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Community => General Talk => Topic started by: Lychaon on December 23, 2012, 04:26:12 PM

Title: Merry Christmas!
Post by: Lychaon on December 23, 2012, 04:26:12 PM
Hi guys,

Knowing that probably many of you will be tomorrow travelling to visit parents, parents-in-law, distant cousins, bearded aunts, unbearable nephews/nieces, and such, I'd like to wish you all Merry Christmas!  :)

Personally, I'll have dinner tomorrow with my grandfather, parents, uncles and aunts, and cousins. It's the "Good Night" of the 24th. We have no Santa, but the Three Wizard Kings that bring us gifts on 6th January. They're losing followers however, kids rather to play with their new video-games from 25th until the end of holidays!  ::)

Well, have a nice day, in peace and joy!
Title: Re: Merry Christmas!
Post by: Anaris on December 23, 2012, 04:53:52 PM
So where are you from, Lychaon? That sounds like a Germanic or Scandinavian Christmas tradition to me, but I'm somewhat rusty on which comes from where ;D

For me, in a pretty average northeastern American family, my wife and I will be going to my parents' house (just a half-hour drive away), and my brother and sister will be coming and staying in town from about 800 and 500 miles away, respectively. My grandfather will be coming in from about 200 miles away to preside over the festivities.

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it, and for those who don't, I wish a happy Hanukkah, a joyous Kwanzaa, a rollicking Festivus, or just general good cheer for the season, depending upon your preference. :D
Title: Re: Merry Christmas!
Post by: Lychaon on December 23, 2012, 05:08:28 PM
I'm rather from southern distant lands from the Scandinavian: Spain  ;)  They are Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar, who brought gifts to Jesus Child in Bethlehem; I don't know why, but here we call them the Wizard Kings.

It's got to be a nice place where you live, I bet it's all full of snow! Guess sometimes it's hard though, I've got a sister-in-law in northern Italy and told me that several times in winter she found a mound of snow where her car should be.
Title: Re: Merry Christmas!
Post by: Draco Tanos on December 23, 2012, 07:26:05 PM
But...  They didn't arrive until he was 3!  Horrible wizards. :P

Seriously though, have a Merry Christmas all of you.  Though I'll still be somewhat around. >.>
Title: Re: Merry Christmas!
Post by: Vellos on December 23, 2012, 07:29:50 PM
We have no Santa, but the Three Wizard Kings that bring us gifts on 6th January. They're losing followers however, kids rather to play with their new video-games from 25th until the end of holidays!  ::)

On Epiphany? Are you Greek Orthodox? I thought only Eastern Orthodoxy maintained Epiphany as the central event of Christmastide.

For me I'll be staying home with family. Christmas Eve 4 or 5 other families will be coming out to my family's house for a huge night of fondue (each family brings a big pot of fondue), games, scripture, and carol-singing. Tons of fun. Then in the morning, a few hours of crass and base materialism. Then heading out to the beach with my girlfriend's family to spend a week with them before she moves to Malaysia for a year.
Title: Re: Merry Christmas!
Post by: Chenier on December 23, 2012, 09:17:49 PM
Some of us celebrate the wizard kings here too. No gifts on that occasion, though, but it would totally make more sense for gifts to be then than on christmas. (French-canadian catholics)
Title: Re: Merry Christmas!
Post by: Lychaon on December 24, 2012, 10:48:26 AM
It's a catholic tradition, as Chénier says. But as Draco said, they were a bit bungler. According to tradition, Melchor the white bearded wasn't even the oldest, but he wanted at all cost to be the first to give Jesus Child his gift, and so He punished him with an instant-white hair beard  :D

Instead of a Christmas Tree we set some figurines of the Birth: St. Joseph, Mary, Jesus Child, the mule, the ox, an angel and plenty of shepherds bringing gifts.
Title: Re: Merry Christmas!
Post by: Chenier on December 24, 2012, 02:09:44 PM
It's a catholic tradition, as Chénier says. But as Draco said, they were a bit bungler. According to tradition, Melchor the white bearded wasn't even the oldest, but he wanted at all cost to be the first to give Jesus Child his gift, and so He punished him with an instant-white hair beard  :D

Instead of a Christmas Tree we set some figurines of the Birth: St. Joseph, Mary, Jesus Child, the mule, the ox, an angel and plenty of shepherds bringing gifts.

Wee put the figures under the tree. :P