Hello! Welcome to World in Revolution: 1861! This game is the brainchild of Frymonmon and Red Cesar over on the Paradox Forums (Original WiR: 1861 Game (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?583446-Forum-Game-World-in-Revolution-1861)) that I often visit to read. However, after looking through this game being played there I thought it would be something fun to try and start here. I would now like to present this forum game for your enjoyment. The rules are fairly simple and the game is almost entirely role-play based. It MAY seem complicated at first, but just realize it is actually very simple and most of what you will be doing is simply role-playing discussion, news reports, proclamations, etc. from your nation. You can be almost as creative as you would like. You have very few things to worry about. The GM (myself) will do most all of the work behind the scenes.
Disclaimer: This is my first time either playing or GMing; things may be rough at first, but we'll smooth it out and get things running well! :)
Nation Registration is: CLOSEDThe basic idea of this game is that it is April 14th, 1861. The United States Garrison at Fort Sumter in South Carolina has just surrendered to soldiers of the newly formed Confederate States of America. It is now your duty to take up the leadership of ANY nation existing in 1861, as this will NOT be an American Civil War centric game, it is merely the starting point. You are to simulate your country as it's Head of Government. You may pass laws, direct your military, pass reforms, and guide your nation through the turbulent Victorian Age. However, as any good leader - you must keep the consent of the governed in mind, otherwise you could have a Revolution on your hands, be it by the people or the army.
Rules & Procedures:The rules are fairly simple. As the leader of your nation, you send a set of orders you wish to do to me, Perth. The orders you choose are basically unlimited, your only restraints are the time period and your imagination. This means, if you want to hatch a crazy plan of trapping African Gorillas and letting them loose in Washington, D.C., well, go ahead. If you want to build a nuclear reactor in 1890, it's not going to happen. Keep in mind, you can trade with other nations, create secret treaties, wage war and all of that.
Each turn will constitute three months. Four turns will complete a year of game play. We start off in April 1861, giving us three turns before 1862 rolls around. Now, of course, this is to simulate the slower pace things went back in the Victorian Era. As the years progress, and if it seems the pace should be either quickened or slowed, then that can be done.
So, what is your main goal in this entire game? Guide your nation through the Victorian Era. This means building industry, infrastructure, waging war for your nation, diplomacy, keeping your government stable. You can pretty much shape your nation anyway you want to be, provided you have the support. However, a genuine degree of realism should be sought after and the GM will seek to regulate out of bounds play. Also, the GM will help with random events, movements, etc. such as Revolutions and the like. When I say "realism," however, I do not mean you cannot aspire to greatness and glory as a tiny nation, rather only that outrageous claims, events, or actions should be avoided and I will strive to regulate.
We should seek to create a fun and interesting alternate history. Not everyone will win every war or battle, and obviously not everyone will end the game as the Greatest Empire The World Has Ever Seen! Some good advice is to set goals for your play: dominate my sphere of influence, become a trade empire, an industrial behemoth, a colonial empire, etc.
Please keep in mind: both you and I will be learning as we go. Please be constructive in criticism, open minded to changes or how things go, and a good sport!
Orders:A Nation shall submit their orders to the GM (Perth) via Private Message. In the title of this message it MUST have your countries name and the date, as well as the months this order is for. For example, for the United Kingdom in the second half of 1863 it would read
"WiR - Untied Kingdom: July-December 1863"The orders are fairly simple. Every nation is allowed to submit 4 orders of any kind encompassing anything. However, there is a twist. If your nation is at war, you get supplemental "War Orders." You must clarify that your orders are War Orders and, similar to regular orders, you get 4 of them. This way, a nation can submit a maximum of 8 orders if they are at war, 4 normal and 4 war orders.
For Example:
WiR - Untied Kingdom: July-December 1863Orders:
1. Invest 250G in general industry.
2. Begin construction of a Railroad between Bombay and Calcutta.
3. Hire and begin training 20,000 Regulars.
4. Raise taxes on the lower classes.
(If applicable) War Orders:
1. Advance the Army of Northern Virginia towards Baltimore.
2. Deploy the 15,000 new conscripts in the West to Army of California.
3. Attempt to lay siege to Berlin.
4. Establish Naval Blockade of Gibraltar.
If there are any questions you have regarding orders, what would be acceptable, etc. please ask!
Updates:There are three types of updates. A Normal Update happens every 3 months of game time (for every set of orders submitted). A larger, more encompassing and informative, Yearly Update will happen after every four turns (one year) to provide an overall picture of World Events, Atmosphere, Diplomacy, etc. The last kind of updates are the Mini-Updates. These simply serve to move along the In-Character discussion with various tidbits and facts that effect game play and what not.
The Updates serve to provide the GM produced objectivity to the game. You should look to use these to spur and guide further RP on your own part. For instance, if the update gives the results of two armies meeting and the results of the battle, you and your opponent can then role play from that point on the consequences and implications, etc.
Guide to your Country's Stats:Along with the yearly update I will post a graphic of each nation's "stats" or "info." This is all public information and provides a way to keep a good track on a nation as a whole and how it is doing. Here's a rundown of the Confederate States, this is not the starting screen, but an idea of what could happen after a few turns (graphic still to come!)
1. Country Stats - This shows the flag of your nation, as well as the name of your nation.
2. National Banl - This is pretty obvious. It is how much money you have resting in your national bank. Money is used for basically everything. You need money to wage war, create infrastructure, and foster industrial growth. You can run a debt, however there is a point where it starts to become a major damper on your economy, and if left unchecked could become a serious problem. There are a few "reoccurring" expenses, but they are covered in point three.
3. Income - This is how much money is added to your National Bank after each turn. This constitutes how much money you earn from taxes, revenues, and tariffs. Your money supply will likely grow over the years, slightly, as your population grows. You may raise taxes, tariffs, and other things to get revenue as you wish, but keep in mind the views of the population. You may lower your income by supporting an Army and a Navy, or other orders. Construction of infrastructure and industry comes out of your National Bank.
4. Trade Balance - This is nothing more than a modifier. Your goal is to import and export goods with other nations (Player or NPC), to maintain a positive trade balance. It will speed up the process in gaining resources, increasing growth faster. If you have a negative trade balance, you are either vastly importing goods or not trading at all. A negative trade balance will lower your income.
5. Stability - Fairly simple. This is the stability of your government. It runs on a scale of 0 - 10. A 0 means your nation is almost guaranteed a revolution, while 10 means you are a stable, held together nation. Stability may increase or decrease and it is influenced by your population's support, as well as how well you manage your nation.
6. Industry - This is the industrial output of your nation. The higher the score, the better you are able to manufacture goods and the higher your income is. It is as simple as that. A nation's industry will grow naturally, slowly, but you may make an order expanding it.
7. Infrastructure - This is a measure of your nation's railroads, telegraph lines, roads, public works, government buildings, bureaucracy, ect. This is directly reflective of how fast you can do things. Your orders will have a better chance of succeeding, and succeeding quicker, with a higher infrastructure. Unlike the other categories, this does NOT grow naturally and it must be increased by player action. However, you may be specific or vague in your order. (Build Infrastructure or Build Telegraph line from City A to City B. Both are fine.)
8. Army - Size of your nation's armed forces. They are divided into two categories. Regulars and Conscripts. Regulars are the highly trained, but slow moving and take a fair amount of time to create. Conscripts are simply volunteers or draftees. These should only be used in times of war, and can be raised very quickly, are cheap, but serve for a limited amount of time. They are also inexperienced fighters.
9. Navy - Your nation's navy. This is divided into Large Ships and Small Ships. They are essential to establish a Merchant Marine, can be used in blockades and naval warfare. Ships are a large investment and can take a while to build, so plan accordingly.
So, I still have a few things to think about and draw up before getting started. However, I also want to gauge interest for participation. If you would like to play, please sign up here and feel free to pick a nation! I will list 10-15 suggested starting countries, however, of course, you are allowed to choose any nation that existed in April of 1861!
World in Revolution Nation List
Nation - Player
The United States of America - vonGenf
The Confederate States of America - Frymonmon
The Republic of Mexico - Muskeato
The United Kingdom - Adriddae
The Kingdom of Italy - Duke of Britain
The Kingdom of Belgium - Sacha
The Kingdom of the Netherlands - BarticaBoat
The Second French Empire - JPierreD
The Spanish Empire - Jacob L
Swiss Confederation - Tom
The Kingdom of Bavaria - Spitfire9753
The Kingdom of Prussia - Iltaran
The Russian Empire - Lefanis
The Austrian Empire - Keldonia
The Kingdom of Romania - Spectre17
The Ottoman Empire - Suirantes
The Great Qing Empire - Vellos
The Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan - Dante Silverfire
The Empire of Brazil - Indirik
The Argentine Republic - Sypher
I gotta represent my Belgians of course.
Imperial Russian Empire or the French Empire, depending on the answer to the question below.
May we change the socio-economic structure of our chosen countries? Opt for... Other economic systems, or choose to abolish monarchy... Or roll with certain historical events in our nations on the "other side", stuff like that?
Wow, honored to have my Oriental Republic of Uruguay present. Undoubtedly will be it. Are we playing with a specific map to delimit regions? If so, may I suggest Paradox Interactive Victoria II (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?490918-Victoria-II-Paintable-World-Maps)'s maps?
I'd be interested in the Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan.
What sort of time frame is expected for turns? Also, is there any resources we can check out for more information on the game or how it is played?
I would put my name in for the United Kingdom. I wouldn't mind if it collapses around me due to my inefficient administration. :o
Will it be possible for more than one player to run a nation? For example, with myself running the United Kingdom, appointing Governor Generals over Canada or India? Or whatever their respective administrator would be?
Quote from: Adriddae on April 08, 2012, 05:36:52 PM
I would put my name in for the United Kingdom. I wouldn't mind if it collapses around me due to my inefficient administration. :o
Intentional sabotage!!!
This looks kind of interesting. What kind of pace are we talking about here? (Sorry, I tl;dr'd some of that first post. :P )
Quote from: Lefanis on April 08, 2012, 12:46:50 PM
Imperial Russian Empire or the French Empire, depending on the answer to the question below.
May we change the socio-economic structure of our chosen countries? Opt for... Other economic systems, or choose to abolish monarchy... Or roll with certain historical events in our nations on the "other side", stuff like that?
Certainly, as long as the RP is done well. I mean, if you the peasants overthrow your Monarchy and establish the first great socialist democracy on the planet it should be obvious that your stats may take some hits and that it may take a little while to really get things going again. Again, my rule: attempt some realism. That's all I care about. As far as alternate outcomes for things that historically happened: absolutely! Just make it make sense!
Quote from: JPierreD on April 08, 2012, 04:46:44 PM
Wow, honored to have my Oriental Republic of Uruguay present. Undoubtedly will be it. Are we playing with a specific map to delimit regions? If so, may I suggest Paradox Interactive Victoria II (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?490918-Victoria-II-Paintable-World-Maps)'s maps?
Yes, I am currently checking out map options. This one looks excellent; I will probably use it. Map updates will come definitely with each Yearly Update, I am undecided about with the Normal Updates yet.
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 08, 2012, 05:30:18 PM
I'd be interested in the Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan.
What sort of time frame is expected for turns? Also, is there any resources we can check out for more information on the game or how it is played?
To my knowledge, this game was made up by a couple folks and has only been played once or twice. I've altered a few things and may alter it more to make it work better by my own standards. If you want to see how they played it check it out here: http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?583446-Forum-Game-World-in-Revolution-1861 (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?583446-Forum-Game-World-in-Revolution-1861)
Quote from: Adriddae on April 08, 2012, 05:36:52 PM
I would put my name in for the United Kingdom. I wouldn't mind if it collapses around me due to my inefficient administration. :o
Will it be possible for more than one player to run a nation? For example, with myself running the United Kingdom, appointing Governor Generals over Canada or India? Or whatever their respective administrator would be?
I don't have a problem with that in regards to RP. However, I wouldn't want to receive separate orders for Canada, India and the UK, for instance. One set for the UK. If Canada or India are given independence/made sovereign nations, then they can submit orders of their own.
But it terms of a couple just wanting to RP and made confer with each other as to what the nation's orders should be, I don't see why not!
Quote from: Indirik on April 08, 2012, 05:40:21 PM
This looks kind of interesting. What kind of pace are we talking about here? (Sorry, I tl;dr'd some of that first post. :P )
It should be. Again, I'm mostly winging all this, so bear with me.
For a time table for each set of orders to be submitted, I am think perhaps once a week? Maybe two? Certainly not very fast; I want to encourage RP and also it is too much of a time commitment any faster than that. Also, I think games work out better participation-wise when folks have a (not overly) generous amount of time to contribute and play.
All county selections noted!
Lefanis, get back to me about Russian Empire or French.
Okay, so Perth, you'll be the GM then, or the person determining how actions turn out and what happens?
Also, can nations fight and destroy each other? Take land, etc? I'm assuming so, but wasn't exactly sure after reading through.
Finally, we send orders to you, (GM) but we can also communicate with the other nations and discuss plans, treaties, etc...right? I mean I'm sure this is encouraged but just checking.
This is highly similar to another forum game which they called, "Qpawn", its found here: http://qpawn.beardedfool.com/forum/index.php.
Their entire forum seems to be devoted to running the game.
How many players will you be able to handle?
I am the Qing.
Where do we get stats for our country?
And if anybody dares claim anything in southeast Asia... I will !@#$ your !@#$ up. And whoever plays Russia: I will be contesting you in central Asia.
History will be re-written as China is reborn.
Quote from: Vellos on April 09, 2012, 12:36:09 AM
And if anybody dares claim anything in southeast Asia... I will !@#$ your !@#$ up. And whoever plays Russia: I will be contesting you in central Asia.
History will be re-written as China is reborn.
Haven't you ever heard: Don't find a land war in Russia.
We'll see if you can really change history THAT much.
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 09, 2012, 01:15:16 AM
Haven't you ever heard: Don't find a land war in Russia.
We'll see if you can really change history THAT much.
Hey man, launching the 100 Days Reforms at a calmer time was dumb. Launching a revised and slightly more Confucian-friendly version of them at the height of the Taiping Rebellion as a form of national rejuvenation just might work.
And I won't fight a land war
in Russia. I'll fight a land war
near Russia. I'll fight a land war in
Afghanistan. It's totally different, and way more likely to succeed. Right?
I'll take the Empire of Brasil.
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 08, 2012, 07:59:22 PM
Okay, so Perth, you'll be the GM then, or the person determining how actions turn out and what happens?
Also, can nations fight and destroy each other? Take land, etc? I'm assuming so, but wasn't exactly sure after reading through.
Finally, we send orders to you, (GM) but we can also communicate with the other nations and discuss plans, treaties, etc...right? I mean I'm sure this is encouraged but just checking.
1) Yes, I will be GMing. And I hope I can do it well enough not to cause all of you to wish my soul burn in the fires of hell!
2) Absolutely. In fact, I encourage it. (war, that is)
3) Yes, do please RP with everyone else. Argue over stuff. Make presumptuous claims to things. Tell someone you are going to wipe them off the map. You can do this in the form of gov't "proclomations," newspaper articles, etc. Anything you want, really.
Quote from: Adriddae on April 08, 2012, 09:32:52 PM
This is highly similar to another forum game which they called, "Qpawn", its found here: http://qpawn.beardedfool.com/forum/index.php.
Their entire forum seems to be devoted to running the game.
How many players will you be able to handle?
Interesting; I look at it!
And I think I can probably handle up to all of the nations I have listed at most. Any more than that and I would probably need some help.
Quote from: Vellos on April 09, 2012, 12:33:42 AM
I am the Qing.
Where do we get stats for our country?
I will have them up, at latest, when we start the game. But I MIGHT be able to get them up by tomorrow.
Quote from: Indirik on April 09, 2012, 01:39:14 AM
I'll take the Empire of Brasil.
Also, question:
How detailed will you be in looking up ongoing historical issues at the point that the game starts?
the Qing Empire was at the height of the Taiping rebellion in 1861. Do I need to resolve that, or will you not be looking at that stuff?
Quote from: Vellos on April 09, 2012, 12:36:09 AM
And if anybody dares claim anything in southeast Asia... I will !@#$ your !@#$ up. And whoever plays Russia: I will be contesting you in central Asia.
History will be re-written as China is reborn.
Stay outa India!
Quote from: Vellos on April 09, 2012, 02:03:37 AM
Also, question:
How detailed will you be in looking up ongoing historical issues at the point that the game starts?
the Qing Empire was at the height of the Taiping rebellion in 1861. Do I need to resolve that, or will you not be looking at that stuff?
I'll put it this way: I'll be using a combination of Wikipedia, a couple google searches, and maybe one or two world and European history text books I have around to put together a picture your starting situation. (EDIT: That is, probably only around 10-15 minutes to get a feel for the atmosphere of the country at the time and any major events/situations that may be effecting it. But certainly nothing extremely detailed or examined.) Given that the Taiping rebellion was by no means a small thing (as well as the fact that the game is called World in Revolution, I suppose) then I think you should expect to have to deal with it. Though, of course, you can deal with it basically however you want you want. Continue the campaign against them, or perhaps give the Heavenly Kingdom their sovereignty. ;)
Also, in case this needs stating... any major events POST-1861 (after the game starts) will all be game determined stuff, for the most part. Unless perhaps it is an event dealing with a Non-Player Country, perhaps the announcement of that happening will come in an update. That is to say, the French Second Empire may not fall, or the Confederates may achieve separation successfully, or the opposite.
Quote from: Vellos on April 09, 2012, 02:03:37 AM
Also, question:
How detailed will you be in looking up ongoing historical issues at the point that the game starts?
the Qing Empire was at the height of the Taiping rebellion in 1861. Do I need to resolve that, or will you not be looking at that stuff?
I am also interested in this question.
Japan was just at the very beginnings of the fall of the Tokugawa regime. Can I begin the destruction of the Tokugawa regime right from the beginning or do I need to wait some time before doing it? (The reformation into the Imperial system again occurred in 1868, instead of 1861, but the stage was already well set in 1861 for the people to want a change. So I don't know how much backlash, would actually be expected.)
Will individual people affect the game much? Events that revolve around a certain person dying or enacting certain actions?
Quote from: Adriddae on April 09, 2012, 02:07:48 AM
Stay outa India!
Happy to, if you'll just stay out of Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Stans. Oh, and Tibet.
Regarding the maps posted: is there a color key anywhere? I'm having a hard time identifying exactly which countries are independent and which are colonial territories.
And on another note, those maps are from 1836, not 1861. 1861 is here:
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 09, 2012, 02:19:53 AM
I am also interested in this question.
Japan was just at the very beginnings of the fall of the Tokugawa regime. Can I begin the destruction of the Tokugawa regime right from the beginning or do I need to wait some time before doing it? (The reformation into the Imperial system again occurred in 1868, instead of 1861, but the stage was already well set in 1861 for the people to want a change. So I don't know how much backlash, would actually be expected.)
