Self-explanatory... What is your favorite of the BM continents?
Option 1: Atamara
Option 2: Beluaterra
Option 3: Colonies
Option 4: Dwilight
Option 5: East Continent
Option 6: Far East
Pick your favorite! Feel free to tell us why as well.
My personal favorite is Dwilight for a number of reasons. First, enforced SMA rules means no silly names and no idiots claiming that nobles and peasants are equals, or other such nonsense. Second, the size of the island ensures that wars are somewhat localized. No realms marching from the far north to battle realms in the far south. It would be possible, but only in very rare occasions, and not on a whim. Third, there are still lots of opportunities for new realms to be founded.
Dwilight hands down. It has the most interesting politics around and an intense struggle brewing between SA and the rest of the free world.
Dwilight, just feels right and has alot of room and conflicts etc.
Atamara. I'm one of those people who has spent over half a decade on that island in various realms and seen realms fall and rise and am currently quite liking the wars that are going on.
Beluaterra, I like invasions. :)
Beluaterra, I like the bits in between Invasions ;-)
Beluaterra. I get all giddy about Invasions. When's the next one? ;)
Atamara, old cultures, old burdens what realms carry... and Beluaterra. Those continents just feel like home :) Althought i dont have experience others... except EC@Perdan where most of my chars have started their careers and shortly emmigrated to these new continents.
Dwilight. It's big and has lots of opportunities. I've had many different experiences there.
Quote from: Revan on March 09, 2011, 01:00:38 PM
Beluaterra, I like the bits in between Invasions ;-)
Beluaterrans never sleep on their asses. The rest of the continents would have a thing or two to learn about the Beluaterran way of life.
I'm split. I voted Dwilight, but I'd also like to have voted EC. :-\
I've been on EC for over 5 years now, and although it is at times extremely frustrating, I do like it. It's been through a lot of changes lately, and there are more on the way.
Atamara, it's an easygoing place with the fun mix of playing styles.
Quote from: Hyral on March 09, 2011, 05:37:35 PM
Atamara, it's an easygoing place with the fun mix of playing styles.
Have we played in the same Atamara? There's kind of a continent-wide war going on right now, or so I've heard. Minas Ithil isn't doing anything I think.
My vote goes for Dwilight. It is awesomely diverse. You have the large theocratic realms to the north, the republics to the west, and the Kingdoms to the south-east. There are also lots of rogue lands for the taking. Although I'm content to see lots of land rogue, it would be interesting to see only human realms dominating the map. SMA also adds that last bit of flavor to it.
Quote from: Artemesia on March 09, 2011, 05:45:04 PM
Have we played in the same Atamara? There's kind of a continent-wide war going on right now, or so I've heard. Minas Ithil isn't doing anything I think.
I meant that the atmosphere is easygoing :) That's just my impression though.
The Far East Island for me! Though I will admit to some bias as that's where I've been most successful.
Oh my God! I want to vote for all of them!
Quote from: Artemesia on March 09, 2011, 05:45:04 PM
Have we played in the same Atamara? There's kind of a continent-wide war going on right now, or so I've heard. Minas Ithil isn't doing anything I think.
As far as I can tell, we are babysitting Hammersett's capital while they are out having fun.
Well I like AT back in 2008 when it seemed like just about every other week there was a new tournament.
Now, I haven't been in a tournament since I left FEI. Come to think of it, I haven't seen any recent tournaments in any continents I've been on except Dwilight, and those are hard to attend due to distance. Which realms are hotspots for tournaments right now? I could put the jousting skill on Iksandros back to use.
2nd place to Beluaterra.
Because I'm a masochist.
Quote from: Vellos on March 09, 2011, 08:34:04 PM
2nd place to Beluaterra.
Because I'm a masochist.
If you join SA on Dwi you can be a sadist instead.
...Get it?
SAdist? Eh? Eh? ;D
*Punches self to save you guys time.*
Quote from: Artemesia on March 09, 2011, 08:12:01 PM
Well I like AT back in 2008 when it seemed like just about every other week there was a new tournament.
Now, I haven't been in a tournament since I left FEI. Come to think of it, I haven't seen any recent tournaments in any continents I've been on except Dwilight, and those are hard to attend due to distance. Which realms are hotspots for tournaments right now? I could put the jousting skill on Iksandros back to use.
FEI seems be in another tournament season.
Quote from: Sacha on March 09, 2011, 08:38:47 PM
FEI seems be in another tournament season.
Well dang, Sandy was on FEI in the first place. :-[
But enjoying FEI a lot lately.
I can only make this judgement between Atamara and Dwilight...
...and the winner is...
Drum roll
Dwilight! SA and the banter. :D
FEI is indeed in another tournament phase.
On that note, FEI would be my favorite. Dwilight might give it a run for its money if the realm I was in wasn't falling apart due to lack of nobles.
And Colonies gets no votes. :D
Quote from: BardicNerd on March 09, 2011, 09:13:31 PM
FEI is indeed in another tournament phase.
On that note, FEI would be my favorite. Dwilight might give it a run for its money if the realm I was in wasn't falling apart due to lack of nobles.
Yes, FEI is entering a tourney phase, which is somewhat sad. I'm still shocked that the C'thonians and Zonasans worked out a peace deal, and I have a dirty suspicion that Ziode started doing the "we'll attack people who are aggressive" nonsense. Unless something breaks open in Aenilia or Ohnar West (both of which are possible) it's going to be peaceful for a while if there aren't any hiccups with the destruction of Arcachon (which there probably will be, alas).
However, if it works the new Lands of the Noca should make long-term peace impossible on the Far East for as long as it lasts :D
EC all the way! Ibladesh is mad fun to play in, especially now we're pretty much a super power, like Sirion... and the Perdanese are fun to bicker with! :D Though it'd only a matter of time before I'll have access to become an infiltrator and then I can chase King Dobromir all over the map!
the SMA, the wild , the winter (love seasons. it's pretty interesting ding strategy based on variable travel times).
The one noble per player.
The atmosphere is unique. You feel that there is a constant fight between mankind and rogues wihtout the need of invasions like Beluaterra. Realm surivival is already difficult enough.
A colony is really a colony
Lots of politics, religion, brilliant players.
The mysteorios Zumas in the Volcano. Unique places like the Palm Forest of the Desert of Silhouettes.
The dream to see it fully colonized one day.
Quote from: f.arcarese on March 10, 2011, 02:34:21 PM
(...) the winter(...)
You mean, that time of year where every region starts starving again? :P
Quote from: f.arcarese on March 10, 2011, 02:34:21 PM
the SMA, the wild , the winter (love seasons. it's pretty interesting ding strategy based on variable travel times).
The one noble per player.
The atmosphere is unique. You feel that there is a constant fight between mankind and rogues wihtout the need of invasions like Beluaterra. Realm surivival is already difficult enough.
A colony is really a colony
Lots of politics, religion, brilliant players.
The mysteorios Zumas in the Volcano. Unique places like the Palm Forest of the Desert of Silhouettes.
The dream to see it fully colonized one day.
Palm Sea? Desert of Silhouettes? Hm, you know Dwilight is actually a homunculus map? So every region you see exists on another continent.
Quote from: Bedwyr on March 10, 2011, 02:30:35 AM
Yes, FEI is entering a tourney phase, which is somewhat sad. I'm still shocked that the C'thonians and Zonasans worked out a peace deal, and I have a dirty suspicion that Ziode started doing the "we'll attack people who are aggressive" nonsense.
Some implications of that might have been involved.
But that's alright, because we in Zonasa don't believe for a minute that Thain can keep himself from attacking us for long, so I doubt the peace will last.
Quote from: BardicNerd on March 10, 2011, 03:45:14 PM
But that's alright, because we in Zonasa don't believe for a minute that Thain can keep himself from attacking us for long, so I doubt the peace will last.
Yeah, I think you're right. But I was really hoping Kindara was going to wade in, and then Aenilia would join to counter them, and that would keep everyone too busy to do anything to me for the near future (grins).
Quote from: Bedwyr on March 11, 2011, 04:42:17 AM
Yeah, I think you're right. But I was really hoping Kindara was going to wade in, and then Aenilia would join to counter them, and that would keep everyone too busy to do anything to me for the near future (grins).
I'd love that. A big war always livens things up.
Poor Colonies... nobody's favorite.
Quote from: Bedwyr on March 11, 2011, 04:42:17 AM
Yeah, I think you're right. But I was really hoping Kindara was going to wade in, and then Aenilia would join to counter them, and that would keep everyone too busy to do anything to me for the near future (grins).
Hehe . . . that last part may have played into things a little. Morgan doesn't quite trust Jenred.
Based only off my own experiences I favor Atamara. It's where I started and have the most fun.
Though the other places I've been certainly have their perks.
FEI, but Dwilight was high on my list for a while. My characters simply have more history on FEI.
Elk and Tor still ain't even been anywhere else yet then FEI, so maybe I've created a pair of mighty Norsemen who are afraid of water ;D
I was torn between Colonies and Atamara but voted Colonies because there is a lot more going on there right now for my two chars there than my two in Atamara (and so that the Colonies has at least one vote!).
I like the sedate, usually polite pace of The Colonies and the mix of people who choose to be there and people who end up there one way or another. Despite the slow pace there always seems to be something bubbling under the surface (and then erupting) and the slower pace seems to give some people more incentive to concentrate on scheming, planning and plotting - for good or for ill while others just to coast along with little pressure to act meaning that motivated characters can change things more so than in more active, intensive and populous continents.
