How does everyone RP an adventurers gear? What im getting at is basically the costs. Once you have spent all the gold needed for 100% gear thats like 250 gold or more for the single skill set. Near 500 gold for both adventuring and combat gear. How does that compare to say a nobles gear or even a lords. In my mind 100% combat gear is some pretty good stuff. Perhaps rivaling even a lords. Now I know nobles do not need to "buy" armor and weapons but I dont ever really hear anyone describing their nobles equipment. For adventurers on the other hand this is done by some as we have something to gauge our descriptions against.
Quote from: cenrae on August 28, 2012, 04:22:25 PM
How does everyone RP an adventurers gear? What im getting at is basically the costs. Once you have spent all the gold needed for 100% gear thats like 250 gold or more for the single skill set. Near 500 gold for both adventuring and combat gear. How does that compare to say a nobles gear or even a lords. In my mind 100% combat gear is some pretty good stuff. Perhaps rivaling even a lords. Now I know nobles do not need to "buy" armor and weapons but I dont ever really hear anyone describing their nobles equipment. For adventurers on the other hand this is done by some as we have something to gauge our descriptions against.
I'd imagine even 100% adventurer gear would be nothing compared to what the great lords would wear.
100% gear is certainly a full set that would rival a knight, maybe even a regional lord.
Dukes and kings, on the other hand, have access to smiths and resources that no money can buy, and their equipment will have decorations and inlays - stuff that the more practical stuff wouldn't have.
But yes, the main difference is that for a noble, that stuff simply comes for free while an adventurer has to buy it.
From the Let's Play the Colonial Advy (,92.45.html) thread: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Those without systems for armor (beyond unique items) are free to roleplay their armor as they'd like, yeah? I mean, within reason... I've roleplayed Ravendon, my ruler, as having some pretty badass armor (I'll describe it at length, if you'd like)... But being a Viking, he takes it off when he gets serious.
Adventurers, being commoners, are more likely to get screwed on transactions. Unlike knights, they basically have no recourse against blacksmiths who decide to overcharge, and unlike traders don't have much haggling ability. Also they pay taxes, or perhaps the price of the gear is hiked up to include taxes. So their gold may not go as far as you might otherwise think.
Quote from: Daycryn on September 04, 2012, 01:59:56 AM
Adventurers, being commoners, are more likely to get screwed on transactions. Unlike knights, they basically have no recourse against blacksmiths who decide to overcharge, and unlike traders don't have much haggling ability. Also they pay taxes, or perhaps the price of the gear is hiked up to include taxes. So their gold may not go as far as you might otherwise think.
Blacksmiths? Blacksmiths make horse shoes and pick axes. Armourers is a skill and trade separate from blacksmiths. Blacksmiths are likley to be commoners as well, and thus subject to the lords justice. Most lords would hold court were such grievances could be resolved. Armourers capable of making good quality armour, I have no idea where they would fit in. In later periods they are probably part of the merchant caste.
I have resurrected this topic because for some comments I've read I'm not sure if the fighting attributes of the adventurers are measured just the same than in nobles. I mean: when in fame you see the swordfighting skill, if and adventurer has got a 23 (for example) and a noble a 10, would the adventurer beat the noble?
In a duel? Possibly, except that nobles don't fight commoners in duels.
Yeah, I guess it's not something of taste for a noble to measure his well trained abilities, acquired assisting to all kind of classy tournaments, with a stinky peasant, trained fighting against muddy boars and that sort of things. ;D
I was rather thinking of and adventurer in the strange case he's recognized as a noble, after fighting long time for survival. It would be interesting to get a noble with really high fighting skills. But of course that would be almost impossible, I guess.
I was just wondering ;)
Quote from: Lychaon on November 21, 2012, 01:24:34 AMIt would be interesting to get a noble with really high fighting skills. But of course that would be almost impossible, I guess.
Nah, just a lot of gold spent at the academy.