, then it become 21K CS strong rogue force. We lost Aegir Deep battle after that. Now they moving towards Muspel, later probably to the north east.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakky on September 30, 2017, 04:34:43 AM
I wonder if monsters suffer the same landing penalty as players.

21k sounds like too much for Morek.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on September 30, 2017, 05:06:55 AM
Quote from: Zakky on September 30, 2017, 04:34:43 AM
I wonder if monsters suffer the same landing penalty as players.

If they don't, it's a bug.

Putting militia in coastal regions to ward off rogue landings should be a highly effective strategy.

Quote from: Chenier on September 30, 2017, 03:24:57 AM
Ditch your lousy governments, settle in Westgard, serve humanity.

Now I'm wondering what it would look like if the entire noble population of the East joined Westgard and made a concerted push to colonize NW Dwilight...
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakky on September 30, 2017, 05:28:31 AM
Quote from: Anaris on September 30, 2017, 05:06:55 AM
If they don't, it's a bug.

Putting militia in coastal regions to ward off rogue landings should be a highly effective strategy.

Yeah thats what I was thinking when you first mentioned the whole swimming monsters. My plan was to fill the coastal areas with 3-5k CS. Too bad I quit before the change came XD.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on September 30, 2017, 01:16:13 PM
Quote from: Anaris on September 30, 2017, 05:06:55 AM
If they don't, it's a bug.

Putting militia in coastal regions to ward off rogue landings should be a highly effective strategy.

Now I'm wondering what it would look like if the entire noble population of the East joined Westgard and made a concerted push to colonize NW Dwilight...

Haha :P

The city disposition in the NW doesn't really allow for many viable realms though. Still, if some realms start dying to these monsters...  8)
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: DeVerci on September 30, 2017, 02:20:47 PM
60 militia won against 220 monsters on the first landing attempt due to the naval invasion mechanics, so coastal militia is highly effective to a degree. But once that 20k CS landing party comes in there is nothing you can do about it. In other news, it looks like the density thing might be working now, as they're passing through Morek's regions but not triggering takeovers, while our scouting of Helyg reveals that their monsters seem to want to stay.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on September 30, 2017, 03:29:36 PM
Right, the landing penalties can help stagger the invasions a little, but if they only apply at landing, and we know that monsters retreat early anyways, odds are a lot of that invasion force will be intact for the second battle when they rally.

When you  consider the cost of all that militia, and that their effectiveness is limited to the first waves, you come back to the original conclusion: the best defense is a good offense. Ie: invest in your mobile army.

In Westgard we've barely ever placed militia outside of the capital, and I've often discouraged people from doing so. Militia is a fair deterrent against enemies of similar to lower strength than your own. Not against monsters, not unless it's in a heavily fortified city that can afford to hire a lot. It's not very effective in combat, the amount needed to fend off regular hordes isn't affordable, when there's no horde it's just a drain on resources, when there's an overwhelming horde there's no way to save the investment, etc. A mobile army? That can fight every turn, move when the region is safe to hit other hordes, move when the incoming horde is too large, mass all of the realm's strength into one or a few very strong forces, etc.

Realms that have no military experience worth mentioning are mostly those that will lose the most. I'm honestly quite fine with that. If the weak die to bolster the deserving, that's a good thing in my books. Madina, Fissoa, and Luria could come learn a few things in Westgard, then maybe we can prop them a realm or two somewhere.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on September 30, 2017, 06:55:19 PM
So Delvin, how many monsters have their eyes on Sabadell this time around, just for fun? :P

Seems less ridiculous than before, though still puzzling how popular it is.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on September 30, 2017, 09:51:40 PM
Quote from: Chenier on September 30, 2017, 06:55:19 PM
So Delvin, how many monsters have their eyes on Sabadell this time around, just for fun? :P

Seems less ridiculous than before, though still puzzling how popular it is.

Right now? Not that many; just about 20k incoming. But you can probably see that from scout reports already.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on September 30, 2017, 11:25:31 PM
Quote from: Anaris on September 30, 2017, 09:51:40 PM
Right now? Not that many; just about 20k incoming. But you can probably see that from scout reports already.

I meant from all regions in the continent. Last time around I think you had checked and been surprised by how many seemed to want to converge there, but I might have misunderstood what you meant.

Indeed, we got scout reports, so a pretty decent idea of what's lurking around in our regions and just beyond.

