Well, Quintarianism (http://wiki.battlemaster.org/wiki/Quintarianism) is now fully funded, and will be founded by this time tomorrow in Ajitmon, Riombara. I've got pledges of support from three Lords, and several other vague noises of interest.
If you liked Qyrvaggism because it was in Riombara and began with a Q, you'll love Quintarianism! ....That's about all the two have in common, though.
Though it will be founded in Riombara, it is firmly intended to be a non-realm-centric religion. That does not mean apolitical: Liara has absolutely no intention of either ignoring or trying to be neutral in politics, but her first thought will be for the religion's welfare, not the realm's.
So come, join us, spread Quintarianism far and wide across Beluaterra!
(And if anyone likes the ideas in the religion, but really dislikes the idea of sharing a religion with me and/or Riombara for some reason, ask me about the built-in variant/enemy religion, Quadrenism!)
I shall enjoy cutting the thumbs off each and every one of your demon worshiping Quintarian priests!
Always the same with those daimon worshippers in the North!
This might go somewhere, I'm very interested in the Religion, hope it will go well :) Riombara is seeing lots of new Religions pop up, let's see how long they manage to keep them all happy :P
Happy? Where's the fun in that?
Arkha'an will be founded in Rio as well <3 I have 6-7 supporters and a number of folks going to Rio specifically to join the religion, including 2 Priests, so this will be very fun! I'd like for our religions to be allied at first while we're starting off to avoid slowing our growth. We can get all up in each others faces once we're properly established ;-)
Quote from: Indirik on August 19, 2012, 11:57:57 PM
Happy? Where's the fun in that?
Um, duh?
If the
realm keeps the religions happy, the religions will do their best to help the realm. If the realm makes the religions angry, the religions wreak havoc.
Quote from: Anaris on August 20, 2012, 12:01:46 AM
Um, duh?
If the realm keeps the religions happy, the religions will do their best to help the realm. If the realm makes the religions angry, the religions wreak havoc.
Yes look at what Alluran did to the Kingdom of Alluran. To be fair though in that case the Head Priest's other character was also a Duke
He he he. While I was ruler of KoA, I think the Alluran religion died twice, from lack of priests and lack of interest. It never had any kind of content or theology.
Anyway, having the two religions be friendly toward each other? Meh... sounds way boring. Religions should be intolerant.
At first.
Thing is, I helped work on Quintarianism via the AP chatroom lol. We have a few things in common but we're totally different in many respects.
My only point is that hating each other from the get-go is !@#$ing stupid and will get us nowhere. Better to neutral/friendly at first and then diverge.
Me, I'd rather not be at war with another religion founded in Rio - I'd rather demonize all the other religions elsewhere LOL.
Quote from: Indirik on August 20, 2012, 12:31:26 AM
He he he. While I was ruler of KoA, I think the Alluran religion died twice, from lack of priests and lack of interest. It never had any kind of content or theology.
Anyway, having the two religions be friendly toward each other? Meh... sounds way boring. Religions should be intolerant.
Well there was only 1 player with priest in it at the time as well :)
Quote from: De-Legro on August 20, 2012, 12:34:43 AM
Well there was only 1 player with priest in it at the time as well :)
There was only 1 player in Alluran for a lot of its life.
He had a lot of accounts, but there was only 1 player.
Funny enough the CoH is spreading to Rio. Suppose we'll see how all that goes.
You don't have to be at war to be intolerant. All those mamby-pamby "can't we all just get along?" religions are the epitome of boring. That's why they get nowhere, and die off when the founder eventually wanders off to do something that will hold his interests.
It may seem like I'm just being snarky, but this actually some friendly advice. (And good advice, if I do say so myself.) Take a stand and generate some true controversy. Take some risks. That is what attracts players and keeps them interested. If you keep people reigned in and be all snuggles and cuddles with other religions, you'll crash and burn. (But it will really be crash and smoulder, because there won't be enough of your religion to actually catch fire and burn.)
Quote from: Indirik on August 20, 2012, 01:02:57 AM
You don't have to be at war to be intolerant. All those mamby-pamby "can't we all just get along?" religions are the epitome of boring. That's why they get nowhere, and die off when the founder eventually wanders off to do something that will hold his interests.
