I'm not sure if people stray into the other forums so I'm posting in all the islands.
Please post interesting items (spice them up) to go onto the Battlemaster Facebook page.
Kojiro Hinamoto - New Consul of Melhed!
The former Praetor and Duke of Agyr became now the new Consul of Melhed replacing Soren. After a close margin 45 to 30 votes the experienced Melite will be now in charge of the diplomacy in a realm struck by some hard political times, disputing with his "ally" Thalmarkin the claims over 5 regions.
I don't know all the details, but Old Grehk just had a religious schism that resulted in two duchies joining Sint instead. The political ramifications are still being determined.
Religious schism is not how I would describe it. At all. However, as there was so much OOC temper tantrums involved (one of those who removed their duchy deleted their characters 16 days or so after they said they were quitting the game.), I am confused how to word it ICly...
Best I could do? Angry over loss of power, crazed duke began persecuting a religion by closing its temples, switching with kin and strongarming those in his duchy to switch regions so he could continue breaking the law. The judge, his friend and another duchess, refused to do anything to punish him. After a series of protests to remove these ineffective members of the Imperial Council, and the judge refusing to punish her kinswoman when she attempted to summon hordes of monsters into Old Grehk, realized their days were numbered and to do as much damage and spawn chaos, pledged their duchies to Sint. Immediately afterwards, the Duchess and her kinswoman apparently ended their own lives.
In my phone or I would try to go into a little more depth.
Yeah, we're not getting the full picture in Sint yet. But pretty good shot at an IC description, I'd say.
Quote from: Draco Tanos on October 16, 2012, 10:39:22 PM
judge refusing to punish her kinswoman when she attempted to summon hordes of monsters into Old Grehk
So it wasn't successful? Damn, I would've loved to hear how those scrolls work. :D
Anyway, some sort of religious conflict was to be expected after the fast rise to power of CoH in OG.
I noticed a few reports of monsters in other regions the same time the report of magic on the air popped up. Can't tell if it was linked or coincidence as they were rogue regions anyway.
Nidor (the banker/duke that seemingly went nuts) helped found the Church on BT as he was a follower on the EC. Apparently he thinks that in a Church with a visible hierarchy and rank system, everyone should be equal. So he threw a fit when things that have been established for two years didn't mesh with how he thought things should be, especially when it in fact diminished his own perception perception of power.
Ah well. This all makes my character proven right.
Quote from: Draco Tanos on October 16, 2012, 10:39:22 PM
Religious schism is not how I would describe it. At all. However, as there was so much OOC temper tantrums involved (one of those who removed their duchy deleted their characters 16 days or so after they said they were quitting the game.), I am confused how to word it ICly...
Best I could do? Angry over loss of power, crazed duke began persecuting a religion by closing its temples, switching with kin and strongarming those in his duchy to switch regions so he could continue breaking the law. The judge, his friend and another duchess, refused to do anything to punish him. After a series of protests to remove these ineffective members of the Imperial Council, and the judge refusing to punish her kinswoman when she attempted to summon hordes of monsters into Old Grehk, realized their days were numbered and to do as much damage and spawn chaos, pledged their duchies to Sint. Immediately afterwards, the Duchess and her kinswoman apparently ended their own lives.
In my phone or I would try to go into a little more depth.
Thats pretty much what happened. Nidor tried to encourage the Lords that Michael's time on the throne had come to an end and it was time for new leadership, when that failed miserably, he started absuing his station as Duke to lead a personal vendetta against the Church, swapping lordships with other lords and his other character Aragorn whom also held a lordship, just to close down its temples. The Judge deemed he was doing nothing wrong then went silent after OOCly stating she was quitting the game. The Judge refused to reply to any personal letters sent to her or address the Lords of Old Grehk, so protests commenced against both of them. Most of the nobles in Old Grehk realised what was going on and against both of their actions so began voicing their disapproval and protests continued. Their last resort was to switch the regions in their duchies to Sint. The Judge deleted her character immediately after switching the Duchy of Vatrona to Sint, purely out of spite, for no IC reason whatsoever, just to protect and support her friend Nidor.
At the end of the day all this transpired because Nidor and Caitiri both have an OOC dislike of the player of Victus, who is the founder of the Church and whom Nidor was making an issue about because he was apart of the Church. When Nidor didnt get his way, he abused his position in Old Grehk to attack the Church.
wow, this is good drama!
The funniest part of the whole thing is that the dukes were fleeing what they considered an overbearing/corrupt religion, wanting some form of religious freedom. And they fled to a theocracy that certainly will /not/ give them religious freedom, and will certainly be more religiously oppressive than their original realm.
If overbearing/corrupt religion means the government outlaws the destruction of temples for ALL faiths approved by the Crown (Daishi, OGF, CoH), sure. That's what they were fleeing. lol
If it doesn't allow Hemaism, the only true faith, then who cares? :)
I suspect that most of the lords will swap back on their own, as will most of the knights.
Quote from: Indirik on October 17, 2012, 04:28:37 AM
The funniest part of the whole thing is that the dukes were fleeing what they considered an overbearing/corrupt religion, wanting some form of religious freedom. And they fled to a theocracy that certainly will /not/ give them religious freedom, and will certainly be more religiously oppressive than their original realm.
It's funny how many people do this...
Reminds me of the americans that threatened to go live in Canada if Obama-Care went into effect. Makes everyone up north laugh pretty hard.
Quote from: Chénier on October 17, 2012, 11:37:25 PM
Reminds me of the americans that threatened to go live in Canada if Obama-Care went into effect. Makes everyone up north laugh pretty hard.
Uh. Do they not realize Canada has socialized medicine as well?
Quote from: Uzamaki on October 18, 2012, 04:42:41 AM
Uh. Do they not realize Canada has socialized medicine as well?
This is why we laugh at them pretty hard.
seeking news
The High Chancellor of Riombara, Folcard Cuvelier, has started his visit of the North and will be arriving in Agyr soon with his retinue, next up Unger, Ossmat and Wudenkin I think.
If you want to post the announcement by Riombara to the rest of Beluaterra:
Noble rulers,
At this moment I am embarking a ship together with Riombara's High Constable, the most famous Sassan, and our High Treasurer, Henry II, who will also be an ambassador to the North for Riombara (particularly Melhed and Thalmarkin). Also accompanying us is ambassador Ezekiel, who in the past drafted several treaties, and Viscountess Tsumiki, who is the Republic's Explorer. She will arrive earlier to herald our coming. Please welcome her warmly and assign some servants to her, so that she can bring everything in order for our accomodation. Sassasn, Tsumiki and I are accompanied by our personal guards. If by chance we encounter some monsters on the way, we'll be sure enough to slay them.