I like that Atamara has a broad range of RP styles from the sublime to the ridiculous and the freedom to create RP storyline that can be full of subtlety, depth and meaning or just plain silly (sometimes with the same character, sometimes even in the same RP!). Where else could a realm's entire council spend a week 'on vacation' deep in enemy territory (culminating in a one-man invasion of their enemy's second city.. which then secedes and surrenders) all the while sending home postcards to their realm-mates about how lovely the weather is and how warm and full of life the natives are.. albeit not for long.
Yes! Colonies gets a vote! That means a lot to me, especially when my adventurer is being commanded by you guys over there. But then again, I actually don't like it. It's so slow, and the regions are mostly really poor.
Quote from: BardicNerd on March 11, 2011, 03:49:47 PM
Hehe . . . that last part may have played into things a little. Morgan doesn't quite trust Jenred.
Not surprising. Jenred's generally good at keeping his word, but he's also bat!@#$ insane. I'm always surprised by how many people think that he's not supposed to be insane, or that I don't know how crazy he is.
EC for me. I like Dwilight as well but Sirion in EC is just too great. Armies of Sirion are the best war machines in the game :). Astrum is good too but lacks active members.
East Continent, it is a challenging place to be and now that I've been there for 3 years things have really changed and will keep changing.
I would also like to vote for Dwilight because is a place full of opportunities.
Quote from: Tony J on March 12, 2011, 09:38:09 AM
EC for me. I like Dwilight as well but Sirion in EC is just too great. Armies of Sirion are the best war machines in the game :). Astrum is good too but lacks active members.
Ibladesh > Sirion any day. >:( ;D
LoL. I just realized I will be facing Harte family in Dwilight. Even in EC you are my enemy yikes.
Mm, family feuds were all the rage back then right?
Quote from: Bedwyr on March 12, 2011, 04:53:41 AM
he's also bat!@#$ insane
Insane, but charming.
The problem is that he drove all of us nuts.
Quote from: Tony J on March 16, 2011, 10:19:14 PM
LoL. I just realized I will be facing Harte family in Dwilight. Even in EC you are my enemy yikes.
Quote from: Artemesia on March 16, 2011, 10:22:19 PM
Mm, family feuds were all the rage back then right?
I'm down to start something along those lines if we ever come across each other 8) The only chance will probably be on Dwilight and in order for that to happen, you will have to visit my dungeons (hehehe)
Get me some hot chocolate when I visit your dungeon? lol
I've been there for almost a year (started there originally) and things have been fun constantly. Politicking, religious fervor, bickering, the rediculousness of the Ruler's Channel whenever it gets leaked to the average Nobles, the amount of combat that is constantly happening, and the ever shifting regions are all great draws.
Not to mention my guild in Perdan/Caligus gives me more than a little incentive to keep playing there. Eventually, I'll be Director of the Continent!
Now if only I can get the culture level in Caligus up higher with more RP's!
I've tried Northern Dwi (Xinhai and Astrum) and didn't like it, no particular reason, I just didn't.
So, next on the list, PeL!
Quote from: Woelfen on March 25, 2011, 11:06:35 PM
I've been there for almost a year (started there originally) and things have been fun constantly. Politicking, religious fervor, bickering, the rediculousness of the Ruler's Channel whenever it gets leaked to the average Nobles, the amount of combat that is constantly happening, and the ever shifting regions are all great draws.
Not to mention my guild in Perdan/Caligus gives me more than a little incentive to keep playing there. Eventually, I'll be Director of the Continent!
Now if only I can get the culture level in Caligus up higher with more RP's!
I've tried Northern Dwi (Xinhai and Astrum) and didn't like it, no particular reason, I just didn't.
So, next on the list, PeL!
No! Don't go help the Ice Queen! :-X
I've seen your Priest preaching near our lands. I wish we could have Priest-fights.. like both of us preach to a crowd and the loser gets mobbed ;D
Quote from: DoctorHarte on March 25, 2011, 11:42:10 PM
...I've seen your Priest preaching near our lands. I wish we could have Priest-fights.. like both of us preach to a crowd and the loser gets mobbed ;D
:D That would be a good time. If Perdan keeps doing so well against DoA, I might take Woelfen back to the priestly ways, just so we can do that. Slug it out with words over Ubent, say?
My vote goes to Dwilight just because of all that it stands for: Exploration, Colonization, fighting both the wilds and human realms. Less meaningless wars, so internal realms can be more interesting. Overall a great place.
Atamara takes a close second because I am certainly having the most fun on Atamara over the past 6 months to a year what with my character helping lead diplomacy, etc...
I cant stand Dwilight... I like that people are involved and RP but I will never enjoy a island full arguing ooc about IC RP.
All the other islands are way more laid back...some too laid back. IMO play your characters like you designed them and move forward.
but hey, thats why we have more then one island right?
Go Colonies go!!! Were #last! Were #last!
Quote from: Valast on March 29, 2011, 05:47:46 PM
I cant stand Dwilight... I like that people are involved and RP but I will never enjoy a island full arguing ooc about IC RP.
All the other islands are way more laid back...some too laid back. IMO play your characters like you designed them and move forward.
but hey, thats why we have more then one island right?
Go Colonies go!!! Were #last! Were #last!
Actually, there's very little of that. perhaps it was like that at the start, but I think most realms handle that sort of thing through a combination of tolerance and fines.
Yeah, I haven't seen any OOC arguments on Dwilight in a long time. It is unfortunate that several realms started out like that back in the beginning, but I think most realms quickly got a handle on that, and squashed it hard.
Dwilight has always had the character to which I have devoted the most amount of care. Not because the realm was that awesome, just because of the overall atmosphere. I would definitely like to see Beluaterra sometime though, just have to get a plausible IC reason. At this time none of my characters would be inclined to leave their islands.
I do not understand why so many people prefer Dwilight. I've been to three realms on Dwilight now: PeL, Madina and Corsanctum (where I currently have a character). I mean no offense to the people that feel closely related with those realm or even run it as we speak (PeL being a bit different now), but all of those three realms sucked big time. Yes, I wish to say it like that.
First off, I joined PeL, only to be disappointed by how the realm was run. However, I must admit that I had the intention to go colonize and that I didn't find cooperation, which might make myself the problem as to why I disliked that realm.
Secondly, I joined Madina. I knew some decent players from other realms there and figured that it wouldn't let me down. But dear god, my character nearly died of boredom. The regions were in terrible shape, the council was completely inactive and ergo everybody was inactive. It was a very sad and disturbing pit of boredom that only predicted the destruction of the own realm, unless someone with some power would make a move and revive matters. I "rage quit" on that realm, leaving them with an OOC message from me saying how utterly boring their realm was, and how I would spread the word to everybody that no one should ever try to join that realm again. Today I'm still happy I did that, and I still do believe that nobody should join Madina.
Thirdly, I joined Corsanctum. Again, I knew some decent players from elsewhere and they reassured me Corsanctum was a fun place to be. It being the "holy realm" of SA or some of the like (I still don't quiet get it), I figured there should be loads of RP and action. Dear god I was mistaken and fooled once more. Corsanctum is as much a boring place as Madina was. They can't win against monsters and EVERYBODY IS INACTIVE. Just now I tried to create some havoc by lashing out ingame against the "apathy" of the council, but I fear that too many nobles have already gone to the dark side of the "let's not read the letters in this realm". Corsanctum disappointed me hard, and it completely destroyed whatever respect I had left for Dwilight.
So now I just ask you to direct me to a realm on Dwilight that has a grain of activity and has some fun wars/battles going on. Don't attempt to point me deeper into SA-land because I foresee more boredom in those realms soon, unless they start fighting eachother. In any case, to summarize, I can say that out of all continents that I have played, I am starting to hate Dwilight big time. For me it's just filled with inactive council members that are absorbing all positions as long as they can, only to do nothing. I do realize people have a life beyond battlemaster, and that such a life is more important. Still, with being a council member or just a regular with a powerposition, like a marshal, it is your duty to supply others with fun and activity. If you want to lay back and do nothing, the least you can do is step down and letter others make an attempt at reviving a dead realm.
Please do redirect me to a more fun realm on Dwilight, or try to convince me why Dwilight is elected here as the most fun continent. Because for all I care, Dwilight can sink into the ocean for me right now.
And oh yeah, I think EC is the continent on which I had and still have the most fun. But I think that looking at my family page might easily explain why that is so.
Luria Nova should prove to be quite interesting. It's new, meaning better chances for new characters to get themselves involved. For now we are just setting up shop, so to speak, but in the future we have plenty of opportunities to have wars, start colonies, have internal squabbling, etc.
It seems like people being inactive is quite prevalent in Dwilight, not just in my realm then. Yet I still like it.
Quote from: Fleugs on April 02, 2011, 01:49:08 PM
I do not understand why so many people prefer Dwilight. I've been to three realms on Dwilight now: PeL, Madina and Corsanctum (where I currently have a character). I mean no offense to the people that feel closely related with those realm or even run it as we speak (PeL being a bit different now), but all of those three realms sucked big time. Yes, I wish to say it like that.
First off, I joined PeL, only to be disappointed by how the realm was run. However, I must admit that I had the intention to go colonize and that I didn't find cooperation, which might make myself the problem as to why I disliked that realm.
Secondly, I joined Madina. I knew some decent players from other realms there and figured that it wouldn't let me down. But dear god, my character nearly died of boredom. The regions were in terrible shape, the council was completely inactive and ergo everybody was inactive. It was a very sad and disturbing pit of boredom that only predicted the destruction of the own realm, unless someone with some power would make a move and revive matters. I "rage quit" on that realm, leaving them with an OOC message from me saying how utterly boring their realm was, and how I would spread the word to everybody that no one should ever try to join that realm again. Today I'm still happy I did that, and I still do believe that nobody should join Madina.