It may seem like I'm just being snarky, but this actually some friendly advice. (And good advice, if I do say so myself.) Take a stand and generate some true controversy. Take some risks. That is what attracts players and keeps them interested. If you keep people reigned in and be all snuggles and cuddles with other religions, you'll crash and burn. (But it will really be crash and smoulder, because there won't be enough of your religion to actually catch fire and burn.)
Agreed, even if all you do is bitch about the other religions you don't like the religion would be far superior to most the offerings. People seem to think that starting a "tolerant" religion is the key to ensuring that nobody will try to destroy it, while forgetting that you need some core reason for people to be passionate about the faith.
Indeed, but there are many, many religions to be intolerant towards. ;-)
Being intolerant toward a religion that only exists on the opposite end of the island isn't very useful. You need to pick something closer to home, so your followers have something to do. This also creates possibilities for incidents and the promise of coming conflict.
Riombara has outlawed religious war. Any religion that declares another religion in Riombara as evil gets itself banned.
*yawn* ... Riombara.
You don't have to declare a religion evil to fight against it. You just need to be a bit more creative.
I don't want to go through the bull!@#$ that's going on in Arcaea. Elders and Sartan are fighting and its really !@#$ing annoying me. So. Much. Spam. And !@#$ty RP. Nope, no thank you. I'd prefer a proper goal over fighting for the sake of fighting.
RP for the sake of RP and good RP are two different beasts, and frankly, most folks are too stupid to differentiate between the two.
Starting a brand new religion that hates its fellow brand new religion is prime ground for the older, established religions to just sweep in and take us both out. We need to gather strength at first before being a bunch of idiots.
Quote from: Indirik on August 20, 2012, 02:10:26 AM
*yawn* ... Riombara.
You don't have to declare a religion evil to fight against it. You just need to be a bit more creative.
Put it as variant and then let it absorb you. THEN destroy it from the inside! Muahahahahaahahahaha!
Quote from: Ehndras on August 20, 2012, 02:31:31 AM
I don't want to go through the bull!@#$ that's going on in Arcaea. Elders and Sartan are fighting and its really !@#$ing annoying me. So. Much. Spam. And !@#$ty RP. Nope, no thank you. I'd prefer a proper goal over fighting for the sake of fighting.
RP for the sake of RP and good RP are two different beasts, and frankly, most folks are too stupid to differentiate between the two.
Starting a brand new religion that hates its fellow brand new religion is prime ground for the older, established religions to just sweep in and take us both out. We need to gather strength at first before being a bunch of idiots.
I'll need to study the theology of Arkha'an before I can make any kind of determination, but for all I know, it could end up being (from Liara's point of view) a variant of Quintarianism.
That seems unlikely, but it's a long way off from impossible. I expect the most likely relationship between Quintarianism and Arkha'an will be a more-or-less friendly rivalry.
Given that there are already 2 extant religions in Riombara, I wonder if we could get temples to all 4 built in one region, and make it a kind of ecumenical meeting place, where prominent members of religions can come to debate their comparative theologies in peace? Now
that would be fun! ;D
That would be pretty badass. I never see two religions band together to !@#$ everyone else up. I think having a friendly rivalry would rock. We don't have to be totally peaceful either, we can have our warrior castes who duel each other for glory and the favor of the gods, heh.
I'm thinking of changing the name to something more or less 'generic' like Essence of Primordium, or just Primordium. *shrug* I'm not sure how much folks might enjoy Arkha'an. (Usually pronounced Our Khan, or hilariously enough, Arcaean)
I hate the -isms and church of-'s. I like going for a more archaic feel. Arkha'an is the actual name because, much like the Church of Sartan, it is centered around a single god - in my case Arkha'an of course. Different from Sartan (and this was a source of much fighting and blowing up of my inbox on my Sartan-worshipping character >_<) he is not the patron god nor the highest, strongest god of the pantheon, he is simply the guardian of mankind, god of justice, and in my original story, the creator of mankind. (He shaped Humanity from soil and his Aetheric essence, which was then given shape by the Highest Divines. Each of my primary gods picked a material and had a race created from their essence, but that doesn't come into play in BM so there's no point going into detail)
My religion doesn't demonize other religions nor does it claim to be the only true religion. It believes the gods of other religions are legitimate and hold power, and that our gods are at war, or rivals or, and rarely but sometimes friends of, these other pantheons and many gods. I like to break away from the usual my-god-is-better-than-your-god mentality and your-gods-dont-exist idealism and instead embrace all religions while maintaining a healthy rivalry in the place of outright ignorant cynicism.