Folcard Cuvelier
High Chancellor of Riombara
Quote from: Lorgan on October 31, 2012, 03:09:43 AM
The High Chancellor of Riombara, Folcard Cuvelier, has started his visit of the North and will be arriving in Agyr soon with his retinue, next up Unger, Ossmat and Wudenkin I think.
Hmmm...why Ossmat? Old Grehk moved its capital to Vozzessdor during the invasion when the Daimons blighted it...
thank you!
Quote from: Turner on October 31, 2012, 04:35:02 AM
Hmmm...why Ossmat? Old Grehk moved its capital to Vozzessdor during the invasion when the Daimons blighted it...
Right. Probably Vozzessdor then. :)
Melhed has been continuously deploying its main army in Fronen and Nothoi lands since the last daimons where defeated in Ippetimbal by Riombara, Melhed, Fronen and Nothoi.
The Melite troops who go by the name the wolf Legion strategically deploys it self there to help there still recovering southern neighbours against rogue attacks.
Meanwhile Fronen and Nothoi have successfully expanded there borders considerably.
The help has been received with open arms by the host realms and a bond of friendship seems to be forming around these realms.
It will however take a very long time untill both Nothoi and Fronen have fully recovered from the damage done by the last invasion.
After a failed attempt at the life of Thalmarkin noble Traemlin Augulus, the assailant, Kuvio Eirikr has disappeared from his cell.
Sint has been rapidly reclaiming the lands of where Heen used to be. Only a handful of regions remain rogue.
thanks! more please!
I'll have something for you when the repercussions for Kuvio become public.
With Sint and Nothoi's latest push, all rogue lands have been reclaimed, except for the lands bordering Enweil.
A stuffed dummy has been found on the announcement stage at the tournament. Attached via a dagger to the heart was a note from the now known infiltrator, Kuvio Eirikr. The message was as follows:
My lords and ladies,
I would like to announce an opportunity to you all. After this tournament is over, I will be taking missions openly (as I see fit, of course) that makes use of my particular set of skills. Should you have a need for my abilities, I suggest you send me a letter. I guarantee utmost confidentiality; even the missions I reject shall never be discussed to anyone but the proposer.
Rumors are passing through the peasantry that Kuvio's uncle, Consul Ravendon of Coria, is somewhat disturbed by his relative's actions. Repercussions suffered from Kuvio's last "mission" are unknown.
thanks again!
Quote from: Eirikr on December 06, 2012, 10:59:53 PM
Repercussions suffered from Kuvio's last "mission" are unknown.
Indeed they are. I'm still waiting to hear from your lazy pontifex! :)
Quote from: Noldorin on December 07, 2012, 03:48:04 PM
Indeed they are. I'm still waiting to hear from your lazy pontifex! :)
Haha, I've been wondering... You should just tell Kuvio to stay in Sint and go play in Old Grehk or something to start some trouble. :P
I demand justice! Kuvio's head on a pike! :D
With the way I'm going to play the rumors spreading to Atamara, Ravendon would be willing to serve Kuvio's head on a pike accompanied by cocktail olives. ;D
Quote from: Eirikr on December 07, 2012, 08:26:05 PM
Haha, I've been wondering... You should just tell Kuvio to stay in Sint and go play in Old Grehk or something to start some trouble. :P
to bad my character wasn't at the tournament she'd pay you a plenty to do that.
I guess this would be classed as news?
New Ruler Elected
message to Everyone on Beluaterra
The realm of Enweil has elected Guillaume Chénier as its new Supreme Chancellor.
*Wonders how long it will be before Chenier starts his Anti Sint campaign again*
Quote from: Turner on December 17, 2012, 06:49:05 AM
I guess this would be classed as news?
New Ruler Elected
message to Everyone on Beluaterra
The realm of Enweil has elected Guillaume Chénier as its new Supreme Chancellor.
*Wonders how long it will be before Chenier starts his Anti Sint campaign again*
Hey, I'm all for it. Gives me somebody to go stab. :D
Quote from: Turner on December 17, 2012, 06:49:05 AM
I guess this would be classed as news?
New Ruler Elected
message to Everyone on Beluaterra
The realm of Enweil has elected Guillaume Chénier as its new Supreme Chancellor.
*Wonders how long it will be before Chenier starts his Anti Sint campaign again*
Not before we fix our rogue and depopulation problems. XD
Besides, Handkor's captured by rogues, and I expect him to run next elections and win. I tend to be rather calm when I expect to be replaced soon.
But for now, too many wounds to lick.
Quote from: Chénier on December 17, 2012, 01:35:31 PM
Not before we fix our rogue and depopulation problems. XD
Besides, Handkor's captured by rogues, and I expect him to run next elections and win. I tend to be rather calm when I expect to be replaced soon.
But for now, too many wounds to lick.
Temporarily or not, you can't imagine how much unrest this already caused.
people in Sint are probably already grabing there blades.
Through most of the North, honestly. They want to stab them some Cheniers.
Quote from: Nosferatus on December 17, 2012, 05:22:12 PMpeople in Sint are probably already grabing there blades.
You can say that again...
Quote from: Nosferatus on December 17, 2012, 05:22:12 PM
Temporarily or not, you can't imagine how much unrest this already caused.
people in Sint are probably already grabing there blades.
Are they really that surprised? Guillaume was also Supreme Chancellor of Enweil after the Union, about in July when I paused for my honeymoon. It's not like it's the first time he rules there. Heck, not even the first time since the end of the invasion.
Quote from: Chénier on December 17, 2012, 06:54:43 PM
It's not like it's the first time he rules there. Heck, not even the first time since the end of the invasion.
I don't know if suprised is the right word here...
I think its more Guilame who is gonna be suprised it seems from your reaction.
Quote from: Chénier on December 17, 2012, 01:35:31 PM
Not before we fix our rogue and depopulation problems. XD
Besides, Handkor's captured by rogues, and I expect him to run next elections and win. I tend to be rather calm when I expect to be replaced soon.
But for now, too many wounds to lick.
All depends on how Guillaume is perceieved by his peers. If you make him a likable ruler, they wont vote him out ;)
Quote from: Turner on December 18, 2012, 12:13:35 AM
All depends on how Guillaume is perceieved by his peers. If you make him a likable ruler, they wont vote him out ;)
Meh, he's a likeable second choice, maybe. :P
Looking forward to the Rio news a while from now... 8)
any news?