Thirdly, I joined Corsanctum. Again, I knew some decent players from elsewhere and they reassured me Corsanctum was a fun place to be. It being the "holy realm" of SA or some of the like (I still don't quiet get it), I figured there should be loads of RP and action. Dear god I was mistaken and fooled once more. Corsanctum is as much a boring place as Madina was. They can't win against monsters and EVERYBODY IS INACTIVE. Just now I tried to create some havoc by lashing out ingame against the "apathy" of the council, but I fear that too many nobles have already gone to the dark side of the "let's not read the letters in this realm". Corsanctum disappointed me hard, and it completely destroyed whatever respect I had left for Dwilight.
So now I just ask you to direct me to a realm on Dwilight that has a grain of activity and has some fun wars/battles going on. Don't attempt to point me deeper into SA-land because I foresee more boredom in those realms soon, unless they start fighting eachother. In any case, to summarize, I can say that out of all continents that I have played, I am starting to hate Dwilight big time. For me it's just filled with inactive council members that are absorbing all positions as long as they can, only to do nothing. I do realize people have a life beyond battlemaster, and that such a life is more important. Still, with being a council member or just a regular with a powerposition, like a marshal, it is your duty to supply others with fun and activity. If you want to lay back and do nothing, the least you can do is step down and letter others make an attempt at reviving a dead realm.
Please do redirect me to a more fun realm on Dwilight, or try to convince me why Dwilight is elected here as the most fun continent. Because for all I care, Dwilight can sink into the ocean for me right now.
And oh yeah, I think EC is the continent on which I had and still have the most fun. But I think that looking at my family page might easily explain why that is so.
You happened to join the three realms that are least likely to get any action whatsoever. Corsanctum is surrounded by allies and much to busy keeping the monsters at bay to do much of anything else, Pian en Luries and Madina are nowhere close to any realm that they are likely to go to war with, barring the Grand Duchy of Fissoa and Terran respectively. And even those wars weren't much action. Now though, the whole continent is in turmoil. Pian en Luries and Madina had secessions recently, while all of Sanguis Astroism is fighting Averoth and Caerwyn. Madina is fighting its secession, while Pian en Luries allied with their's. Interesting times.
Also, Morek and Astrum are very active realms, with Morek having being in three major wars in last year, including the latest one.
Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on April 02, 2011, 08:52:21 PM
You happened to join the three realms that are least likely to get any action whatsoever. Corsanctum is surrounded by allies and much to busy keeping the monsters at bay to do much of anything else, Pian en Luries and Madina are nowhere close to any realm that they are likely to go to war with, barring the Grand Duchy of Fissoa and Terran respectively. And even those wars weren't much action. Now though, the whole continent is in turmoil. Pian en Luries and Madina had secessions recently, while all of Sanguis Astroism is fighting Averoth and Caerwyn. Madina is fighting its secession, while Pian en Luries allied with their's. Interesting times.
Also, Morek and Astrum are very active realms, with Morek having being in three major wars in last year, including the latest one.
Don't join more heavily-religious realms, the power there is very controlled from what I have seen. Caerwyn would love your help as we have just broken our federation with Astrum and dived straight into battle with them! We are a Republic, so freedom of speech is used quite often and as Judge I do listen to what you have to say. If Caerwyn doesn't give you a tad bit of enjoyment, I doubt anywhere on Dwilight will..
If you're looking for EC-style grand strategy, Dwilight will never be fun.
In SA realms, the fun IS Sanguis Astroism.
Terran is pretty active I think. Winter is coming so we'll be hiding behind fortifications for a while, but come spring/summer we'll probably be marching armies south to help Barca, maybe expand northwards into Vassar, maybe have to defend D'Hara from Madinan or Lurian armies... we'll see what exactly happens. Whatever the case, from my perspective, lots is going on in Terran. And unlike the SA realms or Caerwyn, we have pretty significant religious diversity.
It's true, Dwilight is a hard place to live. Many characters here are silent or talk in the higher councils as a lot more intestering discussion happen there. For instance if I was I Caerwyn and didn't have access to the realm council, I would have gone on a colony journey by now. Dwilight is a lot about dedication and whatnot.
One thing I really dislike about SA is sooo many discussions just continue to rumble on in the public SA forum even after elders order for people to stop. They just.. don't stop.
Just join the Marrocidens. We can't get enough of the action.
Well SA forum is very quite these days. Astrum is fight two realms at the same time so if you want some excitement come to Astrum. :) You will be fighting 45 troop leaders from Averoth in the north and about 15 TLs from Caerwyn in the south. :)
Quote from: Telrunya on April 02, 2011, 11:42:23 PM
Just join the Marrocidens. We can't get enough of the action.
Is that your perception too?
Sometimes I wonder if it's just my character, but it feels to me like there is always something to do in Maroccidens.
Quote from: Fleugs on April 02, 2011, 01:49:08 PM
First off, I joined PeL, only to be disappointed by how the realm was run. However, I must admit that I had the intention to go colonize and that I didn't find cooperation, which might make myself the problem as to why I disliked that realm.
PeL is a great realm. I mean, half the fun of being in the realm was plotting to overthrow the horrible way that the realm was being run. Although maybe we look at these situations differently. I do believe htough that PeL and the new Luria Nova have a lot of great nobles in them and is worth trying out. Granted, so much goes on behind the scenes, but it isn't hard to get involved in if you try.
Caerwyn is not bad, although I only joined here after leaving Pian a while back. We're fighting a war right now against SA so that will be a bit interesting.
Truth be told though, if you don't work on getting into the internal politics of your realm I would see how Dwilight may be boring.
Quote from: DoctorHarte on April 02, 2011, 11:11:59 PM
It's true, Dwilight is a hard place to live. Many characters here are silent or talk in the higher councils as a lot more intestering discussion happen there. For instance if I was I Caerwyn and didn't have access to the realm council, I would have gone on a colony journey by now. Dwilight is a lot about dedication and whatnot.
This is very interesting. Although a bit of a hypocritical point. I am in Caerwyn right now and although it isn't terrible it is a tad bit boring at some times with regards to not knowing what is being made as decisions until after they are made. (At least we are kept informed though). The reason I say hypocritical is because how do you expect your nobles to go on a colony journey when this "realm Council" explicitly forbids it.
I believe there is something about being immediately considered an enemy of the state if you were to do so without full realm council permission.
I disagree with the opinion that power stays in the hands of the few in Dwilight. In Morek we continually have new players gaining higher positions. I was in the realm for about two months when I became Marshal and then another month or two before I became General of the realm. You just need to take an active part in the in-realm discussions. Even simply asking if I could sit on the military council got me noticed, and allowed me to put in my opinion on big issues.
Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on April 03, 2011, 04:07:30 AM
In Morek we continually have new players gaining higher positions.
Same in Terran. I've never been involved in a realm run by so many "newer" players.
I don't mind the power in hands of a few - I might even compare that to Ibladesh, though that realm is actually too big to say power is in the hands of a "few". What I do mind is a completely dead realm where the only messages you get are status reports. That's a big no-no. It's amazing that no one has ran over these realms in a week yet. They probably won't even notice that they're at war with someone.
In my opinion, if you are a council member, you need to be able to be at least a little bit active. I know the game says you can play whenever you wish, but when being a character with power, you have some responsibilities, including supplying other players with at least some fun or activity. None of that to be found in both Madina and Corsanctum.
About heavy-religion realms, I can only say that I like them more because it's more medieval. All that nonsense of "free speech" that some realms - in particular republics - have is complete nonsense. Free speech is something of our time, and certainly not medieval.
Actually, there were all kinds of nations during the medieval of period. Not all of them were so strict on what people could say.
And further discussion on religiosity and free speech belongs in the Background forum.
You must love Dwilight.. There is always something interesting going on.
Dwilight is in fact the only place I find intolerable and cannot gather any sort of energy to build a character in, even though the SMA is very enticing. Just not into the whole SA totalitarian thing (not saying it's unjustified, just that it completely wrecks the environment for me).
Quote from: Heq on April 06, 2011, 07:14:03 AM
Dwilight is in fact the only place I find intolerable and cannot gather any sort of energy to build a character in, even though the SMA is very enticing. Just not into the whole SA totalitarian thing (not saying it's unjustified, just that it completely wrecks the environment for me).
Come fight them in Caerwyn! Probably one of the last remaining chances before they keep killing them pagan nations
Quote from: Heq on April 06, 2011, 07:14:03 AMJust not into the whole SA totalitarian thing...
I'm not sure what you mean by this.
Quote from: Heq on April 06, 2011, 07:14:03 AM
Dwilight is in fact the only place I find intolerable and cannot gather any sort of energy to build a character in, even though the SMA is very enticing. Just not into the whole SA totalitarian thing (not saying it's unjustified, just that it completely wrecks the environment for me).
There is so much more to Dwilight than SA. In Maroccidens, for example, SA is hardly even a factor. As in, it is occasionally discussed when talking about what the crazy northern realms are doing. And that's basically it. They have no real reach in Maroccidens.
The south is generally SA-free, if that's what is desired. Terran and D'Hara might have some elements, but they don't seem at all noticeable. Asylon has that one guy I think as well, who is likewise not exactly that much of a factor in terms of religion.
Quote from: Heq on April 06, 2011, 07:14:03 AM
Dwilight is in fact the only place I find intolerable and cannot gather any sort of energy to build a character in, even though the SMA is very enticing. Just not into the whole SA totalitarian thing (not saying it's unjustified, just that it completely wrecks the environment for me).
I'm with you on that. I'm not really bothered either way about Sanguis Astroism but I haven't really enjoyed any of my time in Dwilight. I've given up on it.
Quote from: Revan on April 13, 2011, 11:03:36 AM
I'm with you on that. I'm not really bothered either way about Sanguis Astroism but I haven't really enjoyed any of my time in Dwilight. I've given up on it.
