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Topics - Karnen

Pages: [1]
Dwilight / Is Dwilight really SMA?
« on: June 21, 2011, 11:41:10 AM »
I read on the wiki that Dwilight is basically meant have a serious medieval atmosphere and theres one thing... well two things... but one thing thats really bothering me atm. i have a character in Fissoa called Tristan who I admit is not really active since I have really had much time recently... I plan to start playing a lot more though. Anyway, I'm getting annoyed at how some characters respond to religion, especially those in power. People should be wanting religion! ANything should be better than pagan peasantry! However I've noticed certain people are very repulsed by religion in my realm! They talk about all it's dictatorial tendencies (yeah obviously but medieval people loved that !@#$)

Theres even one guy who's talked about institutionalising religious freedom apparently. Not sure if it's true.... but I know he definitely doesn't want a religion at all.

Anyway just saying... what shhould I do about this? How should I react?

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