Exactly as the title sounds like. Please present your arguments. Charm and convince me :D
None of the above.
Barca because it's ossim.
Quote from: Lopeyschools on August 20, 2011, 10:14:21 AM
None of the above.
You're welcome to suggest others, but I have my mind set on that area so it will be an uphill struggle ;)
Quote from: Shane "Shenron" O'neil on August 20, 2011, 10:15:07 AM
Barca because it's ossim.
I'm afraid I'm not familiar with Barca-slang. What in the name of the holy rainman is ossim?
Quote from: Kain on August 20, 2011, 10:17:48 AM
I'm afraid I'm not familiar with Barca-slang. What in the name of the holy rainman is ossim?
Haha. Ossim is the spelling of "awesome" that I'm trying to inflict upon battlemaster.
Quote from: Kain on August 20, 2011, 10:16:31 AM
You're welcome to suggest others, but I have my mind set on that area so it will be an uphill struggle ;)
I will give you all the options you have in Dwilight
The area hasn't had war for a very very long time.
I hear from Several people that Terran is a diverse and interesting realm with good players, but it will take another irl year/half year for them to get involved in war. They get rogue attacks but not so much as some of your others options. Terran is however, has a good military and is eager to fight and was on the brink of war two times past half year. But eventually war never broke out.
Terran is part of a strong alliance block with Barca and D'hara.
Barca is a finally quite stable starting new realm, who will need more nobles to expand.
Allthough taxes will be very very meager for a very long time.
They border the Zuma which is interesting and also a great food importer.
Rogues form a constant treat and become very dangerous in the winter times, this is what you will be fighting.
In the future they could see some interesting competition from the South.\
Barca is part of a strong alliance pact with D'hara and Terran.
Asylon is somewhat the same as described under Barca(starting new small realm).
The exception is that it holds much more interesting religious diversity and much less rogue attacks.
It has an interesting position bordering itualand, Via and Golden Farrow, it will see alot of new diplomatic situations and interesting political opportunities.
D'hara is quite different. A rich realm in constant struggle for food with no wars for quite some time and no rogue attacks(yes they never get rogue attacks, or perhaps very very rarely.) They thus suffer from too much peace penalties and constant starvation.
Could be interesting to find away out of this for them/with them.
In the past they did defend there homes vigilantly, but could not muster as much forces as Terran, who only has grown since then.
D'hara holds good close relations with Terran and Barca.
Fissoa is very ambitious, trying to ever expand beyond the possible borders.
They might have some interesting diplomatic options, but they have a territorial dispute with Luria nova that has caused many wars before and will probably not be solved as easily.
Fissoa holds decent relations with Madina and D'hara.
Lurian realms can be interesting at this moment, they constantly fight each other for power while they try to build up a cultural empire. They will found a new realm soon as well.
If you wish to be part of funding that realm, now is the time to join the Shinnen duchy.
The left overs of Cearwyn have an intresting struggle that would seem like a new realm as well, they will require lots of fresh minds with great and active diplomatic skills to survive, they will probably go for Itua and try to secure the lands they can.
Asylon could become an important ally against mainly rogues.
Aurvendil and Madina are the only realms with active warfare now, though it is a war fought on a small ocean channel between Fatmilak and Candiels, the hatred between the two realms is epic and atleast in Madina we have lots of roleplaying, drama and literally fighting for your life.
Madina or Aurvendil will remain interesting after the war, what ever side wins as Madina will see a great purge of nobles from the Former Cearwyn, one of Madinas many colonies.
Northern SA realms:
I do not know much about there possible futures but at the moment, mainly Astrum is working on establishing a new realm in Golden Farrow, they plan to put a fanatic fundamentalist in power there, which will be fun.
Sumerdale and Libero Empire might have some issues that won't resolve very easily that could turn out into a war.
Secession happen in the SA realms, but not very likley since there most fanatic and troublesome core is busy founding a new realm in Golden Farrow.