If I were you, I would go for it. Just make sure to find some good RP reason's for it. Get the Meiji Restoration going. Hell, we all know we now need some Imperial Japanese to at least be annoying to Vellos' China.
Quote from: Adriddae on April 09, 2012, 03:04:36 AM
Will individual people affect the game much? Events that revolve around a certain person dying or enacting certain actions?
Certainly. Historical figures will be one way many factors are taken into account. Military leaders are one example. Another would be political leaders (such as Lincoln or Napoleon II). If Napoleon II dies, then you're going to have to find a good reason for the French Empire to survive and devolve into some revolutionary chaos or power struggles. If Robert E. Lee takes his army to lay siege to D.C., you're going to have to have a good reason if he is to be defeated.
Quote from: Vellos on April 09, 2012, 03:35:56 AM
And on another note, those maps are from 1836, not 1861. 1861 is here:
This is the one I was originally looking at using. Especially since it will be much easier to modify, I think.
I'll take Russia, then. France was interesting (for the Paris Commune) but I think I'll have more flexibility with Russia... Plus I can mess with the Narodnaya Volya ;D
And would be conquerors, beware. Russia doesn't take kindly to visitors. 8)
Quote from: Lefanis on April 09, 2012, 04:32:27 AM
I'll take Russia, then. France was interesting (for the Paris Commune) but I think I'll have more flexibility with Russia... Plus I can mess with the Narodnaya Volya ;D
And would be conquerors, beware. Russia doesn't take kindly to visitors. 8)
I'll trade you noninterference in central asia for a quiet frontier?
Quote from: Lefanis on April 09, 2012, 04:32:27 AM
I'll take Russia, then. France was interesting (for the Paris Commune) but I think I'll have more flexibility with Russia... Plus I can mess with the Narodnaya Volya ;D
And would be conquerors, beware. Russia doesn't take kindly to visitors. 8)
Also, what does everyone think of this map?
EDIT: Map is now on the first map with the Nation list.
Map looks great.
Quote from: Perth on April 09, 2012, 04:16:08 AM
If I were you, I would go for it. Just make sure to find some good RP reason's for it. Get the Meiji Restoration going. Hell, we all know we now need some Imperial Japanese to at least be annoying to Vellos' China.
That's the plan then. The Meiji restoration shall begin early on. There are plenty of RP reasons for it. Like the real reasons actually used during the restoration in Japan.
Quote from: Perth on April 09, 2012, 05:19:48 AM
I have added all countries currently on our list. Let me know if I have made any mistakes or missed territory that should belong to someone but doesn't on the map.
I believe Japan starts with all of Africa, and Australia. ;)
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 09, 2012, 05:27:14 AM
I believe Japan starts with all of Africa, and Australia. ;)
Oh yeah, duh! Don't know how I missed that! ::)
Hey geogr-idiot.
I think you mixed up your pair a' guays. You got'em backwards; you're a (g)way too dumb to make that map.
Quote from: Vellos on April 09, 2012, 05:44:35 AM
Hey geogr-idiot.
I think you mixed up your pair a' guays. You got'em backwards; you're a (g)way too dumb to make that map.
I just mixed up the font color is all! :-\
Will fix, will fix....
Quote from: Vellos on April 09, 2012, 05:44:35 AM
Hey geogr-idiot.
I think you mixed up your pair a' guays. You got'em backwards; you're a (g)way too dumb to make that map.
btw china stars in madagascar and that's it.
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 09, 2012, 05:56:23 AM
btw china stars in madagascar and that's it.
I feel like I should get this reference, but I don't. Explain pls? Mine was punning on the names Uruguay and Paraguay.
Ok, I fixed the (guay)or.
Also, if you right click and "view image" you can see it full size. Which is nicer.
Quote from: Vellos on April 09, 2012, 04:53:07 AM
I'll trade you noninterference in central asia for a quiet frontier?
I'll see, when I've decided where I want to go with Russia. Don't want to take a call on it just yet.
Why don't I have Alaska, Perth?
That'll do nicely 8)
Quote from: Lefanis on April 09, 2012, 06:48:07 AM
That'll do nicely 8)
Why do you get alaska? Did Russia have it in 1861?
Quote from: Lefanis on April 09, 2012, 06:09:10 AM
Why don't I have Alaska, Perth?
Now you do.
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 09, 2012, 06:49:01 AM
Why do you get alaska? Did Russia have it in 1861?
I believe so. The USA bought it in 1867.
Also, I'm going to put a tentative start date for Friday night. That's when I'll open an official thread for the game and everything.
We'll keep Nation Registration open until then. So if anyone else wants to join, say so!
Also, by the end of the week I should have all the other small materials made up that I will need.
Those interested: We still need some waring Americans and a French Emperor most of all! :D
Found a Chinese propaganda map that shows the Sino/Russian border in 1860. The coloured regions are taken by Russia after the Peking Convention in 1860, and the border between the Korean Kingdom, Russia and China.
Believe it or not, China still wants to go to war against this humiliation today ::)
I'll play The Argentine Republic. :)
Quote from: Lefanis on April 09, 2012, 07:21:51 AM
Found a Chinese propaganda map that shows the Sino/Russian border in 1860. The coloured regions are taken by Russia after the Peking Convention in 1860, and the border between the Korean Kingdom, Russia and China.
Yeah, China is definitely a bit bulky still. I think I will carve down it's western and northern borders a bit tomorrow.
Here is another good map from the times: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/1861_Johnson_Map_of_Asia_-_Geographicus_-_Asia-johnson-1861.jpg (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/1861_Johnson_Map_of_Asia_-_Geographicus_-_Asia-johnson-1861.jpg)
Quote from: Sypher on April 09, 2012, 07:24:17 AM
I'll play The Argentine Republic. :)
Excellent. I'll put you down!
Quote from: Perth on April 09, 2012, 07:51:51 AM
Here is another good map from the times: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/1861_Johnson_Map_of_Asia_-_Geographicus_-_Asia-johnson-1861.jpg (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/1861_Johnson_Map_of_Asia_-_Geographicus_-_Asia-johnson-1861.jpg)
Heh... Pretty sweet map, but a little confusing for borders due to that red line.
Keep in mind that Korea is an independent country, and this map doesn't account for the treaty of Aigun, which gave Russia full access to the sea of Japan.
Quote from: Lefanis on April 09, 2012, 08:48:12 AM
Heh... Pretty sweet map, but a little confusing for borders due to that red line.
Keep in mind that Korea is an independent country, and this map doesn't account for the treaty of Aigun, which gave Russia full access to the sea of Japan.
I will make sure I do that.
We currently have 8 countries playing. Anyone else? Would be nice to get some of other European nations chosen or perhaps the American ones. But anything is good!
I changed my mind, started playing as Uruguay in the thread from which this got the inspiration, and even with loads of players Uruguay was an odd choice, by its dimensions.
There are several large countries that should have priority, like the USA, France, Prussia, Austria and Turkey at least. Thinking about taking either the French or the Ottoman Empires (both in crisis, but meh).
Edit: I recommend to think about removing Uruguay, and perhaps Paraguay too, and adding Spain, and perhaps Sweden or Netherlands.
Hmm... well I'd be willing to play Prussia if it is empty at the end of the sign up time.
Quote from: Perth on April 09, 2012, 06:57:52 AM
Also, I'm going to put a tentative start date for Friday night. That's when I'll open an official thread for the game and everything.
Ok... I have exams for the next two weeks, so I might not be very active... but seeing as I am already goofing off here now, I'll probably be around.
Yeah, add the Dutch! They were a considerable power even then, and you can't add Belgium but exclude the people they got independence from :)
Quote from: JPierreD on April 09, 2012, 09:55:23 AM
I changed my mind, started playing as Uruguay in the thread from which this got the inspiration, and even with loads of players Uruguay was an odd choice, by its dimensions.
There are several large countries that should have priority, like the USA, France, Prussia, Austria and Turkey at least. Thinking about taking either the French or the Ottoman Empires (both in crisis, but meh).
Edit: I recommend to think about removing Uruguay, and perhaps Paraguay too, and adding Spain, and perhaps Sweden or Netherlands.
Quote from: Sypher on April 09, 2012, 10:36:07 AM
Hmm... well I'd be willing to play Prussia if it is empty at the end of the sign up time.
Quote from: Sacha on April 09, 2012, 05:37:15 PM
Yeah, add the Dutch! They were a considerable power even then, and you can't add Belgium but exclude the people they got independence from :)
I think you all are right; I had the same idea but since some of you all seemed excited to play some of those south american nations I didn't say anything.
Originally I think I was trying to get some geographical diversity across the map, however I think I will remove Paraguay and Uruguay for sure. Sypher, if you want to play a larger power than Argentina that would be good, but I also do not mind keeping Argentina either as the Brazilians do need a counter force in S. America. So, it is up to you!
Maybe adding the Joseon Dynasty in Korea would spice things up in Asia?
Quote from: Sacha on April 09, 2012, 06:14:19 PM
Maybe adding the Joseon Dynasty in Korea would spice things up in Asia?
To spice up Asia and Africa, it would be nice to have Spain and Netherlands. Get the Spanish East Indies, Batavia, Mallacas, and Borneo in the picture, as well as Cuba and a few of Spain's African colonies.
Quote from: Sacha on April 09, 2012, 06:14:19 PM
Maybe adding the Joseon Dynasty in Korea would spice things up in Asia?
Nah, we already have Russia, the UK, China, and Japan.
I assume Perth will GM the non-player countries as less than 100% static; at least follow approximate real history. But with China, the UK, Russia, and Japan, we have the big players already in place. What we need is for somebody to play France, the Ottomans, Austria-Hungary, Italy, etc. 2 players in South America (plus European interventions) makes sense, 4 players in East Asia... we need more in Europe. Or we need some folks to grab the USA and CSA.
Quote from: Sacha on April 09, 2012, 06:14:19 PM
Maybe adding the Joseon Dynasty in Korea would spice things up in Asia?
Quote from: Lefanis on April 09, 2012, 06:47:40 PM
To spice up Asia and Africa, it would be nice to have Spain and Netherlands. Get the Spanish East Indies, Batavia, Mallacas, and Borneo in the picture, as well as Cuba and a few of Spain's African colonies.
Spain will come for sure. Their many colonial possessions at the time will help provide interaction across the globe.
Netherlands I am considering as well, but there has to be someone who wants to play them to bother adding them. Anyone?
So far I have:
JPierreD: French/Ottomans
Sypher: Argentina/Prussia
Also, any countries not chosen by the time we start (USA, CSA, Austrians, etc.) I will remove their coloring from the map. Not that they will not exist during the game, obviously; just that I will only have Player Nations colored in on the map as to better keep track of things.
Quote from: Vellos on April 09, 2012, 07:44:17 PM
Nah, we already have Russia, the UK, China, and Japan.
I assume Perth will GM the non-player countries as less than 100% static; at least follow approximate real history. But with China, the UK, Russia, and Japan, we have the big players already in place. What we need is for somebody to play France, the Ottomans, Austria-Hungary, Italy, etc. 2 players in South America (plus European interventions) makes sense, 4 players in East Asia... we need more in Europe. Or we need some folks to grab the USA and CSA.
And yes, for the non-player nations they WILL do stuff and I may insert small RP's from them from time to time. But mostly they'll do stuff in the reports and I will try to guide those nations fairly historically unless of course player actions intervene with them or cause them to act or react.
The map has been updated to:
- Remove Paraguay and Uruguay.
- Add the Spanish Empire and the Netherlands.
- Size down the rather bulky Chinese northern borders.
- Add some Russian territory from the Chinese borders.
So, JPierreD, what nation would you like?
ALSO: I am working on getting country stats created; hopefully will have them up later tonight for everyone's review to ensure they are reasonable.
Okay, here are the rough ideas for starting National Stats. I based them primarily off what the people I got this game from used as starting Stats as well as some Wiki and Google searching. PLEASE give me some feedback on what should be changed, what is not really correct, etc.
Player: Adriddae
Nation: United Kingdom
Bank: 600
Income: 450
Trade Balance: 50
Stability: 8
Population: 29,100,000
Industry: Level 15
Infrastructure: Level 7 / 0 Colonial
Army: 200,000 Regulars / 0 Conscripts
Navy: 35 Large Ships / 125 Small Ships
Player: Sacha
Nation: Kingdum of Belgium
Bank: 200
Income: 100
Trade Balance: 15
Stability: 8
Population: 4,530,000
Industry: Level 7
Infrastructure: Level 5 / 0 C
Army: 50,000 R / 0 C
Navy: 2 L / 10 S
Player: Lefanis
Nation: Russian Empire
Bank: 200
Income: 100
Trade Balance: 10
Stability: 7
Population: 74,100,000
Industry: Level 2
Infrastructure: Level 4
Army : 950,000 R / 0 C
Navy: 5 L / 25 S
Player: Vellos
Nation: Qing Empire
Bank: 250
Income: 20
Trade Balance: 45
Stability: 4
Population: 420,000,000
Industry: Level 0
Infrastructure: Level 3
Army: 2,500,000 R / 350,000 C
Navy: 0 L / 50 S
Player: Dante Silverfire
Nation: Tokugawa Shogunate
Bank: 100
Income: 25
Trade Balance: 35
Stability: 6
Population: 30,000,000
Industry: Level 0
Infrastructure: Level 2
Army : 800,000 R / 0 C
Navy: 1 L / 25 Small
Player: Indirik
Nation: Empire of Brazil
Bank: 50
Income: 20
Trade Balance: 5
Stability: 8
Population: 8,000,000
Industry: Level 4
Infrastructure: Level 1
Army: 30,000 R / 0 C
Navy: 5 L / 15 S
Player: Sypher
Nation: Argentine Republic
Bank: 30
Income: 10
Trade Balance: 0
Stability: 8
Population: 1,300,000
Industry: Level 1
Infrastructure: Level 1
Army: 12,000 R / 0 C
Navy: 1 L / 6 S
What does the trade balance mean?
I dispute the Qing having zero infrastructure. Ever heard of the Grand Canal? Flood control projects? Numerous ports? Infrastructure wasn't fantastic, but not zero.
Quote from: Vellos on April 10, 2012, 04:04:37 AM
What does the trade balance mean?
I dispute the Qing having zero infrastructure. Ever heard of the Grand Canal? Flood control projects? Numerous ports? Infrastructure wasn't fantastic, but not zero.
Trade balance is just an income modifier. Imports v. Exports, essentially. I am not sure what exactly they based those numbers on though... I think we should play it as basically you are either exporting resources or manufactured goods, or you're importing them. Alternatively, you can exploit them from territorial/colonial possessions to give you positive balances as well.
As for infrastructure, I agree. I think I'll give a couple nations a bump for this stat.
Quote from: Perth on April 10, 2012, 04:10:55 AM
Trade balance is just an income modifier. Imports v. Exports, essentially. I am not sure what exactly they based those numbers on though... I think we should play it as basically you are either exporting resources or manufactured goods, or you're importing them. Alternatively, you can exploit them from territorial/colonial possessions to give you positive balances as well.
As for infrastructure, I agree. I think I'll give a couple nations a bump for this stat.
So... how do we all have a positive trade balance?
I guess NPCs are running deficits?
Also, how are you handling movement of armies? Can I launch my 2.5 million man army straight across the Himalayas into India?
Quote from: Vellos on April 10, 2012, 04:30:27 AM
So... how do we all have a positive trade balance?
I guess NPCs are running deficits?
Also, how are you handling movement of armies? Can I launch my 2.5 million man army straight across the Himalayas into India?
I would think the larger nations would be more likely to have a negative trade balance.
Quote from: Vellos on April 10, 2012, 04:04:37 AM
I dispute the Qing having zero infrastructure. Ever heard of the Grand Canal? Flood control projects? Numerous ports? Infrastructure wasn't fantastic, but not zero.
Russia was pretty lame compared to the other western powers! But we invented the electromagnetic telegraph! And we had railroads between our majors cities in the west.
And the military ought to be larger too.
In the early 1850s, the Russian army consisted of around 938,731 regular soldiers and 245,850 irregulars (mostly Cossacks). Of these, some 720000 participated in the Crimean war, with 220000 deaths.
Quote from: Sypher on April 10, 2012, 04:38:00 AM
I would think the larger nations would be more likely to have a negative trade balance.
Not at all.
Qing China ran a huge trade surplus. That's why the European powers wanted to force them to buy opium. The Qing Empire was exporting so many goods and acquiring so much bullion that it was bankrupting many European trading companies. By the 1860's the Qing Empire's trade balance
might have been in a deficit. The Qing tightly restricted imports and subsidized exports, creating a positive balance of trade. Ultimately, however, what depleted the Qing Empire's silver reserves was not a trade imbalance (though opium expenditures did lead to a diminishing trade balance) but rather reparations payments and other treaty obligations which Western powers required them to pay.
Quote from: Vellos on April 10, 2012, 04:50:00 AM
Not at all.
It would make sense for China (and Japan?) to have a trade surplus. I was thinking of the European powers, particularly the colonial ones.
Um, it definitely seems to me that Japan should have a higher infrastructure value. I mean up until just before this time they were heavily isolationist. What else would they be spending their money on if not infrastructure? If they have no infrastructure, and no industry then they are essentially eating any of their money. Which would also mean that their bank should be higher as they aren't using any money apparently.
At least those are my thoughts. And yes Japan would have a starting positive trade balance at this time from what I've read.
There is also the option of starting all Trade Balances at Zero and saying "have at it from here."
For now, I have:
1. Increased trade surpluses of China and Japan.
2. Increased Infrastructure levels across the board.
3. Increased Russian army size.
As for nations like United Kingdom and (to lesser extent) Belgium, it was my impression that they were some of the most industrialized nations in the world at the time and therefore producing a lot of manufactured goods for export. I could be wrong, however, perhaps these manufactured goods were not really exported but sold in country?
Also, should bringing in resources from colonies should count as negative trade balance? Opinions?
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 10, 2012, 07:54:40 AM
Um, it definitely seems to me that Japan should have a higher infrastructure value. I mean up until just before this time they were heavily isolationist. What else would they be spending their money on if not infrastructure? If they have no infrastructure, and no industry then they are essentially eating any of their money. Which would also mean that their bank should be higher as they aren't using any money apparently.
At least those are my thoughts. And yes Japan would have a starting positive trade balance at this time from what I've read.
True, but were they really westernizing yet? Building railroads and such? Ports, yes. Roads, sure. I'm thinking railroads is the big one moving into 1860's-1900 though. Nevertheless, I've upped all Infrastructure across the board a little bit.
Also, I've given no one any "Conscripts" to start with as I figured it would be better to let everyone choose to raise those on their own or not.
Quote from: Perth on April 10, 2012, 08:00:03 AM
There is also the option of starting all Trade Balances at Zero and saying "have at it from here."
