BattleMaster Community

Community => Other Games => Topic started by: Fury on September 27, 2012, 03:49:47 AM

Title: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on September 27, 2012, 03:49:47 AM

In a remote scientific Artic outpost, a hidden horror that once plagued a similar outpost lies dormant, studying the humans. Until now...

The Rules

Werewolf is a game of paranoia, deception and betrayal. Hidden amongst the unknowing Scientists is The Thing, an alien creature looking to kill them and ensure its survival. The Scientists outnumber the Thing, but they don't know who to trust. The Thing wants to kill enough Scientists so that it can reach parity and overthrow the scientists openly; the Scientists want to destroy the Thing by uncovering its identity.

If that wasn't a dire enough situation for the Scientists, even amongst the Scientists there are secret Goverment Agents looking to preserve and capture the Thing even at the cost of their own lives. Fortunately the Scientists have the aid of the Psychics and Psychologists who can find the true identity of The Thing and of the Researchers who can discover information on the Thing and of the Hunters out to kill the biggest game of their lives. These characters must hide their identity just as much as the Thing must, as they are the greatest threat to the forces of evil and will surely be killed if revealed.

It may seem like a simple human is powerless in this clash of good and evil, but they are not. Every day the humans get to choose one person to lynch in their efforts to kill the Thing. The humans must vote to choose the person they think most likely to be the Thing. With their vote, the humans can reveal much about the motives of others. But they must be cunning, or more than a little lucky, if they are to survive.

Standard Big Rules

All roles will be handed out after the last person signs up, with all players receiving a PM containing their role and (known/unknown) traits. The game will then proceed to a night deadline.

The game is divided into two periods - night and day. For practical reasons these two periods are run concurrently, from one update till the next. Each update is 24 hours apart.

Each day, all players vote to lynch one of the players - the person they think is most likely to be the Thing or other baddie. Each night, the Thing decides who to kill. In each 24 hour period, the Scientists will lynch, and the Thing will hunt. The humans can try to lynch multiple people by creating a glorious, Lemeard-approved tie, and the Thing can also decide not to hunt anyone at all at night. Beware of Crovaxian slips as well!

The Thing (including any infected host) wins if it manages to reach parity with the humans. The Scientists, Hunters, Psychics, Psychologists and Researchers win if they manage to destroy the Thing. The secret Government Agents win if they keep the IDENTIFIED Thing alive and reach parity with the other humans. For players with more than one role, their MAJOR role counts towards the win, their minor role does not.

Standard Werewolf Rules

  • §1A. - You sign up to the game by requesting so in a post in this thread.
    §1B - No new players will be admitted after the game has started, except to substitute for another player.
    §1C - You may at any time be substituted out by requesting so in the thread.
    §1D - Failure to vote has NO consequence.
  • §2A – Players will vote or can decide not to. See Rule 1D.
    §2B – Votes are valid or invalid according to the situation.
    §2C – In the event of a tie all tied players will be executed. Lynching requires a minimum of 2 votes for the to-be-lynched person.
    §2D - The player(s) with the majority of votes at deadline are considered dead. They will not reveal any inside information after the deadline. The presumed dead player(s) should post in a non-default colour until their true role is confirmed.
  • §3A - Orders and votes submitted after deadline are ignored.
    §3B - Orders (scans, hunts, et cetera) are sent to the Game Moderator via PM.
    §3C - Players are responsible for any Private Messages missed due to inbox being full.
    §3D - Orders take place in the DAY EVENTS and are determined in the NIGHT EVENTS (before lynchings) except for hunts which comes after lynchings in the NIGHT EVENTS.
  • §4A - Spectators may comment, but never suggest a course of action, reveal any new information, including vote counts, or discuss any details of their former character, in the case of ghosts. Preferably spectators will comment only in a manner tangential to the actual game.
    §4B - When doing spectator commentary, please use a non-default colour.
    §4C - Please don't use the same color of text as the GM is using.
  • §5. - Alliances and Feuds which aren't based on your characters or roles in the game between players are forbidden. Alliances and Feuds which continue from one game to another undermine the whole idea of the game.
  • §6A – The Game Moderator has the last word on all matters.
    §6B – If the Game Moderator makes a mistake (e.g. with the vote count, hunt/scan orders), if critical information has been revealed, the mistake will be kept.
  • §7A – Forging PMs is allowed. Screenshots of PMs is not.
    §7B – Posting or quoting of PMs from the GM is not allowed - real or forged. Rephrasing information you know is allowed.
    §7C – Players may use PMs to coordinate their actions.  Players are reminded to use the public thread where possible.
  • §8A – Voting must be done in the following way. Write "VOTE" and the person you are voting for in bold text.
    §8B - If you wish to un-vote someone, write "UNVOTE" and their name in bold text.
    §8C - In case of re-voting without un-voting the original vote will be the counted vote.
    §8D - Do not edit votes after posting them. If you make a mistake, unvote and revote in a new post.
    §8E - Votes should be oversized or clear of other text to ensure they are not missed by the GM.
    §8F - We won't be super specific about how you must vote, but be a dear and hit at least two of these: bold, larger font, white/light colored text.
  • §9 - The GM can and will remove players if the GM believes that player is adversely affecting the game, for example through deliberate violation of the rules. This will be done through the use of killing the player's role, or using substitutes, if they are available. All such decisions are made solely at the discretion of the GM.
  • §10 - The game will start once an NPC dies. Orders can be sent by PM to the GM. Until then, life goes on as usual at the outpost.


The deadline of this game is BM Sunset Time (forum time will be used).
Votes and orders made on 17:59 will count, while those made on 18:00 WILL NOT.

The Roles

Except for Scientists and the Thing, all other Roles MAY, not will, be in the game.

  • Scientists: The simplest role - without corroborative evidence, a Scientist knows nothing for sure, but can use the power of his vote to help lynch others. Scientists win when the Thing is killed.
  • Hunters: May shoot and wound someone once per day. If the Thing is wounded, its identity is revealed. If a human is wounded he will not be lynched (if he was voted to be) and his vote will not count for that night only. Hunters win when the Thing is killed.
  • Psychics: May scan a person's mind once per day to attempt to determine their identities or roles. Multiple scans on a single person may be needed. Can work with a Psychologist to better determine someone's identity or role. Psychics win when the Thing is killed.
  • Psychologists: May study a person once per day to attempt to determine their identities or roles. Multiple scans on a single person may be needed. Can work with a Psychic to better determine someone's identity or role. Psychologists win when the Thing is killed.
  • Researchers: May study clues to the Thing's origins, behaviour, history, etc. once per day. Can work with another researcher for more relevant clues. Researchers win when the Thing is killed.
  • Escape Artists: Will escape the first time he's lynched and then hide from lynching for a day. Will be vulnerable after that.
  • Secret Government Agents: Will attempt to stop the other humans from killing the Thing. May recruit someone to be a Secret Government Agent if he is the only remaining agent left. The would-be-recruit has a choice to join or not. Recruitment is only official and valid when done by a real secret Government Agent that fulfills the stated condition and validated by Headquarters (GM). Secret Government Agents win when they reach parity with the other humans as long as the IDENTIFIED Thing lives. They will then kill off the remaining people and call in their black OPs to capture the Thing.
  • The Thing: May kill one person per day until it reaches parity and will then openly kill everyone. May infect one body one time only by absorbing its essence and transferring part of its consciousness into the new host. The new host will NOT count towards parity and will not be active until the original Thing dies and it takes over. Has a more successful attack against the quieter humans who don't speak much and keep to themselves. After a few successful attacks, can then successfully kill anyone. The Thing wins when it reaches parity and kills everyone.


Do I have to roleplay? No. It's fun and helpful to, but it's not required. Some players don't really roleplay at all, and instead simply post votes and accusations, and that's okay too.

What do I post?/I don't understand! You can post anything you like, really but preferably in an IC POINT OF VIEW.  Typically humans will post accusations. "I think he did it, just because!" or "I think she did it, because last turn she voted against the guy who turned out to be the Thing" Accusations work better when you can back them up with some reason. Trash talking is allowed and encouraged.

I'm The Thing.  What do I do? You pretend to be a human and do and say WHATEVER IT TAKES to survive.

I'm a Psychic/Psychologist!  Great. You can try to figure out who is the Thing. Communicate wisely though. If you post "Hey I'm the Psychic/Psychologist!", you might find the Thing visiting you that very night.

I'm a Researcher. What do I do? You try to find information about the Thing to help your fellow scientists.

I'm a secret Government Agent. What do I do? You pretend to be one of the others but you also try to find the Thing in order not to lynch it and try not to let it kill you.

I'm still confused/I don't know who to vote for. Either watch other players in action and see how they're doing it, or jump right in yourself.  This game is both deadly serious, and quite comical, where people will accuse others for the slightest and most vague of clues, or just in retaliation for voting against them!  The first round of voting is difficult, as the only way to try to tell who's the Thing and who's not is to listen to what people are saying. In later rounds you can try to identify patterns, or look for groups that vote together, or people who changed their votes to keep the Thing from being lynched.

Are Scientists' votes private or do they go in the main thread? Very definitely public!

Does the Thing vote with the humans? Absolutely. The Thing wants to do everything it can to keep the naive humans from suspecting that it's the Thing.  If the humans think you're the Thing, they'll vote to lynch you! So the Thing's job is not only to kill the humans, but also to convince the humans that it's actually an innocent human as well!

Aw man, I'm just a Scientist. We can't all be the Thing. Have fun being a Scientist. Root out the evildoers! Try not to be confused for the Thing and be lynched by your fellow humans!

How does a substitute work? If a player cannot continue to play, another player may jump into that role. Subs may be players who were previously killed in the current game (though there are caveats, a Bad Guy is often not a good sub because he Knows things) or a late signup. In either case, when someone subs in, they assume the identity of that slot. Thus if someone who was playing and was the Psychic/Psychologist, if he gets subbed, the player who comes in is the Psychic/Psychologist, and pretends that he's been there the whole time.

How long does a game last? Depends on setup and what happens in the game. Could be as short as 2-3 days, or as long as 10 days!


Penchant the Hunter / Scientist is attacked and killed
Velax the Hunter / Scientist is attacked and killed
Zaki the Researcher / Scientist is bashed repeatedly in the head till dead
Slapsticks the Escape Artist / Scientist is attacked and killed
Ketchum the Researcher / Scientist turned Secret Government Agent is attacked and killed
Lefanis the Secret Government Agent / Psychologist is attacked and killed
Telrunya The Thing / Scientist is roasted
Lanyon the Psychologist / Scientist is strung like a chicken
Sonya the Psychic / Scientist is hanged to death
D'Espana the Secret Government Agent / Psychic is shot dead
Barek the Escape Artist / Scientist is attacked and killed
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Penchant on September 27, 2012, 06:08:43 AM
Sign me up .
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on September 27, 2012, 06:36:39 AM
I'm in.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Zakilevo on September 27, 2012, 06:51:37 AM
Me three.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Norrel on September 27, 2012, 06:58:33 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on September 27, 2012, 07:22:04 AM
In as Ash Ketchum, the Pokemon Master 8)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on September 27, 2012, 10:01:04 AM
Ready and waiting :)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Telrunya on September 27, 2012, 12:15:24 PM
In. This was just so awesome to read last time.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lanyon on September 27, 2012, 09:06:34 PM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on September 27, 2012, 09:20:22 PM
Hi there!

Is a little sad, but lately i log in mostly for the Alt games than BM turns.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: D'Espana on September 28, 2012, 12:53:29 AM
That awkward moment when you spend more time playing a game on BM forum than playing BM itself...

But I'm in anyways  ;D
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on September 29, 2012, 07:14:42 PM
Check out the poster in the first post  8)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Telrunya on September 29, 2012, 07:27:58 PM
Seems the site is down, I don't see any, nor does following the link work :P
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on September 29, 2012, 07:52:38 PM
Filesmelt is kind of slow lately. :(
I've used a different site now.
Try again.  :)

RULES and ROLES now added.
Especially read: Failure to vote has NO consequence
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: D'Espana on September 30, 2012, 01:32:48 AM
Fury, I'll let you know I have saved the image in my laptop. You just deserve it.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Barek (jerm) on September 30, 2012, 02:20:00 AM
Still taking signups?

In as the outpost's german shephard.

Otherwise I'll sub :)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on September 30, 2012, 04:00:27 AM
Filesmelt is kind of slow lately. :(
I've used a different site now.
Try again.  :)

Epic  :D
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on September 30, 2012, 04:48:16 AM
Nice. :)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Penchant on September 30, 2012, 07:01:38 AM
Still taking signups?

In as the outpost's german shephard.

Otherwise I'll sub :)
there are no subs unless asked by the player just to let you know.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on September 30, 2012, 07:18:24 AM
Hehe the poster is from the web (The Thing + picture). I just added the words. I'm particularly pleased with: It's Not Human. Yet. It's written in human flesh  :o

The game hasn't started and will only start after the end of Werewolf IX so yeah keep the signups coming. Subs will only be added after the game starts.

Only human characters though. Not sure how a german shepherd will play out:

Hey, doggie - where were you last night?
What - are you accusing me??
Woof! Woof!
Ok, this dog is clearly misleading. I VOTE DOGGIE.
What'd you say? Speak English!
Woof woof woof!
Forget the vote. I'm shooting this dog.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 01, 2012, 03:44:53 AM
Some things I'd like to highlight:

The Thing (including any infected host) wins if it manages to reach parity with the humans. The secret Government Agents win if they keep the Thing (or its infected host) alive and reach parity with the other humans (including the Thing and/or infected host).
The Thing and secret Government Agents are considered opposing 'packs'. Both cannot win together.