The SA realms have become closer together because of the past war against Cearwyn.
Corsanctum will probably be least effected by any possible war and it looks like they want to recolonize Unterstorm duchy, so they will need extra nobles.
Establishing a new realm there might also be an option for the future.
Looking at this, you have many intresting options.
But of course in the end, you will have to look for your self what suits you best and perhaps you can only see that when you truly joined a realm.
Friendliness to new players or openness to foreigners could also be important for you, which you will only notice when your character is part of a realm.
QuoteFissoa is very ambitious, trying to ever expand beyond the possible borders.
It might seem like nothing ever happens in Fissoa, because we have little territorial expansion. Nonetheless, I've thouroughly enjoyed my time there.
Stupid Palm Sea:)
Quote from: Nosferatus on August 20, 2011, 10:47:37 AM
The area hasn't had war for a very very long time.
I hear from Several people that Terran is a diverse and interesting realm with good players, but it will take another irl year/half year for them to get involved in war. They get rogue attacks but not so much as your other options.
Except for the fact that just this week the Republican Expeditionary Force was sent on an urgent mission to possibly engage Luria Nova. Outbreak of war with Luria Nova was only minutes away it seemed.
Also, I'm going to argue that you come to Terran. We're a great realm with active players and neat culture. Also, we are very welcoming to new nobles and actively seek to involve them and help them along. Also, we have plenty of room for you. We just acquired another region, in fact.
But, if you don't choose Terran. Barca, D'Hara and Asylon are truly all your next best choices on Dwilight. You really can't go wrong with any of these four realms.
Fissoa lives only because of Lurian's permission.
Join a Lurian realm :D PeL is always taking people :D
Actually I'm really happy with the way Fissoa is going. Our new system/leader is making the realm is much more active place. After a few more demolitions of old power I really can't see whats stopping Fissoa from becoming a southern Terran (minus the whole republic thing: yuck)
Asylon could always have another noble. Despite what Nosferatus, were actually much more different from Barca. For one, we experience less monster attacks. Our geography only lets monsters come from two points and as such, we've experienced Too Much Peace a couple times due to the lack of fighting. Our regions are well developed and we are able to produce a decent income for the knights. There is lots of room to expand in Asylon. South just above the Zuma territory, and possibly east and north into the former areas of Caerwyn.
As mentioned we have a few religions. Sanguis Astroism, Verdis Elementum and Cordatus Besterium are all the religions "competing" to gain followers. Not really much tension and intrigue surrounding them, but I'd hopefully expect more once they start growing bigger.
Everyone is usually involved in discussions in the realm and advancement is quite easy if you involve yourself in realms matters a bit. Although some of the members are quite opinionated, we quite tightly knit as all small realms should be.
Will Asylon take in Lurian Refugees?
If they be good. I'd like to be rebel free in the west. ;)
EDIT: At least until were bigger.
Thank you for everything so far. I'd like to have more meat on my bones though so any comments you may have, write em!
A special thank you to Nosferatus for giving such a great overview. I'm surprised you can keep track of what everyone on the whole island is sort of doing :)
I'm so far curious about the new possible realm in Golden Farrow aswell as the realms in the subject line.
Quote from: Nosferatus on August 20, 2011, 10:47:37 AM
I will give you all the options you have in Dwilight
The area hasn't had war for a very very long time.
I hear from Several people that Terran is a diverse and interesting realm with good players, but it will take another irl year/half year for them to get involved in war. They get rogue attacks but not so much as your other options.
This is a terrible description of Terran.
Firstly we get just as many rogue attacks as Barca because we are always in Barca helping them with their rogue attacks. We usually match however many CS the Barcans have in the area roughly. Also we just expanded in the North so we have another front there to fight rogues on. And, of the three, D'hara is clearly the realm with the least rogues to deal with...