Basically, that is the news:
Guillaume Chénier has been elected as Supreme Chancellor of Enweil. While Enweil and Riombara always have had a troubled history, Guillaume Chénier is a known opposer of Riombara. His actions as Ruler of IVF, and his supposed Agreement with the Daimons to see Riombara destroyed, have not been forgotten by the Nobility of Riombara. At the same time, a takeover has been started by Riombara in the City of Iato. While this action was not approved by the Realm Government, it has also reignited the territorial disagreements between Riombara and Enweil, as Riombara claims the lands of IVF for the recreation of said Realm. With the ownership of the unblighted lands already an issue as well, these latest provocations have put the relations between both Realms under considerable strain already. Whether this will restart the old feud between Enweil and Riombara and usher in the first War on Beluaterra after the Fifth Invasion or these issues can be solved through diplomacy remains to be unseen. All that is sure is that the Election of Guillaume Chénier haas caused uncertain times on the Continent.
Quote from: Telrunya on December 18, 2012, 04:27:58 PM
Basically, that is the news:
Guillaume Chénier has been elected as Supreme Chancellor of Enweil. While Enweil and Riombara always have had a troubled history, Guillaume Chénier is a known opposer of Riombara. His actions as Ruler of IVF, and his supposed Agreement with the Daimons to see Riombara destroyed, have not been forgotten by the Nobility of Riombara. At the same time, a takeover has been started by Riombara in the City of Iato. While this action was not approved by the Realm Government, it has also reignited the territorial disagreements between Riombara and Enweil, as Riombara claims the lands of IVF for the recreation of said Realm. With the ownership of the unblighted lands already an issue as well, these latest provocations have put the relations between both Realms under considerable strain already. Whether this will restart the old feud between Enweil and Riombara and usher in the first War on Beluaterra after the Fifth Invasion or these issues can be solved through diplomacy remains to be unseen. All that is sure is that the Election of Guillaume Chénier have caused uncertain times on the Continent.
They hate Guillaume for what he did with IVF, and yet, they want to remake IVF. Man, those bugs that gave Marec all of that power he was never supposed to have sure did change the course of politics on BT.
Riombara doesn't blame IVF for the actions of Chenier, conveniently ;D
Quote from: Telrunya on December 18, 2012, 04:39:13 PM
Riombara doesn't blame IVF for the actions of Chenier, conveniently ;D
As if somehow the two are distinguishable. :P
IVF was founded upon the Creed of the Cossacks, which all lords and government members had to swear by. One of the tenants of the Creed was giving one's life for fellow Enweili (Enweil and Fronen, for example). I don't really see how joining a hostile realm and making threats to Enweil with it are compatible with the Creed.
Sure, we could always make them a new home. But calling them the Imperskoe Veisko iz Fheuv'na makes little sense. Besides, IVF had nothing but enemies, everywhere. Why would Riombara want to start a colony that a bunch of northerners would want to destroy just because of its name?
It's important to make a distinction between IVF-ers that joined Rio and fought the daimons and IVF-ers that joined Enweil and sat the invasion out.
Quote from: Lorgan on December 18, 2012, 04:48:43 PM
It's important to make a distinction between IVF-ers that joined Rio and fought the daimons and IVF-ers that joined Enweil and sat the invasion out.
We spent the whole invasion fighting daimons (and undead/monsters). Maybe 3 of these people wanted to continue fighting, but forgive everyone else for being a little annoyed at how Riombara kept insulting and provoking them for all of the invasion, and for feeling generally attached to where they came from.
Besides, from my count there are 3 ex-Fheuv'n nobles in Riombara. And Iato has a population of 3. Do you seriously think you can form a realm there...?
That's for Riombara to figure out :) They promised to rebuilt IVF to the Nobles that joined them, they intend to uphold their promise.
Quote from: Chénier on December 18, 2012, 04:54:23 PM
We spent the whole invasion fighting daimons (and undead/monsters). Maybe 3 of these people wanted to continue fighting, but forgive everyone else for being a little annoyed at how Riombara kept insulting and provoking them for all of the invasion, and for feeling generally attached to where they came from.
I Heard It Differently™ ;D
Besides, from my count there are 3 ex-Fheuv'n nobles in Riombara. And Iato has a population of 3. Do you seriously think you can form a realm there...?
Since when has Riombara been one to let practicality get in the way of doing what we felt was right?
Quote from: Telrunya on December 18, 2012, 05:06:15 PM
That's for Riombara to figure out :) They promised to rebuilt IVF to the Nobles that joined them, they intend to uphold their promise.
Enweil could always help Riombara fulfill that promise. ;)
The city doesn't even like Riombara! 3 pop city with 3 nobles, starvation, constant rogue spawns, and low sympathy doesn't spell "success" to me.
Quote from: Anaris on December 18, 2012, 05:16:26 PM
I Heard It Differently™ ;D
If the traitors deny having been the moles in some big whack-a-mole game, where the daimons would return to crush us whenever we would finally recover, then they are outright liars. :P
Quote from: Chénier on December 18, 2012, 05:26:35 PM
The city doesn't even like Riombara! 3 pop city with 3 nobles, starvation, constant rogue spawns, and low sympathy doesn't spell "success" to me.
Think of it this way... The diplomats raising loyalty don't have to work very hard...
Quote from: Lefanis on December 18, 2012, 05:29:49 PM
Think of it this way... The diplomats raising loyalty don't have to work very hard...
Diplomats are more helpful before the takeover than after. And Ugntu isn't a diplomat. He's gonna feed the city, raise sympathy, raise morale, raise control, and fend off the rogues all on his own?
Nah, I don't see that happening. If Riombara doesn't want to give them a colony in their own lands, such as Eylmon, they are going to need Enweil's help to keep up that promise of theirs.
The TO is not approved by Riombara, this is a rogue action. Riombara as a whole can easily set up IVF :)
Quote from: Chénier on December 18, 2012, 05:34:20 PM
If Riombara doesn't want to give them a colony in their own lands, such as Eylmon, they are going to need Enweil's help to keep up that promise of theirs.
I can think of quite a few scenarios in which Riombara doesn't need Enweil's
help. :)
In other news: These are the first words every Melite (Melhedian? Melhedite? Melmite? (ah, just yanking your chains now... if there's any oldish school melites who read this to begin with)) reads upon joining the bloodthirsty, realmcrushing, vandalizing and simply brutish nation of Melhed, land of conquering heroes:
QuoteWelcome to Melhed, soldiers by trade and victors by practice.