§1D - Failure to vote has NO consequence.
Use it or lose it. There may be benefits to not voting at all and randomly killing of your fellow humans until you have narrowed down a list of people suspected to be the Thing.

Lynching requires a minimum of 2 votes for the to-be-lynched person.
What happens if there is only a single vote? Or if multiple persons get one vote each? I would so love for this to happen and we can all find out.  ;)

§3D - Orders take place in the DAY EVENTS and are determined in the NIGHT EVENTS (before lynchings) except for hunts which comes after lynchings in the NIGHT EVENTS.
This shows the order that things happen.

§7B – Posting or quoting of PMs from the GM is not allowed - real or forged. Rephrasing information you know is allowed.
Sharing information may be beneficial and even necessary in certain situations.

  • Hunters: May shoot and wound someone once per day. If the Thing is wounded, its identity is revealed. If a human is wounded he will not be lynched (if he was voted to be) and his vote will not count for that night only. Hunters win when the Thing is killed.
Want to shoot someone EVERY DAY? Sure. Want to stop a vote not going your way? You know who to shoot. ;) Of course, I don't know but people might not take kindly to getting shot...

  • Psychics: May scan a person's mind once per day to attempt to determine their identities or roles. Multiple scans on a single person may be needed. Can work with a Psychologist to better determine someone's identity or role.
  • Psychologists: May study a person once per day to attempt to determine their identities or roles. Multiple scans on a single person may be needed. Can work with a Psychic to better determine someone's identity or role.
If a person being scanned has more than one role then another scan on another day might be needed. If you can find a Psychic or Psychologist to complement you (must be different role from you) and you both scan the same person TOGETHER (must PM GM together) then you can find multiple roles. Otherwise a scan will always give the least important role first.

  • Researchers: May study clues to the Thing's origins, behaviour, history, etc. once per day. Can work with another researcher for more relevant clues.
May prove more useful than realized.

  • Secret Government Agents: Will attempt to stop the other humans from killing the Thing. May recruit someone to be a Secret Government Agent if he is the only remaining agent left. The would-be-recruit has a choice to join or not. Recruitment is only official and valid when done by a real secret Government Agent that fulfills the stated condition and validated by Headquarters (GM).
Of course you have to find the Thing first. Anyone can pretend to be a Secret Government Agent (or anyone else really). Secret Government Agents have to find each other and work together. A recruit who joins will be a full-fledged Secret Government Agent and count towards their parity. Why would anyone join? They have government resources (Black OPs) and if it comes down to life or death? Of course if they have already found the Thing and now just want to kill off the other humans...

  • The Thing:  Has a more successful attack against the quieter humans who don't speak much and keep to themselves. After a few successful attacks, can then successfully kill anyone.
Want to keep quiet and not attract the attention of a lynch? You now get a better chance of attracting an attack by the Thing (until it gains confidence it will seek out the weaker solitary humans first). The Thing chooses a quiet target - GM agrees, attack successful; GM disagrees, attack unsuccessful  ;D After a few successful attacks, GM no longer needs to agree.

  • Escape Artists: Will escape the first time he's lynched and then hide from lynching for a day. Will be vulnerable after that.

Hope you like the rules.  ;)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 01, 2012, 04:28:18 AM
WIN Scenario

The Thing + 1 Human (any) = Parity = The Thing wins
2 Agents + 2 Other Humans = Parity = Agents wins (IDENTIFIED Thing lives)
1 Agent + 1 Other Human = Parity = Agents wins (IDENTIFIED Thing lives)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 04, 2012, 03:35:52 AM
WIN Scenario

The Thing + 1 Human (any) = Parity = The Thing wins
2 Agents + 2 Other Humans = Parity = Agents wins (IDENTIFIED Thing lives)
1 Agent + 1 Other Human = Parity = Agents wins (IDENTIFIED Thing lives)
Interesting, I am In, am I? Can I put another second In and have Ash Ketchum version 2 died on Night 0? :P

I like this setting, let gooooo! :)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 04, 2012, 06:09:02 AM
Ok NPC Ash  ( to die first. He couldn't be infected because he's... an android.

2 roles modified & 1 new role added.
We'll start after Werewolf IX.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Norrel on October 04, 2012, 06:39:53 AM
We'll start after Werewolf IX.

After it starts or ends?

If you intend to start after it ends, you're in for a long wait.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 04, 2012, 01:57:38 PM
It's usually been after the current one ends but how long is long? Won't running two werewolf games be confusing? Depends on what the majority wants. I don't think there're any more sign ups.  I'm ready. But don't want people to get confused.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Norrel on October 04, 2012, 03:36:21 PM
It's usually been after the current one ends but how long is long? Won't running two werewolf games be confusing? Depends on what the majority wants. I don't think there're any more sign ups.  I'm ready. But don't want people to get confused.

The game can last for a maximum of, like, two and a half months.

We normally ran two games simultaneously before this, btw.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 04, 2012, 03:56:58 PM
Two and a half months??  :o
All right then I'm starting this in a little while...

Anyone who wants to ask questions should do it before BM Sunset time when the game starts.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 04, 2012, 06:02:35 PM


After days of hard work at the research installation, the team feels it is no closer to discovering the truth about the alien attack that the survivors of Artic Research Installation X had claimed. Considering that they had very little to work with - bits of DNA, incomplete alien literature in an alien language yet to be deciphered, second-hand accounts of the attacks... no, what they needed was to experience what the survivors had - face to face.

And so in the meantime, as is human nature, curiosity about their fellow scientists start to creep in. Alliances were to be made, roles were to be discovered and most importantly, the ONE thing one everyone's mind was the stern warning: The Thing had stalked and killed their weakest, quietest most solitary comrade first: Billy their pilot. Long live Billy.

No one wanted to take any chance and be the first to go down like Billy...

No orders or votes will be made until a killing occurs.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Penchant on October 05, 2012, 03:14:52 AM
Fellow scientists are we ready to proceed?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 05, 2012, 04:08:40 AM
rubs freshly minted Nobel medal

Lets gets started!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 05, 2012, 05:50:30 AM
This time I've made sure I have an entire wardrobe full of cloned pilots. Hopefully our helicopter doesn't get blown up instead...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 05, 2012, 07:44:37 AM
rubs freshly minted Nobel medal

Lets gets started!
That is mine Nobel medal... you stole it! :P

As long as we stand together, they wont hunt us down one by one. Dont show our weakness, show our Nobel medal 8)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Zakilevo on October 05, 2012, 08:59:15 AM
Didn't the thing kill billy last time too?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 05, 2012, 01:05:22 PM
That is mine Nobel medal... you stole it! :P

Lefanis screams blue murder. I told you! I told you! He had previously failed to convince what was left of the scientists so this time he showed everyone why he was the top scientist at the camp complex by coming out with a detailed analysis.
LIES! I won it! My precious medal! >:(


My beautiful serum cured Indirik! And i named the infected Barek!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Telrunya on October 05, 2012, 01:47:46 PM
Zakilevo, I think that was Fury's warning that if you're silent and not participating much, you'll get hunted first :P Luckily we have an entire wardrobe of silent cloned pilots now, so we might be safe for a while!

That does make me hope that we can get out by helicopter this time, with so many pilots.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: D'Espana on October 05, 2012, 01:55:00 PM
I guess that we will have so many pilots that the helicopter will not be able to take off. Sigh...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 05, 2012, 02:55:20 PM
This seems to not be working....right?

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 05, 2012, 03:16:55 PM
Lefanis, you are right about you cure the Thing disease first. I stand humbly corrected.
Still I would like to challenge you for  the next coming Nobel prize :D

To answer Zaki question about whether Billy killed again, I think I got suggest NPC Ash to die first. The Ash android from Alien movie ;)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 05, 2012, 06:10:27 PM


Their helicopter didn't blow up. It was... ravaged.

With their research going nowhere, the alpha males started butting heads and comparing nobel prizes (for those who had them). Some of them were survivors of the first alien attack. They were strong and confident that they would not be taken unaware again - until they saw their helicopter.

The fear that they thought had long since passed came surging back like an unstoppable tide. Deja Vu. The newcomers were concerned but not unduly worried. Freak storms were not uncommon out in the Artic. That is until they found Ash, their pilot underneath the helicopter - in several different pieces.

He was an Android?!

The Scientists gathered round and had a conference. They knew they had found the Thing. Or it had found them. It didn't matter. They would get the Nobel Prize or die trying - preferably they other guy would die and not them. It was time to form a plan. How could they lose? The Thing might have the brawn but they had the brains and didn't some of them kick the Thing's rear posterior the last time? What could go wrong? With cheerfulness they began to work.

The Hunt had begun...

Ash the android pilot had his plug pulled out.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Norrel on October 05, 2012, 06:18:22 PM

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Telrunya on October 05, 2012, 06:31:27 PM
Upside-down helicopter, figures. Should have cloned a bunch of people that could fix a broken helicopter next time! And who has been building Androids? I think we can write those off as good helicopter pilots as well...

Slapsticks, I think we left Indirik back home. He didn't want a nobel prize, said something about us just crashing on the Arctic again like the previous group, the fool.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Norrel on October 05, 2012, 06:32:24 PM

What's wrong with your FACE?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 05, 2012, 06:40:18 PM
I have no (really no) idea about helicopters.........but how come is upside down?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 05, 2012, 06:42:16 PM
Their helicopter didn't blow up. It was... ravaged.

Son of a...

Alright, which of you bastards tempted fate? Oh, wait. It was me. Damn.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Zakilevo on October 05, 2012, 07:18:03 PM
We survived that? :o

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 05, 2012, 07:37:17 PM
Still I would like to challenge you for  the next coming Nobel prize :D


That's a good one.  ;D
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: D'Espana on October 06, 2012, 02:52:43 AM
I don't know what has happened here, but every time I go on a research trip with you guys something life-threatening happens... I'm starting to think this is not a coincidence.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 06, 2012, 05:26:33 PM
Why so few votes? Doesn't this turn end in a half hour?

Vote Lanyon. I have no specific reason - it is just a guess.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 06, 2012, 05:29:52 PM
I will reserve myself to not give opinions...for now.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lanyon on October 06, 2012, 05:46:11 PM

come on dude I'm obviously not the thing.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: D'Espana on October 06, 2012, 05:48:25 PM
I have not seen anything suspicious in anyone so far - so I'll hold my vote for this time
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 06, 2012, 07:11:47 PM


VOTE LANYON - Slapsticks (#42), Velax (#48)
VOTE SLAPSTICKS - (Lanyon #50)

Lanyon and Lefanis, the two BIG L Scientists were not concerned at all about any Thing running loose. Lefanis, the hero of the original 'The Thing' had won the Nobel Prize for curing the infected and his grin was simply infectious. Lanyon followed him around like a love-sick puppy.

Unfortunately, Slapsticks and Velax saw the lovesickness as a sign of infection. They vote to have Lanyon lynched who naturally protested but no one backs him up. Slapsticks and Velax come up to Lanyon and Lefanis with a rope in their hands.

"Now wait just a minute", exclaimed Lefanis. "Do you know who you're dealing with?" he demands as he leans forward to show his Nobel Prize medal that he had tied around his head right in Velax' face.

"Deal with this!" retorted Velax as he blows an even bigger hole in the medal with his Desert Eagle. The bullet glances off Lefanis' skull who starts bleeding copiously, still very much alive but screaming like a little girl.

They then drag Lanyon and string him up till he was deader than dead. They then wait for him to change form or something but no change happens. They pick up a card that fell out of his pockets. It says: "Lanyon, MRCPsych."

"Oops", said Slapsticks.
"Shift happens", grumbled Velax.

Lanyon the Psychologist / Scientist is strung like a chicken.
Lefanis the Scientist is shot.

The other scientists start appearing and make clucking noises at what the two had done. "Where did you get that gun, Velax?" someone demands. Then someone says, "Anyone seen Barek around?"

A hasty search makes a gruesome discovery. Apparently, Barek had taken the threat of the Thing seriously and had hid in the one place he felt most secure - the other Big L. The Loo. They find him after having to kick in a stall door. He is just sitting there with most of his blood outside his body but there were signs that he was trying to escape the installation by going through the septic pipes.

The scientists have a hasty conference and they all agree that if they had to and only if they really really had to... to now use the loos on the second floor instead.

Barek the Escape Artist / Scientist was killed.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: D'Espana on October 06, 2012, 07:41:13 PM
And that gun, Velax? What is it for? Why do you have it? I don't know if I feel very much at ease with someone with a gun shooting random scientists for no reason...

Even so, quite a bit ironic that the Escape Artist died first...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 06, 2012, 07:44:28 PM
Well, he was boasting about that medal a bit too much. And if I have to use a gun to kill people, it's probably safe to say I'm not the Thing.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lanyon on October 06, 2012, 07:46:27 PM
-.- I what is it about me that says "the thing" ?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: D'Espana on October 06, 2012, 08:01:23 PM
Well, he was boasting about that medal a bit too much. And if I have to use a gun to kill people, it's probably safe to say I'm not the Thing.