Secondly, why would it take us another year to get involved in a war? We've deployed our foreign army twice in the recent past, once against Madina and once against Luria Nova. Its just that the situation changed before we arrived and so we never got to engage the enemy. Still though, Terran deploys their foreign forces at the drop of a hat if the opportunity comes up. Also, we're the largest military outside of the SA giants, Morek, Astrum and Corsanctum.
If you want my honest recommendation I would say join Barca. They're expanding, they have a great culture and are very friendly, their military is small but organized and they have an interesting future ahead of them. However, you won't be making that much cash and it'll take a while before foreign intrigue starts playing a role in the realm.
Terran would be my second recommendation if you're not into the whole young frontier realm thing. We need more nobles and big things are gonna be happening around our area and you can bet Terran will be heavily involved in it, whereas Barca needs to just focus on themselves for a bit.
Quote from: Shane "Shenron" O'neil on August 20, 2011, 01:26:15 PM
Actually I'm really happy with the way Fissoa is going. Our new system/leader is making the realm is much more active place. After a few more demolitions of old power I really can't see whats stopping Fissoa from becoming a southern Terran (minus the whole republic thing: yuck)
Yeah. Let's keep the flow going, Shin :) If Skyndarbau ever gets boring, let me know :P
Morek will not be having a second secession, as the one who did it the first time is in Astrum.
I want a realm with a fun/cool/good culture. Which one of them has that? :)
opportunity! :o War! >:( Tension! :-\
Expansion! ;D Religion! ::)
Asylon Wants you!!
Join Asylon today and enjoy the realm of tomorrow.
Right now is a terrific time to join Asylon. It is quite likely that we will soon be getting an influx of nobles and war is just around the corner. Asylon has a great core group of players who are very active and keep the realms dialogue going. Honestly, we have some of the best role players I have come across and conflict between powerful people keeps the realm quite interesting. Not to mention Asylon is currently the only realm where Cordatus Bestiarium can be found.
Quote from: Igelfeld on August 20, 2011, 07:32:12 PM
opportunity! :o War! >:( Tension! :-\
Expansion! ;D Religion! ::)
Asylon Wants you!!
Join Asylon today and enjoy the realm of tomorrow.
Right now is a terrific time to join Asylon. It is quite likely that we will soon be getting an influx of nobles and war is just around the corner. Asylon has a great core group of players who are very active and keep the realms dialogue going. Honestly, we have some of the best role players I have come across and conflict between powerful people keeps the realm quite interesting. Not to mention Asylon is currently the only realm where Cordatus Bestiarium can be found.
It is good that the player of the King of Asylon is making a grand case :D :D :D Hmm, on that note, what is Cordatus Bestiarium? I saw the page on the wiki but I'm a little fuzzy on exactly what it is. A guild? A religion?
I second Asylon, 3 religions, 2 unique cultures composed of brave Caerwynians and the northern barbarian Thulsomans, Cult of Bloodmoon guildhouse, the only realm with peace with the Zuma, Emerging power with the demise of Caerwyn finally Asylon is free to stand up and expand without threat. Plus! Hopefully some of the Caerwynians who wish to stay in the north will be joining us soon. Asylon=Win, with active nobles and a rich history. Strategically placed between the north and south and plenty of room to expand and gain titles and land! So what are you waiting for just call 1-800-666-Asylon! today!
Plus, if you join now I will let you hang out with me online for $14.99!
P.S:And yes we welcome Lurians.
The new realm in Golden Farrow will be led by Allison Kabrinski, which means it is quite likely to be an interesting place. She is a traitor, troublemaker, provocateur, religious fanatic and demagogue the likes of which I have rarely seen equaled anywhere else in Battlemaster. It will be a religious theocracy of Sanguis Astroism. It will be built out of the wrack and ruin of Caerwyn, and as a result should be surrounded by hostile territory during its early days, either pockets of Caerwynian resistance based in Itaulond or Via, or rogue regions (or both). Refugees from Caerwyn will probably make it their lives' work to destroy it, based either in the remnants of Caerwyn or possibly migrating to places like Asylon, Barca, and Aurvandil (the realms I would suspect of being most willing to take in a potentially dangerous group). Allison and Brance (of Astrum) will likely not get along forever either...