From what I'm seeing, looks as if unbugging triggered a double spawn: both all the rogues that should have spawned from normal rogue code since it bugged and all the rogues that should have spawned from the decreased densities achieved. Lots of monsters heading towards Sabadell despite only being adjacent to two regions, but the two other border regions also got their share of rogues. I suspect that many of the monsters that head to Sabadell might just be looking for a way East, but then again maybe not. Used to be suspected that Sabadell was so attractive to them because it was surrounded by just so many rogue regions, but we've since retaken the Shrine, Zereth, Forguthrie, so it's not as much anymore.

Sounds like a first wave of rogue may have already passed through us, though, but I also suspect there's still a lot to come and hit us. Densities are nowhere near close to being "fixed" yet, after all.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on September 30, 2017, 11:47:12 PM
The problem before was not that monsters from, say, Vakreno Heaps were beelining for Sabadell. It was that, simply because of Sabadell's geography, monsters passing through that general area were much more likely to select it as a destination.

I think we killed a big chunk of that when we basically told them "treat high-density realms as non-targets", but there's likely to still be increased traffic through it just because it borders so many regions.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on October 01, 2017, 01:50:06 AM
Quote from: Anaris on September 30, 2017, 11:47:12 PM
The problem before was not that monsters from, say, Vakreno Heaps were beelining for Sabadell. It was that, simply because of Sabadell's geography, monsters passing through that general area were much more likely to select it as a destination.

I think we killed a big chunk of that when we basically told them "treat high-density realms as non-targets", but there's likely to still be increased traffic through it just because it borders so many regions.

Ah, k.

The Shrine got pretty large hordes (up to 40k I think?) as did Forguthrie, many smaller hordes in our other regions, but while they are taking over these two regions and started then abandonned a third (in Zereth I think?), there's only about 5k and 10k in both of these regions right now. Same with many nearby regions like Eidulb Outskirts and the mountains. We got a few regions with no and almost no rogues, though, which is basically unprecedented in such an invasion (Aquitain, Gelene Outskirts, Ygg d'Razhuul, Zereth).

Not sure if that's how it's intended to be, just giving you a quick overview of what's what. Mind you, we did kill a metric !@#$ ton of monsters in Sabadell so far, if it weren't for that our other regions might be overwhelmed right now. Or they might have just swam on.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on November 28, 2018, 02:23:24 PM
Monsters really should be triggered back as they were.

This is getting ridiculous. The dev team has always been saying that the realms should be closer to each other. And now, instead, we see the east migrating westward, far away from everyone else.

The East said the monsters blocked their war. Bull!@#$. When Westgard got annoyed, took us 1 month, and we were TOing the enemy capital. The monsters weren't to blame for the east's laziness. If they can't bring themselves to fight each other, then that's their problem.

The monsters were eased to give the east a chance to fight each other. They didn't do it. Instead, they went to colonize the West, and scheme against the one realm that was actually enjoying its PvE. Eastern density is decreased, and the prospect of war in the east is arguable lower than ever.

Just bring back the density-triggered monster invasions. Those were fun.

But what we've got right now? The status quo is just completely undoing everything those measures were meant to achieve.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakky on November 28, 2018, 09:35:46 PM
And look. Now people are planning on fighting Westgard. PvP here we come. I don't see any problem.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on November 28, 2018, 09:48:02 PM
Quote from: Zakky on November 28, 2018, 09:35:46 PM
And look. Now people are planning on fighting Westgard. PvP here we come. I don't see any problem.

A long distance war, utterly boring, upon the one realm that was never about PvP, and despises the mere idea of it.

Wonderful progress, that was?

Things were more fun just fighting the rogues. At least then, when clans spied on us, we didn't have to care.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakky on November 29, 2018, 12:38:13 AM
Quote from: Chenier on November 28, 2018, 09:48:02 PM
A long distance war, utterly boring, upon the one realm that was never about PvP, and despises the mere idea of it.

Wonderful progress, that was?

Things were more fun just fighting the rogues. At least then, when clans spied on us, we didn't have to care.

And that realm made it PvP. How great is that.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Anaris on November 29, 2018, 03:54:06 AM
Quote from: Zakky on November 29, 2018, 12:38:13 AM
And that realm made it PvP. How great is that.

If Westgard's players were enjoying the PvE, and that's what they were there for, then it's not great at all if that's being taken away from them.