Hm, I guess so. But it's kind of harsh to be grateful to someone who has shot at you. (OOC note: perhaps something to improve for next werewolf game? I don't imagine a bunch of scientists accepting someone who is going to shoot one of them every day...)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 06, 2012, 08:01:45 PM
Wait wait wait....what????
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Zakilevo on October 06, 2012, 08:18:48 PM
I say we either kill Velax of Slapsticks.

They seem to be little to eager to kill people!

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 06, 2012, 08:28:39 PM
Scientists don't have to take getting shot if they don't want to but bear in mind that getting shot won't kill you.

Also: Research(er) is a scan option (order).
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: D'Espana on October 06, 2012, 09:34:03 PM
Scientists don't have to take getting shot if they don't want to but bear in mind that getting shot won't kill you.

Also: Research(er) is a scan option (order).

I know, but this presents IC vs OOC knowledge conflict. I, as a player, do not want to lynch Velax, as he can unveil who is the Thing and who is not (See? We already know that Lefanis is human, and he's not dead); but as a character, obviously want him dead, since he's gonna shoot people everyday and one of them I can perfectly be his target.

Though now I recall that this was a game not very much concerned about IC and OOC.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 06, 2012, 09:49:28 PM
I definitely prefer everything to be as IC as possible. Like the gun, anything can be questioned. Translate OOC knowledge into IC. Up to the gun owner to say why if questioned. Up to everyone else to do something about it if they want to. IC reasons can be found to take action and IC reasons can also be found not to take action. Up to scientists to see owner behaviour and/or gun as a threat or asset.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Norrel on October 06, 2012, 10:20:19 PM
I say we either kill Velax of Slapsticks.

They seem to be little to eager to kill people!



The only way we can win is by lynching and you're saying that we should just sit still?

I know you're not stupid.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: D'Espana on October 07, 2012, 01:22:54 AM
I definitely prefer everything to be as IC as possible. Like the gun, anything can be questioned. Translate OOC knowledge into IC. Up to the gun owner to say why if questioned. Up to everyone else to do something about it if they want to. IC reasons can be found to take action and IC reasons can also be found not to take action. Up to scientists to see owner behaviour and/or gun as a threat or asset.

Ok, I understand. Thanks for clarification! [End of OOC interaction]
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 07, 2012, 02:09:52 AM
Oh no. We tied 2 scientists to their deaths :(

This is starting to get interesting. Velax is some sort of hunter, otherwise he wont own a gun...
Will do further analysis later.

OOC: Forgot to vote due to celebrating my birthday yesterday...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Telrunya on October 07, 2012, 01:33:23 PM
We only lynched one scientist, the other one got hunted by the Thing. Lefanis was shot, but he isn't dead. He just didn't get to vote and couldn't be lynched, but neither of that happened any way. Still hurt like hell though, I bet.

Can't argue against what Slapsticks said. I didn't vote last round, but we certainly shouldn't be going after those who did. After all, if we don't do anything, the Thing will just hunt us down one by own. If Zakilevo wants to sit and wait for that so badly.....


But I might still change votes later.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 07, 2012, 04:59:20 PM
So few posts. Are people getting burned out on Werewolf?

I VOTE ZAKILEVO, because he voted me. Not enough evidence to vote anyone else.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: D'Espana on October 07, 2012, 05:30:10 PM
Remember, we're in weekend. Perhaps it's the reason for the low post count. Besides, here in Spain we have the Barcelona-Real Madrid football match in a couple of hours, and that might (note that I say might) be another distraction. And late happy birthday, Ketchum!

Since he seems dead already, I might as well VOTE ZAKILEVO. But I hope tomorrow this livens up a bit, otherwise the Thing will be able to hunt inactives without any problem.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 07, 2012, 05:57:59 PM
I vote for Slapsticks

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Zakilevo on October 07, 2012, 07:46:39 PM
God.... people are so bad
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 07, 2012, 07:48:09 PM
Doesn't getting shot stop them from being lynched?

"Hunters: May shoot and wound someone once per day. If the Thing is wounded, its identity is revealed. If a human is wounded he will not be lynched (if he was voted to be) and his vote will not count for that night only. Hunters win when the Thing is killed."
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 07, 2012, 07:55:15 PM
You're right. My bad. Just a sec...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 07, 2012, 08:13:02 PM


VOTE VELAX - Zakilevo (#58)
VOTE ZAKILEVO - Slapsticks (#62), Telrunya (#65), Velax (#66), D'Espana (#67)

Slapsticks and Velax call for another vote and this time a few more scientists take it seriously. Lefanis sulked in his room the whole day nursing his head even though the was well enough to vote and made loud moaning noises every time he heard someone pass outside his quarters. Slapsticks and Velax, the original gang-bangers get one vote each but they get Telrunya and D'Espana onboard to vote for Zakilevo as he had publicly wanted them dead. Zakilevo makes for the exit as soon as he realizes this but comes face to face with Velax.

"Do you feel lucky, punk?" he growls.

Zakilevo spins around but takes a shot in the posterior which leaves him floundering into the arms of Slapsticks, Telrunya and D'Espana.

Zakilevo the Scientist is shot.

They drag him into the lab and stick several electrodes to his nipples and crank up the current. Despite his convulses, Zakilevo manages to pull out a piece of paper. The gang snatches it and read it while Zakilevo continues to convulse.


The consciousness of the creature is a mystery, all that can be certain is that it retains an inherited survival instinct and enough of the facets of the assimilated creature to pass convincingly as the original. It can be deduced that once assimilated the new creature retains the memories, abilities, mannerisms and possibly the frailties of the host and uses them to sustain its survival. How much of its own consciousness and knowledge of previously assimilated creatures knowledge remain is unclear.

"Ok," says Slapsticks.
"Ok," says Velax.
"Ok," says Telrunya.
"Ok," says D'Espana.

He was clearly researching the Thing. And they release Zakilevo.

The other scientists start appearing and make clucking noises at what the four had tried to do. "Where did you get that suit, Velax?" someone demands. Then someone says, "Anyone seen Penchant around?"

A hasty search makes a gruesome discovery. Apparently, Penchant was in his quarters playing with his guns and quite a collection he had. Hmmm, said Velax. Unfortunately, his guns didn't protect him. At least, the water gun in his hand that was now jammed in his mouth didn't. Did he try to commit suicide with a water gun? Like Barek, most of his blood was outside his body.

The scientists have a hasty conference and they all agree that... they really, really need a new plan.

Penchant the Hunter / Scientist was killed.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 07, 2012, 08:14:42 PM
Sorry about that. I've fixed it as best as able. Since anyone can get infected I think it won't matter in the long run.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Norrel on October 07, 2012, 08:52:04 PM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Zakilevo on October 07, 2012, 08:58:48 PM
I live to vote another day!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Penchant on October 08, 2012, 02:00:04 AM
Ghost Comment/OOC: Sorry about being gone folks, and it sucks that I died since I was really looking forward to this game. At the beginning I was waiting to decide who to vote for and the next day and the beginning of today I was busy so barely got on BM with no time for this.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 08, 2012, 02:57:10 AM
Information that was revealed will remain but subsequent human shootings won't lead to up to a lynch (fingers crossed). The single votes did not qualify for a lynch.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 08, 2012, 03:43:24 AM
Facepalm. We have lost 3 Scientists. We need more analysis, my fellow Scientists!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 08, 2012, 07:58:52 AM
My Analysis.

Ash the android pilot had his plug pulled out.
Lanyon the Psychologist / Scientist is strung like a chicken.
Barek the Escape Artist / Scientist was killed.
Penchant the Hunter / Scientist was killed.


3/Scientists         3 (3 Scientists killed/lynched)
1/Hunters         1 (1 is Penchant, 2 if we count Velax)
Psychics         1
/Psychologists         1 (Lanyon)
Researchers         1
/Escape Artists         1 (Barek)
Secret Government Agents   1
The Thing         1

So we need find out 2 bad guys from among the 8 guys(include Zaki) still alive.
1 bad guy is the Thing.
1 bad guy is Secret Government Agents.
Both the 2 bad guys are in 2 different packs.

As Zaki is still alive but cannot vote, Zaki is confirmed goodie(not cleared from being Secret Government Agents).
This is because Hunter skill if shoot the Thing, Zaki will transform out into the Thing if he is the Thing.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 08, 2012, 08:00:51 AM

VOTE SLAPSTICKS for trying to lynch off our Hunter one by one.

Slapsticks VOTE INDIRIK(40)
Slapsticks VOTE LANYON(42)

VOTE LANYON - Slapsticks (#42), Velax (#48)
VOTE SLAPSTICKS - (Lanyon #50)

Lanyon the Psychologist / Scientist is strung like a chicken.
Barek the Escape Artist / Scientist was killed.
Lefanis the Scientist is shot.

Zakilevo VOTE VELAX(58)
Slapsticks VOTE ZAKILEVO(62)
Telrunya VOTE ZAKILEVO(65)

VOTE VELAX - Zakilevo (#58)
VOTE ZAKILEVO - Slapsticks (#62), Telrunya (#65), Velax (#66), D'Espana (#67)

Zakilevo(Researcher?) is shot.
Penchant the Hunter / Scientist was killed.

Slapsticks VOTE VELAX(74)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 08, 2012, 08:09:10 AM
Lefanis is confirmed not the Thing as when he is shot, he not transform.
Still not clear up from being Secret Government Agents.

I believe Velax is a Hunter now, we have 2 Hunters assigned.
Whether Velax on Secret Government Agents pack, seeing that Penchant is on Scientists side, that remains to be seen.

Have to stop Slapsticks from lynching all our goodie hunters.

Velax, if you read this, can you shoot Slapsticks and if he transform into the Thing, then we will be proven right.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Zakilevo on October 08, 2012, 09:28:42 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Norrel on October 08, 2012, 10:21:36 AM

A misunderstanding on my part, didn't realize he was confirmed good.

Don't lynch me, though. Seriously, you know that I'm not bad at these games. Were I The Thing, I wouldn't try to lynch a confirmed goodie.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 08, 2012, 11:06:38 AM
Hold on a minute! Velax could be Hunter/Thing or Hunter/Agent!

Besides the bastard tried to bean me! He ruined my medal! I'll bet he is the agent or thing.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 08, 2012, 12:29:45 PM
My humble opinion (who am I kidding, I am the smartest scientist  8) )

We know the Thing kills one per day. It's not like the old one, which makes a double hit if its the last one left. So we can be sure there is only one, though it has likely infected someone who will inherit its consciousness when we catch it. 

Day 1-

Lanyon lynched by Velax and Slapsticks.

Velax attempts to murder Lefanis.

Barek murdered by the Thing.

Day 2-

Zakilevo gang banged by Slapsticks, Telrunya, Velax and D'espana, but escapes.

Penchant slain by the the Thing.


Remember last time, when the commandos we hired, Indirik and Barek, turned out to be the baddies- Indirik was infected, and Barek the Thing/UFO religionist. The suit Velax wore seemed like it was military made. I have a hunch this hunter is actually an agent trying to do us all in.

Another day, and we also ought to get more clues from voting and our special scientists.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 08, 2012, 01:52:59 PM
Confirmed not the Thing after being shot(not transform)
Not yet confirmed is Secret Government Agents or not
Zakilevo, Lefanis

Possible Hunter

Secret Government Agents
Hard to identify them yet as of now.

Lefanis, I go with you on this one. Hope today we can get more information.
Our special scientists should have enough data by then.


Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 08, 2012, 02:42:46 PM
So I save Zakilevo from lynching by shooting him, ensuring no good guys get lynched. If he had been the Thing, his identity would have been revealed when he was shot and we could have lynched him this turn. The Hunter is essentially the Sage here, revealing people's true identities. Any Psychics and Psychologists we have here have done !@#$ all so far, so I'm the only Sage-type actually trying to do anything. And you want to lynch someone you know without a doubt is a Sage? I have no idea how you managed to win last time with "logic" like that.

I VOTE LEFANIS, for being stupid enough to try to publicly kill a known Hunter.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 08, 2012, 03:05:57 PM
Hold on your horse, I have a plan. We all vote Slapsticks, then Velax use his Hunter skill to shoot Slapsticks, and thus save him from being lynched. Just like how Zakilevo is saved from lynch. What do you all think?

Using this way, Zaki is known as Scientist and cleared up from being the Thing.
Using this way, we can clear practically almost everyone from being the Thing.
Using this way, we also able to maintain our Scientists parity and extend by one day ;)

I still suspecting Slapsticks, because of his actions. Hmm ::)

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 08, 2012, 03:15:16 PM
I have never been so confused on a WW game as i am now..... i have no idea of what is going on!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: D'Espana on October 08, 2012, 03:20:28 PM
It's still a bit tricky with all that's been happening lately, but I have to agree with Velax here. VOTE LEFANIS for trying to lynch our known hunter.

OOC note: Fury, if you have allowed a Thing/Hunter to exist, I won't forgive you  :P
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 08, 2012, 03:24:06 PM
LOL  ;D Finally this is more like it - the sparks start to fly.

Normally, I won't say anything but I think it's not clear when Zakilevo (now called Rolly)'s vote didn't count when shot. It didn't count on the night he was shot so he can vote now.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Telrunya on October 08, 2012, 03:32:13 PM
So we vote a person each night, then wound him to stop the lynching? That would work very well, be even more powerful then a Sage, as long as Velax isn't the Thing. But what options do we have? Do we want to risk killing our Hunter just for that possibility? We won't know about Government Agents, but the Thing is what we should be worried about right now as long as the Government doesn't reach parity with us. The only problem is the Thing infecting someone else.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 08, 2012, 03:35:33 PM
Ketchum why are you too sure on voting Slapstick? then Velax? who are you? why we should follow you?