Quote from: Geronus on August 20, 2011, 07:48:18 PM
The new realm in Golden Farrow will be led by Allison Kabrinski, which means it is quite likely to be an interesting place. She is a traitor, troublemaker, provocateur, religious fanatic and demagogue the likes of which I have rarely seen equaled anywhere else in Battlemaster. It will be a religious theocracy of Sanguis Astroism. It will be built out of the wrack and ruin of Caerwyn, and as a result should be surrounded by hostile territory during its early days, either pockets of Caerwynian resistance based in Itaulond or Via, or rogue regions (or both). Refugees from Caerwyn will probably make it their lives' work to destroy it, based either in the remnants of Caerwyn or possibly migrating to places like Asylon, Barca, and Aurvandil (the realms I would suspect of being most willing to take in a potentially dangerous group). Allison and Brance (of Astrum) will likely not get along forever either...
I gotta be a part of that and see how it goes! Do I join Astrum then? Any particular duchy?
Quote from: Geronus on August 20, 2011, 07:48:18 PM
The new realm in Golden Farrow will be led by Allison Kabrinski, which means it is quite likely to be an interesting place. She is a traitor, troublemaker, provocateur, religious fanatic and demagogue the likes of which I have rarely seen equaled anywhere else in Battlemaster. It will be a religious theocracy of Sanguis Astroism. It will be built out of the wrack and ruin of Caerwyn, and as a result should be surrounded by hostile territory during its early days, either pockets of Caerwynian resistance based in Itaulond or Via, or rogue regions (or both). Refugees from Caerwyn will probably make it their lives' work to destroy it, based either in the remnants of Caerwyn or possibly migrating to places like Asylon, Barca, and Aurvandil (the realms I would suspect of being most willing to take in a potentially dangerous group). Allison and Brance (of Astrum) will likely not get along forever either...
This gave me a good laugh. Some days I wonder how I've ever managed to do some of the stuff I've done. I'm sure we will find a way to have a lot of fun in Golden Farrow.
Quote from: Kain on August 20, 2011, 08:10:10 PM
I gotta be a part of that and see how it goes! Do I join Astrum then? Any particular duchy?
Yes, just join Astrum for now. Allison and Kabrinski's Wolf (me) will leave Astrum later with her followers in order to form the colony.
Quote from: Shane "Shenron" O'neil on August 20, 2011, 10:21:35 AM
Haha. Ossim is the spelling of "awesome" that I'm trying to inflict upon battlemaster.
Heh. That's ossim.
lot of ooc self intrest around here :P
not that i mind though, just pointing out...
I will update my overview on some inaccurate information, but overall the veinorsmoot is clearly trying to win souls here on this topic.
And Kain, the answer to anything in life always is: find it out your self you lazy bastard.
And ow yeah, Madina is the only actual cool place out there ;) off course...
Quote from: Nosferatus on August 21, 2011, 12:41:00 AM
And ow yeah, Madina is the only actual cool place out there ;) off course...
But of course. We've got a good back and forth war going, lots of positions for up and coming Nobles to take regional lordships. An active and debating Lords Council. Lots of excellent roleplayers along with a deep and storied history of survival as the only original surviving Realm.
We're stuck right below dealing with the damned Terrans and D'Harans always trying to influence our politics, allies (Fissoa) and friends (Luria's) who dislike each other more possibly than they dislike Madina's detractors, and a Republic where diplomacy between Lords and Regions is sometimes more important than diplomacy with our neighbours!
Did I mention we actually have a war? Against people? :D Not NPC's? :P
So does Astrum. Technically. Although now you could just call it mop-up operations.
