QuoteTakeover (22 minutes ago)
message to Everyone on Beluaterra
Nothoi has taken control of Wudenkin. The region used to belong to (rogue).
http://bugs.battlemaster.org/view.php?id=7235 (http://bugs.battlemaster.org/view.php?id=7235)
Let's see. We get ganged up on by four realms between Invasions and lose half our territory and nobles, then we lose our capital to the daimons, then Midnight of the East somehow escapes being killed about a hundred times so our capital gets sucked into the Netherworld when the portals close. Meanwhile, the shadow of the blight devastates the realm's production so we run out of food, leading Wudenkin to revolt because its Duke went inactive at a spectacularly bad time (oh, and he just unpaused and wants his city back). We miraculously manage to scrape together enough troops to retake our only city, and then this happens.
LOL Nothoi got what they wanted for so long. Still don't know why you guys gave them Dyomosque.
So we could keep on fighting the daimons.
We never wanted Wundekin, we wanted Dyomoque, and when we take Reeds back, we'll give back Dyomoque to Fronen
Don't worry Geronus, you'll have your capital back...just don't give it to Squall again xD
Squall will probably let the city starve again :p
There's no luck involved in what's happened to Fronen.
You reap what you sow.
*coughs* As much as I love the mates I have developed in Nothoi, theres no way Old Grehk would sit idly by and let them keep it, if thats what happened 8)
But I agree, dont give Wudenkin back to Squall, ever :P
Quote from: Turner on August 09, 2012, 01:55:03 AM
But I agree, dont give Wudenkin back to Squall, ever :P
I'll volunteer. ;D
Quote from: ^ban^ on August 09, 2012, 01:23:31 AM
You reap what you sow.
Are you accusing Fronen of cheating? They "sowed" game bugs to now "reap" game bugs? The hell?
I think he means in general. Fronen's !@#$ty luck with its neighboring realms is, frankly, due to how they've treated them all.
Old Grehk may not always be loved, but they've always been willing to help their immediate neighbors, even if they were fighting them not long prior.
Sint may not always be loved, but they've proven themselves to be good allies to their immediate neighbors.
Thalmarkin may not always be loved, but they've proven themselves... To... Be... There.
And then there's Melhed. Who isn't waiting for them to go isolationist again?
Quote from: ^ban^ on August 09, 2012, 01:23:31 AM
There's no luck involved in what's happened to Fronen.
You reap what you sow.
Dude, I know it's not all bad luck. Don't take it so seriously there, Señor Buzzkill. I was just being ridiculous for the sake of being ridiculous, because frankly what happened with this bug was ridiculous, so I felt entitled to be a little dramatic about it. I'm not saying none of our misfortunes have been our fault (not by a loooooong shot), though to be fair there's definitely been some bad luck thrown in for good measure along the way. However, given how hard I've been working to right the ship these last few months, I feel like I deserve the chance to bemoan our latest bit of ill luck at least a little bit without getting raked over the coals. Is that so much to ask, Mr. Grumpypants? Huh? Is it?
Plus, Fronen handing Dyomoque to Nothoi was one of the most highhearted actions during the 5th invasion.
Quote from: Tan_Serrai on August 09, 2012, 08:31:14 AM
Plus, Fronen handing Dyomoque to Nothoi was one of the most highhearted actions during the 5th invasion.
That and Sint closing down their temple...
Quote from: JPierreD on August 09, 2012, 09:27:39 AM
That and Sint closing down their temple...
Yeah, that was something I most definitely did not expect.
Even I'm feeling sorry for Fronen at this point.
I think Wudenkin just REALLY doesn't want to be under Fronen.
They go rogue, they find a way to go to Nothoi while Fronen's taking them over, and now when Nothoi turns them back over to Fronen, they immediately raise the flag of Old Grehk.
Region Exchange (8 hours, 46 minutes ago)
message to Everyone on Beluaterra
The realm of Nothoi has given the region Wudenkin away to Fronen.
Region Revolts (35 minutes ago)
message to all nobles of Fronen
The peasants of Wudenkin have risen up and kicked out the local nobility, declaring themselves a part of Old Grehk instead.
Not at all good for Fronen.
I'd be asking for Dyomo back ASAP if I were them, as clearly Wudenkin is not a safe bet for them atm to be banking on it for their capital.
Nothoi should have already started a TO of Reeds by now anyway.
Quote from: Draco Tanos on August 10, 2012, 06:58:55 AM
They go rogue, they find a way to go to Nothoi while Fronen's taking them over, and now when Nothoi turns them back over to Fronen, they immediately raise the flag of Old Grehk.
Why, oh why have people not yet figured out how to use diplomats correctly?
It's more like the region shouldn't have been handed over in this state. It was occupied and Fronen should have gotten up control asap to keep the region under control, they didn't have the chance to do so.