We already lost the Psychologist, so i am sure that you aren't
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 08, 2012, 03:39:43 PM
I VOTE LEFANIS, for being stupid enough to try to publicly kill a known Hunter.

And you are trying to publicly kill someone who is a known human, thanks to you. What does that make you, I wonder...  ::)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 08, 2012, 03:41:10 PM
Ketchum why are you too sure on voting Slapstick? then Velax? who are you? why we should follow you?
Sonya, I am trying to get Slapsticks response here. If he reply me and cause Crovax, then we will know 8)
I am confused as you are, as from my analysis posts above, not much details about who is the Thing or Secret Government Agents.

Velax is a Hunter, possible the last Hunter we have. I not sure whether he is a Thing/Hunter combo pointed out. Where is our Sage when we need him? Did he scan and clear anyone? >:(
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 08, 2012, 03:43:27 PM
Fellow Scientists, please refrain from killing known Scientists for now. We have to watch for Secret Government Agents but we better takeout the Thing first before he infect someone, and cause parity days to come closer.

Another thing is we could have maybe 1 or 2 Secret Government Agents. So do not take my word for only 1 Agent ???

Lefanis and Zakilevo/Rolly are not the Things as far as we know. How we know?
The Hunter skill shot them should transform them if they are the Thing. They no transform.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 08, 2012, 04:09:13 PM
Alright, fine. UNVOTE LEFANIS. He's not the best at logic, but he's not The Thing. Could still be an infected, but no way to work that out. Where the hell is our Psychic?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 08, 2012, 04:20:49 PM
Added Zakilevo the Scientist is shot to NIGHT 3 EVENTS. It was left out. A bit chaotic last night.

Edit Oops: missed out 'the Scientist'. Added now.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 08, 2012, 04:25:22 PM

Vote Slapsticks.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Telrunya on October 08, 2012, 04:44:41 PM
Lefanis and Zakilevo are in the clear for now, at least while the current Thing is alive. Voting for people and then Velax wounding that person to prevent the lynch from happening is the best we have for now, assuming Velax is not the Thing. Let's go for Slapsticks today, for lack of better targets (Need to make sure Velax shoots the right guy as well) and go for whoever is suspicious tomorrow. Maybe Zakilevo will have found something by then as well.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 08, 2012, 04:45:39 PM
For uniformity:

If someone was shot but was not voted to be lynched then he/she doesn't reveal any clue to his role (like Lefanis).

If someone was shot AND was voted to be lynched then he/she reveals a clue to his/her role to escape the lynch (like Zakilevo) darn it Zaki, don't change names in the middle of a game :o

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 08, 2012, 04:49:32 PM
3/Scientists         3 (3 Scientists killed/lynched)
1/Hunters         1 (1 is Penchant, 2 if we count Velax)
Psychics         1
/Psychologists         1 (Lanyon)
Researchers         1
/Escape Artists         1 (Barek)
Secret Government Agents   1
The Thing         1

Sonya, thank you for pointing it out. So our Sage aka Psychologists(Lanyon) is dead. How coincidental... :'(

We should still have at least 1 last Sage aka Psychics left. Hope he found something tonight.

In the meantime let us vote Slapsticks to lynch. And Velax, you must shoot him so that we can know his role and clear him up 8)

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Telrunya on October 08, 2012, 04:53:30 PM
Only Zakilevo is in the clear then, not Lefanis yet.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 08, 2012, 04:55:41 PM
No, The Thing gets IDed if shot, no matter what. It's just that if he's not The Thing and wasn't up for lynch, a clue to his role (Psychic, Researcher, etc), won't be given.

"Hunters: May shoot and wound someone once per day. If the Thing is wounded, its identity is revealed. If a human is wounded he will not be lynched (if he was voted to be) and his vote will not count for that night only."
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Telrunya on October 08, 2012, 05:07:12 PM
Ahh ok, I misunderstood the clarification. Thanks for clearing that up.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 08, 2012, 05:18:03 PM


VOTE SLAPSTICKS - Rolly #82, Lefanis #99, Telrunya #100, Ketchum #102
VOTE LEFANIS - D'Espana #90
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 08, 2012, 05:47:13 PM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 08, 2012, 06:05:46 PM
Darn i am late, but i was about to tell you... you shouldn't vote for Slapstick.

Ketchum, you have to respond for your mistake!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 08, 2012, 06:17:51 PM


VOTE SLAPSTICKS - Rolly #82, Lefanis #99, Telrunya #100, Ketchum #102, Velax #107
VOTE LEFANIS - D'Espana #90

The vote was cast. It was done. It had to come. It was Slapsticks' turn. They tie him up with chains and stuff him in a box. Then they waited for the big bad Velax to come shoot him with the gun and scare him into telling whatever it was he could tell.

Meanwhile, Velax was practicing drama in his quarters. He acts out loud:

"As Slapsticks is strung up by the other Scientists, Velax takes aim with his huge Desert Eagle. He lines up a shot with Slapsticks' head, hoping to finally nail someone with the damn gun. Just as he pulls the trigger, Ketchum careens into the room, shouting excitedly.

"Guys, guys! I've got my latest analysis! Come listen, guys! Guys?"

Ketchum sprints across the room, knocking Velax's elbow as he takes aim. The gun goes off just as the others kick the chair out from beneath Slapsticks' feet. The bullet streaks toward the choking scientist, grazing his hair and slicing through the rope. Slapsticks drops clumsily to the ground and lands in a heap.

"Son of a bitch!" yells Velax, throwing his clipboard to the ground in rage."

Hehehe, says Velax as he strides to the lynching zone. As he gets there, he pulls out his Desert Eagle as the others open up the box which they had been guarding from all sides.

It was empty.

Everyone started shouting in rage and blaming each other for not guarding their side of the box more carefully and they search high and low for Slapsticks but eventually they all get fed up and go to bed.

Slapsticks the Scientist has escaped a lynch and is apparently in hiding.

All except D'Espana who was determined to get his lynch no matter what. He confronts Lefanis with a rope which Lefanis promptly snatches away from him. They struggle for a minute using every trick in the book but no one could get the upper hand. Finally, they resort to simply slapping each other until the rest of the Scientists told them to knock it off as it was disturbing their sleep.

The night passes eventfully.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 08, 2012, 06:22:34 PM
The night passes eventfully?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: D'Espana on October 08, 2012, 07:23:29 PM
All except D'Espana who was determined to get his lynch no matter what. He confronts Lefanis with a rope which Lefanis promptly snatches away from him. They struggle for a minute using every trick in the book but no one could get the upper hand. Finally, they resort to simply slapping each other until the rest of the Scientists told them to knock it off as it was disturbing their sleep.

Genius!  ;D

The night passes eventfully?

Seems that the Thing didn't wanted/couldn't attack? Perhaps we should look to the inactives in this turn, although we have always failed when following such deduction...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 09, 2012, 02:36:45 AM
Darn i am late, but i was about to tell you... you shouldn't vote for Slapstick.

Ketchum, you have to respond for your mistake!
Sonya, can you explain your statement above?
We are trying to lynch ourselves without killing ourselves of course, by having Velax the self claimed Hunter shooting us every night.
Borrow Captain Barbossa quote, if you have a better alternative, please, share

Fury, that is a nice update ;D

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Zakilevo on October 09, 2012, 03:42:25 AM
I have researched the Thing's origin.


It is not known whether the Thing is itself a technological species, whether the ship it arrived on was its own. It could be reasoned that it crashed because the original pilot was killed or sabotaged the craft, and the creature was unable to manage the controls. However, there are reports it was able to manufacture a small saucer like craft from parts it found on the base, something that was obviously beyond his human understanding. Assimilated humans have been seen operating vehicles and equipment their human counterpart would have knowledge of.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 09, 2012, 06:10:25 AM
Something that have been bothering me for a while......

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Zakilevo on October 09, 2012, 06:35:33 AM
Something that have been bothering me for a while......


Zakilevo = Rolly
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Penchant on October 09, 2012, 07:01:37 AM
From ghost
So um, Rolly, couple of things; why the name change? How did you do it? And a reminder of
§7B – Posting or quoting of PMs from the GM is not allowed - real or forged. Rephrasing information you know is allowed.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 09, 2012, 07:18:31 AM
Seems that the Thing didn't wanted/couldn't attack?

The night should probably have passed uneventfully, then.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 09, 2012, 01:07:31 PM
  • Secret Government Agents: Will attempt to stop the other humans from killing the Thing. May recruit someone to be a Secret Government Agent if he is the only remaining agent left. The would-be-recruit has a choice to join or not. Recruitment is only official and valid when done by a real secret Government Agent that fulfills the stated condition and validated by Headquarters (GM). Secret Government Agents win when they reach parity with the other humans as long as the IDENTIFIED Thing lives. They will then kill off the remaining people and call in their black OPs to capture the Thing.
  • The Thing: May kill one person per day until it reaches parity and will then openly kill everyone. May infect one body one time only by absorbing its essence and transferring part of its consciousness into the new host. The new host will NOT count towards parity and will not be active until the original Thing dies and it takes over. Has a more successful attack against the quieter humans who don't speak much and keep to themselves. After a few successful attacks, can then successfully kill anyone. The Thing wins when it reaches parity and kills everyone.

I think the Thing has somehow manage to infect someone during its no-hunt night. Or Secret Government Agents has managed to recruit their own someone.

We need do analysis who hunt on which night, alternate night.

1st Night, 3rd Night is Pack A.
2nd Night, 4th Night is Pack B.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 09, 2012, 01:55:42 PM
Zakilevo = Rolly

Why did you change your name zaki?

Ketchum, you have been too anxious and fast on your decisions.

But there is something i always wonder..... you have been noisy and pointing people and blaming, but most likely noisy, thinker, and calculator scientists are a prime target.

Why you haven't been a target Ketchum? of course i know, you must be a Secret Agent!
Sonya, can you explain your statement above?

Sure...why no...

VOTE SLAPSTICKS for trying to lynch off our Hunter one by one.
Lefanis is confirmed not the Thing as when he is shot, he not transform.
Still not clear up from being Secret Government Agents.

I believe Velax is a Hunter now, we have 2 Hunters assigned.
Whether Velax on Secret Government Agents pack, seeing that Penchant is on Scientists side, that remains to be seen.

Have to stop Slapsticks from lynching all our goodie hunters.

Velax, if you read this, can you shoot Slapsticks and if he transform into the Thing, then we will be proven right.
Hold on your horse, I have a plan. We all vote Slapsticks, then Velax use his Hunter skill to shoot Slapsticks, and thus save him from being lynched. Just like how Zakilevo is saved from lynch. What do you all think?

Using this way, Zaki is known as Scientist and cleared up from being the Thing.
Using this way, we can clear practically almost everyone from being the Thing.
Using this way, we also able to maintain our Scientists parity and extend by one day ;)

I still suspecting Slapsticks, because of his actions. Hmm ::)


You are paraphrasing too much, are you trying to make confusion or you are plainly absent minded!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 09, 2012, 02:24:48 PM
Darn i am late, but i was about to tell you... you shouldn't vote for Slapstick.

Ketchum, you have to respond for your mistake!
Sonya, there is one thing that has been on my mind. Why you are so quick to protect Slapsticks?
Are you our 1 last Sage aka Psychics?
If yes, you may scan me and you will understand.

If no, then you are the Secret Government Agent and you have interest to protect the Thing.
Without the Thing, you Secret Government Agent side will lose and your parity will be gone too.
Is it not?

Do remember who is the first one to suggest let the Hunter shoot the person about to be lynched.

Lynch + Hunter shot = Reveal Role + Scientist live + Parity day extended
Lynch - Hunter shot = Dead Scientist + Scientist lost + One Parity day lost
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 09, 2012, 02:34:54 PM
I am not protecting Slapstick (i voted for him on first day),  but i will protect everyone you target blindly, and sorry for the Psychics thing, you got him killed early...

RIP Lanyon, i will feed your cats!


Didn't you noticed that you created a bandwagon to Slapstick, or you are clueless and confused even more scientist, or you and your group are scientist who are on the Thing's side!

Instead of making confusion why don't you think clearly, your intellect can be use for good and many of us are counting on that, stop creating confusion, grab and pen, paper and think, once you are done give us the results!

Do remember who is the first one to suggest let the Hunter shoot the person about to be lynched.

Lynch + Hunter shot = Reveal Role + Scientist live + Parity day extended
Lynch - Hunter shot = Dead Scientist + Scientist lost + One Parity day lost
What....  :-\  ???  :o

Didn't saw that before...see? all this makes me confusing! ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

If yes, you may scan me and you will understand.

Sure...Jump in!


What? thats all i have on my laboratory....what scan you were expecting?=

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 09, 2012, 02:50:39 PM
I am not protecting Slapstick (i voted for him on first day),  but i will protect everyone you target blindly, and sorry for the Psychics thing, you got him killed early...

Didn't you noticed that you created a bandwagon to Slapstick, or you are clueless and confused even more scientist, or you and your group are scientist who are on the Thing's side!

Oh, so it become I killed people. Tell me, when I kill people?