Well to be fair, it is kind of boring at the moment in Astrum. Even I am thinking about travel to the southern realms. (maybe I can join one of the tournaments that Lurians are going to hold ;))
Quote from: Zakilevo on August 21, 2011, 06:19:42 AM
Well to be fair, it is kind of boring at the moment in Astrum. Even I am thinking about travel to the southern realms. (maybe I can join one of the tournaments that Lurians are going to hold ;))
Really? There must be tons to do. Caerwyn is not dead yet? :p
Quote from: Geronus on August 20, 2011, 07:48:18 PM
The new realm in Golden Farrow will be led by Allison Kabrinski, which means it is quite likely to be an interesting place. She is a traitor, troublemaker, provocateur, religious fanatic and demagogue the likes of which I have rarely seen equaled anywhere else in Battlemaster. It will be a religious theocracy of Sanguis Astroism. It will be built out of the wrack and ruin of Caerwyn, and as a result should be surrounded by hostile territory during its early days, either pockets of Caerwynian resistance based in Itaulond or Via, or rogue regions (or both). Refugees from Caerwyn will probably make it their lives' work to destroy it, based either in the remnants of Caerwyn or possibly migrating to places like Asylon, Barca, and Aurvandil (the realms I would suspect of being most willing to take in a potentially dangerous group). Allison and Brance (of Astrum) will likely not get along forever either...
I REALLY doubt anyone will try and touch this new realm. Last I checked, most of Caerwyn is hell bent on destroying Itaulond. No one wants a war with Astrum.
Quote from: Kain on August 21, 2011, 06:48:59 AM
Really? There must be tons to do. Caerwyn is not dead yet? :p
Yeah...it's pretty dead.
COME TO ASYLON! We are the only realm with a peace accord with the Zuma. AND sweet drunken/stoned RP's. So sweet.
If you're in Asylon, then what would you know about Astrum? :o
And HELLO, Astrum will destroy Itaulond. The only question is whether we help Caerwyn take Itau or we drive it rogue. That depends on whether Caerwyn is willing to tell us what we want to hear. Caerwyn has a war with Astrum whether they want it or not, because they stabbed us in the back and tried to kill us. The only way they'll get peace after that is if they agree to our terms, which they have thus far spurned.
updated my overview, i believe it is more accurate now.
Any corections are welcome, an overview like this could be very handy for people unfamiliar with Dwilight, let us make sure it's acurate.
Quote from: Geronus on August 21, 2011, 10:52:16 AM
If you're in Asylon, then what would you know about Astrum? :o
We have spies. ::)
Quote from: Geronus on August 21, 2011, 10:52:16 AM
And HELLO, Astrum will destroy Itaulond.
What if we attack Itaulond first?
Quote from: Nosferatus on August 21, 2011, 11:46:54 AM
updated my overview, i believe it is more accurate now.
Any corections are welcome, an overview like this could be very handy for people unfamiliar with Dwilight, let us make sure it's acurate.
The part about Morek maybe suffering a secession in the near future is false. With Allison in Astrum, there is no reason for it.
Quote from: Adriddae on August 21, 2011, 05:58:19 PM
What if we attack Itaulond first?
I'll be surprised? It would be pretty risky for Asylon to take in enough refugees from Caerwyn to absorb both Via and Itau, assuming you can even attract that many in the first place.
Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on August 21, 2011, 06:07:07 PM
The part about Morek maybe suffering a secession in the near future is false. With Allison in Astrum, there is no reason for it.
ok i'll change it.
Too bad btw... :P
I'll admit that was mostly based on my fantasy for Morek not actually based on any factual information.
Always when i see big realms i just think of how they could be choped up in an interesting way into smaller realms.
Quote from: vanKaya on August 20, 2011, 05:48:04 PM
And, of the three, D'hara is clearly the realm with the least rogues to deal with...