This has had me in giggles ever since my brand new adventurer spawned in Melhed this morning. ;D
Secession (3 hours, 25 minutes ago)
message to Everyone on Beluaterra
The duchy of Heen has seceded from Sint and formed a new realm called Caelum.
Not as peacefull secession as was planned, but at least the boat has been put into water finally.
Region Changes Allegiance (2 hours, 8 minutes ago)
message to Everyone on Beluaterra
Kraake has changed its allegiance to the realm of Caelum. The region used to belong to Nothoi.
Region Changes Allegiance (1 hour, 22 minutes ago)
message to Everyone on Beluaterra
Mokut has changed its allegiance to the realm of Caelum. The region used to belong to Nothoi.
Region Changes Allegiance (38 minutes ago)
message to Everyone on Beluaterra
Watersdown has changed its allegiance to the realm of Caelum. The region used to belong to Sint.
Nothoi & sint?
The was the formation of the new colony that was planned out by the northern realms following the end of the invasion. Religious tension between Hemaism and the Church of Humanity spurred the ruler-to-be of the new realm to secede the new realm far earlier than planned. A somewhat inauspicious beginning to a new realm that was supposed to free of religious baggage.
Ahem. I'll write this so it's a tad more proper:
QuoteThe Grand Principality of Caleum was formed, consisting of a core of nobility from Old Grehk, Nothoi, Thalmarkin, Sint, and even Riombara. To be a monarchy founded in memory of the lost realms of the West with the principles of religious freedoms for its nobility, problems arose when the nobles of Sint began pressing for the forced conversion of the territories to worship the daimon Hemaglobe, primary god of the faith Hemaism.
When informed that it would be up to the Lords of the provinces as to what faiths are allowed to preach in their territories, that temples would be sacrosanct and forbidden from destruction without the express consent of the Crown, and that the Duke of Heen would be acting in the capacity to approve or deny the preaching of faiths in those territories.
Fearing Sintian elements that would use faith to seize the lands, after the outbursts of the Pontifex of Sint claiming that Sint alone is the 'founding father' of the new realm and Baroness Ralina Indirik's disloyal actions of pledging her territory back to Sint when the subject of realigning the duchy with Nothoi until it was ready to stand on its own two feet, the Grand Prince felt there was little other alternative than to secede early.
Relations with Sint in the future are questionable while their current pontifex sits on his throne, while Nothoi has pledged military support for the fledgling realm until it can stand firmly on its own.
Hemaglobe is NOT a daimon god, under Hemaist belief he had created the daimons, who betrayed him and us in the third invasion.
Quote... problems arose when the nobles of Sint began pressing for the forced conversion of the territories to worship the daimon Hemaglobe, primary god of the faith Hemaism.
No one was forcing you, yes we had one hardliner asking to throw out all non believers, but not one person was listening to him. Also he pissed me off too. As for Etna, she always tramples around the edge of what can and can't be done, but no one was listening to her either.
Quote... that the Duke of Heen would be acting in the capacity to approve or deny the preaching of faiths in those territories.
While that is true, you were only the interim Duke of the Duchy so you could found the realm, the real duke will be from Sint, ergo your banning of Hemaist priests from 'your' regions was questionable. Furthermore, you are a priest of the Church of Humanity yourself, and while I have all respect for that religion, it makes it reasonable to believe you have your own stake in this. Your continuing of slander against Hemaism for the 2-3 nobles who you believe to be its sole representatives, and your continuous misinterpretation of the Pontifexes words (please bear in mind that both his spelling and grasp of the English language are very limited and that some leeway has to be given to account for that) supports that suspicion.
I am beginning to believe that you overreacted, saw yourself pressured into this move, partly because you also dislike Hemaism, which is your right I can't fault you for that, but you have to realize that you are the current Grand Prince, put into office also by us, you have an obligation to calm the waves instead of pouring oil into fire. To aid the smooth transition and strengthen relationships. This was the plan after all, four Kings negotiated on that, including us fanatic Hemaists, enough of us support you and the idea you represent and instead you focus on the few that don't.
Burn Sint! Filthy Daimons! Do not listen to their poisonous lies, but close your ears and charge forward!
Benton, you've always been one of the few Sintians I like. Your characters are also some of the few that have any grasp of the feelings the continent in general has towards Sint.
Hemaglobe's lieutenants are daimons. His avatars are daimons. How do you think this looks in general to people IC?
One was demanding forced conversion of everyone and everything with beheading, yes. However there were several, including Indirik's character, who were trying to push that we "follow Sint's laws". Which would have required the same damned thing.
Yes, Cyprian has a poor grasp on English. However, I noticed Sintians reading into what he was saying much the same way. So did other rulers.
And when I was willing to instead transfer the duchy to Nothoi so as to alleviate the problem, Cyprian and Indirik threw a fit then too.
Does my character dislike Hemaism? Absolutely! He also wants to see the OGF, Bloodspeakers, and the ASOIAF rip-off religion in the South burn. I think there's one or two other religions, but I forget about them completely. Victus, of all my characters, is the one that would love putting people to death and forming a good old fashioned bloody Inquisition (which exists on Beluaterra, but not as powerful as the Spanish one).
You say three or four people were being unreasonable zealots in Sint. Yes, but when there are only two or three others that are practicing reason and practical sense, they seem to be outnumbered!
If Benton was leader again? He'd have a much higher opinion of Sint. But the last few? No, he really doesn't like Sint all that much because of it. Even if he has repeatedly tried to give Sint chances (he had to, he was married to Skye and she liked Sint!).
Quote from: Draco Tanos on January 09, 2013, 10:18:33 PM
Skye and she liked Sint!).
that's where it all went wrong! ;)
Not really, because Fronen would have eventually destroyed OG the way you thought it'd have gone. Deluding yourself if you thought that wasn't their goal. :P
I'm pretty sure total destruction wasn't actually their goal. Sure they wanted Vozzessdor, but Vatrona and especially Ossmat? That'd have been a little overly ambitious... :P
Fronen was never anything but ambitious!
Not so much anymore. They really don't have that option. >.>
With the level of incompetence their enemy displayed at the time, I'd have been ambitious too. It started with the most ill-prepared, idiotic war declaration of all time and then the most stubborn execution of a failing strategy I've ever seen. Like it was designed to entice Fronen, not defeat them.
But oh well, I had a lot of fun in those times, even if things didn't turn out like I wanted on several occasions... :P
I think Fronen wanted Vatrona, and it seemed possible at a time. I was never aware of any plans for Ossmat, though. But a lot may have happened since I left it.