Quote from: Draco Tanos on August 10, 2012, 06:58:55 AM
I think Wudenkin just REALLY doesn't want to be under Fronen.
They go rogue, they find a way to go to Nothoi while Fronen's taking them over, and now when Nothoi turns them back over to Fronen, they immediately raise the flag of Old Grehk.
Sounds like there's a really successful flag merchant in that city, though.
...where's the "Like" button for that? lol
Almost makes you wish you could invest in that business!
Since I've been playing on BT, I've seen Wundenkin be under...
Bara'Khur, Fronen, Old Grehk, Fronen, Nothoi (BK2), Old Grehk, and now Fronen again. Not counting the various rogue periods. How long will they stay Fronenite? Who knows!
Wudenkin revolt in 5 hours. ;)
I think Fronen's members would just start crying at that point.
Yeah, but that's just because they woke up and realized they are still Fronen.
Quote from: Indirik on August 16, 2012, 03:40:37 PM
Yeah, but that's just because they woke up and realized they are still Fronen.
Was that what that sinking feeling was?
Quote from: Geronus on August 16, 2012, 03:49:45 PM
Was that what that sinking feeling was?
Nah, that was your premonition for BT before you realized the invasion was over.
What, exactly does everyone have against Squall here? He has done nothing more then work on his city since he was named Duke back when Bara'Khur took the city. So everyone is holding a grudge cause of what? Cause he was Duke for so long, or what? I don't understand where the hate for him is coming from.
Quote from: ShadySoulja on August 17, 2012, 06:16:18 PM
What, exactly does everyone have against Squall here? He has done nothing more then work on his city since he was named Duke back when Bara'Khur took the city. So everyone is holding a grudge cause of what? Cause he was Duke for so long, or what? I don't understand where the hate for him is coming from.
It might just be the name
Quote from: Slapsticks on August 17, 2012, 06:52:21 PM
It might just be the name
lol people don't like Final Fantasy 8? :P
8? I thought the series ended at 7. 8)
Quote from: Foundation on August 17, 2012, 07:05:52 PM
8? I thought the series ended at 7. 8)
There is 8, 9, 10, 11 and some crappy online ones to lol
Quote from: ShadySoulja on August 17, 2012, 06:16:18 PM
What, exactly does everyone have against Squall here? He has done nothing more then work on his city since he was named Duke back when Bara'Khur took the city. So everyone is holding a grudge cause of what? Cause he was Duke for so long, or what? I don't understand where the hate for him is coming from.
Yeah he just lied and did some backstabbing when first joined Fronen, that helped Fronen to go to war...
For the record, I told Diana it would be a terrible idea to accept Wudenkin Duchy into our realm. Unfortunately, she was not much for listening, even after Carnes and I both started to warn her about what was coming, though by that point I am certain that it was already too late.
Squall had two choices, take his duchy to Fronen (or OG/Sint I guess where also options), or watch as the nobles who created Nothoi take most of the regions and watch his city starve and be taken.
Quote from: ShadySoulja on August 17, 2012, 09:57:57 PM
Squall had two choices, take his duchy to Fronen (or OG/Sint I guess where also options), or watch as the nobles who created Nothoi take most of the regions and watch his city starve and be taken.
Indeed, and it worked out well enough for you personally. It was very unwise of Diana and Fronen to accept Wudenkin though. We basically lost an ally and gained an enemy, all for one Duchy, plus I think that event is what really planted the seed for the anti-Fronen coalition. As you can see from what eventually happened, that turned out to be a big problem for us. Who knows what might have happened if we'd simply banned you and returned the Duchy? Or if we'd helped Bara'Khur retake Wudenkin in the event that you seceded? It might not have turned out any differently, or perhaps even worse, but it was obvious at the time that it wasn't a good idea.
Squall discussed things with Diana in great detail, I had a secondary plan in place but Diana assured me that it was safe for Wudenkin and other regions to join Fronen, and she would handle explaining the situation to the other realms. To hold Squall accountable for Diana not speaking to the other rulers and preparing properly like she said she was is just wrong. If Squall had any inclination that things would go the way they did then the secondary plan would have been put into action instead. Plus these posts obviously have a lot of 20/20 hindsight lol, if I could go back I would have made a different choice, esp knowing how poorly Diana handled the whole thing.
IC, no one really has anyway to know that however. It simply makes sense to put some of the blame on you. What with you still being around. :P
Quote from: Draco Tanos on August 17, 2012, 11:51:27 PM
IC, no one really has anyway to know that however. It simply makes sense to put some of the blame on you. What with you still being around. :P
lol classic...and even tho it's against me I still can't help but agree. Two parties involved, only one is left to put blame on, makes sense.
Quote from: ShadySoulja on August 17, 2012, 11:56:57 PM
lol classic...and even tho it's against me I still can't help but agree. Two parties involved, only one is left to put blame on, makes sense.