I'm pretty sure D'Hara has the least rogues to deal with of *all* of Dwilight.
Quote from: Kain on August 20, 2011, 07:06:28 PM
I want a realm with a fun/cool/good culture. Which one of them has that? :)
Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na, Beluaterra. 8)
Quote from: Chénier on August 21, 2011, 09:18:20 PM
Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na, Beluaterra. 8)
shut up. ???
You mentioned that Corsanctum needs more nobles... that's very true. It could really use another 20 nobles, or 30, just to colonize some more land. But another 5 would be great to get things in order. Then again, I'm starting to think lack of knights is a battlemaster-wide problem, with more realms lacking them than having enough.
I'm not sure what will happen next with Corsanctum; I think a part of the problem of the realm is its "bad" leadership. Only the Banker and the General are really worth it. The others are either weak characters or semi-inactive players (well, the judge, he's just inactive). It leaves some room to "guide" where the realm goes, though. You just need to speak up and find a few allies within the realm to get done what you want.
Luria Nova is pretty cool I think, as long as we're ignoring the topic. There's some cool things planned and there's currently an effort going on to make the realm generally more interesting for all players.
I'm kind of constantly whining about the lack of war and battles, but truth be told I like it there. I guess you can't really expect war when you join a realm on Dwilight anyway. :)
(not that that realization will stop me pushing for it)
Come to Barca. Help us take Nark 8)
I once had a noble say that Asylon was an 'Irrelevant' realm... We are now up to 22 nobles and on our way to some very good gains. ;D
Asylon has a great future in that region!
Every time I read a thread on Dwilight, I curse it's 1 character rule.
I agree. Dwilight is so huge and diverse place that it really isn't fair to be limited to just one noble character. ;)
I love 1 character rules.
Quote from: Lorgan on August 21, 2011, 10:44:40 PM
Every time I read a thread on Dwilight, I curse it's 1 character rule.
+ 1
Quote from: Arrakis on August 21, 2011, 10:50:26 PM
I agree. Dwilight is so huge and diverse place that it really isn't fair to be limited to just one noble character. ;)
+1. Even within Alliances there seems to be great diversity. Perhaps the 1 char rule could be overcome, somehow, without giving up the benefits.
Quote from: Shizzle on August 22, 2011, 12:37:50 AM
+1. Even within Alliances there seems to be great diversity. Perhaps the 1 char rule could be overcome, somehow, without giving up the benefits.
It could be overcome by replicating the points for which you consider it successful on other lands. ;)
Or by linking existing lands. Beluaterra to the Far East Island, for example.
Or by making Beluaterra much, much larger once (if) the blight is lifted.
thank god for the one character rule. those multi-cheaters from thulsoma couldn't use too too many characters.
A 1 character per realm would make much more sense.
People would still have characters in allied realms, like PeL and LN, Madina and Fissoa, Morek and Astrum, and so on.
I like the 'one continent, one noble' rule.
Quote from: JPierreD on August 22, 2011, 08:41:28 AM
People would still have characters in allied realms, like PeL and LN, Madina and Fissoa, Morek and Astrum, and so on.
I like the 'one continent, one noble' rule.
It would indeed create clone realms, where the governing body might be mostly in another realm (a realm ruled by "secondary characters"), damning the new characters there to a life without opportunity unless they are also active in the other. People who want to have both characters united will find a way.
I'm not saying every realm would be this way, however. And a variant of this 1 char/realm rule would probably be most appropriate if we were ever to fuse two continents together.
Quote from: Chénier on August 22, 2011, 08:44:04 AM
It would indeed create clone realms, where the governing body might be mostly in another realm (a realm ruled by "secondary characters"), damning the new characters there to a life without opportunity unless they are also active in the other. People who want to have both characters united will find a way.
I'm not saying every realm would be this way, however. And a variant of this 1 char/realm rule would probably be most appropriate if we were ever to fuse two continents together.