For now, I have:
1. Increased trade surpluses of China and Japan.
2. Increased Infrastructure levels across the board.
3. Increased Russian army size.
As for nations like United Kingdom and (to lesser extent) Belgium, it was my impression that they were some of the most industrialized nations in the world at the time and therefore producing a lot of manufactured goods for export. I could be wrong, however, perhaps these manufactured goods were not really exported but sold in country?
Also, should bringing in resources from colonies should count as negative trade balance? Opinions?
The changes are good, however, your impression about the industrialized part of the world is somewhat wrong. At that time, those countries who were industrialized highly treasured their superiority over other nations. They would not have exported their industrialized produce as much as sell it within their own country so as not to give other nations advantages over them.
I could be wrong there, but I believe that was the way things were. No opinion on colonies, because I'd only be biased as I don't start with any, and also am not sure how that issue was actually addressed. My only thoughts were that I believe colonies existed for the purpose of imports to the home country, while minimal "exports" would go back to the colonies. Colonies would be one possible beneficiary though if a country were to export industrialized goods. Interpret that as you'd wish though.
Quote from: Vellos on April 10, 2012, 04:30:27 AM
Also, how are you handling movement of armies? Can I launch my 2.5 million man army straight across the Himalayas into India?
Remember: realism.
Can you? Sure. Will it end well? Probably not. Will it end with mixed results? Maybe. Will you lose half of them to starvation, freezing, attrition, etc? Probably. Will it pwnd Hannibal and his little march over the alps? Heck yes.
You're going to have to deal with the like 1-3 million man Taiping army first though ;)
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 10, 2012, 08:09:33 AM
The changes are good, however, your impression about the industrialized part of the world is somewhat wrong. At that time, those countries who were industrialized highly treasured their superiority over other nations. They would not have exported their industrialized produce as much as sell it within their own country so as not to give other nations advantages over them.
I could be wrong there, but I believe that was the way things were. No opinion on colonies, because I'd only be biased as I don't start with any, and also am not sure how that issue was actually addressed. My only thoughts were that I believe colonies existed for the purpose of imports to the home country, while minimal "exports" would go back to the colonies. Colonies would be one possible beneficiary though if a country were to export industrialized goods. Interpret that as you'd wish though.
Hm, yes, perhaps you are right about that. I am trying to think then what incentive you would have, in game, to colonize/expand/conquer stuff if colonies would only drag down your trade balance, and therefore, your income. Unless, owning more colonies/land simply helped your income on a base level.
I am also not opposed to doing away with the "Trade Balance" category. I brought all of these stats over from where I found this but am definitely wanting to perfect and change things where need be. Instead, for instance, if you sign a trade agreement with someone in game, it could merely positively affect your income? Perhaps unevenly between the partners depending upon what is being traded between which nations, but still both positively?
Colonies should be ignored for trade balance. Both sides are considered within the same country. Instead the colonies should increase your income. I'd keep trade balance in, but wouldn't be opposed to starting everyone at zero and then increasing/decreasing it based on actions each person takes. I think it will be easier to track if the effects of those trades is separate from your income.
edit: found some interesting info on Japan's trade & economy in 1860s here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Late_Tokugawa_shogunate
Looks like Japan's economy had a rough adjustment in opening up to foreign trade.
Quote from: Perth on April 10, 2012, 08:20:26 AM
Hm, yes, perhaps you are right about that. I am trying to think then what incentive you would have, in game, to colonize/expand/conquer stuff if colonies would only drag down your trade balance, and therefore, your income. Unless, owning more colonies/land simply helped your income on a base level.
I am also not opposed to doing away with the "Trade Balance" category. I brought all of these stats over from where I found this but am definitely wanting to perfect and change things where need be. Instead, for instance, if you sign a trade agreement with someone in game, it could merely positively affect your income? Perhaps unevenly between the partners depending upon what is being traded between which nations, but still both positively?
I don't think the Trade Balance category should be taken away and would agree with Sypher that colonies and more lands should not affect it at all. I think they should just add to overall income at a base level. (Which explains Britains high base income)
I'll take the French Empire then. Will give some suggestions and opinions later, the economy is being reformed in the other game as well, so no need to keep that old flawed system in here.
Colonies should add to income, but decrease trade balance.
Colonies create trade deficits, as colonies are usually acquired out of a hope for resources. Citizens travel to colonies, purchasing goods there (implicit imports by travel). Furthermore, extraction-colonies rapidly export far more to the home countries than they import.
While colonies can eventually be export markets for many goods, their main purpose was usually to supply raw materials for domestic industry. European nations had most of their trade in finished goods among each other. They wanted to import cheap raw materials to export goods to each other to acquire bullion.
Your map of the 1860s US is a colonialist lie. I want to play Comancheria! ;D
If you won't allow it I may settle for the Union. It would be a shame not to have players where the starting event occurs.
Well, there is a big difference between colonised countries, and countries that were victims of imperialism (there really needs to be a proper word for it, as colony is a mild word.. Perhaps vassal).
The vassal states were exploited in numerous ways. If you take the example of the British Empire for instance, which had no qualms about looting the Indian Subcontinent, and extracting tribute amounting to millions of sterlings. Indian currency was demonetised, and Britain introduced their own currency to suit their needs. That's not to mention the siphoning off of gold, silver and jewels. Oh, and did I mention taxes? Those hovered at 50%. To improve the trade balance, Britain took out a lot of the rural manufacturing industry, forcing the imports of goods, especially textiles from England. In the 1860's the remitance to Britain must have been around 15 million pound sterling per year. As far as the trade situation goes, the British exported Indian goods to other European countries, pocketing the profits. The British couldn't make as much money selling Indian opium in India, so they increased domestic taxes, and sent off the rest to countries who made them earn higher margins.
IIRC, Britain had a favourable balance of trade with India, largely thanks to what it did in the country. So owning a vassal state improved its trade balance, and it's income.
Can we get started already? I can't to start exploiting the Amazon forest to generate enough wealth to conquer all of South America and turn it into my personal playground. :D :P
Quote from: Perth on April 10, 2012, 08:00:03 AM
There is also the option of starting all Trade Balances at Zero and saying "have at it from here."
I think this might be the best idea.
It allows the player to decide how he wants to treat the colony, cash cow and region to export stuff to, place to loot for resources, or place to develop as an alternative base of operations.
Of course, you could always begin with the extra state territory as it was treated at that point of time, but this is at the risk of increasing complexity.
Quote from: Lefanis on April 10, 2012, 06:10:56 PM
I think this might be the best idea.
It allows the player to decide how he wants to treat the colony, cash cow and region to export stuff to, place to loot for resources, or place to develop as an alternative base of operations.
Of course, you could always begin with the extra state territory as it was treated at that point of time, but this is at the risk of increasing complexity.
The only problem with this is that it is biased against those nations who would have to depend upon their trade balance to even have a respectable income. For nations like Great Britian, it doesn't matter. For the other ones it makes a big difference. For a nation like Japan or China where their trade balance would be more than their natural income.
Quote from: Lefanis on April 10, 2012, 05:56:11 PM
IIRC, Britain had a favourable balance of trade with India, largely thanks to what it did in the country. So owning a vassal state improved its trade balance, and it's income.
According to a report by the British parliament:
Britain's trade balance with India was approximately balanced; slight negative in 1855 and 1870, slight positive 1860, and 1880 to 1910.
Consider, though, for example, the Belgian Congo, or Indoesia, or French Indochina... I would wager all led to negative trade balances with the home country, but potentially rising trade balances with other European countries.
European powers used colonies, as far as trade stats are concerned, in the same way China uses Mongolia and other Central Asian nations: they ran big trade deficits in order to import raw materials that they could export to other more developed markets after major value-added. Of course, they also could export back to colonies (Indian cotton product politics seems like the classic example of this), but that's not the most economically efficient policy, and probably not what most colonies were being used for. I rather doubt Spain was overly concerned with making sure that Cuban sugar-farmers were consuming a large quantity of Spanish manufactured goods. Rather, they were concerned with making sure that Cuban sugar-farmers remained Spanish-controlled so that Spain could have cheaper access to sugar, both for Spanish consumers' use, and for re-export.
While I'm sure that's all fascinating to ... well ... someone (Yawn) , is it really necessary to have a huge debate on global socio-political economics in order to start playing the game? So what if we're using an export of 5 instead of 7? Come on! I need to start clear-cutting the rainforests!
Quote from: Indirik on April 10, 2012, 08:57:31 PM
While I'm sure that's all fascinating to ... well ... someone (Yawn) , is it really necessary to have a huge debate on global socio-political economics in order to start playing the game? So what if we're using an export of 5 instead of 7? Come on! I need to start clear-cutting the rainforests!
Lol, I hear you.
I think we will go with what Vellos suggested. Unless you choose to treat you colony/possession abnormally, it will hurt your trade balance but increase your base income. How much? That will just depend on where/what your colony is and how the RP plays out with what you actually do with that colony.
I still need to write up a few more charts for my own use such as some standardization for the costs of stuff such as investing in industry, building railroads, and of course armies and navies. Once I've done that (hopefully by tonight), we should be able to start!
Although I definitely would like to add another player or two.... anyone reading who hasn't posted want to play? Please! :)
Quote from: JPierreD on April 10, 2012, 10:35:34 AM
I'll take the French Empire then.
Quote from: vonGenf on April 10, 2012, 05:14:52 PM
Your map of the 1860s US is a colonialist lie. I want to play Comancheria! ;D
If you won't allow it I may settle for the Union. It would be a shame not to have players where the starting event occurs.
Mmmmmm...... I would much prefer you play USA or CSA. I think it would prove a lot more fun for both you and everyone else. :)
That isn't to say you can't incorporate American Indians into your RP and the storyline of your nation heavily. Hell, turn Lincoln into an Indian-Sympathizer and create sovereign Indian nations out of the American South and West if you defeat the Confederates, etc.
Quote from: Indirik on April 10, 2012, 08:57:31 PM
While I'm sure that's all fascinating to ... well ... someone (Yawn) , is it really necessary to have a huge debate on global socio-political economics in order to start playing the game? So what if we're using an export of 5 instead of 7? Come on! I need to start clear-cutting the rainforests!
What, you mean you don't pore over antidumping legislation and tariff-rate-quota structures in your free time?
Golly, you're missing out.
Perth, I would suggest cost scaling of nation stats to be based upon either population or size of the country while keeping costs of military increases or ship builds constant per nation. (Or base them off of the country stats)the reason for this is that it would cost a lot more to raise the infrastructure of a large nation like russia than a small nation like japan or belgium. However, it would cost the same to build a ship anywhere. Although perhpas it is slightly cheaper with improved industry?
United Kingdom stats look good, though I can't see any other nation other than Russia to compare it with.
Will players be able to join nations after the game starts?
The princely states should be a part of the British empire. They did pull all the strings there.
Ok, as promised, here go some suggestions:
The data right now has some flaws in being too informative in the wrong places, and too little in where should be more.
QuotePopulation: 29,100,000
It is not important to know the exact population, what is important is to know the approximate population in each region. To know if there are ~8 millions in England, ~15 millions in India and so on (I am giving random values in here). The population vary with the years and the censuses, so we need to know approximate values that reflect the importance of each region. The exact values are unimportant, but what they speak of is.
In the same way, how much the country makes, how stable it is, what's its industry level (though in the other game this number speaks about number of large industries), the level of infrastructure and the amount of soldiers follow the same logic. Perhaps something like this would be more interesting (using the largest Empire, in smaller nations it would be much simpler):
QuoteNation: United Kingdom
Bank: 600
Trade Balance: 50
British Isles
Income: 200
Stability: 10
Population: 10,000,000
Industry: 10
Infrastructure: Level 7
Army: 40,000 Regulars / 0 Conscripts
Navy: 10 Large Ships / 25 Small Ships
Income: 50
Stability: 8
Population: 2,000,000
Industry: 3
Infrastructure: Level 5
Army: 20,000 Regulars / 0 Conscripts
Navy: 5 Large Ships / 10 Small Ships
South Africa
Income: 25
Stability: 5
Industry: 1
Infrastructure: Level 2
Army: 30,000 Regulars / 0 Conscripts
Navy: 5 Large Ships / 30 Small Ships
Income: 175
Stability: 5
Population: 15,000,000
Industry: 0
Infrastructure: Level 3
Army: 100,000 Regulars / 0 Conscripts
Navy: 10 Large Ships / 50 Small Ships
Income: 50
Stability: 7
Population: 1,000,000
Industry: 1
Infrastructure: Level 2
Army: 10,000 Regulars / 0 Conscripts
Navy: 5 Large Ships / 10 Small Ships
These are the concrete important values, I'd say, which players will want to manipulate. The income, population, army and navy are concrete variables for the players to measure their relative strengths, while the stability, number of industries (or industry level if you prefer) and infrastructure are abstract and more RP-oriented variables.
A "Trade Balance" would be interesting only if you introduce a system of resources (cotton, cattle, wheat, canned food, etc.), in the same way Paradox's Victoria did (and can even get the values from there), but it will complicate things a lot, giving you loads of work. It will bring an interesting economic warfare into play, but it will mean at least mapping the regions with their local products, as to then determine major effects, like strategical blockades would cause different kinds of economic crisis due to shortage of important raw materials, and economic-motivated conflicts would start. Up to you.
I'd like to play the Netherlands!
Quote from: JPierreD on April 11, 2012, 06:24:52 AM
Ok, as promised, here go some suggestions:
The data right now has some flaws in being too informative in the wrong places, and too little in where should be more.
It is not important to know the exact population, what is important is to know the approximate population in each region. To know if there are ~8 millions in England, ~15 millions in India and so on (I am giving random values in here). The population vary with the years and the censuses, so we need to know approximate values that reflect the importance of each region. The exact values are unimportant, but what they speak of is.
In the same way, how much the country makes, how stable it is, what's its industry level (though in the other game this number speaks about number of large industries), the level of infrastructure and the amount of soldiers follow the same logic. Perhaps something like this would be more interesting (using the largest Empire, in smaller nations it would be much simpler):
These are the concrete important values, I'd say, which players will want to manipulate. The income, population, army and navy are concrete variables for the players to measure their relative strengths, while the stability, number of industries (or industry level if you prefer) and infrastructure are abstract and more RP-oriented variables.
This is some insightful advice, and I actually really like what you have to say and you make some good points. I like your proposal, though I worry it could become to "nit picky" in some ways. Do I need to list separate regions for a nation like China or Russia? I think listing the distribution of troops and navies across the globe is perhaps the most important, and the income values of colonial possessions as well. I will think these over a bit and probably end up implementing them in some ways.
Quote from: JPierreD on April 11, 2012, 06:24:52 AM
A "Trade Balance" would be interesting only if you introduce a system of resources (cotton, cattle, wheat, canned food, etc.), in the same way Paradox's Victoria did (and can even get the values from there), but it will complicate things a lot, giving you loads of work. It will bring an interesting economic warfare into play, but it will mean at least mapping the regions with their local products, as to then determine major effects, like strategical blockades would cause different kinds of economic crisis due to shortage of important raw materials, and economic-motivated conflicts would start. Up to you.
I thought of this too. However, if I'm going to go through that much trouble, we might as well just fire up a multi-player game of Vic II :P
Quote from: BarticaBoat on April 11, 2012, 07:34:10 AM
I'd like to play the Netherlands!
Quote from: Perth on April 11, 2012, 08:30:46 AM
This is some insightful advice, and I actually really like what you have to say and you make some good points. I like your proposal, though I worry it could become to "nit picky" in some ways. Do I need to list separate regions for a nation like China or Russia? I think listing the distribution of troops and navies across the globe is perhaps the most important, and the income values of colonial possessions as well. I will think these over a bit and probably end up implementing them in some ways.
Only the disputed areas. Russia could be separated in Finland, Poland, Central Russia (everything to the west of the Urals minus Finland and Poland) and Eastern Russia (the regions to the east of the Urals). China could be divided in North-Manchuria, West-Tibet and South-East (the rebellious regions). Should extra events call for further division you can add the partitions of the Baltic, the Caucasus, Taiwan/Formosa or whatever else you want. Start with a few partitions and make more if you see the need.
If you need help with anything know that I am available. Specially for South America, but also with anything else.
Quote from: Perth on April 11, 2012, 08:30:46 AM
I thought of this too. However, if I'm going to go through that much trouble, we might as well just fire up a multi-player game of Vic II :P
Indeed. Keep the economy in an abstract way flavored by GM-induced events to invite the players to act and react.
Quote from: Perth on April 10, 2012, 09:34:36 PM
Mmmmmm...... I would much prefer you play USA or CSA. I think it would prove a lot more fun for both you and everyone else. :)
That isn't to say you can't incorporate American Indians into your RP and the storyline of your nation heavily. Hell, turn Lincoln into an Indian-Sympathizer and create sovereign Indian nations out of the American South and West if you defeat the Confederates, etc.
Yes, I'll play the USA. I really wish someone will play the CSA though.
Quote from: vonGenf on April 11, 2012, 09:00:09 AM
Yes, I'll play the USA. I really wish someone will play the CSA though.
And me too!
If no one ends up playing them, I will be sure to provide you lots of GM interaction for the war. I live in the Southern United States and so am quite familiar with the area and the American Civil War and will be able to ensure fun is had in that conflict.
Regardless, I hope someone picks them up!
Quote from: JPierreD on April 11, 2012, 08:51:12 AM
If you need help with anything know that I am available. Specially for South America, but also with anything else.
Any research for the initial starting stats/numbers for any country would be
very helpful, even if you only feel like doing a nation or two. Doing Brazil or Argentina would be great for starters.
I've got a pretty sweet Excel set going now based on the regional division set up where I can simply plug numbers in so that I have easy access to all of the important numbers regionally, but also instantly updated numbers for the empire as a whole. So, for instance, as troops numbers flux across the globe of the United Kingdom, I still have easy access to their total numbers and such.
Now that I have that established, the only real work remaining is determining the actual numbers for each nation. Plugging everything is the easy part.
Till what year will we be playing? And how many days in between turns?
I'll take Prussia.
Attempting to live up to one of the greatest political minds in history will be interesting. ;)
Quote from: Lefanis on April 11, 2012, 11:15:27 AM
Till what year will we be playing? And how many days in between turns?
Until what year? I am unsure, we'll just see how things go before I get ahead of myself. And I am thinking perhaps one week per turn?
Quote from: Iltaran on April 11, 2012, 11:47:32 AM
I'll take Prussia.
I support one week per turn.
As far as time of the game, couldn't we just play until people just don't want to anymore, or when you no longer have time to GM it? (or don't want to anymore?)
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 11, 2012, 09:47:07 PM
I support one week per turn.
As far as time of the game, couldn't we just play until people just don't want to anymore, or when you no longer have time to GM it? (or don't want to anymore?)