I don't get this, if you don't like SA well it would be fun to play in order to fight that religion. There is a huge conflict between SA and an opposite coalition right now so if you don't like the 3 Stars i's the right time to play in Dwilight not to leave it!
Colonies for me (so we get 4 votes now!)
All Islands I've been on (which is all of them) have had there fun times and their dull time, but due to the longer turn times on the Colonies it means much more time for politics and plotting and planning, and getting to know the other characters more.
Outer Tilog will always be a very special place, even if it's not to some peoples' liking.
South East Island was honestly the most enjoyable.
Come to think of it, how come those continents aren't included? They were actual continents, and maybe some people did like them best, and no current continents compare. But I guess the poll was asking for favorite current continent.
I'm actually seriously considering a return to Dwilight, as I may not have given it a fair shake as my experiences were in Astrum about a year ago.
There just seemed to be this huge feeling of in-group/out-group. Very different from how I found Arcachon to be, but it was probably Arcachon that was the exception rather then the rule as there they really tried to explain to me what was going on and why.
Quote from: Heq on April 27, 2011, 02:54:11 AM
I'm actually seriously considering a return to Dwilight, as I may not have given it a fair shake as my experiences were in Astrum about a year ago.
There just seemed to be this huge feeling of in-group/out-group. Very different from how I found Arcachon to be, but it was probably Arcachon that was the exception rather then the rule as there they really tried to explain to me what was going on and why.
I will be your new best friend in Caerwyn ;D Cookies, Brownies, what ever you want. Ill make my slaves put their blood and sweat into it >:(
You didn't try Morek. We have a Guild devoted to nobles new to the continent, and you merely have to ask to hear what happened and why. Be prepared, though, you might get more than you asked for!
Allison left Morek. All the fun is gone from that realm. It is all Rank/File/Order now. No individualism. :D Astrum is better. Why not get into Dwilight and experience it the right way. At the fore front of a crusading army and helping to found the newest realm to Sanguis Astroism in the ruined ashes of Golden Farrow!
Our odd religion might not be for everyone. For me it is what makes Dwilight unique. What happens if we spread across the whole continent? If religious schisms get coded, SA will be a very different church overnight. No matter what happens I think Dwilight will remain a great place.
Quote from: dustole on April 28, 2011, 04:59:36 AM
Allison left Morek. All the fun is gone from that realm. It is all Rank/File/Order now. No individualism.
the perfect war machine 8)
Until there is nothing to fight any more. Then it will tear you realm apart.
Quote from: Heq on April 27, 2011, 02:54:11 AM
I'm actually seriously considering a return to Dwilight, as I may not have given it a fair shake as my experiences were in Astrum about a year ago.
Astrum does tend to be very quiet. Back soon after it started, I think there was a group of friends in the realm that tended to stick together, and possibly helped promote each other. And they were all very quiet people. Even being one of the realm founders, and in the "inner circle", it felt like I was a bit on the outside, so far as realm matters went.
Even still, Astrum is very quiet. I sent an OOC to all the lords a couple days ago, asking how we could maybe get people more involved in things, and no one has responded yet. :( I need to find a way to get more people involved.
Well. I did not write anything cuz I couldn't come up with an idea. Sorry :( Maybe I should have at least said 'No Idea' :)
Quote from: Indirik on April 28, 2011, 07:06:08 PM
Astrum does tend to be very quiet. Back soon after it started, I think there was a group of friends in the realm that tended to stick together, and possibly helped promote each other. And they were all very quiet people. Even being one of the realm founders, and in the "inner circle", it felt like I was a bit on the outside, so far as realm matters went.
Even still, Astrum is very quiet. I sent an OOC to all the lords a couple days ago, asking how we could maybe get people more involved in things, and no one has responded yet. :( I need to find a way to get more people involved.
Sounds terrible, almost like many of the nobles there are in the realm just because its powerful.
Quote from: Galvez on April 28, 2011, 04:31:28 PM
Until there is nothing to fight any more. Then it will tear you realm apart.
Apparently, there is way more people interested in fighting SA than I thought. We're not running low on enemies right now :p
Haha, Morek is a war machine. How many tens of thousands of gold did we invest in our recruitment centers? The only other realm I have been in that had that many good recruitment centers is Darka. I know there are a lot of realms I've never been in, but Morek's RC's have to rank pretty high.
Quote from: Vellos on April 03, 2011, 01:48:34 AM
Is that your perception too?
Sometimes I wonder if it's just my character, but it feels to me like there is always something to do in Maroccidens.
Ain't really mine. Not much happens in D'Hara, and I have great pity for the non-lords who probably get nothing else than daily region reports. Thank god most nobles in the realm are lords, I guess, though that screws with estates and expansion. Lots to do for traders, I guess, but I'm not sure exactly how fun the trader game is. It's all fine by me, though, Dwi was always my "colonies" continent since I rejoined it, but I figure the experience could be rather dreadful for others.
There are monsters. Otherwise, the southwest is not exactly the most lively in terms of human politics.
Quote from: Artemesia on May 01, 2011, 02:54:36 PM
There are monsters. Otherwise, the southwest is not exactly the most lively in terms of human politics.
There's hardly any in D'Hara. Which is a blessing, as our military isn't really the most fearsome on the continent.
There's a great advantage to having a linear island realm: no foreign region borders us except via our fortified regions, which themselves connect mostly to other fortified regions. Monsters could come from the east more, but they rarely do. Mind you, last time they did, we basically lost everything we had there.
Not sure in which D'Hara you are, but we have our fair share of Monsters. ;) Sure, it has been relatively peaceful lately, especially as the Monsters get distracted by Barca, but that doesn't mean we hardly have any. Paisland, Maeotis and (Port) Nebel got frequently assaulted in the past. D'Hara is however limited by her Nobles. She can easily handle many more, as we're pretty stretched, which would allow us to expand, and get a stronger army to aid more actively. Plenty to do, we just need the Nobles.
What could be an explanation for the sparse noble population in all realms not named Astrum, Caerwyn, Morek, to an extent, Pian en Luries, Luria Nova, Corsanctum, is the really long realmlist for Dwilight. Look at the realmlist for FEI and Colonies. Look at the realmlist for EC, AT, and BT. Now observe Dwilight. If it looks like Dwilight's realmlist probably exceeds any combination of two other continents' realmlists, that's because it probably does. Granted it probably exceeds the region count of any two other continents' combined region count.
But what that might do to a new player, either to the game or Dwilight, is create a lot of indecision, or hesitation. Which realm to join? There are 16 to choose from. And then if they choose a poor fit they get turned off and leave. It's extremely easy to get frustrated and leave when your tax income barely breaks double digits and monsters keep eating your peasants in some realms.
Quote from: Telrunya on May 01, 2011, 04:45:20 PM
Not sure in which D'Hara you are, but we have our fair share of Monsters. ;) Sure, it has been relatively peaceful lately, especially as the Monsters get distracted by Barca, but that doesn't mean we hardly have any. Paisland, Maeotis and (Port) Nebel got frequently assaulted in the past. D'Hara is however limited by her Nobles. She can easily handle many more, as we're pretty stretched, which would allow us to expand, and get a stronger army to aid more actively. Plenty to do, we just need the Nobles.
It's all relative, I guess. But what I've seen in D'Hara in the last 2 months is nothing compared to what I saw elsewhere on Dwi before that and compared to what others say befall their realm.
The last monsters we had we dealt with relatively quickly, despite what I consider to be a rather inadequate army (in contrast to incompetant). That may be partly my fault, though, for dumping lots of gold on infrastructure and not much for soldiers.
And your silly temples, unguarded caravans and what not ;D The last batch was with Terran's aid I believe though. For the rest, our Walls are really doing a great job of beating back most waves.
Quote from: Telrunya on May 01, 2011, 06:24:40 PM
And your silly temples, unguarded caravans and what not ;D The last batch was with Terran's aid I believe though. For the rest, our Walls are really doing a great job of beating back most waves.
Temples, aye! I love propping 'em up everywhere! We even have the biggest one on the continent, and I emptied Golden Farrow's treasury for it! ;D
Atamara takes first for me, and Belu second.
Atamara right now seems like its become and interesting cluster of shenanigans. Plus it was satisfying when my character got a response from Ottar of Tara before moving to Hammarsett that he found Kuro's arguments amusing and would be missed.
And Chenier has and idea about why Belu was a close second :P
Quote from: Chénier on May 01, 2011, 07:53:37 PM
Temples, aye! I love propping 'em up everywhere! We even have the biggest one on the continent, and I emptied Golden Farrow's treasury for it! ;D
Size and location please?
There's a vast temple district in Paisly. But I'm not sure if that's the largest in D'Hara. Nevertheless it's not the largest in Dwilight because last I heard there was a temple district spanning 2 (or is it 3 now?) blocks for Sanguis Astroism in Springdale.
Quote from: Chénier on May 01, 2011, 07:53:37 PM
We even have the biggest one on the continent, and I emptied Golden Farrow's treasury for it! ;D
You have a level 12 temple on Dwilight?
report directly from the church:
Springdale - awe-inspiring temple district spanning 4 blocks (11)
Quote from: Artemesia on May 02, 2011, 11:04:53 PM
There's a vast temple district in Paisly. But I'm not sure if that's the largest in D'Hara. Nevertheless it's not the largest in Dwilight because last I heard there was a temple district spanning 2 (or is it 3 now?) blocks for Sanguis Astroism in Springdale.
I meant that Paisly, my city, has *Verdis Elementum's* largest temple of the continent.
Ahhh. Well, VE is going to take a beating in the next few months. :D If all goes to plan that is.
