Maybe somebody could delete two realms I have destroyed lately. Heorot and Minas Ithil on Atamara.
Thanks! Its getting really awkward having Kings without Kingdom running around...
Wait, you mean realms other than big, bad, evil CE get to destroy other realms on Atamara?! :o :o :o
Could you please inform all the CE-haters of this? It would make their heads explode.
Quote from: m2rt on June 22, 2013, 05:52:43 AM
Maybe somebody could delete two realms I have destroyed lately. Heorot and Minas Ithil on Atamara.
Thanks! Its getting really awkward having Kings without Kingdom running around...
Such, or I'll declare war on you too!
Oh wait...
I'm keeping an eye on this myself, as well. Its not just Minas Ithil or Heorot, but Luria Vesperi, Falkirk Freestate, Minas Thalion, and possibly Coria. Minas Ithil and Luria Vesperi should definitely be deleted as its been quite some time since they died and anyone intending to join another realm will have. Heorot and Falkirk died relatively recently, so we should probably give them a bit more time. Minas Thalion, I'm not too aware of, if someone from Colonies could give their perspective. When did they die? How many nobles/advies they have left?
Minas Thalion has currently 0 adventurers and 0 nobles, the last big battle involving MT was 31/3, so MT would have been dead for around 2 months I would think
I'll poke Tom about this. Generally, he just deletes realms manually.
Quote from: Jaron on June 22, 2013, 08:45:03 AM
Minas Thalion has currently 0 adventurers and 0 nobles, the last big battle involving MT was 31/3, so MT would have been dead for around 2 months I would think
Then I would recommend Luria Vesperi, Minas Ithil, and Minas Thalion as definitely needing deleted while we give the other realms some time.
I recommend Enweil.
I heard Thalmarkin is a dead realm.
Actually, scrap that. I recommend the Lapallanch family.
Maybe we could consider CE a dead realm.
Quote from: Lorgan on June 22, 2013, 11:07:48 PM
Actually, scrap that. I recommend the Lapallanch family.
:O Since when was the Lapallanch family a realm?
Quote from: Zaki on June 23, 2013, 12:31:53 AM
:O Since when was the Lapallanch family a realm?
am the State."
(Or Senate if you prefer the SW Ep3 version.)
Quote from: Ravier on June 23, 2013, 03:39:24 AM
"I am the State."
(Or Senate if you prefer the SW Ep3 version.)
I wish :( A PM of Sirion has 0 power.
All hail to the mighty Dukes of Sirion, leading with a figurative ruler to blame ;)
Quote from: Anaris on June 22, 2013, 03:14:35 PM
I'll poke Tom about this. Generally, he just deletes realms manually.
Quote from: GoldPanda on June 22, 2013, 06:06:42 AM
Wait, you mean realms other than big, bad, evil CE get to destroy other realms on Atamara?! :o :o :o
Could you please inform all the CE-haters of this? It would make their heads explode.
When was the last realm that CE even killed?
Coria was the one that killed Falasan and Hammarsett.
Quote from: Dante Silverfire on June 25, 2013, 06:24:33 PM
When was the last realm that CE even killed?
Coria was the one that killed Falasan and Hammarsett.
And who was it that created Coria? ::)
Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on June 25, 2013, 07:19:57 PM
And who was it that created Coria? ::)
Merlin...my character.
Any news on getting the realms deleted? Sick of the messages that peasants oppose the war with Heorot... Yeah, like I am going to sign peace with a realm without rulership and lands...
Quote from: m2rt on July 05, 2013, 06:25:29 PM
Any news on getting the realms deleted? Sick of the messages that peasants oppose the war with Heorot... Yeah, like I am going to sign peace with a realm without rulership and lands...
Add Coria to that list.
Coria no longer has any regions.
Admit it, you just want to execute my character who will be turned a rogue in your dungeons.
Speaking of which, shouldn't there be some kind of protection to avoid capture the turn of your return? The game keeps dumping me back behind enemy lines, and even though I try to get out every time I pledge the ransom, I get caught every time... Can't even remember how long he's been in/out of prison like this...
Tom's away for a bit. The moment I see he's returned, I will be making a dev thread to get his attention on this.
Join a new realm already...
Quote from: Chénier on July 06, 2013, 12:58:10 AM
Admit it, you just want to execute my character who will be turned a rogue in your dungeons.
Speaking of which, shouldn't there be some kind of protection to avoid capture the turn of your return? The game keeps dumping me back behind enemy lines, and even though I try to get out every time I pledge the ransom, I get caught every time... Can't even remember how long he's been in/out of prison like this...
Yes, I want to execute your annoyance you call a character. Its silly that a man can call himself a King for so long and we cant do anything about it... Drop your positions and we are fine. But you call yourself King, you have no lands and your char whines on ruler channel. Ofcourse Raoul wants him dead. Its a disgrace!
Quote from: Indirik on July 06, 2013, 04:45:48 AM
Join a new realm already...
You propose that I do this how? I get captured every time I try to escape Minas Leon.
Quote from: m2rt on July 08, 2013, 06:29:25 AM
Yes, I want to execute your annoyance you call a character. Its silly that a man can call himself a King for so long and we cant do anything about it... Drop your positions and we are fine. But you call yourself King, you have no lands and your char whines on ruler channel. Ofcourse Raoul wants him dead. Its a disgrace!
My character barely speaks at all, including on the ruler channel. And all that he did, he could have and probably would have as a standard knight. 'cause, you know, knights can write to "all rulers" as well.
Royals have fled to other countries when invaded without forsaking their titles, despite now having any direct authority anymore. I don't see the problem...
Whew, the realm just got deleted. Good thing I checked one last time before going to work.
I'll get a ban... but no execution for you.
Quote from: Chénier on July 08, 2013, 01:09:16 PM
You propose that I do this how? I get captured every time I try to escape Minas Leon.
My character barely speaks at all, including on the ruler channel. And all that he did, he could have and probably would have as a standard knight. 'cause, you know, knights can write to "all rulers" as well.
Royals have fled to other countries when invaded without forsaking their titles, despite now having any direct authority anymore. I don't see the problem...
You could have not been able to comment on topics and letters of the ruler channel as a knight. Yes ofcourse you can call yourself a King of Minas Ithil, but if you are included in the rulers channel then you have some sort of authority.