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Hell, this may end up sucking and we all lose interest after three weeks.
Quote from: Perth on April 11, 2012, 09:48:43 PM
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Hell, this may end up sucking and we all lose interest after three weeks.
Or it may be so awesome that you start writing programs to automate tasks for you.
Quote from: Adriddae on April 12, 2012, 02:03:48 AM
Or it may be so awesome that you start writing programs to automate tasks for you.
Or the game gets so good it has to be published.
You need a Confederate States of America?
Well. I'd like to take a shot at playing my own game, sign me up.
ut oh... we've got a ringer...
Gotta love it. BM's forums so popular, we break other game makers to us. This will be very interesting.
To be honest, JPierreD sent me a link to here. I had no idea this game existed until 30 minuets ago.
And hey, by the way Perth, no pressure or anything, but the CREATOR OF THE GAME YOU'RE ABOUT TO GM is going to join as a player. :p
Act cool.
Quote from: Frymonmon on April 12, 2012, 03:11:03 AM
To be honest, JPierreD sent me a link to here. I had no idea this game existed until 30 minuets ago.
I figured as much.
Kind of sucks for the Union player though. I mean what kind of pressure is it to be at war with the maker of the game you are playing? What if the CSA loses?
Crazy stuff.
Just messing around btw.
Over in the other WiR, I'd just allow the loser to pick a new nation. It has happened a few times already. The Qing got booted out, and that player became Morocco. Ireland got booted out and is now Chile.
I'd hope that's how it is here as well.
Ah well.
Two other players are having difficulty joining the forum, and asked me to request for them a spot.
KeldoniaSkylar wants Austria and Seek75 wants Chile (yea, Chile).
Sorry, had to use a different name hopefully that will get fixed. I'll take up the mantle of the Great Austrian Empire!
Looking back upon the debates about Trade Balance and whatnot, If you want my advice, coming from my GM standpoint, the system I have now... really doesn't work that well. However, I feel that the system I am about to implement into World in Revolution over in the other forum, is just a tad to complicated to just thrust into this game.
However, what I am thinking of is that trade in this game can be expressed by two ways, Nation Trading and Colonial Trading. This would settle the differences between the colonies gaining/giving wealth and from trading with other nations. Colonial Trading would represent the balance of trade that the homeland has (British Isles v India) versus the colony. If you have a really bad colony, (Yes, I am talking about you Algeria) then you'd have to suffer for that. However, if you get a good colony it raises the amount of money you get.
Anywho. That's what my rambling has to offer. If you trade with another nation, you'd have to deal with Imports and Exports. I think it would be up to the GM to say who's is negative and positive. Case in point, the Confederacy exporting Cotton and Importing Manufactured Goods. Cotton is worth less as a raw material, so the trade balance is negative.
Ah. That's my two cents.
EDIT: The Confederacy should not have control of Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas. These states seceded after Ft. Sumter was attacked. This was a mistake in the other WiR, as a history professor, I'd much appreciate it if this was fixed inthis one.
Hey, what's your problem with Algeria?!? >:(
Quote from: Indirik on April 12, 2012, 03:11:34 AM
And hey, by the way Perth, no pressure or anything, but the CREATOR OF THE GAME YOU'RE ABOUT TO GM is going to join as a player. :p
Act cool.
I got 'dis. 8)
Hey, you Paradoxian fellows should definitely give Battlemaster a try if you're going to be hanging out around here anyways. ;)
Quote from: JPierreD on April 12, 2012, 03:20:40 AM
Seek75 wants Chile (yea, Chile).
Sure he doesn't wanna play the Ottomans, the Italians, or the Spanish? :D
Lets try and get a bigger page count than the Dave's Galaxy thread. ;)
Quote from: Adriddae on April 12, 2012, 04:31:01 AM
Lets try and get a bigger page count than the Dave's Galaxy thread. ;)
I'm down. Though I'll prob start a fresh, dedicated IC thread to start the game, so don't get to attached to this one.
Considering the main WiR thread has around 273 pages, that is a very possible goal.
Quote from: Frymonmon on April 12, 2012, 04:46:41 AM
Considering the main WiR thread has around 273 pages, that is a very possible goal.
Unless I'm mistaken, I can only see 6 turns there. :o
EDIT: Nvm, I see those are "mere" yearly updates.
Quote from: Perth on April 12, 2012, 04:13:38 AM
Hey, you Paradoxian fellows should definitely give Battlemaster a try if you're going to be hanging out around here anyways. ;)
That's what I'm thinking too ;D
Quote from: Perth on April 12, 2012, 04:13:38 AM
Hey, you Paradoxian fellows should definitely give Battlemaster a try if you're going to be hanging out around here anyways. ;)
Also, I wish to put in my two cents and disagree with myself for earlier.
In the name of enshrining neoliberalism into the game, I think you shouldn't count trade balances. They don't matter anyways, as capital balances and the free flow of gold will wholly adjust them. Ultimately all total net trade balances are and must be transient.
Don't listen to the mercantilo-racists who tell you otherwise!
Quote from: Vellos on April 12, 2012, 05:04:38 AM
Also, I wish to put in my two cents and disagree with myself for earlier.
In the name of enshrining neoliberalism into the game, I think you shouldn't count trade balances. They don't matter anyways, as capital balances and the free flow of gold will wholly adjust them. Ultimately all total net trade balances are and must be transient.
Don't listen to the mercantilo-racists who tell you otherwise!
Basically what I have it down to now, via the JPierreD idea of having broken down stats for each region/colony of an Empire, is that the GM will have a bit of liberty in deciding what the the income level of each region/colony should be and, all added up, will equal your total income.
So, Caribbean sugar islands will boost your income. Middle Asian opium fields will boost it. The Saharan desert will not boost it very much at all. This will be the simplest and I think most game-friendly way to do it.
And, of course, things CAN be changed after the game starts if we find something doesn't work as great as we like, etc. etc.
I can give some of the maps being used for resources in the other game. Also, most Carribean islands were relatively unprofitable at this point (with slavery being abolished). I would also group things as much as possible in the main stats but make more detailed reports available to the country that owns/controls it.
Quote from: Keldonia on April 12, 2012, 08:13:51 AM
I can give some of the maps being used for resources in the other game. Also, most Carribean islands were relatively unprofitable at this point (with slavery being abolished).
Okay, okay. You get my point though.
Quote from: Keldonia on April 12, 2012, 08:13:51 AM
I would also group things as much as possible in the main stats but make more detailed reports available to the country that owns/controls it.
Didn't mean that to be combative, just a note, and I like the idea. As I offered earlier I can help some resource maps if you like.
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 12, 2012, 03:14:31 AM
Kind of sucks for the Union player though. I mean what kind of pressure is it to be at war with the maker of the game you are playing? What if the CSA loses?
Crazy stuff.
Challenge accepted! :D
Quote from: Keldonia on April 12, 2012, 08:54:33 AM
Didn't mean that to be combative, just a note, and I like the idea. As I offered earlier I can help some resource maps if you like.
Are the resource maps public? I would love to see those ;D
Quote from: vonGenf on April 12, 2012, 09:00:55 AM
Challenge accepted! :D
It was Russia that saved the Unions butt ;)
Quote from: Perth on April 12, 2012, 06:56:24 AM
So, Caribbean sugar islands will boost your income. Middle Asian opium fields will boost it. The Saharan desert will not boost it very much at all. This will be the simplest and I think most game-friendly way to do it.
Allows for a country to blockade the sugar islands (if not outright invade and burn), investing in Brazilian's North-East sugar plantations, for example, and getting much more from his investment than would otherwise.
I also come from the Paradoxian forums and would like to join as the Ottoman Empire if it is possible.
Quote from: Suirantes on April 12, 2012, 10:22:36 AM
I also come from the Paradoxian forums and would like to join as the Ottoman Empire if it is possible.
All you folks should join Battlemaster too.
Great game.
Quote from: Suirantes on April 12, 2012, 10:22:36 AM
I also come from the Paradoxian forums and would like to join as the Ottoman Empire if it is possible.
Sounds good.
Quote from: Vellos on April 12, 2012, 03:22:20 PM
All you folks should join Battlemaster too.
Great game.
Can't say this enough.
Understatement of the year.
So... how long until we start? I'm not impatient, just excited. ;D
I too, am excited for this game. Speaking from my perspective, Spain and Italy are not all that important at this time period. They could very easily be filled in at a later date. I, for one, am interested in getting some diplomacy started.
Quote from: Adriddae on April 13, 2012, 01:00:14 AM
So... how long until we start? I'm not impatient, just excited. ;D
We will officially start tomorrow night!
So, last call to anyone wants to play!
Open nations left are Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom of Spain!
If you want to play, speak now!
I have word from a one jacobl, who will be playing as the Kingdom of Spain. He will be registering shortly. I also have Muskeato who would like to be Mexico.
Evening Chaps. As Fry said, I'll take the reigns of Mexico if nobody minds.
email issues...eventually got a working account.
Spain for me, in the other wir 1861 I am france...took over after the prior 2 players got france horribly smashed in a war with spain/italy/prussia/uk.
Quote from: Muskeato on April 13, 2012, 01:41:22 AM
Evening Chaps. As Fry said, I'll take the reigns of Mexico if nobody minds.
Quote from: Jacob L on April 13, 2012, 01:50:41 AM
email issues...eventually got a working account.
Spain for me, in the other wir 1861 I am france...took over after the prior 2 players got france horribly smashed in a war with spain/italy/prussia/uk.
Maybe we'll start up later tonight then once I finalize a few map changes.
Also, I'm going to close nation registration except for if anyone wants to take Italy.
For the purposes of getting this first game going, I think we have plenty of nations (and a decent load for me to handle, I think). Later, I may reopen it to anyone who wants to join.
I also think taking up a new nation if yours is conquered it fine by me (as long as it doesn't lead to anyone purposely killing off their nation).
As far as total pages...if people spam ic/ooc the same here it will grow fast. I intend to chat up a storm if it gets me money to develop with. Or just to annoy people that are unfriendly to me since almost no one borders me...mwhahahahaha!!
Likely though if people do interact similarly this will be a lot of fun.
Hey can I join as Romania? I'm Belgium in the other WiR.
can i be Bavaria?
Im Colombia (formally Bavaria) on the other WiR
Epic Fail
May i be Italy?
I'm Brazil on the other WiR :)
Hey is Egypt independent?
Romania at least gives a balkans nation into the game, better than egypt. Africa is there for us to all carve up. :P
I'm going for Romania just wondering if Egypt was independent. I'm close to the Ottomans.
Quote from: Spectre17 on April 13, 2012, 02:21:56 AM
Hey can I join as Romania? I'm Belgium in the other WiR.
Quote from: Spitfire5793 on April 13, 2012, 02:24:36 AM
can i be Bavaria?
Im Colombia (formally Bavaria) on the other WiR
Quote from: Duke of Britain on April 13, 2012, 02:30:56 AM
May i be Italy?
I'm Brazil on the other WiR :)
Yes, I'll let you all in since I cut you off so close to you posting :P
However, this is it! Now I'm positive this is plenty for me to handle my first time as GM. If things go well for awhile and I think I can handle more, I will reopen registration.
Should be a well rounded group of nations.
You forgot to put me as Italy on the list on the first page :p
Quote from: Duke of Britain on April 13, 2012, 03:55:59 AM
You forgot to put me as Italy on the list on the first page :p
Hello all, I'm Morrell8 on the Paradox forums and I am playing as glorious Germany in the original WiR. When Perth can handle more players, send me a message here or get one of the Paradox guys to send me one on the Paradox forums. I'd love to play as Portugal when you can handle me. :)
Quote from: Spectre17 on April 13, 2012, 02:34:22 AM
Hey is Egypt independent?
I believe it is under Ottoman dominion, is it not?
i noticed that you forgot to give me dutch guiana!
i need it... for future plans :o
Quote from: JPierreD on April 13, 2012, 04:42:06 AM
I believe it is under Ottoman dominion, is it not?
Quote from: BarticaBoat on April 13, 2012, 04:53:31 AM
i noticed that you forgot to give me dutch guiana!
i need it... for future plans :o
No worries, it is coming with the map update :)
To all the folks from the Paradox forums:
You should totally start BM accounts. It's the best.
Quote from: Vellos on April 13, 2012, 06:23:44 AM
To all the folks from the Paradox forums:
You should totally start BM accounts. It's the best.
We're not just saying that. It really is an awesome game. At the least, you can try it out while this game takes a bit of time to get started. Or wait and get to know some of the players of BM, by playing this game with us. We're just a small pick of the playerbase but this game is great especially if you like the type of game which this WiR is.
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 13, 2012, 06:29:58 AM
We're not just saying that. It really is an awesome game. At the least, you can try it out while this game takes a bit of time to get started. Or wait and get to know some of the players of BM, by playing this game with us. We're just a small pick of the playerbase but this game is great especially if you like the type of game which this WiR is.
I'd be willing to have a go at playing. Where can I get extra help?
Quote from: TheEmperor on April 13, 2012, 07:38:27 AM
I'd be willing to have a go at playing. Where can I get extra help?
Here in the forum. There is a helpline section. There is also the wiki available where you can gather more information. Also when joining the game, you'll meet a lot of players in your new "realm" who will almost always be greatly willing to answer any questions and to help you get a feel for what is going on.
You can also send private messages to any of us BM players here who have suggested the game. I'm sure we'd all be willing to help out with specifics if need be.
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 13, 2012, 07:42:35 AM
Here in the forum. There is a helpline section. There is also the wiki available where you can gather more information. Also when joining the game, you'll meet a lot of players in your new "realm" who will almost always be greatly willing to answer any questions and to help you get a feel for what is going on.
You can also send private messages to any of us BM players here who have suggested the game. I'm sure we'd all be willing to help out with specifics if need be.
Cool, thanks for the help Dante, I'll go register now. :)
Another question, should we keep messages to other players in the main game thread or use PMs?
On the other WiR, public messages are in thread, private stuff is by PM.
Also, I want to get a feel for the forum then I might try the main game so to speak.
Quote from: Adriddae on April 13, 2012, 08:59:54 AM
Another question, should we keep messages to other players in the main game thread or use PMs?
In the interest of fun, let's use the forum unless you really feel the need to keep it secrete for some reason.
It might be helpful to have a separate thread for side discussions. Otherwise, the Official Game thread will get hard to follow.
Perth, I realized the Army and the Navy levels are missing as well. One can have a huge army, like Korea, but if they are armed only with swords they are really not worth that much. Same with Ironclads against Wooden Vessels, or Junks.
Hmmm, I can't help but feel Prussia and the US are too strong compared to UK and France.
Quote from: Iltaran on April 13, 2012, 12:42:12 PM
Hmmm, I can't help but feel Prussia and the US are too strong compared to UK and France.
The result of the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 shows how historically accurate this is.
Quote from: Perth on April 13, 2012, 10:17:11 AM
In the interest of fun, let's use the forum unless you really feel the need to keep it secrete for some reason.
Do we use the BM RP rules, i.e. do not directly reply to letters not adressed to you, but assume you may have heard of it through diplomatic channels?
I do like to make a lot of it public, but yet I prefer keeping exact diplomatic details and dealing with only the player of the country being dealt with.
And Austria with 250 million troops :o
Request: When you post in the main game thread, can you preface your post with the country you are playing? Something like: "[CSA] The Union sucks eggs!" or whatever...
I suspect that it would be *very* helpful for everyone who, like me, can't keep this stuff straight, but who is too embarrassed to admit it. :-[
How do we do trade?
Suppose, for example, nation A wants to buy weapons from nation B for its war effort. Should we say "I will buy 5% of your nation's industrial production against 125 gold units" and the GM will shuffle the numebrs accordingly in the update? Or should we fluff it out and say "I will buy 1'500 Gatling guns for a price of 2'000$ each" and let the GM translate it in abstract numbers? Or should we simply issue an order saying "Sign an deal to supply arms to nation B" and let the GM handle the consequences?
In the other WiR, we do the following :
Private stuff are like letters, so we use PMs
Trade : A treaty is signed, like any other treaty it takes up a order. Usually just a deal to supply weapons or such is enough, but it is possible to buy ships and such.
Trade Agreements are treaties as well.
As to not knowing who is posting...we use colours according to our nation, IE Italy In-Character posts are in green. While the ones from the USA are a certain blue. We also put the (historical) flags on our posts, or at least the most important posts, a basic example :
The kingdom of Italy agrees with their allies position on the American Civil War, the CSA have the right to secede and should have been allowed to do so peacefully.
1) That flag is huge. Get a dozen of those on a page, and it's going to be a lot of annoying, in-your-face pictures that I just have to scroll past.
2) Not being a history buff, I have no idea who's flag that is.
3) When reading the posts from my phone using the WAP2 mode of the forums, all images and colors are stripped from the posts, so I can't see either of the indicators you're using.
Yes, I know that those are, perhaps, my problem and not yours. But a simple [Italy] at the start of your post would remove the need for huge images, colored text, memorization of historical flags of foreign countries, and still let those of us using mobile browsing through in WAP2 mode know what country is posting. You can still use whatever colors/images you want, but a simple text tag seems pretty simple, and non-onerous.
Maybe that tag is not needed if people include their country's name or a "signature" at the end of the post, or something at the beginning of the post like :
"Italian Communiqué"
I don't knwo about the flag, on the other WiR game i've seen bigger, but that can be worked around, it was more of an example post.
A signature would be great. One or the other, or both. Just something that indicates the name of who is posting it. I suppose that I will eventually learn who people are. But until then, memory joggers are great.
Quote from: Sypher on April 13, 2012, 11:00:19 AM
It might be helpful to have a separate thread for side discussions. Otherwise, the Official Game thread will get hard to follow.
Feel free to use this one.
Quote from: JPierreD on April 13, 2012, 11:15:16 AM
Perth, I realized the Army and the Navy levels are missing as well. One can have a huge army, like Korea, but if they are armed only with swords they are really not worth that much. Same with Ironclads against Wooden Vessels, or Junks.
I figured I will just keep these things in mind when giving the updates about the battles and such. If Britain invades Korea, for instance, it will take a lot more for Korea to come out on top. Otherwise, I would need to implement
even more stats. The ones I have for now are plenty work for the time being, lol.
Quote from: Indirik on April 13, 2012, 05:07:37 PM
Request: When you post in the main game thread, can you preface your post with the country you are playing? Something like: "[CSA] The Union sucks eggs!" or whatever...
I suspect that it would be *very* helpful for everyone who, like me, can't keep this stuff straight, but who is too embarrassed to admit it. :-[
I think this is the best and most efficient option. I don't see the need for a huge IMG in every little post. For a large RP or some important event, sure. But not for a two sentence reply or something.
Quote from: Perth on April 13, 2012, 08:16:55 PM
I figured I will just keep these things in mind when giving the updates about the battles and such. If Britain invades Korea, for instance, it will take a lot more for Korea to come out on top. Otherwise, I would need to implement even more stats. The ones I have for now are plenty work for the time being, lol.