For someone whom lost that city in a duel with a woman, you seem intent on claiming it ;P
Quote from: ShadySoulja on August 17, 2012, 07:35:04 PM
There is 8, 9, 10, 11 and some crappy online ones to lol
Quote from: ShadySoulja on August 17, 2012, 07:35:04 PM
There is 8, 9, 10, 11 and some crappy online ones to lol
11 is an online as is 14, offline also has 10 2, 12, 13, 13 2 as well as 1-7 all being rereleased on ds/gba/pc and several spinoff games but there probably wont be anymore ever. So yeah.
Quote from: DamnTaffer on August 18, 2012, 05:20:39 AM
11 is an online as is 14, offline also has 10 2, 12, 13, 13 2 as well as 1-7 all being rereleased on ds/gba/pc and several spinoff games but there probably wont be anymore ever. So yeah.
It's simply awesome that you know all that :)
Quote from: ShadySoulja on August 17, 2012, 11:33:28 PM
Squall discussed things with Diana in great detail, I had a secondary plan in place but Diana assured me that it was safe for Wudenkin and other regions to join Fronen, and she would handle explaining the situation to the other realms. To hold Squall accountable for Diana not speaking to the other rulers and preparing properly like she said she was is just wrong. If Squall had any inclination that things would go the way they did then the secondary plan would have been put into action instead. Plus these posts obviously have a lot of 20/20 hindsight lol, if I could go back I would have made a different choice, esp knowing how poorly Diana handled the whole thing.
Oh, I don't blame Squall at all. I blame Diana. I was against letting Wudenkin join us at the time though, even if I hadn't yet predicted exactly what was going to happen. The way I saw it, we were transforming a solid ally on our flank into a power vacuum that we would have no choice but to try to fill. We failed, and ended up with an enemy sitting where an ally used to be.
Quote from: Geronus on August 18, 2012, 04:54:31 PM
Oh, I don't blame Squall at all. I blame Diana. I was against letting Wudenkin join us at the time though, even if I hadn't yet predicted exactly what was going to happen. The way I saw it, we were transforming a solid ally on our flank into a power vacuum that we would have no choice but to try to fill. We failed, and ended up with an enemy sitting where an ally used to be.
Ah ok now I understand your point, thank you for explaining. I didn't think of that, and makes me wish even more that I went with my second choice. Oh well though, can't change the past, all we can really do is keep working towards our future goals. I know it's going to be very interesting to see how Beluaterra develops, and how politics change.
I'm ok with the choices you made. :)
Quote from: ShadySoulja on August 18, 2012, 08:18:56 PM
I know it's going to be very interesting to see how Beluaterra develops, and how politics change.
You wont need to wait long it seems, at least not for the first little rumbles.
I'm so excited! ;D
Quote from: DamnTaffer on August 18, 2012, 05:20:39 AM
11 is an online as is 14, offline also has 10 2, 12, 13, 13 2 as well as 1-7 all being rereleased on ds/gba/pc and several spinoff games but there probably wont be anymore ever. So yeah.
What the hell is 10 2 and 13 2? How does that even make sense?
Since every Final Fantasy is essentially on another world/universe/storyline, there's no way to continue the more popular lines except to make sequels of those particular games in the series.
Quote from: Psyche on August 18, 2012, 11:04:36 PM
What the hell is 10 2 and 13 2? How does that even make sense?
Sequels, and no one said it had to make sense. Also, how did you guys get talking about Final Fantasy?
Because we were talking about the character name Squall. Which of course brought us to Final Fantasy.
When I read Squall, I think squalor. :P
I would have thought of give a name similar to expansions on a PC game before a double numerical title. Like Age of Empires 2 into Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors
Ah, but it's not an expansion, it's a sequel. That'd confuse people even more, sadly.
Quote from: Lefanis on August 19, 2012, 05:31:21 AM
When I read Squall, I think squalor. :P
and you don't think squall, as in a sudden storm that comes out of nowhere out at sea? gosh, where has our english gone?
Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on August 19, 2012, 05:10:07 PM
and you don't think squall, as in a sudden storm that comes out of nowhere out at sea? gosh, where has our english gone?
On a tropical island with a bunch of castaways.
Quote from: Lorgan on August 19, 2012, 05:16:12 PM
On a tropical island with a bunch of castaways.
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha x100
I was also kinda laughing at Fronen.
And now Fronen drops to below 20 nobles as Squall leads defectors to Old Grehk.
Thar be something shady going on here!
Its funny because his alias is shady.
Quote from: Draco Tanos on August 23, 2012, 04:45:59 AM
And now Fronen drops to below 20 nobles as Squall leads defectors to Old Grehk.
I was surprised he had that many followers, to be honest. The good news is that Fronen is coming back to life these days, with a lot more people participating actively in the realm's affairs.
