With that big clean up the happened today, it seemed to clean up the armies, too. Armies sponsored by paused people just...disappeared. We had five armies in Arcaea, now we have two. I thought paused nobles kept their sponsorships, and if the sponsor deleted, sponsorship went to the ruler? Surely that's better than having armies wiped out of existance with no warning or message.
I assume cold storage also removes armies.
from the game? i thought they normally are passed on. (next lord of region, etc)
Quote from: fodder on June 08, 2012, 08:30:28 PM
from the game? i thought they normally are passed on. (next lord of region, etc)
should revert to the ruler when their sponsor is gone, unless their home region has also left the realm (or the game has somehow lost track of it).
Can you verify that all the armies that disappeared had a home region still in the realm?
I can't confirm it 100% for all three armies, but I'm pretty sure one of them was created by Duchess Edara, who was the lady of Talex. Talex is still under Arcaean control.
Also, there are only two regions not currently under Arcaean control that traditionally have been. It's unlikely all three armies were based in those regions.
Quote from: Anaris on June 08, 2012, 08:53:41 PM
Armies should revert to the ruler when their sponsor is gone, unless their home region has also left the realm (or the game has somehow lost track of it).
Can you verify that all the armies that disappeared had a home region still in the realm?
I am not sure if this how its supposed to work but when our ruler/general died it went to the judge, so is that whats supposed to happen?
Quote from: Penchant on June 08, 2012, 09:34:28 PM
I am not sure if this how its supposed to work but when our ruler/general died it went to the judge, so is that whats supposed to happen?
Yes, I believe so. Though it's quite an unusual situation.
Quote from: Anaris on June 08, 2012, 09:35:18 PM
Yes, I believe so. Though it's quite an unusual situation.
yes, I was a little surprised that the devs had thought that far ahead. From what I can tell, sponsor passes from: Ruler>General>Judge>Banker.
Anything after that?
Terran also lost all of their armies but one (they weren't being used, but they are still gone now).
D'hara lost an army whose sponsor was paused (had been paused for a while, but apparently moved to cold storage today).
Quote from: egamma on June 08, 2012, 10:42:15 PM
yes, I was a little surprised that the devs had thought that far ahead. From what I can tell, sponsor passes from: Ruler>General>Judge>Banker.
Anything after that?
I believe it goes to the adventurer with the highest prestige.
After that, the local fishmonger, milliner, or haberdasher. I'd have to check the code to find the exact order of precedence.