Yes, but these stats are already fleshed out, you can ask Frymonmon for them. This is what he posted in the other thread about them, for example:
Quote1-3: Wooden Sailing Ships
4-6: Wooden Steam Ships
7-10: Early Ironclads
11-16: Ironclads
17 -20: Advanced Ironclads
21-26: Early Cruisers
27-30: Cruisers
31-36: Early Dreadnoughts
37-45: Dreadnoughts
46-50: Early Battleships
51-60: Battleships
60-70: Aircraft Carriers
70-100: Modern Navies
100+: TBD
Quote from: JPierreD on April 13, 2012, 10:27:46 PM
Yes, but these stats are already fleshed out, you can ask Frymonmon for them. This is what he posted in the other thread about them, for example:
Nice. I didn't see that.
How do they use over there to determine when you get to move up?
Quote from: Perth on April 13, 2012, 10:43:58 PM
Nice. I didn't see that.
How do they use over there to determine when you get to move up?
A bit of historical knowledge and just using orders to expand it, open naval academy for behind nations, trading for technology, could probably loot a bit if the right nations fought etc. No one could issue an order to develop modern carriers atm but someone behind could issue an order to pay X money towards developing ironclads. If you feel they paid too little then for sure it fails, a huge amount and for sure it succeeds, a fair amount and toss a coin or roll a dice. If they fail but paid some towards it, next time it is that much easier to reach.
So, can we send forum private messages for secret dealings between countries?
Quote from: JPierreD on April 13, 2012, 11:29:04 PM
So, can we send forum private messages for secret dealings between countries?
Quote from: Jacob L on April 13, 2012, 10:47:00 PM
A bit of historical knowledge and just using orders to expand it, open naval academy for behind nations, trading for technology, could probably loot a bit if the right nations fought etc. No one could issue an order to develop modern carriers atm but someone behind could issue an order to pay X money towards developing ironclads. If you feel they paid too little then for sure it fails, a huge amount and for sure it succeeds, a fair amount and toss a coin or roll a dice. If they fail but paid some towards it, next time it is that much easier to reach.
Cool, we might be able to do that then.
By the way, the Paradoxians use the irc.coldfront.net server, and their channel for this game is #WiR_BattleMaster_1861
OOC : Btw Perth, how are trade agreements working? Are you adding direcly to the income?
EDIT : Also, can anyone confirm if Italy had slavery at the time?
Quote from: Duke of Britain on April 14, 2012, 04:21:19 AM
OOC : Btw Perth, how are trade agreements working? Are you adding direcly to the income?
For now, yes. Trade agreements should bump your income a little bit.
What all can be accomplished in one "order?" Can multiple treaties be signed in a single order, or would those require separate orders?
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 14, 2012, 05:20:42 AM
What all can be accomplished in one "order?" Can multiple treaties be signed in a single order, or would those require separate orders?
Hmm... I would say one TREATY per order. If are signing it with multiple nations (for instance a multinational alliance) I think that should be fine. But not multiple treaties in one order, I don't think. Does that sound fair?
Yes, on the original WiR it was one treaty per order...
It is very fair and better than treaty-spam on one turn.
However, things like a conference of Africa are of course a unique treaty and only require one order, where treaty agreements each will use up one order and are impossible to include more than two countries (no economic blocs at this time)
hmm, weird I can't view the maps? anyone able to help me out?
I can view it just fine...
try this :
http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/3575/map1861.jpg (http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/3575/map1861.jpg)
If you still can't, i might try reuploading it
Its telling me the domain is unregistered :/
Let me reupload then...
Thanks very much. :)
Quote from: Perth on April 14, 2012, 05:45:25 AM
Hmm... I would say one TREATY per order. If are signing it with multiple nations (for instance a multinational alliance) I think that should be fine. But not multiple treaties in one order, I don't think. Does that sound fair?
So to sign a treaty nation A needs an order of the type
"Sign a trade agreement to supply arms to nation B"
and nation B sends an order of the type
"Sign a trade agreement to buy weapons from nation A"
and you handle the rest?
Quote from: vonGenf on April 14, 2012, 09:37:03 AM
So to sign a treaty nation A needs an order of the type
"Sign a trade agreement to supply arms to nation B"
and nation B sends an order of the type
"Sign a trade agreement to buy weapons from nation A"
and you handle the rest?
Yes that sounds right.
The actual effects of the treaty may vary, but yes.
As for treaties, how about something like that example :
Treaty of French-Italian Friendship
- By the signing of this treaty, both countries agree to reduce tariffs between themselves, encouraging trade.
[ ] King Victor Emmanuel II of Italy
[ ] Emperor Napoleon III of France
That kind of treaty could either be posted in the thread or sent by PM, when both have signed the treaty they just include it in their orders.
Could nations not at war use some of their war-orders for peaceful actions? I don't see how a nation at war can do MORE - real life seems to scream the opposite is true, with the war effort taking up resources that could be used elsewhere.
I have a question: Is all correspondence in the game topic public? I.e. do I need to send private letters through PM?
Quote from: Tom on April 14, 2012, 07:45:45 PM
Could nations not at war use some of their war-orders for peaceful actions? I don't see how a nation at war can do MORE - real life seems to scream the opposite is true, with the war effort taking up resources that could be used elsewhere.
Well, on the original WiR the war-orders were used only for war-related issues, like movimentation of the armies and navies, propaganda, etc....
Quote from: Sacha on April 14, 2012, 08:34:06 PM
I have a question: Is all correspondence in the game topic public? I.e. do I need to send private letters through PM?
No, it's like : PMs = Letters
Quote from: Duke of Britain on April 14, 2012, 09:08:59 PM
Well, on the original WiR the war-orders were used only for war-related issues, like movimentation of the armies and navies, propaganda, etc....
But, can a nation not at "war" per-say utilize "war orders" to move their military around and make military maneuvers? Even if they don't make an official declaration of war, I'd think such a system could still work.
If you don't want people knowing the business of the letter then don't post it, send a PM.
One more question: At which point do I have to issue orders and what are things that simply happen without?
An example are the exchanges of ambassadors I'm proposing to everyone. If I need an order for ever delegation, it'll be 1862 before I can do anything else. :-)
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 14, 2012, 09:12:31 PM
But, can a nation not at "war" per-say utilize "war orders" to move their military around and make military maneuvers? Even if they don't make an official declaration of war, I'd think such a system could still work.
Well, AFAIK that isn't needed, at the start of the war you juts "deploy" your current troops, and as you get more you "deploy" them as well. Tough i could see something related to movimentation of troops working and adding to the game...maybe the GM will want to change that if he doesn't likes the old system
Quote from: Tom on April 14, 2012, 10:02:44 PM
One more question: At which point do I have to issue orders and what are things that simply happen without?
An example are the exchanges of ambassadors I'm proposing to everyone. If I need an order for ever delegation, it'll be 1862 before I can do anything else. :-)
I must say, that isn't needed at all, you either already have embassies or don't need to. Recognitions don't take up a order as well...unless you want to do something else other than recognize...
Having recognitions and such take up an order wouldn't be worth it...
As for sending orders, just send them within the deadline...
Quote from: Tom on April 14, 2012, 10:02:44 PM
One more question: At which point do I have to issue orders and what are things that simply happen without?
An example are the exchanges of ambassadors I'm proposing to everyone. If I need an order for ever delegation, it'll be 1862 before I can do anything else. :-)
I would say (although have no say in the matter) that ambassador exchanges or diplomat exchanges don't need any orders. But other official actions would. Someone more experienced should correct me though.
Quote from: Duke of Britain on April 14, 2012, 10:08:14 PM
Well, AFAIK that isn't needed, at the start of the war you juts "deploy" your current troops, and as you get more you "deploy" them as well. Tough i could see something related to movimentation of troops working and adding to the game...maybe the GM will want to change that if he doesn't likes the old system
What I mean is, the UK has a huge fleet, and a large army as well. But, you can't necessarily just expect their entire fleet/army to be readily available all on Australia or some such when they control an entire world naval empire. There may be some reason for the UK to focus parts of their fleet in certain areas but I believe it wouldn't be wrong to perhaps have a "war order" stating, to station a certain amount of troops in a particular region, or to move their fleet to shore up the defenses of an area.
At least that's what I'd perceive. I mean if an empire with an army of 500k, always had 500k on whatever border they were fighting on they would be much stronger than an empire who had to spread that 500k across multiple fronts at once.
1) No, you don't need to utilize your orders for sending diplomats, etc. Since those kinds of things don't have many physical effects on your nation, just take care of it in the Game Thread with RP, etc. In fact, most diplomacy should be handled this war. Implementing a new treaty is about the only thing that needs an order diplomacy-wise and that only when it has been signed by all parties.
2) I think I will definitely allow the use of War Orders for troop movements strictly. Because in this version of the game I have provided everyone, especially the large empires, of more details of where there troops are roughly located then yes you can use war orders to shift them around. However, you cannot use them for general things.
That goes for countries at war too. War Orders are meant for troop movements and perhaps building troops, that's about it.
I think that is reasonable, yes? No?
Quote from: Perth on April 14, 2012, 10:49:40 PM
1) No, you don't need to utilize your orders for sending diplomats, etc. Since those kinds of things don't have many physical effects on your nation, just take care of it in the Game Thread with RP, etc. In fact, most diplomacy should be handled this war. Implementing a new treaty is about the only thing that needs an order diplomacy-wise and that only when it has been signed by all parties.
2) I think I will definitely allow the use of War Orders for troop movements strictly. Because in this version of the game I have provided everyone, especially the large empires, of more details of where there troops are roughly located then yes you can use war orders to shift them around. However, you cannot use them for general things.
That goes for countries at war too. War Orders are meant for troop movements and perhaps building troops, that's about it.
I think that is reasonable, yes? No?
I personally would say that's reasonable.
Yes it is.
But i suggest that building regulars should be possible for only regular orders (this doesn't includes conscription ofc), as even in peace-time a country would recruit more regulars for its army, same goes to both kinds of ships, being built using regular orders.
As for conscripts, conscription programs and such would be of course only possible during wars.
Yeah ship construction and regulars should be regular orders. While some wars are longer, most wars during this time were over before large increases in ships and regular army troops could take place. A lot of wars you fought with what you brought (though planned ahead accordingly ;D)
Well except conscripts, those tended to be drawn up right before or right after the declaration of war.
So building ships is a war order? Would that be one at a time? Or can I order multiple ships with one order? how do we handle the cost?
Erk, ships built with regular orders...
Ships are always best ordered in bulk. 1-2 at a time is for carriers and battleships perhaps. :P
Any decent sized naval power will probably always buy in 5 or up chunks, especially with naval tech jumping from mostly/all wood now for most fleets.
Can a war order include the following-
- Build a supply line to X
- Build a barracks in X, Y, Z
- Increase pay for troops by 20%
War orders are more along the lines of:
1. Army of Northern Virginia
-General Thomas Jackson is now in command.
-Orders to march north as winter ends and the weather allows, strike a fatal blow against the severely weakened Union army near Philidelphia, attacking and capturing Philidelphia as well. Ways to achieve this are left for Jackson to decide.
-25,000 of the new regulars and 150,000 of the new black conscripts to be sent to the Army of Northern Virginia
2. Army of Georgia
-General P.G.T. Beauregard is now in command
-Orders to defeat Sherman once and for all. The Army retreated towards Montgomery after the defeat at Atlanta, so defensive works should be constructed along the route, using the Tallapoosa River to cover our left flank. If the defense is successful, Beauregard is to pursue and defeat Sherman if it is militarily possible.
-20,000 of the new regulars and 150,000 of the new black conscripts to be sent to the Army of Georgia, as well as small ships to sail up the Alabama River to the Tallapoosa to assist with firing support, just as was done on the Mississippi at Vicksburg.
3. Army of Trans-Mississippi
-General Albert Sidney Johnston is now in command
-Orders to advance up the Mississippi River and engage the weak Union forces there. Johnston should attempt to defeat the Union army however he thinks he can, and
continue to push north, liberating Missouri and allowing for a secession vote to be held in the capital.
-20,000 of the new regulars and 100,000 of the new black conscriptsto be sent to the Army of Trans-Mississippi, with the 6 strong Confederate navy on the
Mississippi (2 original +4 captured from the Union) being strengthened with 5 additional small ships to provide firing support on the river, and sail up the river,
engaing Union ships and landing 15,000 conscripts from Vicksburg at St. Louis and any other Missouri cities along the river.
4. Army of Texas
-General Joseph E. Johnston is now in command
-Orders to create defensive works along the Texas-Arizona Territory border and defend against any incoming Unions attacks until reinforcements arrive. Raids are to be sent across the border to harass the Union army, and aid to be asked for from the Five Civilized Tribes to cover the northern flank.
-100,000 of the new black conscripts to be sent to the Army of Texas, upon their arrival Johnston is to attack the Union army facing him, retaking the Arizona Territory, as well as the New Mexico Territory.
1. Infanstructure
-New rail and telegraph lines need to be laid asap!
-Prioritize this before all other civilian construction works, even commandeer slaves that have not joined the Army to get it done, with due compensation to their owners.
2. Soldiers
-Dispatch to all the armies from Lee in an attempt to rally the troops and prevent more black disertion. To be read aloud infront of each army.
-Remind the Black soldiers that they are now part of the Army and will face the same consequences for disertion as the White ones, death. They are already garenteed freedom for enlisting, so why not continue to fight like they signed up to do? If the South wins, the Blacks will have earned some respect from the White soldiers they fought alongside of, where as if the South loses they will be hated even more than now.
-Tell the white soldiers, that if there had been more Black soldiers within the Georgia militia's, Sherman's Army may have been stalled long enough for Beauregard to learn about the "March to the Sea" and march to Savanna.
-Both Black's and Whites need to work together to maintain their freedom and win the war.
3. Smuggling
-The small ships that were to help Beauregard are now redirected to blockade-running.
-Cotton building up in the ports along the Gulf coast will be smuggled out with the blockade-runner, and sold at Guatemalan and Brazilian ports to civilian buyers.
-While at these ports, the blockade-runners will buy needed goods that are currently in short supply in the Confederacy, as well as paying a "tariff" to the local government and port officials.
4. Resistance
-Sherman has destroyed Georgia!! Take up your arms and fight back against these invaders wherever possible! Skirmish in the streets, plunder their supply depots, do whatever it takes to hurt
Sherman and his blood lusting hellhounds! Send information about Sherman's army to General Beauregard in Columbia, South Carolina, and join his forces to help liberate your homes!
Fight for honor, fight for your homes and families, and fight for the South!
-Panflets with those lines should be smuggled into the Union occupied areas of Georgia, with any available guns and ammo to help any resistance that develops.
More examples of good orders: http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?583446-Forum-Game-World-in-Revolution-1861&p=13628485&viewfull=1#post13628485
That seems like a LOT more than just four orders. In fact, you're not giving four orders. You're giving a complete set of orders to four different groups. Not what I expected at all.
Yeah, colour me surprised as well. I may have to re-write the orders for this turn.
Do remember that what you ask is not necessarily what you get. See the last update from the GM of the other game, for an example:
Great, so we can be as detailed as we like :D
I wouldn't say that a war order is exclusive to only one thing like movimentation of armies, look at these orders, he designed generals, reinforcements each army would receive and gave them orders all in one "order", that is possible because it makes sense.
Now on the regular orders, he purely gave one order and some details and such, it could all be done in one line but he organized it.
Quote from: Indirik on April 15, 2012, 03:51:09 PM
That seems like a LOT more than just four orders. In fact, you're not giving four orders. You're giving a complete set of orders to four different groups. Not what I expected at all.
Some players like to give very detailed orders, others just write "Create infrastructure in region x".
Quote from: Indirik on April 15, 2012, 03:51:09 PM
That seems like a LOT more than just four orders. In fact, you're not giving four orders. You're giving a complete set of orders to four different groups. Not what I expected at all.
Didn't expect that either. Maybe my fault for not doing enough research.
Feel free to be detailed, I actually enjoyed the style of those orders, but if you write me a freaking book keep in mind that I have to read 20 of these things, write the update for all of them, and then crunch the corresponding numbers. I do have a good amount of free time for now, but maybe not
that much.
Those are a bit long but very vital orders call for it.
Now one of my likely orders for this turn as spain is very simple and doesn't need any explanation as though it will help it also is...well point blank.
""Order # 1 (or 3 whatever number it ends up being)
Establish national naval and army academies to train officers at in the ways of modern warfare, encourage/accept foreign teachers from leading nations in each field.""
Wartime nations will often have longer orders and some peacetime will be long BUT a player should not need to make all of them long. Some people get a little deep though and nothing to be done about that.
Quote from: Perth on April 16, 2012, 12:15:01 AM
Feel free to be detailed, I actually enjoyed the style of those orders, but if you write me a freaking book keep in mind that I have to read 20 of these things, write the update for all of them, and then crunch the corresponding numbers. I do have a good amount of free time for now, but maybe not that much.
Basically, I've now changed my style to add some more explanations and reasons to the orders, which should make it easier to resolve them.
When are orders officially due?
Every Friday. I don't know if there is a specific hour that has been set.
Quote from: Indirik on April 16, 2012, 07:10:11 PM
Every Friday. I don't know if there is a specific hour that has been set.
Or time zone?
Would it not be better if orders were due Thursday, so Perth actually had time to process them and produce the update? Or will we be submitting orders on Friday and getting the update by like Sunday or something?
Orders deadline are Friday, you can send them before it...but if you don't send them till Friday...
Deadline is Friday.
Try to have them in by Friday at 3 or 4 pm at the latest (though the earlier the better) which will give me time time write updates.
Also, I'm GMT -5 timezone. (Central Time)
Do war declarations have to be in one of the orders? Or can we just make a proclamation of war and not have to put it in the orders?
Quote from: Lefanis on April 17, 2012, 06:46:45 AM
Do war declarations have to be in one of the orders? Or can we just make a proclamation of war and not have to put it in the orders?
Just do it in the game thread.
Unless you don't want anyone to know and have it incorporated into my update; or you want it to be a surprise attack, ie. your order would be for the troops storming across the border.
Wow. Just wow.
Russian Empire
Value | Old | New |
Income | 245 | 70 |
Infrastructure | 4 | 2 |
Industry | 3 | 4 |
Army | 900,000 | 300,000 |
Small ships | 35 | 25 |
It was military expenditure that dominated Russia's state finances. During the eighteenth century, the army and navy consistently accounted for more than half of the Russian state's spending and, at times, more than 60 per cent of the budget was devoted to military Expenditure- in 1861, 90 million roubles!
In the early 1850s, the Russian army consisted of around 938,731 regular soldiers and 245,850 irregulars. Russia had so large a standing army, that it took more than half of their annual budget to pay for it. And they were also afraid to disband it, for the massive demand generated by their army propped up their economy.