"Back to life" (which I question) doesn't really do much when you're the smallest realm on the continent. :|
Quote from: Draco Tanos on August 23, 2012, 06:05:35 AM
"Back to life" (which I question) doesn't really do much when you're the smallest realm on the continent. :|
Au contraire, Negative Nancy. It means we're more likely to retain people. If we get people. Did I mention we're recruiting? :)
Also, I finally wrote a constitution for Fronen. I'm going to put it up to a vote in the realm soon, but comments on it are welcome:
http://wiki.battlemaster.org/wiki/Fronen/New_Constitution (http://wiki.battlemaster.org/wiki/Fronen/New_Constitution)
Nothing like documents that'll be disregarded within a leader or two. ;D
Regarding documents: actually the riombaran system of laws has been both pretty stable /and/ used for several ages by now. I (as player) actually think it is one of the main reasons for Riombaras survival.
Quote from: Draco Tanos on August 23, 2012, 06:05:35 AM
"Back to life" (which I question) doesn't really do much when you're the smallest realm on the continent. :|
Everything depends on who your friends are, and what you make them. Thalmarkin wasnt big after the 4th invasion, and see now. I have no doubt Fronen can (and will) bounce back soon enough.
Quote from: Tan_Serrai on August 23, 2012, 09:14:24 AM
Regarding documents: actually the riombaran system of laws has been both pretty stable /and/ used for several ages by now. I (as player) actually think it is one of the main reasons for Riombaras survival.
But it also had its difficult times and especially under Hvrek slipped away a great deal. The only reason it's still there is because there are several 'oldie' characters that strongly believe in those ideals and principles, and also have the power to ensure they are enforced. The Riombaran System has become a great part of her identity, but it needs upkeep. Granted, the set-up Riombara has with its Dukes and Advisory Council try to ensure this can happen.
Fronen's task will be to ensure some characters truly believe and stand behind that Constitution, preferably Dukes / Nobles in the Government and a Lord or two, so that they can enforce it, make it truly a part of Fronen, and convince newer Noble the righteousness of those rules. Once that happens, a Ruler change wont so quickly cause the Constitution to be disregarded, and if a Ruler does ignore it, it will most likely still be kept alive by the Nobles around him. Far from an easy task, but at least there are less Nobles to worry about for now :P
Completely agree with Telrunya. In fact I think this is one of the most fascinating characteristics of BM that it mirrors the real world pretty closely in some facets: laws are only usable if a majority actually believes in them, if a majority is willing to follow them, if they are simple enough to be usable AND resistant against wildly different interpretation (and thus resistant against gamin the system). Take away one single one of these conditions and the whole system ceases to work. Next to a variety of other 'stuff', BM is a surprisingly exact RL politics simulator.
http://bugs.battlemaster.org/view.php?id=6208 (http://bugs.battlemaster.org/view.php?id=6208)
Speaking of unlucky Fronen, can someone confirm that this year-old bug is resolved? Please update the bug, I don't normally visit the Belu boards.
Marshal's a bit of a tinpot.
Quote from: Temeraire on September 20, 2012, 12:58:05 AM
Marshal's a bit of a tinpot.
heh. Our General, Marshal & Vice-Marshal are all new players (been playing under a year).
What happened in the invasion? Did everyone bail?
A bunch have bailed post-invasion.
From Fronen? Yes.
Squall had a bit of a temper tantrum after we declined to return Wudenkin to him on a silver platter, so he left and took about 6 people with him. Then Carnes was annoyed that we didn't hand Wudenkin back to him (I gather), so he started cooking the books and stealing gold from every region in the realm until we protested him out of office, and now he's off looting rogue regions for gold. I'd ban him, but he's a Royal and he's not yet worth exiling.
In other words, the trials and tribulations continue, but we're slowly getting our feet under us. We just need more nobles. There will be lots of opportunity for lordships and what not in the future, so... Tell your friends.
I did a big recruiting push a few years ago when we were getting Alluran off the ground. I think they've all quit.
Quote from: Temeraire on September 20, 2012, 07:29:24 PM
I did a big recruiting push a few years ago when we were getting Alluran off the ground. I think they've all quit.
It's worth noting that several of the nobles in Alluran were, in fact, just Psych's multis.
Haha, I had a suspicion but couldn't be sure. Dimian was a good enough king to gloss over that, I wasn't.
Are you playing in Fronen now? What family?
Caetram, Franz
Quote from: Geronus on September 20, 2012, 04:42:17 PM
From Fronen? Yes.
Squall had a bit of a temper tantrum after we declined to return Wudenkin to him on a silver platter, so he left and took about 6 people with him. Then Carnes was annoyed that we didn't hand Wudenkin back to him (I gather), so he started cooking the books and stealing gold from every region in the realm until we protested him out of office, and now he's off looting rogue regions for gold. I'd ban him, but he's a Royal and he's not yet worth exiling.