I really don't see how that could happen without a really well organized OOC clan. What you are describing would mean there would have to be a large number of people who feel this way, they all need to have a good field of influence politically
and they all need to be desparate enough to do this instead of going and experiencing a new realm.
Quote from: Shane "Shenron" O'neil on August 22, 2011, 09:09:55 AM
I really don't see how that could happen without a really well organized OOC clan. What you are describing would mean there would have to be a large number of people who feel this way, they all need to have a good field of influence politically and they all need to be desparate enough to do this instead of going and experiencing a new realm.
I agree. Plus the 1 noble with a council position per family rule limits the chance of that happening as well.
My only concern is that lifting Dwilight's limitations might have a negative effect on the noble population of other islands.
Not to mention that it just sucks that because there is a *chance* that a few bad apples would exploit it, the entire player base doesn't get to experience a completely different Dwilight from where their character is now. Dwilight is the most illogical place to have a 1 character rule.
An alternative may be to have a 1 character per half continent rule, seeing as it are actually separate continents anyway. I don't know anything about coding though.
More nobles would mean a change of dwi's atmosphere and make it like the other continents....
agreed. prefer one noble per continent to keep dwili as is.
It's not that I want a second character on Dwilight. It's that I want a second Dwilight to have characters on.
I think Dwilight is more the way it is due to geography than due to lack of nobles. Even if we had more nobles, there'd still be a lot of distance between cities and realms. Yes, there'd be less food problems and less monsters, but it'd still be as useless to declare war on someone on the complete other side of the continent as it was before.
And I thought the starvation and monster problems would get partially solved with the new estate system anyway. For the same reason as having more nobles would help with those.
More pacified lands would make travel times much lower due to the better roads. Also, the pressure for land would drive up conflicts. You'd probably also see more secessions, and more realms, too.
Eh. There are five other continents to have two characters on. I like having one island a bit different from the others. Although at the same time, I think the "one character on Dwilight" rule was designed for a time when we had considerably more players.
Quote from: Lorgan on August 21, 2011, 10:19:47 PM
Luria Nova is pretty cool I think, as long as we're ignoring the topic. There's some cool things planned and there's currently an effort going on to make the realm generally more interesting for all players.
I'm kind of constantly whining about the lack of war and battles, but truth be told I like it there. I guess you can't really expect war when you join a realm on Dwilight anyway. :)
(not that that realization will stop me pushing for it)
If you want war join an SA realm. We have a knack for attracting hostilities. The only problem seems to be that we defeat our enemies far too quickly. Seriously, we should send like 5,000g to Caerwyn and leave them alone for a month...
As for the one character rule, it is *crucial* to the atmosphere of Dwilight. It reinforces the sense of distance and diversity because you can't just create a character on the other side of the looking glass so to speak to get an idea of what is going on elsewhere. It makes each realm truly unique, unlike many other islands where multiple players will have characters in each of two allied realms, blurring the lines between them. I think it is one of the best things about Dwilight, frankly. Don't touch it!
Quote from: Geronus on August 23, 2011, 03:18:53 AM
If you want war join an SA realm. We have a knack for attracting hostilities. The only problem seems to be that we defeat our enemies far too quickly. Seriously, we should send like 5,000g to Caerwyn and leave them alone for a month...
In all my years of Battlemaster, I have fought the lamest war while being part of Corsanctum (I still am there), in name of SA. While I don't mind a gangbang at all, I do mind 3 days of travelling
one way only to arrive in a completely starved city and have no resistance. Sure, we had one or two big battles that were... well, not challenging, but fun to be part of. Now that Caerwyn is gone I truly hope SA will just turn on itself and complete madness will ensue, so we can finally fight a war on a battlefield that is either in our realm or not more than a day away from our border...
But I guess the problem of Dwilight is that it's too spread out to find a nearby war that can entertain you. So back to hunting monsters it is!