It makes absolutely no sense at all to reduce both Russia's income (1/4 of what it was originally!!) and the army (1/3!! of what it was). If the game wasn't aiming for realism, and for balance (which it isn't even now), we should have been told from the start. Not 2 days before turn change, after people have been drafting their orders for days, for 600,000 troops who have suddenly vanished. Now it's basically a kick in the crotch, for Russia, and quite likely the Qing and the Japanese (hadn't saved their earlier values).
Pardon my french, but frankly this change really pisses me off.
The income is I believe not a base number, it is the end result of various factors and after paying for the army. You will notice spain took a similar big drop and that is a result of similar reasons for both nations. My army and navy is bigger than they should be given my financial assets...so I have to adjust in some manner. Russia can do so by cleaning up the little npc states around them, some troops might die and a bit of tax base added. I hope to do so as well with a little colonial fun or by simply selling/disbanding ships if it truly comes to it and be reforming the army size down if it truly comes to it.
Some nations are over/under built militarily and will need to decide what their priorities are for the next 5 game years and adjust as a result. Remember, if you spend your starting bank solely on development for 2-3 turns your income will rise a lot since your military wont be expanding. And don't worry about the army size, you could defend against/beat any single nation you can fight atm imply by screaming mobilize and getting 500k conscripts instantly.
Is there some guide about how much it costs to pay your troops, or build stuff, etc? Say I have a Bank of 50, and 500,000 troops. Those numbers are, to me, unitless and completely meaningless. How many Large ships can I build with a Bank of 50? What about a shipyard, how much do they cost? This first set of orders for me is just going to be one massive guess.
I am curious as to what sort of changes were involved underneath.
Japan's military dropped by a factor of 8, from 800,000 troops to 100,000 troops. I'd already decided upon troop dedications of 500,000 troops. With the severe cutting of my resources, I'll have to change my plans dramatically over the course of the next two days. Done solely on my own, that would be fine, but seeing as Japan has done things like promise "200,000" troops to potential allies, its kind of difficult to see how I could possibly pull that off now.
I'm fine adjusting to a change like this, but I fail to see why such an extreme reduction of military strength (cutting my military to 12.5% of its original) without providing some other benefit in either naval size or otherwise places me at a reasonable level.
Just some initial thoughts.
Quote from: Jacob L on April 17, 2012, 04:45:12 PM
The income is I believe not a base number, it is the end result of various factors and after paying for the army.
Absolutely- so if my army size is reduced, it means I'm paying less for military. So my net income should rise as there is less expense. Here what has happened is that my net income has been reduced to a fourth, and so has my army.
Perth, I think the base income is off or might be missing for many of these nations, which is what is causing the problem. For example Prussia should have a slightly smaller income than Austria but most it's income is industrial while Austria's is rural. PM sent.
um, lol, 1.2 million soldiers?
Hogwash. The Green Banner Army had 2 million easy, not including the special armies raised against the Taiping rebels.
Nations who lost a bunch of troops (Russia, China and Japan) did do so because when I implemented the income formula from Fry it put you all waaaay in the red. Like, China and Russia had over -1000 income. Now, I could correct that by simply jacking up their base incomes a ton, but I felt it would be a poor fix because then nations like Russia and China would have humongous base incomes compared to nations like the UK or France; meaning all Russia and China would have to do is disband, say, half their armies, and they would be sitting on humongous piles of cash overnight.
Maybe that is okay? If so, I can make it so. It is up to you all.
The income numbers before were not based on anything more than "Ehhh... that looks right." So there was no correlation between why the UK had 15 industry and 500 income and Prussia had 17 industry and 250 income. Now, using Frymonmon's income formula, it is all standardized across the board.
Again, I'm happy to make more changes. I just felt the best way to go about it would be to lower troop numbers (ie. costs) to provide everyone a positive balance as then you can invest, build up your income, and build more troops.
Maybe my base numbers are wrong, but Fry said he wouldn't be able to provide his numbers to me until at least Monday.
Also, I made changes now as opposed to later, because I know you all have planned some stuff out, but at least nothing has technically happened yet. I though it would be less painful.
It seems to me the upkeep costs are off, then.
As I see it, huge nations would also have to pay a lot of money just to run their country. So they can have a huge income, but low cash flow. The army would be part of that "costs of running the country" until some limit.
To simplify things, you could simply add a number that represents how many men the standing army can support "for free", i.e. out of the normal operating costs of the government. Then a large country can maintain a large army, but increasing it is costly.
Balance can be maintained by picking the number carefully. China could field 200,000 men for free, but it needs to keep 300,000 men under weapons just so there are no internal rebellions, while Belgium can only field 10,000 men for free, but it can run at that level without internal unrest.
Also maybe make that second number (how much army do you need before you get internal trouble) depend on stability.
Just suggestions.
Alternatively, make soldiers required for stability. Auto-deteriorate stability if soldiers aren't present in-region in some ratio to population.
That way, large empires still can't just disband for cash, because doing so will beget instability, nor can they just go ROTFL stomp other nations, because doing so will beget instability.
Or you could keep it as-is, which is okay I guess. Bit of a tough break for us developing countries; I assume you did some fairly strict industry-level weighting. Which is okay I guess. It just incentivizes investing in industry for us.
I guess the changes are fine. I mean it was just SUCH a big change that it simply threw me off right away.
If these changes are what is necessary to ensure a balanced economic system, then I'll work with it. I just wasn't expecting the loss of 7/8ths of my military power. Thought it was one of Japan's advantages in the place of being drastically under developed.
I don't know as much about implementing formulas like this and such so will simply defer to those with more experience.
On the other hand, I actually was intending to disband some portion of Japan's army in order to supplement a larger positive income, but with the changes won't be doing that I am guessing.
I'm going to play around with the base incomes and see what I can do to remedy the heart ache. Will post again here in a little while.
Troop numbers restored!
Incomes slightly readjusted.
I think we should be good now and everyone should be moderately content. *crosses fingers*
/me riots and burns tires
Quote from: Perth on April 18, 2012, 07:53:51 AM
Troop numbers restored!
Incomes slightly readjusted.
I think we should be good now and everyone should be moderately content. *crosses fingers*
I just want to say the fact that the Swiss have a larger army than the CSA makes me giddy inside. lol.
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 18, 2012, 08:01:51 AM
I just want to say the fact that the Swiss have a larger army than the CSA makes me giddy inside. lol.
But it's historically correct, AFAIK. The swiss had been fielding mercenary forces all over Europe for centuries.
Quote from: Tom on April 18, 2012, 08:11:18 AM
But it's historically correct, AFAIK. The swiss had been fielding mercenary forces all over Europe for centuries.
I understand that. I just think its funny.
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 18, 2012, 08:01:51 AM
I just want to say the fact that the Swiss have a larger army than the CSA makes me giddy inside. lol.
I will take giddy over baffled, annoyed and angry anyday.
Besides, the CSA is like 3 months old at this point.
Quote from: Perth on April 18, 2012, 08:30:24 AM
I will take giddy over baffled, annoyed and angry anyday.
Besides, the CSA is like 3 months old at this point.
Anyone else think the CSA should hire the Swiss to fight the USA for them?
Also, why not change history and have it NOT be the bloodiest war in American history and jsut only fight with 20k and 30k troops? Win or lose just go with that eh>?
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 18, 2012, 08:33:41 AM
Also, why not change history and have it NOT be the bloodiest war in American history and jsut only fight with 20k and 30k troops? Win or lose just go with that eh>?
That nature of war is that people want to win it, so they will throw resources at it until they either win or have no resources left.
Very few wars in the history of mankind were won on the battlefield. Most were matters of whose economy collapses first.
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 18, 2012, 08:33:41 AM
Anyone else think the CSA should hire the Swiss to fight the USA for them?
Or Japanese Samurai? ;)
Quote from: Perth on April 18, 2012, 09:28:44 AM
Or Japanese Samurai? ;)
Those Samurai are expensive. The CSA can't afford them.
However, if they are willing to give Japan Texas and Lousiana, we may have a deal.
Quote from: Tom on April 18, 2012, 08:11:18 AM
But it's historically correct, AFAIK. The swiss had been fielding mercenary forces all over Europe for centuries.
Not only that, but they were just out of a serious civil war.
Quote from: vonGenf on April 18, 2012, 12:55:56 PM
Not only that, but they were just out of a serious civil war.
Would also die like flies against the American army. :P
Quote from: Perth on April 18, 2012, 07:53:51 AM
I think we should be good now and everyone should be moderately content. *crosses fingers*
Thank you, I look at my earlier post, and it came off as rude. I apologise for that.
Quote from: JPierreD on April 18, 2012, 05:04:41 PM
Would also die like flies against the American army. :P
The one at the end of the war, sure. At the beginning the american armies (both sides) was not very strong or organized.
Quote from: vonGenf on April 18, 2012, 05:21:29 PM
The one at the end of the war, sure. At the beginning the american armies (both sides) was not very strong or organized.
Even then: Rifles > Swords and Bows...
Quote from: JPierreD on April 18, 2012, 05:27:28 PM
Even then: Rifles > Swords and Bows...
Don't underestimate ninjas...
Quote from: JPierreD on April 18, 2012, 05:27:28 PM
Even then: Rifles > Swords and Bows...
Rifles>Swords sure. Bows, meh, Rifles were pretty bad at times. A trained bowman could shoot more deadly arrows at longer range than a rifleman could in the same time frame.
Quote from: Lefanis on April 18, 2012, 05:29:32 PM
Don't underestimate ninjas...
This is true as well. Have to see your target in order to shoot them.
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 18, 2012, 05:30:05 PM
Rifles>Swords sure. Bows, meh, Rifles were pretty bad at times. A trained bowman could shoot more deadly arrows at longer range than a rifleman could in the same time frame.
Yes, but training is the important word. You take too long to train archers, and I'm not sure rifles were that bad by 1860.
Quote from: JPierreD on April 18, 2012, 05:42:16 PM
Yes, but training is the important word. You take too long to train archers, and I'm not sure rifles were that bad by 1860.
They were not that bad.
Quote from: vonGenf on April 18, 2012, 12:55:56 PM
Not only that, but they were just out of a serious civil war.
*cough* well.. the Swiss civil war was a little bit different than the american civil war. Total casualties are estimated at about 100. That's one hundred, not one hundred thousand. :-)
Map correction:
Taiwan, at this time, was controlled by the Qing, wasn't it?
Alright a new war! So will the British allow Russia to reach warm waters or not? dundundun! 8)
Quote from: Jacob L on April 18, 2012, 07:16:51 PM
Alright a new war! So will the British allow Russia to reach warm waters or not? dundundun! 8)
Hehehe... The British and Persians just got out of a war against each other. ;)
They don't have to do it to help Persia. Unless they want Russia moving in near their turf. :o
Warm water port Russians is much stronger Russians.
Quote from: Tom on April 18, 2012, 06:48:23 PM
*cough* well.. the Swiss civil war was a little bit different than the american civil war. Total casualties are estimated at about 100. That's one hundred, not one hundred thousand. :-)
Yes, and they were still alive after it! The Sonderbund saw 180'000 men fighting (or at least maneuvering). The american army was actually disbanded after the revolution, and had only 36'000 soldiers at the end of the war of 1812 (15'000 had died during the war).
Quote from: JPierreD on April 18, 2012, 05:27:28 PM
Even then: Rifles > Swords and Bows...
Your claims that warfare in Europe in 1848 was done with bows and arrows is extraordinary enough that I must ask for some kind of reference.....
Quote from: Lefanis on April 18, 2012, 05:29:32 PM
Don't underestimate ninjas...
Yeah, you better watch out for all those Swiss Ninjas. ::)
Quote from: vonGenf on April 18, 2012, 07:52:08 PM
The american army was actually disbanded after the revolution, and had only 36'000 soldiers at the end of the war of 1812 (15'000 had died during the war).
Indeed, two of the huge early issues about the extent of Federal authority in the US were: should we have a standing army, and should we have a central bank. Both were hotly debated, and the answer to both was either some variant of "no" or a compromise until much later: 1913 for the central bank, 1947 for the army (though implicitly since the 1840's).
Quote from: vonGenf on April 18, 2012, 07:52:08 PM
Your claims that warfare in Europe in 1848 was done with bows and arrows is extraordinary enough that I must ask for some kind of reference.....
In Japan, not in Europe. Samurais.
Once again I encourage everyone to make the trip over to the IRC channel #WiR_Battlemaster_1861 at coldfront.net
why have the channel on yet another network? The BattleMaster IRC channel is on quakenet, so that's where most BMers hang out.
Quote from: Tom on April 19, 2012, 12:15:12 PM
why have the channel on yet another network? The BattleMaster IRC channel is on quakenet, so that's where most BMers hang out.
This is true.
Update is forthcoming.
Was coming tonight, however my best bud showed up with a couple sixers of New Belgium. Needless to say, the update the will come tomorrow. Sorry for the slight delay.
So, I am finished with the update. But am going to bed.
I will post it tomorrow along with fancy photos to go along with it and make it look nice. Plus I need to update the map to put out at the same time. (dun dun dun!)
It's coming, I promise.
Quote from: Perth on April 22, 2012, 11:36:27 AM
So, I am finished with the update. But am going to bed.
It's coming, I promise.
Hurry :D
Quote from: Perth on April 22, 2012, 11:36:27 AM
So, I am finished with the update. But am going to bed.
I will post it tomorrow along with fancy photos to go along with it and make it look nice. Plus I need to update the map to put out at the same time. (dun dun dun!)
It's coming, I promise.
My guess: Someone tried to event nuclear weapons, and he's trying to figure out how best to make that country just explode.
Excellent update Perth. Very nicely done narration. It was worth the wait. :)
Indeed. :D
Agreed, very well done. Things didn't go fully as planned, but hey. Wouldn't be fun if it was easy.
Regional info has been sent out.
Remember, don't be surprised that Ind, Infra, and Income stats have been done away with for regional values. Now you should just be getting Stability, Population, and Troop/Navy numbers. The rest was unnecessary.
Excellent update. I just noticed that my number of regulars has halved, I guess that happened when you rejigged the stats? Good thing I ordered more troops.
Great Update Perth. Also If I wanted to negotiate with NPC nations I talk to Perth right?
Great update :D Are we going to get those little mini updates too, once in a while? ;D
And I remember seeing on the paradox forum a chart showing what army level corresponded to which technology. Does someone have a link to it?
That is the naval chart. I don't think there is an Army one. http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?583446-Forum-Game-World-in-Revolution-1861/page273 (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?583446-Forum-Game-World-in-Revolution-1861/page273) It's right at the bottom.
Japanese soldiers in the United States?
Does the USA player have a death wish?
Quote from: Frymonmon on April 23, 2012, 06:11:31 PM
Japanese soldiers in the United States?
Does the USA player have a death wish?
Definitely an interesting change from real-world history. And while my american history isn't too detailed (hey, I'm european, what do I care for what state joined which side?) it does seem to me that things are already taking a different course.
This won't end well...not for the US, not for Japan...
Quote from: Duke of Britain on April 23, 2012, 07:34:04 PM
This won't end well...not for the US, not for Japan...
You never know. Only time will tell. History can be changed, times can be different.
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 23, 2012, 07:51:49 PM
You never know. Only time will tell. History can be changed, times can be different.
The lack of infrastructure to support 200,000 however can't be changed so easily :P
Quote from: Muskeato on April 23, 2012, 07:54:30 PM
The lack of infrastructure to support 200,00 however can't be changed so easily :P
I am also skeptic about the capability of the Japanese navy to transport 200'000 soldiers across the pacific, to be honest.....
Quote from: vonGenf on April 23, 2012, 07:59:53 PM
I am also skeptic about the capability of the Japanese navy to transport 200'000 soldiers across the pacific, to be honest.....
It would be the Russian navy, I guess. The Japanese is completely incapable, and the Russian would have to make several trips.
Quote from: vonGenf on April 23, 2012, 07:59:53 PM
I am also skeptic about the capability of the Japanese navy to transport 200'000 soldiers across the pacific, to be honest.....
I'm skeptical about the need for 200,000 soldiers in California. The biggest battles out west had less than 20,000 soldiers on both sides combined.
Quote from: Vellos on April 23, 2012, 08:33:14 PM
I'm skeptical about the need for 200,000 soldiers in California. The biggest battles out west had less than 20,000 soldiers on both sides combined.
I know, now wouldn't it sway battles then if one side had 200,000 while the other had 20,000? History does change then wouldn't it?
And yes, the Japanese Navy isn't the strongest, but its allies have stronger navies at the current time.
But not 200,000 man transports, lol.
I'm trying to think of precedents for naval invasions. Nothing's really coming to mind.... but that's telling. This would have been the largest transoceanic movement of troops... in history.
The Opium Wars, for example, had only about 20,000 British troops. The entire British (non-Indian) garrison of India was only about 60,000 soldiers. Moving 200,000 soldiers across an ocean like that at those tech levels is at the minimum ultra-expensive, but might be impossible.
Quote from: Vellos on April 23, 2012, 09:17:07 PM
But not 200,000 man transports, lol.
I'm trying to think of precedents for naval invasions. Nothing's really coming to mind.... but that's telling. This would have been the largest transoceanic movement of troops... in history.
The Opium Wars, for example, had only about 20,000 British troops. The entire British (non-Indian) garrison of India was only about 60,000 soldiers. Moving 200,000 soldiers across an ocean like that at those tech levels is at the minimum ultra-expensive, but might be impossible.
Never claimed that any such movement of troops would all occur at once, or in a short time frame. Multiple trips would need to be taken, and it would be a large naval endeavor of course.
Quote from: Vellos on April 23, 2012, 09:17:07 PM
But not 200,000 man transports, lol.
I'm trying to think of precedents for naval invasions. Nothing's really coming to mind.... but that's telling. This would have been the largest transoceanic movement of troops... in history.
The Opium Wars, for example, had only about 20,000 British troops. The entire British (non-Indian) garrison of India was only about 60,000 soldiers. Moving 200,000 soldiers across an ocean like that at those tech levels is at the minimum ultra-expensive, but might be impossible.
It depends on the conditions of transport, and the rush of the transporters. They can be delivered in several trips, like with civilian migrants. They won't arrive together, ready to fight, and it will take some time, but it can be done.
The true problems lay in the impacts for the stability of Japan and for the West of the USA's economy. It would also be somewhat expensive if they arrive in large groups, as that region should not produce enough to cater for their needs, albeit minimal.
It can be done, but it would be better done in small waves, correctly equipping and training the troops in the West Coast before sending them to battle. Otherwise they will be of very little use, and die like flies, if not outright causing mass starvation and unrest in the region.
hush, just let it happen ;D
I have received several questions about number of orders. To clarify:
- You get TWO "Treaty Orders" to sign and enact treaties.