I ask for lynch people to clear them as Scientists, then have Velax the self-acclaimed Hunter to shot them which saved them from being killed. Perhaps you are starting to worry that you are on the Thing side or Secret Government Agents side. You worry your bad Role will be reveal... I will understand, no worry 8)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: D'Espana on October 09, 2012, 03:08:33 PM
The night should probably have passed uneventfully, then.

Possibly just a mistake when writing events down. We're not perfect, aren't we? Or it could mean a hidden event, such as an infection, as has already been suggested. I REALLY hope it's a mistake, though.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 09, 2012, 03:13:53 PM
Ok, sorry i now understand, my fault for not understanding until now.

So the only sure thing we have now is that Velax is a Hunter, but why are you sure that Velax is in our side? he could be a secrect agent, he got  Desert Eagle!


Only Government military have bird that shot bullets!

But that aside, so i understand Ketchum, you are on Scientist side....good, now lets look at our Hunter, he didn't shot Slapstick before he scapes.
Hold on your horse, I have a plan. We all vote Slapsticks, then Velax use his Hunter skill to shoot Slapsticks, and thus save him from being lynched. Just like how Zakilevo is saved from lynch. What do you all think?

Ok the Vote for Slapsticks was a good call, and those who vote for him are testing if this work (damm scientist!)

But your Hunter did not respond, you should analyze that.

OCC ps:Stupid ketchum, this was supposed to be a for fun game, now you are making me think, i have drank 2 mugs of coffee in the morning!

OCC ps2: to the GM, just for clarity, is a tradition on our Werewolf Games, that Traits are set by colors determining if they are good or bad, but i am not sure if on this game all traits are used even for good or bad people, will you confirm this?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 09, 2012, 03:37:59 PM
Persons we cannot confirm as humans-

Velax- Hunter + other role?

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Telrunya on October 09, 2012, 04:42:32 PM
I think the Thing has somehow manage to infect someone during its no-hunt night. Or Secret Government Agents has managed to recruit their own someone.

We need do analysis who hunt on which night, alternate night.

1st Night, 3rd Night is Pack A.
2nd Night, 4th Night is Pack B.

Agreed that yesterday night might have been an infection. However, are we sure that the Government hunts too and that there are thus two packs?

One thing is for sure, without voting we won't get any further. Did we have any votes in yet? I don't believe so. For now, I will VOTE D'ESPANA, assuming Velax can confirm he will wound him today. We need to continue to confirm people. I'll be around later to change my vote if needed.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 09, 2012, 04:57:58 PM
Velax, can you confirm you going shoot the person we going lynch today?
Shoot D'Espana.....


Hmm, I still not cleared yet. For next coming days. Someone better lead who to lynch and remember to ask Velax to shoot the person lynched. Better vote early who to lynch, otherwise our Hunter Velax maybe not online in time to shoot and save the lynched Scientist.

OOC: Sonya, coffee is good. I love coffee :P
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 09, 2012, 04:59:21 PM
The Thing: May kill one person per day

Thing has daily hunts. Agents don't.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 09, 2012, 05:05:13 PM
I will VOTE D'ESPANA, assuming Velax can confirm he will wound him today. We need to continue to confirm people. I'll be around later to change my vote if needed.
Velax, can you confirm you going shoot the person we going lynch today?
Shoot D'Espana.....


Hmm, I still not cleared yet. For next coming days. Someone better lead who to lynch and remember to ask Velax to shoot the person lynched. Better vote early who to lynch, otherwise our Hunter Velax maybe not online in time to shoot and save the lynched Scientist.

OOC: Sonya, coffee is good. I love coffee :P

You are still counting on velax to be in our side......very well, i shall test it too. we are all scientist and according to the Scientific Methods, we need experimentation after theory.

My vote goes for D'ESPANA

Sorry D'Espana if you Ketchum's fault, and Velax's lack of loving.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Telrunya on October 09, 2012, 05:06:52 PM
I'm aware Velax could be NOT on our side, but if I have to choose between lynching Velax and losing the Hunter ability to save everyone or voting others in hopes that we can continue to save them from lynching IF they are human, then I'll stick to the latter one for now.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 09, 2012, 05:11:34 PM
Thing has daily hunts. Agents don't.
Yes, only the Thing has daily hunts. Agents most likely ask/message GM to recruit someone among us.

So possible setting:

(A) 1 Thing + 1 Agent + 1 Recruit
(B) 1 Thing + 2 Agents + 1 Recruit

We have 8 people left from 11 players.

It would be in Agents interest to keep the Thing alive. If anyone do not vote someone to lynch and our Hunter no shoot, we will know. Aye ;)

Oh yes. Keep talking my fellow Scientists. Keep come out with your Theories, only can we Scientists win against the evil Secret Government Agents and the Thing.

P/S: Do not take my word for the setting :-\
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 09, 2012, 05:55:16 PM
Alright, I'll VOTE D'ESPANA.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 09, 2012, 06:28:25 PM
Ok I just logged on so will post the events in a while.

The night should probably have passed uneventfully, then.
Well, the night did pass and it was rather eventful from all the slapping going on...
I suppose it could also have said "The rest of the night passed uneventfully."

From ghost
So um, Rolly, couple of things; why the name change? How did you do it? And a reminder of
Yes, please paraphrase GM scan results/RP, no direct quotes. And ghosts post in colour too!  ;)

OCC ps2: to the GM, just for clarity, is a tradition on our Werewolf Games, that Traits are set by colors determining if they are good or bad, but i am not sure if on this game all traits are used even for good or bad people, will you confirm this?
Yes, indeed.

Green = You are dead and a good guy
Red = You are dead and a bad guy
White = You are NOT dead and your role is not revealed


VOTE D'ESPANA - Telrunya #126, Ketchum #127, Sonya #129, Velax #132

Voting closed
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Zakilevo on October 09, 2012, 06:30:51 PM
Ah crap I overslept :o
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 09, 2012, 07:00:44 PM
Mega OCC rant:

Green = You are dead and a good guy
Red = You are dead and a bad guy
White = You are NOT dead and your role is not revealed

NONONONO I reffer to this:

The Roles

Except for Scientists and the Thing, all other Roles MAY, not will, be in the game.

The traits, are they given?:
Green to Villagers?
Red to Werewolves?
White Neutral/Both?

Thats how have been done in past games, i want to know if is like that on this game.  >:(
END OF OCC rant:
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 09, 2012, 07:06:11 PM
Mega OCC rant:

NONONONO I reffer to this:

  • Scientists
  • Hunters
  • Psychics
  • Psychologists
  • Researchers
  • Escape Artists
  • Secret Government Agents
  • The Thing

The traits, are they given?:
Green to Villagers?
Red to Werewolves?
White Neutral/Both?

Thats how have been done in past games, i want to know if is like that on this game.  >:(
END OF OCC rant:

Green to Villagers? YES
Red to Werewolves? YES
White Neutral/Both? No neutrals but scientists and agents may nor may not have to work together, especially if it's going to be a matter of life and death  ;)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 09, 2012, 07:11:27 PM
Green to Villagers? YES
Red to Werewolves? YES
White Neutral/Both? No neutrals but scientists and agents may nor may not have to work together, especially if it's going to be a matter of life and death  ;)

Thank you Coach!

Thats solves the Famous Velax's Puzzle if the wolves don't kill me tonight i will be apologizing to him!  ;D
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 09, 2012, 07:22:00 PM
Ah, I see what you mean. Well to be clear:

For players with more than one role, their MAJOR role counts towards the win, their minor role does not.

So, there can be characters with both green AND red roles. Also, green OR red roles can be infected and turn red if the Thing dies. Green roles can also turn red if recruited by Secret Government Agents.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 09, 2012, 07:33:00 PM
Ah, I see what you mean. Well to be clear:

So, there can be characters with both green AND red roles. Also, green OR red roles can be infected and turn red if the Thing dies. Green roles can also turn red if recruited by Secret Government Agents.

................ So much coffee for nothing............. (╯゜□゜)╯︵ ┻━┻
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 09, 2012, 07:39:13 PM



He had put his hand in and meddled too much bringing the spotlight on himself.

After surviving for the past two days, he keeps a diary in his desk. He scribbles the message below in his diary.

"This job is becoming more dangerous. Well, for the sake of the Nobel prize, with my name on the candidate's shortlist, I should speak up as I see fit. The Scientists have no clue as to  what they are dealing with. Ah, my Research Notes are almost completed.

I attach these Research notes results that I have gathered these past two days.

It's time to rest awhile before joining my fellow Scientists to lynch D'ESpana and force him to tell the truth. Velax should shoot him before the lynch.


VOTE D'ESPANA - Telrunya #126, Ketchum #127, Sonya #129, Velax #132

Velax takes aim at D'Espana as the others string him up.

"Shoot him, Velax!" "Yeah, shoot him!" "Save him with your bullets!" The Scientists call out.

"Wait! Wait! I'm an agent! Code name BOND!" screams D'Espana pulling his ID card out of his breast pocket with his teeth.

The Scientist squeezes the trigger on his huge gun and a huge bang echoes throughout the station canteen. When everyone's ears stop ringing, they open their eyes and look eagerly to the rope. D'Espana still hangs there, with no wounds visible.

"You missed you idiot!"

Velax doesn't answer. He remains in the same position, not moving, gun outstretched. Suddenly he...flickers.

"What the hell...?" Telrunya walks up to Velax and pokes him. His finger goes right through. Waving his hand through Velax, he calls back to the others.

"He's a hologram!"

Meanwhile the real Velax hides in a closet in one of the bedrooms. He hears the door open and leaps out, brandishing his gun.

"I've got you now, The Thing!" And he fires at Ketchum, squeezing the trigger repeatedly. Ketchum falls to the floor. Velax stands over him, and then...

"You... shot me?" moaned Ketchum incredulously,"but I came to find you..." and then faints. He should be all right in a few hours once they patch up his shoulder.

Ketchum the Scientist is shot.

Everyone turns and looks at D'Espana.

"What did you say?" Someone asks.
"Huh? Nothing."
"You said you were an agent?"
"No, I didn't."
"Yes, you did!"
"OK! I give up. I'm a secret government agent and I have RESOURCES. We can catch this Thing!"

"NO. We're going to kill it", the scientists reply angrily and Lefanis slaps him for good measure.

BANG! Velax arrives and shoots D'Espana and this time... it was for real. D'Espana slumps to the floor and with his dying breath he whispers: "Crap... I forgot to sign my card..."

D'Espana the Secret Government Agent / Psychic is shot dead.

The rest of the night passes uneventfully.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Zakilevo on October 09, 2012, 07:41:05 PM
Finally. We got rid of that bastard! Now it is time to get rid of the thing.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 09, 2012, 07:52:14 PM
2 things:

1- i am out of coffee.... no more coffee after 1 pm..
2- i am more confused than ever!

Finally. We got rid of that bastard! Now it is time to get rid of the thing.
And it seems that we found the Psychic as well, too bad that such great trait was in wrong hands. stupid KGB agent!

Meanwhile the real Velax hides in a closet in one of the bedrooms. He hears the door open and leaps out, brandishing his gun.

"I've got you now, The Thing!" And he fires at Ketchum, squeezing the trigger repeatedly. Ketchum falls to the floor. Velax stands over him, and then...

"You... shot me?" moaned Ketchum incredulously,"but I came to find you..." and then faints. He should be all right in a few hours once they patch up his shoulder.

Ketchum the Scientist is shot.

Errr...... what?

Velax did you targeted Ketchum? of he was coming to attack you?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 09, 2012, 07:54:02 PM
The Thing is either Telrunya or Sonya. Or Velax, if he is Thing/Hunter...

Vote Telrunya
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: D'Espana on October 09, 2012, 08:10:14 PM
Heh, such a pity. Good move, guys!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Norrel on October 09, 2012, 11:52:24 PM
Vote Telrunya
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Zakilevo on October 09, 2012, 11:54:35 PM
I agree. Let's check Telrunya and Sonya.

Vote Telrunya
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Norrel on October 10, 2012, 12:06:46 AM
I feel like this setup was massively town-sided. We're chock full of investigative roles and our lynches investigate without killing and everything. I don't see a way the Thing can possibly win since he can't even claim psychologist or psychic without someone else checking.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 10, 2012, 02:07:49 AM
Congratulations, we got Secret Government Agents. Still I not understand why my vote is counted in lynching D'Espana for that night. GM, tonight my vote still count for those who have been shot and recovering today?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 10, 2012, 02:52:06 AM
Congratulations, we got Secret Government Agents. Still I not understand why my vote is counted in lynching D'Espana for that night. GM, tonight my vote still count for those who have been shot and recovering today?
Ah, yes - I've strucked out your vote now. Thanks. You shouldn't be posting in colour, you're not dead  ;) Your vote didn't count on the night you were shot so you can vote now.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 10, 2012, 02:54:10 AM
I feel like this setup was massively town-sided. We're chock full of investigative roles and our lynches investigate without killing and everything. I don't see a way the Thing can possibly win since he can't even claim psychologist or psychic without someone else checking.
It's a Fury game  ;)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 10, 2012, 02:57:03 AM


VOTE TELRUNYA - Lefanis #143, Slapsticks #145, Zaki #146
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 10, 2012, 03:28:10 AM
Ah, yes - I've strucked out your vote now. Thanks. You shouldn't be posting in colour, you're not dead  ;) Your vote didn't count on the night you were shot so you can vote now.
Lol.... I am back guys 8)

VOTE SONYA for arousing my suspicion. I also see something wrong about her before I go find Velax and got shot.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 10, 2012, 05:20:06 AM
I believe there are only two people, maybe three, The Thing could be. I'm going to VOTE SONYA.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 10, 2012, 02:32:04 PM
I believe there are only two people, maybe three, The Thing could be. I'm going to VOTE SONYA.