Quote from: dustole on May 16, 2011, 12:37:19 AM
Ahhh. Well, VE is going to take a beating in the next few months. :D If all goes to plan that is.
I love people like this. So sure of themselves, so.. arrogant. I can be that way, too, but not blindingly so ;D
Just comparing the numbers. 8k vs 30k. :)
Quote from: dustole on May 16, 2011, 05:32:04 PM
Just comparing the numbers. 8k vs 30k. :)
But it's
still a hallmark !@#$%^& attitude.
Quote from: Vellos on May 16, 2011, 07:01:00 PM
But it's still a hallmark !@#$%^& attitude.
Thanks! I will take that as a compliment. A little harsh maybe, considering that I said "If all goes according to plan" I know that BM is ever changing and that pretty much anything can happen. I guess I take a little personal pride in this Caerwyn vs Sanguis Astroism war since I helped instigate it. In the beginning I was nervous about this war because I overestimated Caerwyn's strength. I will try and keep my gloating to a minimum.
Destroying Caerwyn will not destroy Verdis Elementum. I'd dare say it'd only make it stronger, as the Caerwyn diaspora will bring their faith with them and convert the unaligned. After all, many of the realms I've spoken too were very interested in VE, but we just don't really have enough people to go spread the word to these parts of the world as we are mostly all busy with other stuff.
VE started with Caerwyn, and had little interest in beyond. I fetched it and made sure it became more than just that.
It is very difficult to destroy a religion. If the players in a religion are dedicated to it, they can keep it going under harsh conditions.
Quote from: dustole on May 17, 2011, 04:53:44 AM
It is very difficult to destroy a religion. If the players in a religion are dedicated to it, they can keep it going under harsh conditions.
Indeed. But VE moreso than most other religions SA fought before, as VE is well-established in more than one realm and with seeds in others that are far away from SA's sphere of influence.
Then again, I'd consider anyone who'd make their goal to destroy that religious as rather misguided, as religions' powers come foremost from the tie it creates between people, and not the peasant counts and other such game-related mechanics. Even destroying all of the temples, a hard enough task as is, would not yield that many concrete results.
Hredmonath and Torenism weren't exactly easy to destroy. It took some concentrated effort. A religion spread out like VE would be a monumental task.
SA really needs to find a religion we can get along with. Would help our image a lot. Allison tried once to make friends with VE, but it didn't turn out well.
How can anyone make peace with Caerwyn VE? I moved right beside them and they have until this day ignored me and never spoken to me... They have the attitude that SA is evil, dont speak to them, they are RL evil...ignore them! RL evil, dont roleplay, dont interact, seal off in our country and try their hardest to imagine how evil SA is and how real evil it is in RL and then because they have done nothing to interact with the outside world except deal with cast-offs and traitors to SA realms, they declare war and say "Oh look how evil SA is! they are attacking us!" It is truly the weirdest thing I have ever encountered from a group of players in what is supposed to be a roleplay game... Escpecially in BM, where there are no graphics, there is little to do EXCEPT INTERACT WITH PEOPLE...
The funny thing is that one of their VE priests is actually one of Glaumrings best IG friend, and has been dealing with him for ages very civilly.
Quote from: Glaumring on May 17, 2011, 10:57:20 AM
How can anyone make peace with Caerwyn VE? I moved right beside them and they have until this day ignored me and never spoken to me... They have the attitude that SA is evil, dont speak to them, they are RL evil...ignore them! RL evil, dont roleplay, dont interact, seal off in our country and try their hardest to imagine how evil SA is and how real evil it is in RL and then because they have done nothing to interact with the outside world except deal with cast-offs and traitors to SA realms, they declare war and say "Oh look how evil SA is! they are attacking us!" It is truly the weirdest thing I have ever encountered from a group of players in what is supposed to be a roleplay game... Escpecially in BM, where there are no graphics, there is little to do EXCEPT INTERACT WITH PEOPLE...
The funny thing is that one of their VE priests is actually one of Glaumrings best IG friend, and has been dealing with him for ages very civilly.
The "don't speak with SA agents about VE" policy is a logical conclusion following what happened to the previous faiths that SA got an "interest" in and "studied". Considering most of the requests about VE by SA priests followed the same pattern, you can't blame us. "Don't feed the troll" logic, I guess. ;)
VE just has nothing to gain by talking with SA, so why would it bother taking the risk?
Obviously it's called being IC about it, lol.
Because I was not talking to them as a SA agent, I was talking to them as a king and ruler of a nation, and later a free noble and then a lord of the treasury, there was no speak of SA in anything I have asked about certain topics and there has only been constant hostility. I take it this way ---- Its a roleplay game, the best way to develop a character in Bm is to actually interact with people WHETHER you like them or not, that is how you develop your character and interactions between realms, by not interacting you are essentially saying you do not respect my character, you do not respect the out of game self that desires to interact and build a more diverse BM world and you disrespect Bm by treating it like any other platformer by 'playing to crush' ... My stipulation for ignoring a player would not be because he disagrees with my IN GAME ROLEPLAYED LIFESTYLE, but because said player a RUDE PRICK and was OOC constantly rude.
I am merely saying as an old man who has been playing roleplaying games since the early 80's that I find some people on BM to be incapable and frankly not very good at understanding basic roleplay precepts. Could you imagine playing a D&D campaign with some prick who just sits at the table silently while you try to communicate with them? The game wouldn't last long. The only reason it survives as a play style in BM is that I can't reach over the table and punch you in the head.
It doesn't matter if you were talking about being SA. The fact that you're associated with them means they blacklisted you. Really, has it been that long since McCarthy?
Well, you probably know since you say you've been roleplaying since the 1980s. Anyway, the point is, if it's that bothersome, then leave SA and see if things change. And make it well-known to them. If they persist then, then maybe you'd be justified.
I wouldn't play that type of game and won't, the blacklist might work in real life, but this isn't and BM is about player interaction, verbal interaction. Which means essentially nothing changes in this make believe world unless people interact, if you ignore players for their roleplay and IG actions you are cutting out segments of that worlds imaginative fabric and merely relying on picking and choosing. Meaning you are not developing a character, you are merely playing a character that doesn't develop and is essentially a rolled up stock character on a piece of paper or some final fantasy game.
My characters are not who they are because of all the lalalala fairy land stuff I wanted to happen to them, they are who they are because of the negative and positive interactions between players. I would advise people in Caerwyn to read more tragedy and learn how to develop characters, because if you look at the way things have gone in their own realm, they essentially cut out the rest of the world and developed out of thin air a vast SA conspiracy that never existed. If Asylon wanted we could just sit there in our own realm with 3 nobles dreaming about how evil Artemesia is and how he hates us and how he so evil IG and in RL and everytime you tried to communicate with us we just ignored you... That would be really fun right? It would enrich the game right? It would develop interaction right?
Artemesia, you don't have to like me OOG or IG, but if you spoke to me in game, I would 100% interact with you no matter what I felt of your IG character. It would be rude not to. And poor roleplay. I have a rather more old fashioned way of looking at BM, all I know is that unless I don't speak up about it no one will because so many of you think its proper normal roleplay and a proper way to act in game.
My main point is, interact with eachother, be polite to the player, but at least come up with some rude retort or action that gives a IG reason why you do not like a certain person, simply ignoring the player with no explanation only breeds a piss poor gaming evironment. And we should not encourage that in BM, we should encourage good roleplay and player interaction.
I can't believe some of you guys actually think its a valid form of play...
To OOC inform you, the reason why your character was ignored at the start was because the nobles of Caerwyn did not recognise the legitimacy of your rule or position due to takeover. Why should they deign to speak to an upstart rebel? Ever since then there has been somewhat of a cloud over your character.
Ps, this thread seems to have wondered a bit off track you think?
Quote from: Bael on May 17, 2011, 01:51:26 PM
To OOC inform you, the reason why your character was ignored at the start was because the nobles of Caerwyn did not recognise the legitimacy of your rule or position due to takeover. Why should they deign to speak to an upstart rebel? Ever since then there has been somewhat of a cloud over your character.
You took an opportunity for roleplay and essentially flushed it, Who knows how much more fun our two nations would have had if the lines were open to at least develop our love or hatred for eachother, instead you wasted it and created a deadzone, a blank page, a point in the game that could have spiralled off into the vast reaches of imagination and lore and instead you chose inaction and boredom...
And to further eleborate, you are doing yourself a disservice IG by not intercting with your IG enemies. I do not know of any book or movie or T.V show where the characters merely ignore their nemesis. Luke spoke with Darth and Hector spoke with Agememnon the story was better for it. The arc of why and reasoning behind ones hatred could be fun, it could be something that develops different ways of seeing how the game could be played. If you espouse this type of game play you are essentially a !@#$ player. When the Romulans hail you interact with them, because without your enemies, you are essentially just playing with yourself.
P.S: Yes it has wandered just take this stuff and make a new post, plus... I can't think of a better time to start talking when someone is an upstart rebel, WOW color finally, imagine what could be said and done and OMG imagine if you find out that you actually like Glaumring AND IT CHANGED YOUR OPINION OF SA AND OMG world peace and amazing things with unicorns and fairies. Your realm lost a wonderful chance to develop lore and interaction down a new path, you chose banal and boring... I wish it could have been more fun and interesting. Oh well soon your realm will be gone and replaced with a nation that isn't in constant pain with dealing with players outside of their thought control zone.
It was my pleasure to enlighten you. No, you needn't thank me. I was merely letting you know why it happened.
The odd thing is you think its a great way to deal with things, you basically created a way for our characters to interact OOG on a [*deleted*] forum instead of having heated debates IC IG and having fun bouncing the big pink bouncy ball of roleplay back and forth, bravo sire!... :'(
Moderator Moment: Let's keep things civil, and watch the language. There's no use for profanity on the forums. --Indirik
Gee, we should probably split this to something like "Should we interact with characters even if we seriously hate them for legitimate IC reasons?"