As for Hemaism, they worship a god of DESTRUCTION, who they wanted to summon to destroy all infidels... That sounds pretty daimonic. Hell, it sounds like Baal in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. :P
Following Sint's law does not require any "forced conversion" or beheading. As a noble of Sint, Victus could easily have read the realm laws and known that. All Ralina ever asked for was that priests of Hemaism be allowed to preach in any region aligned to Sint. After all, Victus was obviously using his position as Duke of Heen to spread his faith in the new duchy, in order to make sure his religion was firmly established to the exclusion of all others. It was a bit of a dual standard, or something, for Victus to us the authority of the treaty to attempt to claim Ducal authority over regions of the new colony, some of which were not even in his duchy, and yet deny defering to the duke who was specified by the treaty to actually hold that authority. Because Moonglum, being a Hemaist, would of course allow Hemaist priests to preach in the duchy of Heen. But that would endanger Victus' plan for religious domination of the new colony, which he has been pursuing since the day he arrived in Sint.
And your definitions of throwing a fit? It seems like you think anyone that doesn't march in lockstep with your demands is throwing a fit. Ralina and Cyprian both had very mild responses to Victus' actions. All Cyprian did was send a copy of the treaty and ask for calm and discussion. (To which Victus never responded, and instead seceded the duchy with further letters.)
In fact, the only one who could possibly have been considered to have had a fit would be Victus himself.
This is going to be one very interesting realm...
Quote from: Chénier on January 09, 2013, 11:21:58 PM
I think Fronen wanted Vatrona, and it seemed possible at a time. I was never aware of any plans for Ossmat, though. But a lot may have happened since I left it.
Thalmarkin eventually took Vatrona after OG went over to the dark side. :)
Quote from: Indirik on January 09, 2013, 11:28:52 PM
This is going to be one very interesting realm...
With the likes of you and Vellos in it? Yeah. I've got a nasty feeling about that.
Jeeeh for religious zealotry...
I think that this will actually be the first time our characters have ever been in a realm together. We've interacted some before (KoA/Irombrozia, Astrum/Terran, and in SA) but never in the same realm.
Was I using my position as duke to purge the lands of Hemaism? You bet your ass I was. Frankly, Victus does not trust Sint to not abuse religion to seize lands. He is doing his best to make damned sure anti-Hemaists are the lords along the borders for realm stability.
And think what you will. The allied leaders have already become more iffy on Sint and its motives. And all I had to do was show them your own words.
Quote from: Draco Tanos on January 10, 2013, 01:43:26 AM
Was I using my position as duke to purge the lands of Hemaism? You bet your ass I was. Frankly, Victus does not trust Sint to not abuse religion to seize lands. He is doing his best to make damned sure anti-Hemaists are the lords along the borders for realm stability.
I can't say I blame you. It makes sense, and I can totally see what is happening. Although, borders are really mostly irrelevant now. It doesn't require adjacent regions to switch allegiance. No one in Sint seems to care, really. All the important people are all wanting to cooperate, and be friends, etc.
Let's face it: This is a golden opportunity for CoH to finally break out of Old Grehk. I understand the religion is mostly limited to OG regions. This is your chance to spread beyond the national boundaries. By all means, go for it. The more CoH spreads, the greater chance there is for religious conflict to develop out of the competition for followers.
QuoteAnd think what you will. The allied leaders have already become more iffy on Sint and its motives. And all I had to do was show them your own words.
I'd imagine. There have been some very harsh words spoken by a few zealots. It makes everything more interesting. And, honestly, I'm surprised that no one has begun the anti-Sint campaign yet to punish them for siding with the daimons in two out of three invasions. If my ruler character had survived the third invasion, he would definitely have pushed all-out to have Sint wiped off the map back then. It's too bad that people wussed out and didn't try it. As it is, Sint survived, and had a chance to try and redeem themselves in the fifth invasion. It will probably be too hard to drum up the sympathy and support to get a good crusade going. Especially with all the "we're all allies in humanity" crap still floating around.
Quote from: Indirik on January 10, 2013, 03:55:07 AM
It will probably be too hard to drum up the sympathy and support to get a good crusade going. Especially with all the "we're all allies in humanity" crap still floating around.
I think it wil be much easier then you might believe.
If you can, then more power to you. I'll believe it when it happens.
Burn Sint!
In a shocking turn of events, some of Thalmarkin's lords are calling the Grand Wizard Aurelius and his Order of the Cold Flame necromancers who seek to desecrate the graves of the realm's fallen heroes with their black magicks and are refusing to surrender their magic scrolls to them!
Other lords have rallied to the defence of the Grand Wizard and argue that in order to defend against dark magic it is necessary to understand it.
But with the Grand Wizard backed by the crown, and with noted and lethal duellist Baron Immanuel one of the chief opponents of his work, it is clear that this is not a quarrel which will be easily resolved.
QuoteTournament Announced (5 minutes ago)
Outo Olavi Cosula, Duke of Vore, Margrave of Vore has announced a tournament of Swordfighting to be held in Vore 7 days from now.
There will be a charge of 15 gold for every participant. The winner will be rewarded with 150 gold in addition to the honour and prestige that his victory will earn him. There will also be a reward of 50 gold for the second best.
All nobles of the continent are welcome on the tournament grounds on the day of this event. Make sure you announce your participation in time.
QuoteReport from Outo Olavi Cosula (5 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (35 recipients)
Good Day Beluaterra!
I Outo Olavi, Duke of Vore announce today that week from now, there will be party like no other held at Vore. Booze, women, hunting on the mountains, beer, wine...
So, join as fast as you can! There will be tourny and orgy held at Vore castle. Hunting trips to Jedinchel for beer...erh, bear hunting!
At some point we will swing bit with swords and see who is who with those sharpy things. But most of all, this is drinking fest! Place where you can meet mother or father of your future child.
Place where you can drink more than it is healthy! There ain't much of prices for that sword thing, but Vore castle itself if place you want to see and feel!
Your party meister:
Duke Outo Olavi!
Outo Olavi Cosula
Duke of Vore
Margrave of Vore
You know, I used to ridicule people who held cheap tournaments but screw it, we're poor.
And it's something other to do than kill eachother...
Cheap bastards... >:( Screw it, I'm going anyway.
Thalmarkin now offers a freshly caught basket of fish as reward for winning their tournament! The second place gets a poopshovel from Jaune himself!
Quote from: Fleugs on January 22, 2013, 08:08:38 PM
Thalmarkin now offers a freshly caught basket of fish as reward for winning their tournament! The second place gets a poopshovel from Jaune himself!