All you need is a convincing False Prophet, and split the Church right down the middle in each and every realm.
Can't think of anything that would be more entertaining than that, if enough players really got into it. Pity Church schisms never got worked out.
Quote from: Jens Namtrah on August 23, 2011, 01:19:59 PM
All you need is a convincing False Prophet, and split the Church right down the middle in each and every realm.
Can't think of anything that would be more entertaining than that, if enough players really got into it. Pity Church schisms never got worked out.
Or there could be a serge of Daimon worship :D, Cordatus Bestiarium is looking to expand after all.
Quote from: Igelfeld on August 23, 2011, 06:47:48 PM
Or there could be a serge of Daimon worship :D, Cordatus Bestiarium is looking to expand after all.
I *would* love to see SA pick a fight with the daimons. It would be quite interesting to witness.
I'd pay for a Dwilight-wide attack on the Daimons.
Of course, we would have to recolonize everything afterwards...
Quote from: Telrunya on August 23, 2011, 07:16:58 PMI'd pay for a Dwilight-wide attack on the Daimons.
Yeah, and with more than just money, too! :P
Quote from: Telrunya on August 23, 2011, 07:16:58 PM
I'd pay for a Dwilight-wide attack on the Daimons.
Of course, we would have to recolonize everything afterwards...
SA's a pretty big bloc, I'd be content to see just them having a go at it.
Come on, SA, go and poke around the Beasties!
Quote from: Chénier on August 23, 2011, 07:22:45 PMCome on, SA, go and poke around the Beasties!
I think that's on the agenda immediately following "Exterminate all the false faiths, and bring all of Dwilight under the dominion of the Bloodstars."
So, if you want to help that day arrive, then get cracking on helping us dominate the island.
Quote from: Indirik on August 23, 2011, 07:33:49 PM
I think that's on the agenda immediately following "Exterminate all the false faiths, and bring all of Dwilight under the dominion of the Bloodstars."
So, if you want to help that day arrive, then get cracking on helping us dominate the island.
That's what I meant, make the beasties the top faith to exterminate. Bestialis Cordatum or something? Just call 'em beasties, it's easier to remember. 8)
Asylon ain't that far away from you guys either... ;D
Meh... wackjob faiths followed by two nobles in their estate basements don't count.
Quote from: Indirik on August 23, 2011, 08:28:03 PM
Meh... wackjob faiths followed by two nobles in their estate basements don't count.
Why not? They worship the daimons. It's a good place to start. 8)
Because no one knows anything about them?
Also, we like a challenge.
Except when it comes to Itaulond. They get it just because we don't like them. Actually, it's just Amandil we don't like.
Quote from: Indirik on August 23, 2011, 08:45:40 PM
Because no one knows anything about them?
Also, we like a challenge.
Except when it comes to Itaulond. They get it just because we don't like them. Actually, it's just Amandil we don't like.
The Zuma aren't a challenge?
Quote from: Indirik on August 23, 2011, 07:33:49 PM
I think that's on the agenda immediately following "Exterminate all the false faiths, and bring all of Dwilight under the dominion of the Bloodstars."
But you see, the beasties are a false faith, therefore it must be exterminated, and doing so might very well provoke the zuma into attacking you. So you wouldn't *have* to wait to launch an attack on their homeland anymore, you could defend against them closer to home!
The first step to beat the Zuma is, of course, to secure the forward operating base at Port Raviel.
good luck dealing with monster grinders..
Quote from: vonGenf on August 23, 2011, 10:13:51 PM
The first step to beat the Zuma is, of course, to secure the forward operating base at Port Raviel.
Who says you gotta convert Port Raviel to pass by there?
The Zuma are the source of D'Hara's ills, after all.
Quote from: Chénier on August 24, 2011, 01:15:55 AM
Who says you gotta convert Port Raviel to pass by there?
I do. ;D