There are some weird quirks in the BattleMaster site when I use my iPod Touch. Are there any plans to make a mobile-device-friendly site?
Quote from: Charles on April 25, 2012, 04:28:33 PM
There are some weird quirks in the BattleMaster site when I use my iPod Touch. Are there any plans to make a mobile-device-friendly site?
Not only are there plans, but Solari is working on it right now. (We finally have someone on the dev team with both the time and the expertise to do something useful about it! :D )
Quote from: Anaris on April 25, 2012, 04:30:21 PM
Not only are there plans, but Solari is working on it right now. (We finally have someone on the dev team with both the time and the expertise to do something useful about it! :D )
Aww, crap. Now I HAVE to get working. Just waiting on SVN and repo access from Tom. I'll look at making some temporary tweaks to the current site. Especially for message background colors and page width.
Try using the current mobile site:
It is a bit easier on mobile devices.
I suppose it might have some issues to be ironed out, but that mobile site solves the bigger issues I was having. Thanks!
After a marathon debug session with Anaris, my local dev environment is up and running. Mobile site work will commence very soon.
Awesome! Kudos to you and Tim. Especially Tim for his remote debugging abilities. :P
Preview of things to come. All the different UI elements will respond appropriately to mobile-sized screens, and behave as closely to "native" UI elements as HTML and CSS will allow.
That looks... great!
Although I still say the next big step is a BM iOS/Android app. ;)
That is... wow... just wow.
@Perth: Negative. I don't believe in native apps where you already have a perfectly good website.
Quote from: Tom on May 08, 2012, 01:13:30 AM
@Perth: Negative. I don't believe in native apps where you already have a perfectly good website.
Oh... :(
But.. don't you... own an... iPad?
Nice, I like it.
On the subject of the mobile site, I often have trouble selecting text in BM using an iPad, specifically messages and individual scribe reports. It'll often select too much or too little and just won't let me highlight exactly what I want. Is that a browser issue (I use Mercury) or a website issue?
Quote from: Velax on May 08, 2012, 06:46:37 AM
Nice, I like it.
On the subject of the mobile site, I often have trouble selecting text in BM using an iPad, specifically messages and individual scribe reports. It'll often select too much or too little and just won't let me highlight exactly what I want. Is that a browser issue (I use Mercury) or a website issue?
Depends on the specific circumstances. If it's regular text outside of an input box, it could be that the line spacing or some other style attribute is messing with the text selection process. If it's in an input box, it's almost certainly the new-fangled text editor. Fortunately, we should have neither of those problems with the mobile site.
Index page. The themed bars you see are collapsible sets. There's more text in each of them. I'm probably going to use them in several other places.
Looks good. :)
Do you want us to put ideas/suggestions/problems with the current mobile site here?
Is this just a CSS/skin or completely new files? Because we can't maintain two sets of everything.
Quote from: Tom on May 08, 2012, 04:31:31 PM
Is this just a CSS/skin or completely new files? Because we can't maintain two sets of everything.
It's jQuery mobile. CSS, the backend JS, and a bunch of tags strewn about the various pages that should be ignored by non-mobile browsers. There are one or two pages that could benefit from mobile replacements, but I think we can do almost as good by loading up mobile-specific bits with includes. Rest assured, I'm not interested in creating a code fork in
another platform. ;)
Quote from: Tom on May 08, 2012, 04:31:31 PM
Is this just a CSS/skin or completely new files? Because we can't maintain two sets of everything.
Agreed completely.
Quote from: Solari on May 08, 2012, 05:08:13 PM
It's jQuery mobile. CSS, the backend JS, and a bunch of tags strewn about the various pages that should be ignored by non-mobile browsers. There are one or two pages that could benefit from mobile replacements, but I think we can do almost as good by loading up mobile-specific bits with includes. Rest assured, I'm not interested in creating a code fork in another platform. ;)
That is utterly fantastic. I can't wait to see this in the repository to pick it apart and learn how it works. I know I want this for another project of mine.
Quote from: Tom on May 08, 2012, 11:07:32 PM
That is utterly fantastic. I can't wait to see this in the repository to pick it apart and learn how it works. I know I want this for another project of mine.
And being able to build it in from the start—or even apply it to a reasonably modern, clearly-constructed site—will be worlds easier than what we're doing here ;D
Would be possible to give these kind of flashy overlays/skins to the BM website in general?
I think it would do a lot to help initial "first impression" of the site.
Quote from: Perth on May 08, 2012, 11:23:24 PM
Would be possible to give these kind of flashy overlays/skins to the BM website in general?
I think it would do a lot to help initial "first impression" of the site.
Yes. Easier, in fact, since jQuery and jQuery mobile are virtually identical libraries.
Quote from: Perth on May 08, 2012, 11:23:24 PM
Would be possible to give these kind of flashy overlays/skins to the BM website in general?
I think it would do a lot to help initial "first impression" of the site.