- You get FOUR "General Orders" encompassing big/regular actions across your nation.
- You get FOUR "War Orders" encompassing military actions, troop movements, etc.
The 2 treaty rule was recommended by the Paradox guys, it is the rule they use over there (also it is to control the massive amount of treaty signings that went on and that I received) ;) While the others are standard from the beginning.
My friend, who is going under the name of kyrenide, is going to play as a Govorner-General of india. We'll see how long he stays. However, I'm still going to provide the orders regarding United Kingdom, but as far as I am concern he will be running India. Which means whatever orders he wants, I'll post them to Perth.
I hope this doesn't means the UK effectively gaining 4 extra orders to be used exclusively on India, i think that guy should get one of the UK player orders to use if we are going to do it like this.
No, we are dividing the United Kingdom's orders between us. Or at least using 1 normal order and 1 war order for India.
Well, then i suppose there are will be no problems with that
Lefanis: Vladivostok is only an outpost, with a handful of men. Right now your centers of population in the far east are Nikolayevsk-on-Amur and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
Quote from: JPierreD on April 24, 2012, 10:01:41 AM
Lefanis: Vladivostok is only an outpost, with a handful of men. Right now your centers of population in the far east are Nikolayevsk-on-Amur and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
Think of the investment multiplication if the Swiss set up shop there! Hotels, schools, factories, industries will suddenly spring up. :P
Besides, the orders I sent last turn and this turn ought to speed up the growth.
California's total population in 1860: 379,000 people.
Japanese army: 200,000 males
Russian sailors: at least a few hundred/thousand
So we're going to take a state, and add 50% to its population... composed entirely of militarized males?
No, that's not a demographic catastrophe waiting to happen.
To be fairly honest Japan did not have properly an army at this time, but a feudal system in which that large amount of Samurais were conscripted in times of war and gathered under banners. It would be like calling 200k knights for a crusade, in terms of organization and logistics.
But as said, they could arrive in waves and use the trains to move to more populated areas able to absorb their impact in the economy, and sustain them.
Quote from: JPierreD on April 24, 2012, 06:46:26 PM
To be fairly honest Japan did not have properly an army at this time, but a feudal system in which that large amount of Samurais were conscripted in times of war and gathered under banners. It would be like calling 200k knights for a crusade, in terms of organization and logistics.
But as said, they could arrive in waves and use the trains to move to more populated areas able to absorb their impact in the economy, and sustain them.
Transcontinental railroad wasn't even begun until 1863.
Quote from: Vellos on April 24, 2012, 07:22:52 PM
Transcontinental railroad wasn't even begun until 1863.
Then it would be quite a journey...
Quote from: JPierreD on April 24, 2012, 06:46:26 PM
To be fairly honest Japan did not have properly an army at this time, but a feudal system in which that large amount of Samurais were conscripted in times of war and gathered under banners. It would be like calling 200k knights for a crusade, in terms of organization and logistics.
But as said, they could arrive in waves and use the trains to move to more populated areas able to absorb their impact in the economy, and sustain them.
They'll either have to go north (and therefore not actually being useful in the war) or march across a lot of desert to reach Texas, with at best dirt tracks to go along. Sounds like fun!
Quote from: JPierreD on April 24, 2012, 07:30:21 PM
Then it would be quite a journey...
With a lot of dead Japanese people...
Quote from: Vellos on April 24, 2012, 07:59:21 PM
With a lot of dead Japanese people...
Ever wondered if that was perhaps the point? ;)
Wait and react to what actually happens, instead of what just seems to be happening.
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 24, 2012, 08:11:28 PM
Ever wondered if that was perhaps the point? ;)
Wait and react to what actually happens, instead of what just seems to be happening.
The point was to kill your own army?
How curious.
Quote from: Vellos on April 24, 2012, 09:02:34 PM
The point was to kill your own army?
How curious.
One of the major dissidents to reform in Japan were the many people of the Samurai class in the 1860's. If those dissidents were "disposed of" then stability would be easier to restore, and progress made. However, anything short of a legitimate war would only cause more unrest.
What's with the Chinese (considered barbarians) trying to do this kind of diplomacy with the landlocked Swiss? :|
This treaty really looks a bit too modern-like to me...maybe it is just me, but i don't know, i think it is kinda unpausible and unrealistic, opnions?
The Qing should be an isolationist country, shunning foreigners.
The United States would have a near revolt on its hands if, in 1861, randomly invited 200,000 Japanese soldiers to march through the West. The Japanese Government would be in turmoil too, as they were still hyper-sensitive of outsiders at this time.
Quote from: Frymonmon on April 24, 2012, 10:14:44 PM
The Qing should be an isolationist country, shunning foreigners.
The United States would have a near revolt on its hands if, in 1861, randomly invited 200,000 Japanese soldiers to march through the West. The Japanese Government would be in turmoil too, as they were still hyper-sensitive of outsiders at this time.
Yes, but history has already changed. The Japanese didn't reform until 1868, so any perceptions of how the Japanese would react in 1861 under the Shogunate, cannot be assumed to be true. Real history never had Emperor Komei actually act as an Emperor should. He was a figurehead. At this point in the game though, he is a fully assumed Emperor with power.
How exacly do you think he would gain power? In three months because uhe declared he wanted power?
Since its creation WiR had the characteristic of punishing countries that tried to reform too quickly in a wrong way, act foolishly and that kind of thing...By your logic Russia can become a fully democratic country with no serfs or oppressive nobility in 3 months and have absolutely no problems.
I'm not saying you should have been couped because you are trying to reform, however Qing is acting too strangely and should behave more like China on 1861 instead of like in say, 2000.
Russia tried to do a dramatic change, and the Tsar was Assassinated.
Austria tried to do a Constitution, then the Nobles rose up against the Emperor.
While my WiR is different than OTL, all of it is within plausibility. 200,000 Soldiers shipped to the United States, however, is not.
Quote from: Frymonmon on April 24, 2012, 10:14:44 PM
The Qing should be an isolationist country, shunning foreigners.
If we follow history.
However, Qing modernization began in the 1870's. They tried to copy many elements of Japan's Meiji Restoration. The Qing's foreign affairs office was founded in 1863 historically. Also, the Qing, as I have been playing them, have been careful to avoid stepping on Confucian toes in most things. Perth posted summaries; I did some quiet but fairly significant things to ensure that China's Confucian elements would stay loyal. The Self-Strangthening Movement and other modernizing efforts were going on just a little bit after the current game-time.
Empress Dowager Cixi was a conservative with a strong Confucian power base. Meaning that
if she had opted for reform, she might have been able to push it through. Consider the Hundred Days' Reforms, for example. Again, if Cixi had been reform minded, as I am portraying her, China's fate might have been different. The most radical anti-foreign sentiment doesn't come until the later 1890's and the early 1900's, as even more Unequal Treaties are signed, and China suffers a string of military defeats.
China had large, powerful reform elements. The next emperor after Tiongzhi was a reformist (until exiled by Cixi). Without Cixi to coordinate conservative elements, it is hardly clear at all that China would have been so ripe for chaos during the Boxer Rebellion in 1900. The Qing Dynasty's fall in 1912 was hardly inevitable, and certainly not predestined by the characteristics of Chinese culture. China has had many periods of great openness and foreign involvement. You claim it's like China in 2000. I claim it's like China in 1680, or under the Song Dynasty. Isolationist periods came and went, and Chinese isolationism 1860-1912 was not a necessary feature of China's culture.
Regarding the modern trappings of the Swiss-Chinese treaty... not really. Exchange agreements were common in that period. China establishing an embassy abroad is highly unusual but, again, had Cixi been a different type of person, it might have happened.
But even if it would never have happened, that doesn't matter. The game is boring if all we do is play a marginally different history with all the same characters. The point is to swap out the cast and see what happens.
And regarding 200,000 soldiers going to the US... I agree. But I think there is a major difference between "physical impossibility" and "unlikely to occur due to personalities of a few powerful actors."
Most Europeans of the time considered the Chinese nothing more than a bunch of barbarians...
Besides, Switzerland is landlocked, how would this treaty even work?
As for artisans, how, even with sea access, would you send them all the way to Europe? Historically this could provoke the europeans.
Quote from: Duke of Britain on April 24, 2012, 10:21:13 PM
I'm not saying you should have been couped because you are trying to reform, however Qing is acting too strangely and should behave more like China on 1861 instead of like in say, 2000.
Also, the
only unprecedented reforms Cixi has made thus far are:
1. Legalizing opium (which technically had already been done under the Unequal Treaties, but the Qing repeatedly violated them)
2. Establishing embassies
China had a decreasing amount of closed cities with every treaty; but under previous dynasties, China had no closed cities. It is not beyond the pale of traditional Chinese political discourse to have free trade and open borders. Legalizing opium would indeed piss off many Confucian elements; Cixi did some things this last turn to mitigate that, but, more importantly, even if that did cause some instability, other actions (land redistribution, anti-corruption, bureaucracy retraining, military deployments) do more than enough to maintain macrostability.
Establishing foreign missions began in the 1860's anyways for the Qing, but didn't really get as big as I'm making it until the 1900's. Cixi personally resisted this reform, which was proposed by at least the 1870's. Implementing it in 1861 is indeed novel and early, but it's hard to imagine an uprising over the matter.
Quote from: Duke of Britain on April 24, 2012, 10:35:38 PM
Most Europeans of the time considered the Chinese nothing more than a bunch of barbarians...
Besides, Switzerland is landlocked, how would this treaty even work?
As for artisans, how, even with sea access, would you send them all the way to Europe? Historically this could provoke the europeans.
The first statement is completely false. Most European powers recognized that they could bully the Qing on the coast; but even after they captured Peking in the Boxer Rebellion, when Cixi fled inland, the European powers couldn't pursue. The Europeans may have been racist, but they did not regard the Chinese as uncivilized barbarians. They regarded them as a technologically and culturally backwards, but still very organized, powerful group. Because they were.
Being landlocked doesn't matter. I don't understand why it would. Just because two countries don't share a border doesn't mean they can't have an embassy.
And they can get to Europe on fascinating inventions called boats. You can buy a ticket. Especially if you're a guest of a recognized government. Do you seriously think there were no Chinese people in Europe in 1861?
Perhaps I misunderstand the way this game is supposed to work. I thought the point was that, while we should take actions that are realistic for our nations, we can also attempt to change the way history went. This would involve changing directly the personalities of the leaders of our nations. That should be allowable.
IF we go too crazy, then the GM can simply say that something failed or we met with rebellion.
As far as power goes, those who have power have it because others let them have power, or assume they have it. If the Emperor can convince his people he has power, then he will have power. Simple as that. A military coup, to replace the Tokugawa Shogunate, goes a long way towards helping that.
I know y'all have played this before, and made the game, but is there really a problem with each new playing shaping and changing the way things are done and perceived? I'd think it would be boring if it was always the same.
If you're expecting a historically accurate reenactment, I'm afraid you're not going to get one. I, for one, have clue how an 1861-era Brazil would act. I'm just going to do whatever looks like it would be fun for the game, and prosperous for my country.
We have two different situations:
1) China acting the way it is, well, it's hardly orthodox, but not impossible. History would have likely seen the Empress as a very eccentric character who faced innumerable obstacles for trying "radical" reforms in a very conservative-minded scenario. Basically a woman way ahead of her time, with all the problems that carries. Perth was very nice in his first post to err on the side of caution, but he'll certainly get the grip of things and start portraying how it would have not been so easy, though still not impossible, to successfully pass those kinds of reforms and survive the consequences.
In any case China is betting very high, and its success will be largely dependent in if the other nations try to call her bluff or not. So let's keep this IC, now shall we?
2) It would be nice if the GM made some mini-updates commenting on some situations going on (I can help with that). If the Emperor called one third of all the samurais in the country to send them far abroad to the "west", right after having coup'd the Shogun, well, he'd have a large rebellion in his hands.
Part of the problem is that Japan started with 600.000 soldiers, which makes one think of a professional standing army, instead of a potential force of feudal warriors that would only be completely mobilized in cases of invasion. The Shogun did not have such large force immediately under his command, and could certainly not do whatever he pleased with it, for it was largely autonomous.
The mini-updates would hint the player about this kind of thing, about worried advisers and unrest based on rumors of such kinds of plans. Then the player can decide if he really wants to go through with it and face the consequences, or not. And even then, he might roll several 6 and get the political ability to send such large force, giving the GM the task of determining the problems of logistics and unrest in California and the USA because of the "invasion".
The point is that the dices should be cast, and say if it goes or not. It is /very/ unlikely to succeed, but it is also very unlikely for him to get all 6s. Simply shutting down crazy ideas makes the game quite boring. Lets let strange things happen, even if they turn into major disasters.
Quote from: JPierreD on April 24, 2012, 11:29:41 PM
We have two different situations:
1) China acting the way it is, well, it's hardly orthodox, but not impossible. History would have likely seen the Empress as a very eccentric character who faced innumerable obstacles for trying "radical" reforms in a very conservative-minded scenario. Basically a woman way ahead of her time, with all the problems that carries. Perth was very nice in his first post to err on the side of caution, but he'll certainly get the grip of things and start portraying how it would have not been so easy, though still not impossible, to successfully pass those kinds of reforms and survive the consequences.
In any case China is betting very high, and its success will be largely dependent in if the other nations try to call her bluff or not. So let's keep this IC, now shall we?
2) It would be nice if the GM made some mini-updates commenting on some situations going on (I can help with that). If the Emperor called one third of all the samurais in the country to send them far abroad to the "west", right after having coup'd the Shogun, well, he'd have a large rebellion in his hands.
Part of the problem is that Japan started with 600.000 soldiers, which makes one think of a professional standing army, instead of a potential force of feudal warriors that would only be completely mobilized in cases of invasion. The Shogun did not have such large force immediately under his command, and could certainly not do whatever he pleased with it, for it was largely autonomous.
The mini-updates would hint the player about this kind of thing, about worried advisers and unrest based on rumors of such kinds of plans. Then the player can decide if he really wants to go through with it and face the consequences, or not. And even then, he might roll several 6 and get the political ability to send such large force, giving the GM the task of determining the problems of logistics and unrest in California and the USA because of the "invasion".
The point is that the dices should be cast, and say if it goes or not. It is /very/ unlikely to succeed, but it is also very unlikely for him to get all 6s. Simply shutting down crazy ideas makes the game quite boring. Lets let strange things happen, even if they turn into major disasters.
Quote from: JPierreD on April 24, 2012, 11:29:41 PM
We have two different situations:
1) China acting the way it is, well, it's hardly orthodox, but not impossible. History would have likely seen the Empress as a very eccentric character who faced innumerable obstacles for trying "radical" reforms in a very conservative-minded scenario. Basically a woman way ahead of her time, with all the problems that carries. Perth was very nice in his first post to err on the side of caution, but he'll certainly get the grip of things and start portraying how it would have not been so easy, though still not impossible, to successfully pass those kinds of reforms and survive the consequences.
In any case China is betting very high, and its success will be largely dependent in if the other nations try to call her bluff or not. So let's keep this IC, now shall we?
2) It would be nice if the GM made some mini-updates commenting on some situations going on (I can help with that). If the Emperor called one third of all the samurais in the country to send them far abroad to the "west", right after having coup'd the Shogun, well, he'd have a large rebellion in his hands.
Part of the problem is that Japan started with 600.000 soldiers, which makes one think of a professional standing army, instead of a potential force of feudal warriors that would only be completely mobilized in cases of invasion. The Shogun did not have such large force immediately under his command, and could certainly not do whatever he pleased with it, for it was largely autonomous.
The mini-updates would hint the player about this kind of thing, about worried advisers and unrest based on rumors of such kinds of plans. Then the player can decide if he really wants to go through with it and face the consequences, or not. And even then, he might roll several 6 and get the political ability to send such large force, giving the GM the task of determining the problems of logistics and unrest in California and the USA because of the "invasion".
The point is that the dices should be cast, and say if it goes or not. It is /very/ unlikely to succeed, but it is also very unlikely for him to get all 6s. Simply shutting down crazy ideas makes the game quite boring. Lets let strange things happen, even if they turn into major disasters.
Also, I should note: my reforms were actually not as successful as they may look on the outside. Compared to how much I tried to do, I didn't accomplish that much. After all, I did wipe out half of my treasury just launching land and trade reforms. That's without even addressing tech, industry, and infrastructure.
Quote from: Vellos on April 25, 2012, 01:17:39 AM
Also, I should note: my reforms were actually not as successful as they may look on the outside. Compared to how much I tried to do, I didn't accomplish that much. After all, I did wipe out half of my treasury just launching land and trade reforms. That's without even addressing tech, industry, and infrastructure.
Step-by-Step young padawan.
That's why you take just the first turn securing your position, before trying to implement public reforms beyond government takeover.
haha jk. Reforming China and Japan is gonna be hard...
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 25, 2012, 01:21:59 AM
Step-by-Step young padawan.
That's why you take just the first turn securing your position, before trying to implement public reforms beyond government takeover.
haha jk. Reforming China and Japan is gonna be hard...
And that's without possible European intervention.
Quote from: Spectre17 on April 25, 2012, 01:23:59 AM
And that's without possible European intervention.
Heh, no kidding.
Quote from: Spectre17 on April 25, 2012, 01:23:59 AM
And that's without possible European intervention.
Exactly, European intevention can also make it easier.
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 25, 2012, 01:31:26 AM
Exactly, European intevention can also make it easier.
What??????? European's shooting you I mean.
Quote from: Spectre17 on April 25, 2012, 01:52:49 AM
What????????????? European's shooting you I mean.
As long as you only shoot the rebels.
But Japan already has at least one European nation helping it.
Why not more?
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 25, 2012, 01:55:03 AM
As long as you only shoot the rebels.
But Japan already has at least one European nation helping it.
Why not more?
I meant shooting your men.
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on April 24, 2012, 10:42:46 PM
Perhaps I misunderstand the way this game is supposed to work. I thought the point was that, while we should take actions that are realistic for our nations, we can also attempt to change the way history went. This would involve changing directly the personalities of the leaders of our nations. That should be allowable.
Hell, Aleksandr is already acting like a weird cross between Peter the Great and Peter Kropotkin... The point is alternate history, Lenin might end up smothered in his bed, and Bakunin may become the Internal affairs minister 8)
Actually, China was the only nation this turn who did not try to increase their Industry and/or Infrastructure stats. I think that says something.
They are good? Also no one is truely at war, nor has anyone really embarked upon other uses of their orders yet. My bets are that stability will soon be among people's priorities, I suspect. That and when they realize they can do other things ;)
Quote from: Perth on April 25, 2012, 06:03:01 AM
Actually, China was the only nation this turn who did not try to increase their Industry and/or Infrastructure stats. I think that says something.
Gotta get stability going first. It's hard to build railroads when you're facing down a million-man rebel army.