In other words, the trials and tribulations continue, but we're slowly getting our feet under us. We just need more nobles. There will be lots of opportunity for lordships and what not in the future, so... Tell your friends.
Sounds like you are getting rid of your rotten eggs. Good work! :P
Carnes was never any good for Fronen.
Quote from: Temeraire on September 20, 2012, 07:49:06 PM
Haha, I had a suspicion but couldn't be sure. Dimian was a good enough king to gloss over that, I wasn't.
Mrh? When Dimian was still alive, we didn't ever have any multi-locks. If I had known, or suspected, that we had multis in the realm, I would surely have reported them. But I'm not very good at figuring them out, unless they make blatantly stupid mistakes, like posting messages from the wrong account.
Quote from: Chénier on September 21, 2012, 01:56:34 AM
Sounds like you are getting rid of your rotten eggs. Good work! :P
Carnes was never any good for Fronen.
Yes, but now we need to replace them with good eggs.
I never did MUCH multi with Alluran, actually. Maybe one or two extra families, and I don't think it was 2 characters each, even. Oritolon on the Colonies is where I had a few more.
Never thought this day would come, but I agree with Chenier.
There was a time Benton was frothing around the mouth when someone mentioned the Carnes.
That Carnes meanie was trying to stamp out Fronen's state religion to import an OG/Thalmarkin faith, and fabricated charges to ban Louis-Joseph. :(
Damn Glenn couldn't be bothered to do much anymore, though. I'm not even sure if he was still around at the time, either.
Quote from: Chénier on November 23, 2012, 02:55:10 PM
That Carnes meanie was trying to stamp out Fronen's state religion to import an OG/Thalmarkin faith, and fabricated charges to ban Louis-Joseph. :(
Yeah, hooray for Carnes! :)
Quote from: Chénier on November 23, 2012, 02:55:10 PM
That Carnes meanie was trying to stamp out Fronen's state religion to import an OG/Thalmarkin faith, and fabricated charges to ban Louis-Joseph. :(
well maybe they weren't all bad...
Quote from: Chénier on November 23, 2012, 02:55:10 PM
That Carnes meanie was trying to stamp out Fronen's state religion to import an OG/Thalmarkin faith, and fabricated charges to ban Louis-Joseph. :(
Carnes always annoyed me till I read this ;D
Quote from: Psyche on November 06, 2012, 01:39:02 PM
I never did MUCH multi with Alluran, actually. Maybe one or two extra families, and I don't think it was 2 characters each, even. Oritolon on the Colonies is where I had a few more.
I never knew you used to multi! I thought you were cool man :'(
Eventually I had. Back in the days of Alowca as a realm was legit though. Had some fun rivalries there, and good battles. I miss the Colonies being lots of small realms.
So, seems Fronen's giving Nothoi ultimatiums and demanding more territory than just Dyo back. Any bets how long until BT is one Republic (or Repubic for you Dwilighters out there) fewer?
Yeah, Fronen seem to have the luck of electing the craziest noble as ruler
We in Fronen never think our ruler as crazy but the brave one to lead fronen to our expectation..
Quote from: NireusD.Natalle on December 13, 2012, 03:09:39 AM
We in Fronen never think our ruler as crazy but the brave one to lead fronen to our expectation..
More often then not, you are utterly clueless as to how your rulers piss everyone off, and then cry in the shower about how hard it is to undo what they did. :P
Doubt we could help you around this time, too. I don't think you should provoke a conflict at this time.
Hmmm..oddly enough Chenier is starting to make sense in his posts :P
Quote from: Turner on December 13, 2012, 04:38:36 AM
Hmmm..oddly enough Chenier is starting to make sense in his posts :P
It's all about different levels of crazy. When he's arguing with some people, Chénier is the crazy one.
But put him up against others, and you suddenly realize that in the grand scheme of things, he's really not
that crazy after all...
Even fronen is small realm in beluaterra but nothoi also not big realm.. If war begin after new year we will see the 4region belong to which realm.
Except Nothoi has steadfast allies. Fronen... Not so much. They have Enweil and maybe Melhed to defend them. Assuming Melhed wants to get involved at all.
i'm prety sure there will be some noble that still loyal to fronen.. In nothoi..
Yeah, the Duke of Dyo. But are those lords of the surrounding territories? And you do realize, if the Duke goes that route, OG will likely be taking Wund and the northern alliance retaking Dyo for Nothoi. Fronen will be dead.
But then again, its been on life support for the past year or two anyway.
So now we try to get as many militia in wudenkin.. Also try to get help from our allies..
Do you have noble in Nothoi?!
Briefly. I have a noble in OG and another in Sint that will be forming a new realm for the northern alliance and ruling it. Same guy that used to torture every Fronenite that came through his dungeons when OG was fighting for its very survival against Fronen. Not a huge fan of Fronen, though he likes one or two of the nobles in it.
