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BattleMaster => Case Archives => Magistrates Case Archive => Topic started by: BattleMaster Server on July 19, 2012, 06:41:16 AM

Title: Don\'t teach other people etiquette!
Post by: BattleMaster Server on July 19, 2012, 06:41:16 AM
Summary:Don\'t teach other people etiquette!
Violation:Not everything has to be spoken in rights.
World:East Continent
Complainer:Karthik Mishra (
About:Alpha (

Full Complaint Text:
Why are my messages judged? If someone spams... let them spam. Who are you to be the judge? The creator of the game must know where the limits of his actions ougth to be.
He must realise how much buttering is needed to rise up the hierarchy. And must act to as to ensure to buttering is replaced with friendship, and not teach etiquette!


   One of your recent messages, reproduced below, has caused many raised eyebrows among your peers and fellow nobles agree that this way of talking is unbefitting of a noble. Your respect among the nobility falls, resulting in a loss of a point of honour.

      The Message:
      Peasant militia are pretty annoying. The are good for nothing, crop up when they shouldn't crop up, and stop an army ten times their size from looting!
      I wish I would have brought my nuclear arsenal with me!
      Yours Sincerely,


      Alpha Kmap (Knight of Rollbar)

Tell me, what reasoning did you use while being the judge? I wish to hear your reply!

And change the name of the button below... it is supposed to be 'submit complaint' than "submit query".
Title: Re: Don\'t teach other people etiquette!
Post by: Uzamaki on July 19, 2012, 06:49:14 AM
Is this even a case?
Title: Re: Don\'t teach other people etiquette!
Post by: Lefanis on July 19, 2012, 06:51:19 AM
The magistrates did not judge the message. Your peers (characters across the East Continent) did.

I don't know if you are being serious about this report, or trying to make a point given the other report on the vulgarity feature; either way, your complaint isn't very clear.
Title: Re: Don\'t teach other people etiquette!
Post by: Draco Tanos on July 19, 2012, 07:21:36 AM
I wish I would have brought my nuclear arsenal with me!
Can't say I blame them for doing what they could to stop you from posting things like the above.

I am guessing English isn't your first language.  However, please be aware the BattleMaster is also a roleplaying game and so if your character brings modern things into it (such as "nuclear arsenals") you should expect a negative reaction.  Sending messages that are regarded as childish, or outright spam, usually results in worse than a vulgarity report.
Title: Re: Don\'t teach other people etiquette!
Post by: fodder on July 19, 2012, 08:16:44 AM
clearly it's not vulgar... but outright witchery. someone execute the heretic.
Title: Re: Don\'t teach other people etiquette!
Post by: ^ban^ on July 19, 2012, 12:36:50 PM
Thread locked. There is nothing involving the Social Contract or IR here. Your message was judged vulgar: deal with it.