I was actually thinking of really putting gorillas in Washington on my first turn. Ya know, for kicks. :D
Quote from: Frymonmon on April 24, 2012, 10:14:44 PM
The Qing should be an isolationist country, shunning foreigners.
That was quite a bit of diplomacy on both our parts, and it was possible only because Switzerland is one of the few countries with no holdings whatsoever in asia. As I understood the chinese player, that set us apart from the other european nations and made her curious. Plus I made a few good offers, and approached as the underdog, not as a "we're europeans, we are superior".
China has always had trade relations with western countries, for centuries before our timeframe, through the silk road mostly. They just never made a big deal out of it.
Quote from: Duke of Britain on April 24, 2012, 10:35:38 PM
Most Europeans of the time considered the Chinese nothing more than a bunch of barbarians...
Besides, Switzerland is landlocked, how would this treaty even work?
Agreements with neighbours to use their ports, made in the first turn. Also note that we don't have a trade agreement that would require shipping tons of stuff around, we are mostly exchanging people.
And also, Switzerland and China exchanged diplomats, artisans, writers and philosophers in the first turn, to learn about each others culture. One important step of respect that made the chinese open to an exchange.
I'm not sure if this is entirely historically acurate for the swiss, but I do assume that a democracy would be more open to be simply curious about foreigners. Especially one with much experience in serving abroad as mercenaries, I can't fathom they would be isolationists. Also, as a small, landlocked nation, I have to be creative in what I do to make sure I'm not simply a small piece of land someone rolls over if he wants to.
Quote from: Frymonmon on April 24, 2012, 10:14:44 PM
The United States would have a near revolt on its hands if, in 1861, randomly invited 200,000 Japanese soldiers to march through the West. The Japanese Government would be in turmoil too, as they were still hyper-sensitive of outsiders at this time.
And you may note that has not happened yet, all the game says is "regulars are being prepared". Let Perth run his game. He's doing a great job up to now.
Quote from: Lefanis on April 25, 2012, 04:31:31 AM
Hell, Aleksandr is already acting like a weird cross between Peter the Great and Peter Kropotkin... The point is alternate history, Lenin might end up smothered in his bed, and Bakunin may become the Internal affairs minister 8)
Tzar Rasputin!
I know how about China historically had trading relations centuries before this...back to the times of Rome...
Quote from: Tom on April 25, 2012, 08:10:09 AM
That was quite a bit of diplomacy on both our parts, and it was possible only because Switzerland is one of the few countries with no holdings whatsoever in asia. As I understood the chinese player, that set us apart from the other european nations and made her curious. Plus I made a few good offers, and approached as the underdog, not as a "we're europeans, we are superior".
China has always had trade relations with western countries, for centuries before our timeframe, through the silk road mostly. They just never made a big deal out of it.
Agreements with neighbours to use their ports, made in the first turn. Also note that we don't have a trade agreement that would require shipping tons of stuff around, we are mostly exchanging people.
And also, Switzerland and China exchanged diplomats, artisans, writers and philosophers in the first turn, to learn about each others culture. One important step of respect that made the chinese open to an exchange.
I'm not sure if this is entirely historically acurate for the swiss, but I do assume that a democracy would be more open to be simply curious about foreigners. Especially one with much experience in serving abroad as mercenaries, I can't fathom they would be isolationists. Also, as a small, landlocked nation, I have to be creative in what I do to make sure I'm not simply a small piece of land someone rolls over if he wants to.
I know about European and Chinese trade relations, that goes back to the days of Rome...
But you have to keep in mind that not everyone will be willing to receive "savages" on their ports and land so that they can move to Switzerland. Even if the government did, there's no saying the local population would like it.
Quote from: Duke of Britain on April 25, 2012, 07:09:19 PM
But you have to keep in mind that not everyone will be willing to receive "savages" on their ports and land so that they can move to Switzerland. Even if the government did, there's no saying the local population would like it.
Europeans did not view the Chinese comparably to indigenous peoples in the Americas, or Africans. You are making broad assumptions without any evidence. Besides, it's not like European nations had extremely effective port control affording easy management of travel. Borders were far more porous then than they are now. And guests of a sovereign nation would not likely be turned away.
Quote from: Duke of Britain on April 25, 2012, 07:09:19 PM
But you have to keep in mind that not everyone will be willing to receive "savages" on their ports and land so that they can move to Switzerland. Even if the government did, there's no saying the local population would like it.
Switzerland has access to France's ports, from where the Chinese will disembark. The French will likely see them as an exotic attraction, and if any mob rises (for reasons I cannot imagine), well, the police will deal with it.
I have a question on the turn reports we got:
"[+2 Large Ships under construction for Brazil ready in 4 turns, +1 Industry in 3 turns, (1/5) For New Infrastructure in 4 turns] "
Do I have to keep doing the same orders for the next four turns to get my ships? Or is the one turn's expenditure enough to finish them, and I don't have to keep ordering their build every turn? Are we assumed to have enough infrastructure to build more? What are our limits? Do we have to specify the types of ships we are building? I specified ironclads, but the reports just says "large ship". An ocean going battleship is a hell of a lot different than an ironclad river boat. If we're abstracting everything down to "large ship/small ship", that's fine with me. I just need to know.
Same for the industry. Will it just go up in three turns without further expenditure? Can I continue to build more before that is done?
What does "(1/5) For New Infrastructure in 4 turns" mean? Is that a 1/5 chance that it will go up? Or do I have to keep building for four more turns in order to complete it?
Can we specifically order research to increase our weapons technology, or technology level in general?
How did my "Bank" hit -290? I have no clue what any of this stuff costs... I don't remember what I had before... 50, I think. So I spent 340 bank on something? Did I really just spend almost two years worth of GDP in the first turn?!
Perth might have different plans, but the way we've done it is - You don't have to keep ordering for that +1 industry, that's just saying it will arrive in 3 turns, same for the ships construction etc.
The only limits we have on ships and army sizes is your bank balance. If you're economy can support more and you want more, go for it. I'd say specify large or small for the boats.
I'm not too sure on the 1/5 for the infrastructure myself.
Yes, you can specify for army or naval tech increase - Building more Military bases or developing new tech will achieve this.
You built infrastructure, industry, and 2 large ships last turn, so yeah, that probably cost about 340 gold.
Quote from: Muskeato on April 25, 2012, 08:40:06 PMYou built infrastructure, industry, and 2 large ships last turn, so yeah, that probably cost about 340 gold.
Well, yeah, I did start a lot. But I didn't know it would be "2yrs of GDP" a lot, nor that it would all be charged to me at the beginning. Is there any guide to costs, or do we just have to guess? I mean, Perth has to have some idea what this stuff costs in order to charge us. And I can't see any reason to keep that stuff secret. I mean, I'm buying it, I should have some basic idea of the estimated costs.
Quote from: Indirik on April 25, 2012, 08:32:40 PM
How did my "Bank" hit -290? I have no clue what any of this stuff costs... I don't remember what I had before... 50, I think. So I spent 340 bank on something? Did I really just spend almost two years worth of GDP in the first turn?!
The real question is... what interest rate on sovereign debt does Perth apply?
Mmm I think so, but to honest I don't know it (I play the USA at Paradox, so money isn't much of an issue -_-)
Quote from: Indirik on April 25, 2012, 08:32:40 PM
I have a question on the turn reports we got:
"[+2 Large Ships under construction for Brazil ready in 4 turns, +1 Industry in 3 turns, (1/5) For New Infrastructure in 4 turns] "
Do I have to keep doing the same orders for the next four turns to get my ships? Or is the one turn's expenditure enough to finish them, and I don't have to keep ordering their build every turn? Are we assumed to have enough infrastructure to build more? What are our limits? Do we have to specify the types of ships we are building? I specified ironclads, but the reports just says "large ship". An ocean going battleship is a hell of a lot different than an ironclad river boat. If we're abstracting everything down to "large ship/small ship", that's fine with me. I just need to know.
Same for the industry. Will it just go up in three turns without further expenditure? Can I continue to build more before that is done?
No, you do not have to keep spending for the next four turns to continue them. In one year's time (4 turns) you will get to 2 new shiny Large Ships. And, for the most part, ships are abstracted down to "Large Ship/Small Ship" however your Naval Tech level provides a guide to what kind of ship we're talking about.
Quote1-3: Wooden Sailing Ships
4-6: Wooden Steam Ships
7-10: Early Ironclads
11-16: Ironclads
17 -20: Advanced Ironclads
21-26: Early Cruisers
27-30: Cruisers
31-36: Early Dreadnoughts
37-45: Dreadnoughts
46-50: Early Battleships
51-60: Battleships
60-70: Aircraft Carriers
70-100: Modern Navies
100+: TBD
Quote from: Indirik on April 25, 2012, 08:32:40 PM
What does "(1/5) For New Infrastructure in 4 turns" mean? Is that a 1/5 chance that it will go up? Or do I have to keep building for four more turns in order to complete it?
Can we specifically order research to increase our weapons technology, or technology level in general?
How did my "Bank" hit -290? I have no clue what any of this stuff costs... I don't remember what I had before... 50, I think. So I spent 340 bank on something? Did I really just spend almost two years worth of GDP in the first turn?!
The "(1/5)" means you're working on 1/5th of the the way to a new Infrastructure level. Once you reach (5/5) you'll get advance an Infrastructure level. You're "1/5th" of the level will be complete in a year, technically putting your Infrastructure level at 2.2. So, once you complete another 4/5ths of the level, you'll be at Infrastructure level 3. Some countries put more money into it so you can see they are working on 2/5ths or some 3/5ths.
Yes you can directly fund military/naval tech research. However, you do it creatively. ie. through funding a military academy, through purchasing arms/ships from some one, or even convincing someone with a higher tech level to send military advisers.
You started with 100 Bank and 30 income. So, yeah, you spent a bunch of money. However, you should see it as an investment. As soon your Industry and Infrastructure improvements are completed you will see an immediate increase in your income. Stability also effects income (look at how the stability increases bumped China's income), as well as population. However, troops and ships are expenses.
I have gone back and forth on releasing the hard numbers for how much stuff costs, and I do see why it seems fair to let you know them. However, I also worry about people figuring out how best to game the formulas and increase their income fairly rapidly (which would be fairly easy to do). This would only give the rich nations an even greater advantage than they already had.
That said, if most people think I should make those numbers public, I will strongly consider it. Perhaps giving rough estimates or ranges would work too.
One last note: yeah, any spending you do for a while now will be deficit spending. That's fine. If you rack up to much negative in your bank, however, it will effect the nation in a negative way.
I say keep em secret. At MOST provide a very vague rangy type number but really rather it be secret and people just sometimes not pay enough or overpay a little or have them be more direct in what they want. The partial infra is good and once we are a ways in most nations wont be adding 1-2 industry when they add industry anymore.
Players also need to realize that many nations will simply never be great and that is fine. Brazil will not be the #1 nation, Russia will never be the #1 naval power and odds are the Ottomans will never have the #1 army but come up with goals fitting your nation and chase them. If you do a good enough job maybe the nation can climb the ladder a bit and perhaps become much greater than historically it did. There is no reason that good play cannot lead to an existing CSA, the fully realized Japanese empire, a strong Russia WITH a navy and stability to boot or in my case a Spain that adds to, not loses more of its empire by 1900. ((yeah yeah 1900 waaay away but momentum wise.))
Quote from: Perth on April 26, 2012, 12:51:49 AM
I have gone back and forth on releasing the hard numbers for how much stuff costs, and I do see why it seems fair to let you know them. However, I also worry about people figuring out how best to game the formulas and increase their income fairly rapidly (which would be fairly easy to do). This would only give the rich nations an even greater advantage than they already had.
I say: Give numbers for specific questions. If we want to build the Gothard Tunnel (http://catskillarchive.com/rrextra/mrgoth.Html), for example (actual construction started 1871) it would be ok to give us an estimate of the costs in money units, with the usual caveat that actual costs may be higher. Or if I want to recruit 10,000 soldiers, I would have a fairly good idea of what it'll cost me, so I should be able to ask Perth.
Quote from: Tom on April 26, 2012, 09:51:04 AM
I say: Give numbers for specific questions. If we want to build the Gothard Tunnel (http://catskillarchive.com/rrextra/mrgoth.Html), for example (actual construction started 1871) it would be ok to give us an estimate of the costs in money units, with the usual caveat that actual costs may be higher. Or if I want to recruit 10,000 soldiers, I would have a fairly good idea of what it'll cost me, so I should be able to ask Perth.
Just roll a dice to determine how accurate the cost prevision is. There can always be unexpected circumstances, or disasters, that make things more expensive (or even cheaper).
The Update will not come this weekend.
Likely, it will come mid-week next week. (Wednesday or Thursday)
I'll be finishing up a large term paper this weekend.
Quote from: Perth on April 26, 2012, 11:19:32 PM
The Update will not come this weekend.
Likely, it will come mid-week next week. (Wednesday or Thursday)
I'll be finishing up a large term paper this weekend.
When shall orders be due next turn?
This turn ought to be interesting...
Quote from: Lefanis on May 01, 2012, 04:51:58 PM
When shall orders be due next turn?
This turn ought to be interesting...
Not sure. I'm much busier this week than I expected and next week is final exams week.
After next week though, I am much less busy.
So...when is the update coming?
Quote from: Duke of Britain on May 04, 2012, 10:26:20 PM
So...when is the update coming?
I know I said this last week, but I should be able to do it midweek this coming week.
I'm officially done with this semester of school after Tuesday, so my free time opens up. A lot.
May i suggest a section on the first post of the game thread where we would have links to every update, mini-update and stats updates?
On the other WiR we have something similar and it is VERY useful, if you plan on doing this here it is better to do it while we haven't had a big number of updates already.
Ok, update forthcoming!
If you have not sent me orders for July - September 1861, please do so!
Quote from: Perth on May 11, 2012, 01:14:30 AM
Ok, update forthcoming!
If you have not sent me orders for July - September 1861, please do so!
Hurrah! :D
Sounds cool!
Quote from: Perth on May 11, 2012, 01:14:30 AM
Ok, update forthcoming!
If you have not sent me orders for July - September 1861, please do so!
Hehehehehe... This should be good. Burn [insert name of country invaded by Russia here]!
I believe I am still missing orders from:
Frymonmon (CSA)
Sacha (Belgium)
For Frymonmon, somenoe from Paradox will probably remind him about that when he gets online...hopefully it will be soon
Perth I'd say just write the update and post it and if people send in orders later edit them into the update. Also you should probably give us a deadline for orders at the end of each update for the next one.
They are in.
Still waiting on Sacha.
Also, I'm leaving to go backpacking tomorrow for 3-4 days; so.. yeah.
Quote from: Perth on May 13, 2012, 08:55:41 AM
Still waiting on Sacha.
Also, I'm leaving to go backpacking tomorrow for 3-4 days; so.. yeah.
Mind if I just kill Eston in that time?
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on May 13, 2012, 08:56:22 AM
Mind if I just kill Eston in that time?
Mmmmm, gonna have to say yeah I would mind to that one.
Here's a good idea: freaking bring the entire duchy of Barad Falas to Eston while I'm gone, that'll mess some !@#$ up.
Quote from: Perth on May 13, 2012, 09:03:12 AM
Mmmmm, gonna have to say yeah I would mind to that one.
Here's a good idea: freaking bring the entire duchy of Barad Falas to Eston while I'm gone, that'll mess some !@#$ up.
You're right because the one person who may actually be okay with that will be backpacking...
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on May 13, 2012, 09:14:53 AM
You're right because the one person who may actually be okay with that will be backpacking...
Don't lie. I know you'd be okay with it deep down. I mean... you don't even
really like Coria that much.
Quote from: Perth on May 13, 2012, 08:55:41 AM
Still waiting on Sacha.
Also, I'm leaving to go backpacking tomorrow for 3-4 days; so.. yeah.
Damn Sacha! Crush that little country >:(
He had plenty of time to send in orders, just proceed with the update?
I kind of agree. If you haven't done orders by now...
Go on ahead without me this time... I can't be bothered to write up orders for this turn :p
Seems like we will need to wait for Perth to come back again...
I'm a terrible person and an even worse GM.
Either that or I'm writing a novel for an update (don't get excited, it's the former).
It is coming soon. Soon...
Quote from: Perth on May 23, 2012, 05:30:53 AM
I'm a terrible person and an even worse GM.
Either that or I'm writing a novel for an update (don't get excited, it's the former).
It is coming soon. Soon...
Don't feel pushed or bad for delaying an update, it happens sometimes and the GM deserves to have some rest as well.
ofc, we are all eargerly waiting for the update :D
Okay, after 3 hours the update is about half way done.
Going to stop for tonight and finish tomorrow or Monday.
So, I've got this great idea for a game that we can play. Its called "Invade Eston until the update happens". Only Darka, BoM, Hammarsett, Minas Ithil, and Coria are allowed to play. (seeing as pretty much everyone else is already trying)
When are we getting the update?
When Eston's Capital is overrun ;D
Good luck to Perth though, things like this can be difficult to keep up to date! Seems it's close to being finished :)
Seems like a pretty legit forum game. :)
Quote from: Telrunya on May 29, 2012, 06:13:35 PM
When Eston's Capital is overrun ;D
Nah, my bets are on when humanity prevails in the sixth invasion! :P
Are we going to get the update soon?
Where is Perth? :(
It will come when it comes.
Quote from: Keldonia on June 03, 2012, 01:56:40 AM
It will come when it comes.
I'm hoping tomorrow :) I need
something to distract me from assignments...
One thought I was thinking of, is have you considered adding on a second GM to help you with things? I don't know if this is just a temporary thing, but if its just an overall time issue, having another GM help you with writing updates and stuff or just whatever, may make it easier.
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on June 03, 2012, 05:42:18 AM
One thought I was thinking of, is have you considered adding on a second GM to help you with things? I don't know if this is just a temporary thing, but if its just an overall time issue, having another GM help you with writing updates and stuff or just whatever, may make it easier.
Oohhh yes! Then I can have awesome Axl Rose style feuds over creative control of the project!
Seriously, though, I really do apologize for unfilled promises. I have been home this week visiting with family and going to see my younger brother graduate from High School, etc. I will be back at work on Monday or Tuesday and will promptly get the update out (if you can believe me this time ;) )
Well, family is a good reason, but after this we hope to get an update :D
Waiting eagerly.
The update is coming, right ;_;
Quote from: BarticaBoat on June 13, 2012, 08:32:13 AM
The update is coming, right ;_;
The Update is Coming!
You should get a Co-GM to help things along.
Honestly everyone, I think I've just lost motivation to continue. I can't seem to make myself work on it, I apologize.
I'll probably just close this down unless any wants to it up. :-[
'Twas good while it lasted.
Yup. There are still at least two WiR games in the paradox forums for if anyone wants to play.
Its a bummer this ended, it seemed quite interesting.