Why vote me when you can shoot me?  ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 10, 2012, 02:51:16 PM
Can't shoot everyone.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 10, 2012, 02:56:52 PM
Lol.... I am back guys 8)

VOTE SONYA for arousing my suspicion. I also see something wrong about her before I go find Velax and got shot.

But but.....i went to stop you!  and you said "no no no!" and i was there watching you how you go and got...shot in the knee!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 10, 2012, 03:55:23 PM

VOTE TELRUNYA - Lefanis #143, Slapsticks #145, Zaki #146
VOTE SONYA - Ketchum #152, Velax #154
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Telrunya on October 10, 2012, 04:23:46 PM

Let's get the first Thing out of the way, then hunt the next one.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 10, 2012, 04:49:35 PM

Let's get the first Thing out of the way, then hunt the next one.

Let me Thing! (als je weet wat ik bedoel!)

Nope sorry... don't understand.

Vote  Telrunya
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 10, 2012, 06:41:55 PM


VOTE TELRUNYA - Lefanis #143, Slapsticks #145, Zaki #146, Sonya #159
VOTE SONYA - Ketchum #152, Velax #154, Telrunya #158

Lefanis and Slapsticks string Telrunya up in the station gym. Sonya sits on one of the rowing machines and takes the opportunity to work out. Velax lounges against a wall nearby, watching the proceedings.

"Shoot me!" yells Telrunya. "Shoot me, Velax!"

Velax feels insulted at the implication that his aim is so bad Telrunya feels safer getting shot. "Oh, yeah? I'll show you!" He pulls out the huge Desert Eagle and aims it at Telrunya's head. "Take this!"


The bullet missed Telrunya's head by a wide margin, ricochets off a nearby barbell and slams into Sonya's shoulder.

"Dammit" yells Velax. "You moved!" He waves his fist at Telrunya, who is slowly choking on the end of the rope. Then he notices Sonya. "Oh, shi-

Sonya the Scientist is shot.

It's blood and Sonya is just moaning away. The rest of the scientists decide that with Sonya injured she can't take part in the lynching so her vote doesn't count. So after a recount it seems that both Sonya and Telrunya tied for a lynch. Zaki drags the moaning Sonya and strings her up beside Telrunya who was making very animal like sounds that made the scientists back off in a hurry.

They watch fascinatedly as Telrunya changes form into the ugliest... Thing imaginable. Someone calls for a flamethrower and before the Thing can break free of the ropes it learns the meaning of the word barbeque.

Sonya the Psychic / Scientist is hanged to death.
Telrunya The Thing / Scientist is roasted.


Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 10, 2012, 06:49:51 PM
I don't understand this part....

how come my vote doesn't count?

How come the guy with the Shooting Bird failed and hit me?



( i go.... (╯゜□゜)╯︵ ┻━┻

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 10, 2012, 06:56:55 PM
If you're shot, your vote doesn't count. Votes of those who were shot previously were crossed out. You were the real target of the shot, not Telrunya. Since you were not originally voted to be lynched, the shot can't save you as you only qualified for a lynch after a recount and the shot was already used.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 10, 2012, 06:58:28 PM
You were the real target of the shot, not Telrunya.

(╯゜□゜)╯︵ ┻━┻

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Zakilevo on October 10, 2012, 09:55:13 PM
Well done guys. :) Victory!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 11, 2012, 01:49:36 AM
I am confused. The Thing does not infect anyone before it dies? :o
I have a feeling this ain't over man......

Sonya, sorry. I just online and read your message now :(
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 11, 2012, 05:28:54 AM
We still have the infected Thing we need to take care of. I'm going to VOTE ZAKILEVO, just to get things started.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 11, 2012, 07:19:29 AM

He celebrate too early, too suspicious... ::)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 11, 2012, 05:40:55 PM
Vote Ketchum.

Thing protecting itself by bandwagoning?

Also, he began Sonya vote.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 11, 2012, 06:45:24 PM (


VOTE ZAKI - Velax #166, Ketchum #167
VOTE KETCHUM - Lefanis #168

Zaki was one of the original survivors of the first Thing attack and one of the first to be surprised when the Thing they had thought killed came back to life through an infection. Victory! He cried again happily and went off to celebrate. Little did he know that Velax and Ketchum were plotting to lynch him behind his back. Apparently, the lynching wasn't over.

While Zaki celebrates alone, Velax is suspicious. He had heard how his namesake in the Artic mission had died after the original Thing had been killed. The other Velax had been murdered after he deduced that another Thing must still be alive, so this Velax kept his own council as much as possible, aside from voting.

While Ketchum waits for Velax to join him in lynching Zaki in the canteen, Velax waits in one of the Scientist's rooms. The lights are off and he fingers his gun on his lap. After half an hour the door opens and a Scientist steps in. He switches on the light and stops dead when he sees a gun pointed at his head.

"Hello, Lefanis," says Velax. "Come on in."

A minute later, the other Scientists hear a loud gunshot come from the direction of their quarters.

Lefanis the Scientist is shot - again.

Suddenly, Velax bursts out of Lefanis' quarters at top speed followed by Lefanis hopping on one foot after him waving a microscope dangerously in the air.

"Shoot me AGAIN, will you? I'll teach you!" Lefanis screams.

Fortunately, Velax reaches the canteen in time. He bars the door and leaves Lefanis banging on it with his microscope and goes look for Ketchum.

Well, shall we?" he asks.
"Let's do it."

They both approach Zaki on the barstool at the bar celebrating all by himself with a drink. He looks surprised as both Velax and Ketchum pick up a barstool each and hold it dangerously close to his head.

"What? Huh? What? I give... what?" Zaki slurs.
"The Thing isn't dead."
"Sure it isss."
"Well, we're just going to have to make sure."

Then they both proceed to bash Zaki repeatedly in the head. When they were sure he was not moving they prodded him with a foot.

"No infection here", says Ketchum.
"Yep", replies Velax.

From his inside jacket pocket they pull out some of his research papers.


If attacked with fire or powerful electric shock the creature will attempt to attack, escape or play possum. If incapacitated it appears to try to overwhelm it's attackers no matter how outnumbered with a violently horrific display of its metamorphic ability, mutating seemingly uncontrollably to the point sentient creatures will flee in terror.


It is not known whether the Thing is itself a technological species, whether the ship it arrived on was its own. It could be reasoned that it crashed because the original pilot was killed or sabotaged the craft, and the creature was unable to manage the controls. However, there are reports it was able to manufacture a small saucer like craft from parts it found on the base, something that was obviously beyond his human understanding. Assimilated humans have been seen operating vehicles and equipment their human counterpart would have knowledge of.

Zaki the Researcher / Scientist was bashed repeatedly in the head till dead.

Then they both went to sleep and wonder if they were still missing some pertinent information about the Thing or that perhaps... they had really got the Thing after all.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 11, 2012, 06:59:11 PM
I'm going to file charges against you killer Velax! I remember how you voted Sonya too! When this is all over and I win another Nobel, I'm going to laugh as you rot in prison!!

I'm going to go again with Ketchum.

Vote Ketchum.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 11, 2012, 07:19:28 PM
Very interesting.

UNVOTE Ketchum.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 11, 2012, 07:35:42 PM
I'm likely the only Sage-type you have left, Lefanis. It's thanks to me that Government Agent D'Espana is dead, and it's thanks to me Telrunya is dead. If I'd shot Telrunya, Sonya would have been hung anyway and Telrunya would still be alive. I had hoped my shot would save Sonya, but it was not to be. Think about it. Even if I'm the second Thing, I would not have known that until the first Thing was dead, after Sonya had already been hung. So unless you think I'm a Government Agent that for some reason decided to deliberately get the other Government Agent killed, it should be pretty clear I've been working for the Scientists.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 12, 2012, 01:26:42 AM
What the monster is going on. I will never trust anyone ever!


Seems Telrunya the Thing kind of leave hint behind. Thing/Hunter not a bad combo.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Zakilevo on October 12, 2012, 02:21:22 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 12, 2012, 03:47:07 AM

Remaining Scientists


The atmosphere was palpable. Things were coming to a close. While there had been a whole lot of action going on, research was lacking and it just might be their undoing. Looking around at one another they realized that they had killed of most of their prominent scientists and were now severely handicapped in skills and abilities.

Apparently, between the Thing and themselves they had killed one of each: a Hunter, a Researcher, a Psychologist, a Psychic, an Escape Artist, a Secret Government Agent and of course, The Thing. The list read like a Trophy Cabinet Collection of Who's Who.

The score was:
The Thing - 2
Scientists - 4

While they might have a trick or two up their sleeves yet, they were still working at odds with one another. There was fear that everyone was going to die - the only question was the method. There had not been a single Thing attack in the last three nights but they weren't taking chances. They were going to lynch everyone single person until they found the Thing. The bad news was... their numbers were dwindling. Sooner or later there was going to have to be a compromise of ideals, objectives - if they were going to... simply survive.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Norrel on October 12, 2012, 04:48:40 AM
Okay maybe we should just stop lynching?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 12, 2012, 03:53:23 PM

VOTE VELAX - Lefanis #171, Ketchum #173
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 12, 2012, 05:31:59 PM
Okay maybe we should just stop lynching?
Stop lynching will not help us to defeat and cure this infected Thingie person.

We Scientists need start keep posting our analysis here. Being quiet, does not stop one of us Scientists from being hunted one by one to death.

Is the Thingie lazy to hunt, which is why there is no hunt for some of the nights? ???
If yes, it could be the quiet Scientist among us, the one who has no interest to win the Nobel medal...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 12, 2012, 06:20:59 PM

Vote Slapsticks.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 12, 2012, 06:33:32 PM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 12, 2012, 06:37:55 PM

Vote Slapsticks.
Lefanis, you trying for double lynch eh?
Finally caught you voting without any reason...

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 12, 2012, 06:50:16 PM
Fool, minimum of 2 votes needed for a lynch. Single vote doesn't make it double lynch.

You are never going to win that Nobel.

Dangles his own Nobel in front of ketchum's nose
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 12, 2012, 06:58:07 PM


VOTE VELAX - Lefanis #171, Ketchum #173

Lefanis and Ketchum sat down to play some cards but every card they pulled showed similar figures. They both look at each other. "I know who that is", they both said as a matter of fact. "It's time to take him down but first we've got to take away that pea-shooter of his."

Velax who had been eavesdropping from outside kicks the door to the canteen down and draws his Desert Eagle and points it at them. "You want a piece of this?" he growls. "Come get it then. Who's first? You? You? I think I'll choose." Velax points his pea-shooter at Ketchum and pulls the trigger blowing the cards from his hand and leaves him howling in pain at his bleeding hand.

Lefanis immediately tries to change his vote. "Wait, WAIT - I vote Slapsticks!" he screams.

"Why you double-crosser", screams Ketchum in reply. "I vote Lefanis!" he cries.

"No can do" Velax says grimly. "It's just you and me. Now, COME LYNCH ME!" To which Lefanis kicks the table at Velax and knocks him to the ground and at the same time drags Ketchum out of the canteen...

Ketchum the Scientist is shot.


Later that night, Slapsticks, who had been lying low since the scientists had tried to lynch him, was hiding out in the loo on the second floor. He had kept mostly to himself so as not to draw attention with the occasional comment that he shouted at the remaining scientists from afar. Lightning doesn't strike the same place twice but as a scientist he should have known that not only does lightning strike the same place twice, some places are struck many many times.

There was a knock on his toilet cubicle. He opened it and had the shock of his life. "YOU? But... but this is IMPOSSIBLE. HOW?!" he stammered.

"How?" The Thing laughed. "Maybe you should have spent more time playing scientist than playing hide and seek." Then the Thing proceeded to pull out Slapsticks' entrails and darkness fell...

Slapsticks the Escape Artist / Scientist was attacked and killed.

There was a dark gloom when the remaining scientists, Velax, Ketchum, and Lefanis found Slapsticks' remains. Their bravado had all but faded away. They were all that remained and it seemed like the Horror was unstoppable. Just WHO WAS IT? They glared at one another but also all around them. They didn't understand. Someone did. It was time to find out just what the hell was going on...

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 12, 2012, 07:16:19 PM
Alright, if anyone has any information, now's the time to share it. Is anyone a Researcher?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 12, 2012, 07:21:51 PM
Alright, if anyone has any information, now's the time to share it. Is anyone a Researcher?

har har har.

Game over Thing.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 12, 2012, 07:41:44 PM
Lefanis enters his room, richly decorated with certificates, medals, and of course his prized Nobel. Scientific scribbling cover the walls, and his board in the corner is full of equations and chemical formulae. For all intents and purposes, he seems a normal scientist. Well, a genius.

He looks out the window to make sure no one is looking before pressing a depression in the wall and activating hologram of F, his boss, flanked by his tech manager, Q.

Q, I'm going to be needed that heavy machinery you promised. Should capture the Thing by sunset.  8)

The hologram nods curtly, and a few seconds later, an ordinary looking cigarette and a flamethrower materialise on Lefanis' bed.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 13, 2012, 06:08:21 AM


Outside the Research Station high overhead, a high tech military black ops chopper could be heard whirling in the midday. It didn't land, didn't drop anything but just hovered or circled like it was waiting for something.