Just because that's the way you like to play doesn't mean it's the way everybody has to play, so long as what they're doing isn't causing a problem for the island/game as a whole.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Foxglove on November 29, 2018, 03:58:24 AM
Westgard's entire realm identity is based on PvE. It was set up that way by the players because they always expected the monsters to be around. Following recent discussion within the realm, its also become clear that by far the majority of the players enjoy the PvE play and would prefer to keep doing that.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Zakky on November 29, 2018, 05:10:52 AM
Quote from: Foxglove on November 29, 2018, 03:58:24 AM
Westgard's entire realm identity is based on PvE. It was set up that way by the players because they always expected the monsters to be around. Following recent discussion within the realm, its also become clear that by far the majority of the players enjoy the PvE play and would prefer to keep doing that.

Then shouldn't have caused issues with other players. Now it is a PvP realm whether you like it or not.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Foxglove on November 29, 2018, 05:19:22 AM
Quote from: Zakky on November 29, 2018, 05:10:52 AM
Then shouldn't have caused issues with other players. Now it is a PvP realm whether you like it or not.

I wasn't commenting on that aspect. Just the part about the monster spawns and the decline of the opportunities for PvE play caused by the reductions.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: De-Legro on November 29, 2018, 05:25:53 AM
Quote from: Anaris on November 29, 2018, 03:54:06 AM
If Westgard's players were enjoying the PvE, and that's what they were there for, then it's not great at all if that's being taken away from them.

Just because that's the way you like to play doesn't mean it's the way everybody has to play, so long as what they're doing isn't causing a problem for the island/game as a whole.

Other realms are simply reacting to Westgards own actions, in so far that Westgard decided the best recourse to a new realm setting up near their borders and in land they consider their own was to attack said realm. If they would like to simply return to PvE quite likely the realms allied against them would drop their own plans and save themselves stupid amounts of travel if they ceased their own attacks against Tol Goldor.

Note I neither agree nor disagree with their action in the first place. I simply point out that there is a simple way tot avoid the PvP they don't want, and that the method is completely within their own power to implement. As for the monster spawns, my admittedly short experience in D'Hara is that we are seeing quite enough numbers of rogue forces threatening our border thank you very much :)
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Foxglove on November 29, 2018, 05:55:02 AM
Quote from: De-Legro on November 29, 2018, 05:25:53 AM
As for the monster spawns, my admittedly short experience in D'Hara is that we are seeing quite enough numbers of rogue forces threatening our border thank you very much :)

Out of curiosity, what sort of strength?
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: De-Legro on November 29, 2018, 06:25:51 AM
Quote from: Foxglove on November 29, 2018, 05:55:02 AM
Out of curiosity, what sort of strength?

I don't really pay that much attention, I know we had to wait for one group to TO Raviel and move against Port Raviel as we needed a wall and militia to handle them. Admittedly our main army was in the south at the time.
Title: Re: Monster Problems
Post by: Chenier on November 29, 2018, 02:45:35 PM
Letting a marauder realm settle on our border and grow beyond control is not really a good way to make sure we can keep to PvE in the future.

Short war against a fledging colony now > Eternal war against a powerhouse later

Tol being successful would be disastrous for Westgard. Even if they were to magically never maraud Westgard (seeing what they are doing now and saying OOC, I'll never believe that), a huge nation on our border combined with a diminished rogue spawn overall is a recipe for total boredom. If there are less rogues to begin with, and Tol kills a ton of them, what the heck are we going to have left to do? There's no thrill about fighting tiny hordes. Westgard would cease being the shield of humanity, the only nation surrounded by rogues, but would become enclaved behind another larger realm.

There was no winning solution to the problem of the Tol clan settling on our border. Every solution to protect our PvE involves PvP. Which is giving these people exactly what they came there for to begin with. To go antagonize the only realm that was truly having fun NOT caring about politics and PvP. A more old-school BM experience, with the realm as a team, where the point isn't to always be at each other's throats with ridiculous schism-spawning plots and fratricide, where there are no gimmicks like peasant militias, region corruption, spies, defections, etc., that have now become the norm but were exceptions to the rule back then.

"Internal conflict! Internal conflict!" Some chant for it ad nauseum. Not everyone enjoys it.

There are a ton of realms for PvP on other continents, and even on Dwilight. There was no reason to go and try to ruin Westgard's fairly unique PvE culture and gameplay.

"Let's go pick on this one realm and unite a huge coalition to force it into a big war because we are bored and can't be assed to fight a closer war and we're too afraid of risking harm to our own lands" is nothing to be proud of.

Dwi was always a frontier continent. Realms being able to just pack up and settle on the West, with but a tiny 8k or so army... is really removing from that. Meanwhile, less density in the East, farther away neighbors, more alliance-blocks, less close war prospects... Basically the opposite of everything that's been aimed.