You don't have to deny the existence of other gods to have fun and have a solid, well-structured, loyal following ;-)
Heathens, the lot of you!
GAH!!!! Need to get Kelley's place sold and me promoted and everything so I can GET BACK IN THE GAME!!!
Tim, you'll have two priests as soon as I can get them to you. Although one of them may go Quadrene. The potential inherent in having the bastard son go be a Priest of the Bastard and the trueborn son go help lead the Quadrenes may be too much for me to pass up.
Or, admittedly, have the sons switch...That could be even more amusing...
I think the biggest problem you will have is that there isn't much space in Riombara for that many religions. You'll either need to push outside the realm or settle for having a pretty small base.
We both stated we're not staying in Rio alone ;-)
Also, Rio's native religions are practically dead. I was speaking to the priest in charge of that dragon religion and the religion is dead as !@#$.
Bah! Couldn't wait, character on EC, chomping to end up on BT, will have to do some fighting somewhere to get the H/P needed (what is that these days, anyway?) and get to Rio in time to take over the Bastard's Order.
If I can stand the lack of sleep, I will do a second character and get another priest out there. We'll see how that goes.
We'll be glad to have the addition, mate!
I've got 4 nobles now, 1 on BT- Rio (Warrior-Hero, Lord, soon to be Priest), 2 in FE-Arcaea (Assassin and a Warrior-{Paladin} - Paladin is leaving for BT-Rio once he's got some H/P), and one in Dwilight-Terran (Warrior-Chevalier, Lord, Marshal, possibly soon-to-be "Monarch")
I can't wait til our religions are up.
I tried to find Quint on the wiki but nothing. Have you set a Wiki up yet?
Quote from: Anaris on August 20, 2012, 03:20:05 AM
Given that there are already 2 extant religions in Riombara, I wonder if we could get temples to all 4 built in one region, and make it a kind of ecumenical meeting place, where prominent members of religions can come to debate their comparative theologies in peace? Now that would be fun! ;D
2? is Q still alive? my one is fairly dead aside from the bog standard game mechanics alive.
i could envisage packing it in again... can't see any reason to relinquish the lordship (only way to build another temple there) or pick up another faith after packing it in.
Quote from: Ehndras on August 20, 2012, 06:06:55 AM
I tried to find Quint on the wiki but nothing. Have you set a Wiki up yet?
You did not look very hard.
Quote from: fodder on August 20, 2012, 10:42:09 AM
2? is Q still alive? my one is fairly dead aside from the bog standard game mechanics alive.
i could envisage packing it in again... can't see any reason to relinquish the lordship (only way to build another temple there) or pick up another faith after packing it in.
Actually there is only one: Draconic Order. If you don't count Enweil's heretic religion, The Way.
that's what i thought... going to do something about the way with my chain shrine network..
You don't have to look hard :-P You go to the wiki, hit Belluatera, and it shows you all the current and old religions :-) It looks like you didn't make the religion in the Bellua wiki area though.
Quote from: Ehndras on August 20, 2012, 03:26:24 PM
You don't have to look hard :-P You go to the wiki, hit Belluatera, and it shows you all the current and old religions :-) It looks like you didn't make the religion in the Bellua wiki area though.
Right, because originally, I was going to found it on Atamara. It's been mothballed for quite a while, and marked as available for anyone else to found if they liked it.
I'll fix that this afternoon, after it's officially founded.
Well, it's official now! Quintarianism has come to Beluaterra! :D ;D 8)
Now, let's see what we can do with it.
I must resist the urge to have Folcard be a follower of the Bastard. Guess I'll go for the Mother, but his interpretation of Mother is... slightly more deadly.
Quote from: Fleugs on August 20, 2012, 10:51:35 PM
I must resist the urge to have Folcard be a follower of the Bastard. Guess I'll go for the Mother, but his interpretation of Mother is... slightly more deadly.
No, come join the Bastard's Order, we have cookies! Admittedly, the cookies are poisoned, but still!
In the name of the Five, ✤∙