Also, go ahead. Fill your city with militia. Drain your gold intake while your fields burn and its peasants starve. When Fronen slays itself, Beluaterran eyes will fall on whoever aids them.
And remember, one of your allies just said Fronen would be a pack of idiots to wage war. Enweil cannot afford a war right now and Melhed really shouldn't be making themselves a rich, tempting target.
Quote from: NireusD.Natalle on December 13, 2012, 06:01:22 AM
So now we try to get as many militia in wudenkin.. Also try to get help from our allies..
Do you have noble in Nothoi?!
Wait....does this mean Fronen is actually considering waging war on Nothoi? :o
No no.. This year no war between fronen and nothoi..
Edited the last post of mine.
Also, not this year? So in two weeks?
It's up to ruler.. But nothoi want give the 4region in 6month but our ruler want that within this year.. i not here any news couple of day so nothing else can i say.. But from what you say.., it will effect badly to fronen...
Nothoi was never going to give Fronen four regions. The agreement was just Dyo's return. Another leader said about giving two more as a thank you. Apparently Nothoi has decided that isn't going to happen.
So what about gaxano? Only dyomoque will be given to fronen.. But i thing this problem will be solve if nothoi give gaxano pel mark and dyo to fronen.. Btw, fronen want to take dyomoque first.
come on you people everybody knows there will be no war out of this. :P
Fronen is just getting a bit emotional.
PS why is it that every time theres just a rumour of some conflict i hear NA members posting how a realm is going to be destroyed and others draged into it? :P
can't you just fight each other instead of these almost completly destroyed realms?
Havent the daimons done enough damage?
Yes, if they are so stubborn they could name a realm champion and/or duel themselves to death. ;D
Quote from: Poliorketes on December 13, 2012, 10:20:12 AM
Yes, if they are so stubborn they could name a realm champion and/or duel themselves to death. ;D
Great idea :)
Quote from: NireusD.Natalle on December 13, 2012, 07:47:14 AM
So what about gaxano? Only dyomoque will be given to fronen.. But i thing this problem will be solve if nothoi give gaxano pel mark and dyo to fronen.. Btw, fronen want to take dyomoque first.
The original agreement was: Nothoi get Reeds . Returns Dyomoque.
Pel Mark and Gaxano were discussed later as Draco said, to be sent as a "thank you, we are good friends now"
But with Fronen ruler's recent actions, this is not going to happen anymore. Dyomoque will be returned to Fronen, and nothing else. That's it.
And it is not like we said: "We'll return Dyomoque in 5 months".
what happen was: Ruler asked: when you believe you can change capital and return city?
We said: Here is a transition plan when we start giving you regions on the new year and the city 4 months later, is this acceptable?
Fronen answer: Lost patience, you lie, and don't want to keep your word and blablabla. Give regions until Jan 1 or else....
So now Fronen gets city BEFORE Jan 1. Nothing more.
Since there is no written agreement...nothing forces Nothoi to give them the extra regions.
Ohh yes yes.. No war between nothoi and fronen.. I's only ruler problem. Thanks for keep dyo and let it join fronen. Be happy with the mountain region.. Happy new year y'all..
Quote from: NireusD.Natalle on December 13, 2012, 06:01:22 AM
So now we try to get as many militia in wudenkin.. Also try to get help from our allies..
Do you have noble in Nothoi?!
It's not just about not going to war, Fronen should make itself as small as possible and hope that something happens to break the NA apart. All of the northern realms like Nothoi better than Fronen, right now. Aside maybe for Melhed, but it would be a terrible idea to rely on them.
As for Enweil, we are in a permanent mini-invasion of undead. They keep spawning everyone. And population count... In the fourth invasion, we lost more nobles to temporary battle mortality than anyone else. I've got a feeling that in the fifth, we've lost more peasants than any of the surviving realms combined (for sure, the dead ones likely lost more). We've only got like a region or two with mediocre production, the rest is utter crap. Daimons really brought the place to hell, and a bunch of these regions had been blighted since an invasion or two prior.
Though we'd probably want to help you against Nothoi, that behemoth in our back would probably dissuade us from raising a finger on them.
Quote from: Chénier on December 13, 2012, 12:54:31 PM
Aside maybe for Melhed, but it would be a terrible idea to rely on them.
That may be true somewhere based on history.
Yet its still better then relying anything... on Chenier.
Enweil is also still not very popular in some places to say the least.
Quote from: Chénier on December 13, 2012, 12:54:31 PM
It's not just about not going to war, Fronen should make itself as small as possible and hope that something happens to break the NA apart. All of the northern realms like Nothoi better than Fronen, right now.
This is simply incorrect.
Off with their heads! And this is directed to everyone at BT who dont bow Julma Jaune or Thalmarkins might!
Quote from: Naidraug on December 13, 2012, 11:08:08 AM
The original agreement was: Nothoi get Reeds . Returns Dyomoque.