Hark, what's that? Why, it's Glaumring shooting the messenger!
As I courtesy I decided to let you, the player, know what occurred. And from this you automatically assume I engineered it, controlled it and saw it through to the finish. Nice one.
Caerwyn has had their opinion of SA way before SA took /any/ sort of hostile action against anyone.
Back when Springdale(realm) was bigger than Morek and Astrum was small and Everguard was still around I sent emissaries to Caerwyn. I gave them lots of free food and tried to interact with them. I wanted to put a VE shrine in Donhaiwei and an SA shrine in Golden Farrow. Allison was snubbed.
That is the root cause of the Caerwyn/SA conflict. They ignored Allison and she did everything she could to make people hate them. From bribing a lord to build a temple which you then made SA take down. To seceding so it looked like SA civil war to goad you into attacking Astrum. (That last one wasn't really intentional just a nice by product)
All because Caerwyn took Allisons 2000 bushels of food and then turned up their noses.
Apologies, just a bit fed up with the playstyle. And Artemsia, I think it is a different situation when two people IG arrive at a mutual understanding through character interaction that they hate eachother IG, fine we can't dispute that, but when there is no RP or backstory involved, merely a silence and then some sort of implied reason that you need to figure out on a OOC forum, it kind of shows that whatever method you used didn't work. Instead of us having a IG conflict and dealing with it IC we/I have now dragged into into the public sphere because I want people to be aware of this style of gamemanship and do everything in their power to discourage it, its not healthy, it not fun and it does nothing for the world of BM and to tie this into Dwilight and why its my favorite island is because when I started Thulsoma and I was judged a heretic and all of SA was 'oh no out to get me!' They still spoke to me and messaged me and replied to my RP and conversation, we were enemies/ or we at least thought we were enemies, but with communication found we were actually on the same idea. It made for a great RP, we had all sorts of things going on the Prophet even got involved etc and diplomats came to Thulsoma, and it built my character and added to the lore of the continent.
On the other hand we have Caerwyns way of dealing with it, ignore, don't speak, no interaction, disrespect the player and nothing happens, nothing happens IG and nothing happens to develop their characters... Who knows that maybe if Caerwyn treated Asylon with respect and we communicated maybe this big bad SA war would have been diverted and we would all be now marching down on Zuma and killing Garrett the Daimon love ::) Or even marching as Allies against Astrum..or any number of possible futures.
Who knows right? On one hand we could have had a vast and better story and interaction negative or positive... Or on the other hand..Nothing...
Quote from: Glaumring on May 17, 2011, 04:31:39 PM
Apologies, just a bit fed up with the playstyle. And Artemsia, I think it is a different situation when two people IG arrive at a mutual understanding through character interaction that they hate eachother IG, fine we can't dispute that, but when there is no RP or backstory involved, merely a silence and then some sort of implied reason that you need to figure out on a OOC forum, it kind of shows that whatever method you used didn't work. Instead of us having a IG conflict and dealing with it IC we/I have now dragged into into the public sphere because I want people to be aware of this style of gamemanship and do everything in their power to discourage it, its not healthy, it not fun and it does nothing for the world of BM and to tie this into Dwilight and why its my favorite island is because when I started Thulsoma and I was judged a heretic and all of SA was 'oh no out to get me!' They still spoke to me and messaged me and replied to my RP and conversation, we were enemies/ or we at least thought we were enemies, but with communication found we were actually on the same idea. It made for a great RP, we had all sorts of things going on the Prophet even got involved etc and diplomats came to Thulsoma, and it built my character and added to the lore of the continent.
On the other hand we have Caerwyns way of dealing with it, ignore, don't speak, no interaction, disrespect the player and nothing happens, nothing happens IG and nothing happens to develop their characters... Who knows that maybe if Caerwyn treated Asylon with respect and we communicated maybe this big bad SA war would have been diverted and we would all be now marching down on Zuma and killing Garrett the Daimon love ::) Or even marching as Allies against Astrum..or any number of possible futures.
Who knows right? On one hand we could have had a vast and better story and interaction negative or positive... Or on the other hand..Nothing...
You seem to be taking it awfully personally. It sounds to me like Caerwyn simply made a political decision. To open a dialogue with Glaumring, King of Asylon would have been to implicitly recognize his rule. Since they did not want to do that, they refused to speak with you. This is completely rational and is an accepted diplomatic tool even in the real world.
Many nations do not recognize certain governments, so they blacklist the people in them and refuse to deal with them on an official basis (i.e. by exchanging embassies). You could have done what governments in the real world do and found someone you can trust (like that priest of VE you mentioned) and then had him open communication with Caerwyn.
I did, and even stepped down as king and was legitimately re-elected and even then no reply, and then even stepped down and was a regular noble and still no reply and then as treasurer and still no reply...
Anyways, I guess if this is something you guys support, I should go along with it. I don't understand why its a legitimate form of gameplay, perhaps if they don't want to communicate they can merely send descriptive roleplays involving rooms etc and explaining things through sign language with insects? It could be abstract and without any communication like perhaps some strange kabuki play....
Perhaps the implied form of gameplay is that they desire said person to actually not play the game with them at all, if in BM you are denied a place to form your character and develop in a social situation and grow, then what is the point? Perhaps it is this attitude that repels so many new players, when they find out that it can become so dreadfully boring and cold, that they can be denied the story, the plot and the only reason for playing BM.
Aye, push buttons, maintain land, make sure enough nobles set up estates to authority, move troops, wait for gold, send out scout scribe note.... Yes, this is BM... One day you can ask Tom to just remove the multiplayer aspect of Bm and create a single player game that does everything except the social part. Then this accepted form of roleplay in a text based game, will be perfect.
You reap what you sow. Maybe Caerwyn is starting to understand that. They were in the perfect position. Federated to an SA realm. They had openly opposed Sanguis Astroism on more than one occasion and yet they were left alone. If they had interacted with Astrum or Sanguis Astroism in /any/ way they wouldn't be in the position they find themselves in now.
I didn't take over Asylon at the time because of a Astroist plot, I took it over because only an Astroist knows how to run a kingdom without running it into the ground... 8)
Quote from: dustole on May 17, 2011, 10:48:42 PM
You reap what you sow. Maybe Caerwyn is starting to understand that. They were in the perfect position. Federated to an SA realm. They had openly opposed Sanguis Astroism on more than one occasion and yet they were left alone. If they had interacted with Astrum or Sanguis Astroism in /any/ way they wouldn't be in the position they find themselves in now.
Interaction? Eh, what is that again? I forgot during my time there :'(
I think I was the only person in the realm that had any contact with Astrum. That is, General to General, on numerous occasions. But alas, one noble could not change realm views.
I suspect my character's view was different from quite a few in the realm, but that's all IC stuff which I'm not going to talk about here.
Anyways, I am done with my online tantrum and dried all my tears. I just would like to see a little bit more imagination involved in our interactions and roleplay on BM. I have nothing against you personally Baal and IG you have always been fair with Glaumring. You have my respect for that. I feel that its kind of sad though in this regard Asylon has been next to Caerwyn for several months now and we know nothing of you, we know more and interact more with Terran and the souther Marrocidens than Caerwyn. I can count on my hand how many times our nation on a noble to noble basis have had interaction with other nobles in Caerwyn...Not very many times. Thats fairly interesting considering more than half our nation is old Caerwyn nobles and new nobles, there is maybe 3 SA in the realm and we hardly compose a 5th column riding in Caerwyns back door like all of the old SA traitors that joined your realm tried to make you believe. The ball is in your court.
Quote from: Glaumring on May 17, 2011, 01:20:31 PM
Because I was not talking to them as a SA agent, I was talking to them as a king and ruler of a nation, and later a free noble and then a lord of the treasury, there was no speak of SA in anything I have asked about certain topics and there has only been constant hostility. I take it this way ---- Its a roleplay game, the best way to develop a character in Bm is to actually interact with people WHETHER you like them or not, that is how you develop your character and interactions between realms, by not interacting you are essentially saying you do not respect my character, you do not respect the out of game self that desires to interact and build a more diverse BM world and you disrespect Bm by treating it like any other platformer by 'playing to crush' ... My stipulation for ignoring a player would not be because he disagrees with my IN GAME ROLEPLAYED LIFESTYLE, but because said player a RUDE PRICK and was OOC constantly rude.
I am merely saying as an old man who has been playing roleplaying games since the early 80's that I find some people on BM to be incapable and frankly not very good at understanding basic roleplay precepts. Could you imagine playing a D&D campaign with some prick who just sits at the table silently while you try to communicate with them? The game wouldn't last long. The only reason it survives as a play style in BM is that I can't reach over the table and punch you in the head.
But you are associated with SA. So you just sound like a SA infiltrator instead of an SA agent. That, or you are the guy who seemed to want to create a splinter faction of VE. One or the other, or both. I'm not quite sure. In either case, it basically made you a persona non grata.
Characters are not forced to respond to you. Ignoring others, imho, is perfectly legit. Make people want to respond to you, and they will. But if they don't want to, while they don't mind talking to others, then you got yourself to blame for that, indirectly if not directly.
Also, the fact that many didn't know what they planned on doing with you when you took power contributed to them putting off any official stances and responses.