You can't put a price on that. :)
ooook...but posted
I'm just going to say it right now... I think the castles name is completely appropriate for the planned orgy <.<
Quote from: Lefanis on January 22, 2013, 06:44:18 PM
Cheap bastards... >:( Screw it, I'm going anyway.
Haha, true. High price + low reward. That should turn a profit easily...
Heck, I wouldn't mind if it became a trend. If tournaments became profitable, we'd have a lot more of them.
Quote from: Chénier on January 23, 2013, 01:20:28 AM
Haha, true. High price + low reward. That should turn a profit easily...
Heck, I wouldn't mind if it became a trend. If tournaments became profitable, we'd have a lot more of them.
Yup. Like 80% of the people attending a tournament never have a chance of winning anyway.
What I'd like to see is more local tournaments too. Especially on Dwilight you can easily exclude most of the continent by limiting the days before the tourney and just fight your direct neighbours. Though, in an event attended by almost exclusively your own realmmembers, it'd be so much more embarrassing if a foreigner wins. :P
Hehe, yea. What's the flat rate on a tournament again?
80 gold + 1 gold per participant you are expecting. If you get more participants than expected you pay 2 gold for them.
Quote from: Chénier on January 23, 2013, 01:20:28 AM
Haha, true. High price + low reward. That should turn a profit easily...
28 attendees so far... He's already doubled on his investment.
Quote from: Lefanis on January 24, 2013, 05:06:46 PM
28 attendees so far... He's already doubled on his investment.
Not exactly, at 22 attendees we were even. So by now we've made 90 gold.
Come one, come all! Your gold will be well spent. ;)
In the newly-formed realm of Caelum, a popular uprising has overthrown half the government. Both Justicarius Edmundus Blackmane and Grand Prince Victus Draco Tanos have been thrown out of office by protests from the nobility. Elections are currently under way to select a new ruler for the realm. It is as yet uncertain if the rulers of the four realms who cooperated to create Caelum will allow the fledgling realm to govern itself, or if they will seek to exercise their power and take control of the government.
50 nobles from 7 realms participated in a swordfighting tournament in Vore hosted by Duke Outo Olavi. Count Genc Osman Kalkandelen of Old Grehk won first place and the prize of 150 gold with Sir Georg Vanyard of Thalmarkin winning 50 gold for second place.
thank you!
Rebellion in Melhed (2 hours, 49 minutes ago)
A rebellion is breaking out in Melhed. Earlier today, Yeux Yeux Serpentis has called for an uprising against the current government. Details are still sketchy.
With the takeover of Hep Monga, Rinquen, and Shifgrethor by Enweil, all regions lost to daimons and blight during the invasion have now been recolonized, though long reconstruction efforts remain to be done.
Quote from: Noldorin on February 03, 2013, 09:22:28 AM
Rebellion in Melhed (2 hours, 49 minutes ago)
A rebellion is breaking out in Melhed. Earlier today, Yeux Yeux Serpentis has called for an uprising against the current government. Details are still sketchy.
Followed by a declaration of revolt by Imperatrix Lady Shae Nosferatus, Duke Yeux Serpentis, Great Maharshi of the Bloodspeakers has accepted to lead the Monarchical Revolution as there Leader and future King. The Royalists have already surrounded the Melite Republican Bureau of administration, the old Senatorial building , official seat of the Republican Government.
A large elite military force stands on the royalist side, the army is orderd to join the revolt.
More information and the first declaration of the Monarchy of Greater Melhed http://wiki.battlemaster.org/wiki/Nosferatus/Greater_Melhed
Quote from: Nosferatus on February 03, 2013, 06:43:43 PM
Followed by a declaration of revolt by Imperatrix Lady Shae Nosferatus, Duke Yeux Serpentis, Great Maharshi of the Bloodspeakers has accepted to lead the Monarchical Revolution as there Leader and future King. The Royalists have already surrounded the Melite Republican Bureau of administration, the old Senatorial building , official seat of the Republican Government.
A large elite military force stands on the royalist side, the army is orderd to join the revolt.
More information and the first declaration of the Monarchy of Greater Melhed http://wiki.battlemaster.org/wiki/Nosferatus/Greater_Melhed
You could call yourselves emperors and you merely go with "king"? Pfff. Have you no pride? Your ancestors would be ashamed!
Quote from: Chénier on February 03, 2013, 06:59:25 PM
You could call yourselves emperors and you merely go with "king"? Pfff. Have you no pride? Your ancestors would be ashamed!
Yeux will be announcing an empire.
The title of King simply represents the change to Maonarchy, first they crown the King, then the Emperor.
A one-realm empire, eh? You can battle it out with Old Grehk, the other one-realm "empire".
Quote from: Nosferatus on February 03, 2013, 07:26:11 PM
Yeux will be announcing an empire.
The title of King simply represents the change to Maonarchy, first they crown the King, then the Emperor.
A self-respecting emperor would go for tyranny.
The people want to call Yeux emperor. He will be King. I don't want to beat any "one-realm empire". I think emperor just sounds good for them because Melhed had a Senate and so (in this case, titles inspired by the Roman system).
Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on February 03, 2013, 10:13:07 PM
The people want to call Yeux emperor. He will be King. I don't want to beat any "one-realm empire". I think emperor just sounds good for them because Melhed had a Senate and so (in this case, titles inspired by the Roman system).
You are aware of Melhed's imperial past, right?
Yes, a little. But to be Emperor it's a good thing to have an empire. Then, King.
Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on February 04, 2013, 03:08:36 AM
Yes, a little. But to be Emperor it's a good thing to have an empire. Then, King.
Melhed's got the most CS of all realms. Not too shabby.
Quote from: Chénier on February 03, 2013, 08:19:11 PM
A self-respecting emperor would go for tyranny.
Hear Hear! :D
My intention is to increase this CS and invest, but I will also need to find strong allies. Beluaterra is too quiet and we cannot wait for more Invasions anymore.
Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on February 04, 2013, 12:39:48 PM
My intention is to increase this CS and invest, but I will also need to find strong allies. Beluaterra is too quiet and we cannot wait for more Invasions anymore.
lol.. posted! (this is the FB thread!)
Your rebellion has succeeded!
Loyal forces defending the palace have surrendered. Yeux has been proclaimed the new ruler of Melhed. The government has been overthrown, and its old officials are on the run. The realm is in a state of anarchy currently, but the new ruler will no doubt announce a new government soon.
Yeux have successfully installed a Monarchy government and become its first official ruler.