Down in the station, the 3 scientists had some decisions to make. Were they being rescued? Was help coming? Could they escape? What about the Thing? Were they going to bring it along with them on the chopper or leaving it behind? Were they sure they knew who it was? The Thing on a chopper didn't exactly leave anyone room to run. How safe was it?

Then there was their research - for those who were doing actual real work. There were days when they were so caught up with the events or simply trying to stay alive that they might have lagged behind. Would it prove to be their doom? Did they research enough to find the truth? Even so, did they have any time left?

It was simply a showdown and the survival of the fittest would be decided in probably the next day or two. Would the ending of this story read a small group of survivors or a lone solitary hero? Or would it signal the start of the end of humankind? Would the scientists go out limply with a "meh" or could they finally work together, convince everyone, really really convince everyone else and pool their collective knowledge and resources before... something really, really bad happens? Depending on the choices made and how BADLY people wanted to stay alive, anything, simply anything... was possible.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 13, 2012, 06:15:47 AM
Everyone left here has been IDed as a Scientist, or possibly an Agent. Not as The Thing. Is it possible The Thing is someone who was killed before? Could the first Thing have infected a dead host, not a live one?

Barek was the first killed, and he was killed in the toilets. Slapsticks was the first killed by the new Thing, and he was also killed in the toilets. Could Barek be the new Thing?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 13, 2012, 10:08:43 AM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 13, 2012, 11:59:46 AM
Velax, why you keep shooting me for? This is second time you shot me >:(

VOTE VELAX for crazy shooting
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 13, 2012, 01:13:20 PM
Vote Velax. You shot me twice, you bastard! Die!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 13, 2012, 03:03:12 PM

VOTE BAREK - Velax #189
VOTE VELAX - Ketchum #190, Lefanis #191
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 13, 2012, 04:55:19 PM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 13, 2012, 05:11:49 PM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 13, 2012, 05:22:30 PM
Don't be fools. I can just shoot one of you to cancel your vote as I did last night. You can't kill me via lynching anymore, so you may as well vote Barek with me.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 13, 2012, 06:20:55 PM


VOTE BAREK - Velax #189
VOTE VELAX - Ketchum #190, Lefanis #194

Brimming with confidence, Secret Government Agent Lefanis strides to the ground floor toilet with Ketchum tagging along. The ground floor toilet is where Velax insists that the dead Barek, the new Thing is hiding and where he intends to conduct his investigation.

As Lefanis and Ketchum walk in, Velax turns towards them and exclaims:

"Right on time! Now BACK ME UP!" he orders as he draws his Desert Eagle and kicks open the cubicle door where Barek was found dead.

"LOOK! See! I..." The three scientists gaze upon Barek's rotting and decomposing corpse and the stench just overpowers them. Barek is clearly deader than dead.

"Fool!" yells Lefanis in delight.
"No, you're the fool", retorts Velax angrily.

Ketchum just looks on as the fool insults go back and forth. Finally, Lefanis unslings his Flamethrower and points it dangerously at Velax as he lights up his ordinary looking cigarette and puffs away in accomplishment.

"Har har har. Game over, Thing." He smirks victoriously as he pulls the trigger. In a stunning move, Velax aims his Desert Eagle and fires before Lefanis can complete his move and shoots Lefanis right in the crotch.

Lefanis the scientist is shot for the last time.

Suddenly, a strange inhuman growl comes from the next cubicle. The primordial terror is too much for Ketchum and Velax and they both tear out of the toilet without even looking back.

Lefanis falls to his knees in shock at the turn of events as the point drives home quicker than a speeding bullet and the knowledge hits him - hard. He had made a mistake. The Thing comes out of the cubicle and smiles at Lefanis as he gently takes away the flamethrower and throws it aside in a mangled heap.

"So, Agent Lefanis... is it?" The Thing asks sarcastically. "Glad to finally meet you - your true identity, that is." Then it snarls as it grabs Lefanis by the throat: "Send my regards to your government. Tell them I'M COMING." It grins and the world goes black as it tears out Lefanis' throat.

Lefanis the Secret Government Agent / Psychologist is attacked and killed.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 13, 2012, 06:50:08 PM
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 13, 2012, 06:56:01 PM
Barek is still dead, yes.
The Thing came out of the next cubicle...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 14, 2012, 03:24:47 AM
Next Cubicle eh? What is going on... I am double, tripled stumped! :o
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 14, 2012, 06:10:47 AM

With only each other as the currently remaining survivors, Velax and Ketchum look at each other warily but as apparently parity had not been reached and not to mention the Thing had frightened them out of the toilet, it meant that the Thing was still running loose around out there.

This was probably the last night. The Thing was sure to strike again. After ruling out a few people, give or take 1 or 2 persons, and given their prevailing sentiments and knowledge, they calculated their odds of lynching the right person at 1 in 6. It was a long shot but it was the only remaining shot they had.

Like his predecessor in the first Thing attack, Velax was the first to discover the truth and he did it all without any research but would he survive to tell the tale?

The Thing was hungry and cunning. It had evolved and mastered the human art of deception by careful selection of infection. Its original host was dead but its consciousness now lived without fear in a new host, to strike without fear and to put the fear into the hearts of the remaining survivors. It was only a matter of time and the clock was ticking...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 14, 2012, 06:43:13 AM
Alright, it's not Ketchum or me, because we're the only ones alive and if one of us were the Thing we'd be at parity and have already lost.
It's not Slapsticks or Lefanis, because they died after the second Thing appeared.
It's not Telrunya because he was the original Thing.
It's not Barek because we saw his corpse, and Fury said the Thing was living in its new host.

That leaves Penchant, Zakilevo, Lanyon, Sonya or D'Espana.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 14, 2012, 07:28:02 AM
Sigh, Velax. We can join together to kill off this thing!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Zakilevo on October 14, 2012, 08:04:35 AM
I am already dead.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 14, 2012, 12:42:06 PM
Okay. Once chance left. I VOTE SONYA.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 14, 2012, 01:17:58 PM

The Thing came out of the next cubicle...

Spirit whooshes by...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 14, 2012, 01:21:01 PM

In a quiet part of the research facility, there are secret communications going on with a certain Headquarters. There are messages back and forth until suddenly there is static. Unexplainably, two-way communications have been mysteriously cut off. No matter how hard it is tried, communications simply cannot be restored and contact with Headquarters cannot be made and Headquarters simply would not respond. Communcations to Headquarters seemed to get through but HQ could not reply. The rookie agent, not having the proper training or the step-by-step instructions on how to capture the Thing... well, he would just have to wing it.

In another part of the facility, the Thing quietly leaves the radio jammer in the on position as it leaves the room and breaks the electronic door entry console leaving no way to enter, at least not before the night was over. He then made his way to where the remaining survivors were holed up. It was time for her next and final meal and her careful patience was wearing out. It was still part scientist and it had calculated the odds in its favour.

There was simply no way for the humans to survive, or could they achieve the impossible and against all odds... survive?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 14, 2012, 01:50:03 PM

In another quiet part of the research facility, a certain Hunter sits on the floor in meditation. Previously, his meditations brought clarity of mind and purpose but this time he is too troubled to concentrate properly. He can form ideas and thoughts and what-if scenarios but his mind is simply no longer giving him any response. He can still form his selected target in his mind but his sub-conscious is simply no longer responding. Well, apparently he has no choice but to rely on his experience and to just... wing it.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 14, 2012, 02:16:59 PM

This is it, the finale! The last chance we got after all those wrong lynches earlier.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 14, 2012, 05:00:28 PM

VOTE SONYA - Velax #204, Ketchum #208

60 minutes till deadline...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 14, 2012, 07:34:13 PM


VOTE SONYA - Velax #204, Ketchum #208

Rookie Agent Ketchum had zero training and zero experience, except for last night. It didn't matter. He was a full-fledged Secret Government Agent now and he was THIS close to a Nobel Prize to boot.

He had invited the Hunter Scientist Velax to join him as an Agent although it didn't really matter as he had reached parity and could openly reveal his newly assigned identity. Velax could see no choice but to join him but before Ketchum could get confirmation from Headquarters, two-way communications was mysteriously severed. No matter, he sets off to join Velax for one last lynching wearing Lefanis' Nobel prize around his neck...

The Hunter Scientist Velax too sets off to meet Ketchum. However, he had one last card to play and he was determined to play it. He packed an extra gun for the ultimate confrontation and either they were dying tonight or the Thing was.

Both Ketchum and Velax make their way to the station gym where they had hung Sonya. It was also the place where Telrunya was burnt to a crisp and it was the only lead they had that somehow, Telrunya had infected Sonya. In the gym, they find Telrunya partly in ashes as well as Sonya who was still hung.

"Cover me", whispers Ketchum as he cuts Sonya down. They they both aim their examine Sonya who doesn't even blink much less move.

"This can't be right", whispers Ketchum again as he kneels besides Sonya. Then he hears a gun being locked right behind his head.

"Sorry, Agent Ketchum", says Velax. "There's no way I'm joining you." He presses both his guns into the back of Ketchum's head. "I LIED."

In an instant, a spear-like tentacle bursts out from Velax' chest and he drops his guns and frantically grabs his chest in a futile reflexive action. The Thing growls: "How many people have you shot, Velax?" It sneers: "When you shoot someone, make sure they're dead... and stay dead." Then it steps from behind Velax as it tosses him aside like a rag doll.

Velax the Hunter / Scientist is attacked and killed.

Frantically, Ketchum grabs both the guns that were dropped and rolls to one side and as he comes to his knees fires both weapons in one fluid motion in a move that would have made his mentor proud. He empties all his rounds at the Thing who shudders at each impact but nonetheless keeps moving forward until all that is coming from Ketchum is empty clicks. Then, finally, as the last to fall, Rookie Agent Ketchum is torn to bits by the Thing.

Ketchum the Researcher / Scientist turned Secret Government Agent is attacked and killed.

The Thing slowly searches Ketchum's clothing and he (yes, it is a he) pulls out Ketchum's last research. He goes through the paper until he finds the pertinent information he is looking for and underlines one word with a blood stained-finger:


Each cell or group of cells is self-aware and has an in-built desire for self-preservation, even at the expense of the larger biomass it spawned from. After the torso of an assimilated individual has burned to death, the head separated away from the fire and developed arthropod-esque legs and eyes stalks to facilitate escape. When a small sample of Thing blood was exposed to a heated wire, in the presence of its form and still infected host, it leapt away in an attempt to escape. Similarly spilt Thing blood was seen to pool and run in rivulets looking for escape.

While fire has a devastating effect on its physical form it has been shown that the blood and soft tissues remain intact deeper inside and are seemingly self-aware or lucky enough, with the host creatures sensory organs and motor skills devastated, to still effect an ambush of a new host once he was left alone near the corpse.

He smiles and tears up the paper into bits. The Thing, with his cunning selection of infection target has ensured its survival. Then he reaches into one of his pockets and takes out a small piece of card that he had recovered from the place of his lynching and with his blood-stained finger... signs it - with a smile.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 14, 2012, 07:47:04 PM
"While fire has a devastating effect on its physical form it has been shown that the blood and soft tissues remain intact deeper inside and are seemingly self-aware or lucky enough, with the host creatures sensory organs and motor skills devastated, to still effect an ambush of a new host once he was left alone near the corpse."

I don't understand...when Telrunya was set on fire and killed, it was Sonya's corpse he was left near.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 14, 2012, 07:55:15 PM
There is a much earlier research that is also relevant:


Each individual cell of the creature is both part of a singular multi-cellular lifeform and distinct, independent entity at the same time. Dual-functionality of the creature enables individual cells and/or collections of cells to function as separate organisms if necessary, which are invariably focused on one goal; assimilating and imitating other lifeforms.

It assimilates other lifeforms by either deploying separate, autonomous parts or using the mass of its own body to capture or seize a host, which will subsequently consume and generate a replica of the host from the biomass of the victim and the parasite itself, which is itself a copy of the Thing. Depending upon the size or nature of the infectious method, the consumption and replication of a host can take a variable length of time, depending on whether the assimilating agent are small particles or larger forms.
So, the Thing could really infect any time it liked.

...spilt Thing blood was seen to pool and run in rivulets looking for escape.
Even after death.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Velax on October 14, 2012, 07:57:08 PM
So what part of the research actually pointed to D'Espana?
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 14, 2012, 08:05:14 PM
The research pointed to the method of infection which the researcher was supposed to have discovered but you had already figured it out without needing the research. Once you did, I didn't stress on the research anymore.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: D'Espana on October 15, 2012, 12:10:55 AM
Heh, so this is finally over. Good game to everyone, though I have to admit that since Fury allowed the resurrection of a corpse as Thing v2 the scientists were pretty much screwed.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 15, 2012, 01:21:22 AM
Thanks you.... that's a good way to treat a Sage.

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 15, 2012, 01:37:39 AM
Told you, Velax. We should shoot one suspect, lynch the another suspect.
This way we could have hit 2 suspects in one night 8)

Oh well. I presume my research upload to the system did not make it through to headquarters. For the next Thing game of course ;)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 15, 2012, 02:35:56 AM
As Researcher/Scientist, I am planning on a Joint Together Research with Zaki/Rolly but he never say yes. Maybe if this Joint Research success, the Village could win?
You wait all day for Zaki to respond but he never does and you have no time left to do any research yourself.