I have lost count how many months has passed since Nothoi took Reeds. Not to mention that they deliberatly avoided taking Reeds for as long as reasonably possible. Fronen saved your asses and then you keep their city for almost half a year, and get angry because they are tired of waiting. Classy.
Quote from: Chénier on December 13, 2012, 12:54:31 PM
All of the northern realms like Nothoi better than Fronen, right now. Aside maybe for Melhed, but it would be a terrible idea to rely on them.
This might be the case for Sint and Old Grehk, but not Thalmarkin. Fronen has proved a most trustfull ally and friend since the war, and relations are improved by the day. Nothoi we only have very very distant contact with, and mostly for the convenience of being on the same side of the war and for creating the same colony.
If a war was to break out (which I do highly doubt...), I see very few scenarios were Thalmarkin would actively fight Fronen. It may however be quite impossible to actively aid them as well, for friendships that are much stronger than the one with Nothoi.
Quote from: Noldorin on December 13, 2012, 02:46:45 PM
I have lost count how many months has passed since Nothoi took Reeds. Not to mention that they deliberatly avoided taking Reeds for as long as reasonably possible. Fronen saved your asses and then you keep their city for almost half a year, and get angry because they are tired of waiting. Classy.
Yes, we kept Dyomoque for a long time, and we only toke Creasur first because to "please" some of our allies that wanted to avoid Enweil taking it and recreating IVF there.
There is also the problem of communication with Fronen, don't know what happened internally but every time I tried to talk about setting a final date to return the city, they went silence.
The problem here is not about what they said, but HOW it was said. That's the issue that caused problems.
Quote from: Noldorin on December 13, 2012, 02:46:45 PM
If a war was to break out (which I do highly doubt...), I see very few scenarios were Thalmarkin would actively fight Fronen. It may however be quite impossible to actively aid them as well, for friendships that are much stronger than the one with Nothoi.
I also don't believe war will break out now, Fronen's ambassador was much more diplomatic than the ruler, just need to wait now so we can discuss more later on....
Nothoi will find little support in Thalmarkin in this case. Without Fronen's generosity there'd be no Nothoi after all, no matter how undiplomatic Fronen's current ruler has been about it.
I know, and I really don't expect much support from Thalmarkin, and Dyomoque will be returned soon too.
There is no problem on that subject
At least I left a legacy of good relations with Thalmarkin...
I say now is a good time to return to the throne
Thalmarkin doing anything beyond providing moral support to Fronen would be immensely foolish as they would be weakening their most steadfast allies and those willing to defend them.
Not to mention the comparisons that will undoubtedly be drawn between the Nothoi-Fronen situation and the Thalmarkin-Melhed one.
...and yet Thalmarkin would be defending Nothoi's Melhed. I guess Melhed could push for their territories back as, if Thalmarkin supports Fronen, Old Grehk, Sint and Nothoi won't be heading to aid that northern Kingdom as they may be preoccupied.
At this point Fronen is pretty done for I think. Should just abandon Fronen and join Thalmarkin :D
Not enough time... That's why I went inactive in the first place.
Fronen would be suicidally stupid to attack anything in the state I left it in, even Nothoi. The realm should really just shut up, play nice, lick its wounds, work hard to improve its infrastructure, and then sit back and see what happens. I'm sure that opportunities of all kinds will arise given time.
I'd run for ruler in Fronen, but I like being our sole duke better. Less stress.
I would say Fronen is in better shape than when you paused Geronus.
Don't worry, Enweil's got your back. 8)
Quote from: Chénier on December 17, 2012, 09:34:17 PM
Don't worry, Enweil's got your back. 8)
So both Enweil and Fronen will go down together huh
Quote from: Zaki on December 18, 2012, 12:14:18 AM
So both Enweil and Fronen will go down together huh
Family. ;D
Quote from: Chénier on December 17, 2012, 09:34:17 PM
Don't worry, Enweil's got your back. 8)
Which, really, is more of a liability than an asset. Being allied with what is probably the single most disliked/distrusted realm on the continent was ok when Enweil was a powerhouse. Now it's much less so. To be fair, I always liked Enweil. I think there is at least one other realm on BT that is far more deserving of the kind of hate directed at Enweil. I'll let you all speculate as to who I think that might be ;D
Quote from: Sypher on December 17, 2012, 09:26:04 PM
I'd run for ruler in Fronen, but I like being our sole duke better. Less stress.
I would say Fronen is in better shape than when you paused Geronus.
That's good. It would be hard for things to be worse. Problem number one was food production and keeping Wudenkin in the black. Problem number two? Awful, awful recruitment centers. We had some decent infantry centers in the townslands, but they weren't exactly world-beating. And all of our heavy hitters went down with Vur Hagin. We miss those 80/80 cavalry. When I left we had no decent archers or cavalry, and most of our RCs were perpetually empty because of the effects of lowered population, hunger, and underdeveloped RCs.