Angelo Invictus, Praetor of Melhed, Count of Lloringel, Marshal of Inner Guard, Priest of Bloodspeakers was mortally wounded by an assassin.
Rumors say the known infiltrator Kuvio Eirikr was sighted in Lloringel at the time.
The infamous infiltrator Kuvio Eirikr was executed in Melhed after he blatantly ignored the ban spoken upon him and was caught sabotaging production. Kuvio had earned his ban after assaulting a Praetor and murdering scores of militia. Though his time on Beluaterra was short and his time with Thalmarkin even shorter, the Kin of Thal are rallying behind this, adding justice to their already long list of reasons for war against Melhed.
In other news, Thalmarkin has sworn bloody revenge, and Sir Alitoth of the famed house Himoura has vowed that Queen Maya will repay the loss of life with the birth of his child.
Mrh? That... doesn't make sense.
Doesn't need to!
Quote from: Eirikr on April 17, 2013, 05:00:32 AM
The infamous infiltrator Kuvio Eirikr was executed in Melhed after he blatantly ignored the ban spoken upon him and was caught sabotaging production. Kuvio had earned his ban after assaulting a Praetor and murdering scores of militia. Though his time on Beluaterra was short and his time with Thalmarkin even shorter, the Kin of Thal are rallying behind this, adding justice to their already long list of reasons for war against Melhed.
Did you guys get the letter Queen Maya sent to the rulers? She was talking about him being known as Kuvio the Red, the most infamous murder in Melhed. Figured a bit of boogie-man legend status would be a nice honorary to commemorate the late great infiltrator.
Quote from: Tandaros on April 17, 2013, 06:36:51 PM
Did you guys get the letter Queen Maya sent to the rulers? She was talking about him being known as Kuvio the Red, the most infamous murder in Melhed. Figured a bit of boogie-man legend status would be a nice honorary to commemorate the late great infiltrator.
I missed it on account of being dead, but when I go write up his Wiki page, I'd really like to feature the letter somewhere. Can you PM me a copy?
Also, it's pretty cool to have earned a nickname. Thanks! I'm tempted to make a scare-the-children tale for Melhed out of it. "Don't go out at night or Kuvio the Red will get you!"
Quote from: Eirikr on April 18, 2013, 06:28:06 AM
I missed it on account of being dead, but when I go write up his Wiki page, I'd really like to feature the letter somewhere. Can you PM me a copy?
Also, it's pretty cool to have earned a nickname. Thanks! I'm tempted to make a scare-the-children tale for Melhed out of it. "Don't go out at night or Kuvio the Red will get you!"
Hah right, death, funny how that works. Maya is still recovering, but I will PM it to you once she's good to go. Figured a boogeyman story was a great way to honor all the mayhem Kuvio caused after his end!
Quote from: Stabbity on April 17, 2013, 07:20:17 AM
In other news, Thalmarkin has sworn bloody revenge, and Sir Alitoth of the famed house Himoura has vowed that Queen Maya will repay the loss of life with the birth of his child.
I'm...I'm trying to come up with an interpretation of this that doesn't involve raping a Queen and forcing her to bear your child.
Hrm... I suppose that makes more sense than how I interpreted it. "What? You executed one of our nobles? I will now go find a woman to bear my child! So there!"
Quote from: Velax on April 21, 2013, 03:44:41 AM
I'm...I'm trying to come up with an interpretation of this that doesn't involve raping a Queen and forcing her to bear your child.
I'm glad you still think there's one. That means you haven't been completely corrupted yet. D:
Quote from: Velax on April 21, 2013, 03:44:41 AM
I'm...I'm trying to come up with an interpretation of this that doesn't involve raping a Queen and forcing her to bear your child.
I don't think there is one.
Yeah, I was pretty sure that was what he meant... I'm not sure whether or not to be honored, though. I suppose a medieval noble would be honored...
To be honest, I find it pretty offensive. You get some young kids playing this game and I'm not sure IC rape threats give the right kind of impression. More to the point, they're also potentially triggering for rape survivors.
Acctually for the forum...
Fingolfin, glorious and allmighty King of Thalmarkin (oh yeah!), has faced the degeneration of his nobles including enjoying rapes of the enemies and even threatening to rape an enemy queen. This led to an outburst of letters and anger (not towards the king, but rather between a baron and 2-3 nobles). Shall Thalmarkin manage to find the path back to being the light of Beluaterra? Indeed it shall!
As a result of accusations against his cousin Selene, in which she was accused of being a commoner and a whore, Baron Immanuel of Thalmarkin has pledged to place a bounty of 1,000 gold on Sir Alithos Himoura of Unger. This is but the latest in a long and bitter feud between the Houses Octavius and Himoura.
Quote from: Antonine on April 23, 2013, 03:02:16 PM
As a result of accusations against his cousin Selene, in which she was accused of being a commoner and a whore, Baron Immanuel of Thalmarkin has pledged to place a bounty of 1,000 gold on Sir Alithos Himoura of Unger. This is but the latest in a long and bitter feud between the Houses Octavius and Himoura.
Typical Octavius that is.
Quote from: Antonine on April 23, 2013, 03:02:16 PM
As a result of accusations against his cousin Selene, in which she was accused of being a commoner and a whore, Baron Immanuel of Thalmarkin has pledged to place a bounty of 1,000 gold on Sir Alithos Himoura of Unger. This is but the latest in a long and bitter feud between the Houses Octavius and Himoura.
Sir Alithos Himoura does not exist, but Sir Alitoth Himoura has offered to outbid any would be assassin who considers taking up this offer.
Quote from: Antonine on April 23, 2013, 02:25:53 PM
To be honest, I find it pretty offensive. You get some young kids playing this game and I'm not sure IC rape threats give the right kind of impression. More to the point, they're also potentially triggering for rape survivors.
Everything is potentially triggering to someone somewhere.
Quote from: Noldorin on April 23, 2013, 02:35:39 PM
Acctually for the forum...
Fingolfin, glorious and allmighty King of Thalmarkin (oh yeah!), has faced the degeneration of his nobles including enjoying rapes of the enemies and even threatening to rape an enemy queen. This led to an outburst of letters and anger (not towards the king, but rather between a baron and 2-3 nobles). Shall Thalmarkin manage to find the path back to being the light of Beluaterra? Indeed it shall!
2003-05-01 Julma Jaune Emmigrated to New World.
There is great party held at Vore Castle. Its been 10 years since Greatest Ruler Beluaterra ever saw, stepped his foot on the island. Julma Jaune and his son Piru Petteri have ruled northern lands for a long time. There is still some of their relatives at Thalmarkin.