Lefanis recruited me as Agent 8)
Alright Ketchum- I'll level with you.

You know I ain't the thing, as Velax just shot me yesterday. I know you aren't the thing, because I part time as a psychologist when I'm not seducing beautiful women and winning Nobels, and I've analysed you thoroughly.

Names Hunt. Ethan Hunt. Special Agent sent here to bring the real Thing in alive, at any cost back to HQ.

So I'm willing to cut you a deal- join me as a secret agent and help me catch Velax. Face it, it's the only way you win. If you don't deal with me, Velax the Thing wins as he can disable one of our votes by shooting us(need 2 votes for a lynch) so we can't take him down unless you join me and then we are 100% certain Velax is the thing and we take him into custody. There is no way to lynch him with one vote disabled, so you have no choice if you want to live another day.

If you help me, we both live, and I'll even put in a word for you to share the Nobel with me this year  8)

I'm making you an offer you just can't refuse.

Just think what a hit you'll be with the ladies, Agent Ketchum.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 15, 2012, 04:28:03 AM
GM Notes

The game had 2 days advance notice before starting proper:

The Big Twist:
This is a rule that existed right from the start of the WW games and it occurred to me that we have never used it yet.

More clues:
May infect one body...
May prove more useful than realized (on Researchers)
Sharing information may be beneficial and even necessary in certain situations.

Behind the scenes:
Sonya was the most persistent in scanning someone over and over again until their roles were revealed
There were several days of research that were not used (more research would help narrow down the important info)
There were several days with no Thing attacks because the Thing (Telrunya) was on a date!  ::)

Killing Zaki when he should have lived (but as he could be infected didn't matter too much)
Letting slip that the Thing was a 'he'
Having D'Espana as the Thing confront Lefanis with an agent RP (Velax is just too sharp, got to tone down the clues :P )

Added rules that were worth it:
Failure to vote has NO consequence (as the game is advanced through attacks)
Lynching requires a minimum of 2 votes for the to-be-lynched person (adds a new dimension in getting co-operation)
On the Thing - Has a more successful attack against the quieter humans who don't speak much and keep to themselves (helps keep the active players in play)

GM Event:
Two-way communications disruption (for added RP and also if Velax and Ketchum kept prying for info there was bound to be unintentional leaks :P )

MISC Info:
RP and pictures were inspired by player RP and posting as well as whatever pictures I manage to find or modify and whatever inspiration occurs to me at or just before deadline when I have a rough idea of what is going to happen)

It seemed ironically delicious to have the 2 agents (Lefanis and D'Espana) slapping each other (as they didn't manage to find each other as partners - agents were inserted separately and alone)

I was shocked when the Hunter (Velax) came out shooting right from the start. I'd think that that would make him a target for the Thing for sure but he escaped because there were several inactives. A bold move that paid off till the end.

I made Slapsticks and Barek as Escape Artists because they tend to get lynched at the start. Unfortunately, it doesn't prevent attacks through inactivity.

So far all Thing attacks (save one, Velax) were inactivity attacks and all were successful.

As for all the 'sages' - 2 psychics + 2 psychologists = 4 in total with 2 as Agents so they can scan and identify the Thing, it was balanced by everyone having multiple roles so multiple scans were needed and lots of co-operation

Contenders for Best Repartee:
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 15, 2012, 05:25:39 AM
Told you, Velax. We should shoot one suspect, lynch the another suspect.
This way we could have hit 2 suspects in one night 8)

Oh well. I presume my research upload to the system did not make it through to headquarters. For the next Thing game of course ;)

Why didn't Velax join Agents? There was no hope for a victory for him otherwise.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 15, 2012, 05:48:47 AM

  • Alright, if anyone has any information, now's the time to share it. Is anyone a Researcher?

    har har har.
    Game over Thing

I can imagine Velax's predicament, knowing he isn't the thing with no way to prove it.  ;D
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 15, 2012, 05:51:21 AM

So far all Thing attacks (save one, Velax) were inactivity attacks and all were successful.

Mine too?  :(
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 15, 2012, 07:56:12 AM
Why didn't Velax join Agents? There was no hope for a victory for him otherwise.
I did try recruit Velax as our Agent. Either Velax does not trust me and say yes to GM, or GM RolePlay of breakdown in our communication with Headquarters caused this ???

If Velax does not trust me, that explain why he so sure he can win this game as Hunter/Scientist. I propose to him in our PM, he shoot one suspect while we lynch one suspect. This way we cover 2 chances in 6 persons left to identify the Thing. Guess I should change my Identify Thing to another suspect, D'Espana who I pointed out to Velax ::)

I rue the day we killed Zaki, our Researcher and Sonya, our Sage. They both hold the key to Village victory.
I suspect Zaki was infected as he not respond to my Joint Research offer.
Sonya on the other hand, was a misfortunate case of us not trusting her and I not online at the time to change my vote :'(

I did a mistake in my analysis about my Research notes provided by Fury.
Privately I clarify thing with GM about copy-and-paste notes from GM, as I saw Zaki done it earlier :(
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Zakilevo on October 15, 2012, 09:41:40 AM
I did try recruit Velax as our Agent. Either Velax does not trust me and say yes to GM, or GM RolePlay of breakdown in our communication with Headquarters caused this ???

If Velax does not trust me, that explain why he so sure he can win this game as Hunter/Scientist. I propose to him in our PM, he shoot one suspect while we lynch one suspect. This way we cover 2 chances in 6 persons left to identify the Thing. Guess I should change my Identify Thing to another suspect, D'Espana who I pointed out to Velax ::)

I rue the day we killed Zaki, our Researcher and Sonya, our Sage. They both hold the key to Village victory.
I suspect Zaki was infected as he not respond to my Joint Research offer.
Sonya on the other hand, was a misfortunate case of us not trusting her and I not online at the time to change my vote :'(

I did a mistake in my analysis about my Research notes provided by Fury.
Privately I clarify thing with GM about copy-and-paste notes from GM, as I saw Zaki done it earlier :(

:( I was busy that day. And I was never infected. But people seem to always go for me :O
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 15, 2012, 01:59:22 PM

Behind the scenes:
Sonya was the most persistent in scanning someone over and over again until their roles were revealed[/i].[/li]

You sure are trying to get me angry do you?


I had to scan Slapstick and Ketchum 2 times and on the 5th day i got killed, what kind of power is that for a sage?
You slowly make your way behind "Spiderman" and then give him... the Evil Eye. After several moments of concentration you shake your head silly to clear your thoughts. It appears he has not sensed your psychic intrusion. All you can tell about him is that he is as dedicated a scientist as they come. There may be more to him but you are mentally tired and cannot do anymore today.

Thats all the info for all first scan, is a waste of time... ....

Even with 2 scans all i manage to get up to the trait, then think about what character had to use these traits  thats why i was crazy asking GM about trits color: LOOK HERE! (,3226.msg76353.html#msg76353)

But NOOOOOO! bad guys had to have good traits as well, so in the end, 2 scan were not enough, so the GM intended to scan 3 times a player!

There is no way i can lose a game as a (Real) Sage and 5 days to scan people.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 15, 2012, 03:13:25 PM
Mine too?  :(

Oops, the last three survivors (Lefanis, Velax, Ketchum) were not inactive attacks. Slapsticks was the last inactive attack.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 15, 2012, 03:23:12 PM
You sure are trying to get me angry do you?
It means you were doing it the right way scanning someone until you were sure of their roles. Others were scanning just one person one time and then moving on.

I had to scan Slapstick and Ketchum 2 times and on the 5th day i got killed, what kind of power is that for a sage?
Thats all the info for all first scan, is a waste of time... ....
Power of 'sages' reduced by dividing it among more people (4) giving more people more things to do instead of getting a plain vanilla role.

But NOOOOOO! bad guys had to have good traits as well, so in the end, 2 scan were not enough, so the GM intended to scan 3 times a player!
Bad guys have only 2 roles (I combine roles & traits together) as well. Except for Ketchum in the end because he was recruited.

There is no way i can lose a game as a (Real) Sage and 5 days to scan people.
Which is why cooperation is needed. Can't play solo as usual. As the Thing can only attack inactives the first few times, it won't hurt to reveal your roles like Velax did.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 15, 2012, 03:25:46 PM
I did a mistake in my analysis about my Research notes provided by Fury.
Privately I clarify thing with GM about copy-and-paste notes from GM, as I saw Zaki done it earlier :(
I think paraphrasing may be difficult as the research text was difficult. In future, I think copy+pasting (for research only) may have to be acceptable.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 15, 2012, 03:28:09 PM
Why didn't Velax join Agents? There was no hope for a victory for him otherwise.
Velax didn't want to be the bad guy I think. He wanted to trick Ketchum into lynching the Thing and letting the good guys win. Which was why he didn't shoot the lynch target and identify the Thing right away as then the Agents will simply call in their Black Ops.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 15, 2012, 03:37:42 PM
I can imagine Velax's predicament, knowing he isn't the thing with no way to prove it.  ;D
I was laughing so hard at the Har Har Har. Game over Thing  ;D
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Lefanis on October 15, 2012, 04:18:49 PM
I was laughing so hard at the Har Har Har. Game over Thing  ;D

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 15, 2012, 05:04:29 PM
Guess the Thing or Corpse really, has a last laugh. Har Har Har :D

What can we learn from here?

1) Never vote the Hunter who cannot prove himself?
2) Researcher should not reveal their roles, just Sage and Hunter should reveal their roles?
3) Do add on...
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 15, 2012, 05:23:11 PM
Could always have asked the Hunter to shoot himself and clear his name. Nothing in the rules against that.

Researchers need to work together too so they don't research redundant info.

Expect a twist in The Thing WW theme.

Take time to reduce the suspect list before voting to lynch.

If you find a bad guy other than the Thing maybe not necessary to kill him off right away. Maybe use his skills until no longer necessary. Likewise for the bad guys.

Read the rules.  ;)

Any time you want another Thing game just let me know.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Sonya on October 15, 2012, 05:26:07 PM
Guess the Thing or Corpse really, has a last laugh. Har Har Har :D

What can we learn from here?

1) Never vote the Hunter who cannot prove himself?
2) Researcher should not reveal their roles, just Sage and Hunter should reveal their roles?
3) Do add on...

Sage should not reveal the role, not in a game with two Enemy sides.

One of the reason why i couldn't grasp the plot was for the Hunter, i was not sure what side Velax was. if i had him on my message group i would know about the he shooting me.

Also is Ketchum fault, and and..errr..... the game was kind of complicated, even though the 3 people i scanned were townie at first:

Slaptsick (Escapist: had to be a townie)
Zakilevo (Researcher: had to be a townie)
Ketchum (Academic with nobel prize research: had to be a townie, but turned to the Darkside)

My hearth attack came when:

Lefanis the Secret Government Agent / Psychologist is attacked and killed.

Found a bad guy with a good trait, everything went downhill from there since my trait calculation could be mistake.

Power of 'sages' reduced by dividing it among more people (4) giving more people more things to do instead of getting a plain vanilla role.

You are right, it was fun, thanks for the thrill on this game, it had me thinking the whole day, even when going bed.


Thanks Fury, can't wait for the "Thing 3" game!
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 15, 2012, 05:39:50 PM
LOL about the Darkside part from Sonya :P

After so many Villages fail, Lefanis the Agent come with an offer that I find hard to refuse. See my image reply below.
Coupled with my earlier analysis that Velax could be Hunter/Thing combo.

Cringes in horror at the end when I found out Telrunya the Thing last hint before his death, he misled me :(

Like Sonya, I thinking good guys with bad guys skills combo kinda of headache.
Make me reshape my analysis for the last few days, finally I start dislike analysis for once >:(

Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 15, 2012, 06:08:51 PM
Well, the Agents needed to scan the Thing to identify it so they needed some scan roles...
All, right - given what we all know now, let's start the next Thing in a day or two...  ;)
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: D'Espana on October 15, 2012, 07:57:13 PM
Believe me, if someone splitted his ass laughing at the "Har Har Har. Game over Thing" it was me. I even thought about RPing some scary laughter on a corner, but I later realised that it would be the same than asking to be voted and losing the game. So, I decided to just forget it and keep the laugh for the end  ;D

I also find ironic the fight with Lefanis. My dear fellow, we failed finding each other!

Finally, I think that my biggest mistake was scanning just once to everyone. Though in my defence I have to say that I would have never imagined that roles were assigned like Thing/Scientist or something like that. I was like  :o when I discovered it.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Fury on October 16, 2012, 02:59:50 AM
I also find ironic the fight with Lefanis. My dear fellow, we failed finding each other!
Give out very very small hints. That's how Penchant found me in the mad scientist.

Though in my defence I have to say that I would have never imagined that roles were assigned like Thing/Scientist or something like that. I was like  :o when I discovered it.
"Trust no one. Suspect everyone." - will be the new tagline.
Title: Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns
Post by: Ketchum on October 16, 2012, 03:53:16 AM
I find it a bit ironic that my message to Velax below about a suspect example, namely D'Espana turned out to be correct hunch. Next time, I wont budge anyone if I have the ability to >:(

Yes, I think that is. Darn my Headquarters radio communication is cut off.

Are we ready to rock and roll?

Do we have another suspect beside Sonya?

Just in case Sonya is not the one we looking for. One of us may survive to fight the another day, or may not.

Example, if D'Espana is the suspect, we lynch him. While you shoot Sonya.
Either way we can win 8)