That doesn't need many code changes. What it needs it someone with graphics design knowledge willing to tackle it and give us a great CSS file.
Quote from: Tom on May 09, 2012, 12:11:51 AM
That doesn't need many code changes. What it needs it someone with graphics design knowledge willing to tackle it and give us a great CSS file.
And probably some additional and replacement images.
Quote from: Tom on May 09, 2012, 12:11:51 AM
That doesn't need many code changes. What it needs it someone with graphics design knowledge willing to tackle it and give us a great CSS file.
But since I'm guessing we lack that... wouldn't this be the next best thing?
Quote from: Perth on May 09, 2012, 09:25:18 AM
But since I'm guessing we lack that... wouldn't this be the next best thing?
No. A good mobile look does not automatically make a good desktop look.
Quote from: Tom on May 09, 2012, 09:48:40 AM
No. A good mobile look does not automatically make a good desktop look.
Well yes, I know that, I just meant if it simple to throw these skins over our mobile site, would it not be easy to through some desk-top sized appropriate ones over the regular site?
I don't know enough about this stuff perhaps, I'll stop bugging you all let you get on with your work. :P
Quote from: Perth on May 09, 2012, 09:54:54 AM
Well yes, I know that, I just meant if it simple to throw these skins over our mobile site, would it not be easy to through some desk-top sized appropriate ones over the regular site?
I don't know enough about this stuff perhaps, I'll stop bugging you all let you get on with your work. :P
Like I said, it's probably easier than the mobile site. Harder to strip things down to a more minimalist state and still have it be fully functional, IMHO.
New desktop CSS - easy
Good, well designed new desktop CSS - hard
We've had an offer to design for us from a player; since he hasn't posted it here, I don't know if he wants it to be publicly known yet, but he's contacted both me and Tom.
That is amazing. After over a year of switching between phone and computer, I am very happy that things are being worked out for a mobile site!
A or B? Additional feedback welcome.
Quote from: Solari on May 10, 2012, 01:13:59 AM
A or B?
Seems to fit the BM theme a little more.
B, though I think the precise shade could use tweaking.
Definitely fits with the existing theme better.
New shade.
I like B. :)
New Shade B is hot.
I'd like A... B.
I really like B. That looks great! I cannot wait to use it!
Very nice! (new shade B that is...)
The new shade of B is really wonderful! 8)
A little question, this version will work on Android phones?
Quote from: Poliorketes on May 25, 2012, 12:54:30 PM
The new shade of B is really wonderful! 8)
A little question, this version will work on Android phones?
Sure will! It'll work on any reasonably modern mobile browser. It should even work on Blackberry, but not as fancy. Development hasn't stopped, in case anyone is wondering about the lack of updates. The work is just a little more tedious and complicated at this point, so I'm focusing on that rather than providing updates.
Userdata.php, play-status.php, and play-info.php are done, though. Next stop: the various message pages.
Might want to wait with those, because an update to the message system is upcoming.
Quote from: Tom on May 26, 2012, 01:48:18 PM
Might want to wait with those, because an update to the message system is upcoming.
If you can give us an ETA on that, then waiting might be reasonable...
Quote from: Anaris on May 26, 2012, 03:29:23 PM
If you can give us an ETA on that, then waiting might be reasonable...
No, I can't. But unless there is a reason why the message pages must be done first, I don't see why effort should be wasted here.
Quote from: Tom on May 29, 2012, 05:41:53 PM
No, I can't. But unless there is a reason why the message pages must be done first, I don't see why effort should be wasted here.
Because messaging is a huge percentage of what BM is all about.
I can skip over it for now. It's not like there aren't a dozen other pages.
Quote from: Anaris on May 29, 2012, 05:43:47 PM
Because messaging is a huge percentage of what BM is all about.
This is a disconnected discussion. Nobody is talking about not doing them, simply about not STARTING with something that is due to change considerably.
Quote from: Indirik on April 25, 2012, 04:35:29 PM
Try using the current mobile site:
It is a bit easier on mobile devices.
Could that address be put somewhere, like the game and wiki's main pages? I don't know what I was trying, but I couldn't for the love of god find the mobile version when trying to log on with my mobile, which caused the status bar to chop a part of my messages.
It'd be helpful!
Yes, once it's actually more than a CSS hack.
Quote from: Tom on May 30, 2012, 02:07:04 PM
Yes, once it's actually more than a CSS hack.
A mere disclaimer would be fine! ;)
It should automatically redirect you to the mobile site once the mobile site is done.
How about *not* automatically? Maybe give them a link, with an option to make the choice sticky?
There is usually a link at the bottom of mobile sites for the "Desktop version". Automatically mobile is the norm. Unless you have some convincing arguments for why that's a bad idea, it's a much better experience.
Any Updates on the Project ?!
Any news on this? Was looking fantastic.
I'm very behind, but it hasn't been forgotten. A new house and new job responsibilities have conspired to bury me in "important" stuff.