Free Beer and Cakes to everyone!
In other news, the General of Thalmarkin has just asked Baron Immanuel, one of the richest lords in the realm, whether he is a spy. The Baron has publicly taken offence at this and refuted the allegation to the entire realm, calling the General an idiot in the process.
As this follows the King of Thalmarkin raising taxes on the good Baron without warning, he has also written to the Royal Council asking who of the realm council will be the next to insult him: the Judge, the Chancellor, or the Grand Wizard?
Quote from: Antonine on May 04, 2013, 10:22:32 PM
In other news, the General of Thalmarkin has just asked Baron Immanuel, one of the richest lords in the realm, whether he is a spy. The Baron has publicly taken offence at this and refuted the allegation to the entire realm, calling the General an idiot in the process.
As this follows the King of Thalmarkin raising taxes on the good Baron without warning, he has also written to the Royal Council asking who of the realm council will be the next to insult him: the Judge, the Chancellor, or the Grand Wizard?
Meanwhile the rest of Thalmarkin is chuckling at the irony of a Baron insulting the General who is also a Duke while attempting at the same time to strong arm knights into respecting his meager title and cease their insults of him. Will this not nearly as rich as he pretends to be Lord be publicly humbled or will the Kingdom of Thalmarkin finally put an end to the tyrades of this embarrasment of a Baron?
Ah, once again you're getting confused Justin.
There's nothing wrong with insulting a superior - just so long as you use their correct title while you do so. That's the noble way.
Quote from: Antonine on May 05, 2013, 02:49:30 AM
Ah, once again you're getting confused Justin.
There's nothing wrong with insulting a superior - just so long as you use their correct title while you do so. That's the noble way.
Umm no. The whole point is to be insulting without being insulting if you're attempting to play it that way. You can use his title correctly all day long, but if you tell the King and Judge of Kelperville that they're traitorous, Evilstani inbred scum, they're still going to execute you. If you honestly think that your statement is true there, you need to take a step back and remove your head from your fourth point of contact.
Great realm of Ar Agyr has openly informed other rulers that it supports Riombra and dislikes this situation where so many great realms have allied with evil Enweil against Rio. War has not been declared, but possibility to mobilize Angry Agyrian Army has been hinted.
You have understood all wrong, Thalmarkin is just a some spinoff of Ar Agyr, lackey of true king of north!
Ar Agyr is preparing to step in the southern war, King Outo Olavi today announced:
Letter from Outo Olavi Cosula
Message sent to the Rulers of Beluaterra (9 recipients)
Good Day!
Ar Agyr is preparing for war.
We will head to help our southern friends.
Fronen, stop all hostilies towards Rio and give free passage to Angry Agyrian Army towards Enweil. With these terms you can avoid war with Ar Agyr.
Outo Olavi Cosula
King of Ar Agyr
Royal of Ar Agyr
Duke of Agyr
Jaune, if you ever decide to go into real politics, I'll move to Finland just so I can vote for you.
Quote from: jaune on July 28, 2013, 07:37:55 PM
Ar Agyr is preparing to step in the southern war, King Outo Olavi today announced:
Letter from Outo Olavi Cosula
Message sent to the Rulers of Beluaterra (9 recipients)
Good Day!
Ar Agyr is preparing for war.
We will head to help our southern friends.
Fronen, stop all hostilies towards Rio and give free passage to Angry Agyrian Army towards Enweil. With these terms you can avoid war with Ar Agyr.
Outo Olavi Cosula
King of Ar Agyr
Royal of Ar Agyr
Duke of Agyr
We avoid posting IG message on the FB page, but you can re-write this as a rumour, like something you would overhear in a bar, which lets you greatly embelish it, and I'll post it.
Jaune plays the King of Ar Agyr and is sharing his own letter to be posted on FB. Does it still need to be avoided in such a situation?
Quote from: Telrunya on July 30, 2013, 02:51:32 PM
Jaune plays the King of Ar Agyr and is sharing his own letter to be posted on FB. Does it still need to be avoided in such a situation?
No. Everyone is always allowed to post letters they themselves sent.
posted - for letters please indicate it is from your own character please.
So, the end of Fronen has come. Thank to a lot of bug and other GM event, Melhed and Agyr success to win this war.
Moderator note: IG message deleted. Posting of IG messages outside the RP forum is not allowed. If you want this announced on the facebook feed, please post an announcement that is not a copy/paste of an IG message.
I'm assuming that is not a letter your own character sent? If not, you should not be posting in-game messages here.
After much time, I am hereby taking up Announcement duties for not only Facebook (still setting up connection), but also Twitter. So...anyone have something to announce?
Monsters and undead running rampant across the continent, killing and reanimating all the living they encounter!
Earlier today, a portal was opened in Affkat. This caused the adventurer who placed the portal stones to be transported to Midbote, in the middle of an enormous migrating horde of undead, some of whom migrated back to Affkat before the portal closed.
All above posted on Twitter some days back.
Lapallanch post included a comparative map of before and after the rogue increases.
Anaris post truncated to fit 140 characters.
Noble Swordswoman Rania JeVondair of Nothoi back from the dead after loosing duel! Poor Reporting? Or sinister Daimon intervention?
Extra Extra! Read All about it! 10/16/2017
Inside Cover: ANGMAR to protect SPEARHOLD in exchange for religious concessions!
Politics: NOTHOI silent on ANGMAR antics.
Opinion: GOTLAND get's serious about GOATS.
Expo: There's a new DOGE in FRONEN. Read about him here.
Former Tongue of the Gods Gythrul Attano, who was executed by Gotland, is reportedly alive and well. Following these rumour, there have been sightings of a hooded skeleton.
Quote from: Attano on December 23, 2017, 07:36:37 AM
Former Tongue of the Gods Gythrul Attano, who was executed by Gotland, is reportedly alive and well. Following these rumour, there have been sightings of a hooded skeleton.
This has gotten rather dormant. Any news to be posted?
Nothing groundshaking. Just a portal in Rines, a new daimon-worshiping religion in BK, some kind of Royal wedding in Agyr, A Kinsey ruling nothoi, and no report would be complete without rogues everywhere and then some.
You know, the usual.
A recent Portal is opened to reduce the amount of rogue on Belu. However there is a contrasting news that rogue reduced and not reduced. Alliance of Men realms against the rogue, soon find themselves with a human realm who devoted to worship daimon religion. What could happen next?
Quote from: JeVondair on September 18, 2018, 07:50:52 PM
some kind of Royal wedding in Agyr
That's news to Aibhlidhn!