They all hate Enweil for "siding with the daimons" (i.e. being utterly crushed by the daimons and accepting a ceasefire that would give some time to rebuild some forces, no different than Rio did the invasion before) while being perfectly fine allying a theocracy that worshipped them as god and giving government positions to those who helped the monsters kill and blight other human realms.
Enweil was screwed by failing to maintain its friendships prior to my arrival (with Creasur and Mesh, notably) and then the deal was sealed with the blighting of Avalon.
Quote from: Chénier on December 26, 2012, 08:00:41 PM
They all hate Enweil for "siding with the daimons"
If you think that's the only reason people hate Enweil, you're seriously deluding yourself.
Years and years of belligerent, imperialistic behaviour (kicked off by insisting that all realms on the continent adopt a democratic form of government, at sword's point), followed by, at best, behaviour that was too easy to misconstrue as siding with daimons, has not left Enweil with a great reputation.
Having a Chénier in charge, frankly, shoves that reputation solidly into the "junk bond" status.
Quote from: Anaris on December 26, 2012, 09:34:25 PM
If you think that's the only reason people hate Enweil, you're seriously deluding yourself.
Years and years of belligerent, imperialistic behaviour (kicked off by insisting that all realms on the continent adopt a democratic form of government, at sword's point), followed by, at best, behaviour that was too easy to misconstrue as siding with daimons, has not left Enweil with a great reputation.
Having a Chénier in charge, frankly, shoves that reputation solidly into the "junk bond" status.
I'm convinced that most players on BT not only don't remember the days of Enweilian imperialism, I'd say that most don't even know that Enweil used to march off against others to impose democracy.
The wars that left everyone hating Enweil are the wars that it didn't start itself.
Quote from: Chénier on December 26, 2012, 09:38:22 PM
I'm convinced that most players on BT not only don't remember the days of Enweilian imperialism, I'd say that most don't even know that Enweil used to march off against others to impose democracy.
The wars that left everyone hating Enweil are the wars that it didn't start itself.
Well, I know that Riombara remembers, even if there are no characters left who were there at the time. The memories have been passed down and entrusted to the younger generations.
Besides, even if I never was found of democracies, and it predates me, I find it totally badass.
It /is/ totally bad ass, but the last time I tried that with Ibladesh, we got our asses handed to us.
Now though with Riombara, the world is ripe to become one giant Republic!
Quote from: Fleugs on December 26, 2012, 09:52:58 PM
It /is/ totally bad ass, but the last time I tried that with Ibladesh, we got our asses handed to us.
Now though with Riombara, the world is ripe to become one giant Republic!
Hey, we've got experience with that! We should totally band together and force Sint to renounce their daimon gods and become a republic! XD
Republic? >_< That's worse than daimon worship....
Quote from: Indirik on December 26, 2012, 10:04:02 PM
Republic? >_< That's worse than daimon worship....
The only republics I like are the ones that give proportional votes to lords.
Yeah about Sint... I'm not the only one wanting to take them down for once being daimon slaves. I've heard many interesting things while I travelled through the North.
Quote from: Fleugs on December 26, 2012, 10:07:54 PM
Yeah about Sint... I'm not the only one wanting to take them down for once being daimon slaves. I've heard many interesting things while I travelled through the North.
Daimon slaves is putting it lightly. They accepted them as gods, tried to summon their daimonic god of destruction to crush all other BT realms, and actually led daimonic units against human realms themselves.
Come on guys, make a deal with Guillaume! Take him in, sign a federation with Enweil, and go kick Sintian asses! :P
Guillaume isn't bending over deep enough yet. Maybe he just really has to abandon his cause in Enweil, so the next guy can bend over!
Quote from: Fleugs on December 26, 2012, 10:13:08 PM
Guillaume isn't bending over deep enough yet. Maybe he just really has to abandon his cause in Enweil, so the next guy can bend over!
Working on it.
But seriously, what do you expect the next guy to do, if I leave? Ever had an interesting exchange with Handkor? I don't remember the last time he RPed, and I don't really know him to be the most inspiring or surprising character around. I can't think of any other potential contender brewing up a good interaction, either.
Unless you want a dull and unimaginative exchange, you'd be better off dealing with Guillaume, at least for the duration of the talks. ;)
Quote from: Indirik on December 26, 2012, 10:04:02 PM
Republic? >_< That's worse than daimon worship....
What about a democratic Republic that votes on almost everything, filled with a maze of Laws and Customs as to how to handle everything? ;D
Oh God no...
To get a little bit back on topic;
Guillaume should join Fronen. Befits the title of this thread.
Darn, "reply to list" instead of "reply to sender".
Too many messages for Christmas time. Too many channels simultaneously.
Good thing it was consistent with everything else I've been saying, though... -.-