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Messages - Haerthorne

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14]
Helpline / Re: Police units
« on: March 09, 2011, 05:30:16 AM »
I think its lower morale and organisation (not sure about the latter).

BM General Discussion / Re: Character Alignments
« on: March 09, 2011, 05:28:01 AM »
Aelfwine is Lawful Good. I cannot see him betraying either his own set of morals or anyone he owes loyalty to.

Caim seems to be tending towards either Lawful Evil or Neutral Evil... largely because he doesn't see anything wrong in manipulating things to his own advantage, even if he's convinced its just a case of being particularly virulent in his persuit of Chaotic Good....

Celyn is... Lawful Neutral.

Rickhart is neutral Good.

Feature Requests / Re: Ability to move militia
« on: March 06, 2011, 04:56:07 AM »
I don't think this is as such a terrible idea as you make it out to be, De-Legro. If it is like ox-carts or caravans then the troops will be out of action for a considerably longer time than it takes a normal unit to make that trip. Shifting them about to defend key areas thus wouldn't work as they'd arrive late. It'd allow a better long term strategic use of militia, but no short term or tactical use.

If you want to argue about the definition of militia in battlemaster then there is more that identifies them as professional soldiers (or an equivelant on the level of the honour guards of nobles) who are performing garrison duty. Militia don't police and the way in which they are often placed as militia (recruited from a barracks or dropped from the guards of nobles) marks them as often something a little more than peasants guarding their homes.

Now the main issue is how low on the list of priorities this is right now? Our devs are notorious for wasting time being hard at work upon the insane number of changes and bug fixes that still need their attention.

I'll be eager to see how the Empire continues when the emperor becomes particularly unpopular. If Jenred manages to instill a precedent that its better inside than out, then we can have a fair few powerful people more interested in keeping the system for their own benefit. The political dynamics should be interesting for the knights as well if we sort out the odd dispute by a few raids here, a war there...

Now two proper questions: First, do you think the opinion of the Emperor and the other rulers would forcefully overrule another realm if they felt it was dangerous to the empire was a whole?

Second, when you talk about how external wars would be thought, do you mean to say you'd rather everyone do their own thing or do you think that the rest of the Empire will usually (say with a smaller realm of the Empire declaring war on a larger external foe) to avoid being weakened as a whole?

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