This was a feature request I gave to Ethan a long while ago to propose on the D-List, I'm not sure how far it went but I would like to raise it again.
Basically, the idea is to allow for high ranking members of a secret society to invite other nobles to join without having them travel to the guildhouse. It would work exactly the same way a priest can convert a noble with a private sermon, except with the obvious alterations. This would be a major change to secret societies especially when the two nobles are in enemy realms. What excuse could they possibly have to get to their enemy's capital, but if the two were to know where their armies were going to clash it would be that much simpler to send an invitation.
Here is the actual Feature Request, you may have already seen it a year or more ago...
Feature Request: Invitation to Secret Society Without Nearby Gathering Place
Summary: Remove the joining restriction on secret societies.
Detail: As a priest can convert nobles through private sermons, so to should a senior member invite a noble into their secret society. This would be done without the need of a nearby gathering place, but the two must be in the same region. The gathering place would still be required for the amount of nobles the society is allowed to have and for treasury purposes.
If a noble is invited to join a secret society, but the only gathering place is in the enemy realm's capital, it is impossible to justify a reason for that noble to travel to the capital. Allowing a senior member of the society the ability to invite nobles without a nearby gathering place removes a crucial obstacle in spreading the society. While guilds function through public buildings, secret societies should function privately in this way.
Easy to implement?
That sounds like a fair plea, but my knowledge on secret societies in modern BM is not up to scratch.
I was last in one in 3 years ago.... :'(
It is an intentional design restriction that secret societies need to get people to their guildhouses. There are several reasons for that. One that it ought to be a bit tricky to run a secret society, another one is that this counters the advantage of having hidden guildhouses (following nobles travels is one way to find out where they likely are) and one that it simply fits the mood. Recruiting a new member personally would introduce him only to the recruiter, not the rest of the society. A religion is public, it doesn't have the secrecy problem.
Quote from: Tom on March 07, 2011, 01:06:21 PM
Recruiting a new member personally would introduce him only to the recruiter, not the rest of the society.
He can still check the guild logs and see who has joined in the past or built guild-houses. I think there's also a new member message that introduces the new member
to the rest of the society.
It doesn't really matter. A secret society should be harder to maintain than a public guild. Even a public guild requires an aspirant to find a guildhouse. Why should a secret society be any different. But on top of that, one can't simply waltz into the Dark Brotherhood of Shadows. No, he needs to meet one of the Dark Brothers who will lead him in. If those who run the society can't or won't put in the effort and the thought into getting new members in ways that don't draw unwanted attention then that secret society doesn't exactly deserve to be a secret. Or exist.
It isn't harder to maintain at all (define maintain). It's the same as guilds except that you need to invite others first before they can join. Even if you know where it was even the region lord can't close it down as he can't see it if he's not a member. Increasing membership is also not necessarily a goal for secret societies. If everyone was a member it wouldn't be secret anymore.
And my point was on the supposed internal secrecy or the lack of. I suppose though if members didn't know one another it would turn into the underground.
Hi, player of Fury, it's been a while. :)
I'm hijacking this thread to say hi, and also that Secret Societies are secret, so they shouldn't be so easy to run.
Hey there, Peter :D How's it going?
If we're comparing guilds/secret societies with religion/temples, then guilds/secret societies are easier to run. As long as there's enough gold for maintenance they run by themselves. Religions need to preach the word to maintain if not increase worshippers (peasants).
If we're comparing guilds with secret societies then they are alike in every respect except the ones I mentioned & the reasons I gave. I though I could keep identities secret within secret societies but your identity is revealed the moment you send a message. ;) (probably necessary to maintain hierarchy)
the amount of follower a religion has is kind of irrelevant though. It opens up options in the region that you have followers in, but you can happily operate a religion with little to no peasant followers.
I personally like having to get people to travel all that way. I won't say where, but one of my characters made a trip and encouraged such trips just for that occasion. It really tells you who's interested and who isn't.
Quote from: Ironsides on March 07, 2011, 06:10:11 AM
Basically, the idea is to allow for high ranking members of a secret society to invite other nobles to join without having them travel to the guildhouse. It would work exactly the same way a priest can convert a noble with a private sermon, except with the obvious alterations. This would be a major change to secret societies especially when the two nobles are in enemy realms. What excuse could they possibly have to get to their enemy's capital, but if the two were to know where their armies were going to clash it would be that much simpler to send an invitation.
That would take A LOT of the fun out of secret societies too. In order to get this guy to join, why not have him, or help him orchestrate a legitimate reason to be in the region? Such as an attack or raid? If that noble has no kind of influence when it comes to decision making, or doesn't have such ingenuity, then how much of an asset could he be anyway?
I can still think of a few "reasons" he could get that far into your territory, for a few different classes. For example, an infiltrator attacking a lord. A trader attempting to steal food. A priest causing religious revolt. The list goes on...
Also, wouldn't there also be a fun factor in having him work exclusively for you until he CAN find a reason to be there?
Quote from: Tom on March 07, 2011, 01:06:21 PM
A religion is public, it doesn't have the secrecy problem.
I am going to start a new thread on this topic elsewhere, because I think the idea of being able to create a secret underground cult is intriguing...
Quote from: Geronus on March 22, 2011, 09:37:25 PM
I am going to start a new thread on this topic elsewhere, because I think the idea of being able to create a secret underground cult is intriguing...
Just use a secret society. Your cult won't be underground if you have a priest traveling around, speaking to anyone who will listen.