Also, there's nothing poor form with ignoring letters. They are pieces of papers that are brought to you, with no one compelling you to take the time to return the gesture. Had you come to Paisly and RPed knocking on my char's door, then I would have replied to you with RPs of my character's actions. Equally, had you written to me OOC, I would have replied to you. An IC letter though? Depends on the letter, but you start off with worse odds of a replies than most people (I usually reply to 98% of the private letters I don't have any reason to ignore)
Furthermore, it can be politically desirable to be in a grey zone. The world isn't black and white, sometimes you *want* to be neutral with someone. And if discussions would be likely to polarize relations, then it can be strategic to avoid them. That's the logic behind VE not talking about the faith to SA: the grey zone where we ignore each other is the situation that is desired, we neither want to be associated with SA nor do we want to war it (as a religion).
As for Dustole, don't forget that a few key Caerwyn founders came from Springdale. Which got destroyed because it allowed SA to creep into it. Of these Sprindalian families are some of VE's most influential members. After all, when Caerwyn first got founded, it declared itself a child of both Madina and Springdale.
And Glaumring, please. You speak as if there is no distinction between yourself and your character. And why do you assume Caerwyn would have liked your scenario of grand peace between them and SA? I'm sympathetic to Caerwyn, but they very much wanted the war they are in. After all, they are the ones who declared war.
And sure you got re-elected. Point being? They wanted the original settlers in command, those they had agreements with. You, on the other hand, refuse to aknowledge previous treaties, claiming that they never existed. And you are puzzled over Caerwyn's cold attitude?
Finally, for the record, your character did spark many discussions. You just weren't privy to most of them, as these were done behind closed doors. And you probably won't be for a while, either, as no concensus was reached.
Allison sent them 1000 bushels of food on two occasions and that was before SA had even been to war with anyone. At that time Caerwyn had recently Federated with Astrum. Even then they wouldn't interact with anyone. I just assumed they were a very insular clique. What little bit I've learned IC and OOC about Asylon leads me to believe that the characters who would interact with others moved from Caerwyn to Asylon.
Quote from: dustole on May 19, 2011, 12:26:40 AM
Allison sent them 1000 bushels of food on two occasions and that was before SA had even been to war with anyone. At that time Caerwyn had recently Federated with Astrum. Even then they wouldn't interact with anyone. I just assumed they were a very insular clique. What little bit I've learned IC and OOC about Asylon leads me to believe that the characters who would interact with others moved from Caerwyn to Asylon.
Insular... to a point. As I mentionned above, SA's role in Springdale's downfall played heavilly against it.
I'm going to say it's starting to become a toss-up between EC and FEI. It depends on the day, and what I feel like devoting myself to at the moment. I'm really glad Bedwyr convinced me to give FEI another shot.
EC has been spectacular amounts of fun on the strategy side of the game, and some of the Roleplay's have been a lot of fun. Now that I've got a priest working against the CoI, I expect it's going to step up even more. Definitely looking forward to that. Not to mention, having a character in a position of power really does give you a /lot/ more to do.
FEI has an absolutely great atmosphere. There is a lot of communication from the top all the way to the bottom, and I haven't even joined a religion yet. Seems to be more RP and interaction based than just wars.
Quote from: Chénier on May 18, 2011, 11:53:57 PM
Furthermore, it can be politically desirable to be in a grey zone. The world isn't black and white, sometimes you *want* to be neutral with someone. And if discussions would be likely to polarize relations, then it can be strategic to avoid them. That's the logic behind VE not talking about the faith to SA: the grey zone where we ignore each other is the situation that is desired, we neither want to be associated with SA nor do we want to war it (as a religion).
Yes, this has been the general impression I've got from VE. Not an open hostility, but rather an indifferance bordering on dislike. Quite frankly, although it can be fustrating at times, I do think its probobly the wisest move for VE at the present time.
However there has been one incident when this position has been differant. A very long time ago (way back when VE was just some backwater religion stuck in Caerwyn (I think- I never really pinpointed the exact date it spread to D'Hara)) I managed to get some dialogue going with your Elder of Wind, a friendly female noble whose name unfortunatly escapes him. We managed to have a fair amount of dialogue, in which she promised to consult with the other VE Elders regarding which element the Bloodstars belonged to. However we lost contact, and I never heard from her again (I remember around the same time reading on the wiki of upheavals in VE or somthing).
The next encounter I had with VE was in D'Hara where I met the aforementionmed cold indifferance.
Quote from: Chénier on May 18, 2011, 11:53:57 PM
As for Dustole, don't forget that a few key Caerwyn founders came from Springdale. Which got destroyed because it allowed SA to creep into it. Of these Sprindalian families are some of VE's most influential members. After all, when Caerwyn first got founded, it declared itself a child of both Madina and Springdale.
The event Allison was reffering to regarding the food gift and related offers, happened before the fall of Springdale, indeed before we had ever decalred war on anyone.
However I would guess that the lack of interaction was merely the result of the fact that Caerwyn never used to concern itself much regarding religion (at least before the metioric rise of VE gave it an unofficial state religion), being an offically secular republic. Indeed, that was one of the reasons why SA never spread there.
Quote from: Meneldur on May 19, 2011, 02:03:22 AM
The event Allison was reffering to regarding the food gift and related offers, happened before the fall of Springdale, indeed before we had ever decalred war on anyone.
However I would guess that the lack of interaction was merely the result of the fact that Caerwyn never used to concern itself much regarding religion (at least before the metioric rise of VE gave it an unofficial state religion), being an offically secular republic. Indeed, that was one of the reasons why SA never spread there.
Troubles with Duke Cato began before the founding of Caerwyn. The destruction of Springdale only amplified the existing resent these colonists had for the religion they saw tearing their home realm apart.
Quote from: Chénier on May 18, 2011, 11:53:57 PM
And sure you got re-elected. Point being? They wanted the original settlers in command, those they had agreements with. You, on the other hand, refuse to aknowledge previous treaties, claiming that they never existed. And you are puzzled over Caerwyn's cold attitude?
Regarding these treaties, we always changed our stance once proof was shown that there was actual treaties. I always honoured proof of treaty. I of course had to be careful and question Caerwyn because of their hostile attitude. I acknowledged the Lower Via/Via and Upper Via Caerwyn land claim, which was outlined in the 'legal claims of the central Occidens' . There is only one other treaty that we have signed with Caerwyn so I am wondering about ALL these treaties I stomped around on like an inconsiderate monster. I always treated Caerwyn with respect and delicacy because I knew that faith would be an issue to the theocractic republic of Caerwyn, it wasn't an issue with me for I am more secular and look at a man for his worth more than his faith. I thought Caerwyn was a republic... Perhaps I arrived at the wrong time in history, a few months earlier and we would all be singing in the park holding hands making daisy chains.
Quote from: Glaumring on May 18, 2011, 09:16:33 PM
I have nothing against you personally Baal and IG you have always been fair with Glaumring. You have my respect for that.
If this is directed at me, then I see where you were confused. Please note: the name /Bael/ is in no way related to /Baal/, nor does it have any connections to it. It is the shortened form of
Baelorack, that I use on an another MMO.
And I am not the player of Baal either, to to be clear ;)
Quote from: Bael on May 19, 2011, 10:27:10 AM
If this is directed at me, then I see where you were confused. Please note: the name /Bael/ is in no way related to /Baal/, nor does it have any connections to it. It is the shortened form of Baelorack, that I use on an another MMO.
And I am not the player of Baal either, to to be clear ;)
Har har oops! I thought you were Baal of Caerwyn.
Beluaterra > everything else.
Nowhere else can you find such dynamics, such feuds, such excitement. Make one mistake and your Kingdom may crumble right before your eyes.
And if you manage to survive the invasion, there'll always be some realms who will hold you accountable for what you did to survive. Conflict guaranteed!
Unless you're Nothoi. Two rurals to feed a city (possibly two if they get Dyomoque), and four mountains that are not self sustaining. Also blight on just about all sides.
We got hit so hard... No wars are resuming. None even seem on the horizon. People are licking their wounds, BT doesn't feel the same anymore since that last invasion... :(
As well it shouldn't. At least Melhed seems to be in one of the better positions. Fronen too, assuming that the Blight does anything more significant that be an inconvenient travel barrier.
Quote from: Artemesia on June 05, 2011, 08:29:32 PM
As well it shouldn't. At least Melhed seems to be in one of the better positions. Fronen too, assuming that the Blight does anything more significant that be an inconvenient travel barrier.
It shouldn't feel fun anymore, you mean?
Too many characters died, too few came back, ventures of action are now so limited because of an estate system more adapted to EC's context than BT's.
Yeah, well, better than losing the entire continent, no? Or, if it's that unfun, then everyone could just move away, and there, bingo, BT is lost, but due to a completely different reason! And then we can solve estate issues in other continents too! What a win-win, and it was probably entirely unintentional too!
But I have doubts that this "lack of fun" will cause BT to be significantly depopulated.
I'm saying I think you doth protest too much about the current BT situation.
I voted for EC. It is where I have had the most unforgettable moments, although I am personally a fan of FEI aswell.
I'm currently trying out Dwilight although I am a little skeptic of how big it is. Hard to keep track of all the rulers even since the realms are so many, and will probably become even more with more colonizing.
No matter which island, the fun depends a lot on which realm, which time and whether or not the most talking is done publicly in the realm or just in "the council deluxe" ( the council + dukes + other senior characters).
When I first began playing, my first character ended up in Avamar on EC. It was such a small realm and it was constantly in danger of being crushed which made everyone feel like underdogs and as such it was a very active realm with lots of talk, strategy etc. No wonder I got hooked on Battlemaster, right? ;)
That is among the top funs I've had in bm so far.
I think for me, it is fun if there is lots of activity. If people write a lot of things, then we got something. A spark, potential for change, circulation if you will.
The opposite of fun has been the realms where you come in, your character introduces itself and he/she barely gets a hi. You're lucky if people even post scout reports and the council has looked the same for the last 350 days+. They remain in power almost on Inertia alone; they are not subject to any force and therefore will not move, or speak, or do anything.
In my experience, this happens more often in larger realms than in smaller ones. Realms with 60+ characters are not seldom more quiet than realms with only 20. Perhaps it has something do with the smaller realms having a purpose which feels more important than "trying to keep the large empire together" or that they feel like more than just a number.
One of my characters had ended up in Libero Empire on Dwilight. Granted I wasn't there for long but no one wrote anything for days. Boring as hell. It was time to retire him anyway so I did and started another one, this time in Summerdale. Got awesome response in just the first day.
So the advice we give to newbies still stands. The experience differs A LOT depending on the time and realm, so if one doesn't suit you, try another :) :) :)
Quote from: Kain on June 19, 2011, 01:45:03 AM
I'm currently trying out Dwilight although I am a little skeptic of how big it is. Hard to keep track of all the rulers even since the realms are so many, and will probably become even more with more colonizing.
What do you mean by this exactly?
For me, Dwilight is my favorite island exactly because its so big(among other reasons). You don't really need to keep note of rulers on the other side of the continent. The vastness of the continent and the travel times are so long that its hard to travel anywhere other than your local area. A lone realm on one side could call war against several on the other side and they won't be able to do anything about it.
Quote from: Adriddae on June 19, 2011, 06:14:18 PM
What do you mean by this exactly?
For me, Dwilight is my favorite island exactly because its so big(among other reasons). You don't really need to keep note of rulers on the other side of the continent. The vastness of the continent and the travel times are so long that its hard to travel anywhere other than your local area. A lone realm on one side could call war against several on the other side and they won't be able to do anything about it.
You just cited the reasons I object to it :p I like that on EC and Far East you can keep track of all the rulers, and many of the people.
I like that when i.e Ibladesh (who is far down in the south) declares war against i.e Perdan, it affects all the realms on the island because the whole powerbalance is changed.
Sure this could happen in some cases om Dwilight too but if you are in Sommerdale, you don't really care about Fissoa or Terran.
On EC and FEI, every realm matters.
But we'll see. I might get used to it ;)
Actually, I think that's why SA is perfect for Dwilight. If you are in SA, you do car about far-flung realm, and if you're not in SA, you still have to care about SA.
Quote from: vonGenf on June 19, 2011, 10:10:44 PM
Actually, I think that's why SA is perfect for Dwilight. If you are in SA, you do car about far-flung realm, and if you're not in SA, you still have to care about SA.
I agree. It's analogous to the Crusades. What else could motivate a bunch of soldiers to travel hundreds, even thousands of miles, except for religion?
Quote from: Kain on June 19, 2011, 06:41:51 PM
Sure this could happen in some cases om Dwilight too but if you are in Sommerdale, you don't really care about Fissoa or Terran.
On EC and FEI, every realm matters.
Despite being in Terran, I regularly correspond and interact with people in Summerdale, Morek, LE, and Astrum. I think you underestimate the isolation on Dwilight. Join some guilds and a big religion (VE or SA).
I personally love how Dwilight feels like multiple continents in one continent.
Quote from: Vellos on June 20, 2011, 12:02:45 AM
Despite being in Terran, I regularly correspond and interact with people in Summerdale, Morek, LE, and Astrum. I think you underestimate the isolation on Dwilight. Join some guilds and a big religion (VE or SA).
I personally love how Dwilight feels like multiple continents in one continent.
In my opinion the size of Dwilight makes it the perfect continent for just this reason, it recreates that medieval feeling of massive separation between realms. I would actually like to see the other maps either removed or updated to the same sort of expanse. A Dwilight style map without the massive rogue forces would be interesting I think.
Maybe one day we will see enough nobles on Dwilight. But the size of Dwilight is what makes it so fun. It is so big that different cultures can form. There are still a lot of cities that are rogue on the map. Getting those all colonized may take a while.
Quote from: dustole on June 20, 2011, 01:28:52 AM
Maybe one day we will see enough nobles on Dwilight. But the size of Dwilight is what makes it so fun. It is so big that different cultures can form. There are still a lot of cities that are rogue on the map. Getting those all colonized may take a while.
I am one of those backwards people that hope never to see all of Dwilight colonised.
Probably Dwilight will in fact never be colonized. And if it does get to the point where there are too many humans saturating the regions, who knows? Don't take any of this as fact of course, but hey, you all were wondering what certain features of Dwilight were for...
Quote from: De-Legro on June 20, 2011, 01:36:01 AM
I am one of those backwards people that hope never to see all of Dwilight colonised.
Same. But I'd like to see every part of it colonized at some point. That is, it may be we never settle the whole thing at one time: but I'd like to see the center of civilization and development move around some, not have the same places be frontier all the time.
Would be interesting to make a new one.
There should be a 'least favourite' continent vote too, see if Dwi wins that one as well :P
Nah it'd be either Colonies or Atamara since they're both slow and the losers of the wars have been wiped out.
We can start one with: If we are going to sink one continent, which one would be?
Quote from: miriam ics on May 08, 2013, 06:23:37 PM
We can start one with: If we are going to sink one continent, which one would be?
I'd rather see we get more players instead but since that doesn't seem to be happening I guess I'd say Colonies or Atamara.
Colonies because, as the poll also states, it seems to be the least popular continent by far. But,
and it is a big but, I don't think sinking the colonies would help the other islands much. There are too few players there and also a different breed of player.
On the other hand, Atamara is not an easy choice at all but it is a large one and with it gone the other continents sure could get a big boost.
Why not Beluaterra? I don't know. Not as big as Atamara these days and I personally like it better. But closing islands always comes down a lot to taste.
Closing i.e Far East has the same problem as closing colonies. I'd say there are too few players there to really make that big difference.
You will see people quitting the game instead of moving to other continents.
Closing continents is not a wise option and should find another solution.
Quote from: Zaki on May 08, 2013, 11:21:24 PM
You will see people quitting the game instead of moving to other continents.
Closing continents is not a wise option and should find another solution.
That is definitely a large risk.
Zaki, I don't want to sink any island. It was just a bad joke about the fact that we have this sword over our heads that is the possibility of having one island to sunk.
So instead of saying which island you prefer less, i said which one would you like to sink.
Of course this would bring different reasons that if I just ask: which one you like less.
There are no plans to sink an island.
Ok, I take it back. :)
Quote from: Indirik on May 09, 2013, 03:23:25 AM
There are no plans to sink an island.
At least until Glaumring finishes his bloodmoon fruit enrichment processes. He's gonna sink the whole damn island. And laugh about it.
Quote from: Indirik on May 09, 2013, 03:23:25 AM
There are no plans to sink an island.
Happy to hear it. Now when I actually said to sink Atamara when forced, I instead thought about putting a char there. How crazy the world is :o
Quote from: Perth on May 09, 2013, 04:21:06 AM
At least until Glaumring finishes his bloodmoon fruit enrichment processes. He's gonna sink the whole damn island. And laugh about it.
Some men just want to see the world burn.
Or sink. Same thing.
Yes! EC is beating Atamara :)
Quote from: T Strike on May 11, 2013, 03:08:58 AM
Yes! EC is beating Atamara :)
Well duh, at least on the East Continent it isn't the same side winning every time (or at least, Sirion hasn't decided to lord it over the rest of the island). Alliances change as do the dynamics of the island. Atamara has largely stayed the same for years, even with realms dying it is always completely dominated by CE and company.
Sirion can't take over the island or run the island. They don't have good enough PR, or enough allies. If they tried, they would crash and burn. They just aren't the puppet masters people are trying to make them out to be.
CE can't take over the island or run the island. They don't have good enough PR, or enough allies. If they tried, they would crash and burn. They just aren't the puppet masters people are trying to make them out to be.
Quote from: GoldPanda on May 11, 2013, 08:03:31 AM
CE can't take over the island or run the island. They don't have good enough PR, or enough allies. If they tried, they would crash and burn. They just aren't the puppet masters people are trying to make them out to be.
Ummm yeah...what the heck are you talking about? CE is allied with everyone but Darka, the 3 basically irrelevant northern realms, and the irrelevant Carelia and Caergoth. Through alliance by alliance association meaning their alllies' allies or their allies' allies' allies', they are allied to everyone but Heorot and Darka. They have the allies and they have the PR because everyone is scared !@#$less of the Empire. I seriously have no idea what you are talking about.
Quote from: GoldPanda on May 11, 2013, 08:03:31 AM
CE can't take over the island or run the island. They don't have good enough PR, or enough allies. If they tried, they would crash and burn. They just aren't the puppet masters people are trying to make them out to be.
Uh, yeah they could.
They already do, brah.
Umm... he was mocking my post...
Hey... That was plagiarism, not mockery. ;)
Anyway no offense was meant.
Isn't Sirion allied-by-association to everyone else on the island? Except for a few tiny former-Ibladeshi duchy-realms in the far south? I'm pretty sure that was the case when my chars had to flee the island.
I wasn't offended. I understood your intention.
Sirion is not allied with many realms right now. Nivemus and Caligus? Maybe Armonia? They are at war with Westmoor, Perdan, and OI. They don't really have a lot of influence on the island at the moment outside of Nivemus, and possibly Caligus.
Quote from: GoldPanda on May 12, 2013, 02:42:00 AM
Hey... That was plagiarism, not mockery. ;)
Anyway no offense was meant.
Isn't Sirion allied-by-association to everyone else on the island? Except for a few tiny former-Ibladeshi duchy-realms in the far south? I'm pretty sure that was the case when my chars had to flee the island.
Sorry about that. I read your post at a seperate time then Indirik's and didn't realize they were basically ifentical.
Dwilight, hands down!
There is a wild element, political intrigue, and new realms are always around.